Writers Solution

Persuasive communication is a key skill needed in finance.

1203AFE Money, Banking and Finance
Assessment 3: Stock Pitch Report
Length: 2 pages (maximum)
Due Date: Week 12 (see L&G for exact time)
Weight: 20%
Task Description:
Persuasive communication is a key skill needed in finance. This task provides an opportunity to practice written persuasive communication, as well as apply knowledge of equity markets and research information.
Accordingly, this task asks you to create a 2-page report of a persuasive ‘stock pitch’. You will be allocated a company to research in Week 8. You have 3 weeks to research the company and devise a ‘stock pitch report’, as you would do as a financial analyst making a recommendation to your investment board. Drawing on annual financial statements, stock price data and other reports/news, you will analyse the company based on the information you collect, and make a BUY, HOLD or SELL recommendation. Note that as a first-year course, you are not required to value the company, you will acquire these skills in subsequent finance courses.
Useful resources include: the Bloomberg terminals, Yahoo Finance, ASX or other stock exchange, Google, etc.
a) The table over the page provides a list of data for you to research and collect. All presentations must include this data as a minimum. You can include more data and information as appropriate to your company. You can present data as tables, graphs, charts, etc.
b) Each report needs to provide an overview of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) for your company.
c) Each report needs to include and justify a BUY, HOLD or SELL recommendation. The justification forms a substantial proportion of your marks.
d) Based on the information you’ve collected and wider research, formulate a persuasive report of a maximum of 2 pages. Remember that the report needs to have structure (introduction, body, conclusion) and logical flow.
Marking Criteria: The guide for marking is provided over the page. This sets out the criterion and standards that are required for particular levels of performance (and therefore marks). You should study these rubrics closely in order to understand what is required and how you will be marked for your work. Referencing should follow APA guidelines.
Submission: Details regarding submission will be provided in the Assessment 3 section on L@G. Files must be named as follows: [family name]_[student number]_Assessment3. If there are any technical issues experienced please contact the course convenor. All assessment items need to have a completed assignment cover sheet, a digital version is provided on L@G.
Basic Information Data Details
Company name
Ticker Abbreviation
Country of Listing
Name of Exchange
Number of shares outstanding
Market capitalisation
Description of the business
Stock price data:
52-week range
Price/Earnings ratio
Earnings per share
Dividend per share
Dividend yield
SWOT Analysis
Rubric – Stock Pitch (20%)
Criterion Weight (100%) Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Depth and accuracy of content. 40% Explanations of concepts and data are clear and accurate. The recommendation is well supported with evidence and clearly justified. Explanations of concepts and data are clear and accurate. The recommendation is mostly well supported. Generally, explanations of concepts and data are sound. The recommendation lacks justification. Explanations of concepts and data are at a superficial level and inconsistent attempt is made to justify the recommendation. Explanations of concepts and data are inaccurate or incomplete. Little or no attempt is made to justify recommendation, or recommendation is omitted.
Justification of BUY, HOLD, SELL decision 40% The student provides a very persuasive argument that supports their decision and is supported by the data and other information provided.
The student has made a very good attempt to persuade the reader in the report to follow their recommendation. The decision is somewhat supported by the data and other information provided.
The student has made an attempt to be persuasive, but the justification lacks some conviction. The data and information provide some support.
The student’s attempt to justify the decision is adequate but could have had more conviction. Data and information may be inappropriate or inadequate.
The student has made little or no attempt to justify the decision or provides no decision. Data and/or information provided is inappropriate and/or inadequate.
Presentation and grammar Demonstrated English language proficiency, effective presentation, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation 10% Outstanding English language capability, including vocabulary grammar and punctuation. Excellent English language capability, including vocabulary grammar and punctuation. Well-developed written English, including vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Some demonstrated proficiency in written English language presentation including vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Limited or a poor level of proficiency in written English language, presentation including vocabulary grammar and punctuation.
Report Structure Demonstrated proficiency in structuring the report so as to maintain a logical flow with coherent transitions and connections throughout 10% Outstanding proficiency in structuring the report so as to maintain a logical flow with coherent transitions and connections throughout. Very high proficiency in structuring the report so as to maintain a logical flow with coherent transitions and connections throughout. Well-developed proficiency in structuring the report so as to maintain a logical flow with coherent transitions and connections throughout. Basic proficiency in structuring the report so as to maintain a logical flow with coherent transitions and connections throughout. Limited or no demonstrated proficiency in structuring the report to maintain a logical flow with coherent transitions and connections throughout. Significant lack of cohesion in the flow of text

Writers Solution

Introduction to Communication Extra Credit Opportunity

COMM 100/RIVERA: Introduction to  Introduction to Communication 

Extra Credit Opportunity  Communication 

Extra Credit Opportunity 

Up to 40 points TOTAL 

To earn up to 20 points extra credit (for each event), you may attend an approved event or watch one of the approved films and complete the following written assignment within ONE WEEK of the event. You may attend as many events as you want to earn UP TO 40 points TOTAL extra credit for the semester. You may watch and analyze one film for up to 20 points extra credit. All extra credit assignments must be turned in by December 7th, 2018. I will accept only typed paper copies of extra credit assignments. 

Format/Turning In: 

  • Assignment should be no longer than 2 pages, single spaced, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins
  • Print the assignment and give it to me in class or slide it under my office door. There’s free
    printing (up to 10 pages) at any of the Student Centers (such as the Pride, Gender Equity, Latin@, Black Student, and Cross Cultural Centers)
  • Information: 2 points
    o Provide your name, class, date attended and date written
    o Provide the name of the event you attended or film you watched
  • Summary: 5 points (1 paragraph) Summarize the event you attended/film you watch. If it was a film, summarize the film’s plot and discuss important characters and/or themes. If it was a lecture, exhibit, performance or discussion, write about the key points or themes in the event, who spoke/performed/did art, and any definitions or concepts that were relevant to the event. Your summary should provide enough detail to demonstrate that you were present at the event.
  • Application: 8 points (1 paragraphApply what you saw/heard to the readings and concepts for this class. Specifically, tie what you learned by attending the event to something relevant you’ve learned from the class. It is not enough to simply say, “this is related to communication.” Instead, discuss specific concepts from the readings (use page numbers and citations) and make connections to the event and your own life.

Example: If you attend a poetry reading or performance, you could define “identity,” and discuss how the poet’s identity was revealed in their performance, or how your own identity resonated with the performer’s. 

Avoid discussing general concepts such as paradigms, human communication, etc. • Personal Reflection: 5 points (1 paragraph) Discuss how this event impacted you 

personally. Did you enjoy the event/film or was it challenging? Why do you think you felt this way? What did you learn, that you honestly didn’t know before? If you could tell someone ONE thing you got from this event, what would it be?