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parallel computing

Conduct a web search for the key words “parallel computing”. Then complete the following: 

  1. Get the references of 5 sites that come up with the best, most informative results.
  2. Based on your scanning of these 5 sites,
    • Summarize a one paragraph description of what parallel computing means
    • Provide which source you used exactly where in your paragraph, by providing the article author’s last name, year of the publication of the article or the last modified date of the website, and the page or paragraph number where your citation can be found. Use the following format (authorLastName, year, p.# or para.#). Try to use all 5 sources

Find an example of service or device that uses parallel computing.

This assignment is a formative assessment for Course Objective 2.




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An access control list for computing systems

Access Denied: ACL Research

Begin your paper by describing an access control list for computing systems, servers, network equipment, and entry to restricted areas. Then, discuss implementation of some form of two factor authentication. This could be smart card, smart chip, biometric, or even key pads and cipher locks. Analyze the strength of these processes as well as their drawbacks. Conduct thorough research and use your research to discuss the various different access control mediums available in addition to your selected method. Disclose why you believe yours would be successful.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length

Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. 

APA Format Guidelines 

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Identify and explore the key elements and applications of microservice, cloud computing, web-based information systems

Subject Code and Title MIS203 Micro-services Architecture Cloud and Web IS
Assessment Assessment 3: Case Study Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Identify and explore the key elements and applications of microservice, cloud computing, web-based information systems
b) Analyse existing technologies and apply IS problem solving skills to address organisational needs
c) Explain and communicate microservices, Cloud Computing and Web-based Information Systems solutions to organisational stakeholders
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8).
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In response to issues and tasks raised in the case study provided, research and develop a 2500 word report that addresses the organisation’s needs. You first communicate your understating of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems with stakeholders to make a strong case before providing your recommendations as an IS professional.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this assessment.
When you begin working as an IS professional, you will be called upon regularly by clients to listen to their requirements, analyse the underlying issues and to identify appropriate solutions. This task allows you to take the concepts that you have learned from Modules 1-4 (history of computers, computer architecture, service-orientated architecture, cloud computing, cloud services, cloud deployment models, web-based IS, microservice communication, service modelling, integration and deployment) and to put your knowledge into practice in order to address the needs of an organisation.
Task Instructions
First read and examine the case study in the briefing document for Assessment 3 (attached under the Assessment 3 Brief in Blackboard). The case study will provide details on the background of the company and some of the issues and challenges that they are facing. The company is willing to benefit from implementing microservice architecture, cloud computing and web-based Information Systems solutions, but needs your advice as an IS professional to analyse the issues and to determine how best to resolve them.
The report should consist of the following structure:
Please write a 2500-word report containing your solution plan. To complete this assessment task, you must:
A title page with subject code and name, assignment title, student’s name, student number, and lecturer’s name.
Introduction (250-300 words), that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the proposal— this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your proposal. You will need to inform the reader of:
a) Your area of research and its context
b) The key elements you will be addressing
c) What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report
Body of the report (1900-2000 words), you will need to Write a report with the following sections:
• A definition and introduction to Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems
• Examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems for at least three companies in different industries. You should include the benefit these technologies brought to them. You should also discuss the challenges they faced in the implementation of these three technologies;
• Make sure to focus on the aspects of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems that fit well with the company’s business model
• Discuss the challenges of creating a new system using Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems
Note: Use appropriate headings in the body of the report. Do NOT use generic words such as ‘Body, Body of the Report, Tasks’ as section headings. Create meaningful headings and subheadings that reflect the topic and content of your report. This is where you talk about Microservices, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems to convince stakeholders that they are reliable solutions for their potential problems and needs. This will set the tone for your recommendations. Make sure to include three examples for successful implementation of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems in your discussions.
The Conclusion (250-300 words) will summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report.
Format of the report
The report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading, and have page numbers on the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.
You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with criteria for grading the assignment—this will give you a clear picture of what a successful report looks like.
Submission Instructions
Submit Assessment 3 via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS203. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Definition and introduction to
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and
Web-Based Information
30% Failed to provide a definition for Microservice
Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems or the definitions are fundamentally incorrect.
The answer demonstrated a limited understanding of the concept of Microservice Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems. Key aspects are overlooked or incorrect. Defines Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems with errors.
The answer demonstrated a basic understanding of the
concept of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information
Systems. Some key aspects are overlooked or incorrect. There are some minor errors in the definition of Microservice Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based Information Systems.
The answer demonstrates understanding of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems. Key aspects are correctly described. Correct definition of and comprehensive introduction to Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems.
The answer demonstrated a clear and detailed
understanding of the concept of Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems. Correct definition of and comprehensive introduction to Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems.
The answer demonstrated a very in-depth understanding of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems.
Three examples of successful implementation of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-
Based Information
30% Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at most one company in different industries.
Did not include the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the
companies, or the benefit is
too general to be considered relevant.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information
Systems for at least two companies in different industries.
Did not include the benefit
Microservice Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems brought to each of the companies, or the benefit is too general to be considered relevant.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at least two companies in different industries.
Included the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the
companies, but the benefit is somewhat general.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at least three companies in different industries.
Included the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the
companies, but there is some room for improvement.
Provided examples of successful implementation of Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems for at least three companies in different industries.
Included the benefit
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems brought to each of the companies.
MIS203_Assessment_3_Brief_Case Study Report_Module Due 4.2 Page 4 of 5
Did not discuss the challenges each of the
companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems Basic discussion of the challenges each of the
companies faced in the
implementation of Microservice
Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Web-Based Information
Systems. Some key challenges have been overlooked. Discusses the key challenges some of the companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems, but the discussion is not thorough. Discussed the challenges each of the companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and Web-
Based Information Systems, but the discussion is not thorough. Thoroughly discussed the challenges each of the
companies faced in the implementation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems
Strength of
Recommendations to the address business needs
The recommendations are not relevant to the business model and business needs. The recommendations are relevant to the business model
and business needs but partially discussed. Appropriate recommendations presented and discussed. Insightful recommendations are presented and discussed. Exceptional and insightful recommendations are presented and discussed.
10% The presented conclusion is summative in nature, and/or there are other significant problems with its execution. Makes an attempt to roll-up from the analysis provided in the paper. There may be summative
elements, but the focus of the conclusion is in providing
something for the reader to go away with. Provides a concluding set of remarks that set a tone for the
reader to do something with the report. It may lay out future directions or
recommendations for the
reader clearly based on the analysis from the report. Elegantly concludes the paper with a compelling case for
future direction that argues a case for continuing or
exploring Microservice Architecture, Cloud
Computing, and Web-Based
Information Systems in the hypothetical firm. Expertly concludes from the analysis presented in the
earlier report. Is critical of its own analysis but cuts
efficiently to the heart of the subject at hand, providing an inspiring future direction for
exploration or continuation of
Microservice Architecture,
Cloud Computing, and WebBased Information Systems.
Written communication
10% No external resources used or referenced Some credible references are used to support ideas
External resources are inaccurately presented and referenced using APA Credible references are partially used to support ideas
External resources are partially presented and referenced using APA Credible references are used to support ideas
External resources are thoroughly presented and referenced using APA Credible references are expertly used to support ideas
External resources are thoroughly presented and referenced using APA
MIS203_Assessment_3_Brief_Case Study Report_Module Due 4.2 Page 5 of 5


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latest trends in Cloud, Edge and Fog computing

Explore the latest trends in Cloud, Edge and Fog computing. 

“Fog computing is a computing layer between the cloud and the edge. Where edge computing might send huge streams of data directly to the cloud, fog computing can receive the data from the edge layer before it reaches the cloud and then decide what is relevant and what isn’t. The relevant data gets stored in the cloud, while the irrelevant data can be deleted or analyzed at the fog layer for remote access or to inform localized learning models.”,relevant%20and%20what%20isn’t


2- It will be researched and contain proper in-text, paraphrased and quoted citations with references listed in APA format.

3- It will present your own opinion, be insightful and have supporting evidence through research.

4- It will be between 250 – 500 words. 

5- It will have no grammatical or spelling mistakes. 

DO NOT FORGET TO Include one response as a third-party review for this answer to forum topic


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Big Data technologies, Cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT)

Discussion Forum

Examine your organization or an organization you are familiar with regarding their capabilities to maintain data privacy and the ethical use of data while implementing new technologies such as: Big Data technologies, Cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). You may also select an organization from a journal article. Are your selected organization’s data privacy and ethical use policies mature and enforced? Does enough information security infrastructure exist to protect data and ensure compliance with policies?

A substantive initial post answers the question presented completely and/or asks a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic.  Use at least one scholarly source and follow APA guidelines


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Discuss whether you are currently using virtualization or cloud computing in your professional job or for personal use

Discuss whether you are currently using virtualization or cloud computing in your professional job or for personal use. Describe what virtual software or cloud services you are using and how you are using them. If you are not currently using these, then based on what have learned in this module discuss whether you think either technology is beneficial. Discuss how you might be able to use them the future.

300 words

No APA Format 

Citations and references required 

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An organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability

Subject: Cloud computing

Executive Practical Connection Assignment

For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.  Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.  The paper should include the following sections each called out with a header.

• Company Overview:  The section should include the company name, the industry they are in and a general overview of the organization.
• Challenges: Discuss the challenges the organization had that limited their profitability and/or competitiveness and how they planned to leverage Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.
• Solution:  Describe the organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation.  What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing?  Did they meet their objectives for fall short?
• Conclusion:  Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and also make recommendations or how they might have achieved even greater success.

Requirements:The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.  There should be at least three scholarly sources listed on the reference page.  Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due.  Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches.  The body of the paper should be 4  pages in length.  The Title and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements.

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United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by using bibliometrics

In this week’s reading, the concept of 3-F Method is introduced.  Discuss the purpose of this concept and how it is calculated.  Also perform your own research/analysis using these factors and provide your assessment on whether the United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by using bibliometrics.

Please make your initial post substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post





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What is cloud computing from a “* as a Service” perspective? How does virtualization work on say VirtualBox?

1. What is cloud computing from a “* as a Service” perspective? How does virtualization work on say, VirtualBox? What role does virtualization play on the cloud platform?

2. What are some differences between using a Cat6 cable and Wi-Fi for say, watching Netflix? What security implications can you think of between the two approaches? Use layers to explain.

3. What is cloud orchestration? What are some advantages of using a cloud orchestration platform (such as Juju)? What role does orchestration play in scalability of a business? 

4. What are hybrid mobile apps? What are some advantages of this approach? What role does the cloud play in hybrid mobile apps?

 5. What are the advantages of IPv6 over IPv4? Why is security often considered to be a major advantage in IPv6 





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server virtualization and cloud computing

You have read about server virtualization and cloud computing in chapter 6 of your textbook. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

1. Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.

2. Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.

3. Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.

4. Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities

5. Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.

Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing





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