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A legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on a health policy issue

Imagine that you are a legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on a health policy issue. Your supervisor has asked that you present your assessment findings to the senior leadership of your organization to inform their decisions on how best to approach their intended organization-wide position statement regarding this issue.

As a first step, you will select one of three health policy issues from the Project Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios document. As part of the background study, you will conduct preliminary research about the selected issue and analyze the impact of the selected issue on various stakeholders. This background study and assessment of the selected issue will serve as a foundation for your Project Two final presentation. In this Project Two Preparation assignment, you will essentially analyze the selected health policy issue and describe how it influences the decision-making process in healthcare.

Your research in this Project Preparation will be specific to the nonfinancial impact of the selected policy on various stakeholders. In your second Project Preparation for Project Two, which is due in Module Seven, you will explore the financial implications of the selected issues. Together, both of these Project Preparation assignments will prepare you for the Project Two submission due in Module Nine.


Create a research report summarizing your assessment findings on your chosen health policy issue. This research report will serve as a support document in the Project Two final submission.

You must cite at least three sources to support your claims. You may cite no more than one source from the module resources; all other resources must come from your own research. In other words, you may cite no more than one resource from the Resources section of this module. For additional help completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.

Use this resource to help you complete this assignment: IHP 610 Project Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Introduction
    1. Health Policy Issue: Describe your chosen health policy issue in a clear, concise manner. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Why did you choose this health policy issue for your Project Two work?
      • How might this health policy issue be explained to someone who has never heard of it before?
    2. Key Stakeholders and Interest Groups: Identify three key stakeholders and/or interest groups impacted by your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Who are the stakeholders and/or interest groups that will be primarily affected by this issue, either positively or negatively?
      • How might vulnerable populations and underserved areas be affected by this issue?
  2. Influence on Decision Making
    1. Stakeholder Needs: Describe the nonfinancial needs of the identified three key stakeholders and/or interest groups with respect to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • How are the nonfinancial needs of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups affected by the selected issue?
      • How does this issue impact vulnerable populations or underserved areas?
    2. Health Policy Influence: Describe the kinds of nonfinancial influence that the three identified key stakeholders and/or interest groups can have on health policies. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which three stakeholders and/or interest groups can have significant nonfinancial influence on the selected issue?
      • Which three stakeholders and/or interest groups have subtle or covert nonfinancial influence on the selected issue?
    3. Benefits and Disadvantages: Describe how the identified three stakeholders and/or interest groups might benefit or be disadvantaged by your chosen issue. Do not include any financially related benefits and disadvantages. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups benefit from this issue?
      • Which of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups are disadvantaged by this issue?
      • How might those in vulnerable populations or underserved areas be benefited or disadvantaged by this issue, not including financial benefits or disadvantages?
    4. Value Conflict Analysis: Describe the potential value conflicts between identified stakeholders and/or interest groups relating to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding question in your response:
      • What nonfinancial value conflicts might the identified stakeholders have concerning this issue, and why?

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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Hired as a consultant by TC Ice Cream

You have been hired as a consultant by TC Ice Cream. As part of its expansion plan, TC Ice Cream wants to limit the number of flavors that they sell and only focus on those that are the most profitable. You will do an analysis of two flavors for a specific division and determine which flavor should be kept and which should be removed.

  • Option A: Keep Flavor One
  • Option B: Keep Flavor Two

The TC Ice Cream management team has tasked you with doing an in-depth analysis to determine which of the two options will be the most profitable, given the monthly advertising expense range of $500–$2,750. Use the division that you selected in Module Two and select two flavors to make your recommendation. Consider the TC Ice Cream data set that contains data about quantity sold, advertising expenses, flavor rating, social media posts, and event promotions. 

  • You will use the same division and the same two flavors throughout the remainder of the course.
  • Keep in mind that the “WEST NORTH CENTRAL” division cannot be used for your analysis.

Your work here in Phase One is to do a current trend analysis, which will help you test your initial hypothesis as to which ice cream flavor has the most sales. You will use the work here as a foundation for Phase Two (in Milestone Two). 

Once you have completed the visualizations for the two flavors you selected, you will create a PowerPoint presentation analyzing the data.


For this assignment, you will analyze the data from the TC Ice Cream data set and identify trends and patterns. You will submit an analysis report in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. You will also create multiple charts to present the descriptive analysis you performed.

Within the TC Ice Cream Excel Workbook, you will use the sheets “Flavor One Analysis” and “Flavor Two Analysis” to create your visualizations. Select two flavors within the division you selected in Module Two.

Complete the following visualizations for each flavor. The visualizations for Flavor One should be completed in the “Flavor One Analysis” sheet and the visualizations for Flavor Two should be completed in the “Flavor Two Analysis” sheet. It is recommended that you use pivot table filtering to filter the data to the specific division and flavor you have selected.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Excel Workbook
    • Present the key descriptive statistics for the five quantitative variables in a table (quantity sold, advertising expenses, flavor rating, social media posts, and event promotions). The key descriptive statistics include the mean, median, standard deviation, and range.
    • Analyze the TC Ice Cream data to identify trends and patterns for the two flavors you have selected. For each flavor, create the following visualizations.
      • Create a line chart (also known as a trend chart) using the qualitative variable Date and the quantitative variable Quantity Sold to provide a visualization displaying quantity sold by month.
      • Create a line chart (also known as a trend chart) using the qualitative variable Date and the quantitative variable Flavor Rating (average) to provide a visualization displaying flavor rating (average) by year/quarter/month.
      • Create a combo chart using the qualitative variable Date (x-axis) and the quantitative variables: Quantity Sold (clustered column) and Advertising expenditures (line – secondary axis).
      • Create a combo chart using the qualitative variable Date (x-axis) and the quantitative variables: Quantity Sold (clustered column) and total – Social Medial Posts and Event Promotions (line – secondary axis). Hint: create a pivot table variable to sum the social media posts and event promotions.
      • Create a box and whiskers chart using the qualitative variable Quantity Sold. This will help identify any outliers in the quantity sold data.
      • Create a histogram for the quantitative variable Flavor Rating. It is recommended to use the data analysis “add-in” and the analysis tool “Histogram” to create the data for the visualization.
  • PowerPoint Presentation Using the Milestone One PowerPoint Template, complete the following:
    • Outliers: Identify any outliers that you see and explain how they have an impact on the overall trends. Outliers are the data points that can have an impact on your averages and basic descriptive analysis.
    • Analysis: Form and explain your initial hypothesis based on your analysis of the charts and trends in Excel.
      • Which option (Option A or Option B) would you choose at this point in your analysis, given the monthly expense range of $500–$2,750?
      • Why did you choose your selected attributes?
      • Describe any relationships or trends you observed while conducting your analysis.
      • Your presentation should include key visualizations and analysis to support your report.

What to Submit

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Legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on a health policy issue

Imagine that you are a legislative consultant hired to assess the influence of stakeholders and interest groups on a health policy issue. Your supervisor has asked that you present your assessment findings to the senior leadership of your organization to inform their decisions on how best to approach their intended organization-wide position statement regarding this issue.

As a first step, you will select one of three health policy issues from the Project Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios document. As part of the background study, you will conduct preliminary research about the selected issue and analyze the impact of the selected issue on various stakeholders. This background study and assessment of the selected issue will serve as a foundation for your Project Two final presentation. In this Project Two Preparation assignment, you will essentially analyze the selected health policy issue and describe how it influences the decision-making process in healthcare.

Your research in this Project Preparation will be specific to the nonfinancial impact of the selected policy on various stakeholders. In your second Project Preparation for Project Two, which is due in Module Seven, you will explore the financial implications of the selected issues. Together, both of these Project Preparation assignments will prepare you for the Project Two submission due in Module Nine.


Create a research report summarizing your assessment findings on your chosen health policy issue. This research report will serve as a support document in the Project Two final submission.

You must cite at least three sources to support your claims. You may cite no more than one source from the module resources; all other resources must come from your own research. In other words, you may cite no more than one resource from the Resources section of this module. For additional help completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.

Use this resource to help you complete this assignment: IHP 610 Project Two Health Policy Issue Scenarios

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Introduction
    1. Health Policy Issue: Describe your chosen health policy issue in a clear, concise manner. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Why did you choose this health policy issue for your Project Two work?
      • How might this health policy issue be explained to someone who has never heard of it before?
    2. Key Stakeholders and Interest Groups: Identify three key stakeholders and/or interest groups impacted by your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Who are the stakeholders and/or interest groups that will be primarily affected by this issue, either positively or negatively?
      • How might vulnerable populations and underserved areas be affected by this issue?
  2. Influence on Decision Making
    1. Stakeholder Needs: Describe the nonfinancial needs of the identified three key stakeholders and/or interest groups with respect to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • How are the nonfinancial needs of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups affected by the selected issue?
      • How does this issue impact vulnerable populations or underserved areas?
    2. Health Policy Influence: Describe the kinds of nonfinancial influence that the three identified key stakeholders and/or interest groups can have on health policies. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which three stakeholders and/or interest groups can have significant nonfinancial influence on the selected issue?
      • Which three stakeholders and/or interest groups have subtle or covert nonfinancial influence on the selected issue?
    3. Benefits and Disadvantages: Describe how the identified three stakeholders and/or interest groups might benefit or be disadvantaged by your chosen issue. Do not include any financially related benefits and disadvantages. Consider the following guiding questions in your response:
      • Which of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups benefit from this issue?
      • Which of the identified stakeholders and/or interest groups are disadvantaged by this issue?
      • How might those in vulnerable populations or underserved areas be benefited or disadvantaged by this issue, not including financial benefits or disadvantages?
    4. Value Conflict Analysis: Describe the potential value conflicts between identified stakeholders and/or interest groups relating to your chosen issue. Consider the following guiding question in your response:
      • What nonfinancial value conflicts might the identified stakeholders have concerning this issue, and why?

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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A private economic consultant for Ruby Red Movie Theater in town

You are continuing to serve as a private economic consultant for Ruby Red Movie Theater in town. The theater would like to have your input concerning what prices they should charge for movie tickets and the average prices for concession stand items. Access the Unit II Assignment Worksheet in Blackboard. Assignment Instructions: Complete the Unit II Assignment Worksheet. This worksheet contains a series of questions concerning your reviews of the movie ticket and concession items; be sure to answer them all and put your answers in the worksheet.Once you have completed your worksheet, use the information you gathered there to write an essay describing your calculations, what you suggest is the equilibrium price and quantity of movie tickets and concession items for Ruby Red Movie Theater, and factors that could cause the supply and demand curves to shift. Specifically, address the information from your worksheet when writing your essay, as well as the following:

  • The movie theater manager has seen a dramatic decrease in the quantity of movie tickets and concession items purchased over the last year. Indicate the following: 
  • two factors that might have caused the demand curve to shift to the left (decrease) for movie tickets, and  
  • two factors that might have changed and caused the demand for concession items to shift to the left (decrease).

Your essay must be at least two written pages, not counting the references page. Be sure to include an introduction and a title page. You are required to use at least two peer-reviewed scholarly sources. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA Style.

This worksheet is intended to help you develop the information you will use to complete your Unit II Assignment.

Completing only this worksheet does not constitute completion of the Unit II Assignment. You need to complete all parts of the assignment, which also include writing an essay about the information you obtain in this worksheet. You will insert your essay at the end of this document where indicated, and then upload your assignment via SafeAssign.


  1. Complete the Unit II Worksheet.
  2. Use your Unit II Worksheet responses to help you formulate your ideas for writing your essay; you are expected to expand on these questions when writing your essay.
  3. Include your graphs in this worksheet, in the areas indicated.
  4. Import this document into the Word document containing your essay, then upload the entire assignment via SafeAssign.

Part 1:Given the quantity of total movie tickets and total concession stand items consumed in a month and the total utility derived at Ruby Red’s Movie Theater for each, calculate the marginal utility and the marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets and average concession stand items.

Step 1: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets.

Quantity of Tickets ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityMovie Ticket PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Movie Tickets

Step 2: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for concession stand items.

Quantity of Concession Stand Items ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityAverage Item PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Concession Items

Part 1 Question 1: What quantity combination of movie tickets and concession stand items would maximize utility?

Your Answers:

Quantity of Movie Tickets
Quantity of Concession Stand Items

Part 1 Question 2: What is the price of movie tickets and average concession stand items?

Your Answers:

Movie Ticket Price
Concession Stand Items Average Price

Part 2: Given the quantity of total movie tickets and total concession stand items consumed in a month and the total utility derived at Ruby Red’s Movie Theater for the change in movie ticket prices, calculate the marginal utility and the marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets and concession stand items.

Step 1: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for movie ticket.

Quantity of Tickets ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityMovie Ticket PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Movie Tickets

(Continue on next page)

Step 2: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for concession stand items. (Note: the information here has not changed from Part 1, Step 2.)

Quantity of Concession Stand Items ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityAverage Item PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Concession Items

Part 2 Question 1: What quantity combination of movie tickets and concession stand items would maximize utility now that the price of movie tickets has changed?

Your Answers:

Quantity of Movie Tickets
Quantity of Concession Stand Items

Part 2 Question 2: What is the price of movie tickets?

Your Answer:

Movie Ticket Price

Part 3:Given the total quantity of movie tickets and total concession stand items consumed in a month and the total utility derived at Ruby Red’s Movie Theater for the change in concession stand prices, calculate the marginal utility and the marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets and concession stand items.

Step 1: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets. (Note: The information here is the same as in Part 1, Step 1.)

Quantity of Tickets ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityMovie Ticket PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Movie Tickets

(Continue on next page)

Step 2: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for concession stand items.

Quantity of Concession Stand Items ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityAverage Item PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Concession Items

Part 3 Question 1: What quantity combination of movie tickets and concession stand items would maximize utility now that the average price of concession items has changed?

Your Answers:

Quantity of Movie Tickets
Quantity of Concession Stand Items

Part 3 Question 2: What is the average price concession stand items?

Your Answer:

Concession Stand Items Average Price

Part 4:Answer the following from the calculations you made above:

Step 1: In regards to movie tickets, report the price and quantity you calculated in Questions 1 and 2 from Parts 1 and 2.

Movie Tickets
Part 1, Question 1, and Question 2
Part 2, Question 1, and Question 2

TASK TO DO: Graph the demand curve for movie tickets from the information you have above. Provide a copy of your graph in the box below. You can use a computer program such as Microsoft Excel or even draw the demand curve for movie tickets by hand, then take a clear, easy-to-read photo of it and insert it. Be sure to resize your graph or photo so that it completely fits in the box.

Step 2: In regards to concession stand items, report the price and quantity you calculated in Questions 1 and 2 from Parts 1 and 2.

Concession Stand Items
Average PriceQuantity
Part 1, Question 1, and Question 2
Part 3, Question 1, and Question 2

TASK TO DO: Graph the demand curve for concession stand items from the information you have above. Provide a copy of your graph in the area below. You can use a computer program such as Microsoft Excel or even draw the demand curve for movie tickets by hand, then take a clear, easy-to-read photo of it and insert it. Be sure to resize your graph or photo so that it completely fits in the box.

Part 5:Given the price and quantity information below, graph the supply curve for movie tickets and concession stand items on separate graphs.

Step 1: Graph the supply of movie tickets given the prices and quantities supplied below.

Movie Ticket Prices and Quantity Supplied

Movie Ticket PriceQuantity Supplied of Movie Tickets

Insert graph here: To create your graph, you can use a computer program such as Microsoft Excel or even draw the demand curve for movie tickets by hand, then take a clear, easy-to-read photo of it and insert it. Be sure to resize your graph or photo so that it completely fits in the box.

Part 5 Question 1: Why is the quantity supplied of movie tickets the same regardless of the price of movie tickets? Enter your response in the box below.

Step 2: Graph the supply of concession stand items given the prices and quantities supplied below.

Concession Stand Item Prices and Quantity Supplied

Average Concession Stand PriceQuantity Supplied of Concession Stand Items

Draw or insert graph here: (Make sure your graph fits entirely in the box.)

Part 6: Graph the supply and demand for movie tickets and concession stand items.

Step 1: Graph the supply and demand for movie tickets on one graph.

Draw or insert graph here: (Make sure your graph fits entirely in the box.)

Step 2: Estimate the equilibrium price and quantity for movie tickets:

Equilibrium Price: ­­­_____________________

Equilibrium Quantity: ________________________

Step 3: Graph the supply and demand for concession stand items on one graph.

Draw or insert graph here: (Make sure your graph fits entirely in the box.)




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Conceptual and Relational Modeling Background You have been hired by an organaization as an IT consultant in the Athletics department to help them organize data gathered from two Excel worksheets representing high school recruiting. 

Assignment Details: Conceptual and Relational Modeling Background You have been hired by an organaization as an IT consultant in the Athletics department to help them organize data gathered from two Excel worksheets representing high school recruiting. 

attached working sheets.

Tasks Create a single Word document. Place your name at the top of the document. Address each of the following tasks. Each task in your Word document must be numbered so that it is clear which task you are answering.

 1. Using the worksheets above, write the business rules that govern the relationship between COACH and ATHLETE. Hint: Remember relationships are always bidirectional. 

2.  Using Visio or Lucidchart, create a conceptual model in Crow’s Foot notation to model the business rules you just identified. Make sure you properly label the entities and relationship using best practices covered. Include your name in bold in a text box on the diagram. Paste a screenshot of your completed diagram.

3. For additional data modeling practice with, recreate the conceptual model shown below, exactly as is. Replace the middle of the diagram with your name in bold in a text box. Paste a screenshot of your completed diagram.

attached a picture

Use the completed conceptual model you created in #2 and the Excel worksheets to answer all remaining questions.

 4.  To convert the conceptual model into a relational model, list the relations that would be present in the relational model. For each relation you list, identify the primary key and foreign keys (if there are any). 

5. Using your data modeling tool, create a relational model to model the relations you just identified. Make sure you incorporate best practices covered for creating relational models.

 6.  Using the relational model you just created, write the relational schema correctly identifying each relation and its primary and foreign key(s) (if there are any)

 7. Do all relations in your relational model exhibit entity integrity? Using course terminology, explain why or why not.

 8.  Do all relations in your relational model exhibit referential integrity? Using course terminology, explain why or why not


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Role of a consultant for a digital camera manufacturer

Conducting User Survey & Final Project

Part 1: Conducting User Survey

User surveys are conducted to assess the usability of a product.

In this assignment, you will take up the role of a consultant for a digital camera manufacturer. Your organization has decided to launch a new digital camera by the year’s end. The organization wants you to create questions for conducting a user survey and collect the user requirements or needs among all age groups. Your questions should be such that they capture the user needs and perceptions.

Research the Internet to find information on sample surveys. You can also refer to for more information on surveys. Create a three- to five-page survey form in Microsoft Word that includes the following

  • Title of the survey
  • Introduction of the survey being conducted
  • Minimum 10 questions to help you obtain data on user needs 
  • Scale for the users to rate the questions
  • Conclusions

Part 2: The Development Phase (non-graded)

After creating the blueprint of the new Web interface, this week you will start the actual development on the Web interface. You can use any technology or authoring tool you are proficient in to develop the Web interface.

This week, you will submit a draft of the two deliverables. You will first submit the draft of the new Web interface and then you will create a paper in a Word document of approximately two to three pages that includes:

  • Introduction to the new Web interface
  • Features modified or added
  • Instructions to use the new Web interface


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business consultant trainee with the superstore client

In this scenario, you will continue to work as a business consultant trainee with the superstore client. The superstore would like to know which variables have an impact on its sales revenue and number of orders. Your vice president would like you to perform two multivariate regressions to analyze the data. Remember that the superstore is interested in whether specific trends are identified that can help grow its business through improved operations and sales. You have decided that the best analysis will be to perform multivariate regressions.

For each of the regressions, your dependent variables will be sales revenue and number of orders, respectively, and you will be selecting two independent variables. Then you will write a report for the superstore in which you describe the regression modules and the variables you chose to analyze. Additionally, you will explain why you chose to analyze those independent variables.


Your task is to perform multivariate regressions using Excel. You will also write a short report that describes the regression model you used and why you chose to analyze these selected independent variables.

  1. Perform two multivariate regressions on the data using the Superstore Excel Workbook (attached) to complete this step. This workbook also contains your work from previous modules. Both multivariate regressions should analyze Sales with the two independent variables of your choice. DO NOT DELETE ANY OTHER WORKBOOK PAGES
    • Create one multivariate regression that is placed in the Multivariate_Regression_1 worksheet.
    • Create one multivariate regression that is placed in the Multivariate_Regression_2 worksheet.
  2. Submit a Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. This assignment should be 1 to 2 pages in length. If references are included, they should be cited in APA format. Explain the results of the multivariate regression. For each multivariate regression performed, address the following:
    • Why did you choose your selected independent variables?
    • Explain the regression model used.
    • Include the key regression output values that include: R2, p value, intercept, and coefficients.
    • Explain the regression equation performed


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Customer Service Consultant with expertise in helping companies to retain customers and improve service policies and actions

Organization already picked : WELLS FARGO

Assignment Details: You are a Customer Service Consultant with expertise in helping companies to retain customers and improve service policies and actions. Select a professional name for your consulting business. Your company has been hired to evaluate the Customer Relationship Management Program for a client (an organization of your choice).

Part 3- In a minimum of 2 pages:  

  • Discuss the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program the company has in place.
  • Make recommendations for a service recovery plan, which should include a minimum of 3 improvements to the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program.
  • Write a conclusion.





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You are a consultant who has been employed to advise on the effective implementation of strategic changes.

Assessment Information/brief 2020/21
Module title Operations and Information Management
CRN 33150, 33216
Level 7
Assessment title Consultancy Report (Assessment 2)
Weighting within module This report is worth 50% of the overall module mark.
Submission deadline date and time See OnlineCampus
Assessment set by: Dr Suzanne Kane
How to submit
You should submit your assessment through OnlineCampus by the due date.
Assessment Criteria:
Assessment task details and instructions
Your Task
You are a consultant who has been employed to advise on the effective implementation of strategic changes. You are required to produce the following for the case study provided below:
Part A: Analysis – Business Process Models and strategy analysis
In this section you should develop
1. A series of at least two Business Process Models, which capture the existing and your proposed business processes. The models should follow the BPMN notation shown in the lecture slides. You can utilise Microsoft Visio, Word, PowerPoint or appropriate alternatives to create the models.
2. Strategic analysis: You should use at least one recognised analysis technique such as SWOT, PESTLE etc
Part B: Open Source Software Comparison Table
In this section, you should conduct research into a suitable software solution. You should decide on the set of characteristics which you will use to evaluate the software and your research should consider 4-5 alternatives in detail. This section should be presented as a table.
Part C: Report
In this section, you should write a report which provides an overview of the current situation together with a roadmap outlining how the proposed changes to the business can be achieved to the benefit of the business. This should draw on your analysis in Part A, include your recommendation for software in Part B, and provide recommendations for ensuring that the strategy is effectively implemented, including consideration of the challenges ahead.
This section should follow standard report structure:
Title Page – Contents – Introduction – Main Section – Conclusions and Recommendations – References.
You should use appropriate theories, frameworks, models, that we have covered in the module, to inform and justify your recommendations.
Part D: Reflection on your contribution to the online discussion
In this section you should submit a 250-word reflective summary, accompanied by your own self-assessment of your contribution to the online elements throughout the module, using the table labelled ‘Reflection Self-Assessment Pro forma’ in Appendix A (copy and paste it into your assignment document). The reflective report should include your detailed reflection on your learning process of theories, frameworks, models that we covered in the module, supported with evidence (pasted URLs) from the online discussion forum.
Using the Discussion Forum
The module syllabus will feature discussion forums for you to explore the assignment/share your ideas and findings of group activities. It is recommended that you use these to:
? Share papers and articles that you have found on relevant topics (remember to include links / reference / pdfs if you do this!)
? Discuss the changes to the ways of working – i.e. discuss what processes will change and explore how these might work in practice. You might also consider the changing information needs of the business
? Discuss and share examples of Open Source software that could be of use.
? Present the practice/outcomes/discussion of group activities outside class.
Please don’t be shy of using the discussion forums – the purpose is to give you experience of using collaborative technologies.
This is the marking table which will be used to guide the marking of assessment components:
Section Content Word Count Marks
Part A Analysis – Business Process Models and strategy analysis 1000 (equivalent to) 30
Part B Open Source Software Comparison Table 500 (equivalent to) 20
Part C Report 1250 40
Part D Reflection on your contribution to the online discussion 250 10
Total 3000 100
The case study: Music Mates
Music Mates is a group of three musicians who have been performing together for approximately two years. The group have regular repeat gigs around the North West of England, which provides enough funds for them to be paid as part-time professional musicians. In addition to their musical talents, Alexander, Sergei, and Vassily, are experienced sound engineers, who provide a PA service for the Music Mates gigs and for a number of other bands in the North-West area. They share a wide network of friends who are also musicians and they often promote other bands. But recently these other bands have asked them to be agents for an agree fee. If they decide to take this professional route, it would mean that they could work full-time as musicians/agents.
However, they are aware that starting the agency would require a business approach. They would be responsible for advertising events, social media marketing, keeping business accounts, providing an updated calendar of events, and keeping track of the communications between themselves, the clients who want to book bands, and the bands who are signed to the Music Mates agency.
At the moment, they use a website, a Facebook page, and the SoundCloud audio platform. Alexander, Sergei, and Vassily all have iphone’s and macbook pro laptop computers. They realise that starting the agency requires a business approach, which includes software that will support their business. They have read about Customer Relationship Management software and Enterprise Resource Management software, which appears to offer the type of information technology support that they will need. However, they need professional help before they can make any final decisions about investing funds in business software. They are also interested in the possibility of utilising Open Source Software, but require information on the advantages and disadvantages.
Growing Music Mates into a full-time small to medium enterprise business that supports three members of staff will mean significant changes and there are some concerns that using business technology might change the close working relationships which exist between Alexander, Sergei, Vassily and the bands with which they have personal connections. They are keen to run the business in a democratic style and as such, everyone will have an equal vote on any business decisions. Therefore, they require a report that can be read and understood by each of them. You are the OIM consultant who is responsible for researching this business and providing a consultancy report.
Module Aims
1. Allow students to develop an in-depth understanding of the increasingly important field of operations and information management.
2. Provide students with an overview of the role and contribution of operations and information systems to a company’s strategic position.
3. To provide concepts, techniques and models used for planning, managing and improving operations and information systems in contemporary organisations across a range of business sectors
4. To equip students with the capability to apply their knowledge of operations and information management within their business and management practice or further study.

Appendix A: Reflection Self-Assessment Pro forma
80+ 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 0-40
Quality of contributions Made several good contributions and one or more outstanding contribution. Made several good contributions. Made a few good contributions Made a few valid contributions Made 1 or 2 postings, of poor quality Did not contribute.
Attribution of references Clear referencing of well-chosen and highly relevant sources Clear referencing of all sources, some relevant. Clear referencing of all sources. Sources generally referenced. Used ideas/ words of others without attribution. Cut and paste or absent contributions.
Evidence of collaboration/ facilitation skills Skill shown in weaving contributions into the discussions and wiki and following up on contributions of others. Skill shown in weaving contributions into discussion and / or wiki, or following up on contributions of others Some evidence of links to contributions of others. Basic recognition of contributions of others. Little or no recognition of contributions of others. None
Reflection on online contributions (in reflective summary) Deep reflection shown, with clear and substantial evidence from online discussion and wiki Good reflection, with clear evidence from online discussion and / or wiki Reflection and evidence offered, limitations in one of these Reflection and evidence offered, limitations in both of these Superficial reflection, very limited evidence Very little or no reflection/evidence.
Level 7– Generic Descriptors

Extremely poor
Very poor
Very Good
1-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Knowledge Totally inadequate demonstration of required knowledge. Not able to link theory to practice. No appropriate themes identified. Virtually no relevant knowledge demonstrated. Fails to adequately demonstrate links between theory and practice. Very poor identification of key themes. Inconsistent or inaccurate knowledge. Limited and inappropriate or inaccurate links between theory and practice. Poor identification of key themes. Limited evidence of knowledge. Inappropriate links between theory and practice.
Inadequate identification of key themes. Basic knowledge with occasional inaccuracies appropriate yet basic integration of theory and practice. Superficial depth or limited breadth with
identification of key themes. Mostly accurate knowledge with satisfactory depth and breadth of knowledge. Sound integration of theory and practice with satisfactory identification of key themes. Consistently relevant accurate knowledge with good depth and breadth. Clear and relevant application of theory to practice. Good identification of key themes. Comprehensive knowledge demonstrating very good depth and breadth. Clear insight into links between theory and practice. Demonstrates ability to transfer knowledge between different contexts appropriately. Integrates the complexity of a range of knowledge and excellent understanding of its relevance.
Excellent depth of knowledge in a variety of contexts. Coherent and systematic application of theory to practice. Outstanding knowledge. Theory is linked to practice to an exceptional level and may be used to formulate new questions, ideas or challenges.
Extremely poor Very poor
Poor Inadequate Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Outstanding
1-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Cognitive processes
Cognitive Processes
No demonstration of analysis, evaluation or synthesis. No evidence of reflection. Unsatisfactory professional judgement No meaningful analysis or evaluation. Unable to identify appropriate issues for reflection. Arguments presented are inappropriate and very poorly linked. Very poor professional judgement. Descriptive occasionally attempts to analyse or evaluate material but lacks critical approach. Confusion and/ or weakness in academic argument. Identifies issues for reflection but lacks evidence of reflective processes. Poor professional judgement. Mainly descriptive evidence of analysis, inconsistent critical approach, little evaluation or synthesis. Follows processes of reflection but fails to demonstrate insight. Inconsistent and/ or inaccurate professional judgement. Critical analysis evident, with some evaluation and synthesis, although limited. Limited evidence of reflection. Some appropriate academic argument although not well applied and lacking in clarity.
professional judgement. Sound critical analysis and evaluation. Relevant academic argument. Demonstrates basic ability of synthesise information in order to formulate appropriate questions and conclusions. Reflective process is utilised, with insight demonstrating planning for future practice. Integrates relevant information in order to make sound professional judgements. Clear, in depth critical analysis, evaluation and academic argument with synthesis of different ideas and perspectives. Utilises reflection to develop self and practice. Aware of the influence of varied perspectives and time frames. Uses a wide range of sources to inform clinical decision making and prioritises plans. Very good analysis and synthesis of material with evidence of critique and independent thought. Balanced and mature approach to reflection used to enhance practice and performance in a range of contexts. Demonstrates ability to make sound decisions in complex and unpredictable contexts. Excellent critical analysis and synthesis. Arguments handled skilfully with imaginative interpretation of material. Willingness to challenge self and practice. Outstanding critical analysis and synthesis. Incorporates evidence of original thinking.

Extremely poor
Very poor


Very Good
1-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100

Presentation is extremely poor. Work has no structure or clarity. Extremely poor use of language.

Presentation is very poor. Work has little discernible structure or clarity. Very poor use of language.
Presentation is poor. Work is disorganised and lacks clarity. Poor use of language.
Presentation is unsatisfactory. Work is limited in terms of structure, coherence and clarity. Limitations in academic style.
Presentation of work is unsatisfactory in terms of structure, coherence, clarity and academic style. Some inconsistencies. Some grammar and syntax errors which detract from the content
Presentation of work is satisfactory
in terms of structure coherence, clarity and academic style. But some inconsistencies in grammar and syntax.
Presentation of work is well organised with good use of language to express ideas/argument. Very few inconsistencies; grammar and syntax good.
Presentation is of a very good standard, demonstrating a scholarly style. Very good grammar and syntax
Presentation is excellent, well-structured and logical. Demonstrates a scholarly style. Excellent grammar and syntax.
Presentation is outstanding demonstrating a fluent academic style.

Extremely poor
Very poor

Very Good
1-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Referencing and using evidence No references. No attempt to provide evidence of sources used. Lack of ability to source adequate material. Very poor referencing Poor use of reference material. Inappropriate or outdated sources with numerous referencing errors. Unsatisfactory referencing with frequent error. Limited ability to support content with relevant sources. Narrow range of sources. Referencing in presented work is unsatisfactory
with some inconsistencies or inaccuracies. Over utilises secondary sources. References used are inappropriate in terms of currency. Satisfactory
range of sources identified with appropriate referencing and few inaccuracies. Appropriate use of primary and secondary sources. Good range of sources. Well referenced, very few inaccuracies. Good use of primary and secondary sources. Clear evidence of referencing to a wide range of primary and secondary sources which are used effectively in supporting the work. Detailed use of predominantly primary sources which are well referenced and are used creatively to develop the work. Synthesis of reference material from a wide range of sources both within and across professions

Feedback arrangements
You can expect to receive summative feedback 10 working days after the due date. Typed feedback on your work will be available via OnlineCampus.
Support arrangements
You can obtain support for this assessment by attending the required classes, participating in the class discussions and asking questions in the dedicated forum thread. Engagement is vital for your success in the module.
The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS.
Good Academic Conduct and Academic Misconduct
Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students require
Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously. You can find out how to avoid academic misconduct here
Assessment Information
If you have any questions about assessment rules, you can find out more here.
Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes 2019/20 is available at:
In regard to late submissions, you can submit your work up to 21 consecutive days. But all late submissions will be capped at the pass mark. Accepted personal mitigating circumstances will remove the capped mark.
PMCs – self certification is permitted. There is no limitation to the number of PMCs you are applying.
Personal Mitigating Circumstances
If personal mitigating circumstances may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about personal mitigating circumstances procedure here.
Student Progression Administrator
If you have any concerns about your studies, contact StudentCare at
Assessment Criteria
You should look at the assessment criteria to find out what we are specifically considering during the assessment marking. Marks for your assessment will be allocated based on the marking table (see marking table above).
If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you need to take resit in due time (details to be followed). For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances, this will be your replacement assessment attempt. The reassessment is based on an improvement of your failed submission.

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You are a marketing research consultant and have just won a contract with a client

Congratulations! You are a marketing research consultant and have just won a contract with a client. Your client is facing an issue, and your job is to explain to the organization the advantages and disadvantages of a focus group and questionnaire as part of the research process for this issue. To do this, you have been asked to create a PowerPoint to present to the stakeholders of the organization. It is not your job to decide whether to use a questionnaire or focus group; you are only expected to present the information so that the stakeholders can select a method. Your presentation should include the components below. a description of the issue the client is facing (this issue will be created by you); a discussion of the different data collection methods including focus groups and surveys; a description of the questionnaire development process; a sample of five good questions for a questionnaire (you should include different types of questions such as closed-ended, open-ended, scale, ranking, or other types of questions); a sample of five good questions for a focus group; and an analysis of the value of questionnaires and focus groups in marketing research (how would each help in the research process for this issue?). Your PowerPoint must be a minimum of 10 to 12 slides. Each slide should have three to five bullet points and slide notes that you would use as if you were actually presenting the presentation. The total length for all slide notes should be at least 300 words. Your introduction slide and speakers notes should detail the issue the client is facing. At least two academic sources must be used, and they should be cited and referenced in APA format.

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