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The impact of COVID-19 on the American Classroom

Journal Article Review

This assignment is meant to support a later research paper where the topic will be, “The impact of COVID-19 on the American Classroom.”

Assignment Instructions

Locate, read, and review the following peer-reviewed journal article :

Annotate – annotate – annotate. As you read through the article – do not read just to cover the information below. What sticks out? What do you wish to know more about? What are the conclusions and implications? Who is the author(s) citing in their work? This will help you when it is time to begin synthesizing this information within your literature review. I recommend choosing articles that highlight different forms of research – both quantitative and qualitative. You can always alternate throughout the semester. Oftentimes, quantitative research reports, whereas qualitative research paints a picture. All of these journal article submissions can be included in your final research paper.  

The article summary should be at least three paragraphs in length, if not more, in order to include all of the above information.  

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Analyze the market before the COVID-19 pandemic

A Case Analysis of AMC

AMC is the largest movie theater operator in the world. AMC recently became a popular meme stock. Take a few minutes to learn more about AMC Theaters.

Construct a five-page analysis of AMC Theaters using the following criteria.

Analyze the market before the COVID-19 pandemic. Describe how the pandemic affected the movie theater industry.

  • Explain price discrimination in the movie theater market.
  • Movie theater employees are generally paid hourly. Design an incentive pay structure for AMC Theaters and explain how it would work.
  • Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to AMC Theater’s business model
  • Apply the concepts of game theory to short selling and meme stocks as it relates to AMC Theaters
  • Assess AMC Theater’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues.
  • Explain the asymmetric information issues that lead to short selling and meme stocks.
  • Apply the concepts of moral hazard to short selling and meme stocks, using AMC as an example.

Your essay must be at least five pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least three peer-reviewed resources, at least one of which must be from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when writing your analysis, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.


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A non-programming example of large-scale collaboration is the distribution of covid-19 vaccinations across the country to millions of patients

Prepare an essay that describes techniques for how a large group (i.e. group size 10, 100, or more) can work together effectively along with examples of software teams that utilize that technique.

A non-programming example of large-scale collaboration is the distribution of covid-19 vaccinations across the country to millions of patients. Healthcare workers had to distribute vaccination shots will keeping in mind the social distancing protocol and vaccination expiration dates alongside booster shot timeframes. To reach certain high-risk populations the government set up programs and vaccination sites based on zip-codes – staffed by military and healthcare workers (folks with training instead of volunteers off the street) with an appointment scheduling center and barcodes. They had paper and digital vaccination cards to ensure accurate record-keeping. For your report, please focus on software

production-related concerns.

For example, certain project management techniques may be helpful, or certain leadership structure structures. It might even be the formation of a common agreement, such as a specification file or standards. Please include varying examples in multiple dimensions; such as techniques that could work amongst a team, techniques that work across different teams, techniques that work across different time-zones, or across different organizations. You may reference your experience of group work in this class or any group work in other Brooklyn College classes, however, please try to keep it to examples of producing technical work.

In the spirit of proper essay writing at an academic institution, please ensure that your main argument is clearly identifiable in the first paragraph of the document. Your successive paragraphs should be evidence provided to support your main argument.

Please prepare at least 2 page single-spaced (I” margins, 12pt Times New Roman font) of your points. Be sure to include references with your report since you should demonstrate having done some research for evidence to back up your arguments)

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Can an employer mandate that employees are vaccinated for COVID-19?

Please research the issue of vaccine mandates and draft a 3-5 page paper (not including cover page and references page) addressing each of the following questions:

1. Can an employer mandate that employees are vaccinated for COVID-19?

2. What concerns should an employer have regarding compliance with the ADA? 

3. What reasons can an employee raise for refusing the vaccine?

4. In your informed opinion, are vaccine mandates an overreach by employers? Do they violate an employee’s right to privacy? Why or why not? Remember to support your informed opinion with research!


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Safety issues for the aviation industry that has arisen as a result of COVID 19

1.1 Provide a dot point summary of some of the safety issues for the aviation industry that has arisen as a result of COVID 19.
1.2 Give an account of the two commonly held perceptions of safety. Discuss the merits of each and state whether you consider it is an advantage, to society in general, that both exist simultaneously.
1.3 If you arrive at your destination on a charter flight after having had a very near mid-air collision, did you have a safe flight? Was your flight hazardous? Explain.
1.4 Discuss the importance of a safety culture within an organisation.
1.5 What is your understanding of the difference between affordable safety and acceptable safety?
1.6 Research the internet (or elsewhere) to find an authoritive assessment of the cost of a human life – in Australia or overseas – so that you understand the methodology. Can a cost benefit assessment of safety be justified on moral grounds?
Exercise 2
2.1 Give an overview of one specific area of concern when analysing safety data.
2.2 If safety cannot be measured directly how then can one assess whether the level of safety is improved?
2.3 Using one of the following events:

  • the terrorists events of 9-11
  • Flight MH 370
  • Flight MH17 OR
  • the German Wings accident make an assessment as to whether this event was an unknown risk or whether it ‘ought’ to have been reasonable foreseen (by the relevant risk assessment stakeholders – airlines, regulators etc. You may need to consider the legal notion of ‘reasonable foreseeability’ to make an ‘objective’ assessment rather than a ‘subjective’ assessment. (See: ‘Causal Nexus’ in Unit 3)
    2.4 What is Bowtie analysis? Provide an example of an Australian organisation that has used it as a means of managing risk.
    2.5 How does your organisation measure risk? Or if not employed: How important a tool do you consider the construction of a risk hazard matrix?
    Exercise 3
    In approximately 500 words give an overview of the application of Professor James Reason’s accident causation model to the management of safety within a civil aviation or ADF organisation.
    Unit 3
    Accident Causation
  1. A decision-maker must act on the basis of evidence, not mere supposition or speculation.
  2. A decision-maker must not formulate requirements in vague or uncertain terms.
  3. A decision-maker must not inflexibly apply policy (although departures from policy will normally need to be justified).
  4. A decision-maker must not act under dictation (although this does not preclude adherence to formal directions, compliance with lawful conditions in relation to the process by which a decision is taken or the obligation to consult in the process of considering a decision).
  5. A decision-maker must decide the matter within a reasonable time.
  6. A decision maker must not act in a way that is manifestly unreasonable. A decision must not be so unreasonable that no reasonable person would make such a decision.
    Exercise 4
    4.1 Compare and contrast the traditional approach to air safety regulation to CASA’s current policy in this area.
    4.2 Describe, with examples, what is meant by a systems approach to safety regulation. Does the checking or testing of ‘end products’ still provide and benefits to the regulator?
    4.3 Give an overview of Australia’s current regulatory framework. Do you think that the FAA in the United States has conflicting objectives in terms of their safety regulatory structures? (Hint: As was the case with Australia’s pre 1995 when CAA was split into safety regulator (CASA) and aviation service provider (Airservices Australia).
    4.4 In point 7 above re “A decision-maker must not inflexibly apply policy” find and summarise a case appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) in which this principle has been applied.
    4.5 Do you think that CASA’s current enforcement policy is adequate? If not, what would you change to achieve better safety outcomes?


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A friend has been posting claims about the COVID-19 vaccines on social media.

Remember it is to fight against their negative ideas about vaccine not to support their ideas.

As COVID-19 vaccines become more available, you may find yourself having conversations with friends and family members about the vaccine. Some may be excited and hopeful about getting the vaccine, while others may be hesitant. For this assignment, we are going to practice finding reputable information about COVID-19 vaccines.

Post Requirements

The assignment requires two posts, each completed individually.

First Post – Due Tuesday

A friend has been posting claims about the COVID-19 vaccines on social media.

Pick one of the claims below that your friend posted. Use the claim as the title of your discussion post. Before you pick a claim, check the discussion board to make sure that no one else has posted about the same claim.

  • The COVID-19 vaccine is not effective against the delta variant.
  • There’s no benefit in getting the COVID-19 vaccine if you’ve already had COVID-19.
  • The COVID-19 vaccine changes your DNA.
  • Even vaccinated people can get COVID-19, so there’s no point in getting the vaccine.
  • The COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe because its development was rushed.
  • You can get COVID-19 from the vaccine.
  • The COVID-19 vaccine contains a microchip.
  • If you are allergic to eggs, you shouldn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • The mRNA technology used to make COVID-19 vaccines is brand new and can’t be trusted.
  • More people will die as a result of a negative side effect to the COVID-19 vaccine than would actually die from the virus.
  • COVID-19 vaccines were developed using fetal tissue.
  • The COVID-19 vaccine causes infertility.
  1. Find a reputable website that would help your friend to learn more about the topic you identified and include the link in your post. Explain how you know this website is reputable using the CRAAP Test. (CRAAP is an acronym for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose.) Address at least one bullet point from each category in your explanation.
  2. Include a full citation for your source


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In the context of COVID-19, what are important aspects of the university experiences for SoSS students and why are these aspectsimportant to them?

Coding level 1  (Parent code)Coding level 2                             (Child code)Quotes
Flexible HoursChildcare“……………………” (participant 1) “……………………” (participant 2) “……………………” (participant 4)
Work/Employment“……………………” (participant 2) “……………………” (participant 3)
Good TeachersCommunication“……………………” (participant 1)
Availability/consultation“……………………” (participant 3)
 Caring“……………………..” (participant 1) “…………………….” (participant 4)
Blended LearningDifferent learning styles“……………………..” (participant 1) “……………………..” (participant 3) “……………………..” (participant 4)
 Flexibility“……………………..” (participant 1) “……………………..” (participant 2)
Social OpportunitiesCampus meeting place“……………………..” (participant 1) “……………………..” (participant 2) “……………………..” (participant 4)
 Campus events and clubs“……………………..” (participant 2) “……………………..” (participant 3) “……………………..” (participant 4)

This is the template that should be used and filled out. It is called ‘interview coding table’’.

Instructions for Qualitative data

Table should be filled out with the information provided on the conducted interview attached. I conducted this interview in class with a fellow student. We ran out of time so I wasn’t  able to ask all the intended question. Please include that in the 500 words writing component.

Research Question

‘In the context of COVID-19, what are important aspects of the university experiences for SoSS students and why are these aspectsimportant to them?

Present your qualitative interview coding table (Table 1) and then write 500 words about it. These 500 words should include

  • How the data was generated (summary of method). (4 marks )(whole steps you did- your student handbook is a good guide to look into about the research process you did)
  • Their interpretation of the data (i.e. what does the data SHOW / MEAN ?) How does it answer the research question? (analysis) (8 marks) Refer to Table 1 in your discussion, connect with your research question
  • Suggestions /Recommendations for how the findings could be used, e.g., to inform policy, identify patterns in social phenomenon (3 marks) – well justified findings coming from your coding table
  • Data Presentation is important as they can get you easy 5 marks as below.

Table title, source statements (2)

Quality of data (3)

No references/reference list required.

Portfolio – submission checklist for Quantitative data (500 words)

You have a choice between analysing survey data or a content analysis (see module 3.5 folder). Please submit only one of them as you won’t gain any extra marks for submitting both. You will lose marks if you submit both. Data presented in tables/figures are not part of this 500 word count.

  • Write your quantitative research question clearly

So if you are using survey data for quantitative component (500 words), then your research question is:

‘In the context of COVID-19, what are the most important campus facilities to Western Sydney University students and why?’

Present your univariate and bivariate analysis (tables/figures) and discuss in 500 words

Table title, source statements (2)

Quality of data (3)

No references/reference list required.


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Covid-19  vaccine: What type of vaccine is it?

Assignment should be a concise summary, with 5-6 pages double spaced, font size 12. References are to be cited in text, using APA style citations and with a reference list

Background information on the CoronaVac(Sinovac) Covid-19  vaccine: What type of vaccine is it? How was it made/what are the components? When was it tested? Where is it being used? When was it approved for use by governments? etc. – Synopsis of how the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy testing was conducted on the vaccine: Summarize how the testing was done (ie. prime-boost schedule, controls), how many participants were included in the study, ages groups tested, how efficacy rates were determined, what was measured (viral load, neutralizing antibodies, disease severity, etc.), how long testing was conducted, etc. If effectiveness data exists, please include it. – Any information on the safety, toxicity or adverse reactions recorded during testing. – Synopsis of the results indicating the overall efficacy of the vaccine


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Management Practices in Response to COVID Pandemic: Wellness Centers

Your Name RP Dr. Fayez Shriedeh

Management Practices in Response to COVID Pandemic: Wellness Centers

Your name


School of Hospitality@ LTUC



1.0 IntroductionThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is challenging industries around the world. Preventative measures to combat the spread of the virus, such as mandated business closures, physical distancing, reduced community mobility and travel restrictions, have been especially devastating to the hospitality industry (Gossling et al., 2020). Perhaps one of the more vulnerable subsectors has been wellness -related hospitality businesses. These businesses often rely on tourism and international air travel and many of resorts’ verticals, are synonymous with gatherings of large groups of people in close proximity (Shivdas, 2020). Unfortunately, these features, within which this industry thrives, also abet the spread of the virus (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020).Wellness centers stock price closed at an all-time high on Friday, a sign that these centers’ fleet-shrinking strategies are paying off financially — even as they leave consumers fuming. Major Wellness centers last two years dropped off more than 52% sales as the pandemic crushed demand (MOTA, 2021), according to MOTA (2021), more than 1 of every 3 wellness centers that were in service before the pandemic are no longer available.The industry backfire illustrates that the post-pandemic recovery, while strong, may not be entirely smooth. As more wellness businesses reopen, many report trouble hiring enough workers to cope with surging demand. “The covid shock was unlike anything we have experienced before. As we go into the recovery phase, we’re going to see friction and disruption in the normal flow of economic activity,” said Kathy Bostjancic, chief U.S. financial economist for Oxford Economics. “It’s going to be a bit erratic and disrupted, but the pace of growth will be very strong.” (Torbati and Lynch, 2021)This paper offers a methodology for studying and implementing micro-level practices of crisis management in the wellness centers in Amman. In the conclusion, suggestions for future research and useful information for managers of wellness facilities are provided.1.1 Aim and Objective of the ResearchThe aim of this research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman. Therefore, the objective research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman.1.2 Research QuestionWhat are the crisis management practices used by wellness center in response to Covid-19?1.3 Rationale of the StudyGiven the importance of Hospitality for the world economy and the sector’s impact on social and environmental issues, the damage caused by a crisis threatens not only the national economy but also the livelihoods of many tourist destinations. Therefore, it is worth monitoring crisis management strategies to minimize the negative effects.The study results will provide a valuable addition to the knowledge obtained from other studies on the crisis management practices that are used by wellness center in Amman. The study is valuable because it adds to the literature on crisis management.The decision maker in the wellness center ………also might have a deep insight into which practices managers actually use during an industry crisis and which practices consider important.1.4 Research ScopeThe aim of this research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman. Accordingly, the study targeted the supervisory, middle and executive level of management to answer the survey questions. Wellness center …were chosen due to the lack of studies on crisis management practices during Covid-19 Pandemic in Jordan.1.5 Research StructureThe whole research will be completed by following proper structures. The overall structures of the research are given below using a table:SectionsDescriptionsIntroductionThis section will provide a basic overview of the research topic “ ………………………………..”Literature ReviewSeveral literature has been reviewed to understand and implement the research question properly. The literature review will give a deep idea about the wellness center.Research MethodologiesThe most common research methodologies are qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative methodology is used for implementing the research on the particular topic perfectly.Primary and secondary researchThe most relevant information for the research purpose will be collected from the primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire will be used for primary data collection. And, published articles, newspapers and websites will be used for secondary data collection.Data analysis and findingsThe collected data will be analyzed by using particular procedures so that appropriate findings can be generated from the research. The findings will be represented using numerical information.The efficiency of the research methodologies and other alternativesThis section will show whether the research methodologies appropriate identified and captured the goals and objectives of the research (Jankowicz, 2007).Conclusion and recommendationsThis part will conclude the overall research and provide some recommendation for the business owners. The overall findings from the report will be given here in a summarized form.

2.0 Literature Review

The current literature on crisis management in tourism and Hospitality focuses primarily on general prescriptive models (techniques) that provide general guidelines for coping with different crisis situations such as terrorism (Baxter & Bowen, 2004), and natural disasters (Pforr & Hosie, 2010). The majority of research efforts were primarily directed to violence activities relevant to the tourism industry and recommendations for preparations for times of terror. Pizam and Mansfeld (1996) analyzed different occurrences of terrorism in the tourism context whereas Blake and Sinclair (2003) detailed the reaction of the USA hospitality industry to the terroristic events of September 11, 2001. In addition, Ritchie (2003) stressed the importance of a holistic approach to crisis management in hospitality, as hospitality crisis management can be vastly improved through the application of crisis and disaster theories and concepts from other disciplines.

Alternative models generally focus on business crises, although the scientific literature barely mentioned the economic crisis effects on tourism prior to the financial crisis of 2008. The majority of studies (published before 2008) present crisis management from a historical, descriptive, or comparative perspective. Lerbinger (1997) categorized crisis according to external and internal factors that generated different business crisis types. Mansfeld’s (1999) historical review suggests that one method for coping with crisis is by using extensive marketing. Other studies have sought to improve theoretical models to forecast sudden major changes in economic systems and business cycles that could potentially lead to crisis situations (Puu, 1991).

Nevertheless, to date almost no research has examined specific micro-level practices in the wellness industry with focusing on a health pandemic. No similar studies have been conducted in Amman. The only studies that have addressed the specific operational activities to manage crisis situations and evaluate their usage in the hospitality industry are those conducted by Israeli and Reichel (2003) and Israeli (2007) on the Israeli hospitality industry and Okumus and Karamustafa (2005) on the Turkish hospitality industry. Therefore, this study will focus on the management practices of wellness centers in response to health crisis of Covid-19.

The study used Israeli (2007) techniques to develop four major categories of crisis management: marketing, maitenance, government assistance, and human resources. This model can aid in evaluating different crisis management techniques. As the selection of specific techniques in a given industry is crucial (Yoon & Hwang, 1995), the list of techniques with general guidelines can also be assembled for specific problems in different areas of hospitality industry.

Reference List

MOTA (2021). Statistics 2022. [online] Available at:

Baxter, E., & Bowen, D. (2004). Anatomy of tourism crisis: Explaining the effects on tourism of the UK foot and mouth disease epidemics of 1967-68 and 2001 with special references to media portrayal. The Inter- national Journal of Tourism Research, 6(4), 263–273.

Pforr, C., & Hosie, P. (2010). Crisis management in the hospitality industry: Beating the odds? Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.

Pizam, A., & Mansfeld, Y. (1996). Tourism, crime and in- ternational security issues. Michigan, UK: Weily.

Torbati, Y. and Lynch, D. (2021). How the COVID pandemic led to a rental car crisis just as Americans are ready to bust loose. [online] The Seattle Times. Available at:

Gossling, S., Scott, D. and Hall, C.M. (2020), “Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

Blake, A., & Sinclair, M. (2003). Tourism crisis management: US response to September 11. Annals of Tourism Research, 30, 813–832.

Ritchie, B. W. (2003). Chaos, crises and disasters: A strategic approach to crisis management in tourism industry. Tourism Management, 25, 669–683.

Lerbinger, O. (1997). The crisis manager: Facing risk and responsibility. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Mansfeld, Y. (1999). Cycles of war, terror and peace: Deter- minantsandmanagement ofcrisisandrecoveryofthe Israeli tourism industry. Journal of Travel Research, 38, 30–36.

Puu, T. (1991). Chaos in business cycles. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 1(5), 457–473. Israeli, A. A. (2007). Crisis-management practices in the restaurant industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26(4), 807–823.

Israeli, A., & Reichel, A. (2003). Hospitality crisis management practices: The Israeli case. Internatio- nal Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(4), 353–372.

Okumus, F., & Karamustafa, K. (2005). Impact of an economic crisis: Evidence from Turkey. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), 942–961.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020b), “Considerations for travelers-coronavirus in the US”, available at:

Shivdas, S. (2020), “Shut casinos hit Caesars as COVID-19 puts gambling industry in survival mode”, Reuters, 11 May, available at:

Jankowicz, A.D. (2007). Business Research Projects. [online] Thomson. Available at:


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The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19

 QUESTION: Read the required reading article nested under chapter 7 in your modules entitled: The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19 READING LINK:- https://peopletalk

Short essay 

QUESTION: Read the required reading article nested under chapter 7 in your modules entitled: The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19 



Select ONE of the four insights in the article. Then, discuss ONE insight that can serve as a guideline and ONE that pause a challenge to any human resource professional managing any small business in the Metro Vancouver area. Focus your discussion on one industry only, especially if you work or have worked in one,  and how the human resource management functions of recruiting, onboarding and training will be specifically affected.


Introduction (use in-text citations when citing)

Body (use in-text citations when citing)

Conclusion (use in-text citations when citing)

References (list your references using APA format)

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