Writers Solution

Plan and conduct user research and competitor analysis

 ICT203 User Centered Design Assessment 1Assessment 1 – Individual Assignment
You have been employed as a UX designer in SFTA company. Your responsibilities include the following tasks:
• Plan and conduct user research and competitor analysis;
• Interpret data through various research techniques;
• Create prototypes and wireframes;
• Conduct usability testing.
You must evaluate a website for any of the following industries/organisation types:
1. Education
2. Hospitality (hospital/Hotel/Tourism etc)
3. Government Agencies
4. Small Medium Enterprises
5. Online Commerce
For assessment criteria, please refer to the Assessment details
Timelines and Expectations
Total Percentage Value of Task: 30%
Individual Report Due Week 4, 4/12/20 before 11.30pm Turnitin on Moodle
Minimum time expectation: 20 hrs
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment task:
LO1. apply an evidence-based approach to user-experience requirements elicitation, specification and evaluation;
LO2. plan, conduct, analyse and interpret the results of User Centred Design activities to model users, goals, tasks, system environment and domain;
LO3. plan, conduct and document usability tests of software systems;
LO4. construct prototype user interfaces demonstrating the application of user interface design principles and guidelines.
Assessment Details
For this assignment, you need to write a report with a minimum of 1,000 and a maximum of 1,500 words (excluding references, attached article pages, and title pages) to answer the below questions:
1. Describe the website you are investigating and explain its two important values. (6 marks)
2. Justify a research method that is appropriate to conduct your research findings on the user experience for the website. Provide sources of evidence from peer reviewed articles. (4 marks)
3. Apply your research method and find 10-15 respondents to survey for their feedback on three bad user experiences and three good user experiences for using the website. You must attach the relevant documentation (e.g. survey form, interview scripts, etc) in the Appendix section. (10 marks)
4. Show three website screens that need to improve on the user experience. Discuss what are the type of changes in detail and develop three prototype screens. (6 marks)
5. Write a half-page of your conclusion on the investigation process. (4 marks)
Report Structure Page
Table of contents 1
Introduction 1
Website description and values explanation 1
Research method description and provision of peer reviewed evidence 1-2
Discussion of user survey and feedback 1-2
User interface screens to improve, proposed change and prototype screens 2-3
Write a half-page of your conclusion 1
References: 6-8 articles of APA Referencing Style 1
Appendix: Attachments such as interview scripts, surveys etc
1. Please refer to the SISTC report formatting guidelines under the Assessment folder. For marking consistency on this assessment, you are permitted to adapt Time New Roman, font size 12, double line spacing
2. Your report must name as follows: Your Name + assessment 1+Day Webinar. For example, if your name is John, your report file name will have the following naming :JohnAss2Wed
3. Sign, attach and submit the coversheet on Turnitin link.
4. You will upload the report on Turnitin by 4/12/20 before 11.30pm.
5. Keep multiple backups in your possession, in the event that you need to resubmit.
6. Any issues affecting timely submission should be raised with the unit coordinator or lecturer well in advance of the submission due date.
7. If you submit your assessment late without obtaining an approval from the unit coordinator, a 10% deduction of the total marks will apply for each day of late submission. After a period of five working days, a student will receive a mark of zero for the assessment. The assessment must be submitted to prevent a Fail Incomplete being recorded on the student’s academic transcript.
8. Assistance: To maintain assessment process equity and fairness, the unit coordinator/ lecturer will not comment on students output prior to submission. The unit coordinator/ lecturer may provide generic advice on theoretical issues, structure, and expectations. Students are advised to raise any generic questions with the lecturer during class discussion so that answers are provided to all students in an equitable and transparent manner. Students having difficulties with their comprehension and writing should seek immediate assistance from academic support services well in advance of the due date.
9. Marks and Feedback: This assessment will be marked out of 30 marks. The unit coordinator / lecturer will endeavour to return marked assessment and provide verbal and written feedback during the class time within 10 working days from the assessment submission due date.
10. Plagiarism means representing the creative work of another as your own original work without appropriate acknowledgement of the author of the work or the source. The need to acknowledge the work of another arises out of a set of rights provided for in the Copyright Act 1968 known as ‘moral rights’. These include the right to attribution and the right to object to derogatory treatment of the work. Advice on what constitutes plagiarism, how to avoid plagiarism, and how to reference is available here: provide the link. Students are directed to adequately reference any material they use, not to share their work with others, and not to leave their work on common storage media that others could retrieve with or without their knowledge or consent. Students should therefore take full responsibility of their work as copying and plagiarism with or without their knowledge or consent still attracts severe penalties.
Submit to the drop box on Moodle.
Feedback and results will be published through Moodle.
Academic Misconduct
To submit your assessment task, you must indicate that you have read and understood, and comply with, the Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism policies and procedures.
You must also agree that your work has not been outsourced and is entirely your own except where work quoted is duly acknowledged. Additionally, you must agree that your work has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program.
Marking Criteria / Rubric
Marking Criteria High Distinction
(22.5-24.5) Credit (19.5-22) Pass (15-18.5) Fail (0-14.5)
1. Describe the website you are investigating and explain its two important values. (6 marks) Very good explanation on the website review
Good explanation on the website review. Incomplete explanation on the website review.
Inconsistent explanation on the website review.
Incorrect explanation on the website review.
2.Discuss a research method that you think is appropriate to conduct your research findings on the user experience on the website. Provide sources of evidence from peer reviewed articles. (4 marks) Well justification of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source.
Justification provided of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source. Incomplete justifications of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source. Inconsistent
justifications of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source. Incorrect justification of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source .
3. Apply your research method and find 1015 respondents to discuss their three bad user experiences and three good user experiences on using the website.
You must attach the relevant documentation (e.g. survey forms, interview scripts, etc) in the Appendix section. (10 marks) Very good Justifications Good Justifications Inconsistent
Justifications Incomplete Justifications Incorrect Justifications
4. Show three user interface screens that need to improve user experience. Discuss what needs to change in detail.
(6 marks) Very good Justifications Good Justifications Inconsistent
Justifications Incomplete Justifications Incorrect Justifications
5 Write a half-page of your conclusion on the investigation process. Very good Justifications Good Justifications Inconsistent
Justifications Incomplete Justifications Incorrect Justifications

Writers Solution

Code of Conduct established under the TASA 2009

Assessment Assessment 4 Individual Assignment
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2500 words equivalent
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes:
a) Explain the Code of Conduct established under the
TASA 2009
b) Interpret and apply selected sections of the ITAA 36 and ITAA97 covering ordinary and statutory income, general and specific deductions and the taxation of entities and their associates
c) Formulate a piece of written advice for a client about the tax implications of their residency status and business activities with reference to applicable case law and legislation
d) Compare and contrast the tax outcomes for the sole trader, partnership, trust and company structures, including the tax outcomes for associated entities
e) Analyse and apply tax legislation to authentic scenarios
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 10
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 100 Marks
The assignment is designed to incorporate uncertainty. The student is expected to answer each question and provide appropriate analysis and/or suggestions. The student is expected to identify the facts and issues presented by each aspect of the case study, identify research requirements, identify and apply the relevant legislation and/or case law as appropriate, come to a conclusion and make a recommendations.
This assignment assesses your research skills, your ability to synthesise an original piece of work to specific content requirements and your ability to produce a comprehensible piece of advice meeting the requirements of each task.
It also assesses your written communication skills. The ability to effectively communicate is an essential skill in the workplace. Clients may well approach advisors seeking a combination of specific information needs and advice on the tax implications of a particular arrangement in the Australian tax jurisdiction. It is therefore important to be able to identify all the issues presented by an arrangement and to think about the potential consequences of different approaches in uncertain areas.
This assignment must be presented as an individual effort. The case study requires individual research. The course materials and set texts are intended to be the starting point of the research. It is expected the student will survey the relevant literature, including decided cases, and select appropriate additional resources including media and current events.
The assignment must be presented in word processed format and submitted through Blackboard. Handwritten submissions will not be accepted. Extensions will not be granted except in exceptional circumstances. The assignment is designed to be completed sequentially through the trimester and each part can be completed in isolation to each other part.
Torrens University referencing conventions are expected to be followed.
The assessment rubric is attached to the assessment brief.
Submission Instructions:
Submission is by the due date through Blackboard
Question 1 ( 10 Marks)
Recently Australia has been ravaged by bushfires which have been attributed to the adverse effects of human induced climate change. You have been approached as a tax expert to offer some advice as to how the Australian tax system can be utilised to address the effects of climate change.
In 350 words ( approximately) provide and discuss two tax based suggestions which you believe could be incorporated into the tax system to encourage activities designed to reduce the effects of climate change.
You also need to provide a brief explanation of why you believe your suggestions will be effective. In your answer you need to discuss the effectiveness of taxation as a tool for social change.
Possible resources – starting point only
b) Investigate the existing primary producer tax concessions in the Australian taxation system.
Question 2 ( 10 marks)
a) Explain the Constitutional powers authorising the collection of tax in Australia.
b) Discuss how the concept of separation of powers facilitates the effective operation of the Australian Taxation System.
Possible resource – starting point only
Question 3 (10 marks)
a) Identify and briefly describe the principles set out in the Code of Professional Conduct for tax agent professional and their ethical standards.
b) Referring to Explanatory Paper TPB 01/2010 Code of Professional Conduct, what mechanisms can be put in place to manage a conflict of interest? Possible resources – starting point only
Question 4 (30 marks)
With reference to relevant legislation and/or case law, for Nisha, Jo and Miguel determine their:
a) assessable income,
b) allowable deductions
c) taxable income
d) tax assessed and
e) balance of the assessment, including Medicare Levy.
Show all workings and your legal analysis determining which amounts are assessable and which expenses are deductible. All taxpayers have adequate private health insurance. All are residents of Australia for tax purposes.
Item Nisha (Plumber) Jo (Computer programmer) Miguel (Chef)
Salary $ 34 000 $ 72 000 $ 61 000
Franked dividends $9000
(100% franked) $10 000
(70% franked) $5000
(15% franked)
Purchase of cooking knives $ 650
Purchase of plumbing tools $ 400 $ 800
Everyday clothes for office wear $ 1 200
Trade journals specific to occupations $ 180 $ 190 $ 220
Purchase of books on computer programming $ 500 $ 260
Lottery winnings $ 40 500 $ 280 $ 30 300
Registered tax agent’s fee for preparation of tax return $ 200 $ 500 $ 300
Inheritance from grandmother $ 45 000
Costs of course in plumbing $ 620 $620
Uniforms for work $ 800
Donations to charity $ 50 $ 130 $ 80
Protective clothing $ 630
University fees – Computer course $ 800 $ 800
Interest on bank account $ 25 $ 330 $ 44
Rent from an investment property $ 27 500
Car expenses to travel to work $ 600 $ 500 $ 400
Investment property expenses $ 18 000
Rent paid on home apartment $ 5 200 $ 6 240 $ 6 760
Holiday costs $ 2 000 $ 2 200 $ 2 800
PAYG credits $3 600 $ 21 600 $18 700
Please refer to Appendix 1 for assistance in structuring your answers Question 5 ( 15 marks)
Lisa and Monica are Australian residents for tax purposes and operate a hairdressing salon as partners where they each are entitled to 50% of the profits after allowing for partner’s salaries, interest on capital, interest on advances and interest on drawings.
For the current income year, the partnership derives $102 000 of sales and $9 272 in GST and incurred $44 000 of expenses. The expenses included the purchase of a new hair curling megadevice which has an effective life of 7 years. However, it has not been unpacked and is not currently operational. The megadevice cost $7000. The partnership always uses the Dimishing Value method to calculate Decline in Value deductions.
Lisa and Monica paid themselves a salary of $23 000 and $18 500 respectively. In addition Lisa received $3 000 interest on capital and paid $750 interest on her drawings.
During the income year the partnership sold some unfranked shares for $15 000. The shares had been bought in 2010 for $3000 and were held 75% by Lisa and 25% Monica
Monica was paid $3 500 interest on funds she advanced to the partnership. Monica also has a capital loss of $5000, $2000 of this is from the disposal of a collectible in a previous year.
With reference to relevant legislation and/or case law:
a) Calculate the s90 Partnership Net Income (PNI) and complete a partnership schedule showing the overall distribution to each of the partners.
b) Calculate the taxable income and the tax assessed on taxable income for Monica Question 6 (25 marks)
DellaBella Pty Ltd is a private company which incorporated in Australia in 2009 under the Corporations Act 2001 in order to operate a Bungee jumping business.
The company has had the following results in the last three years:
Income year Tax result
2015/16 $370 000 loss
2016/17 $500 000 loss
2017/18 $35 000 loss
Della Bella Pty Ltd has prepared the following income statement for 2018/19:
Gross profit from trading 510,000
Fully franked dividends 16,800
Exempt income 11,000
Gross Income 537,800
Interest expense 23,000
Wages 58,000
Entertainment expense 12,000
Fines and penalties 3,000
Increase in provision annual leave for 14,700
Depreciation 41,000
PAYG Instalments paid 130,000
Total expenses 281, 700
Net Profit 256, 100
Other information
Note 1 – Decline in value for 2017/18 was $38,900.
Note 2 – Annual leave paid amounted to $12,000.
Note 3 – The $256, 100 profit does not include any tax losses from previous years.
On the 1 September 2016 65% of the shares with voting, income and capital distribution rights changed ownership. On the 17 June 2017 the company started to operate a Berry Bomb ice cream outlet.
DellaBella Pty Ltd has collected GST of $25 909 and received a yearly subsidy since 2009 from the Government of $20 000. The subsidy is classified as exempt income.
With reference to the relevant legislation and/or case law:
a) Explain the conditions that must be met to establish if a company is a resident of Australia for tax purposes and determine whether the company is a resident of
Australia for taxation purposes
b) Calculate DellaBella’s taxable income
c) Calculate the tax assessed and the balance of Della Bella 2018/19 tax assessment
d) Discuss how a company’s residency status impacts the taxation of a company in Australia. ( Disregard Double Tax Agreements foer the purpose of this question)
Resource – starting point only
Appendix 1
Use the following templates to structure your analysis in questions 4, 5, 6 as required Assessable income
Item Yes No Legislative basis and explanation
Tax deduction
Item Yes No Legislative basis and explanation
Tax calculation assistance
Item Taxpayer Taxpayer Taxpayer
Assessable income
– Allowable deductions
= Taxable income
Tax on taxable income
– Non refundable tax offsets
+ Medicare Levy
= Total Tax and Medicare Levy
– PAYG credits
– Other credits
= Balance of the assessment

Writers Solution

UX Designer to conduct a Usability


For your third assignment, you are hired as a UX Designer to conduct a Usability Review of an existing web site, desktop application, or mobile app and present your findings and recommendations using PowerPoint or other approved presentation application (e.g. Google Slide, LibreOffice Impress, Prezi)

 Project Directions

Select an existing website, desktop, or mobile application and complete the following as the result of your Usability Review.

1. Describe the critical goal of the web site or application. In other words, what is the purpose or what is it designed to accomplish?

2. Describe the top four usability issues you uncovered (sorted by severity). Complete the following information for each issue and present it in column format:

A. Usability Issue – List the issue

B. Severity Rating (High, Medium, or Low) – Rate the severity of the issue into one of three categories:

· High severity – Issues that prevent the user from completing tasks efficiently.

· Medium severity – Issues that impede ease of use and understanding.

· Low severity – Issues that do not prevent users from completing tasks, but inconvenience the user.

C. Rationale – Describe the usability issue. Discuss the severity you assigned to the issue. Why is this an issue? Justify your severity rating.

D. Recommendation – Recommend a path of action to address the usability issue. How can the issue be fixed or corrected?

Note: This is not a complete or extensive usability review, but for purposes of this class, it will provide you an introduction into the usability review process.

 Project Findings Presentation

Please follow the steps below:

Create a PowerPoint presentation to present your findings. The PowerPoint template below can be used to complete this project. Simply add your information to the slides.

The slides should be designed as follows:

slide 1

Slide 1: Cover Slide 

Include the following:

· Your name

· Your class

· Year and semeser

· Website or application used in your usability review

Slide 2a

Slide 2: The critical goal of the web site or application. 

Slide 3

Slide 3: First Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 4

Slide 4: Second Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 5

Slide 5: Third Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 6

Slide 6: Fourth Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 7

Slide 7: Summary 

Summarize slides 1 through 6.

Slide 8

Slide 8: Questions 

Ask your audience if they have any questions.

Slide 9

Slide 9: References 

List the references you used to complete this project.

Slide 10

Slide 10: Project Reflection 

Answer the following question regarding the assignment:

What issues or challenges did you face completing this project? How did you resolve them? If you did not face any issues or challenges in completing this project, what do you think are some issues or challenges someone new to completing usability studies might face in completing a project like this? Note: Your reflection must be a total of at least 100 words.

 Presentation Design Style

Please follow conventional presentation design format and guidelines. In other words, your presentation should look “presentable”. 

 Probject Resources

The following resources may be helpful.

1. How to Conduct a Usability Review by Craig Tomlin (web page)

2. Presentation Design Quick Tips: You Need CRAP by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:15 mins | closed captioned)

3. Presentation Design Quick Tip #1: C is for Contrast by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:31 mins | closed captioned)

4. Presentation Design Quick Tip #2: Repetition by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:15 mins | closed captioned)

5. Presentation Design Quick Tip #3: A is for Alignment by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:45 mins | closed captioned)

6. Presentation Design Quick Tips #4: Proximity by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:31 mins | closed captioned)

 Submission Requirements

Submit your presentation to your Project 3 Assignments Folder.


Listing 4 user design issues and presenting them in presentation format along with a project reflection “in accordance” with the assignment instructions will earn you a 100% (A) on this project.

Writers Solution

Personalized Project Management and your Personality Conduct a keyword search on the internet for “free personality assessment

Topic 1: Personalized Project Management and your Personality Conduct a keyword search on the internet for “free personality assessment.” Once you complete the assessment, use the results to address the discussion question. What do the results of your personality assessment suggest are the kinds of projects which would best suit you? Include in your answer what it suggests your strengths and weaknesses are as a project manager, and how you intend to compensate for your weaknesses. Topic 2: Project Management Advantages and Disadvantages Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Vanlandingham, G. R., & Drake, E. K. (2012). Results first. Public Performance & Management Review, 35(3), 550–563. What does this article suggest are the advantages and disadvantages related to launching a major project in any organization where you have worked?

Writers Solution

Organizations contract or hire individuals with specific skills to conduct internal audits.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Organizations contract or hire individuals with specific skills to conduct internal audits. This is done to ensure their organizations are following their documented policies, procedures, and processes. In addition, federal mandates placed on organizations require continuous audits, leading organizations to contract outside auditors to work with their internal auditors and determine the health of the organization.

Identify the internal and external processes used by auditors for the organization you choose.

Writers Solution

You are required to review the case study provided below then conduct and analyse research on change management.

Assessment Task 1: Change management plan
There are four parts to this assessment:
? Part A – You are required to review the case study provided below then conduct and analyse research on change management.
? Part B – You are required to develop a change management plan.
? Part C – You are required to submit your change management plan to your assessor.
? Part D – You are required to participate in a change management meeting with the CEO of Sampson Media (their assessor) seeking feedback and approval for your plan.
? Computer with Microsoft Office or similar program
? Access to the Internet
? Meeting space
? Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedure (provided by your assessor)
? Sampson Media Magazine Printing, Circulation and Distribution Policy and Procedure (provided by your assessor)
? Termination Policy and Procedure for Sampson (provided by your assessor).
? If you are a class-based student you will do this task in the classroom or as homework – your assessor will advise you as to which is required.
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _________________________________________
? Part A – You are not required to hand in anything for this part for the assessment
? Part B – You are not required to hand in anything for this part for the assessment
? Part C – You are required to email to your assessor with version 1 of the Change Management Plan
? Part D – You are required to email to your assessor with the updated Change Management Plan
If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of the task satisfactorily, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will only have to re-do the parts of the task that are incorrect; however you will need to resubmit the entire assessment. Your assessor will discuss an appropriate timeframe for resubmission with you when you are provided with the outcome for this task.
Samson Media is a publisher of several upmarket fashion magazines. It has strong links with a number of high profile fashion houses whose products are featured in the magazines and also provide a significant source of advertising revenue. Readers of the magazines are predominantly 35 – 54 year old women.
Readership has fallen over the last two years. This is due in the most part to due to competition from a range of other fashion magazines and consumers switching to digital media. Due to the decline in readership, profits have fallen by 20% and there has also been a fall in the share price.
As a consequence, a new CEO, Amir Johnson, has been appointed. Amir was the former Marketing Director for a well-known successful media business that included a national newspaper, magazines and a subscription television channel. The success of this business was based on targeting lower income groups and its publications are focused mainly on sport and celebrity gossip. They were also successful because they were able to undercut its competitors with low prices, enabled by a ruthless approach to achieving high levels of efficiency.
Amir and his team of Managers have developed a Strategic Plan that includes the following objectives.
? Increase return on capital to 8% within 2 years
? Enact a transformational change of the company that will convert all magazines to a digital format only.
? Achieve cost efficiencies through reducing running costs ? Relocate to a smaller office.
It is intended that the new digital magazines will have the following features:
? Focus on health and beauty, fashion and celebrity gossip.
? Some free content but full access available only on a subscription basis.
? Additional features available to subscribers such as video clips, podcasts and discussion Running costs are as follows. All staff are full-time permanent staff and their total salary costs per annum is $3,370,000.00. The cost of running the printing and distribution site, plus staff costs is currently approximately $1,500,000 per annum. The current office rent is $500,000 per annum.
As the General Manager, you have been asked to lead the development and implementation of the change management plan with the first step being to consult with an organisational change expert to discuss issues and strategies for change management for the company.
It is anticipated that while there will be some cost savings in making the change, there will also be costs involved including:
? Redundancies – anticipated cost is $300,000
? Upskilling staff – $100,000
? Consulting with experts – $100,000
? Communication throughout change with key stakeholders – $100,000 ? Office relocation – $50,000 – $80,000.
1. Review scenario and conduct research and analysis
a) Review the information in the scenario provided above and analyse the company’s strategic objectives and identify the change needs. Make notes on your analysis for use in your plan as outlined below.
b) Review existing polices/practices at Samson Media against strategic objectives and the need for change and make notes identifying changes needed to use in your report. Identify if the change required due to performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, or management decisions.
c) Conduct research on change management – the issues and practices including barriers that can impact on change and best practice change management strategies. Also research trends in magazine publishing/on-line magazine readership and analyse the impact the impact on Samson Media’s organizational objectives as per the scenario information.
d) Consider major operational change requirements and recommended order of priority.
e) You will need to identify your sources of information to show that you have identified expert guidance on change management so make notes on all the sources of information you identify and use.
f) You are not required to hand in anything for this part for the assessment.
1. Using your research and analysis develop a Change Management Plan for Samson Media.
The Change Management Plan must address:
a) An overview of the change management process
b) An overview of the current situation facing Samson Media including:
– Identification of the need for change and an analysis of the situation that has bought about the change (performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, or management decisions)
– A review of existing polices/practices at Samson Media against strategic objectives to identify change requirements.
– An analysis of the external environment relevant to Samson Media and its objectives, including events/trends that impact on strategic objectives, including trends in magazine publishing, as well as trends in on-line magazine readership. Your analysis should reflect a PESTLE analysis approach, reviewing political, economic, social, technology, legal and environmental factors.
c) A list of the potential barriers to the proposed changes and possible strategies to overcome or address them.
d) A detailed explanation of how an organisation can check their readiness for change. This should include examination of how organisational behaviour can impact change.
e) Strategies for embedding change into an organisation
f) Prioritisation of the recommended changes including your reasoning.
Your project plan will only address your first priority change. You may presume detail that is
not included in the case study.
g) The particulars of the change. Ensure the following information is contained in your plan:
? The name of the change/project
? The stakeholder
? Revision History
? Stakeholder approval/endorsement
? Type of change – policy/process/people/system
? Resource requirements
? A Risk Assessment that includes your particular barriers to change. In identifying risks and barriers to change you must demonstrate high level problem solving skills and innovative approaches to risk mitigation
? Cost benefit analysis for your change
? Implementation strategies that includes:
– The Action plan that details the activities, responsibility, resources and timeframe.
– The Communication plan that includes strategies to inform stakeholders of the change. Ensure the strategies you develop are designed to promote the benefits of change to staff and to reduce the likelihood of a negative response/adverse outcomes.
– The Training plan that identifies the training strategy, what training is required, who requires the training, the expected outcome, who will deliver the training, an estimation of the training cost.
? Proposed reporting protocols. What will you report, when and to whom?
? A bibliography that identifies your sources of information. You need to identify your sources of information to show that you have identified expert guidance on change management.
1. Submit your Change Management Plan to your assessor via email (as the CEO of Samson Media). Your email must include a brief overview of the purpose of the email and indicate that you are seeking feedback and approval.
Upon review of your plan your assessor will email you the date and time of the meeting to discuss the plan and to provide input and possible approval.
1. Participate in a change management plan meeting. Your assessor will play the role of the CEO and change expert.
? The purpose of this role play meeting is to review your research and your Change Management Plan and to seek feedback and approval for the next phase – the implementation of the plan. You must obtain this input and approval before you commence Assessment Task 2.
? Your assessor will ask you to explain the purpose and importance of a number of the components of your change management plan
? During the meeting, you will be assessed on your effective oral communication and interaction skills.
? Your assessor will provide you with feedback, which you must use in the Change Management Plan and the Communication and Education plan.
2. Following the meeting, update your Change Management Plan ensuring that you complete the revision history and submit your updated plan via email to your assessor (the CEO). Your assessor will provide final approval of your plan.
What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Part A – You are not required to hand in anything for this part for the assessment N/A
Part B – You are not required to hand in anything for this part for the assessment N/A
Part C – Draft of Change Management Plan ?
Part D – Updated Change Management Plan (Version
1) ?

Writers Solution

Corporate Code of Conduct

A proposed Corporate Code of Conduct is the final project.  The objectives of the Code of Conduct assignment are to identify the ethical risks to which a company is subject and to develop a management strategy and program to manage those risks.  The corporate code of conduct should be proposed by the group and is subject to the approval of the professor. The corporation whose code of conduct will be drafted may be from among some of the cases or may be from a corporation not considered in the cases.  The only stipulation is that the code of conduct be publicly available; so, you may find it easier to select a publicly-traded company in the US or Europe. 

Obtain the code of conduct of your chosen company.   Then provide a  fact-based critique made of the company’s conduct as to whether the company lives up to its code of conduct . To do this, survey the new media and specialized reporting in the companies sector.  Your objective is to consider whether the code accurately represent how the company has conducted itself to its stakeholding public  .  Recommendations should be developed to ensure that the corporate culture and business practices support the corporation’s code of conduct and to ensure that actual or potential failures are corrected.

 Instructions:This assignment is open format in that you can choose different means to conduct your analysis.  In the past, some students have chose to present their material in a essay format whereas others have chosen the PowerPoint format or video narration.  You should choose the format that helps you convey your analysis effectively given your own strengths.

Students often ask how long this assignment should be, for example, how many words.  This is difficult to answer, but you should treat it as the course culminating project.  It is unlikely that an essay analysis of a full code of conduct with a serious and referenced investigation of your chosen company’s behavior would be just a couple of pages in length. The most important thing is that you feel that you have been fair and thorough in your review and assessment.  

Submission Instructions: 

Please avoid specialized software.  All submission should be in a standard format legible within the Microsoft Windows operating environment.  Also, please send me an email at the same time that you submit your assignment so I can verify that it is legible and we can find a solution if there are any issues.  

The chosen Company for this proposal will be Scotia Bank Ltd.

Writers Solution

Conduct research into each country and produce a comparative analysis of the two countries

Assessment 1 Information
Subject Code: MAN304
Subject Name: Issues in International Business
Assessment Title: International Market Analysis
Assessment Type: Individual Written Report
Word Count: 1500 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 35 %
Total Marks: 100
Submission: Via Turnitin
Due Date: Week 5
Your Task
To undertake an individual International Market Analysis by developing a report to apply a range of international business analytical approaches within a global market context.
Assessment Description
To complete this assessment, you will need to select one firm. The firm can be a private or a public company based anywhere in the world.
A good criterion for the choice of a firm is the availability of public information about its products and services, corporate background and market reputation. Be careful in selecting your firm as further analysis of your chosen firm will be carried out in Assessment 3. You should discuss your choice of firm with your lecturer. Do this early and consult with your lecturer about the firm if in doubt.
You are required to select two (2) countries (Country A and Country B) as potential destinations for the firm to conduct its international business operations. You can choose, any two countries other than the country of origin of the firm. The firm must not have any existing operations in either of the countries you select.
The purpose is to develop a report with recommendations to be presented to the Board of Directors of your chosen firm.
1. Conduct research into each country and produce a comparative analysis of the two countries. The headings below are an indication of the type of information you may need to be able to collect and use:
a. The ease with which international firms report being able to do business in each country. You can find information about this from a range of sources including business news, official government websites or other online and offline sources.
b. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate, Interest Rates
c. Education levels and the labour force skills available
d. Current interest rates
e. Current value of the local currency against the United States (US) dollar
f. Employment rate and average income per person per year
2. Use the following headings in developing your report.
a. Introduction to your chosen firm and its background
b. What are the commercial implications for your firm wishing to engage in an international business venture?
c. Provide an overview of products or services that your firm is seeking to use to expand into the two new countries that you have selected (their entry strategies).
d. What are the key factors/reasons that support the introduction of these new products/services and why do you think that their introduction will be successful.
Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline

e. Make a clear recommendation to the Board of Directors of your firm about which country they should consider opening up a new market in and the product/service.
3. The analysis does not require an executive summary.
Assessment Instructions
You must Submit via Turnitin as a “WORD” document
Please remember that you will need to cite the sources you used, so you are required to reference at least 5 sources of information. These may include corporate websites, government publications, industry reports, census data, journal articles, newspaper articles, and textbook material. In referencing sources, you must apply Harvard Referencing Style to your in-text citations and consequently to the reference list.
Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.
Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties? How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Assessment Marking Guide
Criteria Value (Marks) NN (Fail)
0 – 49 P (Pass)
50 – 64 CR (Credit)
65 – 74 DN (Distinction)
75 – 84 HD (High Distinction)
85 – 100
Analysis of Identified International Issues 10 Your analysis lacks depth, and your interpretation is not relevant to the assessment criteria. You briefly analyse some of the issues and your interpretation is not always relevant to the assessment criteria. You analyse most of the issues and your interpretation is well structured. You analyse and interpret issues thoroughly. You analyse and interpret the issues articulately and convincingly.
Recommendations 10 The quality of your recommendations is poor and/or incoherent. You have drawn some useful recommendations although a more comprehensive analysis of the case study would have been helpful. You have drawn mostly useful
recommendations. You have drawn varied, well-researched and compelling recommendations. You have drawn dynamic, comprehensive and convincing recommendations.
Research 10 Your research lacks focus because of an unsuitable choice of sources. You have selected some appropriate scholarly sources. Better use of quality sources would help focus your research. Your research is focused, drawn from an appropriate range of scholarly sources. It is obvious that your research is focused, complemented by a quality selection and range of scholarly sources. It is clearly obvious that your research is extensive and focused, complemented by a quality selection and range of scholarly sources.
Academic Writing 5 Spelling, grammar and presentation/or grammar is consistently incorrect. In-text referencing and/or reference list is mostly incorrect or non-existent. Spelling, grammar and presentation have numerous errors.
In-text referencing and/or reference list is obvious but there are major errors. Spelling, grammar and presentation have numerous errors. In-text referencing and/or reference list has only minor errors throughout Errors in grammar and spelling are rare and professionally presented. In-text referencing and the resultant reference list is correct, with only the occasional error. Correct grammar and spelling throughout the analysis with no obvious errors.
In-text referencing and the resultant reference list is correct, with no errors.

Writers Solution

DSM V, ethical principles in psychology and code of conduct, training, and education in professional psychology, and various fields of psychology

Using the UMUC Library electronic databases, find an article from a recent issue of a peer-reviewed journal related to clinical or counseling psychology. The article should describe specifically an experimental manipulation by the researchers.  Articles for the professional article review should focus on psychological disorders and treatment, psychological assessments, theoretical perspectives, types of therapy/treatment models, the DSM V, ethical principles in psychology and code of conduct, training, and education in professional psychology, and various fields of psychology (i.e. health psychology, psychology of women, clinical neuropsychology, forensic psychology, and other areas).

Prepare a 2-4 page summary of the article in your own words including:

-Specifics regarding the overall purpose of the research in question

-A clear statement of the researcher’s hypothesis

-Details regarding the study methodology

-Pertinent results of the manipulation.

-Your personal opinion of the work.

  • Should it be repeated/ how can it be improved?
  • What was your overall impression of the work?
  • What are the implications of the study for the practice of counseling psychology?

Be sure to cite the article source frequently throughout the paper and with in-text citations in the body of your paper.  Also include a reference page at the end of your paper.  Papers should be have a cover page, be typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA Style. 

Please use subheadings such as “Hypothesis”, “Methodology”, “Results”, and “Personal Opinion” to make your paper easy to follow and to ensure that you include all of the required information.  Format your paper according the to sample paper example in the Content section of the classroom under “Writing Resources”.  This website also give an excellent example of an APA style paper: