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conduct business on a daily basis

The retail store has provided you with a list of some of the business rules that they use to conduct business on a daily basis. The company has also provided you with the subjects of interest to them, namely those things that the company wants to track in the process of taking orders from their customers. What can be done to effectively document the relational database system solution that you are proposing to the retail store?

Review these worked examples.

The project deliverables are as follows:

  • Subjects of Interest (proposed entities)
    • Customers
    • Orders
    • Products
    • Add a minimum of 3 of your own subjects of interest based on your retail store.
  • Business Rules
    • Each product is assigned to a maximum of 1 category.
    • A person who has placed at least 1 order is a customer.
    • All products have a minimum reorder level.
    • Add a minimum of 3 of your own business rules based on your retail store.
  • Entity–Relationship Model (4–5 pages)
    • Include a list of the business rules that will be enforced by the proposed database system.
    • Include a list or table of the entities, attributes (including data types), relationships, and cardinality constraints.
    • Include an entity–relationship (E–R) diagram that uses crow’s foot notation and graphically depicts the entities, attributes (including data types), and relationships (including degree and cardinality constraints).
    • Verify that the data design that is depicted in the E–R diagram adheres to a minimum of third normal form (3NF), and if necessary, provide documentation and justification for the use of a higher level of normal form.
  • Provide your analysis as to how this part of the project fulfills the mission and 1 or more goals of the case study organization.
  • Note: Use Microsoft Visio or equivalent to create the E–R diagram. You will embed the diagram in the Word document and also provide it as an attachment.
  • All sources should be cited both in-text and in References using APA format.
  • Name the document “yourname_CS660_IP2.doc.”
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conduct Gram stains on “young” cultures

lab summary of 300 words minimum on Gram staining.


Gram stains: see images at the end of this exercise.

The Gram stain is a differential staining procedure developed by Dr. Hans Christian Gram in 1884. The Gram stain differentiates between 2 groups of bacteria: the Gram positives and the Gram negatives. Almost all bacteria can be clearly separated into one of these 2 groups. For this reason, the Gram stain is the first critical step in characterizing and identifying bacterial species. The basis of the method is a difference in cell wall structure, or more accurately, cell envelope structure (includes everything from the cell membrane to the outermost part of the cell). Gram positive cells have a much thicker cell wall which allows these cells to maintain the primary stain (crystal violet) upon being treated with decolorizer solution. The relatively thin cell wall of Gram negative cells loose the purple-violet color of the primary stain when treated with decolorizer. They then take on the red color of the counter-stain (safranin or basic fuschin). Hence, Gram positive cells stain purple and Gram negative cells stain red. Unfortunately, the method doesn’t always work perfectly. Several variables can affect the results. Do not try to “cut corners” on the Gram stain. Learn how to conduct the method properly. Practice Gram stains many times before unknown time, otherwise, you could have serious problems identifying your bacterial species. Things to remember when conducting Gram stains

1) You must conduct Gram stains on “young” cultures. Most bacterial species used in this lab will grow sufficiently to conduct a Gram stain within 18-24 hours given optimum growth conditions (media, temperature, etc.). It is possible that a culture will require more incubation time to grow sufficiently. If so, conduct the Gram stain as soon as growth allows. Why does the age of the culture matter? NOTE: old Gram positive cultures tend to stain Gram negative. This trend is not universal and cannot be depended upon. In general, the older the culture is the less dependable the Gram stain results. The culture will become “Gram variable” which means that some cells will stain purple and others red.

2) Try to conduct Gram stains on cells collected from isolated colonies. This idea applies mainly to bacteria on Petri dishes but may apply to cultures on a slant. Eventhough a culture may appear pure, you cannot be sure. Two neighboring colonies may be different species. Pick one to make sure. If working from a broth, this is impossible. Gram stains should NOT be conducted from broth cultures.

3) In addition to the unknown culture that you stain, you must also stain “control cultures” of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. These control cultures must also be young when you stain them. As mentioned above, Gram stains don’t always work perfectly even if you adhere to the steps. As your grandmother says, “you have to hold your mouth right.” This is why we use controls. Lets say that your unknown culture stains mostly red, but a little purple tint is present. If your Gram negative control looks the same, you can be fairly confident that your unknown in Gram negative. Without a control, you would not have a clue.

4) The importance of a good smear to accurate Gram stain results cannot be over-emphasized.

  • NOTE: Thick smears of Gram negative cells are likely to stain Gram positive – Gram variable. If your smear is thick, examine the stained smear in a thinner area.
  • Over-mixed smears yield cellular arrangement that is not indicative of the organisms’characteristic cell morphology.
  • Staining and examining cells in a smear that was heat fixed while wet is a complete waste of time. Start over.

5) Decolorization is the most critical step in regard to the color accuracy of the Gram stain. You must perfect the method that works best for you and the amount of time to decolorize. This may vary depending on the thickness of the smear, how vigorously you squirt decolorizer on the smear, the angle at which you hold the slide, the time delay between applying decolorizer and rinsing the smear, etc. You should start with 5 seconds and work from there. Over decolorized Gram positives with look Gram negative. Under decolorized Gram negatives will look Gram positive.

6) Some organisms yield inconsistent Gram reactions even if you follow the rules. Examples include species of the Gram(-) genus Neisseria which often stain purple, and an encapsulated organism (we will talk about capsules later) such as Klebsiella pneumoniae. The capsule is a cell covering which may partially prevent the Gram stain reagents from reaching the cell.

Gram stain procedure – I prefer (and we will use) the modified method on the next page.

1) Prepare smears of the unknown culture(s) and the Gram stain control cultures on a single slide, preferably with the unknown(s) between the controls. As I said earlier, I like 3 or 4 smears / slide.

2) Place the slide on the staining tray smear-side up. Cover the smears with crystal violet and allow to sit for 30-60 seconds. Rinse the smears thoroughly but gently with distilled water. The stream of rinse water should not fall directly onto the cells but above them, allowing the water to sheet across the smears. Shake off excess water.

3) Cover the smears with Grams iodine solution (the mordant) for 60 seconds. Rinse as above. Shake off excess water. The mordant helps “lock” the crystal violet into the Gram positive cell wall.

4) CRITICAL STEP: hold the slide at a 45o angle over the sink. Squirt 95% ethanol solution (decolorizer) onto the top edge of the slide so that it sheets down evenly across each of the smears. Depending on the organism and smear thickness, 2-5 seconds of decolorization should be sufficient. Watch the decolorizer as it flows off of the smear. STOP decolorizing immediately when you no longer see color leaching from the smear. Rinse IMMEDIATELY and thoroughly (front & back) as above. Shake off excess water.

5) Lay the slide on the tray. Cover the smears with safranin or basic fuschin (the counterstain) and allow to sit for 60 seconds. Rinse thoroughly as above. Blot dry with bibulous paper. It is microscopy time.


* Your success accurately determining Gram stains depends as much or more upon smear quality and

aptitude at microscopy as it does on the Gram stain procedure itself

* Good Gram stains require practice. I would like for you to Gram stain one or more different

organisms each week. This will give you a lot of practice and will help you to become familiar with the

morphology of our organisms.

* Unless I tell you differently, use the Philadelphia Gram stain procedure (next page). It is very good.

* Dr. Gram would appreciate if you capitalize the first letter of his name (Gram).

Philadelphia General Hospital Gram stain modification

1. Prepare smear and heat fix in the normal manner.

2. Add 1-2 drops of crystal violet to smear.

3. Rock back and forth a few times and wait approximately 10 seconds.

4. Add 2-4 drops of 5% sodium bicarbonate to CV on smear to insure (-) charge of Gr (+) envelope.

5. Rock back and forth a few times to mix CV & SB (critical). Wait approximately 10 seconds.

6. Pour CV-SB off slide. Tilt slide over sink and RINSE with a few drops of Graham’s iodine.

7. Add 5-6 drops of Grahams iodine to smear and wait approximately 10 seconds.

8. Pour GI off slide & RINSE with a gentle stream of water.

9. Add acetone drop wise (NOT a stream) to upper end of tilted slide until purple color no longer

comes out of smear – usually takes 2-4 seconds. Watch closely here – easiest step to mess up.

10. Wave slide a few seconds to evaporate the acetone and air dry the smear.

11. Add safranine to cover smear.

12. Rock back and forth a few times and wait approximately 10 seconds.

13. Pour safranine off slide & RINSE with a gentle stream of water.

14. Blot slide dry with bibulous paper and view with microscope.

IMAGES of Gram-stained bacterial cells: under “Laboratory: cellular morphology images”

Gram positive coccus: Staphylococcus: note clusters of round cells

Gram positive coccus: Streptococcus: note chains of round cells

Gram positive rod: Bacillus

Enteric Gram negative rod: Escherichia coli

Non-enteric Gram negative rod: Alcaligenes faecalis




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conduct an analysis as well as highlight key areas/trends of the income statement and balance sheet

 For this assignment, you will continue researching your chosen company. Compose a paper on the financials of your chosen firm; you will choose two ratios from each category (liquidity, profitability, and solvency) and conduct an analysis as well as highlight key areas/trends of the income statement and balance sheet. Be sure to answer the following questions in your response:

What do the ratios reflect?

Does the company appear healthy and headed in the right direction? Explain.

How does the company compare to another firm in the same industry in regards to financial metrics (for instance, a comparison of Target versus Walmart based on the basic ratio categories mentioned above)?

Your paper must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least two sources. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment


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Conduct secondary research using databases that contain peer-reviewed articles from major health care or medical academic journals

You are a health information systems manager who has been asked to evaluate a new database and report to the Board of Directors on its functionality. Describe the quality management, legal, and ethical issues surrounding the system. Describe the role of informatics in improving patient quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and clinical outcomes.

Please include a 1,000 word outline with paper

Writing Standards: 

  • Conduct secondary research using databases that contain peer-reviewed articles from major health care or medical academic journals.
  • Your sources must be no more than 5 years old unless they provide historical perspective and/or is seminal literature
  • Relate research to real-world health issues.
  • Analyze and assess scholarly work in the field of health care.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking by writing well-organized, clear, concise documents.
  • Apply APA standards in written work


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Conduct a phone or video call interview with a real person in your community who has a chronic illness or disability to discover the impact this has on their life

Assessment Title Assessment Task Two – Written Assignment
Purpose This assessment will provide students with an opportunity to engage with a health consumer, to gain insight into the impact chronic illness and/or disability has on the consumers life, and to plan person-centered care in partnership with a consumer. Students will have the opportunity to apply specific frameworks to demonstrate critical thinking, clinical reasoning and the principles of caring for people with a chronic illness or disability. Written consent from your interviewee to conduct your interview is required.
Due Date Wednesday 18th May 2022
Time Due 09:00
Weighting 50%
Length 1750 words (+/- 10%; includes intext citations, excludes reference list)
Assessment Rubric Appendix B of the NRSG372 unit outline
LEO Resource A National Q&A Session will be held during week seven (7) of the semester. The Q&A session will unpack the assessment task requirements. Students will have the opportunity to ask the National LICs any questions or clarifications they require. The recording of this will be made available for students following the session. All students are recommended to attend this session. A link for this will be made available on the Assessments page of the LEO unit.
LOs Assessed LO1, LO2, LO3, LO6
Task You are required to conduct a phone or video call interview with a real person in your community who has a chronic illness or disability to discover the impact this has on their life. You will need to prepare for your interview. McGrath, Palmgren & Liljedahl (2019) suggest twelve steps for conducting research interviews; this article is linked on the NRSG372 reading list.
Identify two (2) relevant care priorities for your interviewee. Present each priority and link this to the same health behaviour theory you chose in Assessment Task One.
For each priority, identify and rationalise where the person sits on the Roper-
Logan-Tierney (RLT) model of nursing independence to dependence continuum.
For each identified care priority, outline one (1) health education topic relevant for the person. It is expected that appropriate evidence-based literature will be used to support your assignment.
Consent Form You will need to gain written consent from your interviewee PRIOR to conducting your interview and inform your interviewee they may be called at random by the LIC to confirm consent. There must be evidence that you have interviewed (via phone or video call) a real person in your community, demonstrated by the consent form and unique circumstances outlined in your essay. If there is evidence that students have not conducted a genuine interview an NN grade for the assessment will be awarded.
Safety Confidentiality must be maintained. You must de-identify your interviewee in your paper, by use of a pseudonym, and state this clearly in your paper. Any identifiable location, organisation, or workplace must be deidentified.
This assessment does not encourage you to diagnose conditions or suggest treatments to your interviewee.
Those under 18 years of age, carers, or currently enrolled students at Australian Catholic University, are not to be interviewed.
Students are not to approach strangers for interviews, or to put themselves into situations of risk. Please be aware of the impact of conducting an interview on your interviewee. Should your interviewee become upset, please finish the interview at that point, and contact the LIC for further advice.
Paragraph Structure Written Assignment should follow the below paragraph structure
Introduction: Introduce the interviewee with a pseudonym (and clearly state it is a pseudonym), their health status and condition(s). introduce your heath behaviour theory, the two (2) relevant care priorities, and the education area relevant to each care priority. (max 10% of word count).
Para 1: Provide an overview of the health behaviour theory you are using to base your interview on.
Para 2: What is your first priority? What information have you used to arrive at this? Where on the RLT dependence/independence continuum (by way of equipment, treatments, or interventions) Be specific and explain the priority in depth here.
Para 3: What will the consequences be if you do not address this as your priority?
This is where you need to justify this being your priority- use evidence to support.
Para 4: As the nurse what is the relevant health education you will provide in relation to the identified care priority? You will need to provide specific information about what exact education you will provide. This needs to be more than “provide brochures” or “how to access information on the internet”. The content of the education needs to be specific and relevant to the person you are interviewing
Para 5: What is your second priority? What information have you used to arrive at this? Where on the RLT dependence/independence continuum (by way of equipment, treatments, or interventions) Be specific and explain the priority in depth here.
Para 6: What will the consequences be if you do not address this as your priority?
This is where you need to justify this being your priority- use evidence to support.
Para 7: As the nurse what is the relevant health education you will provide in relation to the identified care priority? You will need to provide specific information about what exact education you will provide. This needs to be more than “provide brochures” or “how to access information on the internet”. The content of the education needs to be specific and relevant to the person you are interviewing.
Conclusion: What have you discussed throughout the paper? What are the next steps? Evaluation of the education provided will demonstrate what? (max 10% of word count).

  1. Consent Form is to be submitted to the “Assessment Two Consent Form” LEO dropbox on your campus tile. Please ensure you submit to the dropbox assigned to your stream.
  2. Written assignment is to be submitted to the “Assessment Two Written
    Assignment” LEO dropbox on your campus tile. Please ensure you submit Submission to the dropbox assigned to your stream.
    File format .doc or .docx (Do not submit .pdf files or pages files)
    Margins 2.54cm, all sides
    Font and size 11-point Calibri or Arial
    Spacing 1.5 spacing including the reference list
    Paragraph Aligned to left margin, indent first line of each paragraph 1.27cm
    Title Page Not to be used
    Level 1 Heading Centered, bold, capitalize each word (14-point Calibri or Arial)
    Level 2 Headings Not to be used
    Structure Introduction, main paragraphs, conclusion, reference list
    Direct quotes Always require page number. No more than 10% of word count in direct quotes
    Header Page number top right corner (9 point Calibri or Arial)
    Footer Name – Student Number – Ax1 – NRG372 – 2020 (in 9 point Calibri or Arial)
    Referencing Style APA 7th Please refer to the APA7 resource tile on the NRSG372 LEO site
    Minimum References A minimum of 17 high quality resources are to be used.
    Age of References Published in the last 5 years as this area of knowledge is rapidly developing
    List Heading “References” is centered, bold, on a new page. (in 14 point Calibri or Arial)
    Alphabetical Order References are arranged alphabetically by author family name
    Hanging Indent Second and subsequent lines of a reference have a hanging indent
    DOI Presented as functional hyperlink
    Spacing Double spacing the entire reference list, both within and between entries
    Late Penalties Late penalties will be applied from 9:01a
    of the maximum marks available up to a maximum of 15%. Assessment tasks
    received more than three calendar days after the due or exten receive feedback but will not be allocate
    Penalty Timeframe
    09:01am Wednesday to 9am Thursday
    09:01am Thursday to 9am Friday
    09:01am Friday to 9am Saturday
    Received after 09:01 Saturday
    An assignment is submitted 12 hours la
    100 receives 55 out of 100 as a final mark.
    m on the due date
    d a mark.
    5% penalty
    10% penalty
    15% penalty
    No mark allocated
    te and is initially mark , incurring 5% penalty ded date will
    Marks Deducted
    5 marks
    10 marks
    15 marks
    ed at 60 out of
    Return of Marks Marks will be generally returned in three weeks; if this is not achievable, you will be notified via your campus LEO forum.
    Final Assignment Marks for the final assessment (assessment two) of NRSG372 will be withheld until after grade ratification and grade release.
    Assessment template project informed by ACU student forums, ACU Librarians and the Academic Skills Unit


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Conduct an asset identification, threat identification, vulnerability appraisal, risk assessment, and risk mitigation


Perform an abbreviated risk management study on your personal computer. Conduct an asset identification, threat identification, vulnerability appraisal, risk assessment, and risk mitigation. Under each category, list the elements that pertain to your system. What major vulnerabilities did you uncover? How can you mitigate these risks? What is your plan for securing your personal system? Are you going to implement the plan? Why or why not?

Reply to responses. 75 to 100 words

A. Mireille

Hello everyone,

After performing abbreviated risk management on my personal computer, I discovered the following:

1. Asset Identification: I found PII like phone number, full name, email address, debit card information, and home address.

2. Vulnerability Appraisal: My system needs an update, and I need to use a password manager.

3. Threat Identification: Lots of spam emails and viruses

Risk assessment: Firewall settings can easily be compromised, the probability that malware may go undetected is high, and some of my passwords are compromised.Risk mitigation: To mitigate these risks, I will need to install a password manager, activate the Malwarebytes license, and always keep my system updated.To secure my personal system, I plan on making sure the firewall is enabled before I go online, activating the Malwarebytes license, using complex and secure passwords, always keeping my system up-to-date, making sure I keep ignoring email messages from unknown parties, and never clicking on links or open attachments that accompany them, making sure my home network is secure, and developing the habit of using two-factor authentification. For better protection from hackers, I plan on implementing this plan.

B. Ethan

Asset Identification: Various forms of PII: Addresses, passwords, saved website loginsThreat Identification: Outdated software, phishing emails, potentially malicious filesVulnerability appraisal: Lacking a licensed & activated anti-virus other than Windows’, Potentially vulnerable firewall configurations, default DNS provider

Risk assessment: Firewall settings could be breached, Potential malware may go undetected, DNS queries are not private

Risk mitigation: Active a Malwarebytes license, update & configure Windows Defender & Firewall, use Cloudflare Warp for private, fast, and filtered DNS queries.

One of the major vulnerabilities that I found on my system is the lack of an active & licensed antivirus service. I use Malwarebytes although with the free version, scans must be completed manually and there is no active protection. This risk can be easily mitigated through activating a Malwarebytes license. I also plan to use a password manager and remove any stored passwords from websites. I am going to implement the plan after choosing a password manager. I think these simple yet effective steps will greatly improve the risk mitigation on my computer.

C Hayden

Asset identification: Payment information, addresses, PII.

Threat identification: Viruses, firewall configurations, security patches.

Vulnerability appraisal: Firewall being configured wrong could lead to a data breach on my computer, and software being out of data could also lead to a breach.

Risk assessment: The firewall being configured improperly is a major risk. Software being out of date is a moderate risk. Risk mitigation: Configure the firewall for personal use, and update software.The biggest risks on my computer are the firewall not being configured to the perfect settings and having potential ports open that could lead to a breach. Additionally, some of the software on my computer needed to be updated, one of these updates being a security patch. To mitigate these risks I could look up ports that are not required for my current network, and update software that needs to be updated. The plan to secure my personal system is to set up my firewall and update my software. I will be implementing my plan, as updating software is not very difficult, and the firewall is a good idea


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After implementing your capstone, you will have an opportunity to conduct a post-assessment and evaluate the success of the project

Question: After implementing your capstone, you will have an opportunity to conduct a post-assessment and evaluate the success of the project. Before getting the results, what do you expect to learn from the post-assessment? Do you feel your capstone project was successful? What could you have done differently or improved upon?

Answer: The post-assessment will help in analyzing the state of the capstone project and how have the strategies involved have fared for the remote work program This helps in analyzing any pitfalls that are needed to be checked to ensure optimized capstone simulation. To be able to understand the metrics which are dominant in determining the results in post-assessment will be a big boost for understanding the capstone project.

This capstone project has been successful if the implied strategies are accurately executed and the results are favourable for the organization. There could have been more detailed scenarios to help in making decisions impacting the business environment. The explanation of all the necessary fields or a training module to understand the interface would be essential and helpful. Thus these improvements can be considered in the capstone project.

Tilles, S. (2014, August 1). How to evaluate corporate strategy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from

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conduct a search of autoimmune disorders.

Unit VIII Homework


Using the Internet, conduct a search of autoimmune disorders. How many disorders can you find? What tissues can be attacked by your immune system? Select one autoimmune disease to summarize. What are the common signs and symptoms exhibited in a patient with this disease? Include a strong introduction.Your response should be at least one page in length. Include at least two references to support your work in APA format from the CSU Online Library. You may use your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Here is the Finding Articles: A Quick-Start guide to assist you when utilizing the library

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Conduct a review and critique of the implementation of operations management principles within an organisational context

P1 Conduct a review and critique of the implementation of operations management principles within an organisational context

M1 Review and critique the implementation of operations management in relation to Six Sigma methodology and Lean principles

LO2 Apply the concept of continuous improvement in an operational context.

P2 Prepare a continuous improvement plan based on the review and critique of operations management principles within an organisational context

M2 Analyse the effectiveness of a continuous improvement plan using appropriate theories, concepts and/or models.

LO3 Apply the Project Life Cycle (PLC) to a given context.

D2 Critically evaluate the PLC through a practical and theoretical exploration of its effectiveness.

P3 Choose an item.

P4 Choose an item.

M3 Choose an item.

M4 Choose an item.

D2 Choose an item.

P3 Apply each stage of the PLC to a given project, producing necessary supporting documentation for completing the project e.g. a business case, project plan, work breakdown structure.

M3 Analyse the rationale for the project methodologies, tools and leadership within the PLC for the given project.

LO4 Review and critique the application of the PLC used in a given project.

P4 Review and critique the effectiveness of the PLC in application to the chosen project using appropriate theories, concepts and models.

M4 Critically analyse how the use of appropriate theories, concepts and models in the PLC will differentiate between large and small-scale projects.

Overall Feedback Summary

Over All Grade

Choose an item.


Click here to enter a date.

[To Achieve a PASS, all P grade descriptors should be achieved; To achieve a MERIT, all P and M grade descriptors should be achieved; To achieve a DISTINCTION, all P, M and D grade descriptors should be achieved.]

Summative Feedback

Overall feedback on current work with emphasis on how the student can improve and achieve higher grades in future

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Conduct an analysis of the general business / macro-economic environment facing Mihi

1) Conduct an analysis of the general business / macro-economic environment facing Mihi. For

each component of your analysis, identify the relevant trends and the implications (positive or

negative) for the company. The time horizon for your analysis is 3-years.

2) Conduct a Porter’s 5-Forces Analysis of Canadian Retail Cannabis industry?

a. Describe the characteristics associated with each of the five-forces

b. For each of the five forces and based on the characteristics you identified in 2a above,

identify the level of the force (low, medium, high) along with a rationale as to your


3) Describe how attractive/unattractive you believe the industry is for Mihi using your answers

from #1 and #2 above as evidence to back-up your position.

4) Describe what you believe is the recommended launch strategy for Mihi using the strategy

triangle. For each component of the triangle include your rationale for your decision





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