Writers Solution

Computer Programming is fun to learn!

Step 1: Requirements

Write a program that will input a phrase and convert it to pig latin. Put each word in a separate element of a string array. Remove the first letter from each word and concatenate it to the end of the word followed by “ay.”

Sample Output from Program:


* You will be prompted to enter a string of *

* words. The string will be converted into *

* Pig Latin and the results displayed. *

* Enter as many strings as you would like. * 


Enter a group of words or ENTER to quit: Computer Programming is fun to learn!

Original words: Computer Programming is fun to learn!

New Words: omputercay ogrammingpray isway unfay otay earnlay!

Enter a group of words or ENTER to quit: Quit

Pig Latin Hint: 

If a word begins with one or more consonants, move the consonant or consonant cluster to the end of the word. Add the letters “ay” to the end of the word. So, “pig” would be “igpay,” and “latin” would be “atinlay.”

Step 2:Processing Logic

Using the pseudocode below, write the code that will meet the requirements.

Main function

Display the heading

While the condition is true

Prompt the user for group of words or Enter to quit

Display original words

Call function pigLatinString( )

End while

pigLatinString( ) function

Declare and initialize string variables len, counter, start, begin, word and newString

While condition is true

Call find() and pass a space and start as parameters and return the returned value

to start

if start equals to string::npos

jump outside the loop permanently

call substr() function

display the word

update newString

increment start by one

assign start to begin

End While

Call substr()

Update newString

Return newString




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Writers Solution

Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program.

The Complete Guide to Teaching Yourself with the Online Programm Assignment Help

The online programm assignment help is a great way to learn how to become a better writer.

The online programm assignment help is an online website that provides writing prompts and answers for students. It has been around since the year 2013. The site has over 1,000,000 registered users and a total of more than 15 million unique visitors in the last month.

The website provides students with writing prompts and answers for their assignments that are delivered via email or through text message. This makes it easy for students who have busy schedules or who live abroad to get their assignments done on time without having to worry about missing any school deadlines.

What is a programm assignment and what are the types of programms?

Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program. It can be done in different ways, for example, by using a language such as C or Java.

Types of programms:

– Programms that are written in a specific language and designed to solve particular problems. For example, an algorithm written in C would solve problems related to the operations of numbers and data processing.

– Programms that are created using general-purpose programming languages such as Python or JavaScript. These programs can be used for many purposes, from solving mathematical problems to simple games created with these languages.

How to Self-Study Programming with Online Programma Assignment Help

There are many online programming assistance programs. They can help you learn the basics of programming in a short span of time by providing you with clear instructions and assignments.

These programs provide a structured way to learn the necessary skills required for programming. They also offer a variety of topics to choose from, which will help you decide what suits your needs best.

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs’ Pricing and User Feedback

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs’ Pricing and User Feedback

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs are a type of online tutoring services that offer help with homework, projects and other assignments. They are often referred to as online homework help or online project help.

The pricing of these programs can vary depending on the service provider, but they typically range from $5 to $15 per hour.

These programs are a good option for students who need help with school assignments. However, some students have reported that their grades have dropped after using these services because they were not able to complete their work themselves.

Programma Assignment Help Companies That Can Accommodate Your Individual Budget

Programma Assignment Help Companies That Can Accommodate Your Individual Budget

Programma is an online platform which provides help to students in completing their assignments. The platform provides a wide range of services including assignment help, editing and proofreading. The company also offers a variety of discounts for students and allow them to choose the type of assignment they need help with. Programma’s team is made up of experienced writers, editors and proofreaders who are able to provide assistance to students at affordable rates.

The world has seen a lot of changes in the recent years. With the advent of AI, it has become easier for people to find their own solutions when it comes to writing content or solving problems. With these changes, we have seen many companies come up with innovative




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program.

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Writers Solution

What does Johnson mean by claiming that computer technologies create new “instrumentations of human action”?

Short-answer questions (pick one; 250 words):

1. What does Johnson mean by claiming that computer technologies create new “instrumentations of human action”? Explain, defend your answer, and give an example.

2. According to Hillis, what is a “universal computer”? Explain and give an example.

3. Which of Feenberg’s views about technology and its relationship to values do you think best explain computer technologies? Explain, defend your answer, and give an example.


I will accept both APA or MLA styles, however do not include a cover sheet. When doing research, you may use sources from any periodical from the internet or other written sources, but DO NOT use Wikipedia as a source. The sources may be from peer-reviewed journals or popular blogs. For example, check the Science and Technology sections from NPR, or The New York Times, etc. Other popular Tech based sites and blogs, such as Ars-Technica or Tech Crunch, are perfectly acceptable. If you have any questions about a specific source, please ask before using it. Please be sure to include a bibliography or works cited for all relevant information. Always be sure to cite your sources.

Long-answer question (500 words):

Are some computer technologies inherently political (that is, do computer artifacts have political qualities?) Why or why not?

Drawing from the writings of Winner, Feenberg, Moor, Johnson, and Cook: explain, defend your answer, and give an example not used in the text.


I will accept both APA or MLA styles, however do not include a cover sheet. When doing research, you may use sources from any periodical from the internet or other written sources, but DO NOT use Wikipedia as a source. The sources may be from peer-reviewed journals or popular blogs. For example, check the Science and Technology sections from NPR, or The New York Times, etc. Other popular Tech based sites and blogs, such as Ars-Technica or Tech Crunch, are perfectly acceptable. If you have any questions about a specific source, please ask before using it. Please be sure to include a bibliography or works cited for all relevant information. Always be sure to cite your sources


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on What does Johnson mean by claiming that computer technologies create new “instrumentations of human action”?


Writers Solution

computers and software are changing everything vis a vis how computer science is taught or not taught in schools

  • Read about how computers and software are changing everything vis a vis how computer science is taught or not taught in schools (‘What’s wrong with this picture?’, 2015).  Examine the extent to which computer science is changing our world yet schools seem to lag behind in computer education. Suggest how STEM education can change ‘this picture’. Include strategies you would use to convince parents, administrators, and peer teachers of this. make your presentation real by including real class experience. 


1. Gokce, S., Yenmez, A. A., & Ozpinar, I. (2017, March 23). An analysis of mathematics education students’ skills in the process of programming and their practices of integrating It into their teaching. International Education Studies, 10(8), 60.

  • There is need to appraise approaches to teaching computer science in secondary classrooms. This is necessitated by recent developments in technology have changed the learner’s profile and the learning outcomes. Today, with the emergence of higher-order thinking skills and computer literacy skills, teaching through traditional methodologies likely to fail to achieve the learning outcomes (Gokce et al., 2017).

2.  ICT in STEM education – impacts and challenges: setting the scene. A STEM Alliance literature review. (2016, November). European Schoolnet. 

  • Due to the fast developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), many young people are constantly connected to digital devices and the Internet. This has changed the way they receive and process information, and the education system is slowly starting to adjust and explore the opportunities that ICT can bring for students’ learning and development (European Schoolnet, 2016).

3. Mallios, N., & Vassilakopoulos, M. G. (2015). Evaluating students’ programming skill behaviour and personalizing their computer learning environment using ‘The hour of code’ paradigm. International Association for Development of the Information Society, pp. 131- 135.

  • One of the most intriguing objectives when teaching computer science to students in secondary school is attracting and mainly maintaining their concentration within the limits of the class. In this paper, an empirical study is performed with the support of the “Hour of Code” initiative. The initiative was presented to a number of students as a motivation for teaching computer programming to them. An evaluation of the students’ programming skills is attempted with the aid of a questionnaire and a simple personalization framework is presented in order to adapt to the students’ personal needs.

4. Why computer science? (n.d.). CODE.

  • Computers and software are changing everything yet the majority of schools do not teach computer science (‘What’s wrong with this picture?’, 2015). It seems that our education system today is not set up for everyone to participate in the emerging economy and opportunities. Computer science is not widely taught in our schools. The irony is that parents want their children to learn computer science. Our education system clearly needs to evolve to bring computer science to students that want to learn this subject.

Optional Video

1. TEDx Talks. (2016, November 3). Smashing STEM stereotypes with coding | Fiona Quin | TEDxTownsville [Video]. YouTube.  (11:52)

  • We live in a rapidly changing technological world. Technology dependence and jobs are increasing but the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) workforce isn’t (TEDx Talks, 2016). What if YOU – parents and families – hold the key to the STEM workforce diversity and growth issues? You Can Code! Everyone can code! Let’s setup Workplace Maker Spaces and watch the imagination, creativity, innovation, and collaboration grow. It’s good for you, your kids, your business, your country, and the STEM workforce


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  • computers and software are changing everything vis a vis how computer science is taught or not taught in schools

    Writers Solution

    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network.

     Part A: Mini Case Study (2 pages maximum)You are to provide an essay (two pages maximum) for the following mini case question. The essay is to be a 1.5 line spacing.
    Computer Dynamics
    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network. The company is located in three adjacent five-story buildings in an office park, with about 100 computers in each building. The LANs in each building are similar, but one building has the data canter on the second floor. There are no other office locations. The current network is poorly designed for its current needs and must be completely replaced. Develop a logical design for this enterprise campus that considers the seven network architecture components. There are no other campuses, so you can omit WAN access. You will need to make some assumptions, so be sure to document your assumptions and explain why you have designed the network in this way.
    (25 marks)
    The essays do not require in text references or a list of references.
    Part B: Business Report (8 pages for body of the report)
    Management has identified that in order to provide employees with mobile access a more flexible networking environment needs to be created. Since the organisation uses a typical client server network management has decided that the next logical step would be to move the services to a cloud based solution. The move to the cloud it is argued would remove some of the access restrictions that IT has placed on services and therefore make employees more productive.
    Our organisation provides the manufacture and supply of widgets that are in high demand for the production of integrated circuits. Currently we are only a few of the manufacturers that can supply the widgets in the quantity required by our customers. Internal review of our activities has identified that while out manufacturing process is well established the scheduling and processing of orders can lead to delays in processing orders. Changes were proposed to try and alleviate some of the complaints from the employees when accessing and using the organisation IT services in order to schedule the productions.
    The networking is designed as a two tier client server architecture. The backend services provide the data store and retrieval of company information which needs to be guarded carefully. Most of the business processing is performed on the staff desktops. Due to the structure and management of the data, sales people when visiting a client store the orders and quantities onto specially printed note pads which will need to be re-enter into the system once they are back in the office. Recently we have moved to a digitised version of the order form to help the sales people when interacting with customers. Transfer of the data to the organisation systems still needs to be done manually as the information has to be checked against a number of systems before the order can be placed. The reentry of the data is normally done by office staff but may also be done by the sale people usually during the busy period of the year. Any changes to the original orders and times will require them to contact the client and renegotiate the job order. Employees are require to connect to multiple systems to be able to enter the new orders and place them on the system as production runs. As the processing of the data and information is very important to the organisation the current design requires that when users access a major system they need to re-enter their user credentials.
    It was evident from the meeting that management understanding of the cloud services in terms of structures and benefits was not clear enough to make planning decisions. Before proceeding with the proposed plans you have been tasked with providing a report that would be used to re-examine the proposal by researching and providing a report for the following topics.
    Note: When we say Mobile devices we mean devices that can be used by employees to access the data and services in an unstructured network environment as well as through other third party networks.
    • The cloud solutions are not well formulated at the moment due to some misunderstanding of what the term actually means. Describe the type of cloud services available, the benefits and disadvantages of each solution.
    • It is evident that from the description of the processes in the organisation the processing of information is done by requesting information from number of different sources before the order can be placed in the production queue. Which type of cloud should we be looking at to be able to benefit from remote access to the services while not necessarily modifying our business process and why is that the best solution.
    • Nominate the cloud solution that would be best for the organisation in the long run with justifications for your selection. Also include any possible problems that the solution might pose in the future plans.
    • Consider the overall impact that the introduction of new devices would have on the network functionality and availability. Identify possible problems and issues that the introduction of mobile computing could have on the network services.
    • It is evident that the introduction or restructure can cause a major disruption to the employees with having to adjust to the new technology, new security and access restrictions and so on. Provide advice the management on the need for training and reskilling you think would be needed to maximise the adoption of new technology by the organisational employees.
    (75 marks)
    Please read the instructions very carefully.
    Report Format for Part C (8 pages body)
    The report needs to be a standard business report and you must reference correctly in Harvard style.
    Your report MUST follow the structure for a report as specified in the Faculty of Business
    Communications skills handbook, however, you will not be required to submit the following sections: Glossary or Appendices. You may want to consider the structure of the marking scheme when structuring the body of your report.
    Your report must include references where you have used other sources (both in the body text and listed at the end of the report)
    • Marks will be deducted for submitted work with missing or incorrect references.
    • Work submitted with no references in the body of the report will NOT be accepted.
    • Your report must be printed with 1.5 line spacing; at least 12-point font size; and the body of the report should be no more than 10 pages of single-sided A4 paper.
    • Penalty will apply for exceeding the page limit.
    • Assignments not following the report style will be heavily penalised

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    Writers Solution

    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network

     ITM502 AssignmentWeighting: 30%

    Part A: Mini Case Study (2 pages maximum)
    You are to provide an essay (two pages maximum) for the following mini case question. The essay is to be a 1.5 line spacing.
    Computer Dynamics
    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network. The company is located in three adjacent five-story buildings in an office park, with about 100 computers in each building. The LANs in each building are similar, but one building has the data canter on the second floor. There are no other office locations. The current network is poorly designed for its current needs and must be completely replaced. Develop a logical design for this enterprise campus that considers the seven network architecture components. There are no other campuses, so you can omit WAN access. You will need to make some assumptions, so be sure to document your assumptions and explain why you have designed the network in this way.
    (25 marks)
    The essays do not require in text references or a list of references.
    Part B: Business Report (8 pages for body of the report)
    Management has identified that in order to provide employees with mobile access a more flexible networking environment needs to be created. Since the organisation uses a typical client server network management has decided that the next logical step would be to move the services to a cloud based solution. The move to the cloud it is argued would remove some of the access restrictions that IT has placed on services and therefore make employees more productive.
    Our organisation provides the manufacture and supply of widgets that are in high demand for the production of integrated circuits. Currently we are only a few of the manufacturers that can supply the widgets in the quantity required by our customers. Internal review of our activities has identified that while out manufacturing process is well established the scheduling and processing of orders can lead to delays in processing orders. Changes were proposed to try and alleviate some of the complaints from the employees when accessing and using the organisation IT services in order to schedule the productions.
    The networking is designed as a two tier client server architecture. The backend services provide the data store and retrieval of company information which needs to be guarded carefully. Most of the business processing is performed on the staff desktops. Due to the structure and management of the data, sales people when visiting a client store the orders and quantities onto specially printed note pads which will need to be re-enter into the system once they are back in the office. Recently we have moved to a digitised version of the order form to help the sales people when interacting with customers. Transfer of the data to the organisation systems still needs to be done manually as the information has to be checked against a number of systems before the order can be placed. The reentry of the data is normally done by office staff but may also be done by the sale people usually during the busy period of the year. Any changes to the original orders and times will require them to contact the client and renegotiate the job order. Employees are require to connect to multiple systems to be able to enter the new orders and place them on the system as production runs. As the processing of the data and information is very important to the organisation the current design requires that when users access a major system they need to re-enter their user credentials.
    It was evident from the meeting that management understanding of the cloud services in terms of structures and benefits was not clear enough to make planning decisions. Before proceeding with the proposed plans you have been tasked with providing a report that would be used to re-examine the proposal by researching and providing a report for the following topics.
    Note: When we say Mobile devices we mean devices that can be used by employees to access the data and services in an unstructured network environment as well as through other third party networks.
    • The cloud solutions are not well formulated at the moment due to some misunderstanding of what the term actually means. Describe the type of cloud services available, the benefits and disadvantages of each solution.
    • It is evident that from the description of the processes in the organisation the processing of information is done by requesting information from number of different sources before the order can be placed in the production queue. Which type of cloud should we be looking at to be able to benefit from remote access to the services while not necessarily modifying our business process and why is that the best solution.
    • Nominate the cloud solution that would be best for the organisation in the long run with justifications for your selection. Also include any possible problems that the solution might pose in the future plans.
    • Consider the overall impact that the introduction of new devices would have on the network functionality and availability. Identify possible problems and issues that the introduction of mobile computing could have on the network services.
    • It is evident that the introduction or restructure can cause a major disruption to the employees with having to adjust to the new technology, new security and access restrictions and so on. Provide advice the management on the need for training and reskilling you think would be needed to maximise the adoption of new technology by the organisational employees.
    (75 marks)
    Please read the instructions very carefully.
    Report Format for Part C (8 pages body)
    The report needs to be a standard business report and you must reference correctly in Harvard style.
    Your report MUST follow the structure for a report as specified in the Faculty of Business
    Communications skills handbook, however, you will not be required to submit the following sections: Glossary or Appendices. You may want to consider the structure of the marking scheme when structuring the body of your report.
    Your report must include references where you have used other sources (both in the body text and listed at the end of the report)
    • Marks will be deducted for submitted work with missing or incorrect references.
    • Work submitted with no references in the body of the report will NOT be accepted.
    • Your report must be printed with 1.5 line spacing; at least 12-point font size; and the body of the report should be no more than 10 pages of single-sided A4 paper.
    • Penalty will apply for exceeding the page limit.
    • Assignments not following the report style will be heavily penalised


    GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class


    Computer Dynamics is a microcomputer software development company that has a 300 + computer network


    Writers Solution

    Computer Security Technology Planning Study (Volume II)

    MXS Cloud SDK

    Multi-X Security

    Software Development Kit




    Maxus Cloud SDK, the Multi-X Security Software Development Kit Hello, and welcome to the Maxus cloud software development kit briefing. This briefing will cover the basics of the Maxus Cloud SDK. If you’d like to hear more information about what you’ve seen in this brief, please contact Major Kyle Stewart at kyle dot stewart dot 5 @ US dot AF dot mil. MXS, pronounced “maxus”, stands for Multi-X security. The maxus project objectives are to provide secure multi-level, multi-category, and multi-nation environments. Categories are the maxus term for what some might call a compartment, caveat, or program.


    Historical Context


    The major problems of the USAF stem from the fact that there is a growing requirement to provide shared use of computer systems containing information of different classification levels and need-to-know requirements in a user population not uniformly cleared or access-approved. …

    Users are permitted and encouraged to directly program the system for their applications. It is in this latter kind of use of computers that the weakness of the technical foundation of current systems is most acutely felt.

    Computer Security Technology Planning Study (Volume II)

    October 1972


    Challenges & Solutions

    MXS Reference Architecture

    MXS Security Model


    Current commercial cloud infrastructure does not provide a multi-level / multi-category environment out-of-the-box; it must be provided by workload owner

    It is difficult for vendors and mission owners to create multi-level / multi-category aware software

    Unclear approach to data labeling impedes interoperability and complicates development of software solutions that function across the enterprise


    Execute project that develops a standard security model, data model, reference architecture, and Software Development Kit (SDK)

    Conduct prototyping in an unclassified cloud environment to demonstrate feasibility of using the MXS SDK to develop multi-level / multi-category software solutions

    When successful, utilize the MXS SDK to address IT requirements related to enterprise software development



    Enterprise View



    System View



    What is MXS Cloud SDK?

    Increasing Technical Opinion


    Security Model

    Data Model

    Reference Architecture

    Reference Implementation

    Cost Model

    Human-centric terms and definitions with concepts modeled in a well-defined visual language

    Machine readable data formats for access control information and metadata aligned to security model

    Organization of COTS/GOTS components into solution which supports security and data models

    Executable form of reference architecture that runs inside government owned cloud environment

    Provide cost predictions for reference implementation including licenses, compute, store, and network

    Acquisition and developer centric documentation that covers requirements, use cases, testing, etc.



    Business Processes

    Multiple organizations participate and contribute via DI2E DevTools based on Atlassian tools (Confluence, JIRA, BitBucket) + Jenkins Milestones are 4-week planning periods (i.e., sprints) All work is drafted, approved, and tracked via JIRA tickets Clear “definition of done” with deliverable required for ticket approval Documentation (including this briefing) is all tracked and built from version control



    Generic Security Model



    Claims 0.1

    { “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:digitalIdentifier”: “CN=Lastname Firstname Middle personId, OU=PE, OU=DoD, OU=DoD, O=U.S. Government, C=US”, “sub”: “7fbdecb9-7b1c-4663-bf7e-3e70b57f681e”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:aICP”: false, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:dutyOrganization”: “ABMC”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:dutyOrganizationUnit”: “CIO:APPS:EASPO”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:entityType”: “CTR”, “email_verified”: false, “iss”: “http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/hello-world”, “preferred_username”: “Firstname.Lastname”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:clearance”: [“TS”, “S”, “C”, “U”], “aud”: “siteapp”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:countryOfAffiliation”: [“USA”], “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:adminOrganization”: “ABMC”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:entitySecurityMark”: “U”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:auditRoutingOrganization”: “Routing Org”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:authorityCategory”: “ICD503”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:group”: [“my-group”, “my-group-two”, “your-group”], “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:region”: [“EMEA”], “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:role”: [“DoD-MXS-Admin”, “NATO-Liason”], “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:topic”: [“HLTH”], “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:certificateAuthority”: “DoDPKI”, “urn:us:gov:ic:uias:originatingNetwork”: “NET1″, “email”: “”, “urn:us:gov:dod:contractorOrg”: “ACME Inc.”, “urn:us:gov:dod:contractorOrgId”: “91749”, “urn:us:gov:dod:authorizationSet”: { “XMS”: { “M”: { “CAT1″: [“ABC:1234″] }, “H”: { “CAT1″: [“APPLES”], “CAT2″: [“DEF:9876″], “CAT3″: [“BANANAS”], } } } }

    Claims are represented by Open ID Connect JSON Web Token (JWT)

    Design is split into “heavy” JWT (backend authorization) and “light” JWT (held by client)

    Leverages semantics from IC UIAS standard as well as from OSD SAP CIO

    Format depicted here includes explicit, long namespaces to make it clear the origin of the semantic

    All labels and markings are notional and for illustrative purposes only.


    Clearance Owner:->“XMS”: { Level:—>“M”: { Category Type:——->“CAT1″: Categories:—————>[“ABC:1234″]


    Information Security Marking

    Multi-Level Markings (MLM) occur when there is a mixture of classification levels and categories portion marked within a document

    Standards like ISM potentially can misrepresent the aggregate precisely, resulting in over classification at the root level

    MXS is working with OSD SAP CIO and Common Metadata Standards Tiger Team (CMSTT) on possible implementation strategies and policies


    All labels and markings are notional and for illustrative purposes only.


    Label 0.1

    Derived from ISM semantics including JSON-LD distributed controlled value enumeration files

    Added additional structure in key areas of concern to address challenges with mixed classification level, categories, coalition data, and developer ergonomics

    Works together with MXS Claims JWT

    Designed to accept, produce compliant ISM labeled data

    Stepping-stone to next-generation labeled infrastructure based on OPA/REGO

    Moving the label to application-level protocols (like HTTP) that leverage JSON makes the shared data model more easily exchanged and validated

    Better aligned with modern development techniques and knowledge base in industry

    { “classification”: { “XMS”: “H” }, “categories”: { “XMS”: { “M”: { “CAT1″: [“ABC:1234″] }, “H”: { “CAT1″: [“APPLES”], “CAT2″: [“DEF:9876″], “CAT3″: [“BANANAS”], } } }, “disseminationControls”: [“REL”, “DISPLAYONLY”], “ownerProducer”: [“XMS”], “geoPolitical”: { “FGIsourceOpen”: [“AUS”, “CAN”, “GBR”], “FGIsourceProtected”: [“FGI”], “releasableTo”: [“USA”, “AUS”, “CAN”, “GBR”], “displayOnlyTo”: [“ABW”], “joint”: true },

    “classDeclass”: { “derivativelyClassifiedBy”: “MXS Developer”, “derivedFrom”: “Pursuant to SCG ABC version 1.2 dtd 01/01/2020”, “declassDate”: “2070-02-18”, “declassEvent”: null, “declassException”: [“AEA”], “classifiedBy”: null, “classificationReason”: null }, “metadata”: { “DESVersion”: “201903.201909”, “ISMCATCESVersion”: “201909”, “resourceElement”: null, “compliesWith”: “USGov”, “createDate”: “2021-02-19”, “exemptFrom”: “IC_710_MANDATORY_FDR”, “noAggregation”: “false”, “externalNotice”: null, “noticeType”: “DoD-Dist-X”, “noticeDate”: “2021-02-18”, “noticeReason”: “Contains CUI DCRIT”, “unregisteredNoticeType”: null, “pocType”: “ICD-710”, “hasApproximateMarkings”: null, “compilationReason”: “Language”, “excludeFromRollup”: null } }


    All labels and markings are notional and for illustrative purposes only.


    Access Control

    MXS implements an attribute-based access control (ABAC) model that in turn needs to support mandatory access control (MAC), discretionary access control (DAC), and role-based access control (RBAC) Data model focuses on modern production environments like the service meshes in a Kubernetes environment, deploying “sidecars” via COTS tools like Grey Matter Leverages open tools like Open Policy Agent, and the REGO policy language to express and enforce access control policies Combines the claims and labeling standardization in JSON to create a zero-trust architecture with rigid enforcement throughout the mesh

    package mxs default allow = false allow { # has_necessary_attributes sufficient_clearance all_categories } # Ensure that the user has sufficient clearance to view the marking on # the document. sufficient_clearance { # UIAS data has an array of clearances, not the highest clearance doc_classification_num := input.label._classification._classId clearance_number[user_clearances[_]] >= doc_classification_num } …



    Towards 1.0 – MXS ABAC Data Model

    Top-down design after gathering taxonomy of existing data semantics from IC and SAP communities

    Core specification that deals with the attributes required for access control to support MAC, DAC, and RBAC

    Priorities / Trade-offs

    Keep data going over the WAN small

    Keep data structures as normalized and regular as possible

    Follow principle of least surprise

    Interoperability with legacy formats

    Leverages JSON based JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE), JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and SPIFFE for security and certificate management

    Future expansion to binary formats like Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), or other formats like XML



    Three Tier Architecture



    Reference Architecture

    Government owned architecture with focus on use of commercial products and standards

    Example open / commercial products:

    Example open / commercial standards:

    Initial focus is on single-level, multi-category; aligns with cloud architecture

    Hooks to facilitate cloud hosted or on-premise cross domain solution

    Compatible with MLS data stores and services

    Managed, labeled data management and application hosting environment designed to integrate well with K8s DevSecOps pipelines like Platform One



    System for Cross-domain

    Identity Management



    Reference Implementation

    Automation Stack

    (*) Will support full DevSecOps lifecycle of hosted applications (via GitOps) and service mesh

    Used to automate deployment of packages on K8s

    Used for orchestration of executable capability

    Used to configure the baseline and deploy K8s

    Used to create, manage, and destroy baseline infrastructure

    Prototype / Experimentation

    Hosted in Cloud One Development (C1D) on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Used for COTS evaluation, prototype, experimentation, and scalability testing Leverages full C1D guard-railed environment to support potential future expansion to C1 production


    U-FEN is primary development environment Minimizes delta to other *-FEN targets Allows connectivity to unclassified identity store to enable ICAM solution Already aligned with Platform One as DevSecOps environment



    Next Steps

    Integration with Platform One Integration with Grey Matter Automated Security Analysis

    MITRE Caldera for automated pen testing framework

    MITRE SAF (Heimdall) for automated compliance monitoring

    Deployment to U-FEN Government Functional Testing Groundwork for Operational Pilots

    MITRE Security Automation Framework (

    MITRE Caldera (

    MITRE Heimdall (



    MXS Roadmap

    MXS Cloud SDK FY21 Deliverables

    Security Model / Data Model

    Reference Architecture

    Unclassified Prototype Cloud Implementation

    Legacy Integration Guidance

    Cost Model

    Fences Integration





    Prototype • GTRI as Prime ⁃ 2371B OTA via AFRL ⁃ 9-month POP • Cloud One Dev / U-Fences + Platform One • Early involvement from AO and test communities • Demo Days June / Oct 2021

    Transition & Mature • MXS Data Labeling Standard 1.0 (NIEM / CMSTT) • Upstream to Platform One (Iron Bank / Big Bang) • Enterprise ICAM Pilot • Operational Pilots

    Enterprise Software Factory • Sustained Capability Development ⁃ Leverage DevSecOps ⁃ Built on Platform One ⁃ MXS SDK (Cloud / Edge) • Production Cloud Environments ⁃ Cloud One (IL5, IL6) ⁃ *-FEN ⁃ C2S

    Impact • Empowers customers with DevSecOps as-a-Service • Lowers bar for third party developers to create multi-level, multi-category, multi-nation aware applications in the cloud or on premise • Government owned architectures supported with COTS products



    MXS SDK Future Architecture

    Baked-in resiliency to denied, disrupted, intermittent, and limited environments Takes advantage of strengths of both cloud and on-premise data centers Builds upon the use of commercial and government standards


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    Importance of computer forensics

     Instructions: You were introduced to computer forensics. For this assignment, you will explore your possible future role in this field by researching employment prospects for computer forensics investigators. Compose an essay on this topic. In your essay, be sure to include the following components.

    • Explain the importance of computer forensics.
    • Describe why the need for computer forensic examiners will be in demand over the coming years. Include statistics detailing with the growth of certain cybercrimes.
    • Explain the skills, training, and education required to become a computer forensics investigator.

    Your essay must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least two academic sources. You should also include an introduction and conclusion section in your essay. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

    2. You work for a political research think tank. The job pays well, and you believe you were correct with your decision to take the job. Your organization has just received a large multimillion-dollar fee to conduct political research on a well-known public figure. You have been told to gather forensic evidence in the form of dirt from several digital resources that belonged to this well-known individual. The client is paying for the research for the sole purpose of destroying the individual’s political career and reputation. Your instructions specify that you are not to vet or validate any of the evidence, just gather as much dirt as you can from what you have been given. You know that your findings will have far-reaching implications, regardless if the data is true or false. What are your thoughts on having to perform this type of forensic work? Would you do it? Why, or why not?

    3. Scenario: An individual has been accused of downloading child pornography, using his ex-girlfriend’s computer. The individual claims he is innocent and has not used his ex-girlfriend’s computer in months. Even though the evidence seems cut and dry, the wrong interpretation of evidence can have a significant impact on the outcome of the case. You were visited by the lead investigator of the crimes against children unit. The investigator says he can prove the individual is guilty and wants you to verify his findings.Your initial findings help show the individual may be telling the truth, and the evidence may been planted by someone using his unprotected user account on the laptop. What would you do in this situation? Why?


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    Computer Networking and Machine Learning 

    Topic: Computer Networking and Machine Learning 

    4 pages 

     Introduction Based on the literature sources, provide a background of the research problem to be explored. Elaborate on the impact of the problem and why your research is important to pursue. Indicate what the goal of the research will be

     Introduction This section introduces the reader to the structural content of your Research Report.  

     Problem statement

      In this section, present a concise statement of a research-worthy problem to be addressed (i.e., why the work should be undertaken – don’t state “it was a requirement of the professor”). Follow the statement of the problem with a well-supported discussion of its scope and nature. The discussion of the problem should include: what the problem is, why it is a problem, how the problem evolved or developed, and the issues and events leading to the problem. Your problem statement must be clear, concise, to the point and able to be articulated in no more than three sentences. 

    • Relevance and significance  This section provides the necessary support for both the problem statement of your study. Consider the following questions and support your discussion by citing the research literature: 

     What is the potential for generalization of your results?  

    What is the potential for original work?  

     Research Questions In this section you will define the research questions you expect to answer in your finding / results / conclusion sections. The research question(s) must be directly related to the problem statement and introduce the reader to their respective relationships. The answers to the research question(s) as elaborated in Chapter 3 need to be either qualitative or quantitative. In this section, the research questions should be numbered 

     Barriers and Issues

      In this section, identify how the problem is inherently difficult to solve. You should also show how the solution you propose are difficult to obtain (unlike a book report). You should show the study you propose is of adequate difficulty to warrant a successful grade assignment

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