Writers Solution

Is it ethical to create unrealistic expectations during the visualization step?

Doreen is delivering a speech on the topic of donating money to help feed the children of AIDS victims in Africa. She set up her speech using Monroe’s motivated sequence. She sails through attention, needs, and satisfaction. She starts delivering her visualization step, and she goes a little crazy. She claims that if more people would donate to this cause, the world would be devoid of hunger, children in Africa could all get an education, and we could establish world peace. She then makes claims that not feeding the children of AIDS victims in Africa could lead to world chaos and nuclear war.1. Is it ethical to create unrealistic expectations during the visualization step?2. Should you try to exaggerate the visualization stage if you know, realistically, that the possible outcomes are not that impressive?3. If Doreen was your friend, how would you respond to this section of her speech? Should you point out that her argument is unethical? Virginia is asked to roast one of her bosses at the annual company meeting. Virginia collects a range of stories from people about her boss and a few of them are definitely quite embarrassing. She finds out about her boss ex-husband and some of the marital difficulties they had that are quite funny. She also finds out that when her boss broke her leg, it actually happened while sliding down a slide and not on a ski trip as she had told her office. As Virginia prepares her speech, she starts questioning what information she should use and what information is going too far.1. How should a roaster ethically go about collecting funny stories for his or her roast?2. What type of information would be ethical for a roaster to use? What type of information would be unethical for a roaster to use?3. At what point does a roast go from being good-natured to being meanspirited?


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Is it ethical to create unrealistic expectations during the visualization step?


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Create relational databases with multiple entities and relationships

This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):

IT163-2: Create relational databases with multiple entities and relationships.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

Module Outcomes: 

  • Report on objects in the Microsoft Access database.
  • Construct tables in Microsoft Access.

Module 2 Assessment


This assessment introduces you to the Microsoft Access database application. Using what you learned in your reading about relational databases and gathering database requirements, you will write a paper in which you demonstrate your understanding of the components of the Microsoft Access relational database system. You will also apply what you learned to translate this physical model into an actual Access database.

Assessment Instructions

This assessment will consist of two parts.


Before you begin developing the actual database, you need to do a bit of research. Database administrators today continually research customer’s needs when designing and developing a database. This activity will help prepare you to conduct this type of research.

You will compose an essay that fulfills the following requirements:

  • Define the terms database, table, record, field, and value and describe the hierarchy that exists between these terms.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of a relational database. Your goal is to demonstrate that you understand what a relational database is.
  • Describe the six database objects available in Microsoft Access.
  • Describe the five-step design method discussed in your reading.

The paper must be written in your own words. You are encouraged to read the assigned readings first to gain valuable insight for your paper.


You must have the Microsoft Access database system installed for this part.

Using your physical model, create a database in Microsoft Access. Each entity in your diagram represents a table object in your database.

  1. Start by creating a new, blank database.


Alexander, M., & Kusleika, D. (2019). Access 2019 bible (1st ed.). Wiley.

  • Chapter 2: “Getting Started with Access”
    • How to Create a Blank Database
  1. Create the tables in your database. Use the table names, field names, primary key information, and data types from your physical model to design your tables.


  • Use the “AutoNumber” data type to assign unique values for primary key fields.
  • Set the required field property to yes for fields that must have a value. For fields you had identified as nullable (allowed to be blank), you can leave the default value of no.


Alexander, M., & Kusleika, D. (2019). Access 2019 bible (1st ed.). Wiley.

  • Chapter 3: “Creating Access Tables”
    • Creating a New Table
    • Changing a Table Design
    • Setting the Primary Key

For extra help see Optional Resources for Assessment under the Academic Tools, Library link:

Required property (Access)
  1. Open each table you created in the design view and take a screenshot (showing the fields, data types, and field properties in the design view for each table you defined).
  2. Include all screenshots within the same document created for the written requirements in part 1 above. Append the screen shots to the end of the document before the final references page.

Assessment Requirements

Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors, and contain no evidence of plagiarism. Follow all APA Style guidelines, including properly formatted title and reference pages. Your paper must be at least 2 pages, double-spaced, excluding the title and reference pages.

For more information on APA Style formatting, go to Academic Writer, formerly APA Style Central, under the Academic Tools area of this course.


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Tiffany, Unilever Create New Standard for Supply Chain

Part 1 

  1. Write an initial response to the following key question(s) or prompt(s):
    1. In Workshop Two, you will be exploring ways to improve global supply chains through transparency. Refer the below article Tiffany, Unilever Create New Standard for Supply Chain.
  1. What are ethical pitfalls in the global supply chain that Tiffany is seeking to avoid?
  2. What are Tiffany’s ethical challenges mediation strategies that your company should consider before deciding to initiate a low-cost country outsourcing model?
  3. Why did you select these challenges and their mediations? Provide a one or two sentence explanation for each.

Part 2 

Ezekiel 34:18 (ESV) Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture, that you must tread down with your feet the rest of our pasture; and to drink of clear water, that you must muddy the rest of the water with your feet?

Elaborate on the above topic with few major points

Need part 1 and part 2 answered with two each references and part 1 (250-300 words) and part 2 (100 words)




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citizenship and the influences that helped create the U.S. Constitution

American Government

Unit 2: Citizenship and the Constitution Portfolio

Instructions: Unit 2 is about citizenship and the influences that helped create the U.S. Constitution. You will write about these topics for this portfolio. The assignment has three parts: Your Opinion on Citizenship (6 points), Influences on the Constitution Essay (18 points), and the Bibliography (4 points).

Part 1: Your Opinion on Citizenship (6 points)

List AND describe 3 rights or duties that you think should be provided/required of citizens of a country, and explain why you think each of these 3 things is so important.




Part 2: Influences on the Constitution Essay (18 points)

Pick 2 documents such as the Magna Carta, Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights, etc., or a person’s writings, like John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, etc. Many of these documents are available in Unit 2, Lesson 14, on Slide 3 of 6.

For each of the two documents that you choose, write at least 1 paragraph that explains the purpose and meaning of the document. Describing things like who wrote it, when was it written, why it was written, what purpose it served, etc.   After you describe the document, then describe how it influenced the U.S. Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Provide specific examples from the U.S. Constitution or the Declaration of Independence to demonstrate how they were influenced by the documents that you described.

Your essay should be at least 4 paragraphs long. For each of the documents, please describe the document you chose and show evidence from the U.S. Constitution or Declaration of Independence.

A)  Document 1 Title  __________________________________________________________

Purpose and Meaning of Document (1 paragraph = 5-7 sentences)

Where can this document’s purpose and meaning be found in either the US Constitution or Declaration of Independence?  Be sure to cite specific passages from either the Constitution or Declaration where this document is found.  (1 paragraph = 4-5 sentences)

B)  Document 2 Title ___________________________________________________________

Purpose and Meaning of Document (1 paragraph = 5-7 sentences)

Where can this document’s purpose and meaning be found in either the US Constitution or Declaration of Independence?  Be sure to cite the specific passages from either the Constitution or Declaration where this document is found.  (1 paragraph = 4-5 sentences)

Part 3: Bibliography (4 points)

In the space below, properly cite the sources that you used for this portfolio in either MLA or APA format. Refer to the American Government message board for examples of how to properly cite sources.




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Create a simulation

The purpose of this Assignment is twofold. First, you will create an effective assessment tool to be used by students to show mastery of the learning objectives in your Five-day Instructional Unit. Second, you will create a scoring rubric to guide students as they work on their assessment.

In Unit 1, you choose your theme and objectives for your Five-day Instructional Unit. Now that you have determined the learning objective, you will create a product that will allow your students to show mastery of the standard(s). ( attached use this)

For this assessment, you need to think of something other than a traditional “test” which the student will be able to complete and is aligned with the learning objectives of your instructional unit. Here are some assessment suggestions:

Create a simulation
Create a report which could be presented orally or in print
Create a group project
Create a task for others to complete / something the student would teach

Once you have created the assessment, you will then create a scoring rubric which tells students what a completed assignment or finished product should include and contain information which you, as the teacher, will use to determine a student’s score, grade, or level of mastery. A sample rubric can be found in “Where Great Teaching Begins” figure 8.4 on p.143. (attached example)

Everything attached is what to be used.




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Unit 1 Assignment TemplateBlack and gold Purdue University Global logo

Instructional Plan

Central Focus: Relationship between individual and society.

Content Standard(s)(type it out exactly as worded):   This document will be read and used in conjunction with the document From principles into practice, which provides the framework for teaching and learning in individuals and societies in the primary academic curriculum. This document will provide the framework for teaching and learning in the primary academic curriculum. In addition to this, it will examine the general information regarding the program as well as the unit planner. The unit planner will include guidelines for developing the curriculum that are applicable to all subject groups, in-depth information regarding learning approaches, guidance that supports access and inclusion, and a statement on academic honesty.  
Look at your content standard above, review what it is asking them to do? What do they need to know in order to master the standard? (terms, facts, formulas, events, procedures, etc.) What the students will need to know to master the standard will include terms like the nature of society which is that society is an impersonal concept that refers to the intricate web of interrelationships that exists between and among the individuals that make up the group. Society can be said to exist anywhere there are human interactions, whether they are positive or negative, appropriate or inappropriate. Because these social interactions are not readily apparent and do not have any concrete basis, society might be thought of as an abstract concept. In its most fundamental sense, society refers to a state or condition, a relationship, and is hence always an abstraction. Society is not a collection of individuals. Relationships are organized into groups to form societies. It encompasses the entirety of the complexities that are human interactions. It encompasses the entirety of the human relationship spectrum. The consciousness of another presence, a common purpose, or a common interest is a physical element that is always present in social connections. This awareness can take the shape of a physical touch. Now, one might say that society is the union itself, the organization, the total of formal relations in which associating individuals are joined together. This is what one can mean when they state that society is. Individuals, as well as the structure that is generated by the individuals’ interactions with one another and with one another, are essential components of societies.    
Look at your standard above and asking yourself that question…”what do they need to be able to do?” (big ideas, concepts, principles, “how’s and whys”) Based on the definition of the term society, what the student will be able to do, is to ensure that they have an interactive sessions that are can guide them in understanding what is required for an individual in order to relate well with the society. In this case the curriculum object is going to focus more on the individual behavior and their role in ensuring that there is a workable relationship between then as individual and between them as a contributory part of the larger society.    
What TERMS will students need to know? (vocabulary) In this programs some of the terms that the students will need to know is, what is the meaning of a society, what is the meaning of an individual, what is the nature of the society, and how does individual activities impact on the society.  
Now that you have determined the “know” and “do” from the above content standard, break it up into five days of instruction. If your standard can be accomplished in a day or two, then complete the process above for the next sequential standard and continue the process until you have five days’ worth of instructional goals.
Five Day Learning ObjectivesWhat students know…?     (Explain what students will know by the end of the day)What students will be able to do…?   (Explain what the students will be able to do by the end of the day)Type of Learning Objective:   Thinking Skill Content Objective Product Objective  
Learning Objective Day 1: Define the individual and societyStudents will be knowledgeable of the terms an individual and society.There will be brainstorming sessions between groups and later with the teacherThinking skill
Learning Objective Day 2: Understand impacts of Individual actions on societyStudents will be able to discuss ways that individual behavior contributes to what becomes of the societyBrainstorming and video techniques of influential persons will be showcased and discussedContent objective
Learning Objective Day 3: Inform students about the society and how it influences individual thoughtThey will be able to understand why it is important to understand the society of they have to related well with one another.Discussion sessionsContent objective
Learning Objective Day 4: Understand relationship between individual and societyStudents will know how the individual and society influence each other to remain in harmony or troubleDiscussion sessions in groups and a presentationThinking skill
Learning Objective Day 5: Recap and reflectionReflect on the impact of the individual on society and impact of society on individualReflective essays will be read in class and gradedProduct objective


McCann, M. (2020). Introducing students to risk diversification: Adapting a class activity to the online learning environment.

SHARE Team. (2018, April 6). 5 examples of interactive teaching styles | Resilient educator.

Writers Solution

Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program.

The Complete Guide to Teaching Yourself with the Online Programm Assignment Help

The online programm assignment help is a great way to learn how to become a better writer.

The online programm assignment help is an online website that provides writing prompts and answers for students. It has been around since the year 2013. The site has over 1,000,000 registered users and a total of more than 15 million unique visitors in the last month.

The website provides students with writing prompts and answers for their assignments that are delivered via email or through text message. This makes it easy for students who have busy schedules or who live abroad to get their assignments done on time without having to worry about missing any school deadlines.

What is a programm assignment and what are the types of programms?

Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program. It can be done in different ways, for example, by using a language such as C or Java.

Types of programms:

– Programms that are written in a specific language and designed to solve particular problems. For example, an algorithm written in C would solve problems related to the operations of numbers and data processing.

– Programms that are created using general-purpose programming languages such as Python or JavaScript. These programs can be used for many purposes, from solving mathematical problems to simple games created with these languages.

How to Self-Study Programming with Online Programma Assignment Help

There are many online programming assistance programs. They can help you learn the basics of programming in a short span of time by providing you with clear instructions and assignments.

These programs provide a structured way to learn the necessary skills required for programming. They also offer a variety of topics to choose from, which will help you decide what suits your needs best.

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs’ Pricing and User Feedback

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs’ Pricing and User Feedback

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs are a type of online tutoring services that offer help with homework, projects and other assignments. They are often referred to as online homework help or online project help.

The pricing of these programs can vary depending on the service provider, but they typically range from $5 to $15 per hour.

These programs are a good option for students who need help with school assignments. However, some students have reported that their grades have dropped after using these services because they were not able to complete their work themselves.

Programma Assignment Help Companies That Can Accommodate Your Individual Budget

Programma Assignment Help Companies That Can Accommodate Your Individual Budget

Programma is an online platform which provides help to students in completing their assignments. The platform provides a wide range of services including assignment help, editing and proofreading. The company also offers a variety of discounts for students and allow them to choose the type of assignment they need help with. Programma’s team is made up of experienced writers, editors and proofreaders who are able to provide assistance to students at affordable rates.

The world has seen a lot of changes in the recent years. With the advent of AI, it has become easier for people to find their own solutions when it comes to writing content or solving problems. With these changes, we have seen many companies come up with innovative




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Demonstrate the ability to create a final project that uses both research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience

Goal: Demonstrate the ability to create a final project that uses both research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience. 


During the first six-weeks you formulated a project plan, researched the content of the plan, and collected quality academic and non-academic sources. For the week 7 Final Project you will create a presentation (CO8) that builds upon the week 2 Project Plan and the week 4 Location and Access (Source Organization worksheet) that effectively communicates the knowledge you have gained during COMM120.

Please consider the following:

  • Presentation will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/work cited slide in the citation style of your degree program (APA, MLA, or Chicago).
  • Clear evidence that the topic was researched and expanded upon the week 2 Project Plan (CO2 & 5).
  • Presentation provides audience with information to increase their knowledge of the topic presented (CO1).
  • Presentation engages the audience by using elements such as images, graphs, and charts. Appropriate citations must be included.
  • Three (3) vetted credible sources. One (1) of the sources must be scholarly and from the library.
  • Appropriate length 7-9 slides.

If you have multimedia skills and want to add creative content to your presentation, please do! Try to add any of the following enhancements and as you do, think about how it will impact your presentation and improve communication with the intended audience.

  • Voice narration, closed captioning, script.
  • Appropriate background music (must be cited on reference page).
  • Creative use of slide animations and transitions.

After submitting your presentation, review your TurnItIn Originality Report. (Note: Review the individual flags, decide why that text is flagged, and make corrections as appropriate.). Please see the attached rubric for grading guidelines.

Note: The Week 7 Final Project is a presentation and be turned in as a PowerPoint, a Prezi, or a different type of presentation software. If you chose something other than PowerPoint, you have to do the following




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To create an excel financial model associated with formulas from accounting to cash flow to Valuate the company

In order to succeed on the course FM, as stated in the Syllabus, it is necessary to make a Global Case Study in the form of a financial model in excel.
The goal is to apply in practice the financial tools you have learned on FM lectures. It is a specific task whose solution makes it possible to understand and manage corporate finance.
Global Case Study: INSTRUCTIONS
Objective: To create an excel financial model associated with formulas from accounting to cash flow to Valuate the company, to calculate CF, FCF, optimal capital structure and to determine the risk of investment (CAPEX) using different techniques for measuring investment profitability. You will have a company with its financial forecasts in excel with a possibility to do scenario or sensitivity analysis.
Please build a model in excel with the following sheets (sheets=pages):
Page 1 (Tips) :
On this page you have some useful recommendations to be considered in overall assignment. Before you start with Page 2 it is fully advised that you read carefully all tips with separate recommendations what is advised (+) and what is not (-) advised in assignment preparation. It does not mean that you will get negative points if you do not respect all recommendations but if you respect what is there advised your global case will be more exact, complete and in accordance with assignment expectations.
Page 2 (History) – 5 points :
On this page you have to add missing data in blue parts. You have to add in blue parts for 3 last years (Year N, Year N-1, Year N-2). You can copy the data from the source page and paste it in this sheet. Balance sheet data, Income statement (P&L) and Cash flow statement. You have to choose the company listed on stock exchange from your choice from one of the following web sources :,,,, or other. Please add the name of source in blue part at the end of financial statements.
Page 3 (Inputs) :
On this page you have to add all your assumptions: growth/decline rates of Revenues and Expenditures and other various inputs you will use in the financial model, however please note that some green cells are already predefined/filled in and You must not change them. On this page all inputs are manually entered in the green coloured cells.
The whole Model can be modified if you change the assumptions on this page. It helps you as CFO to do the scenarios or sensitivities simulations in order to present to your management the possible project outcomes or company valuations.
Page 4 (Assets Amortization/Depreciation) – 5 points :
Make an Amortization/Depreciation calculating page for all long-term assets including the new
CAPEX annually during the life of your project (7 years). Consider the amortization/depreciation cost for annual future amortization/depreciation of existing Assets same as average annual A&D of last 3 years from your realized financial statements in P2 History. If in your Financial Statements there is no A&D of assets cost then you just add 0 in P4 in line for Existing annual assets amortization. If you do not have all last 3 past years you can take only the amortization cost of the last year.
In a separate line for the new amortization cost of your new CAPEX calculate annual amortization costs using the linear or straight line amortization method from Year N+1 to the end of your project.
To do this task we assume that Company will start a new large investment (CAPEX) in the beginning Year N+1 with an assumption that CAPEX is equal to 10% of the Total Revenues of the Year N+1.
Page 5 (Cost of Capital) – 15 points :
On this page your task is to calculate the WACC. The discount rate (cost of capital) is the weighted average of the cost of capital (WACC) of all your long-term (Bank loan, bonds and equity) funding sources.
As CFO of your company your goal is to reduce the overall cost of financing of your CAPEX from Page 4. So, your management accepted your proposal to finance your CAPEX equally with bank loan, bonds and equity.
To determine WACC you have to calculate the cost of lenders (Bank loan), the cost of bondholders (bonds) and the cost of shareholders (equity).
Based on inputs from page 3, make a table of amortization of loan and bonds, calculation of interests and coupons, principals using formulas (PMT or other)
Bank Loan has an interest rate defined in P3 inputs and is repaid in annuities over 7 years.
Bonds have a coupon rate defined in P3 inputs and with face value paid at maturity in year 7.
Both debt sources of funding are received one shot and used for the investment financing at beginning of year N+1. We assume there are no finance fees to be calculated and considered.
For cost of bank loan or bonds (rates) you can either use the same rates as the existing bank loans (use the lowest loan rate) or bonds (yield) if any in company, or you can also use rates from your peers or comparative companies of similar risk which is published on web pages such as or other source.
Please add each time a source you are using if any. If you do not use any of proposed rates then you can estimate your rates in which case please add a short explanation of such estimated rates.
Calculate the shareholders cost using the DDM model (Gordon).
For the purpose of calculation of cost of equity only we shall assume that your dividends are same forever, starting from Year 0, with an annual increase forever defined in P3 Inputs.
For all long term financing sources here let we assume that the corresponding rates are same for each source of financing until the end of project.
Page 6 (Projection of Financial Statements) – 15 points :
As CFO of your Company you should be able to project your Financial Statements, namely P&L and Balance sheet as first step on Page 6 and CF statement on Page 7.
Projection of P&L
Start with P&L and then with Balance sheet. To project your Profit and Loss statement you should take into consideration the impact of amortization policy, financial costs of your long term financing of your CAPEX, profit tax and other components of P&L.
Make a projection of the profit and loss account for 7 years based on the assumptions from the page inputs. Your revenues and costs from the Inputs page should be increased/decreased for rates of revenue/costs growth / decline. Revenues (Sales) for the Year 1 should be taken from the Total Revenues from the realized previous Year 0 (N) increased/decreased by the rate of growth/decline of your Total Revenues in Year 0.
Your projected P&L is simplified and considers only the lines defined on P6.
If in your projected P&L you obtain losses most of years you should probably modify your inputs in order to obtain net incomes which are more interesting to be used for modelling. For the simplification reason, you are expected to use only the costs related to COGS, depreciation/amortization related to existing LT assets and new assets (CAPEX) and and financial interests relating to new financial debt in P&L.
For dividends calculation we shall assume that the only condition to pay it annually is a positive net income.
Projection of Balance sheet
Cash of Year 0 should be considered from your last realized year, such Cash item to be added in inputs. From Cash in Year 0 you should calculate future cash item based on assumptions in inputs.
Receivables and Stocks are calculated based on assumptions in inputs. We assume there are no Receivables and Stocks in Year 0.
Tangible assets or Fixed Assets should be considered from your last realized year as Net Tangible assets, such item to be added in inputs. In Year 1 the Tangible Assets should be increased for the amount of your new CAPEX even if it is realized at beginning of year.
If there are no Tangible Assets in your last realized balance sheet then consider only your new CAPEX in Year 1 as Tangible Assets.
Accumulated amortization in Year 1 consider only the Accumulated amortization from existing Capex for simplification reasons.
Payables and other Liabilities are calculated from Year 1 based on assumptions in Inputs.
For simplification reasons the Long Term debt is calculated as a difference between Total Liabilities and Total Short Tern liabilities. For simplification reasons the Total Liabilities is equal to difference between Total Equity and Liabilities and Equity.
Shareholders equity in Year 0 should be considered from your last realized Balance sheet, the item to be added in inputs. The Shareholders equity in Year N corresponds to Total Equity in Year 0. In Year 1 do not forget to add in Shareholders Equity the Equity used to finance part of your Capex from Page 5.
Retained earnings/Deferred losses item in Year 0 should be considered from your last realized Balance sheet, the item to be added in inputs. In Retained earnings/Deferred losses item please also consider the future incomes/losses from Year 1 to Year 7.
Total Equity and Liabilities has to be equal to Total Assets. Check test at end of Balance sheet should state “OK” if this is verified, if not test will show “NOT OK”.
Page 7 (Cash Flow) – 10 points :
To do the scenarios analysis you need Cash Flows (CF). In this page, you have to determine the corresponding CF’s resulting from company’s operating, investment and finance activities during the project life.
Keep in mind that for the simplification reasons the idea is to have only basic and main items of company in CF statement as proposed in formatted table. In other words, you will consider only activities resulting from your projections from Year 1 to Year 7 in P6.
Page 8 (Scenarios) – 10 points :
Finally, you have your CFs in Page 7. Now, you can apply your CFOs skills you have acquired on Financial Management course at SSBM and demonstrate to your management board how different scenarios can impact the profitability of company.
In this page you will use the CFs obtained from the page 7 including the new investment (CAPEX)
However, to have your CFs resulting from only your new CAPEX you need to take only part of total annual CFs in CF statement. We shall assume that 20% (as defined in inputs Page 3) of each annual Cash Flow (use Change of Cash line in CF statement) results from your new CAPEX. Add such reduced CFs in Cash Flow line using formula. Do not forget to add your new CAPEX in Year 0 instead of year 1 in Cash Flow line. Only in Year 1 You should remove new Capex from Change of cash in Year 1 (note that – and – make +) in order to get CF of Year 1 in Base Case Scenario.
Such obtained CFs will be considered as your Base case Scenario 1.
Now, you can finally calculate the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Base Case Scenario.
Even if management board is fine with this you have to demonstrate that in case of problems on market some of the considered inputs can deteriorate and in such situation it is important to see the consequence on the profitability.
Now, in following lines you will do the Worst case scenario 2 based on the following assumptions :

  • an increase of your investment (new CAPEX) by 20%,
    -decrease of all CFs from Year 1 to Year 7, each CF is decreased by 5%.
    Repeat, the calculation of the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Worst Case Scenario.
    To simplify the calculations, you can use the CAPEX and CFs from Base case scenario.
    However, your management bord considers that you are perhaps too pesimistic and as they like to expect the profitability and higher dividends they would like you to sho them also the profitability in Best case scenario.
    Now, in following lines you will do the Best case scenario 3 based on the following assumptions
  • a reduction of your investment (new CAPEX) by 15%,
  • increase of CFs from Year 1 to Year 7, each CF is increased by 6%.
    Repeat, the calculation of the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Base Case Scenario.
    To simplify the calculations, you can use the CAPEX and CFs from Base case scenario.
    If your Cash Flows are very disproportional to the CAPEX and you cannot calculate IRR and/or NPV, you can try to modify inputs, items like CAPEX or CF’s to obtain NPV and IRR more realistic but please then explain the problems you are facing and the way to solve it with new inputs you propose.
    Page 9 (NWC) – 5 points :
    Your management has now a quite good picture on CF’s and different scenarios. However, they are concerned if company has sufficient Net working capital to ensure the project development. To get the answer and to assure your management board, you, as CFO is supposed to calculate the NWC in Page 9. To do that use the simplified calculation based on your projected values on Page 6. For Current Assets consider only Receivables and Stocks while for Current Liabilities consider Payables and Other liabilities.
    You are also requested to calculate the Increase or Decrease of NWC, the figures you will need in Company valuation.
    Page 10 (Valuation) – 15 points :
    Once you have obtained your projections in previous pages you are now in position to proceed to the valuation of your company.
    On this page, you will determine the company value based on Free Cash Flows (FCF). Apply the financial management to calculate your companys value for shareholders.
    Add the empty cells using formulas. In line Capex consider only the new investment from Page 5. For NWC line you have the values obtained in Page 9.
    For Terminal Value of your FCF use Gordons model used to discount the infinite FCF’s. This means that your FCF’s from Year 8 growth by growth rate (defined in Inputs) of FCF forever.
    Calculate the value of your company with the help of discounted FCFs in infinite and using WACC as discount rate Cash and Long term debt are from the last realized year..
    Calculate the Equity value based on FCF and stock price. As equity value is in thousands you should multiply your obtained stock price by 1000 to get the full stock price based on FCF. You have obtained the stock price using intrinsic method of valuation based on FCF’s. You would like to check if the obtained value is realistic. To do this, you have to apply the second intrinsic method of equity valuation which is based on dividends.
    Using formula get your dividends you have already calculated in Page 6.
    For Terminal Value of your Dividends we shall assume that paid Dividends will be same forever. This means that company will pay same amount of Dividends from Year 8 forever.
    Calculate your discounted dividends using cost of equity from Page 5 as discount rate.
    Calculate your Equity based on Dividends.
    As equity value is in thousands you should multiply your obtained stock price by 1000 to get the full stock price based on Dividends.
    Add market price and Net Income using formula from Input page. Calculate Market Capitalization using values from Page Inputs.
    Calculate Price Earnings Ratio.
    The chart with comparison of Stock prices based on FCF, Dividends and Market stock price enable to see the differences.
    Now, you have all necessary results to proceed to the Conclusion.
    Page 11 (Conclusion) 20 points :
    Congratulations, if you are at Conclusion page it means that you have managed to apply in practice the financial tools you have learned on FM lectures through pages 1-10. The page is the most important one in terms of points for grading as the interpretation of financial results is something very important and crucial for everyone who deals with corporate finance and financial management.
    The obtained figures in previous pages is a condition precedent to make possible understanding the financial situation of your company. In other words, the obtained outputs based on inputs will help you, as CFO, to proceed now to the interpretation of the company value, different risks of company, capital structure, profitability of investment and value of equity for owners.
    Your management board request you to present the financial situation of company in this page through following parts :
    Capital Structure
    Use the results from Page 5 to consider if your capital structure used for CAPEX financing is well structured ? Explain what would you do to make it more optimal, if possible ?
    Use the results from Page 9 to analyze the short term financing needs. Is your NWC optimal ? What would you do to improve your NWC ? Do you have cash gaps and how would you finance it ?
    Financial Statements Analysis
    Use the results from Page 6 to analyze the financial statements. What do you think about the profitability in projected P&L and can you identify any problem there ? Is your balance sheet well structured and are there any issues ?
    Is your CAPEX used in Page 8 profitable in Base Case Scenario ?
    What are the conclusions of Best case and Worst case Scenarios compared to Base Case Scenario ?
    What is your IRR in Base case scenario compared to WACC (page 5) and what conclusion you can make from it ?
    What would you do as a CFO to increase the company value ? Is the company market stock price overvalued or undervalued compared to obtained intrinsic values of stock price based on FCF and Dividends ?
    Explain how you would further increase IRR and/or reduce WACC and increase the Company value. What do you suggest to your Management Board as an incentive to achieve the planned goals of raising the companys value and stock price.
    Page 12 (Instructor):
    In this Page the Pages 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 will be evaluated based points given by Instructor that you can find on top of each page. The total will give the total number of points which will be added in cell and corresponding student grade based on grading scale will be added here. The Total number of points is the same as percentage number.
    Prof Dario Silic SSBM




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Writers Solution

Create a Policy Evaluation Tool

Part 1: Create a Policy Evaluation Tool

For this task, create a tool (i.e., an evaluation rubric, matrix or comprehensive checklist) that can help assess an IT policy. The tool should have an appropriate number of criteria and a scale on which to evaluate each criterion. Then, prepare a report that contains the following elements:

• Title of the Policy • Objective of the Policy • Expected improvements or controls to be mitigated by the Policy • Policy Contents • Stakeholders and users that need to observe the policy • Evaluators and Approvers of the Policy • Distribution and Communication • User Awareness Sessions • Revisions History

Part 2: Evaluate an Organization’s IT Policy

Conduct research on an organization of your choice. You can use government or academic portals whose policies are available online. Using the tool that you created in part 1 of this assignment, research and evaluate the organization’s IT policy.

Then, create a report in which you summarize the following:

1. Provide a description of the organization that you chose, along with the web address for the IT policy.

2. Describe the IT policy at a high level. 3. Present a chart depicting each criterion with its description and a

scale showing the requirements for each level in the scale of the evaluation tool (in an appendix).

4. Create a narrative to explain the rationale for the criteria and rating scale.

5. Use your tool to evaluate the IT policy and provide strengths and weaknesses.

6. Provide three recommendations to improve the IT policy.

7. Explain how this organization uses IT policy strategically.

Length: 4-5 pages, not including title page and references page or appendix

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources

Writers Solution

What does it mean to create a Persuasive Speech?


(This portion is written in essay format.)

Part 1

What does it mean to create a Persuasive Speech?

What strategies will you use to “persuade” your audience?

What special credibility considerations should persuasive speakers keep in mind when preparing for and presenting a speech?

Part 2

(This portion is bullet points)

Pick your topic, there is a file in this weekly folder with topic options.

If you pick a topic off of this list, please let me know here what you have chosen.

And then outline your speech. Your speech outline does NOT have to be a written essay, it can be bullet points. You will not get a good grade if you read your speech, so I encourage you to make notes that will prompt you as you speak.

Part 3

List the academic sources you will be citing in your speech (you need at least 3)

Then attach a copy of the visual aid you will show in your speech.

(the visual aid is something that will support your presentation, it can be a picture, image, list, anything that you can show which supports what you are saying.


Please pick 2 of the points below and answer them in essay format.

· Write about the kind of learner you see yourself as being. What does the concept of active learning imply to you? How can you become a more active learner as you read this book and take this course?

· Write about the ideal kind of fieldwork experience you would like to obtain. What can you do to get that kind of field placement?

· If you are already in a field placement, write briefly about the work you are doing. What are your reactions to the staff at the agency? How are you being affected by your clients? Are any personal issues emerging as a result of your work with clients? What are you learning about yourself?

· If you are in supervision currently, what is most satisfying about it? What kind of relationship do you have with your supervisor? What ideas do you have for improving the quality of your supervision sessions?

Your response must be no less than 600 words, minimum of two pages, no more than 5, using APA citation format references and in-text citations.


To complete the recommendation report you need to conduct some more in dept research about the issue (causes, prevalence, statistics, liability/costs) AND methods to address/remedy/prevent the issue. Next, conduct a Boolean search via the Monroe College Library electronic databases to locate at least 4 scholarly or trade journal articles AND 3 Internet sources that discuss the issue and methods to address the issue. Finally, prepare an annotated bibliography in APA format, so that the instructor can evaluate your sources for the recommendation report.

1- Click on the attached links to access your lecture notes.

2- Conduct a Boolean search [Boolean Operators are simple words (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results. This should save time and effort by eliminating inappropriate hits that must be scanned before discarding.] via the Monroe College Library electronic databases AND the Internet to locate your data for the report.

3- View this  video  on how to read a scholarly journal article.

4- After you have located and read your data for the recommendation report you are ready to create an annotated bibliography in APA format. (click on the attached links to view a sample annotated bibliography and a grading rubric).

5- View the videos for guidance on writing the annotated bibliography.

6- View the  tutorial  for the APA citation generator website, THEN visit the website  to create the citations for the annotated bibliography


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