Writers Solution

create “something” creative (such as a podcast, painting, poem, song, play, theatre performance, interpretive dance or other form of dance, musical composition

For your mid-term examination, you will create “something” creative (such as a podcast, painting, poem, song, play, theatre performance, interpretive dance or other form of dance, musical composition, etc) that interrogates the main theoretical contributions of at least TWO authors that we have discussed thus far this semester. Your artistic creation can be anything of your choosing. Bring your two chosen authors into conversation (not necessarily literally) with one another through your artistic expression. Your artistic expression may be a dedication to the authors, the concepts they discuss, or how you relate to the materials. After creating your artistic item/expression, you will write a TWO-page single-spaced (or 4-page double-spaced) write up that does the following: Describes what the artistic piece is doing, is inspired by, or reflecting on If a poem or song, break down line by line of the poem and explain what it means (See for an example of this) If a painting, describe the painting in vivid detail. Imagine you are describing it to someone that cannot see. Describe the colors, textures, visuals. If a theatre performance, explain who are the major characters in your piece and what the main plot, climax, ending of the story is If dance, you would be recording yourself for me to view, and then you would explain how each movement connects to your expression For musical composition, instrumentals, etc, describe the emotions in the music and how the tempos connect to what you’re expressing. Imagine you’re describing it to someone that cannot hear. Explains how the artistic piece connects to the authors you have chosen Explains the theoretical contributions the two authors have made and how those speak to your artistic creation Brings the two authors theories and contributions into conversation with each other and explain how you brought them together in your creative expression

Writers Solution

Create a data sheet to record all data and calculations

To complete the lab assignment, complete the following steps within the virtual lab:

1. Create a data sheet to record all data and calculations.

2. Obtain a 250 mL beaker and fill with water from the stock solution of water available. (This will be used to find the density of all three metals). The stock solution of water can be removed from the workbench once water is added to the beaker.

3. Obtain metal 1 from the stockroom and notice the approximate volume needed (found in the information tab).

4. Obtain a graduated cylinder that is larger than the approximate volume needed (if the needed volume is 10 mL, obtain a 25 mL graduated cylinder; if needed volume is 20 mL, obtain a 50 mL graduated cylinder).

5. Using a pipet (use appropriate size pipet for volume needed), transfer water from the beaker to the graduated cylinder.

6. Record volume transferred.

7. Obtain the scale from the stockroom.

8. Obtain a weigh boat from the stockroom (found under glassware).

9. Place weigh boat on scale, record weight displayed.

10. Tare weight displayed (click tare button on scale – if this button does not work, then continue with next step. Make sure you have recorded weigh boat weight, so you can subtract it to determine weight of metal).

11. Pour metal 1 onto weigh boat and record weight of metal 1 added to weigh boat.

12. Add metal from weigh boat to the graduated cylinder.

13. Record amount of metal added.

14. Record new volume.

15. Calculate the density of the metal and record.

16. Repeat for metal 2 and metal 3.

17. Identify the correct metal in provided boxes in virtual lab.

18. Take a screenshot of completed virtual lab page. For assistance taking a screenshot, refer to the following guide.

19. Submit the screenshot along with the data sheet.

Writers Solution

Create an annotated bibliography that includes five resources related to your social change issue. Be sure to use proper APA formatting.

The Assignment (minimum 2–3 pages):

  • Create an annotated bibliography that includes five resources related to your social change issue. Be sure to use proper APA formatting.
  • Explain why the resources you selected are most relevant to your social change issue.