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Impact lifestyles public and community health

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following questions: Explain what impact lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and community resources have on public and community health. Provide an example.How have you seen this at work in your own community?


Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at 



The impact of lifestyles, socioeconomic status and community resource on public and community health

            In terms of lifestyles,it is known to influence non-communicable disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular, obesity, hypertension, and renal failure. This means that individuals living health lifestyle such as taking diet low of sugar, fat, salt, more fruits and vegetables as well as exercising daily have high possibility of not suffering from non-communicable diseases(Schneider, 2017). Therefore, health lifestyle leads to a decrease possibility of non-communicable diseases. In addition, dietary and sedentary habit play critical role in influencing non-communicable diseases, which a burden to public and community health.

            Socioeconomic status determines the ability of an individual to access prevention, cure and treatment. It plays critical role in the prevention of communicable disease such as diarrhea and cholera, which is very common in developing and poor countries across the world. Improved socioeconomic status enable the population to access medical treatment at affordable cost(Minkler & Wallerstein, 2012). It also enables the house hold to afford balanced diet, thus preventing malnutrition among young children, which is common in Africa and some Asian countries. Therefore, better socioeconomic status ensures that people afford to seek good medication and balance diet.             Community resources play important role in the establish of better health care facilities and infrastructure. It also enables the authorities to adequately equip the community with the necessary primary health care, which is critical in the prevention of curable diseases such as malaria(Minkler & Wallerstein, 2012). Through community resources, the society will be able to have rehabilitation centers, old age…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

The Philosophy of Community-Based Correctional Programs

Complete Written Assignment: The Philosophy of Community-Based Correctional Programs
Community Corrections’ primary function and mission is to protect the community by supervising offenders and reporting non-compliance to the sentencing or releasing authority. The standard conditions of supervision stipulated by state statute, as well as special conditions imposed by the court or sentencing authority, include victim restitution, substance abuse and/or mental health treatment programs, and other sanctions or restrictions. Offenders are monitored through field contacts at their residences, employment sites and other locations in the community.
A probation officer conducts investigations, including pre-sentence investigations, other state investigations and violation reports. For this week’s Assignment you will write a report outlining appropriate referrals which will assist the below offender, Larry Greene, with available resources.
Consider the following offender profile.
Mr. Greene has little motivation to accomplish many things in life. At 20 years old, he has completed some courses at the local community college and maintained a 2.85 GPA. Mr. Green’s parents are very supportive of him, always providing parental guidance and love needed to progress through life. Mr. Green is unmotivated to achieve much in life and likes to spend his days with his friends that are equally unmotivated.
Write a 3–5 page expository essay on discussing the philosophy of community-based corrections programs based on Larry Greene’s profile. Your paper should address the following elements:
• Describe at least three goals of community corrections.
• Identify at least three types of community corrections that would benefit Mr. Greene.
• Discuss how Mr. Greene can engage with community correction programs.
• Discuss a minimum of four benefits of community corrections for Mr. Greene.
• Identify the intended outcomes of Mr. Greene participating in the programs you identified.
• In addition to the course materials, use other scholarly resources to support your arguments.
These questions need not be stated verbatim within the paper, but addressed as part of the exposition of the essay.
Your paper format should be as follows:

  1. Cover sheet
  2. Body of the paper (3–5 pages)
  3. References page
  4. Utilize at least two references outside of the course textbook to support your explanation of the topic
  5. Do not use as a reference
  6. The entire work should be in APA format including in-text references and reference page
  7. All text and reference pages should be double-spaced and in 12- point font





Philosophy of Community-Based Corrections Based on Larry Greene Profile

 (Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Philosophy of Community-Based Corrections Based on Larry Greene Profile

            The presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice of 1967 introduced the integration of offenders with their community or society. Rather than being incarcerated, offenders like Larry Greene can be integrated into the community through a number of community programs that have specific goals and intended outcomes. According to (Alarid, Cromwell, Del Carmen & Cromwell, 2008) for community-based programs to meet the objectives of integration, they must provide a form of adaptation so that the offenders are able to utilize their skills in the community. This can only be possible through the alignment of the program goals and the outcomes.             Goals are an important component of community-based correction programs as it allows them to be evaluated on their efficiency, effectiveness, bases of need, and public safety and protection. According to (Alarid, Cromwell, Del Carmen & Cromwell, 2008) one of the goal of the community corrections is to assist offenders to conform to the required behavior as well as monitor their progress. The other goals are to reduce recidivism from the offenders, rehabilitation and to protect the public (……………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Think of a project needed to improve the workplace or community.

Think of a project needed to improve the workplace or community. Your mission is to write a proposal to a committee or a person who can approve such a project. If at all possible, choose a real-life scenario and consider a real proposal for a possible improvement. The purpose of this kind of report is to present formally in writing your ideas, requests, and plans to help improve the quality of your work environment and/or job. Adhering to the correct format as shown below is essential. Here is a handy checklist of possible generic report headings you might be able to use in your paper:
Purpose Statement
Summary (or problem)
Introduction (or background issues and information needed to understand proposal better)
Proposed Procedure (or plan, program, action)
Task Schedule
Credentials/Qualifications (of the writer)
Recommendations and/or Conclusion
Five pages minimum, not including cover page, table of contents, appendices, charts, diagrams, or reference pages






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Prevention Program Design in Your Community


Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course. You have analyzed models of addiction. You also have examined psychoanalytic, Gestalt, and evidence-based treatment models. Additionally, you considered how to develop treatment plans, provide for relapse prevention, and create successful addiction programs. Think about the information you will take away from this course and how it could be used in practice.

How do you create a prevention program that meets the particular needs of a community? How can you determine if a prevention program is successful? This week, you will work toward answering these questions.

Required Resources


Optional Resources

Week 6 Discussion

Prevention Program Design in Your Community

Effective prevention programs should present long-term, repeated interventions to create effective family, school, and community programs. Some communities have already established and implemented a local prevention program, whereas others are still struggling to develop one. Consider your own community, and identify two addiction issues.

To prepare for this Discussion:.

  • Review Chapter 4, “Examples of Research-Based Drug Abuse Prevention Programs” in Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents: A Research-Based Guide for Parents, Educators, and Community Leaders.
  • Consider how you could create a research-based principles addiction prevention program for your community.
  • Reflect on how you will reach all students, families, and community members.

Postby Day 4 a response to the following:

Provide a brief description of your community and the addiction issue you identified. Describe a prevention program you would create to address the addiction issue. Given the demographics of your community, explain how you would get the message out to families, schools, and the community at large.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.






Art: Prevention Program Design in the Community

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Brief Description of My Community

            My community consists of diverse families, with an average youthful population. Majority of the families have average incomes and can afford majority of basic and luxuries necessities in life. Most of the youthful population is school-going children with an average age of about 15 years. Many of the youths struggle with alcohol abuse and violence associated with alcohol abuse. A prevention program that needs to be designed for my community must involve the parents and educators, since most of the drug abuse cases occur among the school going youth. Employing a program that involves the school, families and community, is pertinent in fighting alcohol abuse.

Prevention Program that Would be Created to Solve Alcohol Abuse in the Community           The prevention program that would be ideal in tackling alcohol abuse in my community is the Project STAR program. According to (National Institut…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






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local community of Lawton, OK has a mitigation plan. A

Research whether or not if the local community of Lawton, OK has a mitigation plan. Also, find out what their mitigation priorities are and if they have received any grants recently to support their efforts.

300 words



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Community Justice is a relatively new philosophy of justice that differs significantly in some respects to criminal justice

Community Justice is a relatively new philosophy of justice that differs significantly in some respects to criminal justice. Research Community Justice and discuss how and where it began, how effective it has shown to be and what the prospects are for the future. Give detailed examples and be specific about the successes or failures the program may have had.

Write a 2 page APA style paper. In your paper includes 2 references

Writers Solution

Youth and Community Policing

Unit V, your assignment was to begin writing the first part of the final research paper. This required students to submit the first several pages of their project: APA title page,APA abstract,intro

In Unit V, your assignment was to begin writing the first part of the final research paper. This required students to submit the first several pages of their project:

  • APA title page,
  • APA abstract,
  • introduction (including your thesis statement),
  • review of the literature, and
  • references page.

The final portion of the paper will include the following:

  • discussion of the literature;
  • analysis and findings of your research;
  • conclusions drawn from your research, including how the media can operate to help improve the relationship between the police and the community, especially in regards to citizen perceptions of police regarding use of force and/or excessive use of force; and
  • APA references, including all references used in the development of your paper.

As you are combining the first part of your paper with the final portion, be sure to incorporate any feedback that you may have received from your professor in Unit V. Your research paper should consist of at least five pages.

All papers must be in APA Style that includes the items listed above and use of peer-reviewed journal articles, government documents, books, or monographs. Never use anything from newspapers, news outlets, blogs, websites, or anything Wiki as they are not academically acceptable, contain significant bias, or they are can be altered (Wikipedia).

This is the final paper for the research project. You will need to incorporate the information from the files I have attached. This final paper MUST BE 5 pages long, not including the title page and the reference page. All references MUST BE included in the final project. Please read the instructions carefully and do not ask for this project if you are not proficient in the field of Law Enforcement. I need to get a good grade on this project (A). Once again remember this is not an Annotated Bibliography, that part is for reference only and not to be put in the form.

Hide Files: Youth and Community Policing – Annotated Bibliography.docx, Unit V Assignment- Police and Community Relations.docx

Proposals from tutors to complete your question

Writers Solution

The civil engineering profession consists of a community of professional designers of different types of structures and infrastructure that are physically developed for human use.

  write an article on Discipline Investigation. It needs to be at least 1250 words. The civil engineering profession consists of a community of professional designers of different types of structures and infrastructure that are physically developed for human use. The nature of the structures and infrastructure designed by the civil engineering fraternity includes roads, buildings, bridges, dams and ware ways, city infrastructure such as sewerage systems, railroads, and railways, canals as well as irrigation systems for agriculture. Simply put, therefore, civil engineering is a profession that helps man to shape the environment, in order to suit his needs (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, n.p.).

Thus, the purpose of the interview with a senior professional in the field of civil engineering was to gain deeper insights into the requirements of entry into the field, the nature of work and tasks performed by civil engineers under different areas of specialization of the profession, and how to cope in their work environment. Following the interview, I was able to get valuable information regarding the career qualification for civil engineers, the applicable career paths, and the communication skill necessary for successful civil engineers. Thus, this report gives a summary of the civil engineering discipline as generated from the interview. The report will present the background of the interviewee, the current job position, the roles and responsibilities involved in the job position, and the communication skills necessary for the civil engineering work environment. The summary of the learning points obtained from the interview will be presented in the conclusions.

Interview summary

Background and career path

My expectation from the research was that I would be able to find a professional civil engineer who has had more than 10 years of experience in the field, and who has served in different areas of specialization of the profession, thus be able to gather varied nature of experiences regarding this field. It was also my expectation that I would be able to find an easy-going interview subject, who will not limit the nature of the information given as related to this discipline but is comfortable divulging a wide range of information related to both education and professional background.

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organization has been awarded a DOJ grant to develop a community initiative for improving racial equity.

Your organization has been awarded a DOJ grant to develop a community initiative for improving racial equity. You, as the law enforcement manager, have been assigned the task of developing a community-based team that will oversee the implementation of the initiative. The mission of the Race and Social Justice Strategy Team’s task is to end racism and achieve racial equity in the city’s practices, policies, and culture.

In a 1,250-1,500-word essay, complete the following:

  1. Briefly describe six different constituents/stakeholders on your team (organization, title, and influence in the community).
  2. As the team’s leader, discuss your perception of your sphere of influence.
  3. What roles will each of your team member’s play within the group? Are there team member’s who will have dual roles?
  4. Describe three types of power that you as the manager may need to use to effectively lead this team. Give examples.
  5. Describe specific strategies that you as the team manager will implement to keep the team motivated and on task (4.2).
  6. Describe what you hope to accomplish and within what timeframe.
  7. Describe how you will evaluate the success of the team’s substantive contribution to the mission.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

This Benchmark assesses competency 4.2: Recommend strategies to build relationships and communicate ethically with various stakeholder

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$100,000 DOJ grant for a community-based violence prevention initiative involving at-risk youth

 In your position as a law enforcement manager, you have been tasked with applying for a 1-year, $100,000 DOJ grant for a community-based violence prevention initiative involving at-risk youth. The purpose of the grant is to provide an opportunity for strategic transformation in a police department. The DOJ has many grant opportunities for justice and police agencies.

Review strategic transformation in Chapter 15 of your textbook.

Review all the components of the “How to Develop a Program Logic Model” from the Corporation for National &Community Service.

Complete the attached Logic Model worksheet and submit it with your Executive Summary.

Part 2- Draft Executive Summary

Write a 250-500-word draft executive summary of your proposed program. The executive summary tells the story in a very succinct way of why your grant should be the one funded. Include the information gathered from your logic model. Explain how the grant will improve organizational outcomes that align with organizational needs. Grant reviewers have hundreds of applications to review, so your executive summary cannot be longer than two pages.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. 

This Benchmark assesses competency 1.2: Apply creative management practices to improve organizational outcomes aligned with organizational needs, and competency 4.5: Write a grant proposal for a specific agency need.