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Organizational Resistance to Change (And why good companies fail).

C/BUS503 Organizational Change and Transformation

Assignment Overview

Organizational Resistance to Change (And why good companies fail).

In the Module 1 Case Assignment, you will write a 5- to 6-page paper in which you analyze in-depth the reasons that good companies fail due to their reluctance to respond to changes in the internal company and the external environment.

To begin the Module 1 Case assignment, read the following article and chapter from the following sources:

Butt, J., & Ivanov, S. (2017). Study of a large office supply retail organization: How good companies slowly go out of business. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 9(4), 100-116. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Shein’s (2011) Phases of Organizational decline? Shein, James B. (2011). Chapter One – The Phases of Decline and Early Warning Signs Reversing the slide: a strategic guide to turnarounds and corporate renewal. [Books24x7 version] Available in the Trident Online Library.

Case Assignment

After you read the foregoing sources, visit the library, and consult IBISWorld (download the IBISWorld Academic Overview). Search for “Office Supply Stores in the U.S.” Scan through the various pages associated with the large office supply retail industry, noting key areas of opportunity, key areas required for success, and key threats. Then, in a well-written 5 page paper (not including Cover and References pages), respond to the following:

  1. Based on your research, what are the key drivers for success in the large office supply store industry? This section should be at least 2 pages in length.
  2. What were the reasons for the failure of the Fortune 500 office supply company, as discussed in the Butt and Ivanov (2017) journal article? Are these reasons consistent with Shein’s (2011) phases of decline?
  3. What other reasons, if any, have you identified? Are there any practical difficulties that served as barriers to needed organizational change? (This section should be at least 2 pages in length).
  4. What recommendations would you have given the leadership of the foregoing Fortune 500 company relative to how the company may have avoided organizational failure? (This section should also be at least 2 pages in length).
  5. Conclude your paper by identifying the key lessons you have learned from Module 1 (as taken from both the Background materials and the Module 1 Case assignment) concerning the need for ongoing adaptation on the part of the organization and the need to avoid organizational inertia and resistance to change. This section should be at least 1 page in length.

Assignment Expectations

  1. Minimum length requirements for the Module 1 Case assignment is 5 pages (not including Title and Reference pages).
  2. Be sure to cite at least 3 scholarly sources using APA Style
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Organizational Resistance To Change and Why Good Companies Fail

SLP1/BUS503 Organizational Resistance  To Change and Why Good Companies Fail

For Module 1 SLP, we will continue our research into why good organizations resist change. To this extent, please visit the library, and find the following texts:

Iverson, L. (2010). The science of change management: The 7 phases of change & breaking through resistance to change. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Davidson, Jeff. (2009). 5 ways to overcome resistance to change. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Read the chapter titled “Resistance to Change” from Iverson (2010) The 7 Phases of Change and Breaking through Resistance to Change. In this chapter, you will note several key barriers that cause organizations to resist needed change. Namely, these are:

  • Lack of Knowledge or Skill
  • Physical or Resource restrictions
  • Negative Projections (Future or Past)
  • Discomfort
  • Fear of the Unknown

It is important to note the author’s emphasis that any one of these factors creates organization-wide resistance to change.

After reading the chapter “Resistance to Change,” respond to the following in a well-written, 3- to 4-page paper to include 2 Scholarly Sources from the Required and Optional readings List:

Part One: Description

Think of an experience you had with an organization that failed to change when change was needed.

Describe the change and explain why the organizational change you identify was needed. Describe what negative consequences (or outcomes) resulted from the organization’s failure to enact the needed change. What were the costs to the organization (e.g., poor employee morale, loss of customers, poor company image, financial losses, etc.)?

Part Two: Application and Analysis

Apply Iverson’s (2010) perspective to demonstrate how lack of knowledge, physical or resource restrictions, negative projections, discomfort, and fear of the unknown contributed to the resistance to change in this organization. In other words, explain how Iverson helps us understand why the barrier you have selected caused organization-wide resistance to needed change (keep in mind that we are focused on organization-wide, and not individual resistance to change).

Part Three: Solution and Recommendations

Finally, as a leader, what could you have done to avoid or minimize this resistance to change? Be specific and be sure that your recommended actions target the barrier you identified in Part Two (e.g., lack of knowledge, physical or resource restrictions, negative projections, discomfort, and fear of the unknown). See Davidson’s (2009) “5 ways to overcome resistance to change” to help you “connect the dots” by making a clear argument regarding how these specific recommendations would have helped the organization implement the needed change without resistance. If the resistance to change is ongoing, what suggestions do you have for resolving this problem going forward? 

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Minimum length requirements for the Module 1 SLP assignment are 3–4 pages (not including Title and Reference pages).
  2. Be sure to cite a minimum of 2 scholarly sources from the Required or Optional Readings List using APA Style


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inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics.

Assignment – Inventory Management Instructions

Research two manufacturing or two service companies that manage inventory and write a 5-7 page paper in which you:

  1. Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics.
  2. Analyze how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.
  3. Evaluate the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
  4. Compare and contrast the four different types of layouts found with each company; explain the importance of the layouts to the company’s manufacturing or service operations.
  5. Determine at least two metrics to evaluate supply chain performance of the companies; suggest improvements to the design and operations of their supply chains based on those metrics.
  6. Suggest ways to improve the inventory management for each of the companies without affecting operations and the customer benefit package. Provide a rationale to support the suggestion.
  7. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality

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larger organisations including multi-national companies, there will be a dedicated department called the Human Resource Department

Question 1

In larger organisations including multi-national companies, there will be a dedicated department called the Human Resource Department. Describe four (4) key functions of human resource department.

[30 marks]

Question 2

A high-performance culture can be defined as an organisational culture where the corporate values for achieving the organisation goals are deeply embedded in the hearts and minds of all employees.

Describe the essential characteristics in High Performance Work System.

[30 marks]

Question 3

Person-Job fit and Person-Organisation fit are important aspects to be considered to ensure the right selection of candidate for a position. Describe the concepts of:

(a) Person-Job Fit

[20 marks]

(b) Person-Organisation Fit

[20 marks]




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on larger organisations including multi-national companies, there will be a dedicated department called the Human Resource Department

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Explain different dividend policies adopted by companies and describe factors influencing dividend policies

Financial Management
Weight 15%
Marks for assignment 50
The Research Report should contain no more than 2,000 words, excluding references.
Submission via Turn-it-in on Moodle and strict adherence to submission and uploading rules to be followed. All parts should be answered.
All references and examples must be within an Australian context.
Scope of the research can include Academic articles and journals, and relevant Books. Students are encouraged to use the e-library resources.
Assignment Topics
Complete all questions
A. Explain different dividend policies adopted by companies and describe factors influencing dividend policies. 10 marks
B. Business valuation: students are required to value an ASX300 company from the following two and compute the value of the business using publicly available information (e.g., annual reports). 40 marks
a. Woolworths Ltd
b. Westfarmers Ltd
Students are required to discuss and apply different business valuation techniques, based on this review student groups are then required to make a recommendation for the most appropriate valuation technique

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Explain the ways in which companies can set up an online marketing presence

Module Discussion: 1. Explain the ways in which companies can set up an online marketing presence. Is it necessary for a business today to have an online presence? Why?

 2.  Compare and contrast the different forms of online advertising. What factors should a company consider in deciding among these different forms?

Discussion Requirements:

·       Please ensure that the discussion question response is substantive in nature, which includes a minimum of 300 words.

·       Please avoid writing the minimum. Make sure that the response is topic-specific, relevant to the course material, and supported by outside academic sources through the use of in-text citations with the inclusion of a reference section.

In this module, we shall examine direct marketing and its fastest-growing form, Online marketing. Direct marketing can be viewed as more than just a marketing tool. It constitutes an overall marketing approach-a blend of communication and distribution channels rolled out in one. We shall learn how companies develop competitive marketing strategies to create long-lasting customer relationships and value. We shall further extend this to global marketing and we shall examine six major decisions that marketers make in global marketing.


A.      Describe direct and online marketing and how it can be used to build direct customer relationships

B.      Explain how companies adapt their marketing strategies mixes for international markets

C.      Identify three major forms of international marketing organizations

D.     Describe three approaches to entering international markets.


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Describe what a crediting rate/score is. Should this be a factor in evaluating companies?

You work as a financial analyst at a large automobile corporation that occasionally makes acquisitions of smaller companies that specialize in the production and assembly of small component parts. In order to achieve vertical integration of its newest sports sedan model, the company is evaluating a few manufacturing companies that have experienced strong financial performance in the past few years. These companies would make excellent acquisitions due to the nature and quality of the product and the anticipated ease of transition. You have been tasked to evaluate these companies from a financial perspective and choose one. To do this, you need to brush up on a few concepts by addressing the following topics:

Describe what a crediting rate/score is. Should this be a factor in evaluating companies?
The firm will need to raise funds immediately for the acquisition, and debt will be used. Should the firm borrow on a long-term or short-term basis? Why?
Explain the effect, if any, inflation rates will have on the purchase? How significant is this factor?
Define the relationship between yield curves and the term structure of interest rates.
Explain what would happen to interest rates if a new process was developed that allowed automobiles to run off oil that was formulated based on lemonade? The technology used to convert this liquid to gas would be pricey but well worth it. What impact would this technology have on interest rates?
Discuss what ratios should be used to assess the financial health of the potential acquisition?
Your completed case study must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least your textbook as a reference. Other references may be used as needed. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

Melicher, R. W., & Norton, E. A. (2020). Introduction to finance: Markets, investments, and financial management (17th ed.). Wiley.


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Discuss methods of setting premium rates in insurance companies

The question is attached. 

Assignment Question(s):  (10 Marks)

Q1. Discuss methods of setting premium rates in insurance companies (Manual rating, merit rating, judgement rating)  (3 Marks) 


Q2. Identify any two insurance companies inKingdom of Saudi Arabia and explain any two insurance products offered by them. Your answer should be based on following points: 


i. Name of the Company

ii. Type of Insurance

iii. Premiums

iv. Significant features of the insurance product


Q3: Discuss in detail the various functions involved in “Transaction Cycle” with suitable examples.   (3 Marks)


Text  Description automatically generated

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Assignment 1

Course Name: Insurance AccountingStudent’s Name:
Course Code: ACCT 424Student’s ID Number:
Semester: 2CRN:
Academic Year: 1443 H

For Instructor’s Use only

Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade: /Out of 10Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low


· The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.

· Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.

· Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.

· Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.

· Late submission will NOT be accepted.

· Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

· All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

· Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Assignment Question(s): (10 Marks)

Q1. Discuss methods of setting premium rates in insurance companies (Manual rating, merit rating, judgement rating) (3 Marks) 


Q2. Identify any two insurance companies in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and explain any two insurance products offered by them. Your answer should be based on following points:


i. Name of the Company

ii. Type of Insurance

iii. Premiums

iv. Significant features of the insurance product


Q3: Discuss in detail the various functions involved in “Transaction Cycle” with suitable examples. (3 Marks)




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Lots of companies to choose from and normally their annual reports are available easily from the company’s web site

Select a company of your choice and obtain their latest annual report (this can be one you work for, are familiar with or one you have an interest in). Ensure your chosen company will enable you to meet all of the criteria below.
There are lots of companies to choose from and normally their annual reports are available easily from the company’s web site. if you are struggling for a suitable company, just have a look at the Financial Times (either hard copy or on the web) where you will see a comprehensive list of company names that are listed on the FTSE, this would be a good starting point.
Using your chosen company, you are required to:
Explain the key sources of finance for your company. For example what is the mix of share capital and long term loans, does this company appear to be risky from a gearing point of view? (350-500 words)
Identify the key elements of working capital and discuss any particular strengths or weaknesses which you feel the company has in this area. (350-500 words)
Discuss the company’s exposure to risks generally and exchange rate risk in particular as a result of their involvement in international markets. How does the company manage these risks, and how successful do you think the company is in this? (400-500 words)
Evaluate the success of corporate restructuring activities undertaken by your chosen company in the last five years or so. For example, has it acquired new subsidiary companies, entered into joint ventures or undertaken divestment, and how successful has this been? (400-500 words)
Your completed End of Module Project should be in the form of a written report of between 1,500 and 2,000 words.




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON lots of companies to choose from and normally their annual reports are available easily from the company’s web site

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Top 10 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the US in 2020

This is the first of a series of five sequential assignments (the course project) in which you will act as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical, e-commerce start-up company of your design. A venture capital group has funded this innovative start-up.The CEO has given you 60 days to deliver an information technology project plan in anticipation of the company relocating to a new facility. Since this is a start-up company, currently no building or technology infrastructure exists to support the business. All information technology (hardware and software) must be implemented in a hosted solution, an on-site solution, or a hybrid model. The CEO expects you to integrate different technologies from a variety of partners and incorporate industry best practices to develop the company’s technological systems.

Additional background on the hypothetical companyCompany InformationCurrent StatusGrowth Projections (over next two years)Facility TypeNew facility is a two-story standalone building–Number of Employees1030Revenue$5 million$30 million

Part 1: Project Plan InceptionYou will write a 5–7-page document outlining the project specifics, such as company background information, company business, and an overview of the company’s information systems infrastructure.Part 2: Supporting Gantt ChartYou will use Microsoft Project to create a Gantt chart for your e-commerce company project.Note:

  • You are to create or assume all necessary assumptions to successfully complete this assignment.
  • You must submit both parts as separate files to the assignment area. Label each file name according to the appropriate part.

InstructionsPart 1: Project Plan InceptionIn a 5–7-page project plan inception document, you are to:

  1. Develop your hypothetical e-commerce company’s background information.
    • Refer to this article: Top 10 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the US in 2020, when developing your company’s background information.
      • This article outlines the major types of e-commerce companies in existence. Use this as a guide when deciding what background information to include about your hypothetical e-commerce company in your project plan inception document.
  2. Document your chosen e-commerce company’s business type, customers, and demographic information.
  3. Describe the key elements of your e-commerce company’s information systems infrastructure.
  4. Develop a high-level block diagram of your e-commerce company’s information systems infrastructure.
  5. Use three sources to support your writing.
    • Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
    • Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
    • Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and citation.

Part 2: Supporting Gantt ChartUse Microsoft Project to create a Gantt chart identifying the major and minor tasks, illustrating dependency relationships between activities.FormattingThis course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Note the following:

  • The preferred method is for the project plan inception portion of your assignment to be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
  • Include a source list page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list page is not included in the required page length.

Learning OutcomesThe specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Create an initial information systems project plan for a new startup company





  • Top 10 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the US in 2020
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