Writers Solution

Country with a universal healthcare system (Canada, Australia, New Zealand or any other

Select a country with a universal healthcare system (Canada, Australia, New Zealand or any other). Once selected, compare their approach to healthcare spending to that of the U.S. Write a 2-3-page summary that includes the following:

  1. Discuss the differences in healthcare politics
  2. Explain how the two countries finance their healthcare systems
  3. Insight on how political decisions impact your role and that of your organization
  4. When looking at healthcare systems across the world explain how America’s healthcare system could be improved
  5. Your recommendation for America to remain as a free-market system or transition to a universal healthcare system
  6. Use at least 2 credible sources from the Rasmussen College Library.
  7. Include an APA formatted reference page.





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Tariffs are paid by the citizens of the country imposing tariffs, not by the citizens of the country producing the products upon which the tariffs are levied

Assignment Content

  1. Promoting international trade is not a zero-sum game. It is a win-win proposition; both parties gain from trade.

    Consider the following:
    • Tariffs are paid by the citizens of the country imposing tariffs, not by the citizens of the country producing the products upon which the tariffs are levied.
    • The term “trade deficits” is a misnomer. Every country’s trade is always in balance.
    • Trade deficits do not mean the US no longer produces anything to export. The US is the world’s second largest manufacturer and the world’s second largest exporter of manufactured goods.
    • Trade deficits reflect a strong economy. Trade deficits rise during economic expansions and fall during economic contractions. Unemployment falls as trade deficits rise and rises as trade deficits fall.
    • Imports and exports are complements, not competitors. Both are necessary and both contribute to economic growth.
    • Roughly one-third of all US imports and exports is trade between US multinational companies and their overseas subsidiaries.
    • Foreign-owned companies operating in the US number in the thousands and provide directly or indirectly jobs for more than 13 million US workers (roughly, 10% of the US workforce).
    • US trade deficit in goods in 2018 (as a % of GDP) was the same as it was 5, 10 and 15 years earlier.
    • The rise in US goods trade deficit with China has not increased the US total goods trade deficit. It has been offset by reduced goods imports from other trading partners.
    • There is a strong correlation between the rise in world trade and:
    • The rise in world GDP
    • The dramatic fall in the world’s extreme poverty rate
    • The rise in world life expectancy
    • For every US manufacturing job lost to trade between 2000 and 2010, seven US jobs were lost to domestic productivity improvements. Those seven jobs cannot be brought back from overseas because they never left the US.
    • Write a 700- to 1,050-word evaluation of credible economists’ unbiased opinions on the benefits, costs, and results of current US trade and tariff policies. Complete the following in your evaluation:
    • Evaluate how US trade policy changes in the last 2 years affect global trade activities by multinational corporations.
    • Discuss credible economists’ opinions on the long-term effects of trade and tariff policies changes in the last 2 years.
    • Explain the effect of recent changes to trade and tariff policies have had on your employer, you, or someone you know.
    • Cite at least 2 academically credible sources.

      Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.





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Justice system of a foreign country with that of the United States

Write a 3 to 4 page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) that addresses the following: Compare and contrast the justice system of a foreign country with that of the United States.
Be sure to address three of the following issues in your essay:

  1. Substantive Law
  2. Procedural Law
  3. Judicial Review
  4. Policing Systems
  5. International Police Cooperation
    You should consult outside sources to ensure that you thoroughly address each issue.
    Did you address 3 of the 5 issues when comparing the justice system of a foreign country to the U.S.?
    Did you cite your sources?
    Did you state the findings of the paper concisely?
    Did you support or oppose your position with insightful analysis?
    Did you answer all the questions in a substantive manner?
    Is your content accurate?
    Is your content comprehensive enough to address the topic?
    Did you prepare your paper as a MS Word Document?
    Did you name your file correctly?
    Did you use APA format to cite your sources?
    Did you check your document for spelling?
    Did you check your paper for grammatical errors?
    Is your paper the correct length?





Laws and Judicial Review: United States and United Kingdom

There are various similarities and differences between laws and the judiciary systems of the United States and the United Kingdom. This paper looks at these in terms of substantive and procedural laws as well as judicial review.

  1. Substantive Law

Substantive law is the laws that determine how a society behaves. The law includes civil and criminal laws. Civil law encompasses rights and responsibilities while criminal law encompasses crimes and punishments. Substantive law refers to the actual claims and defenses and is captured in statutes and precedents (McDonald, 2000).

In the United States, both civil and criminal cases go through the same court system at the federal levels; with federal courts having precedence over state courts. In most states, there are usually different courts for civil and criminal cases. Cases will proceed from the magistrate courts, district courts, appealscourts and on to the Supreme Court.

This is akin the United Kingdom, though there are separate courts for civil and criminal cases throughout. Civil cases are handled at the magistrate and county courts while criminal cases are handled at the magistrate and Crown courts. More serious cases of both civil and criminal nature proceed to different divisions of high, appeal and Supreme courts(McIntyre, Farmer and Deacon, 2015). The United Kingdom also has the tribunal system that is not present in the United States court system.

Both the United States and the United Kingdom rely on past decisions as authoritative precedents for litigation. These are referred to as “opinions” or “cases” in the United States and “law reports” in the United Kingdom. Apart from precedents, the United States relies on the Congress for legislation while the United Kingdom relies on the House of Parliament(McIntyre, Farmer and Deacon, 2015).

  1. Procedural Law

Procedural law is the procedures for making, administering and implementing substantive law.  It includes how a court hears and rules on proceedings: civil, criminal or administrative. Procedural law sets the rules to determine validity of claims and defenses in substantive law(McDonald, 2000).

In the United States, procedural law is guided by due process of the Constitution while in the United Kingdom it is guided by fundamental justiceof common law. So while procedural law in the United States aspires to ensure fairness and consistency of due process, in the United Kingdom it strives towards fundamental justice.

Laws in the United Kingdom, like in many other European countries, have been greatly influenced by the Roman laws. This includes the issue of the procedural “actio”, where the substance of procedural and substantive laws is united, with the existence of procedure determining existence of substantive. While this unity of the laws was evident in the English system of writs, it is now non-existent; both in the United Kingdom and the United States(McDonald, 2000).

  1. Judicial Review

The judiciary can reviews executive and legislative actions. This process, known as judicial review, may involve a court invalidating the executive decision or legislative statute for being unlawful or violating a written constitution.

Judicial review is one of the enablers of democracy through separation of powers of the three arms of government: executive, legislative and judiciary. It empowers the judiciary to supervise the other two government estates …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Justice system of a foreign country  ……


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You will write a critical review that synthesizes your reactions to the two articles (DEVELOPING COUNTRY LIST). Your paper must be APA style (e.g., title page, no abstract, double-spaced, reference page). The paper should be 800-1000 words. Please use the following organization.
a. The first section should include a general summary of the studies conducted (between 200-400 words).
b. The second section should involve your critical analysis of the articles (less than 600-800 words). Identify and defend the article that makes the strongest argument and will have the more significant impact on the topic/population it is written about. Integrate information from your course into the critique of the article. You might discuss the practical significance of the research.
c. The third section will involve your suggestions for future research in this area, based on what you have learned in your course. This should not be a summary of what the authors suggested as recommendations for future research, but rather, your own personal suggestions for future research based on the reported findings.
d. Please use headings in alignment with APA style (i.e., Summary, Analysis, Suggestions for Future Research). The paper will be graded based on the quality of content and alignment with APA style. Each article may earn up to four credits toward your research requirement. You must turn in both your summary/analysis of the article and a PDF of the article (or link to the article if a PDF is not available) when you submit your work for this alternative. Be sure to write your paper in your own words! Using actual phrases from the article without quotes is plagiarism. Paraphrasing sentences (e.g., substituting words here and there) is also plagiarism. Using the authors’ ideas without providing credit is also plagiarism.

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Developing Democracy in Gabon

Name of Student

University Affiliation

Developing Democracy in Gabon

            Gabon often referred as the Republic of Gabon, is an African country which is situated along the Atlantic Ocean. The country borders Cameroon in the north, Republic of Congo to the south and east, and Equatorial Guinea (Heilbrunn, 2014). The country is characterized by diverse groups consisting of pigmies and several Bantu groups. Since the early 1970s, the country has been categorized by World Bank as a middle-income economy with a per capita income per person that exceeds $14,000. According to the authors, the country has performed well albeit with problems in income distribution and higher poverty levels among a third of its population. The country has also been ruled primarily by one leader since 1967, with the immediate leader Omar Bongo who died handing power to his son.

Political History and Barriers to Development of Democracy

            When Gabon gained its independence in 1960, Leon M’ba was elected the president of the parliamentary republic under the Gabonese Democratic Bloc. According to (Heilbrunn, 2014) M’ba consolidated power and limited freedom of speech and association. In November, 1967 following the death of M’ba, Omar Bongo took over the country’s leadership. Bongo’s selection was based on the French recommendation because he was expected to protect their interests and promote country’s stability and reconciliation that had resulted from his predecessor. Several months after getting into power, Bongo created a single party in 1968. The formation of the single party was made possible through backing of an assembly that consisted only from M’ba’s party. The president created the Parti Democratique Gabonais (PDG) on the basis that all the existing parties were formed through ethnic affiliations. Although the coming into power of Bongo…DEVELOPING COUNTRY LIST…………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

The international company must be new in Australia but could be existing in any other country for eg,Tata Motors in India.

word limit-1750 maximum
The international company must be new in Australia but could be existing in any other country for eg,Tata Motors in India.
Task Description
As the international marketing director of a company, you have been assigned to develop a -market entry plan- for a product that is aiming to enter for a particular Australian market segment in 2020. Your tasks are:
Briefly explain the profile of Australian market segment and the product for this segment,
Identify the pros and cons of the most useful market entry modes that you have studied in this unit, and decide and explain the best entry mode strategy for your company, and
Design three frameworks outlining the pricing, distribution and promotional strategies.

Writers Solution

Conduct research into each country and produce a comparative analysis of the two countries

Assessment 1 Information
Subject Code: MAN304
Subject Name: Issues in International Business
Assessment Title: International Market Analysis
Assessment Type: Individual Written Report
Word Count: 1500 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 35 %
Total Marks: 100
Submission: Via Turnitin
Due Date: Week 5
Your Task
To undertake an individual International Market Analysis by developing a report to apply a range of international business analytical approaches within a global market context.
Assessment Description
To complete this assessment, you will need to select one firm. The firm can be a private or a public company based anywhere in the world.
A good criterion for the choice of a firm is the availability of public information about its products and services, corporate background and market reputation. Be careful in selecting your firm as further analysis of your chosen firm will be carried out in Assessment 3. You should discuss your choice of firm with your lecturer. Do this early and consult with your lecturer about the firm if in doubt.
You are required to select two (2) countries (Country A and Country B) as potential destinations for the firm to conduct its international business operations. You can choose, any two countries other than the country of origin of the firm. The firm must not have any existing operations in either of the countries you select.
The purpose is to develop a report with recommendations to be presented to the Board of Directors of your chosen firm.
1. Conduct research into each country and produce a comparative analysis of the two countries. The headings below are an indication of the type of information you may need to be able to collect and use:
a. The ease with which international firms report being able to do business in each country. You can find information about this from a range of sources including business news, official government websites or other online and offline sources.
b. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate, Interest Rates
c. Education levels and the labour force skills available
d. Current interest rates
e. Current value of the local currency against the United States (US) dollar
f. Employment rate and average income per person per year
2. Use the following headings in developing your report.
a. Introduction to your chosen firm and its background
b. What are the commercial implications for your firm wishing to engage in an international business venture?
c. Provide an overview of products or services that your firm is seeking to use to expand into the two new countries that you have selected (their entry strategies).
d. What are the key factors/reasons that support the introduction of these new products/services and why do you think that their introduction will be successful.
Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline

e. Make a clear recommendation to the Board of Directors of your firm about which country they should consider opening up a new market in and the product/service.
3. The analysis does not require an executive summary.
Assessment Instructions
You must Submit via Turnitin as a “WORD” document
Please remember that you will need to cite the sources you used, so you are required to reference at least 5 sources of information. These may include corporate websites, government publications, industry reports, census data, journal articles, newspaper articles, and textbook material. In referencing sources, you must apply Harvard Referencing Style to your in-text citations and consequently to the reference list.
Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.
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Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
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Assessment Marking Guide
Criteria Value (Marks) NN (Fail)
0 – 49 P (Pass)
50 – 64 CR (Credit)
65 – 74 DN (Distinction)
75 – 84 HD (High Distinction)
85 – 100
Analysis of Identified International Issues 10 Your analysis lacks depth, and your interpretation is not relevant to the assessment criteria. You briefly analyse some of the issues and your interpretation is not always relevant to the assessment criteria. You analyse most of the issues and your interpretation is well structured. You analyse and interpret issues thoroughly. You analyse and interpret the issues articulately and convincingly.
Recommendations 10 The quality of your recommendations is poor and/or incoherent. You have drawn some useful recommendations although a more comprehensive analysis of the case study would have been helpful. You have drawn mostly useful
recommendations. You have drawn varied, well-researched and compelling recommendations. You have drawn dynamic, comprehensive and convincing recommendations.
Research 10 Your research lacks focus because of an unsuitable choice of sources. You have selected some appropriate scholarly sources. Better use of quality sources would help focus your research. Your research is focused, drawn from an appropriate range of scholarly sources. It is obvious that your research is focused, complemented by a quality selection and range of scholarly sources. It is clearly obvious that your research is extensive and focused, complemented by a quality selection and range of scholarly sources.
Academic Writing 5 Spelling, grammar and presentation/or grammar is consistently incorrect. In-text referencing and/or reference list is mostly incorrect or non-existent. Spelling, grammar and presentation have numerous errors.
In-text referencing and/or reference list is obvious but there are major errors. Spelling, grammar and presentation have numerous errors. In-text referencing and/or reference list has only minor errors throughout Errors in grammar and spelling are rare and professionally presented. In-text referencing and the resultant reference list is correct, with only the occasional error. Correct grammar and spelling throughout the analysis with no obvious errors.
In-text referencing and the resultant reference list is correct, with no errors.