Writers Solution

ony is a manner of expression through which words or events convey a reality different from and even opposite to appearance or expectation.

The “Cask of Amontillado” is a fictional short story that has established itself as a fascinating candidate worthy of a detailed analysis. The author Edgar Allan Poe’s extreme use of symbolism and irony throughout the short story, revolves around revenge, murder, torture, and addiction set in a massive underground Italian catacomb. Poe takes the readers on a voyage into his dark and mysterious psyche, which shows the pain, hate and desire for revenge. The basis of the story involves two men: the narrator Montresor, who seeks out revenge against his friend Fortunato. Fortunato, a proud man that brags about being an enthusiast on wines, which eventually leads Fortunato to being blindsided and resulting to his death by Montresor. Poe’s crafty use of strategies are utilized to create this horrific and exciting masterpiece.

Irony is a manner of expression through which words or events convey a reality different from and even opposite to appearance or expectation. The use of such device in the story provides it with humor and wit, and makes the piece more sophisticated. The sustained irony is detected through style, tone and the clear use of exaggeration of Montresor, the narrator.  From the very beginning we notice the irony in the story. The very name Fortunato would clearly imply that this is a man of good fortune, when the actual case is that he is about to suffer a most untimely death. The setting in which the story takes place again shows an ironic element. It is during Venice’s Carnival that the characters meet. A Carnival is supposed to be a time of festivity and happiness for everyone. However, in this short story it is a time for revenge and death. The atmosphere changes drastically when the two characters leave the cheerfulness of the carnival for the gloomy and desolate catacombs beneath Montresor’s palazzo. We learn from the narrator that when he first meets Fortunato the latter has apparently been drinking and is dressed in many colors, resembling a jester. His costume suggests that he will be the one playing the fool. On the other hand Montresor is dressed in a black-colored cloak and has his face covered with a black mask. At this point one can mention the presence of symbols: the black mask and ensemble might be a representation of evil. Such figure foreshadows the events taking place later that night in the damp catacombs.  The way the narrator treats his enemy is one of the clearest examples for ironic elements. When the characters meet, Montresor realizes that Fortunato is afflicted with a severe cold, nevertheless he makes a point of him looking “remarkably well”. Montresor acts in the most natural and friendly way towards the man object of his revenge, and even praises his “friend’s” knowledge in the subject of wines. Also upon their meeting, Montresor begins a psychological manipulation of Fortunato. He claims that he needs his knowledge to ascertain that the wine he has purchased is indeed Amontillado. Fortunato is forced by his pride to accompany Montresor to the vaults where the Amontillado is kept, dissipate his doubts and also to prove his higher status as a connoisseur of wine. In fact, during their way down under in the catacombs, the twisted mind of Montresor, dares to give Fortunato the chance to go back, due to the almost unbearable dampness and foulness rampant in the vaults and Fortunato’s state of health. The narrator clearly knows about the stubborn nature of Fortunato, and is positive that his pride would not allow him to retreat. Thus, Fortunato continues his journey towards death by his own will.  “The vaults are insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre.” “Let us go, nevertheless. The cold is merely nothing. Amontillado!” ( ) Another memorable lines in the story are given by Montresor in response to Fortunato saying, “I will not die of a cough.” To what Montresor responds, “True– true…” And then also when the hypocritical narrator toasts to Fortunato’s long life, already knowing that he was taking to effect the devilish crafted plan of revenge.  Further evidence of ironic components is found with Montresor as a “Mason”. We anticipate this means he is a member of the distinguished group of men, yet he actually is a stonemason, someone whose job is to prepare and use stone for building. Montresor makes use of his skill as a mason as well as of the trowel he had shown his rival to build up the wall that will lock up unfortunate Fortunato inside the catacomb.  When Fortunato is trapped behind the wall his avenger built, Montresor “re-echoes” and even “surpasses” Fortunato’s yelling apparently to sympathizing with the victim. He is evidently being ironic since he is actually delighted by what he has done and only stops shrieking till Fortunato is silent. The story ends with Montresor’s words, “In pace requiescat!” (May he rest in peace.) His words are unmistakably sarcastic: since he has just committed a dreadful murder. The story also contains many accounts of symbolism. They can be classified as reinforcing; that is, their meaning is not always obvious to the reader. It is only after several readings that the symbols begin to be clear. The first example in the story was mentioned earlier, the fact that Montresor’s costume is black would suggest beforehand that he would be playing the role of an evil being.  The coat of arms of Montresor’s family is perhaps the best example of symbolism and foreshadowing in the whole story: “A huge human foot d’or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel” (). It is clear that a metaphor has been constructed. In this image the foot is symbolic of Montresor and the serpent of Fortunato. Fortunato had wronged Montresor and had offended both him and his ancestors. Although Fortunato has hurt Montresor, the coat of arms suggests that Montresor will ultimately crush him. Montresor is determined to uphold his family’s motto: “Nemo me impune lacessit”, which is the Latin for “No one can injure me with impunity”. The sinister narrator seeks his vengeance in support of this principle.  A further manifestation of symbolism is the vaults in the end of the catacombs piled with skeletons. The accumulations of human remains may be an implication of human detriment. The absence of light and the dark murkiness that surrounds the characters are sensory images that aids for a perfect setting of horror and makes the reader capable of getting the sensation of an impending doom.  Finally, the very title of the story: The cask of Amontillado, represents the imminent ruin of Fortunato: his pursue of the cask which, in the end, will be his own casket.  The Cask of Amontillado is a carefully crafted short story. Every trait of irony and symbolism Poe uses contributes to a single and meaningful effect: the plot to maneuver Fortunato to where he can wall him up alive is anything but straightforward. In fact, from the very beginning, every action and bit of dialogue is characterized as being just the opposite of what is obviously stated yet, it is conveying his message clear and effectively.

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Writers Solution

Narrative devices to convey the theme of the work and how the theme or narrative devices demonstrate major characteristics of the period

Essay 1: Colonial Period Instructions

Choose ONE of the following topics and write a polished essay of about 750 words (3-4 double spaced typed pages).  The essay requires not less than two secondary sources in addition to your primary sources (the literature you are analyzing).  Before writing your essay, reread your notes and assigned textbook reading(s) just to refresh your memory.  Also, it might be useful to reread a composition textbook to remind yourself of the guidelines on how to write a clearly-defined thesis statement, well-developed paragraph(s), and an essay using the MLA or APA or Turabian parenthetical method of documentation for your quotations and any secondary sources you cite. To let your instructor know which style of documentation you are using, write MLA, APA, or Turabian in the title of your essay as follows: Title – Citation style (e.g., “Christians and the Study of Colonial American Literature-APA”).

Your two secondary sources should be academic, peer-reviewed sources, such as articles from scholarly journals and books. Websites, such as Lit Charts, Spark Notes, Shmoop, and so on are not academic sources. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other professors’ notes are likely accurate, but they are not academic research. You can cite our textbook in your paper, but it will not count toward your 2 secondary sources. If you have trouble finding scholarly sources, you can access the library’s English Research Guide here.

Develop a clear thesis that is grounded in the literature and specifies the titles of the literary works. Remember that while it is acceptable to include some biographical and historical information for context, your focus should be on analyzing the literature.

NOTE: To receive an excellent grade, a student must demonstrate a reasonable competence in organizing an essay on a set topic; developing ideas logically and systematically; supporting these ideas with the necessary evidence, quotations or examples; organizing a paragraph; documenting essays (using MLA, APA, or Turabian) style; spelling the commoner words of the English language correctly; punctuating correctly; and writing grammatical sentences, avoiding such common mistakes as comma splices, run-on sentences, sentence fragments, faulty agreements, faulty references, shifts in person, number, or tense.

1. Choose any ONE of the works/authors of the Colonial period studied in this course and write a literary analysis of the chosen work. The focus of the essay should be three-fold: to discuss the theme of the author/work, the major characteristics of the period that are evident in the work, and major narrative devices the author uses to communicate his or her message. Your essay must have a clearly-defined thesis statement, well-developed paragraph(s), and fitting conclusion. In your thesis, assert how the author uses narrative devices to convey the theme of the work and how the theme or narrative devices demonstrate major characteristics of the period. Include direct quotes from the primary sources for analysis and support.

2. William Bradford described the American wilderness as “hideous and desolate,” full of “wild beasts and wild men.”  He believed the wilderness as a place of trial and testing rather than a place of ease and plenty – or of social and economic opportunity.  Compare and contrast Bradford’s and John Smith’s views of the American wilderness.  Why, in your opinion, will two pioneers perceive the land so differently? Include direct quotes from Bradford’s and Smith’s literature for analysis and support.

3. Compare and contrast John Smith, William Bradford, and John Winthrop as historians and as literary writers. Include direct quotes from the primary sources for analysis and support.

4. Bradstreet’s collection was published without her knowledge under the title The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America or Several Poems, Compiled With a Great Variety of Wit and Learning, Full of Delight … By a Gentlewoman of Those Parts.  Cite and discuss examples of       1) Great Variety / Themes​2) Evidence of Learning and   3) Delightful subjects.  

Do you find the poetry “delightful”? Explain your answer.  Use at least three (3) poems to illustrate your points. Include direct quotes from Bradstreet’s poems for analysis and support.

5. Critically discuss the poetic idea of the divided self (body and soul) in Edward Taylor’s “A Fig for Thee oh! Death.”  Also discuss this idea of the divided self (flesh and spirit) in Anne Bradstreet’s “The Flesh and the Spirit.”  How is Bradstreet’s representation different from, or similar to that of Taylor’s? Include direct quotes from Taylor’s “A Fig for Thee oh! Death” and Bradstreet’s “The Flesh and Spirit” for analysis and support.

6. Critically discuss Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” with Taylor’s “Huswifery” to demonstrate the contrasts and similarities between the two poets. Include direct quotes from Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and Taylor’s “Huswifery” for analysis and support.

7. Critically discuss Michael Wigglesworth’s “The Day of Doom” and Jonathan Edwards’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” as “salvific works” of literature.  What literary and rhetorical strategies account for their wide popularity at the time? What factors, in your opinion, account for their diminished reputation in the 20th and 21st centuries? Include direct quotes from Wigglesworth’s “The Day of Doom” and Edwards’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” for analysis and support

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