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what makes a group a team is a shared common goal

It is time for us to turn our attention to outlines, organization, and topic choice. This week has two separate assignments that will be submitted. Assignment 1 is the Team Outline Exercise, which involves group work and which will prepare you for Assignment 2, an individual assignment that will start you on the road to completing your Week 7 PowerPoint presentation.


Part 1: Outline
This week, you will have an opportunity to work in a team and to put into practice many of the communication strategies about which we are learning. Your instructor has already assigned you to a group of team members. You need to solve a communication business problem outline together by the end of the week. Note: You must engage early in the week so that you have time to work together as a group. Remember, what makes a group a team is a shared common goal, and this team will be no exception. In this case, your shared goal is to create and deliver an A+ solution to a communication business outline.

The following is a list of ideas that were brainstormed in a meeting with your company employees. The company needs to include all these ideas in an all-company presentation, but the list is very disorganized right now. What would be the best way to sort these ideas into some sequence of main points with sub points?


  • There are 3 main points, and the rest are sub points.
  • There is no introduction or conclusion.


  • Your group can be found in the menu under “People.”
  • You must use the discussion that is setup in the Group Home Page to work on this project.

With your assigned team, unscramble the following statements to create a logical outline for an upcoming business presentation. Use standard outline format as described in your textbook.

  1. Ensure that the language is used correctly.
  2. Speaker credibility influences how listeners feel about the speaker.
  3. Character is the quality of being honest, trustworthy, and showing goodwill.
  4. Deliver the speech with confidence.
  5. Credibility is an extremely important factor in determining speaker effectiveness.
  6. Connect the audience to the topic.
  7. Practice your delivery.
  8. Verbally cite personal subject knowledge.
  9. Present error-free written materials.
  10. Credibility has three primary characteristics: the three Cs.
  11. Ensure that typographical errors are eliminated.
  12. Charisma is the quality of being assertive, confident, and enthusiastic.
  13. Speaker credibility influences the listener’s ability to learn or to believe.
  14. Demonstrate expertise.
  15. Verbally cite expert sources.
  16. Connect yourself to the topic.
  17. Plan your delivery.
  18. Ensure that facts are correct.
  19. Competence is the quality of being an expert and being intelligent.
  20. Connect with the audience on a personal level.
  21. Establish common ground.
  22. Credibility is established in four ways.

All team members must collaborate in the group discussion and submit the same version of the outline. Please put the names of your group members who participated in this exercise on the title page under your name. Each member must submit the final group project for their grade.

Part 2: Reflection
As part of your individual submission, reflect on the group process. Was there miscommunication? Were there any listening barriers? How did the group handle it?

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Writers Solution

content standard from the Common Core Standards

Topic 2: Instructional Goals

In Chapters 1-3, the focus is on designing instruction by first determining what students will be able to know and do at the end of the instructional lesson and/or unit. Through this instructional design method, you determine what the demonstrated student learning will look like and the measures to help share that determination with your students. Objectives are statements of what students will know and be able to do after they have learned what we intend them to learn.

In the Discussion this week, you will discuss the importance of the learning objective selection, how to unpack the learning objective in order to determine performance outcomes, and identification of performance levels demonstrating student mastery.

In the Discussion, respond to the following questions:

How do you select a learning objective for your weekly instruction?
Identify a content standard from the Common Core Standards (
for your class or area of study.
How do you unpack the learning objective or content standard (steps, stages, strategies)?
What are important factors in identifying student performance outcomes for the content standard?
How do you determine the smaller learning objectives (subtasks) inside a larger one?
What steps do you take to make sure all portions of the learning objectives are included in the daily or weekly plans?
How do you communicate the learning objective or content standard to your students?
How do you know that students have mastered the learning objective or content standard?

Discussion 2

Feedback and Technology Tools

Providing effective feedback to students is essential in supporting their growth and guiding their progress. You want to be able to provide feedback to help your learners understand their strengths, areas of weakness and what they need to do to plan to achieve their next levels of performance. Share with your classmates how you might use one of the following feedback methods in your Five-day Instructional Unit:

Social construction
Instructive coaching
One-on-One Feedback
Group feedback
Student ledconferences
Consultancy models
Student reflection
Share when you would use it in your Five-day Instructional Unit, what format you would use (individual, small group, large group, written, etc.), and the benefit it will have to foster student performance growth.

Technology can be a useful and efficient tool to provide feedback to students. Research one technology tool that can be used to provide feedback to students and share your finding in the Discussion Board. Post the following:

The tool that you found (include a URL link to the tool).
How it supports student learning during the feedback loop.
How you might use this technology tool in your Five-day Instructional Unit.

Discussion 4.1
Designing learning activities requiring teachers to break down the process of thinking into stages. Interactive teaching is about instructing students in a way that they are actively involved in their own learning process. There are different ways to create involvement through:

Teacher-student interaction
Student-student interaction
The use of audio, visuals, video
Hands-on demonstrations and exercises
The goal with developing activities that access knowledge, engage learners, and promote deep thinking is to get students moving, thinking, and responding. Experiential learning activities help students remain focused and are less likely to become bored. Students learn faster and boost engagement thus accelerating and improving retention.

In this week’s Discussion Board, you will research and then present three interactive teaching processes that engage all students. Share the activity and the benefits the activity has for the students. Share the URL and/or resource where your activity was found.

Discussion 4.2
Topic 2: Differentiated Instruction

Within each classroom, there are a variety of learning styles, learning modalities, and needs that cause teachers to differentiate their instruction. Differentiation deals with the Content, Process, Product, and Learning Environment. Before you continue, take a few minutes and watch this Learning Activity.

As you think of your Five-day Instructional Unit and the learners that are in your classroom, identify a specific learner or small group of learners who you will need to provide differentiated instruction for within this environment. In the Discussion Board share:

The specific needs of the identified learner or group of learners.
How will you address them through addressing the content, process, product and learning environment and what specific things will you do?
How will you guide and monitor the students through the five days of instruction and what specific instructional strategies will you have in place in order to support their successful mastery of the learning objectives?




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Writers Solution

What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication?


Question A

What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication? What are the additional elements that can be sent when the handshake fails?

Question B

What are the differences between centralized and distributed network routing? Which method is the most efficient for an organization’s high volume website?


                                                               CLASSMATE’S DISCUSSION

Question A

The elements of a TCP three-way handshake process are as follows:  The first step is the Synchronize Sequence number or SYN by the client.  This sends data packets from the client to the destination server to ensure a port is open to establish a connection.

The second step is the Acknowledgement Sequence Number (ACK) or SYN/ACK packet.  This has two actions.  The first action is the server acknowledging the SYN packet sent by the client.  This is done by sending an ACK packet to the client. The second action is the server sending its own acknowledgement data packet or SYN to the client. I believe both packets are sent at the same time which is why this step is called SYN/ACK. 

The third step is the client sending an ACK to the SYN/ACK packets from the server.   This completes the three-way handshake, the client and server connection is created, and the communications can begin.  If a connection fails, a finish or FIN will be sent by the client and server indicating that the connection has been terminated.  Both will also need to send an ACT to complete the process.

Question B

Centralized routing is a technique for providing routing information that dictates that the routing information generated from the least-cost algorithm is stored at a central location within the network (White, 2016, p. 403). This would be easy to manage because all the routing information is stored in one location but it is also the single point of failure. Distributed routing is a wide area network routing technique in which each node maintains its own routing table (White, 2016, p. 404).  Access to the routing information is available in different locations throughout the network.  This makes it easier to access routing information and provides redundancy.   

In my opinion, a distributed network routing method would be more efficient for an organization with a high volume website due to the availability of the routing information throughout the network.   A centralized routing may get overwhelmed in high volume websites.   


Icommunity. (n.d.). Distributed vs. Centralized networks.,the%20computers%20in%20the%20network.

Shalom, N. (2020). What does Three-way handshake Mean?

The TCP/IP Guide. (2005). TCP Connection Termination.

White, C. (2016). Data Communications and Computer Networks: A Business User’s Approach (8th ed.). Independence, KY: Cengage Learnings.!/reader/9396c456-21f6-4768-90d1-7fb1e42967ce/page/11240395-5886-4788-8e5b-3c472a7e603b


Question A

What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication? What are the additional elements that can be sent when the handshake fails?

Question B

What are the differences between centralized and distributed network routing? Which method is the most efficient for an organization’s high volume website?


                                                                  CLASSMATE’S DISCUSSION

Question A

When setting up a TCP three-way handshake the sending and receiving device must be setup to send and receive control packets so that they an be synched. The handshake starts with the first device by sending the initiation of a TCP segment with a SYN control set. The next step the second TCP segment will received and return a TCP segment with SYN. In the final step the initial device will send to the TCP segments to the second device leaving an acceptance delivery. If the handshake fails then the server will return an ACK message. The packet will continue to send until a successful exchange or the results will be broken.

Question B

The centralized routing model uses a centralized database to carry out routing, whereas the distributed routing model uses a distributed database. In the centralized approach, one central node contains the routing table, but in the distributed model, each node carries a routing table. I believe that a decentralized network would be the most efficient for a high-volume website. The large amount of activity wouldn’t work for a single use server. The use of multiple servers will manage the load of the high-volume use.


3 way handshake, TCP Three-way handshake, TCP Synchronization. (2022). Omnisecu.

Systems, Z. (2022, February 25). Centralized vs. Distributed Network Management: Which One to Choose? – ZPE Systems – Rethink the Way Networks are Built and Managed. ZPE Systems.


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Study organism and methods

As we learned in our monarch butterfly lab, the costs of sexual reproduction can be

extreme – and may even result in death. Organisms that reproduce over a span of many years

may adopt different strategies of investment in current versus future reproducti ve effort. That is,

an organism may benefit by reducing their investment in current reproductive activities if that

reduction increases their lifetime fitness – for example, by allowing them to survive to breed

another year. This type of tradeoff is well i llustrated in migratory songbirds. Many species of

songbirds travel great distances between their wintering grounds and breeding grounds. These

birds are under intense time and energetic constraints during the breeding season because they

must produce and rear their young (an energetically demanding task) and regain energetic stores

before migrating to their wintering areas.

If we imagine two populations of the same species breeding in two distinct habitats (one

with abundant food, and the other with sev ere food limitation) we can imagine that where food is

abundant most birds will be able to rear a full brood of healthy offspring (e.g., 4 young) in time

to migrate successfully. However, parents facing food limitation may adopt a strategy of brood

reducti on , in which they reduce the number of offspring they raise to maximize the condition of

the offspring they do fledge, which should lead to a higher probability of survival. Brood

reduction may also maximize a parent’s chances of surviving to breed again b y reducing the total

amount of effort invested in a single brood. If parents are forced to limit their investment to only

some of the offspring in a brood, which offspring will provide the highest benefit from their

investment? Many studies have shown that larger offspring tend to receive more food from

parents than smaller offspring do. The proximate cause of this pattern may be that larger

nestlings are simply more competitive than smaller nestlings at receiving food from parents.

Parents may benefit fro m this scenario because it ensures survival of the fittest offspring (the

most competitive) when food is limiting, but allows for survival of lower -quality individuals

when food is abundant (as there are enough resources for all young).

Although larger nestlings often attain more food than their smaller siblings, male and

female parents may have some control over food allocation patterns, and each may benefit

differently from the ways in which they allocate food to offspring. For example, while a female

can be certain that all of the eggs in a nest are hers (because she laid them), males are left with

some uncertainty of their paternity. Birds that nest at high densities may share territory

boundaries with up to 4 other pairs of birds of the same species . In this case, mated males may be

able to increase their fitness by obtaining what are referred to as “extra pair copulations” with

already -mated females from neighboring territories. If they are successful in fertilizing that

female’s eggs, they have suc cessfully duped her mate into caring for offspring to which he is unrelated. Because of the large fitness cost associated with rearing unrelated offspring, males

frequently guard their females closely during the egg -laying period (females lay one egg per d ay

for a total of 4 -5 days typically). However, this mate -guarding tends to decrease as the egg laying

stage progresses, so that the late -laid eggs are more likely to be sired by an extra pair male than

are the early -laid eggs. How does this relate to food allocation patterns? Some species of birds

begin to incubate their eggs midway through the laying stage so that earlier laid eggs get a head

start on later laid eggs. The result is that later laid eggs, which are most likely to have been sired

by another male, are last to hatch and frequently are the smallest nestlings in a brood. Thus, if

male parents are forced to reduce their care to a brood they would benefit by focusing their effort

on larger nestlings rather than smaller ones, which are less likely t o be related. However, because

a female can be 100% sure of her maternity, she should provide care to all offspring equally, or

provide more to the smaller offspring to make up for the male’s skew toward larger nestlings.

Today we will observe the patter ns of food allocation by male and female Yellow

Warblers ( Dendroica petechia ) in broods containing offspring of different sizes. Yellow

Warblers breed throughout much of North America during the summer months, and are a

common host to the brood parasitic B rown -headed Cowbird ( Molothrus ater ), which lays its

eggs in the nests of other birds. Cowbird eggs hatch more quickly than host nestlings because

cowbird eggs are smaller than what is predicted for their adult size. This results in a large size

difference between cowbird nestlings and host nestlings. As a result, the presence of a cowbird

nestling frequently reduces the host parents’ ability to fledge their own young because its size

advantage allows it to monopolize the distribution of food. Even in unpar asitized nests, Yellow

Warblers often have size differences within a brood because females begin to incubate after

laying the 2 nd or 3 rd egg, so the last -laid egg may hatch 1 -2 days after the others. These birds

place their nest close to conspecifics (i.e. , others of their species) and extra pair copulations

occur regularly.

We will observe parental food distribution patterns in nests that contain only Yellow

Warbler nestlings and in nests that contain Yellow Warbler nestlings with a much larger cowbird

nestling. Our objectives today will be to determine: (1) whether Yellow Warbler parents

allocate food disproportionately in favor of larger nestlings, (2) how the presence of a much

larger cowbird nestling affects these patterns, and (3) whether males diff er from females in their

allocation of food to the largest nestling. Our observations will be drawn from videotapes

recorded at nests in Montana. Each nestling was weighed before filming so they could be ranked

in terms of size and their bills were marked with black permanent marker so each nestling can be

identified on the video -tape. Worksheet pg 3 & 4 Protocol: Data Analysis

The data you collected from the videos represent one -hour samples of parental feeding

patterns among offspring in a parasitized and an unparasitized nest. Do the individuals in these

nests represent the population as a whole? To gain an accurate idea of how parental care

allocation varies across a population of Yellow Warblers you would need to sample a reasonably

large number (e.g ., 20) of parasitized and unparasitized nests. Also, by increasing the amount of

time each nest was observed you would increase your ability to accurately determine each

parents’ allocation patterns to each nestling.

We have provided you with data (found in the Warbler Worksheet pg 3&4) that were

collected from seven unparasitized and eight parasitized Yellow Warbler nests (some with three

nestlings and some with four). Each of these nests was filmed for three or more hours and each

feeding event was tran scribed in the manner we transcribed data on our videos in lab. For this

analysis we will focus on each parent’s allocation of food to the largest nestling – as measured

in the volume of food they each delivered to that nestling relative to others. (Note: this is NOT

the data you collected from the videos!)

For each nest the total volume of food that each parent delivered to the nest and the total

amount of food that each delivered to the largest nestling has been summed. These values can be

used to calcul ate the proportion contributed by each parent to the largest nestling. We can

compare these observed proportions to predicted values and determine whether parents are

allocating food evenly among nestlings. What value might we use as an expected proportion if

distribution were even? Remember, some of these nests have three nestlings and some have four.

When the expected proportion of food allocated to the largest nestling is subtracted from

the observed proportion the result is either a positive or a negat ive number. This number

represents the departure from the expected proportion (hereafter “departure”) of food that the

largest nestling received. A positive number indicates that the largest nestling received more

food than predicted if distribution were e ven, and a negative number indicates that the largest

nestling received less food than predicted if distribution were even. A zero value indicates that a

parent gave the largest nestling exactly what you would expect if food were distributed evenly

among n estlings.

Once the departure value has been calculated for each nest (and for each sex) in a

category (e.g. parasitized/unparasitized nests) we can calculate the mean across all nests to give

us an indication of the population average. Do female Yellow W arblers allocate food to cowbird

nestlings evenly, as predicted? Though proportions may not be appropriate to use in t -tests

(because they often do not meet a basic assumption – that data are distributed normally) we can

get a rough estimate of whether fem ale allocation patterns are significantly different from an even distribution by calculating the standard error (abbreviated as SE) of our mean. The

equation for calculating the standard error is:

– s/(sqrt(n))

where s is the sample standard deviation and n is the number of observations.

The standard error is a measure of dispersion around a mean – it is related to the variance (s2)

and sample standard deviation (s) and gives an idea of how the variance and mean are i nfluenced

by the number of observations (or the sample size, n). It can be used to compare a mean value to

a hypothesized value, such as our expected proportion of food attained. If the mean value is two

or more standard errors away from the hypothesized v alue (zero if distribution were even) then

the observed and hypothesized values are likely to be statistically different. Although this is not a

statistical test, this technique can allow one to describe how different two sample means are

which is appropri ate for our purposes. When comparing means, you should include error bars

that are equal to one standard error in either direction of the mean (+/ – SE). These means (+/ – SE)

will be roughly different if the difference between the means is greater than the sum of their

respective standard errors (i.e. their error bars do not overlap).

You can compare any two calculated mean values using the standard error as well. To help you

visualize, try calculating and plotting the mean departure in allocation between f emales of

parasitized and unparasitized nests. Although we may expect females to allocate food evenly in

both nests, is this prediction supported?

Now you can calculate the mean departure from expected values of food allocation to the

largest nestling for each of the other three categories (parasitized males, unparasitized females,

unparasitized males). Looking at the summarized data you might ask yo urself the following


– Does the cowbird have a different effect on allocation patterns than a large Yellow

Warbler nestling?

– Do males and females differ in their respective allocation patterns? Why might this



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Rodriguez Corporation issues 8,000 shares of its common stock for $69,600 cash on February 20.

Exercise 11-3 (Algo) Accounting for par, stated, and no-par stock issuances LO P1

Rodriguez Corporation issues 8,000 shares of its common stock for $69,600 cash on February 20. Prepare journal entries to record this event under each of the following separate situations.

1. The stock has a $6 par value.

2. The stock has neither par nor stated value.

3. The stock has a $3 stated value.

· Record the issue of 8,000 shares of $6 par value common stock for $69,600 cash.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

TransactionGeneral JournalDebitCredit1

· Record the issue of 8,000 shares of no-par, no-stated value common stock for $69,600 cash.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

TransactionGeneral JournalDebitCredit2

· Record the issue of 8,000 shares of $3 stated value common stock for $69,600 cash.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

TransactionGeneral JournalDebitCredit3

Exercise 11-6 (Algo) Stock issuance for noncash assets LO P1

Sudoku Company issues 33,000 shares of $7 par value common stock in exchange for land and a building. The land is valued at $243,000 and the building at $372,000. Prepare the journal entry to record issuance of the stock in exchange for the land and building.

Record the issue of 33,000 shares of $7 par value common stock in exchange for land valued at $243,000 and a building valued at $372,000.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

TransactionGeneral JournalDebitCredit1

QS 11-8 (Algo) Reporting a small stock dividend LO P2

The stockholders’ equity section of Jun Company’s balance sheet as of April 1 follows. On April 2, Jun declares and distributes a 20% stock dividend. The stock’s per share market value on April 2 is $10 (prior to the dividend).

Prepare the stockholders’ equity section immediately after the stock dividend is distributed.

Stockholders’ Equity
April 2 (after stock dividend)
Common stock
Paid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock
Total paid-in capital
Retained earnings
Total stockholders’ equity

Exercise 11-8 (Algo) Large stock dividend LO P2

Required information

Use the following information for the Exercises 8-9 below. (Algo)

On June 30, Sharper Corporation’s stockholders’ equity section of its balance sheet appears as follows before any stock dividend or split. Sharper declares and immediately distributes a 50% stock dividend.

Common stock—$10 par value, 82,000 shares issued and outstanding $ 820,000

Paid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock 360,000

Retained earnings 740,000

Total stockholders’ equity $ 1,920,000

(1) Prepare the updated stockholders’ equity section after the distribution is made.

(2) Compute the number of shares outstanding after the distribution is made.

· Prepare the updated stockholders’ equity section after the distribution is made.

SHARPER CORPORATIONStockholders’ Equity Section of the Balance SheetJune 30Common stock, no-par valuePaid-in capital in excess of par value, common stockRetained earningsTotal stockholders’ equity

Compute the number of shares outstanding after the distribution is made.

Number of common shares outstanding

Exercise 11-9 (Algo) Stock split LO P2

Use the following information for the Exercises 8-9 below. (Algo)

On June 30, Sharper Corporation’s stockholders’ equity section of its balance sheet appears as follows before any stock dividend or split. Sharper declares and immediately distributes a 50% stock dividend.

Common stock—$10 par value, 82,000 shares issued and outstanding $ 820,000

Paid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock 360,000

Retained earnings 740,000

Total stockholders’ equity $ 1,920,000

Assume that instead of distributing a stock dividend, Sharper did a 3-for-1 stock split.

(1) Prepare the updated stockholders’ equity section after the split.

(2) Compute the number of shares outstanding after the split.

Prepare the updated stockholders’ equity section after the split.

SHARPER CORPORATIONStockholders’ Equity Section of the Balance SheetJune 30Common stock dividend distributablePaid-in capital in excess of par value, common stockRetained earningsTotal stockholders’ equityCompute the number of shares outstanding after the split.Number of common shares outstanding

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What are some of the most common forms of unethical behavior in our  workforce today?

Body of your paper: 5-6 page Paper

For this assignment, you should focus on the reading material for weeks 1-7. Also, use our library to support your positions.

The  body of your paper: (5-6 Pages total in length)- Show me that you are  attempting to support your thoughts with key material from our reading  material AND outside sources:

Answer the following five questions:

1.  What are some of the most common forms of unethical behavior in our  workforce today? How could leadership in organizations help to minimize  this ethical misconduct? Explain and support your positions with  relevant course content and outside sources.

2. As our businesses  have developed over the last 100 plus years, have our modern day  businesses evolved to be more ethical today? What are some of the  factors that helped you come to your conclusion? Take a position and  support your thoughts.

3. Would you describe the financial meltdown in our 2007-2008 financial markets as a failure of “people” or of our “capital market processes”? Why? Support your thoughts with ethical theory and examples. Use our library for added research if needed.

4. Tell me about why diversity and discrimination are two important ethical factors that leaders should focus on while attempting to manage their workforce? Provide one example of how mismanaging these issues have had an impact on an organization. How would you explain the importance of these to your employees?

5. Are corporate outreach and company sponsored volunteer programs a good idea for organizations to implement? Why? From an ethical leadership perspective, why would you choose OR not choose to implement these programs? Use course theory and  specific examples to support your conclusion.



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What are some of the most common forms of unethical behavior in our  workforce today?


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Identity theft is becoming more common as technology continues to advance exponentially

Project 2: Identity Theft ResponseStart Here


Identity Theft Response

Identity theft is becoming more common as technology continues to advance exponentially. Mobile devices, applications, and email make it more convenient for individuals to access records and financial accounts, but also increase the risk of identity theft.

As the CISO, you will be drafting an incident response plan to address identity theft for your financial organization.

Identity Theft Response is the second of four sequential projects in this course. The final plan will be about 10-12 pages in length. There are 16 steps in this project and it should take about 14 days to complete. Begin with Step 1, where you will identify types of cyberattacks in which personally identifiable information could be vulnerable.


Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.

·         1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.

·         2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.

·         8.4: Design an enterprise cybersecurity incident response plan.

Project 2: Identity Theft ResponseStep 1: Identify Potential PII Attacks

Since this project will require an enterprise cybersecurity incident response plan with considerations specifically to identity theft, types of attacks must be identified. In a table or spreadsheet, identify the types of attacks that could result in denial of access to or theft of PII (personally identifiable information). Consider both internal and external incidents and those associated with employees and/or customers. Submit your list of potential PII attacks for feedback from your CIO (course instructor).

Submission for Project 2: Potential PII Cyber Incident List

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You will build upon this list of identified attacks throughout this project to form your Incident Response Plan. In the next step, industry-specific standards related to these types of attacks will be addressed.

Step 2: Align Industry-Specific Standards

Now that you have identified potential attacks in the previous step, you should research and identify state or federal government standards established for the protection of PII (where they exist) as well as industry codes. Keep in mind that while you are concerned in particular about standards that govern the financial industry, there are different standards specific to other industries. As a CISO, you need to be aware that regulations can vary—for example, standards are different in the health care field.

Add an additional column to the prepared list of potential types of PII attacks from the previous step. In this second column, note what standards might be required when addressing each incident type. You should align government-mandated and sector-voluntary standards to the PII attacks identified.

Refer to the provided industry-specific regulations for additional background on existing regulations. As you consider standards for your organization, continue building upon this table in the next step.

Step 3: Exceed Policy Standards to Fulfill Company Demands

In the previous step, you identified the policy standards for relevant PII attacks. In this step, address any types of attacks that were not aligned in the previous step or those in which given standards are considered inadequate by senior leadership. As CISO, you are aware of your organization’s expectations to guarantee the highest level of security for the organization and individuals in regards to theft of PII (personally identifiable information).

To complete this phase of the project, you will add an additional one to two columns to include upgraded or superior solutions on items considered to still be vulnerable. The alternatives that you add should reflect your organizational demands, initiatives, and vision. You will assess and prioritize this list of solutions in the next step.

Step 4: Assess Alternatives

Now that you have created a list of alternative solutions, assess your recommendations and prioritize them in a final column. Prioritize each alternative by placing a number “1” next to the first priority, a number “2” next to the second, and so on.

To the right of the prioritized solutions, in a sentence or two, state why you selected that alternative in that particular position. Submit the updated PII Solution Alternatives Table for feedback.

Submission for Project 2: PII Solution Alternatives Table

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This table will be used as an appendix in your final Incident Response Plan. In the next step, you will begin to develop a strategy for breach management.

Step 5: Complete the Executing the Response to a Cyberattack eLearning Module

So far, you have identified potential PII attacks and developed a set of PII solution and prevention alternatives. Before outlining a strategy for breach management, review Executing the Response to a Cyberattack. A response to cyberattack typically includes prevention measures, which you have already considered, but it also includes defense, detection, recovery, and response concerns. These areas should be developed with business considerations and subject to the advice of company leaders.

Now that you have become more familiar with an overview of how to execute a response to a cyberattack, proceed to the next step to outline a breach management strategy.

Step 6: Outline Breach Management Strategy

The next several steps will fit the alternatives into a breach management strategy. Strategic thinking can be challenging in a project environment. A “project” is work- and task-oriented, and it includes specific deliverables produced within a defined timeframe. Such projects have a limited budget and are developed to exact specifications. This project’s charter is to present a strategic view of responding to a potential breach in the area of the system containing PII.

This section of the planning should explore areas other than cyber technology. It is about policies, required and recommended, that expand the project notes you have been creating to address corporate concerns outside of the technology realm, such as legal implications, reporting, etc.

Briefly outline, for use in the next few steps, a strategic approach in response to a breach allowing access to PII—customers and/or employees. Think of the policy aspects that will have to be addressed. You will continue to use the findings determined here and over the next few steps to produce a breach management strategy.

Breach management options will be considered in the next step.

Step 7: Determine Breach Management Options

Using the outline of the strategic approach developed in the previous step, determine both the technical and strategic options available in addressing a breach of PII. The eventual goal is to help senior management understand the level of effort required in an appropriate response to a breach. Take note of these options for future use.

Once complete, you will be ready to research legal issues in the next step.

Step 8: Research Breach Management Legal Issues

With breach management options identified in the last step, begin to research associated legal issues. Breach management in response to exfiltration of PII is well documented in a legal context. Multiple resources are available that address the issue. This section of your research and breach management strategy report should carefully identify all the concerns being raised in the courts surrounding previously documented cases.

The idea is to find evidence of court cases being litigated that are a result of a PII breach—not necessarily the outcomes of those legal proceedings. Identify the issues that your policy strategy should address and draft a discussion. This discussion will be used in a future report. After considering legal issues, move to the next step, which will be a look at cyber insurance.

Step 9: Research Breach Management Cyber Insurance Options

Redirect the research from legal issues in the last step to cyber insurance options in this step. As the number of PII breaches grows, so does the new industry of cyber insurance. Draft several paragraphs that state the options now available for this component of risk mitigation. Be sure to include what is covered by most readily available insurance policies, as well as what is not covered.

As an example: Is the institution covered for a customer PII breach if it is determined the breach was caused by an employee? The intent is not to make you a cyber insurance expert, but to offer senior leadership some of the strategic, big-picture options. This draft will be used in a future report.

In the next step, you will research the regulatory requirements of breach management.

Step 10: Research Breach Management Reporting and Other Requirements

Publicly traded enterprises and health care organizations are subject to governmental regulations and requirements where PII is concerned. In addition, some industries voluntarily impose standards upon their members. This is the section of the breach management strategy to address those issues.

What are the minimum reporting requirements applicable to financial institutions (in this case)? What standards are in place that must be met to prevent additional damage to the institution in the way of fines, warnings, or other sanctions as a result of noncompliance with regulations on reporting the breach?

Actual requirements for other industries could be similar, overlapping, or not, determined by the business sector, inclusion in critical infrastructure classification, and a number of other factors. The financial sector is our example for this project and not to be considered comprehensive or all-inclusive across all sectors.

In the next step, you will compile the report on breach management strategy.

Step 11: Compile the Breach Management Strategy Report

After considering the elements of breach management strategy over the last several steps, compile all drafts and revise into a complete five- to seven-page Breach Management Strategy that will present policies to senior leadership for the response to a PII breach.

You will need to include an overview of your strategic approach, options available, legal issues, cyber insurance, reporting and other requirements, and finally the proposal. Your proposal should identify issues/impacts with mitigation strategies, and include regulatory responses where they exist. Note how financial industry reporting requirements differ from health care or other industries.

Submit the Breach Management Strategy for feedback. This report will help complete your work on the final incident response plan.

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Step 12: Compose Policy Components of an Incident Response Plan (IRP)

Now that you have a proposed breach management strategy, you are ready to begin development of an incident response plan (IRP) specific to a breach of PII. Compose the key policy components of an incident response plan in a list to be used as a basis for the next step.

Step 13: Itemize the Steps of an IRP

Start at the key policy component list from the last step and add postincident requirements already identified to itemize the actions it will take to accomplish these goals. Keep in mind the level of effort required and time involved to accomplish each element of the IRP.

You now have all the information necessary to create a comprehensive IRP. To get your mind set in the right direction, imagine that a breach affecting PII has occurred. It is the organization’s worst cyber incident. What do you do? How does the organization respond? What steps need to be taken to meet all the requirements you have identified in the Breach Management Strategy?

This step is to create a list or an outline; the use of a spreadsheet is recommended to facilitate subsequent steps in the project. The primary column is all of the actions or tasks that need to be completed in the IRP. As part of this first list, identify what department is responsible for what action by considering the functional areas of a financial institution.

You will build upon this list in the next step by adding the element of time to your spreadsheet documentation.

Step 14: Assign a Typical Timeline for an IRP

As a result of your Breach Management Strategy, are there specific timelines required by the regulatory compliance you referenced? If so, that should be your starting point for creating the IRP timeline. These are referred to as project “milestones.” Look at the list you created in the previous step and put those milestones in a required response time sequence.

When building the timeline, pay attention to elements that depend on previous elements—things that must be completed before a following action can be started. In project management, these are referred to as “critical path” items.

This section of creating the IRP must have all critical path items covered within regulatory milestones. It is not mandatory to assign perfect values to the actual time it takes to accomplish each action item. It is mandatory to show the milestone dates.

As an example, one reporting requirement for a financial institution suffering a PII breach is likely to be to notify all affected customers within 72 hours of the breach. That means you will have a customer notification milestone at three days in the IRP.

After you have added the milestone dates to your spreadsheet documentation, you will plan for implementation of the incident response plan in the next step.

Step 15: Plan for the IRP Implementation

This is the step where you tie together the requirements (milestones), the timeline (critical path), and which department will be responsible for what elements in the plan (accountability). Ensure all of the rows and columns in the spreadsheet are in alignment to accomplish the goal of minimizing the impact of the PII breach. It is the final step in creating the IRP. This spreadsheet will be included in your final IRP.

Now, it is time for the final step, in which you will explain the results of all your hard work on the IRP to senior leadership.

Step 16: Complete the Incident Response Policy Plan (IRP)

The resulting IRP should be a total of 10 to 12 pages that present an actionable plan to fully address a breach of the organization’s PII. It should include a final paragraph on your thoughts about how the recommendations are likely to be received.

This final step is to bring all the work together. Use what has been created in the previous steps as detail to support your completed plan on incident response. Synthesize the material and include all CIO (instructor) feedback received.

Include in your comprehensive IRP the review and findings from a policy approach to maintain or exceed compliance with all regulatory demands. In addition, demonstrate your adherence to the best possible outcome for victims of a PII breach.

Remember, confidence in and approval of the approach is mandatory. It has already been determined that a breach of the organization’s PII is a serious matter. The CEO and the rest of the executives are depending on your expertise to address the situation quickly and effectively. This IRP is that plan of action.

Submit the complete report to the CIO for approval and delivery to the senior leadership team.

Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

·         1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.

·         2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.

·         8.4: Design an enterprise cybersecurity incident response plan.

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During communication, a common problem occurs when you encounter two stakeholders who have conflicting ideas about a software

1. During communication, a common problem occurs when you encounter two stakeholders who have conflicting ideas about a software. That is, they have mutually contradictory requirements. Develop a process pattern that addresses this problem and suggest a practical approach to it.





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Highlighting the text and inserting comments is a common way to annotate using Microsoft Word or Google Docs

Read the below article titled “Too Stressed to Learn.” I need you to show me how you will “annotate” or mark-up the text in the article below. Highlighting the text and inserting comments is a common way to annotate using Microsoft Word or Google Docs, but I know students have creative ways to annotate using different software tools. You can also print the articles annotate with handwritten notes, then scan and upload an image of your annotations in Canvas. The skill-set we’ll be practicing this semester is annotating the research articles you are using in your speeches and submitting them within Canvas. Show me in this assignment how you’ll annotate evidence you use in our class. In this assignment find the data/evidence within the Too Stressed to Learn article to respond to the following 3 questions: 1/ What are the 2 stress hormones listed in the article? 2/ what’s causing the stress? 3/how should you solve the problem of stress? Submit the marked-up article with your annotations within this Discussion forum to show your classmate’s how you prefer to annotate. Additionally, write at least 1 paragraph (5-7 sentences) describing the steps involved when you annotate. In this discussion show your classmates your best tricks and strategies you have learned to use to closely read a text and document your thoughts on the text for future use. To earn full credit, you need to include your annotated article and your description of your annotation process. Los Angeles Times Too stressed out to learn? New brain research may reveal how emotions make it harder for impoverished students to concentrate. September 01, 2008|Rosemary Clandos Students who grow up amid economic insecurity often face many obstacles: overcrowded schools, lack of enrichment activities, violent neighborhoods. Fear and stress can be two more problems. Brain science is showing how these emotions have effects on the brain and how they can directly impede learning. Some scientists and educators are suggesting ways in which kids and college students can combat the long-lasting effects of poverty-related stress. Taking over thoughts In response to fear or stress, the brain quickly releases adrenaline and cortisol, activating the heart, blood vessels and brain for life-saving action — fighting or running. The brain gives the threat priority over anything else — including schoolwork — and it creates powerful memories to help prevent future threats. “All families experience stress, but poor families experience a lot of it,” says Martha Farah, psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania. For 20 years, David Diamond, a neuroscience professor at the University of South Florida, has studied the effects of stress-related hormones in rats. He found that high cortisol levels affect the hippocampus — a key learning center in the brain — in three ways. They suppress electrical activity, decrease efficiency and reduce new cell growth. These effects, thought likely to occur in humans as well, might be one reason it’s hard for impoverished students to concentrate and learn — especially if there is extra stress, violence or abuse in the child’s environment, Diamond says. In a 2006 issue of Brain Research, Farah reported that growing up in poverty affects thinking processes associated with several brain systems. Sixty healthy middle-school students matched for age, gender and ethnicity but of different socioeconomic status took tests that challenged brain areas responsible for specific cognitive abilities. Researchers found that children from low-income homes had significantly lower scores in areas of language, long-term and short-term memory, and attention. Research, Farah says, suggests that the effect of stress on the brain may be the reason for these detected differences and disadvantages. Fear also interferes with learning. A study published in the February online journal of Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience shows that students raised in low-income homes have stronger fear reactions — with potential consequences for concentration. In the study, 33 healthy undergraduate students viewed pictures of facial expressions — angry, surprised and neutral — while MRI imaging measured their brain activity. For students raised in low-income homes, the pictures of angry faces triggered a greater response in the amygdala, a brain region that processes fear and anger. “Growing up in a socially disadvantaged environment often exposes people to threats to their health and well-being,” says Peter Gianaros, an assistant professor of psychiatry and psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, who headed the research. Changing the brain There are science-supported ways to mitigate these accentuated fear and stress responses and nurture the brain, researchers and educators say. “Change the experience, and you change the brain,” says San Diego-based educator Eric Jensen, author of a 2006 book “Enriching the Brain: How to Maximize Every Learner’s Potential,” who has developed a teachers’ training program, “Enriching the Brains of Poverty.” “Many good schools have shown they can create experiences that change the brain for the better.” Among those experiences: * Targeted preparation. To help children succeed in school, Jensen teaches educators to build students’ brain capacity in areas shown by science to be lagging: attention, long-term effort, memory, processing skills and sequencing skills. He recommends a slate of activities for each — for example, compelling stories, theater arts and fine-motor tasks all build attention skills, he says. * Foster a mind-set of hope, determination and optimism — and security. There are many ways to foster hope, Jensen says, including asking about and affirming a student’s dreams, bringing successful students back to talk to new ones, giving useful feedback on schoolwork and teaching students how to set and monitor their own goals. “Behaviors and thoughts that relate to hope, love and happiness can change the brain — just as fear, stress and anxiety can change it,” Kandel says. “It’s completely symmetrical.” * Meditation. This has been proven in studies to lower stress. * Social connectedness. According to Diamond’s work at the Veterans Hospital in Tampa, Fla., “When people are experiencing strong stress, they recover much better when they have social support than when they are socially isolated,” he says. Jensen recommends mentoring programs for children and student groups. * Take control. “Feeling helpless increases stress hormones,” Diamond says. To offset learned helplessness and develop a sense of control, Jensen advised students to learn time-management skills and goal setting — and reward small accomplishments. * Exercise. “Exercise stimulates and energizes the brain to more efficiently process information. Exercise actually makes more brain cells,” Diamond says. Sports, aerobic exercise, yoga, dance, walking and even exercising the smaller muscles used for playing a musical instrument can change the brain. Music is calming, Diamond says. “If you feel better, you learn better.” * Eat well. Marian Diamond, a neuroscientist and professor at UC Berkeley, has been using dietary changes to improve the learning capabilities of orphans and impoverished children in Cambodia. For students living in poverty in the U.S., she said, “Be sure you’re getting good sources of protein and calcium. Each day, eat an egg — or egg whites — a glass of milk, and take a multivitamin.” Other researchers recommend cutting back on sugar and smoking because they raise cortisol levels. * Spirituality. In the January 2003 journal Urban Education, researchers reported that African American and Latino high school seniors who reported that they were very religious and were raised in intact families scored as well as white students on most achievement tests. “The achievement gap disappeared,” says William Jeynes, an education professor at Cal State Long Beach GET SOLUTION BELOW CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER TO BE RE-WRITTEN FROM THE SCRATCH NO PLAGIARISM
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