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C&C Sports is a family and locally owned sport uniform company based in Texas since 1928.

Reply to this with at least 200 words and reference

C&C Sports is a family and locally owned sport uniform company based in Texas since 1928. Their company started as a sewing operation with intents to provide clothing to workers. Over time, the company found a market niche in manufacturing baseball uniforms and has attributed their continuous success to that. The company is run by the third generation of leadership with relatives running certain management positions.

In conducting a strengths analysis, we find that they are local and do not outsource operations from China. Because of this, they have grown favoritism throughout Texas and have grown a loyal fan base. Product delivery/shipment is also quick and reliable. C&C sports also has a ongoing connection with other vendors in the chain such as Universal Sports which offers marketing, less shipment costs, and additional sales for C&C Sports. Also, due to it’s history and close accounting records, C&C sports has been able to continuously generate income despite sales declining because they were able to understand what to do and that is create less clothes and ultimately, have production expenses reduce.

A weakness analysis displays a lower operating income percentage because it is a smaller firm and therefore can only produce so many clothes and income. In fact, there seems to be an ultimate decline in cash from operations despite income increasing and inventory increasing. There also seems to be a lack of growth and general expansion nationwide as their current business is staying stagnant.

Opportunities arise from C&C Sports’ current weaknesses AND strengths combined. Expansion is necessary in order to generate more revenue. C&C is so customed to occupying their current market niche (baseball apparel) and should look into alternate markets like other sport apparel and equipment even. The company can maintain its core values of not outsourcing but they should look into expanding and networking into other states/stores. The company also should pride themselves on their excellent customer service and high quality items and use those as a main selling point when they do venture into other markets. The company can also utilize various marketing tools from the internet and social media to display their brand.

Threats arise from alternate competitors or sport apparel stores that have been able to carry more than just baseball apparel. Overall, these competitors have occupied a certain portion of the market and C&C’s revenue even if C&C carries exclusive baseball attire (not found in other stores). Another threat that is incoming is the gradual decrease in sales due to the unbalanced operating income percentage. The company should also look into investing into operating activities as their current cash balance is decreasing despite their current method which is trading long term debt for short term debt is only a short-term solution.

It is crucial for C&C Sports to analyze their current financial reports and statements to identify where their strengths can be further utilized and how to correct their weaknesses. It is also important to identify whether or not the third generation President is fully mentally invested and capable in the job as he may no longer what a part of the business and is holding it back. “Thus, it is time to analyze the business’ opportunities and directions to ensure an appropriate match of management and leadership talents with the needs of the company” (Fritz, 1997).


Davis C. E., & Davis E. (2020). Managerial Accounting, Enhanced eText (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-13: 9781119577669

Fritz, R. (1997). Wars of Succession : The Blessings, Curses and Lessons That Family-owned Firms Offer Anyone in Business: Vol. 1st ed. Silver Lake Publishing





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Vestige, Inc. is an online software company that specialize in selling ad spaces in their parent company’s magazine

Length:  Minimum of 600 words

Vestige, Inc. is an online software company that specialize in selling ad spaces in their parent company’s magazine.  Vestige manages an online database that allows their customers to upload and pay for their business ads for magazine placement.  Because Vestige’s database needs to connect to the parent company’s database, the parent company has requested that Vestige system be assessed and verified as secure.

Your company has designated you to be the lead architect for this project because it’s a small company and perfect for your first time.  Since you have spent the past 7 weeks in training to be a System Architect, perform your assessment:

This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.





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The Tea Collection began in 2002 as a children’s clothing wholesaling company.

The Tea Collection began in 2002 as a children’s clothing wholesaling company. The masterminds behind the business, Emily Meyer and Leigh Rawdon, each bring a different quality/strength to the business. Emily the designer and Leigh the entrepreneur both understand the importance of IT in their company and continue to utilize new software to help their business grow. Nearly ten years later, the business is going strong with their leadership, ranked on the Inc Magazine list of fastest growing private companies five years in a row (Laudon, 2014).
One of the technologies The Tea Collection’s sales team is using is Geo-Mapping Software. The program they use allows their team to identify and target new prospects. They are able to easily find regions that are not already over saturated with similar wholesalers. The software is equipped with color coding capabilities that allow the sales team to label different types of opportunities as well as where competitors and their current stores are located.
Even with all of these great technologies issues do sometimes arise. Leigh shared, -The biggest challenges with technologies is integration. So that you have multiple systems and when they don’t integrate automatically then your depending on people to make those connections and that can take a lot of time- (BNET Video, 2009). It is not only important to have systems integrated but also departments. Many times there is different terminology, acronyms and processing within one company. These inconsistencies cause major problems when firms ask questions that span multiple systems or multiple subunits, thwarting their ability to make coordinated, organization-wide responses to today’s business problems (Goodhue, 1992). By having systems that are fully integrated business owners are able to lower overhead and function in an efficient manner.

  1. Suggest 5 key software applications used by the Tea collection ?
    (under each key write how it will be helpful or useful in this particular application or software)
  2. Q3: Do you believe this company can continue to grow rapidly with the existing software and hardware they have demonstrated in this case? Why yes or why not?
    (whether yes or no you have to explain deeply your point with three valued reasons)





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The Company Policy regarding Alcohol/Drug Testing

You are a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm. The firm is devising a new employee handbook. You have been asked to create two sections:

  1. The Company Policy regarding Alcohol/Drug Testing
  2. The Company Policy regarding Employer Monitoring of Employees

Formulate these policies in a single document, reflecting an understanding of course materials and credible outside research.

Include and cite applicable laws for each topic as the basis for the policy. You may use federal, state, or case law as the foundation for your work. Following is a list of topics you may want to consider in your policies:

  • Pre-employment drug/alcohol testing
  • Random drug/alcohol testing
  • Procedure for employees who disagree with results of drug/alcohol Testing
  • Drug/alcohol procedure for contracted government employees who work in satellite offices
  • Drug testing in states with legal marijuana use
  • Monitoring of employee desktop computers
  • Monitoring of employee personal social media use
  • Monitoring of employee cell phone and company car

Note: Do not cut and paste an existing policy.

Create your own 1,050-word policy, using APA format for the cover page and references. Both policies should be included in a single document with subheadings to delineate “Alcohol/Drug Testing” and “Employee Monitoring.”





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Redbrick is a technology company that specializes in software and technology development

In this assignment, you will create a package of social media content for a client.

Redbrick is a technology company that specializes in software and technology development, marketing, content marketing and digital publishing. And Clicky is a web that create to help customer run a/b testing so that find the best way to advertise the product.

Section 1: Content Package Theme

Write 50 words to summarize the theme of the package and the client you’re doing it for.

Section 2: Blog Post

Insert the 300-350 web article here.

1. They are not advertising per se: These are things that the organization is trying to raise awareness of, not “promotional offers” – although they may involve offers

2. They are not general promotion of a business. They are focused on the needs of the audience.

Like: What is a/b testing? How does it work?

Section 3: Social Media


Insert your Facebook Post here – just the text and image. Remember to make the image aspect ratios correct for the platform.

Text: Write your 40-80 character Facebook post text here


A picture containing dog, mammal  Description automatically generated

Facebook Justification: Write a 50-75 word justification as to why you did your Facebook post the way you did.


Insert your three Tweets here, text and image. Remember to make the image aspect ratios correct for the platform.

Tweet #1 Text: Insert the text of your first tweet here. Maximum 280 characters, 70-100 is ideal.

Tweet #1 Image:

Tweet #2 Text: Insert the text of your second tweet here. Maximum 280 characters, 70-100 is ideal.

Tweet #2 Image:

Tweet #3 Text: Insert the text of your third tweet here. Maximum 280 characters, 70-100 is ideal.

Tweet #3 Image

Twitter Justification: Write a 50-75 word justification as to why you did your Tweets the way you did.


Insert your three Instagram posts here, text and image. Remember to make the image aspect ratios correct for the platform.

Instagram Post #1 Caption: Insert the caption of your first Instagram post here. While 2200 characters are allowed, 150 are recommended.

Instagram Post #1 Image:

Instagram Post #2 Caption: Insert the caption of your second Instagram post here. While 2200 characters are allowed, 150 are recommended.

Instagram Post #2 Image:

Instagram Post #3 Caption: Insert the caption of your third Instagram post here here. While 2200 characters are allowed, 150 are recommended.

Instagram Post #3 Image:

Instagram Justification: Write a 50-75 word justification as to why you did your Instagram posts the way you did.

Section 4: Content Calendar & Justification

Include a 150 word justification for your content calendar: why did you schedule things the way you did?

Your content calendar can be inserted right in this document or included as a separate file. If you did include it as a separate file, let me know.

Section 5: References

Include the sources of your images here. For Morguefile, Unsplash, Canva or other places where an attribution is not required, you only need to list the website.

For example:

· Facebook post, Tweet 1, Tweet 2, Instagram Post 1, Instagram Post 2: Unsplash

· Tweet 3, Instagram Post 3: Morguefile





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Jake Johnson’s Company has been seen to have a profit of 200% in a period of only two years.

Complete 3 pages APA formatted article: Business Law.

Jake Johnson’s Company has been seen to have a profit of 200% in a period of only two years. This information has been doctored and therefore the financial statement of the media company should be suspended or be prevented from use. The plan by Johnny Jones to start a new Ethanol manufacturing plant is not a plan that has been included in the company’s registration statement and therefore such a plan should be prevented and suspended. Section 11 of the Securities Exchange act states that it will be deemed unlawful for any person who is a member of any securities exchange to make a transaction on such an exchange for his own account, that of an associated person, or exercises investment discretion.

In this case, Joan is acting in the capacity of a market maker in that she is a stockbroker and therefore such a transaction can be seen been unlawful. Johnny also does not have any authorization to conduct such transactions in ethanol neither does he comply with the rules of the commission. A registration that is made under the exchange act entitles one to make periodic and current reports regarding the company. This is the duty to disclose which is made public for a market evaluation of the specific company together with the way the company conducts the pricing of its securities (Smith, Washburne, & Pham).

Johnny Jones does not disclose periodic and current reports for the company that has expanded instead he is seen to enrich their stock portfolio which is taken as an unlawful activity. The Securities Act provides a penalty of not more than $10,000 upon conviction while the security exchange act provides that any person or anyone who becomes associated with someone who violates the requirements of the act or makes a false and misleading statement with regard to the act will be liable to a fine of $ 5,000,000 or imprisonment that does not exceed 20 years.

In this case, Jonny Jones, Joan, and Jake will be liable to such fines and even imprisonment for the violation of the Securities Act and the Securities Exchange Act. They do not have reports for their Ethanol manufacturing thus, they contravened the duty to disclose. Johnny also made a misleading statement to his secretary. Class action suits occur whereby so many plaintiffs sue the same defendant over the same subject matter. In this case, a class action suit is likely to arise because the defendants violated so the provisions of the Security Exchange Act, the current company, and the investor who doctored his company documents.

He is responsible for giving the wrong amount of profit by over 100% and he, therefore, participated in triple profit disgorgement. Joan is likely to be held liable for insider trading as all the components of the fraudulent activity were taking place when she was still a stockbroker and she could have disclosed such information relating to securities to others. It is unethical for an investor to participate in profit disgorgement just as it is for a stoke broker to involve herself in insider trading.

More so, a certified public accountant should not alter any documents or statements of account or issue any misleading documents. Johnny, Joan, and Jake had a fiduciary role to play in the committal of acts that are deemed to be in violation of the Security Exchange Act together with the Security Act as they were all participating as beneficiaries in the commission of the said fraudulent acts. If there were any one of them who did not benefit then they would be excluded as a fiduciary participant.

Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, a person who is found to have violated the provisions of this act shall be fined or imprisoned for a period of not more than 25years.In this regard, suitable sentencing would be under the Securities Exchange Act whereby the fine and the imprisonment fit the violations that Johnny, Jake, and Joan engaged in





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Mojave Manufacturing Company

Mojave Manufacturing Company (MMC) is considering the introduction of a new product. Before deciding, they would like you to do a risk analysis of the situation to assess whether the introduction of the new product is a good idea for the company. The (annual) fixed cost to begin production of the new product is $32,000. The variable cost for the product is uniformly distributed between $15 and $25 per unit. The product will sell for $50 per unit. Annual demand for the product is best described by a normal distribution with a mean of 1300 units and a standard deviation of 375 units. (Assume they produce exactly enough units to meet the annual demand.) 

a. Develop an @RISK simulation model and run it for 1,000 iterations. 

b. According to your simulation results what is the expected annual profit? 

c. According to the simulation results what is the probability of making a loss on this new product?

 d. Would you recommend MMC introduce this new product? Defend your decision using the simulation output data. 

e. How many iterations would you need to estimate expected annual profit for this new product within $50 for a 95 percent confidence level?

Cuban Investors buys real estate, develops it, and resells it for a profit. A new property is available, and Mark Cuban, the president and owner of Cuban Investors, believes it can be sold for $160,000. The current property owner asked for bids and stated that the property will be sold for the highest bid in excess of $100,000. Two competitors will be submitting bids for the property. Cuban does not know what the competitors will bid, but he assumes for planning purposes that the amount bid by each competitor will be uniformly distributed between $100,000 and $150,000. Cuban is considering submitting a bid of anywhere between $120000 and $150000 (in increments of $5000) for the property. He has consulted you to help him decide upon the “right” amount to bid for the property in order to maximize his expected profit. 

a. Let’s assume that Cuban decides to bid $120000. Build a simulation model corresponding to the above scenario and run it for 5000 iterations to answer parts b, c, and d. 

b. Based on your simulation model what is the probability that Cuban will be able to obtain the property with the bid of 120,000? 

c. Please provide a 95% confidence interval on your probability estimate from part b. 

d. What is the expected profit associated with the bid of $120,000?

 e. Rerun your simulation model (5000 iterations each time) using bid amounts of $125000, $130,000, $135,000, $140,000, $145,000 and $150,000. You can either run each simulation separately or use risksimtable as discussed in the live session. Based on these simulations which bid amount value would you recommend to Mark Cuban in order to maximize his expected profit?





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Infamous Enron accounting scandal and discuss how the company fraudulently reported their financials

1 Do some research regarding the infamous Enron accounting scandal and discuss how the company fraudulently reported their financials, with specific emphasis on the issues surrounding consolidation and variable interest entities.  Note: FIN 46R 

2.What is the difference between a companies market value and book value?  How is the market value and the book value related to earnings per share?  What is the market value and the book value for the public companys : McDonalds, Ford Motor Co.,, Walmart   Why is there a difference in this number?  

please reference and site





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U.S. public company that you are familiar with or one in which you may have an interest

Assignment Overview Choose a U.S. public company that you are familiar with or one in which you may have an interest. You will now have the opportunity to apply some of the concepts reviewed in the pr

Assignment Overview

Choose a U.S. public company that you are familiar with or one in which you may have an interest. You will now have the opportunity to apply some of the concepts reviewed in the prior modules to the financial statements of a company of your choice. The background material in Modules 2 and 3 cover the concepts relating to the balance sheet and income statement.

Case Assignment


  • Briefly explain your interest in the company and its business.
  • Go to the company’s website and locate the most recent annual financial statement (10-K or Annual Report). Include a screenshot of the website and a link to the financial statement in your write-up.
  • Download and save the financial statement. Submit the file as separate file as part of the assignment.
  • Does the corporation have an operating income or loss?
  • What is the amount of total assets on the balance sheet?
  • What type of the information is found in Statement of shareholders equity?
  • What type of the information is found in Statement of cash flows?
  • How is the statement of cash flow different than the income statement?
  • The report includes a lot of information in addition to the financial statements. Provide examples of two other kinds of content and makes a brief comment about each example.

Assignment Expectations

Respond to all questions showing your computations and/or using your own words. Do not use an essay format.





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A footwear manufacturer company wanted to know if they made the right choice in terms of product mix and media placement.

A footwear manufacturer company wanted to know if they made the right choice in terms of product mix and media placement. Their retailers are a mix of department stores as well as boutique shops. They place advertisements on multiple platforms; TV, print, digital, PR and email. Your company were hired for the project and your boss have decided on the following approach:

Data Analytic team: Data analytics combining store level sales data with marketing spend data

Store team: Visit key retailers/stores and examining store displays as well as in-store promotional materials

Communication team: Examining the client’s and its competitors media and communication materials

The findings and recommendations from all the teams will be combined in a single report and presented to the clients. They were given TWO months to complete the project.


Prepare the following:

a)Work breakdown structure

b)Gantt Chart





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