Question: a C++ code that cracks the 4 digit code in a source code.
please read the following for a reference
Prompt: Mastermind with an AI
Guidelines 4 digit code breaking 0000-9999
Use my Driver/Stub to write your own AI function.
Create your AI function whose output is the next guess to break the code.
Include writeup/flowcharts/pseudocode,
You should be able to break the code faster than a Binary Search.
Code mentioned in prompt: There are two versions you can use.
Link: 2021_Spring_CSC_CIS_7/main.cpp at master · ml1150258/2021_Spring_CSC_CIS_7 · GitHub
under project MasterMindAI_V1 or V2.
Source Code to Copy: V2 here
//System Libraries #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //Function Prototypes string AI(char,char); bool eval(string,string,char &,char &); string set(); int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Set the random number seed srand(static_cast(time(0))); //Declare variables string code,guess; //code to break, and current guess char rr,rw; //right digit in right place vs. wrong place int nGuess; //number of guesses //Initialize Values nGuess=0; code=set(); rr=rw=0; //Loop until solved and count to find solution do{ nGuess++; guess=AI(rr,rw); }while(eval(code,guess,rr,rw)); //Check evaluation cout<(rr) <(rw)<(r[i])<<” ” <(w[i])<0?guess-10:0,guess); //Calculate the guess int n1000=(guess-guess%1000)/1000; int n100=(guess-guess%100)/100-10*n1000; int n10=(guess%100-guess%10)/10; int n1=guess%10; sGuess[0]=n1000+’0′; sGuess[1]=n100+’0′; sGuess[2]=n10+’0′; sGuess[3]=n1+’0′; aGuess[++guess]=sGuess;//Save the result //Return the result return sGuess; } bool eval(string code,string guess,char &rr,char &rw){ string check=” “; rr=0,rw=0; //Check how many are right place for(int i=0;i
Sample output: Currently it will generate a 4 digit code and display how many guess it took, the actual code, and the code the AI guessed.
Ex: 5237 5236 5236
5226 3 0 <- this output shows the current guess and how many digits are correct
5227 2 0
I need it to display
Ex: 13or less 5236 5236
Last info: Basically I need an AI code in V2 to be altered in a way that will allow the computer to guess the randomly generated code with 13 guesses. In addition I need a simple flowchart and a psuedocode for it aswell. Not looking for amazing work. Just something that works.
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