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Identification of the components of the problem-solving paradigm as it applies to your chosen business problem and identification of the three economic theories you will use in your paper.

Your paper is worth 200 points. The guidelines are below and are also on the syllabus.
• You will be expected to write one paper, due the last Friday of the class. Papers will be applied to a business problem of your choice that you have experienced or witnessed in some way. Business situations that have been presented in the media are not permitted. Papers will be submitted using Microsoft Word and will be uploaded through the assignment in Blackboard. Papers will be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Calbri, font size 11pt, with 1” margins all around, and should be around 1000 words, or roughly four to five double spaced pages, with a firm limit of 1250 words, with the above requirements. Please spell check and proof read your paper. Please note that a shorter paper is absolutely fine as long as you address the required components outlined below. A poorly written paper will not score as well as a well-written, error-free paper. Cover pages, references, and graphs do not count toward length. Please do not eat space with headings–all that is needed is your name at the top. Think of this as an executive memo of sorts within your business! Papers must be submitted to Blackboard no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on the posted due date. Again, you must upload your paper through Blackboard through the assignment tab. The paper will count toward your grade for 200 points. Early papers are definitely welcome!
• Papers will be graded with a list of criteria as a guideline for consistency but with any written work, there is not a complete formula. Your ability to follow instructions, write clearly and concisely, and apply economic concepts and the paradigm we are using are all factors that will be incorporated in the grading rubric. Please note we will not be able to read drafts of your papers. The discussion board posts will serve as your primary mechanism of feedback as you work on your paper. You are encouraged to work with a classmate to share drafts /proof read each other’s papers. Your instructor will not read drafts of your paper.
The paper components and guidelines are as follows:

Paper Components:
o Introduction: Identification of the components of the problem-solving paradigm as it applies to your chosen business problem and identification of the three economic theories you will use in your paper. (125 – word guideline/max, 25 points). Your week 1 discussion board ties to this component.
o Economic theory 1: Application of your first chosen theory to your problem and analysis of the theory in context of the problem and paradigm. (250 – word guideline/max, 50 points). Your week 2 discussion board ties to this component.
o Economic theory 2: Application of your second chosen theory to your problem and analysis of the theory in context of the problem and paradigm. (250 – word guideline/max, 50 points). Your week 3 discussion board ties to this component.
o Economic theory 3: Application of your third chosen theory to your problem and analysis of the theory in context of the problem and paradigm. (250 – word guideline/max, 50 points). Your week 4 discussion board ties to this component.
o Conclusion and recommendations: Tie your recommendations that flow from you economic applications and analysis together to present a remedy/remedies to the problem(s) identified in the problem-solving paradigm in your introduction. Be sure to clearly tie you recommendation back to the decision maker you identified in your paradigm! (125 – word guideline.max, 25 points). Your week 5 discusison board ties to this component.
• Paper Guidelines
• Part 1: Introduction
Your introduction should follow this format:
Introduce the topic in a few sentences, present the problem clearly by including all three question components of the Problem-Solving Paradigm presented on pages 4-5 in Chapter 1 as they relate to your topic. Identify your three economic theories you will be using in the paper.
o Include: WHO made the BAD decision. In a sentence. (ex: The purchasing manager made the bad decision to sign a contract with a suppplier despite the slowdown in orders over the past year).
o Include: Did the decision maker have enough information to make a good decision? YES/NO, within a one sentence explanation. (ex: Yes, the purchasing manager had enough information to make a good decision.)
o Include: Did the decision maker have the incentive to make a good decision? YES/NO, within a one sentence explanation. (ex: No, the purchasing manager did not have an incentive to make a good decision because her salary was not tied to profit.)
o List which economic THEORIES (at least 3 from the list below) you will use to discuss the problem identified (In this example, it would be either the incentive problem or that you have the wrong decision maker, or both).
o The quality of your writing will be evaluated (complete sentences, no grammatical or typographical errors, flow of writing, ability to follow instructions).
• Parts 2-4: Three Economic Theories and Analysis
Present your case. Expand upon your identified paradigm components from the introduction using your chosen theories to analyze the problem(s) that will lead to your recommended remedy.
o Analyze the problem by applying your FIRST stated theory. Explain how it applies to the problem in your paradigm. Use the first theory correctly in your explanation.
o Analyze the problem by applying your SECOND stated theory. Explain how it applies to the problem in your praadigm. Use the second theory correctly in your explanation.
o Analyze the problem by applying your THIRD stated theory. Explain how it applies to the problem in your paradigm. Use the third theory correctly in your explanation.
o The quality of your writing will be evaluated as explained above.
o You may use other theories as part of your analysis, but you must pick three main theories from the list below. For example, you might use marginal analysis as part of your application/discussion but it is not one of the three required theories.
• For your economic theories, please choose three theories to apply from among the following topics:

• 1. Shifts in Demand or Supply and impact on market equilibirum
• 2. Shortages and/or surpluses
• 3. Price Controls-Price ceilings or Price floors
• 4. Elasticity: Price elasticity of demand, cross price elasticity, or income elasticity
• 5. Cost factors-fixed and/or variable costs, productivity
• 6. Cost Factors-economies and/or diseconomies of scale or scope
• 7. Cost factors-productivity/diminishing marginal returns
• 8. Competetive industires versus monopoly
• 9. Pricing decisions with commonly owned products (substitutes or complements)
• 10. Pricing decisions with promotional pricing and/or psychological pricing
• 11. Direct price discrimination
• 12. Indirect price discrimination-Volume discounts or bundling
• 13.Adverse selection-risk, screening, signaling
• 14. Moral Hazard

• Part 5: Conclusion
Present recommendations and concluding remarks that connect to your paradigm components.
o State and explain your recommendation(s) to RESOLVE the problem(s) identified in your paradigm, and/or what you would do differently to resolve the problem. This recommendation/resolution must be tied to the decision-maker identified in your paradigm-in the above example, it is the purchasing manager.
o Your recommendations are logically connected to and flow from your economic analysis using your three chosen theories.
o Provide concluding remarks to wrap things up.
o The quality of your writing will be evaluated as explained above.
• Please note that you are expected to show a clear understanding of the theories you choose by correctly explaining their application to your problem. Restating theory definitons is not needed and should not be done-we know the theories and this eats your space. Avoid using technical jargon that is not widely known to someone not familiar with your industry or situation. Any graphs, table, or numerical examples that are stand alone should be put in an appendix that will not count in your word count but an explanation should be in the body of the paper.

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Explain components of multidimensional nursing care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders

Assignment – Designing a Care Map

Purpose of Assignment

1. Assist with coordination of care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders.

2. Enhance understanding of the nursing process in coordinating care for a client.

Course Competency

· Explain components of multidimensional nursing care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders.

· Select appropriate nursing interventions when providing multidimensional care to clients experiencing alterations in mobility


For this assignment you will pick a musculoskeletal disorder ( Osteoporosis ) .

Develop a care map using the template directly after these instructions. For this assignment, include the following: assessment and data collection (including disease process, common lab work/diagnostics, subjective, objective, and health history data), three NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis, one SMART goal for each nursing diagnosis, and two nursing interventions with rationale for each SMART goal for a client with a musculoskeletal disorder.

Use at least FOUR scholarly sources to support your care map. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference, page using APA format.




DUE 8/7/2021

AssessmentandData CollectionThree NANDA-I Approved Nursing DiagnosisOne Smart Goal for EACH Nursing DiagnosisTwo Nursing Interventions with Rationale for EACH Nursing Diagnosis
Disease Process (short description of patho of disorder- cite this- do not copy and paste):Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune process affecting synovial joints. It is chronic and systemic, causing inflammation and permanent joint damage (Ignatavicius et al., 2018)Common Labwork/Diagnostics:Labs:Rheumatoid factorANAESRAlbumin (Ignatavicius et al., 2018)Diagnostics:XraysArthrocentesis (Ignatavicius et al., 2018)Assessment Data (consider subjective, objective, and heath history):Subjective: joint pain, anorexia, fatigue, painful stiff joints (Ignatavicius et al., 2018)Objective: redness in joints, deformed joints, physical limitations, decreased mobility (Ignatavicius et al., 2018)Nursing Diagnosis: Disturbed body image r/t alteration in body function AEB painful, deformed hand joints.Nursing Diagnosis:Nursing DiagnosisSMART Goal: Patient will verbalize physical changes without making disparaging comments by 5/5SMART Goal:SMART Goal:1. Intervention: Provide emotional support and encourage patientRationale: With deformed joints, this will improve patients self -concept (Phelps, 2021)2. Intervention Involve patient in planningRationale : This will increase patient compliance with activities to the best of their ability(Phelps, 2021)

Module 05 Assignment – Designing a Care Map Rubric

Total Assessment Points – 65

Levels of Achievement
Assessment / Data Collection(10 Pts)Lacks basic factors of the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data.Failure to submit Assessment/Data Collection will result in zero points for this criterion.Briefly identifies the factors including the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data.Clearly identifies the factors including the disease process, common labs, and diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data.Thoroughly identifies all factors including the disease process, common labs, diagnostic tests, and subjective, objective, and health history data with a deep understanding.
Points – 7Points – 8Points – 9Points – 10
Nursing Diagnosis (should fit the data)(10 Pts)Nursing diagnoses are insufficient and/or do not fit the data.Failure to submit Nursing Diagnosis will result in zero points for this criterion.Writes ONE NANDA-I approved nursing diagnosis in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data.Writes TWO NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data.Writes THREE NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses in the correct format (including related to/as evidenced by) with a strong connection to identified data.
Points – 7Points – 8Points – 9Points – 10
SMART Goal (should reflect the diagnosis and follow guidelines)(15 Pts)The goals meet few SMART goal guidelines and/or are not related to the nursing diagnoses.Failure to submit SMART goals will result in zero points for this criterion.Writes ONE goal for ONE nursing diagnosis and the goal meets all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnosis.Writes ONE goal for TWO nursing diagnoses and the goals meet all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnoses.Writes ONE goal for THREE nursing diagnoses and the goals meet all the SMART goal guidelines and are related to the nursing diagnoses.
Points – 11Points – 12Points – 13Points – 15
Interventions and Rationale(20 Pts)Lacks appropriate interventions and rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem.Failure to submit Interventions and Rationale will result in zero points for this criterion.Writes 3 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references.Writes 5 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references.Writes more than 5 interventions with rationale to assist the client in resolving the issues leading to the problem with appropriate references.
Points – 15Points – 16Points – 18Points –20
APA Citation(5 Pts)APA in-text citations and references are missing.Attempted to use APA in-text citations and references.APA in-text citations and references are used with few errors.APA in-text citations and references are used correctly.
Points- 2Points- 3Points- 4Points- 5
Spelling and Grammar(5 Pts)Numerous spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material.Some spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material.Few spelling and grammar errors.Minimal to no spelling and grammar errors.
Points- 2Points- 3Points- 4Points- 5
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Different Components of Supply Chain

Examine the place where you currently work, or a prior career, and identify a single service or product produced by your organization. Identify the different components of the supply chain for that product or service (list them from beginning to end). Be sure to identify which parts of the supply chain are considered “upstream” and “downstream” exchanges. Based on what you learned from your research, describe a single current issue that might negatively impact a company’s global supply chain.






Components of Supply Chain

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Different Components of Supply Chain

Russell & Taylor (2014) define supply chain as the activities, functions and facilities that are involved in the production and delivery of product/service from the supplier to the consumer. The authors assert that the supply chain starts with the upstream supply chain members, the distributors, warehouses, and end up in the consumers. My previous organization dealt with the production of milk and milk products. The various components of the supply chain could be observed within my previous organization. In the milk processing, the various components of the supply chain noted include the sourcing of milk, which was obtained from the farmers within the locality and other large scale suppliers. The other element of the supply chain process was the milk processing process. Once milk was sourced from the suppliers, it was checked for quality and processed to produce various milk products. The other part of the supply chain is the logistics, which in our company involved the delivery of the finished products to the customers. This involved the coordination of receipt of consumer orders, development of warehouse network and development of carriage system. In the supply chain system, the upstream exchanges took place between the milk suppliers and the company, while the downstream exchanges occurred at the company’s…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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Major components of blockchain

Start your paper with an introductory paragraph(1 page).

  • Prompt 1 Blockchain (2 pages): Explain the major components of blockchain. Be sure to include how blockchain is affecting a global economy and how you see it growing in the future.
  • Prompt 2 Big Data (2 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology?  How does big data affect a global economy.
  • Prompt 3 Government and Policies (2pages):  Discuss the role government plays in a global economy.  Also, look at what policies are currently in place and then discussion what policies should be put in place.

Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section (1-2 pages long).

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Writers Solution

analyzes the key components of a strategic planning framework, assesses the value of using a strategic planning framework, and explains the role of leadership in the strategic planning process.

Assessment 1 The Strategic Process

Write a 3-4-page academic paper that analyzes the key components of a strategic planning framework, assesses the value of using a strategic planning framework, and explains the role of leadership in the strategic planning process.


This portfolio work project asks you to analyze the strategic process using the AFI framework. This analysis will clearly demonstrate your ability to think critically and strategically, and to use evidence to support your thinking.

The Scenario

You work for a management consulting firm that makes regular contributions to a national publication created to help new businesses and entrepreneurs. Your boss has asked you to write an article on the importance of strategic planning for an upcoming issue. 

Your Role

You have decided to focus your article on the strategic planning process and the use of a strategic planning framework.


To complete this assessment, be sure you understand the AFI framework. Conduct your own research to find recent articles on the value of strategic planning and the role of leadership in the strategic planning process. Now write your article and include:

· Analyze the key components of a strategic planning framework. 

· Assess the value of using a strategic planning framework for long-term success and sustained competitive advantage. 

· Explain the role of leadership in the strategic planning process. Be sure to address the ethical responsibilities of leaders in the strategic planning process. 

Deliverable Format

· The Strategic Process is an academic document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, which can be found in the MBA Program Resources in the courseroom navigation panel.

. Read about APA formatting and citing references under “Writing Skills.”

· In addition to the analysis, include:

. Title page.

. References page.

. APA formatted references from at least two sources.

· 3–4 pages in length, in addition to the title and references pages.

· Written for new businesses and entrepreneurs. 


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

· Competency 1: Assess the importance of strategic management for supporting long term success and sustained competitive advantage.

. Analyze the key components of a strategic planning framework.

. Assess the value of using a strategic planning framework for long-term success and sustained competitive advantage.

. Explain the role of leadership in the strategic planning process.

· Competency 5: Communicate business needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.

. Correctly format citations and references using current APA style.

. Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

Your faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were the editor of the publication. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.