Writers Solution

What is the number of 6 character passwords containing the word “cyber”

 What is the number of 6 character passwords containing the word “cyber”? (6 marks)

2. How many 6 character passwords are there which have at least 3 numbers? (6 marks)

3. Calculate the entropy of the following systems and order them according to increasing security (6 marks, 2 marks each)

(a) A 6 digit PIN code with exactly 5 different numbers

(b) A 6 digit PIN code with exactly 4 different numbers

(c) A 9 character password with lower- and upper-case letters and numbers, where all the numbers are at the end.

Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team. 


Writers Solution

List the PartslD’s of all parts containing -plastid’.

Task A — ER Diagram
The local council is planning to implement a database system to help track players that sign
up to play soccer. Data needs to be maintained for each team, the players their parents.
Also, data needs to be stored for the coaches for each team.
Consider the following set of requirements to maintain this database:
A Team is made up of many Players, and also has a Coach, and each Player has a
Each Team has an ID number, name, and colours.
Each Player has an ID number, first name, last name, and age.
Each Coach has an ID number, first name, last name, and home phone number.
Each Parent has an ID number, last name, first name, Home phone number, and
Home Address (Street, City, State, and Postal Code).
A Player must have one and only one Team.
A Team must have many Players.
A Team may or may not have a Coach.
A Coach must have one and only one Team.
A Team may have many Coaches.
A Player must have at least one Parent, possibly more.
A Parent must have a Player.
According to the information above, draw a corresponding ER diagram. Please note:
A1. You may decide the names for entities, attributes and relations, but you should use
UPPERCASE to name your entities and use Capitalisation (of first letter) to name attributes
of entities.
A2. Underline all primary key attributes and mention all the foreign key attributes.
A3. Clearly indicate participation and cardinalities between entities. Also specify the
relationship verbs.
Task B — Normalization
Consider the following relation for student records:
GRAPEREPQRT(StudentIP, StudentName, StudentMajQL StudentStreetA4dress,
CpurseJ.p., CpurseJltle, CpurseCredjtPQjnts,
CpurseJ.nstrugtQflP, Jns.trugtQflP, JnstrugtprQffjge, Grade)
Given that the following functional dependencies exist:
– StudentName,,
– Grade
Instructor – Jns.trugMP, Jns.trugtprNgme, InstrugtprQffjge
Bl. Why is the relation in INF? State the reason(s).
B2. Is the relation in 2NF? State the reason for your answer with example.
B3. Decompose the relation to 3NF. State the reason(s) why the decomposed relation is in
Task C – SQL
Consider the following relational schema (the primary keys are underlined and foreign keys
are italic)
sname addressline1,addressline2, city, state, zip)
colour, description)
CATALOGUE Su lierlD PartslD cost, availability)
Write the SQL statements for the following queries:
Cl. List the PartslD’s of all parts containing -plastid’.
C2. Find the names of suppliers who supply parts of red color and costing less than $200.
C3. What is the price of the lowest costing part in Melbourne?
C4. Find the suppliers who either supply some red part or who are in NSW.

Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at EssayCabinet.comCLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT

Writers Solution

Meat does have some health benefits. It’s high in iron and zinc as well as containing the full array of essential amino acids.

Meat does have some health benefits. It’s high in iron and zinc as well as containing the full array of essential amino acids. Unfortunately, many studies show that consuming large amounts can have health implications such as increased cancer and heart disease yet a new study published in September 2019 says the opposite. And what about the health impact of raising beef and our planet? What would happen if the entire world decided to follow a Paleo diet? Do you eat meat? Would you consider reducing your consumption and going vegan before six? Why or why not?

Meats: A Health Hierarchy

No Need To Cut Back On Red Meat? Controversial New ‘Guidelines’ Lead To Outrage

WHO Says Eating Processed Meat is Carcinogenic: Understanding the findings.

Vegan Before Six statusSolved by our Writing Team at EssayCabinet.comCLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT

Writers Solution

Project folder containing your Java program

The first step in writing a software application is to determine the requirements. There is no value in writing a program that does not address the needs of the client. Requirements can be gathered in many ways, but ultimately, the requirements serve to document what the application should and should not do. After the requirements are written, the application design can be prepared, followed by the actual coding. For this project, you will gain some practice in the design phase of software development by designing a program that will meet a given set of requirements.

In this assignment you will develop a console program that simulates a restaurant menu. The project instructions are as follows:

Program Requirements:

  1. Each item on the menu must have a different price.
  2. Your menu must define at least 10 different items.
  3. Program Requirements:
    • Display the menu to the user.
    • Allow the user to select an item from the menu. (Record the selection in a variable.)
    • Once the user has selected an item, ask them how many they want (quantity). (Record the quantity in a variable.)
    • Calculate the total. (Sales tax is not included in this exercise.)
    • Ask the user to enter the amount of their payment. (Record this amount in a variable.)
    • Subtract the order total from the payment amount and present any remainder on screen as the customer’s “change”.
    • Remind the program operator to thank the customer for their patronage.
  4. Remember to test your program fully to ensure that all functions operate correctly.

Documentation Requirements:

Create a document in Word and add the following:

  • Title page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Student name
    • Date
  • List the data items that must be stored and used by the program. Each data item should be given a name for reference. Create a diagram that illustrates where this data comes from (such as “selected by the user,” “entered by the user,” “item name from menu,” “price from menu,” etc.) and how it is handled by your program (what happens to that data).
  • List the decisions the program must make. References to the data items in the previous step should be used where appropriate.
  • Describe the flow of operation of the program so that a potential user can understand how it works. All key activities should be included, and references to the data items and decisions listed in the previous steps should be used.

Project deliverables are as follows:

  1. Create a ZIP file that includes:
    • Project folder containing your Java program (see Program Requirements above).
    • Word document (see Documentation Requirements above).
  2. Upload your ZIP file to the course portal.
  3. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at