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Tips for Building a Successful Sales Compensation Plan

 After reviewing the  blogs and videos answer the following:

You are provided with a scenario below.  As a group make a recommendation for the best approach for sales compensation plan based on what little information has been provided:

Scenario #1:  In the midst of the pandemic you work for a restaurant in New York City who is trying to keep their doors open.  Currently there is only curbside pickup available.  You need to increase the number of pickup orders and you challenge the staff to come up with ideas and incentives to do so.  What is their plan?

Paper length should be 3 to 4 pages in length using APA formatting and should include a cover page and reference page with a minimum of 3 resources used.  The cover page and resource page are not included in the page count.  See this reference for more details on APA style.  All papers in this course must be submitted using MicrosoftWord. PDFs will not be accepted.

Blog: Tips for Building a Successful Sales Compensation Plan


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Hitchner, to “analyze share-based compensation, financial statement disclosure, obtaining capital, estate planning and litigation

The reply must be at least 250 words. Do not just say “good job” or “I learned something from your post.” Replies are not a cheering exercise. Instead, your replies must be substantial, reflecting what you learned from reading the post, offering an extension, or correcting a mistake. Use what you learned in researching for your post (or knowledge gained from other classes or personal experience) to either supplement or critique the post you are writing about.

For this discussion, I have chosen the valuation of early-stage technology companies model, for this seems to be a very common business we see sprouting today and throughout the entire country. The method itself as described by Hitchner, to “analyze share-based compensation, financial statement disclosure, obtaining capital, estate planning and litigation.” (2017, p. 1044) As this model only pertains to early-stage companies, there is still a very broad span of issues and challenges that appraisers and valuators face during this process. One of the topics looked at is the share-based compensation, which is looked at under the share value, is strictly looking at the shares available outstanding, versus those already apart of the shares that are diluted, such as the treasury method states. (Barenbaum & Schubert, 2019) As the methods of determine the value can change, a valuation of a company can always be impacted by law suits. Usually, the suits are directed towards the appraiser and the judge decides would be adequate or efficient for the continuance and the outcome of the appraisal. “Share based compensation represented seven percent of revenue in 2013 and the firm had a policy of repurchasing shares to meet the expected cost of option exercises. Mr. Steffen did not include share-based compensation as a reduction in future free cash flow.” (Barenbaum & Schubert, 2019, p. 147)  Even though the share based compensation was a part of several company’s statements, it did not impact their cash flows. This data of this study was conducted using, 3M Cogent, and BMC Software Inc. 

Another conversational topic of the method, is how to obtain additional capital for their company. One example of this would be known as equity crowd funding; by using an open call of funding on various platforms over the internet, the company sells typically to a small group of investors, portions of their stock or their equity. (Efrat et al., 2019) Doing this over a large scale of small groups of investors, you will then produce a larger pool of selection for future funding. Having more small groups over lesser large groups, has shown to have more opportunity for growth and funds flowing into the company. Being this is a early-stage technology company at the core, the larger the funding is exactly what they will need. It would be difficult for the smaller company to get the same source of funds from big supplier and investors, because they company does not have the general backing, financial support and progressive history, as some may require. This is also because the risk that is present, is too great of one than they are willing to reap a reward from. 

In all, valuations into an early-stage technology company can be very interesting in the sense that there are so many variations and different methods that can be used over the other alternatives.

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quity Compensation to Managing an Employee -Owned Company

BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management Cohort: BHRM/20A/FT [Batch 2 ] Semester II 2020/2021 & SEMESTER I 2021 Assignment I I for Year 2021 Module Name: Leadership, Teams & Empowerment M odule Code: HRMT 2109 Lecturer’s Name: Mr. Jessen Seringhen Coopoomootoo 2 INSTRUCTIONS & INFORMATION TO CANDIDATES 1. There are TWO questions in the assignment (Case Study) . You have to answer BOTH questions. 2. Each question carries 25 marks . 3. State clearly the question number that you are answering. 4. You should properly reference your answers using Harvard referencing style and include a bibliography at the end of each essay properly arranged in alphabetical order. Note that plagiarism may be penalized. 5. Use Times New Roman as font, 1 .5 line spacing and font size 12. 6. Each answer should not exceed 1500 words (excluding graphs, charts, appendixes and referencing list). 7. This assignment will account for a total of 50% for the module . 8. Deadline for submission of assignment is 01 August 2021 . Kindly note that the rules and regulations of the university governing submission of assignment after the deadline will be enforced. 9. You need to include a cover page in your answer showing clearly your full name, student ID number , programme of st udy, cohort name, level of study, module name and module code . 10. You are required to submit your assignment in soft co py either in Microsoft W ord or Adobe Acrobat format on the following email address: jcoopoomootoo and to forward a copy of same on . 11. Note that this is an individual assignment. The onus for maintaining confidentiality of your work rests on you. Make sure that you do not share your answers with anyone from your batch or from any other batches. In case any cheating is suspected, you may be penalized , as per the university regulations. 3 Creating a High -Performing Workplace It’s well known that the Beyster Institute provides consulting guidance to companies and their leaders on the development of effective employee ownership programs. Less familiar to many is the work we do in classroom education. In fact, one of the most i mportant ways that we build understanding and support for employee ownership among business leaders is through the teaching we do in the MBA program at the UC San Diego Rady School of Management. Our offerings include a whole range of classes from Equity Compensation to Managing an Employee -Owned Company. Among those is one especially interesting course with a human resource slant. Currently, Beyster Institute Senior Consultant Martin Staubus is teaching a course entitled “Creating a High -Performing Wor kplace,” which is offered as an elective course in the organizational development area. In a recent interview, Professor Staubus described the content of the course. “In Creating a High -Performing Workplace , we explore five themes. As a bit extra fun, I play a theme song for each theme – students get extra course credit for naming the song and the artist.” The themes are: High Performance in the Innovation Age. Before we can explore how to create a high -performing workplace, it only makes sense that we know what that is. If you don’t know what you’re trying to create, how can you talk about the steps to create it? Our first theme, therefore, begins with the observation that, in the U.S. and other developed economies, the Industrial Age that dominat ed most of the last century has evolved into the Innovation Age of the 21st century. Yes, there is still traditional manufacturing in the U.S., and there are workers who do repetitive manual tasks. But the work that really drives economic growth in the U .S. now involves activities that require employees to use independent judgment and creativity and to collaborate effectively with others. There simply aren’t many jobs left where employees just carry out the instructions handed down by the boss. If your organization isn’t constantly striving to make your customer experience better and/or cheaper, it’s unlikely to see long -term growth. An important point here is that innovation doesn’t only mean “product innovation” – coming up with the next iPad or other big hit. And innovation doesn’t just mean 4 one heroic individual coming up with a brilliant insight. Rather, companies thrive when its people are constantly figuring out lots of small ways to make the company’s existing products or services a little better, a little easier to produce or a little cheaper. And most innovation actually results from people i nteracting, pooling their knowledge, bouncing ideas off each other, and collaborating to come up with improvements on the status quo. In the Innovation Age, then, a high -performing workplace is one in which the people in the organization are proactively a pplying not only their technical training, but their creativity and good judgment, collaborating as a team to continuously improve their company’s ability to deliver value to customers. One of the great challenges of American business – and the reason for this course – is that the management methods that were developed for the Industrial Age now are very poorly suited to meet these needs of the Innovation Age. Yet American business is being led by old guys who in turn were mentored in their younger days b y executives who cut their management teeth in the heyday of the Industrial Age. Too much of current management remains rooted in Industrial Age practice. Our theme song? “The Times They Are a -Changin’” by Bob Dylan. Historical Development of Workp lace Management. American business didn’t just wake up last week and decide that perhaps it should try to get its workplaces to operate at a high level. In fact, since the industrial revolution, when large -scale production first became dominant, people h ave been trying to figure out how best to organize people in workplaces so as to achieve high productivity and performance. What have they learned along the way? The “science” of management as an applied technology dates to Frederick Taylor, a man origin ally trained as a mechanical engineer, who became a management consultant around the start of the 20th century. Interestingly, he also was from a Quaker family, and was deeply troubled by the often -bloody workplace conflict that was prevalent in industria l America at that time . As other manager s, Taylor deemed ignorant and applied brute force in his efforts to maximize productivity. As might be expected of a mechanical engineer, he conceived of the workplace as a great machine, with efficient productivity being achieved through an engineering process that assigned clear, consistently repeatable tasks to employees, so that they functio ned like parts in a machine. In this model, it was imperative that the workers never depart from the assigned process. Not even managers were authorized to engage in improving the production process. That authority was reserved to “industrial engineers” specially trained to design workplaces as machines. 5 Ultimately, Taylor’s methods never did quite achieve his goal of harmonious, high productivity in the workplace. Despite the failure of this approach, the mental model of “workplace as machine,” with t op management manning the controls, has had tremendous staying power. As the 20th century went on, people with advanced training in human psychology began to study workplace performance issues, and soon identified the fatal flaw in Taylor’s machine model of the workplace: people aren’t cogs, and don’t react well to being deployed that way. Leading thinkers of the time – Abraham Maslow, Kurt Lewin and Douglas McGregor – developed better -informed ideas about fostering workplace productivity, taking into acc ount the unique emotional make -up of human beings that make us so different from machines. Perhaps the biggest flaw in Taylor’s machine model, however, is that it fails to take advantage of the remarkable creative capacity that is in everyone. Indeed, he insisted that employees do only what they are told and nothing more. “Don’t ever change a thing!” was the old message to employees. In the Innovation Age, that command and control system is a recipe for failure. Our theme song? “We Didn’t Start the Fi re,” by Billy Joel. Human Motivation in the Workplace. So, people are not cogs and can’t simply be deployed like machine parts. They have wills of their own, and will perform at a high level only if they want to. So, when it comes to motivating employ ees – to get them to want to – what works? The most popular motivational method traditionally used by business management is a collection of carrots and sticks – more than anything, monetary incentives. These practices endure despite a mountainous pile o f research studies showing that monetary incentives are minimally ineffective in most cases – and , in fact , can be counterproductive ; actually, lowering output. They are especially ineffective in a context where workers need to be engaged in creative, jud gment -based, innovative activity – exactly the kind of work that is central to today’s Innovation Economy. So, if monetary incentives don’t drive high performance in the Innovation Age, what does? This question gets to the heart of the course. The concepts we explore suggest that in today’s innovation -oriented economy, companies foster a high level of performance by:  First and foremost, establishing a clear sense of mission and purpose that establishes the venture as something meaningful and wo rthwhile to the people in the organization. 6  Second, assembling a group of dedicated people around that mission and purpose – a community of people who have come together to pursue that purpose successfully.  Third, establish operating values, principles and practices for that workplace community that enable people to assume responsibility, deliver valuable contributions, and earn a sense of achievement and self -worth from what they accomplish . People want to be part of something worthwhile, something larger than themselves, and as individuals they want to grow, develop and progress. Workplace communities will be highly productive when they enable people, through their contributions and accomplishments, to fee l that they are achieving valuable things and that they are respected and appreciated for that by their peers. Our theme song? “Can’t Buy Me Love,” by the Beatles. A Stake in Business Success. If an organization’s mission is to find a cure for cancer, end world hunger, or create break -through technologies, clearly that’s something that will provide a compelling sense of purpose and meaning to many people who might want to work there. But what about a company with a more mundane mission: supplying comm onplace components or providing routine services? How can such a company create compelling meaning that provides motivation and determined drive to the people working there? An answer may be found by looking at what motivates the typical entrepreneur who works hard to build a successful venture. The rewards from doing that are apparent: the creation of personal wealth; providing abundantly for one’s family; a sense of achievement; pride of accomplishment; a sense of identity with a successful venture; sa tisfaction in making a contribution to the community; etc. Even in industries that aren’t inherently sexy and compelling, then, companies can build a motivated community of employees by drawing them into the challenge and rewards of building and running a successful business. The foundation of this workplace strategy is the practice of employee ownership. The rewards of entrepreneurship, after all, are mainly ones that flow only to those who own the business. Ownership is a formal claim to both the fina ncial and the emotional benefits that are generated by successful business outcomes. Owners claim the wealth that is generated by business success, and also claim the sense of pride, 7 accomplishment and identity that comes from that success. In short, the cause of building and operating a successful business can provide the sense of purpose that will support the sense of purpose that is needed to support a high -performing venture. A key take -away here is that it’s not enough to simply distribute shares of stock among the workforce as though it were pixie dust. People need to understand the rules of the game – how the business works, what the team needs to do to succeed, and how to track progress against budgets and goals to see how well the team is doing. In short, they need to be “business -literate.” This not blazing a virgin trail. It is a well – established strategy known as “open book management.” Our theme song? “Reasons” by Earth, Wind and Fire. Hire for Attitude; Train for Skills. We have spent most of the course exploring how to build a workplace that encourages and enables employees to deliver their best ideas, their best judgment, and their best performance. Yet logically, even if the people are highly committed and motivated, i sn’t the capacity of a workforce to perform at a high level going to be constrained by the extent of their knowledge, skills and abilities? Of course , it is. So , companies need employees who have both: a) excellent technical skill sets; and b) constructi ve attitudes that foster teamwork, effective collaboration, a willingness to take responsibility and show leadership, and that align with the company’s mission, purpose and values. The challenge for business is that few hiring candidates come to your door with all of the desired skills and attitudes. Given that reality, what hiring and development strategies will support a high -performing workplace? Organizations that continue to adhere to the machine model of the workplace, seeing employees as “units” t o be plugged into slots, continue to focus on the technical “specs” of the unit. High -performing companies in today’s Innovation Economy, however, have found that it is essential to prioritize the constructive attitudes that will fit with the company’s in novation culture. Specific skills can be taught; but attitudes about how we deal with others tend to be a fundamental aspect of individual outlook and personality, and thus much harder to change. Ego -driven individualists, for example, are unlikely ever to really dedicate themselves to achievement of team goals. So, if a new hire has the right attitudes, but not all of the needed skills, the skills gap can be remedied through training. But if a new hire has the full technical skill set but lacks the con structive, mission -oriented, team -player attitudes that are desired, it may be 8 difficult to turn that person into a high -functioning member of the organization. Thus, the motto of these companies is, hire for attitude, train for skills. Our theme song? “Higher Ground” by Stevie Wonder. That’s it! Those are the five themes that comprise the curriculum of Management 269: Creating a High -Performing Workplace as taught at the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego. By Martin Staubus Answer ALL questions a. Make a critical evaluation of the challenges faced by today’s leaders in businesses in relation to the shift in employees’ expectations , mentioned in the article above , in creating a high performing workplace. [25 Marks] b. Analyze how em powerment and motivation of employees may be influenced by attitudes of colleagues and leaders of today’s organization. [25 Marks] 

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Disability insurance was set up for a specific purpose, to provide compensation for workers who are injured on the job, maybe even permanently

Disability insurance was set up for a specific purpose, to provide compensation for workers who are injured on the job, maybe even permanently. But as with any program where there is money involved, it has been twisted (or perverted if you would) into something that represents a money making machine but who does it benefit?

Most attorneys who represent a client of this type take 1/3 of the settlement. When you consider the statistics, in 2014 loss wages compensation accounted for $30.9 billion, making the lawyer side of this business a $10 Billion industry. Discuss if you feel this is fair. Consider it from all sides as the tax payers (you), the injured worker, and the employer. Should the fees be capped? Should cases be categorized insofar as settlement amount? What should be different, if anything? Back up your opinions with references and in-text citations to course readings, lectures or external articles.





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Existing compensation plan

Assignment : Compensation Plan Outline
Worth 300 points

Using the same company you researched in Assignment 1, evaluate the company’s compensation plan to determine how it could be improved.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Evaluate the existing compensation plan to determine if it is the most appropriate for your company. Explain your rationale.
Determine the most beneficial ratio of internally consistent and market consistent compensation systems for the company you selected.
Evaluate the current pay structure used by your company and assess the recognition of employee contributions.
Make two (2) recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the discretionary benefits provided by the company you selected.
Evaluate the types of employer-sponsored retirement plans and health insurance programs provided by the company you selected and compare them to that company’s major competitors.
Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.





Compensation can be defined as all types of financial returns, benefits and tangible services an individual receives as part of an employment agreement or relationship (Milkovich, Newman and Gerhart, 2010). Non-financial and monetary compensation consist of the main factors of compensation which ultimately lead to retention. Leonard (2008) observe that compensation programs by organizations are measured in regard to the general pay effectiveness, employees’ contribution to organizational objectives, applied as recruitment tools as well as used as retention and motivational tool for employees. The main purpose of this essay is to evaluate and analyze the best practices in terms of compensation plans and benefits that are adopted by firms in the high tech industry, with a main focus on Microsoft Corporation. High tech organizations tend to incur high costs when it comes to recruitment and retention of human resources hence they are forced to come up with a design that is suitable for their compensation programs that are crucial to a firm’s bottom line. Microsoft, one of the pioneers in the tech industry, was founded by Bill Gates in 1975 with a main focus of selling a BASIC programming language version (Microsoft, 2018). The organization is one of the leading technology giants as well as the leader in the software market, which makes their compensation strategy to be one of the bottom lines for the organization.

Microsoft Compensation Strategy

According to the Microsoft website in 2018, the organization main focus is empowering their employees by bringing the best in them through supporting their objectives and goals as well as enabling the employees to find a purpose in what they do. Thus, the organization has designed Compensation and Benefits plan, which is managed by a third party, Global HR Operating Team, and their main aim, is to ensure that the needs of the employees are catered for from the various Microsoft subsidiaries across the globe (Singh, 2016). Microsoft, being one of the fortune 500 firms, practices best fit strategy due to the fact that the organization has a high number of engineers and scientists, high expenditures especially on research and development, rapid technical innovation, geographic concentration very limited market for high tech engineers, which makes the attraction rates to be high thus the adaptation of a compensation plan that best fit the organizations’ activities.

The compensation strategies for Microsoft are seen to have evolved especially over the last two decade. Before the year 2000, most of the portion of the pay packages for the organization consisted of stock options, although after the dotcom crash, Microsoft decided to graduate from the idea of stock options to a combination that entails merit pay rises, bonuses that are given annually as well as restricted stock units (Microsoft, 2018). Nevertheless, most managers in Microsoft considered this approach to be very cumbersome thus contributing to the organization adopting an integrated system, which clearly connect the rewards based on performance. The Microsoft compensation integrated approach entailed performance reviews of the employees where they received ratings from their immediate managers based on the achievements of the set goals, good behaviors with peers and managers as well as long-term performance records. These ratings enable the…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. existing compensation plan


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Internal Equity in an Effective Compensation Program

External Competitiveness & Internal Equity in an Effective Compensation Program. The ability to create a successful market-based compensation program is contingent on a number of key variables.  Yet none is more important than gaining a clear understanding of what it takes to have a compensation program that is externally competitive, while at the same time internally equitable.In this assignment:1. Discuss what is meant by a market-based compensation program.2. Explain how an organization can balance external competitiveness with internal equity to achieve a successful market-based compensation program.  Be specific.3. Illustrate with actual examples of employers achieving this balance. Also, provide examples of organizations failing to achieve one or both and illustrate what might result.Bring in at least 5 library sources to help strengthen and support your discussion.





Market-based compensation program

That much of an organization’s budget goes into employee compensation means that compensation program is a crucial part in an organization’s human resource management plan. There are several types of compensation plans including traditional, broadband and market-based compensation programs (Biro, 2016).

The recent past has seen many companies shifting to a market-based compensation program as opposed to the traditional and broadband compensation programs which were popular in the past, according to the 2012 Survey of Salary Structure Policies and Practices. This is because “they combine the more well-defined parameters of a traditional structure with the range spread flexibility of broadbands” notes Kerry Chou a Certified Compensation Professional with WorldatWork (Rataj, nd). Most organizations that have successfully adopted the market-based compensation program are those offering consulting, professional and scientific services such as SAS, Boston Consulting Group, John Hopkins University and University of Arizona.

The basis for a market-based compensation program is market pricing. Market pricing is an external factor in an organization that looks at the labor market to determine what employees in an organization will get (Flannery, 2002). An organization with a market-based compensation program pegs its salary and other rewards to what other organizations are paying. Apart from salary, the other constituents of employee compensation include variable pay, benefits and equity. An effective market-based compensation program balances the external equity with internal equity to ensure that not only are the employees rewarded well, but that the organization is sustainable by consistently achieving its Return on Investment (ROI).

A market-based compensation program requires market data for more than half the jobs in an organization and for three quarters of the organization’s employees. A compensation program with data for less than half the jobs is not based on the market but on internal equity (Feldman, 2002).

While a purely market-based compensation program may compare favorably with an industry’slabor market hence attracting top talent to an organization, its major setback is that it does not determine the actual value of the compensation to an organization’s Return on Investment (ROI). Consequently, it is important to balance external competitiveness with an organization’s internal equity for an effective market-based program.

Balancing external competitiveness and internal equity

For some companies, it is not possible to balance between external competitiveness and internal equity. For example, for an industry’s big market leader, the internal equity is often the industry’s external competitiveness or the jobs are so diverse compared to the rest of the industry that any comparison would be meaningless………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Internal Equity in an Effective Compensation Program


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ethical considerations of executive compensation

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to summarize ethics in financial responsibilities and to evaluate ethical considerations of executive compensation by writing a persuasive essay. In your essay, take a position on the following topics, and support it with evidence. Evidence can be facts, statistics, and quotes from scholarly articles, reliable news sources, or even anecdotal examples from personal experience. You may use any of the readings from this course, or you may find new ones to support your position. At least two pieces of evidence should be used (one for each topic).

1- Do you think executive compensation in its various parts (i.e., salary, stock options, severance packages) funded at the current level is unethical? If so, how would you revise the compensation so that it was just? On what basis would you change it? Does the government have a role to play? If so, in what manner?

2- Is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act too strict, not strict enough, or just right? Explain.

Your essay should be at least 500 words in length, double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Use APA Style to format your citations.






  1. Do you think executive compensation in its various parts (i.e., salary, stock options, severance packages) funded at the current level is unethical? If so, how would you revise the compensation so that it was just? On what basis would you change it? Does the government have a role to play? If so, in what manner?

Yes, I think executive compensation in its various parts at its current level is unethical since it was structured without valid justification. As opposed to other salaries that are structured based on various parameters such as level of hazard, level of experience, level and cost of education, and minimum wage, the current executive compensation lacks the basis of these criteria(Kleymenova, 2016). Comparing the working environment with other workers such as mine workers, the working environment of the mine workers is very risk. Also, some executive does not highest possible level of education as other workers, but they still enjoy lucrative benefits, than the highly learned workers.

Considering that executive possesses immense power and influence in the organization, the current compensation package they enjoy make workers to be demoralized and erodes the ethical climate of the company(Pollard, 2014). For example, when a teller in a financial institution feels unappreciated, he/she may engage in ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..ethical considerations of executive compensation 


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Organizations easily develop compensation structures

Topic: Can organizations easily develop compensation structures that are both internally consistent and market competitive at the same time? What are some of the challenges to this goal? What are some compensation strategies organizations can use to attract and retain top talent? Cite at least two outside sources as references in support of your initial response.





Can organizations easily develop compensation structures that are both internally consistent and market competitive at the same time?

            Studies have showed that it is possible for organizations to develop a compensation structure that are both internally consistent and market competitive at the same time, but it is not always easy(Martocchio, 2014). Analysis have showed that internally consistent compensation systems constitute a concise definition of relative value of each job among all jobs within a company. To achieve this, organization uses a simple, yet very fundamental principle for building internally consistent compensation systems.

What are some of the challenges to this goal?

In addition, internally consistent compensation system enables the organization to create formally structured job description by analyzing job. But this can also make organization to enter into problems by paying higher wages to retain competitive advantage in the market(Martocchio, 2014). For the organization to retain competitive in the market, it should develop and implement market-competitive pay system. This is a very challenging for some companies since they pay high competition than the counterparts.

What are some compensation strategies organizations can use to attract and retain top talent?            Analysis have showed that successful compensation strategies constitute high paid salary, comprehensive incentives and the over the top popular nonconventional benefits. For example, an organization like Google provide a wide variety of benefits to attract and retain top talent(Cadwell, 2018). This compensation strategy goes beyond the regular discretionary benefit such as retirement pensions, dental and medical benefits…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Ethical considerations of executive compensation

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to summarize ethics in financial responsibilities and to evaluate ethical considerations of executive compensation by writing a persuasive essay. In your essay, take a position on the following topics, and support it with evidence. Evidence can be facts, statistics, and quotes from scholarly articles, reliable news sources, or even anecdotal examples from personal experience. You may use any of the readings from this course, or you may find new ones to support your position. At least two pieces of evidence should be used (one for each topic).

1- Do you think executive compensation in its various parts (i.e., salary, stock options, severance packages) funded at the current level is unethical? If so, how would you revise the compensation so that it was just? On what basis would you change it? Does the government have a role to play? If so, in what manner?

2- Is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act too strict, not strict enough, or just right? Explain.

Your essay should be at least 500 words in length, double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Use APA Style to format your citations.


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  1. Do you think executive compensation in its various parts (i.e., salary, stock options, severance packages) funded at the current level is unethical? If so, how would you revise the compensation so that it was just? On what basis would you change it? Does the government have a role to play? If so, in what manner?

Yes, I think executive compensation in its various parts at its current level is unethical since it was structured without valid justification. As opposed to other salaries that are structured based on various parameters such as level of hazard, level of experience, level and cost of education, and minimum wage, the current executive compensation lacks the basis of these criteria(Kleymenova, 2016). Comparing the working environment with other workers such as mine workers, the working environment of the mine workers is very risk. Also, some executive does not highest possible level of education as other workers, but they still enjoy lucrative benefits, than the highly learned workers.

Considering that executive possesses immense power and influence in the organization, the current compensation package they enjoy make workers to be demoralized and erodes the ethical climate of the company(Pollard, 2014). For example, when a teller in a financial institution feels unappreciated, he/she may engage in upselling their customers. This unethical behavior is costly to the consumer. It is important demystify the notion that high compensation package given to executive has direct correlation with better performance. I would revise the compensation to match those of the public officials in similar positions, which will form the foundations. For instance, if the President of the United States earns $400,000 as the top executive official of the country, an executive of the company should not earn more than that(Pollard, 2014). To make these changes legal, the government agencies needs to put in place regulations and laws…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Compensation has no bearing on a company’s performance

1) Describe your reaction to the following statement: compensation has no bearing on a company’s performance.


(2) Should the government raise the minimum wage? Explain your answer.






Management: Compensation, Performance and the Minimum Wage

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(Student’s Name)

Compensation has No Meaning on Company’s Performance


            In the modern competitive global world, attracting competent and effective workforce has become a major necessity for every organization. However, having an effective and efficient workforce is not enough if a company must realize its goals. There is often the need to offer competitive compensation that matches the employee capabilities, experience and output. Compensation is correlated to the company performance, thus it has a huge of company performance. A poorly compensated workforce is likely………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….