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cyber threat intelligence products that could be used at your company

As a cyber security professional, you will be asked to evaluate different appliances, programs, and methodologies and provide feedback to your colleagues as to whether or not they are good for the company you represent.For this module’s assignment, you are to search for commercially available cyber threat intelligence products that could be used at your company. (Some examples of vendors are Crowdstrike, ThreatQ, Threatstream, and there are many more!) You are to prepare a 2-3 page report that answers the following specific questions:

  • What gap does this product address for your company?
  • What is the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)?
  • What is the ROI (Return on Investment) and how long until it is realized?
  • What product do you recommend your company adopt? Why?

Your 2-3 page report can be organized and formatted in any manner you think best answers the questions, but it must be succinct and to the point. While relying on the content of this module will be essential, a large amount of research will be necessary to ensure your report is current with relevant technologies. Feel free to contact vendors and get them to give you a sales pitch. Part of this exercise is to also evaluate vendors. This report will further inform your final project proposal which is due at the end of Module 7




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  cyber threat intelligence products that could be used at your company

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What gap does this product address for your company?

As a cyber security professional, you will be asked to evaluate different appliances, programs, and methodologies and provide feedback to your colleagues as to whether or not they are good for the company you represent.For this module’s assignment, you are to search for commercially available cyber threat intelligence products that could be used at your company. (Some examples of vendors are Crowdstrike, ThreatQ, Threatstream, and there are many more!) You are to prepare a 2-3 page report that answers the following specific questions:

  • What gap does this product address for your company?
  • What is the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)?
  • What is the ROI (Return on Investment) and how long until it is realized?
  • What product do you recommend your company adopt? Why?

Your 2-3 page report can be organized and formatted in any manner you think best answers the questions, but it must be succinct and to the point. While relying on the content of this module will be essential, a large amount of research will be necessary to ensure your report is current with relevant technologies. Feel free to contact vendors and get them to give you a sales pitch. Part of this exercise is to also evaluate vendors. This report will further inform your final project proposal which is due at the end of Module 7





  • What gap does this product address for your company?
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    The Lego Group is a privately owned company based in Denmark and produces toys for both children and adults that are based on building structures from interlocking plastic bricks

    ACCT6004 Finance Session 3, 2021
    Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2
    This assignment has a 25% weighting in your overall mark for this unit and focuses on content from Topics 6, 7 and 8. The assignment will be marked out of 25 and marks will be allocated as indicated in the rubric on page 4. Your total assignment submission will consist of a word document and a spreadsheet.
    Case information
    The assignment is based on the case information below. While the company Lego, does exist, the financial data as well as the scenario in this case study are fictitious1, however the context is not. Many businesses and government departments face similar investment decisions in order to remain competitive as well as being more environmentally and socially responsible.
    The Lego Group is a privately owned company based in Denmark and produces toys for both children and adults that are based on building structures from interlocking plastic bricks.
    The company is in the process of becoming more environmentally conscious and moving away from the issue of traditional style plastic bricks that take many years to breakdown and using plant based materials from sustainable sources to manufacture their toys. This strategy aligns with their goal of tackling climate change issues.
    This product (BIOLego) is totally new to the market and no other competitor has yet to initiate a ‘lego’ style product like it. The benefits of this product are that they are made from sustainable plant products and recycled plastics that are protecting the soils, waterways and oceans. For this reason, The Lego Group believes that this product will cost more to produce and install than its existing manufacturing capability and has more risk involved with its rollout into the current market than that of its existing products.
    This new product will require an upfront expenditure on a new piece of machinery to manufacture the product. There is currently not one in the marketplace and will need to be custom built. The company has received quotes from certain manufacturers of machines to build this machinery and is satisfied that these quotes are realistic in terms of cost. The estimated cost of the new machinery totals $450 million. The company plans on financing this amount from their bank at quoted interest rate of 2.57% per annum.
    The engineers of the company believe that this machine has a useful life of 6 years before needing to be updated with new technology as it comes available in future years. The machine will be depreciated using the prime cost method to zero over the life of the asset. At the end of the project, some of the machine can be sold off in parts for scrap at a total of $10 million. The machine will need to be dismantled and removed and at a cost of $3 million.
    1. The Lego company and its proposed revenue growth strategies and sustainability strategies provide the inspiration for this case but all of the facts and financial information used are fictitious.
    The company has spent several years researching and developing this product at a combined cost of $4 million. The CEO of The Lego Group has asked you to prepare a financial analysis of this initiative. They have asked you to provide a summary of your analysis, as well as providing your recommendations in the form of a short memo.
    The sales and marketing department have conducted several focus groups with customers and are satisfied that BIOLego will be successful. It is estimated that revenues in the first year of the product’s introduction will total $170 million, however this is not certain. These sales are forecasted to increase by 30% each year in years 2, 3, 4 and 5 as an increase in awareness of the product becomes evident. By year 6, it is expected that sales will increase by 70% as this product now takes over from their existing plastic-based products. However, due to the focus groups only targeting a small group of customers, the team are concerned that this product may not be as successful as forecasted so in their recommendations they have estimated a 30% standard deviation in the estimated revenues.
    The sales and marketing team have also highlighted that the existing products sold by the company (based on plastic products) is likely to see a fall in sales due to the introduction of the new product. The product currently generates $120 million profit before tax for the company each year and it is estimated that this will fall by 50% with the introduction of BIOLego.
    The production department have estimated that production costs will be equal to 45% of the forecasted revenues each year. There will also be a requirement for the company to have additional working capital on hand for this project equal to 15% of each upcoming year’s sales forecast. This working capital forecast is relatively certain and based on previous production requirements of the company. The investment in this additional working capital will be made at the beginning of the project and will be fully recovered at the end of year 6, the last year of the project.
    Other additional costs related to the project are as follows, (1) marketing costs $7 million (this is a best guess forecast) in the first year only; (2) maintenance costs of $4 million per year (certain forecast) and administration costs of $3 million per year increased by 2% each year after year 1 (certain forecast). The Lego Group have spent $1.5 million on feasibility studies for the project.
    The Lego Groups financiers have advised them that the company’s weighted average cost of capital is 8% and is subject to a 30% income tax rate. It is assumed that all taxes are paid in the year of income to which they relate.
    Prepare (1) a spreadsheet financial analysis of the proposed project and (2) a memo (maximum 1,000 words) to the CEO of The Lego Group that summarises your key results and provides recommendations on the project. Note carefully the following points:
    • Analyse base case (expected) cash flows and potential uncertainty.
    • For your base case analysis, calculate the five investment decision criteria listed in the relevant topic’s Overview document.
    • If you make any assumptions beyond those given in the case information, explain them.
    • Recommendations should address the decision suggested by the base case, along with further follow up or other matters the company should consider prior to making a final decision.
    • Include an appendix to the memo that provides a readable screenshot(s) of your base case cash flows, the purpose of which is to allow the CEO to see line item detail without needing to spend time going to the spreadsheet itself.
    • Within the memo body, you are advised to use tables and/or figures to assist decision makers quickly see main points and to visualise your analysis results but ensure the tables and figures are discussed or explained.
    Submit your spreadsheet separately in the provided spreadsheet link in the BCS2 section of the unit site. By submitting the spreadsheet, you are confirming that it is entirely your own work. Save the spreadsheet with your details in the file name using the following format (failure to do so could result in your spreadsheet not being considered in marking):
    Student ID_Full_name_ACCT6004A3
    For example: 13579246_John_Smith_ACCT6004A3
    The spreadsheet submission allows only one submission attempt so do not upload your spreadsheet until you are sure it is complete.
    The memo will be submitted as a word document via a Turnitin assignment link in the BCS2 section of the unit site. Do not include a coversheet; commence with the memo. You can resubmit your document as many times as you like prior to the due time. You are therefore advised to examine your Turnitin Originality Report for this assessment to make sure your similarity score is low with very little highlighted text aside from technical phrases and quoted passages that are appropriately referenced.
    This assessment will be marked using the rubric below. You are advised to read the rubric carefully so you know the criteria and performance levels upon which you work will be assessed. This is an individual assessment exercise. The unit teaching team is very experienced at marking such assessments and recognising the differences between individual and “group” work, as well as data, facts, statements and ideas of others that have not been appropriately acknowledged. To avoid any potential for academic misconduct investigation, ensure that every aspect of your work is your own and that you acknowledge all sources you have directly drawn upon in your submitted work. Quotations should be shown as such. We are not fussy about referencing style, just that you reference when needed.
    Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2 ACCT6004 S3 2021
    MARKING CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
    Accurate estimation of
    relevant base case cash flows and
    decision criteria
    (12 marks) All relevant base case cash flows have been accurately
    incorporated into the analysis
    and net cash flows and decision criteria are correct. (12 marks) Nearly all relevant base case cash flows have been
    accurately incorporated into the analysis and decision
    criteria are correct based on your net cash flows (10
    marks) Most relevant base case cash flows have been accurately
    incorporated into the analysis and decision criteria are
    mostly correct based on your net cash flows. (8 marks) About half the relevant base case cash flows have been accurately
    incorporated into the
    analysis and decision
    criteria are mostly correct
    based on your net cash flows. (6 marks) Less than half the relevant base case cash flows have
    been accurately incorporated into the analysis and decision criteria may be mostly
    incorrect based on your net cash flows. (0 to 4 marks)
    Accurate and appropriate analysis of
    (5 marks) You have accurately analysed project uncertainty using
    appropriate techniques. You have shown insight by judicious input
    choices that are well-articulated and linked to case facts. The
    analysis is easy to follow. (5
    marks) You have accurately analysed project uncertainty using
    appropriate techniques and judicious input choices that are mostly well-articulated
    and linked to case facts. The
    analysis is easy to follow. (4
    marks) You have analysed project uncertainty using appropriate techniques and mostly
    judicious input choices that are mostly well-articulated
    and linked to case facts. The analysis is easy to follow. (3.5
    marks) You have analysed project uncertainty using at least
    one appropriate technique.
    Input choices lack justification, are
    unreasonable or the
    analysis is not easy to follow. (2.5 marks) You have not analysed project uncertainty using appropriate techniques or have
    attempted to use at least one
    appropriate technique but with no demonstrated
    consideration of input choices in a hard to follow analysis or
    there are major inaccuracies. (0 to 2 marks)
    Appropriate interpretation and
    recommendations based on the
    project analysis
    (8 marks) You have accurately interpreted the results of your financial
    analysis and made appropriate
    and insightful recommendations with the basis of those
    recommendations clearly and concisely explained.
    Recommendations go further than simply accepting or rejecting the project by recognising the subtleties of project decision
    making and needed additional
    analysis or considerations. Use of language makes meaning
    consistently clear; no or very few grammar, syntax and spelling
    errors. (8 marks) You have accurately interpreted the results of your
    financial analysis and made appropriate
    Recommendations go further than simply accepting or
    rejecting the project by
    recognising some subtleties of project decision making
    and/or needed additional
    analysis or considerations.
    Use of language mostly makes meaning clear; no or very few
    grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (6.5 marks) You have accurately interpreted most of the results of your financial
    analysis and made some appropriate
    recommendations. Subtleties of project analysis and
    decision making have
    generally not been
    recognised. Use of language
    mostly makes meaning clear; several grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (5.5 marks) You have accurately interpreted some of the results of your financial
    analysis and made at least one appropriate
    recommendation. Use of language mostly makes meaning clear; several grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (4 marks) You have not correctly interpreted most results from your financial analysis or no
    recommendations have been made or recommendations
    do not follow from the results or interpretation. Use of language mostly makes meaning unclear; many
    grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (0 to 3 marks)




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON The Lego Group is a privately owned company based in Denmark and produces toys for both children and adults that are based on building structures from interlocking plastic bricks

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    Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical, e-commerce start-up company of your design

    Business Requirements


    This is the second of a series of five sequential assignments (the course project) in which you continue to act as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical, e-commerce start-up company of your design.

    You have been tasked with delivering an information technology project plan in anticipation of the company relocating to a new facility. In the first course deliverable, you created a project plan inception document and supporting Gantt chart. This deliverable spelled out the company’s background information and business and provided an overview of the company’s information system infrastructure.

    In this second course project deliverable, you are responsible for developing the business requirements to be incorporated into the information systems design you are creating.

    Procuring quality business requirements is a critical step when designing quality information systems. Completing a quality requirements document captures user needs and expectations to facilitate the proper design of the company’s infrastructure and information systems.

    This assignment consists of two parts:

    Part 1: Business Requirements

    You will develop a 5–7-page business requirements document for your hypothetical e-commerce company as part of the overall information systems project plan you are creating. Using the Business Requirements Template [DOCX], you will speculate on the company’s current and future requirements. Your assumptions need to be carefully considered and realistic.

    Part 2: Updated Gantt Chart

    You will use Microsoft Project to update the supporting project Gantt chart begun in your previous course project deliverable.

    • You are not creating a new Gantt chart, only updating the one you created in the previous assignment.


    • You are to create or assume all necessary assumptions to successfully complete this assignment.
    • You must submit both parts as separate files to the assignment area. Label each file name according to the appropriate part.


    Part 1: Business Requirements 

    Using the Business Requirements Template, you are to write a 5–7-page business requirements document for your hypothetical e-commerce company in which you:

    1. Describe the functional business requirements (scope) and scope control.
    2. Describe non-functional business requirements, such as governance, risk, and compliance.
    3. Describe technical requirements to integrate various e-commerce infrastructure components.
    4. Identify potential risks, constraints, and assumptions.
    5. Use three sources to support your writing.
      • Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
      • Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.
      • Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and citation.

    Part 2: Updated Gantt Chart

    Use Microsoft Project to update the previously created Gantt chart with the major and minor tasks identified in the business requirements document




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical, e-commerce start-up company of your design

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    Java Developer in an IT company

     Role: Java Developer in an IT company

    What is your role in your current organization? What are your critical activities at work? Identify and share what you have learned so far in your program to help you manage these critical activities and why. How have you been able to use the lessons learned in the program to address your current role and why? 

    Please write 500 words.





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    Company- Quest Serviced Apartment Hotel

     Word count 3500. Company- Quest Serviced Apartment Hotel

    – Demonstrate a critical understanding of fundamental, contemporary strategic theories and concepts.

    – Critically evaluate and apply appropriate concepts of strategy to practice, across a range of organisational contexts

    – Assess alternative approaches to strategy and justify particular courses of action

    – Evaluate the implications of strategic decisions within different organisational and cultural contexts





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    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network.

     Part A: Mini Case Study (2 pages maximum)You are to provide an essay (two pages maximum) for the following mini case question. The essay is to be a 1.5 line spacing.
    Computer Dynamics
    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network. The company is located in three adjacent five-story buildings in an office park, with about 100 computers in each building. The LANs in each building are similar, but one building has the data canter on the second floor. There are no other office locations. The current network is poorly designed for its current needs and must be completely replaced. Develop a logical design for this enterprise campus that considers the seven network architecture components. There are no other campuses, so you can omit WAN access. You will need to make some assumptions, so be sure to document your assumptions and explain why you have designed the network in this way.
    (25 marks)
    The essays do not require in text references or a list of references.
    Part B: Business Report (8 pages for body of the report)
    Management has identified that in order to provide employees with mobile access a more flexible networking environment needs to be created. Since the organisation uses a typical client server network management has decided that the next logical step would be to move the services to a cloud based solution. The move to the cloud it is argued would remove some of the access restrictions that IT has placed on services and therefore make employees more productive.
    Our organisation provides the manufacture and supply of widgets that are in high demand for the production of integrated circuits. Currently we are only a few of the manufacturers that can supply the widgets in the quantity required by our customers. Internal review of our activities has identified that while out manufacturing process is well established the scheduling and processing of orders can lead to delays in processing orders. Changes were proposed to try and alleviate some of the complaints from the employees when accessing and using the organisation IT services in order to schedule the productions.
    The networking is designed as a two tier client server architecture. The backend services provide the data store and retrieval of company information which needs to be guarded carefully. Most of the business processing is performed on the staff desktops. Due to the structure and management of the data, sales people when visiting a client store the orders and quantities onto specially printed note pads which will need to be re-enter into the system once they are back in the office. Recently we have moved to a digitised version of the order form to help the sales people when interacting with customers. Transfer of the data to the organisation systems still needs to be done manually as the information has to be checked against a number of systems before the order can be placed. The reentry of the data is normally done by office staff but may also be done by the sale people usually during the busy period of the year. Any changes to the original orders and times will require them to contact the client and renegotiate the job order. Employees are require to connect to multiple systems to be able to enter the new orders and place them on the system as production runs. As the processing of the data and information is very important to the organisation the current design requires that when users access a major system they need to re-enter their user credentials.
    It was evident from the meeting that management understanding of the cloud services in terms of structures and benefits was not clear enough to make planning decisions. Before proceeding with the proposed plans you have been tasked with providing a report that would be used to re-examine the proposal by researching and providing a report for the following topics.
    Note: When we say Mobile devices we mean devices that can be used by employees to access the data and services in an unstructured network environment as well as through other third party networks.
    • The cloud solutions are not well formulated at the moment due to some misunderstanding of what the term actually means. Describe the type of cloud services available, the benefits and disadvantages of each solution.
    • It is evident that from the description of the processes in the organisation the processing of information is done by requesting information from number of different sources before the order can be placed in the production queue. Which type of cloud should we be looking at to be able to benefit from remote access to the services while not necessarily modifying our business process and why is that the best solution.
    • Nominate the cloud solution that would be best for the organisation in the long run with justifications for your selection. Also include any possible problems that the solution might pose in the future plans.
    • Consider the overall impact that the introduction of new devices would have on the network functionality and availability. Identify possible problems and issues that the introduction of mobile computing could have on the network services.
    • It is evident that the introduction or restructure can cause a major disruption to the employees with having to adjust to the new technology, new security and access restrictions and so on. Provide advice the management on the need for training and reskilling you think would be needed to maximise the adoption of new technology by the organisational employees.
    (75 marks)
    Please read the instructions very carefully.
    Report Format for Part C (8 pages body)
    The report needs to be a standard business report and you must reference correctly in Harvard style.
    Your report MUST follow the structure for a report as specified in the Faculty of Business
    Communications skills handbook, however, you will not be required to submit the following sections: Glossary or Appendices. You may want to consider the structure of the marking scheme when structuring the body of your report.
    Your report must include references where you have used other sources (both in the body text and listed at the end of the report)
    • Marks will be deducted for submitted work with missing or incorrect references.
    • Work submitted with no references in the body of the report will NOT be accepted.
    • Your report must be printed with 1.5 line spacing; at least 12-point font size; and the body of the report should be no more than 10 pages of single-sided A4 paper.
    • Penalty will apply for exceeding the page limit.
    • Assignments not following the report style will be heavily penalised

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    • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network. 

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    Writers Solution

    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network

     ITM502 AssignmentWeighting: 30%

    Part A: Mini Case Study (2 pages maximum)
    You are to provide an essay (two pages maximum) for the following mini case question. The essay is to be a 1.5 line spacing.
    Computer Dynamics
    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network. The company is located in three adjacent five-story buildings in an office park, with about 100 computers in each building. The LANs in each building are similar, but one building has the data canter on the second floor. There are no other office locations. The current network is poorly designed for its current needs and must be completely replaced. Develop a logical design for this enterprise campus that considers the seven network architecture components. There are no other campuses, so you can omit WAN access. You will need to make some assumptions, so be sure to document your assumptions and explain why you have designed the network in this way.
    (25 marks)
    The essays do not require in text references or a list of references.
    Part B: Business Report (8 pages for body of the report)
    Management has identified that in order to provide employees with mobile access a more flexible networking environment needs to be created. Since the organisation uses a typical client server network management has decided that the next logical step would be to move the services to a cloud based solution. The move to the cloud it is argued would remove some of the access restrictions that IT has placed on services and therefore make employees more productive.
    Our organisation provides the manufacture and supply of widgets that are in high demand for the production of integrated circuits. Currently we are only a few of the manufacturers that can supply the widgets in the quantity required by our customers. Internal review of our activities has identified that while out manufacturing process is well established the scheduling and processing of orders can lead to delays in processing orders. Changes were proposed to try and alleviate some of the complaints from the employees when accessing and using the organisation IT services in order to schedule the productions.
    The networking is designed as a two tier client server architecture. The backend services provide the data store and retrieval of company information which needs to be guarded carefully. Most of the business processing is performed on the staff desktops. Due to the structure and management of the data, sales people when visiting a client store the orders and quantities onto specially printed note pads which will need to be re-enter into the system once they are back in the office. Recently we have moved to a digitised version of the order form to help the sales people when interacting with customers. Transfer of the data to the organisation systems still needs to be done manually as the information has to be checked against a number of systems before the order can be placed. The reentry of the data is normally done by office staff but may also be done by the sale people usually during the busy period of the year. Any changes to the original orders and times will require them to contact the client and renegotiate the job order. Employees are require to connect to multiple systems to be able to enter the new orders and place them on the system as production runs. As the processing of the data and information is very important to the organisation the current design requires that when users access a major system they need to re-enter their user credentials.
    It was evident from the meeting that management understanding of the cloud services in terms of structures and benefits was not clear enough to make planning decisions. Before proceeding with the proposed plans you have been tasked with providing a report that would be used to re-examine the proposal by researching and providing a report for the following topics.
    Note: When we say Mobile devices we mean devices that can be used by employees to access the data and services in an unstructured network environment as well as through other third party networks.
    • The cloud solutions are not well formulated at the moment due to some misunderstanding of what the term actually means. Describe the type of cloud services available, the benefits and disadvantages of each solution.
    • It is evident that from the description of the processes in the organisation the processing of information is done by requesting information from number of different sources before the order can be placed in the production queue. Which type of cloud should we be looking at to be able to benefit from remote access to the services while not necessarily modifying our business process and why is that the best solution.
    • Nominate the cloud solution that would be best for the organisation in the long run with justifications for your selection. Also include any possible problems that the solution might pose in the future plans.
    • Consider the overall impact that the introduction of new devices would have on the network functionality and availability. Identify possible problems and issues that the introduction of mobile computing could have on the network services.
    • It is evident that the introduction or restructure can cause a major disruption to the employees with having to adjust to the new technology, new security and access restrictions and so on. Provide advice the management on the need for training and reskilling you think would be needed to maximise the adoption of new technology by the organisational employees.
    (75 marks)
    Please read the instructions very carefully.
    Report Format for Part C (8 pages body)
    The report needs to be a standard business report and you must reference correctly in Harvard style.
    Your report MUST follow the structure for a report as specified in the Faculty of Business
    Communications skills handbook, however, you will not be required to submit the following sections: Glossary or Appendices. You may want to consider the structure of the marking scheme when structuring the body of your report.
    Your report must include references where you have used other sources (both in the body text and listed at the end of the report)
    • Marks will be deducted for submitted work with missing or incorrect references.
    • Work submitted with no references in the body of the report will NOT be accepted.
    • Your report must be printed with 1.5 line spacing; at least 12-point font size; and the body of the report should be no more than 10 pages of single-sided A4 paper.
    • Penalty will apply for exceeding the page limit.
    • Assignments not following the report style will be heavily penalised


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    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network


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    Besides, the company has a record of 500 flights per year. This indicated that the company had had a fair number of fights, and it might be popular in the country. Theoretically, recording 500 flights per year means that the company schedules a fair amount of flights per year. Therefore, this is a good investment because more revenue is generated for the company when there are more flights and eventually more profits for the investors. Most importantly, the DOT VSL of the company stands at $11,600,000. As evidenced by the US Department of Transportation, the company has had a steady VSL over the past nine years. As Kniesner & Viscusi (2019) presented, VSL shows the organization’s willingness to pay for marginal costs of improving safety. From the statistics provided in the table, the company has an increasing VSL, which means that their desire to allocate money for security increases every year, thus increasing the company’s safety. For this reason, this is a good investment.

     APA format with a title page, 3-5 pages of content, and a References page if necessary. – Submit a 3-5 page paper expanding on one of the previous safety papers from earlier in the term (e.g. safety culture, cost-benefit analysis, safety policy, risk management, safety assurance or safety promotion). You may use your previous work as a basis for this paper. – Format the draft to APA format as it will be graded to the same standard as your final paper.

    Previous Safety papers

    Cost-Benefit Analysis

    According to the statistics provided, the $10,000 investment is worthwhile. From the data in the table, the company contributes a smaller percentage of overall accidents in the country. Essentially, 8 percent of accidents in the country are from this company. Thus this investment is worthwhile because the investors will not incur any losses caused by accidents and money spent to address fatalities. Besides, the company has been able to increase the security of their aircraft by preventing 2.3 of the casualties. This increases the plane’s safety and ultimately attracts many customers, thus increasing profits for the aircraft company. Therefore, this would benefit the investors. 

    Besides, the company has a record of 500 flights per year. This indicated that the company had had a fair number of fights, and it might be popular in the country. Theoretically, recording 500 flights per year means that the company schedules a fair amount of flights per year. Therefore, this is a good investment because more revenue is generated for the company when there are more flights and eventually more profits for the investors. Most importantly, the DOT VSL of the company stands at $11,600,000. As evidenced by the US Department of Transportation, the company has had a steady VSL over the past nine years. As Kniesner & Viscusi (2019) presented, VSL shows the organization’s willingness to pay for marginal costs of improving safety. From the statistics provided in the table, the company has an increasing VSL, which means that their desire to allocate money for security increases every year, thus increasing the company’s safety. For this reason, this is a good investment.


    Kniesner, T. J. & Viscusi, W.K. (2019). The Value of a Statistical Life. Retrieved 6th November from

    Safety Assurance Paper

    Classically, external safety audits are designed to observe and assess the compliance of organizations, in this case, the aviation company with recommended practices, applicable procedures, and regulations. Therefore, if I were contracted to provide an eternal safety audit for an aviation company, there are certain crucial questions that I would include in a confidential survey through a questionnaire to ask staff members about the safety measures in the aviation company. The three questions that I would use in my external audit are “Are the qualifications of every employee updated?”, “Are all SPI/KPI metrics updated, are there documents to provide evidence?”, and “Did the company perform routine and required safety inspection, and how often does the company do this?”.

    These three questions are the most important while performing an external audit on an aviation company because they would help an auditor determine the safety of the company. For instance, assessing whether the qualifications of employees, particularly, aircraft engineers and pilots is essential because it would help determine how safe using the aircraft of this particular company is. Ideally, it would be detrimental to let a pilot with expired qualifications man an aircraft let alone allow aircraft engineers whose qualifications have expired to repair or run diagnostics of an airplane before allowing it to be used for transportation. 

    On the other hand, checking whether the SPI or KPI metrics are updated is crucial because are applied in monitoring or measuring the safety performance of a company and how to manage it. As Pierobon (2016) presented, Safety Performance Indicators are critical in the aviation industry because they enable a company to assess its past, current, and future safety performance. Lastly, asking how often the company performs its safety inspection would be essential for this external audit because it would help determine whether the company has established effective safety measures in the company. 


    Pierobon, M. (2016). Unleashing SPIs. Flight Safety Foundation. Retrieved on 27thOctober 2021 from

    Writers Solution

    Restaurant’s long-range marketing plan, your company purchased property nationwide from the now-bankrupted “Sahara Desert Dish” franchise properties

    The Scenario

    As a part of the Restaurant’s long-range marketing plan, your company purchased property nationwide from the now-bankrupted “Sahara Desert Dish” franchise properties. Based on your Discussion and Strategic Plan results, your company agreed that it was time to launch its nationwide strategy rolling out  the company’s patented dessert brand, “Brain Freeze.”  Your company’s financial information indicates the company now has a healthy portfolio of investments, product revenue, and cash on hand.

    The Restaurant’s dessert menu has produced an exceptional revenue stream.  These products can easily be marketed as a standalone venture. The company portfolio includes the Sahara Desert Dish property purchased in anticipation of this day. The properties are all in upscale locations that easily support the Restaurant’s thematic Desert menu.

     “Sally, ‘It’s now or, never’ you state, we need to start the implementation of our Franchise Division.”  Sally was taken aback by your use of her previous statement. Seeming a little concerned about the plan interfering with her entering the competition for the third Gold Star, you reassure her. “If Wolfgang Puck can open up gourmet pizza shops, that’s the only incentive we need to startup our Desert franchise operation.” Sally fires back, “You’re the one studying business law! Why did it take you so long to bring it up?” Sally continues, “Start working on the documents, and I’ll get started on creating the franchise operations menu and food handling processes.”

    In your Discussion, you covered all of the eventualities companies face in expansion periods. Your companies initial investment in the purchase of bankrupt properties has placed the company in a growth position. The commercial paper securing the properties is almost paid off. Converting the properties into a new enterprise will reduce the carrying cost and increase the current revenue streams by a minimum of 20%. Franchise Licensing Fees and property leasing rentals will initially bump revenue by approximately 35%.

    To start your review, first, research the requirements required to establish a legally recognized Franchise operation.  Using the Strategic Business Plan and the other resources you now have, complete the Franchise feasibility information and determine what steps are needed to enter this highly competitive area. Review the resources and respond to the Assignment.

    Your Assignment

    Assignment: Feasibility of Franchise Expansion:

    This is a Blue Font exercise: Complete the document using a readable Blue Font.

    In Assignment 9.3, you will collect data from your past assignments to develop your outline of franchise business information that you will need to complete the final project in Assignment 9.4. To fully understand the nature of a Franchise operation, review the SBA information, Forms 505, 506, and then complete the Questions in the Basic Franchise Document and the Chart in the Test for Feasibility Documents below.

    Review Form 505 Drafting Guide, follow the research outlining the required steps and issues you would potentially encounter developing the required document between the Franchisor and Franchisee, the Franchise AgreementDocument 505 establishes various litigation, state, and federal statutory requirements. Review each category listed using the link and review material. You must review this material to comprehend the statutory and legal guidance required to edit and complete the Franchise Agreement in Assignment 9.4.

    Review Form 506 list of issues and limits available for consideration in completing the Checklist questions/answers to revise and draft the agreement.  The questions in 506 are stated, for example, as the question below.

    • — Nature and extent of the rights granted to the Franchisees.
    • — Duration of franchise period.
    • — Exclusiveness of franchise.
    • — Authorized use of a trademark.

    This question seeks the limits on three grants to the Franchisee, (1) Duration, (2) Exclusiveness, and (3) Authority. The question asks the Nature (Type) and the Extent (Range or scope) of the rights granted to your Franchisees. The Duration issue asks “what period” (how long) will Franchisee be granted to exercise authority over rights in the agreement, such as the number of years the Franchise will last, are the rights exclusive or non-exclusive (This could be a state or local geographic designation (i.e., State of Ohio, or two city block in the southwest of downtown), use of IP and extent of the right(s) granted.

    This Assignment does not call for simply checking boxes on the form. The questions require research and business decisions for your company to establish franchise rights and limitations offered to Franchisees during their operation and ownership of a Franchise. Do not approach this assignment as a lawyer but as the owner of a Franchise. Determine your companies business interest, the profit you wish to achieve, and the rights you want to protect in your Franchise business. Your company’s business strategy will determine the right you grant to Franchisees. Franchises become an extension of your Franchise organization and must meet your company goals.

    In the next step, answer the questions listed in the BASIC FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TERMS – CHECKLIST. Franchise agreements vary from state to state and sometimes franchise to franchise, so it’s impossible to identify every term and issue for consistency in all situations. Some terms require negotiating between the parties. Redraft the Franchise Agreement using the information you collected in Assignment 9.3 and the 9.4 Checklist. The Franchise Agreement lists the terms and conditions governing your franchise’s ownership and the Franchisee’s rights. This Assignment does not call for simply checking boxes. Provide thoughtful responses to the issues outlining how to operate the Franchise business. Clarify the Franchiees’ operation rights; redrafting the Rights and Limitations Clauses.

    The “Test for Franchise Feasibility” Document must be completed using the parameters established in your review of the Franchise operation. Your ratings of the business readiness position required to establish a Franchise Operation will be based on the answers you develop for the Checklist Questions.

    • Assignments required to be uploaded:
      • The Checklist for The Basic Franchise Agreement
      • Test for Franchise Feasibility

    GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class

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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER  Restaurant’s long-range marketing plan, your company purchased property nationwide from the now-bankrupted “Sahara Desert Dish” franchise properties