Using the organization you selected in Week 1, review its corporate website and at least 2 other sources of information on the organization, including information on market trends.
Note: Review Strategic Management-8 Most Popular Cases in Connect. Access the case studies from the folder on the main course page in Blackboard.
Complete a SWOT analysis for your chosen company using the SWOT Analysis Template.
Write a 525- to 700-word summary of your findings on the SWOT Analysis template. Use information from the SWOT analysis as well as what you have learned about your business’s structure, culture, and interrelationships to write the summary. Your summary should:
Explain how you would match the business’s strengths to its opportunities.
Analyze how you would convert the business’s weaknesses into strengths.
Explain the actions the business needs to take to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage.
Analyze interrelationships among distinct functional areas of the organization and how it may affect your SWOT analysis.
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Fictional Company Website (for a real product)– create a website for an existing product presenting the product as if you created it yourself and you own the business.
You will create a multi-page company website with the following pages:
Every Page on your site needs:
· Title
· Heading
· A link back to the homepage (except the homepage which needs links to every other part of the site.
Index.html – this will be the default landing page –
· it should have links to all of the other pages
· an image of your product
· a heading that suggests using a promo code for some % off.
· A link back to the homepage (index.html)
Our Product – information about your
· It should include an underordered list of your products features
· A paragraph explaining the purpose of your product
· Should include an embedded youtube video that is either a review or advertisement for you product.
· A link back to the homepage (index.html)
About US – discuss your background – pretend you invented this and you are the CEO
· Include a picture of yourself
· A paragraph with your fictional background with a story of how you invented this product
· A paragraph explaining what you did before inventing this product (who did you work for…where did you attend school etc. Place a div around this paragraph and give it the class name “mystory”. In your CSS file, make the mystory class and create a rule that sets the font to be italic.
· A link back to the homepage (index.html)
Pricing – Should include a table with pricing for various versions of the product.
· You must include at least 3 different versions of the product
· The price for each version of the product
· A working link where you can purchase the product
· You should set the ID of the row with the best deal as the id name “bestdeal” (you will need to create the best deal id later on in your css file
· A link back to the homepage (index.html)
Style.css – make your style sheet and make sure that all of your pages are linked to it
· ID named bestdeal should set the background color to a different color and should change the font to bold
· Class named mystory should set the font to be italic
· A rule that sets all links to be the color SeaGreen
· A rule that changes font of all the pages body to Arial
· A rule that sets the heading of all pages to be #0000DD
Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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The objective is to complete a written plan that will suggest a practical Strategic Direction for a company.
Term Project Description
This course requires the completion of a comprehensive Strategic Plan.
You have a choice to use either an existing company or a fictitious company. In either case, the Project is to complete a written plan that will suggest a practical Strategic Direction for the company.
The Plan will have 7 sections. The 6 sections will reflect each of the 6 TCOs plus a bibliography. Each section will be 2 – 3 pages in standard business proposal format.
The sections are:
Strategy (TCO F)
Core Competencies (TCO C)
Industry Dynamics (TCO A)
Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation (TCO D)
Product Development Strategy (TCO E)
Strategy to protect innovations (TCO B)
A bibliography listing your references for the project
TCO F – Given an organizational and industry context, identify and suggest a deployment strategy that will facilitate the success of a technologically driven organization.
This is the most important part of the project, because it sets the direction for all other sections. In this section, you establish the strategy for an organization.
Often people refer to this component as the “Vision” or “Mission” of a company, but it is not. The Vision for a company could be that you want to be a market leader. However, the technology strategy tells everyone how you will achieve that market leadership. The technology strategy tells the various stakeholders – employees, customers, community, and stockholders – what you are going to do to achieve that market leadership. This strategy should be very clear and easy to understand so that everyone will be “on the same page” when it comes to working together toward that goal.
In this section, you should describe what “SHOULD” be the strategy of a technologically driven company. You should focus specifically on the technology strategy. You should think about all the things we learned in the class that will determine a strategy that will help the company succeed.
Remember that you can use either an existing company or a fictitious company. If you choose to use an existing company, you can visit their web site to see if their strategy is listed. Or you can do a web search on their technology strategy to see if anyone has written any stories about their strategy. For a fictitious company, you should make up a technology strategy that fits that type of company.
Examples of a Technology Strategy:
Verizon Wireless – Have the best network of all wireless carriers
Honda – Build the best engines
Keller – Deploy the best Internet based on-line and blended education technology, not build it, not own it, but use a 3rd party to provide it
Intel – Have the fastest and most powerful CPUs
The key is to be able to describe the strategy in a 1 or 2 sentence summary and in detail as well. The description should start or end with the simple sentence statement of the technology strategy. However, there must be sufficient detail to explain why that is the right strategy.
Section 2 – Core Competencies
TCO C – Given an organizational and industry context, identify the core technological competencies of the organization.
Like all subsequent sections of the project, this section is based on the Strategy Section.
Verizon Wireless Strategy is the having the best Network. Thus, the core competencies will be built around the network. Things like RF Engineers and wireless security experts would be detailed
Intel’s strategy is to build the fastest most powerful CPUs. Thus their core competencies will be built around CPU engineering
Keller’s strategy is to deploy the best on-line education technology. Thus their core competencies would be things like educational technology evaluation and on-line education curriculum development
The best way to do this section is to apply the three tests of a core competency (page 123) to the strategy that you detailed in the Strategy Section.
Section 3 Industry Dynamics
TCO A – Given a company situation be able to describe the industry dynamics of technological innovation.
Here you should take the strategy identified in Section 1 and describe in detail why that is the right strategy based on what is occurring in the industry. Provide as much detail as possible as to the industry trends and why you think those trends are important.
Section 4 – Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation
TCO D – Given an organizational context, develop a plan to increase the innovative capabilities of the organization both through collaboration strategies and internal innovation.
Here you would offer ideas as to what is the best way to “Source” the technology that supports the strategy. A complete discussion about how best to manage the innovative capabilities of the company being described is required.
Section 5 – Product Development Strategy
TCO E – Given information about a company’s industry, and organization, formulate a technological innovation strategy through its new product development strategy.
Product Development is very important to an organization. This section will describe how the company will structure its product development. Obviously, the kind of structure will be determined directly by the technology strategy stated in Section 1.
Section 6 Strategy to protect innovations
TCO B – Given a company situation be able to determine whether and how to protect its technological innovations.
Using the things learned in the class, describe how you would use patents, trade secrets, copyrights, etc. to protect the Intellectual Property (IP) required to support the strategy.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page.
Don’t forget to cite your sources properly, both parenthetically and in your bibliography/works cited. If you need assistance with proper citation, the following web site may be beneficial:
An Evaluation of Microsoft’s Practical Strategic Plan
Laying out a desired future, a strategic plan translates an organization’s mission and vision into stipulated goal, objectives and actions. Hence the strategic plan is a document that communicates an organization’s strategy, core competencies as well as the industry dynamics. The document also stipulates the company’s sourcing, innovation and its protection as well as product development strategy. This strategic plan will map out Microsoft’s strategic direction.
Founded in 1975 by Bill Gates to sell a version of BASIC programming language, Microsoft is one of the pioneers in the technology industry and has been one of the leading technological companies for a few decades; being number one in the software market.
Microsoft’s strategy is“to build best-in-class platforms and productivity services for a mobile-first, cloud-first world. Our platforms willharmonize the interests of end users, developers and IT better than any competing ecosystem or platform” said Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft during launch of the company’s new mission, vision and strategy in 2015 (Bishop, 2015).
By building “best-in-class platforms and productivity services”, Microsoft aims to maintain its position as a leader in the technology industry. But unlike when it was a market leader because of Windows operating system (hereafter referred to as Windows) which was ubiquitous, the new strategy looks to identify certain niches in which it will be the “best-in-class”(Liqouri, 2011).
The niches the company is targetingthus far in terms of platforms are tablets, mobile phones, play consoles, and fitness bands. Notably, all these products are “mobile-first”, meaning that they are easy to carry around. They are also “cloud-first” in that they can easily be connected to the internet.
In so doing, Microsoft has consolidated its strengths which are productivity services. It has also taken advantage of opportunities emerging in the industry, namely mobile and cloud. Windows has faced stiff competition from such operating systems as Linux, Android and iOS; increasingly becoming a weak area for Microsoft. Hence its decision to offer Windows free is timely. On the other hand, Microsoft has not been making the traditional office platforms such as mainframes, desktops and even laptops(Mitt et al., 2012). Venturing here would see it face huge threats from the entrenched players such as HP, Lenovo and Dell.
Apart from Windows, Microsoft offersother “productivity services” such as the ever-popular Microsoft Office suite (Office) and server services. Built into these services are various products such as databases, web hosting and applications. These are all available in Microsoft’s cloud service Microsoft Azure(Liqouri, 2011).
The company integrates the platforms and services to “harmonize the interests of end users, developers and IT better than any competing ecosystem or platform”. This is in line with its stated mission“to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more”.
Apart from enabling it to compete effectively by utilizing on its strengths and opportunities, Microsoft stops being in direct conflict with its competitors, and in fact collaborates with them. Windows continues to be the preferred operating system for traditional platforms and Microsoft allows Android and other OS’s on its platforms. So the company’s “productivity services” are able to get onto other platforms, while other services are also available on its platforms; while still maintaining a market leadership position by offering an experience that is “better than any competing ecosystem or platform”.
Core Competencies
Core competencies are a combination of knowledge, skills and resources that enable an organization to compete effectively as well as grow. They ease market access, add value to a product so as to benefit the customer and are difficult for competitors to imitate (Srivastava, 2005).
One of Microsoft’s core competencies is having good innovators. The company revolutionized computing when it developedWindows, an operating system that still continues to have a huge market share due to continuous innovation(Liqouri, 2011). Its Office suite has also seen the company set and maintain the pace in word processing, spreadsheets and databases. The launch and consequent dominance of the market by the popular Windows, Office and SQL solutions shows the company is a continuous innovator, updating and upgrading these products to be in line with new developments in the industry (Fai, 2011).
The innovation has been aided by strong research and development at Microsoft. Microsoft’s applications, operations and infrastructure are well-researched, consistent and are trusted to support business goals for other companies. Research and development enables Microsoft to innovatively apply technology, developing products that are efficient and easy to use (Fai, 2011). This technological innovation enables the company to come up with unique platforms and services. As Nadella notes, “We will be insatiable in our desire to learn from the outside and bring that knowledge into Microsoft, while still innovating to surprise and delight our users.”
Microsoft’s customer reach has made it get unparalleled feedback from a variety of customers, from IT novices to professionals, enabling it to develop brands that resonate with users. Its Beta versions are mainly installed by IT professionals who find solutions to bugs through Microsoft’s online communities. The company also constantly carries out surveys among its users, especially those who use its platforms and services as well as those visiting its website.
This culture to learn and develop its brands is espoused by Nadella, “We need to be always learning and insatiably curious. We need to be willing to lean in to uncertainty, take risks and move quickly when we make mistakes, recognizing failure happens along the way to mastery. And we need to be open to the ideas of others, where the success of others does not diminish our own.” Consequently, Microsoft’s Windows, Office, server and cloud services are among the most researched, trusted and popular in their categories(Liqouri, 2011)..
Microsoft certificates that are awarded to individuals who excel in various Microsoft technologies are recognized in many IT industries across the world. They are requirements for career progression in certain countries.Microsoft ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Strategic Direction for a company.
Throughout this course, you worked toward a course project by creating and sharing information with your colleagues and creating plans to help your organization. Your supervisor has been so impressed with your work that she has asked you to create a company-wide plan on team-building strategies.
Your plan will include the following items: ◾an introduction that includes a description of your organization, ◾tips for goal setting and what you see as the leader’s role in helping employees reach their performance goals, ◾ways to apply the Five Cs, ◾strategies for effective communication, ◾approaches to create or improve team rewards, ◾tips for minimizing conflict, and ◾tips for overcoming resistance to change.
Your plan must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the titleand reference pages. Feel free to be creative with your plan. You may also useideas from previous units but do not copy and paste previous assignments tocreate this plan. You are required to use at least two outside sources, and one may be your course textbook. All outside sources used must be cited andreferenced according to APA guidelines.
Textbook: McShane, S. L., & Von Glinow, M. A. (2018). Organizational behavior: Emerging knowledge, global reality (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
In today’s business environment, team building has become a necessity as organizations are looking to develop team-based structures, which stimulate improvements in profitability, productivity, and service quality. Team-based improvements in the organization make every effort also to improve results for customers. As such, team building involves diverse activities that are specifically designed to enhance team performance since it aims at bringing out the best in a team, for instance, self-development, leadership skills, positive communication, and the capacity to solve problems (McShane, & Von Glinow, 2018). XYZ Group is a diversified international insurance company employing approximately 10,000 employees. The company offers a wide range of products and services such as personal automobile insurance, workers’ compensation, commercial peril insurance, among others.
Goal Setting Tips and Leader’s Role in Helping Employees Reach Their Performance Goals
Success is achieved through setting goals because they provide focus and direction. In addition, it provides a benchmark that determines whether a person or an organization is actually succeeding. Goal setting begins with careful consideration of what needs to be achieved. First, it is vital that you set goals that motivate, that is, establishing why they are valuable and imperative. The other tip is establishing SMART goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Goals also need to be in writing to make them real and tangible (McShane, & Von Glinow, 2018). Finally, develop an action plan and stick to it. As such, you can establish built-in reminders to keep you on track and regular evaluation and re-adjustment of your goals if necessary.
Talking of goal setting, it is common knowledge that it is a leader’s responsibility to help employees set and reach their goals. By establishing and monitoring employees’ targets, it gives them a real-time input in their performance, and it encourages and motivates them to achieve more. First, connect employees’ goals to the company’s set goals. It is the role of a leader to show them how their goals are contributing to the broader corporate strategy. The other role is making sure the goals set are attainable but challenging and then help them create a plan for achieving the goals by breaking the goals down to achievable tasks. Finally, it is the responsibility of a leader to monitor their progress…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Create a company-wide plan on team-building strategies
Eaton Using the Internet and Strayer University databases, research the selected company from its inception to current-day operations. Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:
Evaluate two (2) key changes in the selected company\’s management style from the company\’s inception to the current day. Indicate whether or not you believe the company is properly managed today. Provide support for your position.
Explain senior management\’s role in preparing the organization for its most recent change. Provide evidence of whether the transition was seamless or problematic from a management perspective. Provide support for your rationale.
Evaluate management\’s decision on its use of vendors and spokespersons. Indicate the organizational impact of these decisions.
As a manager within the selected company, suggest one (1) innovative idea that could have a positive impact on both the employees and customers of the company. Indicate the approach you will take in implementing the new idea. Provide support for your suggestion.
Predict the selected company\’s ability to adapt to the changing needs of customers and the market environment. Indicate one (1) key change in the management structure that may be beneficial to ensuring such an adaptation to change. Provide support for your prediction.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Please ensure references include page numbers. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student\’s name, the professor\’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: • Analyze the activities and skills associated with the planning function of management. • Analyze the activities and skills associated with the organizing function of management. • Use technology and information resources to research issues in modern management. • Write clearly and concisely about modern management using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the attached rubric.
The following paper will focus on the management of Eaton Corporation. Eaton was founded in 1911 by J.O.Eaton. It is a power management company that provides energy efficient solutions to customers. It enables them to manage electrical, hydraulics and mechanical power efficiently. The company products are in electrical, hydraulics, aerospace and vehicles. The company started as a small trucks supplier and to date is a multinational power management company specializing in aerospace, hydraulic, trucks, automotive and electrical.
Key Changes in Eaton’s Management Style
Since inception the company has undergone a number of key changes. The most notable key change in Eaton’s management style is the Eaton Business System (EBS). This is the company’s integrated operated company philosophy. It is how management runs the company and how its employees work. The EBS is based on the belief in standard processes and a point of view that can be taught. The system ensures that……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Company\’s management style ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Respond to the four writing prompts below. Your responses must include information from your course materials and from outside research, including at least two resources from the Waldorf Online Library and at least two online sources. Suggestions for online sources can be found in Appendix 12.A in your textbook. The Waldorf Online Library can be found in the myWaldorf Student Portal. The library offers several research resources, such as short tutorials on subject research guides and accessing the library. You can also reach out to the librarians at 1. Create a case study summary of the company you have chosen including a general overview of the company and its external environment, a list of its current strategies and objectives, and a financial analysis of the company using ratio analysis. 2. If the company continues with its present strategies and objectives, where will it be in five years? 3. If you were the CEO of the company, what strategies would you recommend and why? 4. Describe the competitive strategies used by the company’s main competitors. Which of these strategies are the most effective? How can your company combat these strategies? Support your answers
Google (Google Inc.) is a Delaware corporation founded by Larry Page andSergey Brinin 1998 with its headquarters located at Mountain View, California. Initially, Google was mainly an internet search engine technology provider, but the corporation has expanded its services to include several collection of products and services(Ryan, 2012). The name Google originated from a misspelled googol which is a mathematical term that refers to 1 and followed by 100 zeros. The founders found the term appealing because it aligned with the company’s mission which is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. Sun Microsystems funded the development of Google at the cost of $100,000. The primary objective of Brin and Page, the founders of Google was to create a giant internet engine.
Currently, Google has been the better internet search engine because it provide quality service better that its competitors such as Yahoo. By 2000, Google had gained international attention because users were able to search information from 15 different language. This also followed the release of Google toolbar in late 2000. The then board chairman Eric Schmidt joined Google team in March 2001, when the company entered into a partnership with Apple Inc. As part of growth, Google released Adwords in 2002, which introduced a new pricing cost per click for advertising(Latif, Hassan, Latif, Ras………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Ron Cardigan, son of Camille and Ray (Camille’s first husband) has met with Camille and Candie to form a limited liability company designed to be a place where young future clothing designers can work as part of an internship before entering fashion design school. Ron contributes 40% of the capital, and Camille and Candie each contribute 30%. Because it was Ron’s idea, he assumes he will receive more of the profits than Camille and Candie. Further, his contribution was greater than each of theirs. Camille and Candie feel they should all split the profits equally, as everyone has a unique talent that is being brought forth to run the new business. A dispute over the profits arises, and ultimately a court has to decide the issue. Determine the following: What law will the court apply? In most states, what form a limited liability company will result? How could this dispute have been avoided in the first place? Assess fully. Justify your answer using information from your Reading and be sure to: Assess the laws that govern the limited liability companies [Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (ULLCA)]. Evaluate how these laws frame our scenario and how a court would rule. Conclude how Ron, Camille, and Candie could have avoided the dispute by creating an operating agreement and integrating operating procedures into a written agreement.Urgency
The court will determine whether Ron, Camille and Candie are member-managed LLC or a manager-managed LLC. This is crucial for the court to determine because “most LLC statutes and ULLCA provides that unless the articles of organization specify otherwise, an LLC is assumed to be member managed”(Miller, 2013). If Ron, Camille and Candie are member-managed LLC, the decision making process requires majority vote. The member-managed LLC is the appropriate for this kind of partnership. Since the three had no agreement on how to share the profit. This means that the court will apply LLC laws that govern how a partnership business is managed including sharing of profit.
In the case of Uniform Limited Liability company Act, the court may not apply it because less than one fifth adopted the Act. Therefore………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Miller, R. L. (2013). Cengage Advantage Books: Fundamentals of Business Law: Summarized Cases, 9th Edition. Cengage.
1. You are in a meeting with your vice president. Someone keeps referring to an upcoming critical company effort as a project, a program, and as an operation. Your VP turns to you and asks you if there are differences between the three and, if so, what are they? Explain the differences to the group, emphasizing why there is a difference between projects and programs and/or operations. In doing this, define a project. What are four characteristics that help differentiate projects from other functions carried out in the daily operations of the organization? 2.Review the project management framework in table 3-1 of the PMBOK in chapter 1. There An upcoming critical company effort are several knowledge areas associated with planning. Take 3 of these knowledge areas and explain the benefits of planning activities under the planning process group and how they can contribute to project success?
Difference Between Projects, Programs and Routine Operations
Projects, programs and routine operations are essential components of a business, an organization or a company. In many occasions, many people use these terms interchangeably, but in real sense these terms are different(Kerzner, 2013). A project is described as temporary short-term or long-term undertaking aimed at improving or creating unique brand, product or service. The temporary nature of the project determines the definite start and the closing of the undertaking. On the other hand, a program is defined as conglomeration of related projects running concurrently in a coordinated manner with the key objective of obtaining benefits and control which could have been challenging to manage them separately as individuals. As oppose to project which operates within its defined scope, a program can include elements that are outside the scope(Meredith & Mantel Jr, 2011). This means that the program will always have projects but a project can or cannot be part of the program. Routine operations are defined as organizational function performing
Using enjoy living company complete below Part of a marketing plan includes the creation of a realistic marketing budget. The more specific and accurate your numbers, the better chance you have to meet your projected budget. How much do you intend to spend on your marketing? You may break this down by quarter for one year. On what will you be spending your marketing budget? How will you measure the ROI for each approach? Be very specific in terms of where you will market, how much each type will cost (do your research here, and cite it), and how you will know its effectiveness (more than simply the number of hits). What ethical considerations in promoting your product or service should be considered based on vulnerable populations?
This starts with the development of realistic budget for advertising and promotion ideas. This will be achieved through the use of general rule of thumb which requires that allocation of about 5 to 10 % of expected annual revenues. However, the percentage of allocation can change drastically depending with the industry. The Enjoy Living company uses market analysis to determine the percentage indicators(Covello & Hazelgren, 2006). The company will include good mixture of promotion items in the advertising campaign because the budget is relatively small. The company intends to spend a budget of about $150,000 to $200,000 per year. As a result, the company will use stamps, brochures, envelopes, letterheads and business cards. These items will create awareness and give the business plenty of exposure with the use of limited resources.
Selling tactics This is the strategy that the company will use to deliver the products and services to the market. This means that the company must identify and create a unique selling advantage. The first step is to establish the effec…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Using enjoy living company 1.What are your monthly sales? Provide supporting calculations for how you reached your sales figure, and assure the calculations are realistic. For example, you might expect 100 visitors to your store the first month, 150 the second (and so forth) and they will each spend an average of $20. For the year, that might total $100,000. 2.Pick your top five expenses. How have you determined your expenses? Be specific, and back up your assumptions with research. For example, if you will be renting, what are the going rates for rentals? How much will electricity and other utilities cost? What salaries will you pay and what perks will you give employees? What is your salary or intended draw from the company?
Its is anticipated that Enjoy Living will receive an average of 5 patients daily, which translate to 150 patients a month. For the service and products, each patient will be charged $1000 per visit. This means that the earning will averaging $150,000 per month; (150*$1000 = $150,000)(Johnson & Skjold, 2014). The general outlook of the industry showed that a starting company will receive 3 to 5 patients in the first month, but the number increases based on the marketing strategy adopted by the company. Therefore, in the second month, Enjoy Living anticipate to increase the number of patients to 10 per day. This means that the sales of the company will increase to $1000 per day and $300,000 per month. The first five leading expenses are salaries ($21,285.83), Rent ($60,000), outside service ($12,000), Repairs and Maintenance ($6,850), and Accounting and Legal (6,480). These expenses weredetermined based on the number of workforces the company will employ in the first month and the number of patients the company will receive per month as well as the facilities needed to provide high quality services(Johnson & Skjold, 2014). For example, the company will be renting three building each at $20,000. per month. Research showed that rent rates in midtown Manhattan, New York is averaging $1000 per…………………………………………………………………………………………………