Writers Solution

Isabel Allende: “And of Clay Are We Created”

Isabel Allende: “And of Clay Are We Created”

  • Why do you think the Allende chose to tell the story from the perspective of the first person narrator, who is not even on the scene with the girl? Why not tell the tale from Azucena’s perspective, or even Rolf Carlé’s?
  • Analyze the symbolism of the television camera and television coverage in Allende’s story, paying special attention to how the first-person narrator describes watching everything unfold on TV. What symbolic pattern—and meaning—can you find?
  • Review the sample essays in response to Allende’s piece and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each. Consider what we have learned regarding argument, thesis statements, and analysis this week.

225 words


Because it focuses on both character and theme in Isabel Allende’s AND OF CLAY ARE WE CREATED, the following essay would be an appropriate response to essay assignments involving either of these elements. More specifically, Renee Maalouf here tackles a series of interesting, interlinked questions: How does the story’s central character develop over its course? How do other characters, as well as narration, enhance our sense of this development? What theme might emerge from it?

Read this essay as you would one of your peers’ drafts, looking for opportunities for the writer to improve her argument and presentation in revision. How effectively does the draft answer the questions it poses? Are there claims that might be developed further? other evidence that should be considered? How might the conclusion be strengthened?

For ease of reference, we have altered the citations in this essay to refer to paragraph numbers. Unless your instructor indicates otherwise, you should always follow convention by instead citing page numbers when writing about fiction. For more on citation, see chapter 33.

Maalouf 1

Renee Maalouf

Dr. Mays

ENG 298

20 April 2021

A Moment of Connection in Isabel Allende’s “And of Clay Are We Created”

In the wake of tragedy, empathy and sincerity run rampant toward those afflicted, or at least we hope they do, as we now have technology that allows us to watch disasters happen in real time through our various devices. Such is the case in Isabel Allende’s “And of Clay Are We Created,” as the media gathers to cover a volcanic eruption that leaves more than twenty thousand people buried in clay and to record the last hours of one victim—a thirteen-year-old girl named Azucena. Thanks to the narrator, readers observe one of these reporters, Rolf Carlé, as he makes his way to the scene. He immediately stands out in the crowd, and not just because he means a great deal to the narrator. In the three days that pass in Allende’s short story, Rolf, with the help of Azucena, teaches readers that to free themselves from the clay keeping them down they must first confront the past that weighs on them so heavily. He accomplishes this by


A response paper may use a less formal organization and style than a longer, more formal essay, but it should not just be a summary or description of the work. Indeed, a response paper could be a step on the way to a longer essay. You need not form a single thesis or argument, but you should try to develop your ideas and feelings about the story by making reference to some specifies. The point is to get your thoughts in writing without worrying too much about form and style.

Almost everything in the following response paper comes directly from the notes above, but notice how the writer has combined and developed observations, adding more direct quotations or details from the text. (For ease of reference, we have altered the citations in this paper to refer to paragraph numbers. Unless your instructor indicates otherwise, you should always follow convention by instead citing page numbers when writing about fiction.)

Maalouf 1

Renee Maalouf

Dr. Mays

ENG 298

10 April 2021

Response Paper on Isabel Allende’s “And of Clay Are We Created”

Allende’s story begins and almost ends with the same detail. We learn in the second sentence that the girl’s name is Azucena, lily in Spanish. At the end, the narrator refers to her again as a “flower in the mud” when she sinks into the clay (par. 28). Azucena’s introduction to Rolf is also with the acknowledgement of “her flower name” (par. 6). Other than the use of her name, there are no other flowers in the story whether physically present in the scene around her or figuratively present as Azucena and Rolf Carlé do their best to make it through each day waiting for a pump. As she becomes a “symbol of the tragedy,” Azucena and her floral name suggest that she should eventually flourish, blossom, and stand for a symbol of hope in the midst of all the destruction (par. 1). The text unfortunately does not have this happy ending because the attention Azucena receives does not help her survive, calling into question the media’s empathy for her and making me wonder why Allende gives a hopeful name to a tragic character. In this regard it is also ironic that to keep Azucena alive, Rolf

Maalouf 2

needs “a pump to drain the water” that keeps her down (par. 9). This runs counter to what a flower typically needs to survive, perhaps foreshadowing Azucena’s ill fate. She even weeps when it starts to rain, the water only bringing more sorrow.

Also Azucena’s claim that “the bodies of her brothers and sisters [cling] to her legs” and hold her in the mud is significant in relation to her name because they almost act as roots that keep her in place (par. 7). Azucena’s roots are her family, memories, and past. Due to the volcanic eruption, the only remnants of those roots cling to her legs. I do not think, however, that Azucena succumbing to the mud is due to her roots pulling her down. Ultimately, what ends Azucena’s life is the inability of anyone to get a pump to her in time. Figures who could have tended to this flower, such as the President of the Republic with his “emotional voice and paternal tone as he told her that her courage had served as an example to the nation,” do not fulfill their role or responsibility to save her (par. 26). A symbol of hope in the wake of a tragedy does not garner empathy that leads to survival. Rolf and the narrator are the only characters who show affection for Azucena, the former staying by her side while the latter manages to get the pump to them, albeit too late.


Student Renee Maalouf wrote the notes below with the “Questions about the Elements of Fiction” in mind (p. 19). As you read these notes, compare them to the notes you took as you read AND OF CLAY ARE WE CREATED. Do Maalouf’s notes reveal anything to you that you didn’t notice while reading the story? Did you notice anything she did not, or do you disagree with any of her interpretations?

Notes on Isabel Allende’s “And of Clay Are We Created”

What do you expect?

The title is almost in the phrase of a question and makes me wonder if I am about to read a myth/story about how humans were created.

The first paragraph, however, reveals that a tragedy occurred and that Azucena and Rolf Carlé seem to be at the center of that tragedy as the media reports it. The detail that Rolf Carlé “never suspect[ed] that he would find a fragment of his past” makes me expect Rolf will confront his past while saving Azucena (par. 1).

Azucena’s name (“lily”) and the narrator’s reference to her as “the symbol of the tragedy” (par. 1) make me think that she should eventually blossom and become a symbol of hope in the midst of destruction.

What happens in the story?

A lot happens in this story that takes place over three days. Before the story starts, a volcano erupts, and a girl gets trapped in a mudpit. During the story, a reporter stays with her and tries to reassure her that she’ll be okay, but because the necessary equipment doesn’t get through in time, she dies.

A lot also happens in between those major plot points. Rolf’s partner (the narrator) monitors the situation, trying to get the pump to him. Meanwhile other media outlets report what is happening to Azucena without helping her get out.

Rolf finally faces his past, the horrors he endured during WWII, his father’s abuse, and the death of his sister. His reflection allows him to see himself as “buried in the clayey mud” (par. 23).

How is the story narrated?

The narrator is Rolf’s partner. Little details reveal the identity of the narrator as the story goes on, but there’s confirmation when the narrator is described as “his life companion” (par. 27).

The story is told in past tense and first person. There are four breaks within the story (after pars. 16, 25, and 28) that reflect the passage of time. The first three parts each focus on one day. The last break in the story stands out because the last paragraph has the narrator refer directly to the effects of all this on Rolf after he is “back with” her (par. 29).

Because the narrator is so close to Rolf, we seem to gain access to a lot of Rolf’s thoughts. There are moments where it is unclear whether the narrator knows/assumes what Rolf is thinking and how much gets revealed because the narrator is watching footage of Rolf. For example, she says she “overheard fragments of what [Rolf and Azucena] said to one another and could guess the rest” (par. 22).

Who are the characters?

There are three main characters: the narrator, Azucena, and Rolf. The narrator is Rolf’s partner and knows a lot about his past, so she understands the change that takes place in him. We never learn the narrator’s name. Azucena is thirteen years old and has never been anywhere except her village (par. 15). She is trapped in the mudpit after the volcanic eruption and unfortunately dies at the end of the story. Rolf is a reporter with a past he has not confronted until he meets Azucena.

He and the narrator seem to be the only people who care about Azucena, which is especially clear because of minor characters like the President of the Republic who arrives in “his tailored safari jacket” with “vague promises” and waves at her with “a limp statesman’s hand” (par. 26). The presence of him and the media doesn’t save her. Instead it’s the narrator who manages to get the pump to her, albeit too late.

There is not necessarily one person who serves as an antagonist or villain in this story. The characters instead face natural and personal disasters. As a result of this disaster, Rolf sees himself in Azucena, as someone trapped in the clay of their past.

Katharina is Rolf’s sister and the only other named character.

What is the setting of the story?

The eruption takes place on a Wednesday in November, but the year is unclear. Rolf’s memories of World War II and the reference to “thirty years” in the first paragraph let me know the story must take place in the 1970s. The technology that is available like tapes, precision lenses, recorders, etc. also means that the story can’t take place too far in the past.

The story is more unclear about place. We do not learn the name of the village or “the Republic,” but obviously it is somewhere with a volcano, somewhere that people speak Spanish (“Azecuna” is Spanish for “lily”) and where at least some of them are Catholic (this is her “First Communion name,” par. 1). Why not name the country?

Three days pass in the story. But we also go back and forth in time as Rolf remembers the memories he has been trying to repress.

In terms of physical setting, we’re either with Rolf and Azucena at the scene of the eruption, or we’re with the narrator as she does what she can to help Azucena and monitor the situation.

What do you notice about how the story is written?

The narrator mostly uses complex sentences and vocabulary to tell this story. I think this style is important because these longer sentences carry some of the emotional turmoil of the story.

The narrator makes it very clear that three days pass with Azucena in the clay. This makes me wonder if this is a Biblical allusion to the three days until Jesus was resurrected. The rain could also be a sign of baptism or cleansing that takes place. The clay is also symbolic. One thing it might symbolize is the weight of Rolf’s past.

The narrator is very sympathetic to and worried about Rolf and Azucena. This is most likely due to the narrator’s relationship with the former and concern for a girl in such a terrible situation. What makes the narrator’s narration interesting is that at times she reveals just enough to hint at what happens without explicitly saying it, or there are hints along the way until she reveals the full picture. For example, when first introducing Rolf, the narrator says she “came to realize that this fictive distance seemed to protect him from his own emotions” (par. 4). This foreshadows Rolf facing his emotions later on in the story.

What does the story mean? Can you express its theme or themes?

There are two main themes that stood out to me as I read this story. The first is about how the media reports a tragedy. Millions of people manage to see Azucena’s face on their screens because of cameras that made their way through the rubble, but the pump that Rolf keeps asking for does not come through. Even though millions see Azucena as a symbol of this tragedy, no one except Rolf and the narrator seem to actively try to save her.

The second is about Rolf’s past. He suffered a great deal of trauma that he managed to bury in his role as a reporter. He manages to rid himself of the clay that held him down while Azucena submerges. This makes me think back to the title. Are we created from the moments of our past?

Order from Academic Writers Bay
Writers Solution

Isabel Allende: “And of Clay Are We Created”

Isabel Allende: “And of Clay Are We Created”

  • Why do you think the Allende chose to tell the story from the perspective of the first person narrator, who is not even on the scene with the girl? Why not tell the tale from Azucena’s perspective, or even Rolf Carlé’s?
  • Analyze the symbolism of the television camera and television coverage in Allende’s story, paying special attention to how the first-person narrator describes watching everything unfold on TV. What symbolic pattern—and meaning—can you find?
  • Review the sample essays in response to Allende’s piece and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each. Consider what we have learned regarding argument, thesis statements, and analysis this week.

225 words


Because it focuses on both character and theme in Isabel Allende’s AND OF CLAY ARE WE CREATED, the following essay would be an appropriate response to essay assignments involving either of these elements. More specifically, Renee Maalouf here tackles a series of interesting, interlinked questions: How does the story’s central character develop over its course? How do other characters, as well as narration, enhance our sense of this development? What theme might emerge from it?

Read this essay as you would one of your peers’ drafts, looking for opportunities for the writer to improve her argument and presentation in revision. How effectively does the draft answer the questions it poses? Are there claims that might be developed further? other evidence that should be considered? How might the conclusion be strengthened?

For ease of reference, we have altered the citations in this essay to refer to paragraph numbers. Unless your instructor indicates otherwise, you should always follow convention by instead citing page numbers when writing about fiction. For more on citation, see chapter 33.

Maalouf 1

Renee Maalouf

Dr. Mays

ENG 298

20 April 2021

A Moment of Connection in Isabel Allende’s “And of Clay Are We Created”

In the wake of tragedy, empathy and sincerity run rampant toward those afflicted, or at least we hope they do, as we now have technology that allows us to watch disasters happen in real time through our various devices. Such is the case in Isabel Allende’s “And of Clay Are We Created,” as the media gathers to cover a volcanic eruption that leaves more than twenty thousand people buried in clay and to record the last hours of one victim—a thirteen-year-old girl named Azucena. Thanks to the narrator, readers observe one of these reporters, Rolf Carlé, as he makes his way to the scene. He immediately stands out in the crowd, and not just because he means a great deal to the narrator. In the three days that pass in Allende’s short story, Rolf, with the help of Azucena, teaches readers that to free themselves from the clay keeping them down they must first confront the past that weighs on them so heavily. He accomplishes this by


A response paper may use a less formal organization and style than a longer, more formal essay, but it should not just be a summary or description of the work. Indeed, a response paper could be a step on the way to a longer essay. You need not form a single thesis or argument, but you should try to develop your ideas and feelings about the story by making reference to some specifies. The point is to get your thoughts in writing without worrying too much about form and style.

Almost everything in the following response paper comes directly from the notes above, but notice how the writer has combined and developed observations, adding more direct quotations or details from the text. (For ease of reference, we have altered the citations in this paper to refer to paragraph numbers. Unless your instructor indicates otherwise, you should always follow convention by instead citing page numbers when writing about fiction.)

Maalouf 1

Renee Maalouf

Dr. Mays

ENG 298

10 April 2021

Response Paper on Isabel Allende’s “And of Clay Are We Created”

Allende’s story begins and almost ends with the same detail. We learn in the second sentence that the girl’s name is Azucena, lily in Spanish. At the end, the narrator refers to her again as a “flower in the mud” when she sinks into the clay (par. 28). Azucena’s introduction to Rolf is also with the acknowledgement of “her flower name” (par. 6). Other than the use of her name, there are no other flowers in the story whether physically present in the scene around her or figuratively present as Azucena and Rolf Carlé do their best to make it through each day waiting for a pump. As she becomes a “symbol of the tragedy,” Azucena and her floral name suggest that she should eventually flourish, blossom, and stand for a symbol of hope in the midst of all the destruction (par. 1). The text unfortunately does not have this happy ending because the attention Azucena receives does not help her survive, calling into question the media’s empathy for her and making me wonder why Allende gives a hopeful name to a tragic character. In this regard it is also ironic that to keep Azucena alive, Rolf

Maalouf 2

needs “a pump to drain the water” that keeps her down (par. 9). This runs counter to what a flower typically needs to survive, perhaps foreshadowing Azucena’s ill fate. She even weeps when it starts to rain, the water only bringing more sorrow.

Also Azucena’s claim that “the bodies of her brothers and sisters [cling] to her legs” and hold her in the mud is significant in relation to her name because they almost act as roots that keep her in place (par. 7). Azucena’s roots are her family, memories, and past. Due to the volcanic eruption, the only remnants of those roots cling to her legs. I do not think, however, that Azucena succumbing to the mud is due to her roots pulling her down. Ultimately, what ends Azucena’s life is the inability of anyone to get a pump to her in time. Figures who could have tended to this flower, such as the President of the Republic with his “emotional voice and paternal tone as he told her that her courage had served as an example to the nation,” do not fulfill their role or responsibility to save her (par. 26). A symbol of hope in the wake of a tragedy does not garner empathy that leads to survival. Rolf and the narrator are the only characters who show affection for Azucena, the former staying by her side while the latter manages to get the pump to them, albeit too late.


Student Renee Maalouf wrote the notes below with the “Questions about the Elements of Fiction” in mind (p. 19). As you read these notes, compare them to the notes you took as you read AND OF CLAY ARE WE CREATED. Do Maalouf’s notes reveal anything to you that you didn’t notice while reading the story? Did you notice anything she did not, or do you disagree with any of her interpretations?

Notes on Isabel Allende’s “And of Clay Are We Created”

What do you expect?

The title is almost in the phrase of a question and makes me wonder if I am about to read a myth/story about how humans were created.

The first paragraph, however, reveals that a tragedy occurred and that Azucena and Rolf Carlé seem to be at the center of that tragedy as the media reports it. The detail that Rolf Carlé “never suspect[ed] that he would find a fragment of his past” makes me expect Rolf will confront his past while saving Azucena (par. 1).

Azucena’s name (“lily”) and the narrator’s reference to her as “the symbol of the tragedy” (par. 1) make me think that she should eventually blossom and become a symbol of hope in the midst of destruction.

What happens in the story?

A lot happens in this story that takes place over three days. Before the story starts, a volcano erupts, and a girl gets trapped in a mudpit. During the story, a reporter stays with her and tries to reassure her that she’ll be okay, but because the necessary equipment doesn’t get through in time, she dies.

A lot also happens in between those major plot points. Rolf’s partner (the narrator) monitors the situation, trying to get the pump to him. Meanwhile other media outlets report what is happening to Azucena without helping her get out.

Rolf finally faces his past, the horrors he endured during WWII, his father’s abuse, and the death of his sister. His reflection allows him to see himself as “buried in the clayey mud” (par. 23).

How is the story narrated?

The narrator is Rolf’s partner. Little details reveal the identity of the narrator as the story goes on, but there’s confirmation when the narrator is described as “his life companion” (par. 27).

The story is told in past tense and first person. There are four breaks within the story (after pars. 16, 25, and 28) that reflect the passage of time. The first three parts each focus on one day. The last break in the story stands out because the last paragraph has the narrator refer directly to the effects of all this on Rolf after he is “back with” her (par. 29).

Because the narrator is so close to Rolf, we seem to gain access to a lot of Rolf’s thoughts. There are moments where it is unclear whether the narrator knows/assumes what Rolf is thinking and how much gets revealed because the narrator is watching footage of Rolf. For example, she says she “overheard fragments of what [Rolf and Azucena] said to one another and could guess the rest” (par. 22).

Who are the characters?

There are three main characters: the narrator, Azucena, and Rolf. The narrator is Rolf’s partner and knows a lot about his past, so she understands the change that takes place in him. We never learn the narrator’s name. Azucena is thirteen years old and has never been anywhere except her village (par. 15). She is trapped in the mudpit after the volcanic eruption and unfortunately dies at the end of the story. Rolf is a reporter with a past he has not confronted until he meets Azucena.

He and the narrator seem to be the only people who care about Azucena, which is especially clear because of minor characters like the President of the Republic who arrives in “his tailored safari jacket” with “vague promises” and waves at her with “a limp statesman’s hand” (par. 26). The presence of him and the media doesn’t save her. Instead it’s the narrator who manages to get the pump to her, albeit too late.

There is not necessarily one person who serves as an antagonist or villain in this story. The characters instead face natural and personal disasters. As a result of this disaster, Rolf sees himself in Azucena, as someone trapped in the clay of their past.

Katharina is Rolf’s sister and the only other named character.

What is the setting of the story?

The eruption takes place on a Wednesday in November, but the year is unclear. Rolf’s memories of World War II and the reference to “thirty years” in the first paragraph let me know the story must take place in the 1970s. The technology that is available like tapes, precision lenses, recorders, etc. also means that the story can’t take place too far in the past.

The story is more unclear about place. We do not learn the name of the village or “the Republic,” but obviously it is somewhere with a volcano, somewhere that people speak Spanish (“Azecuna” is Spanish for “lily”) and where at least some of them are Catholic (this is her “First Communion name,” par. 1). Why not name the country?

Three days pass in the story. But we also go back and forth in time as Rolf remembers the memories he has been trying to repress.

In terms of physical setting, we’re either with Rolf and Azucena at the scene of the eruption, or we’re with the narrator as she does what she can to help Azucena and monitor the situation.

What do you notice about how the story is written?

The narrator mostly uses complex sentences and vocabulary to tell this story. I think this style is important because these longer sentences carry some of the emotional turmoil of the story.

The narrator makes it very clear that three days pass with Azucena in the clay. This makes me wonder if this is a Biblical allusion to the three days until Jesus was resurrected. The rain could also be a sign of baptism or cleansing that takes place. The clay is also symbolic. One thing it might symbolize is the weight of Rolf’s past.

The narrator is very sympathetic to and worried about Rolf and Azucena. This is most likely due to the narrator’s relationship with the former and concern for a girl in such a terrible situation. What makes the narrator’s narration interesting is that at times she reveals just enough to hint at what happens without explicitly saying it, or there are hints along the way until she reveals the full picture. For example, when first introducing Rolf, the narrator says she “came to realize that this fictive distance seemed to protect him from his own emotions” (par. 4). This foreshadows Rolf facing his emotions later on in the story.

What does the story mean? Can you express its theme or themes?

There are two main themes that stood out to me as I read this story. The first is about how the media reports a tragedy. Millions of people manage to see Azucena’s face on their screens because of cameras that made their way through the rubble, but the pump that Rolf keeps asking for does not come through. Even though millions see Azucena as a symbol of this tragedy, no one except Rolf and the narrator seem to actively try to save her.

The second is about Rolf’s past. He suffered a great deal of trauma that he managed to bury in his role as a reporter. He manages to rid himself of the clay that held him down while Azucena submerges. This makes me think back to the title. Are we created from the moments of our past?

Order from Academic Writers Bay
Writers Solution

Recently, researchers have created a mobile electroencephalogram (EEG) to monitor brain activity of officers when put into stressful situations

Selective Service

The selection process for law enforcement officers includes an interview, situational tests, and psychological tests. As in most professions, officers also participate in annual continuing education programs.  While there is a need for updated training for officers, researchers have also recognized the need to study police behaviors. Recently, researchers have created a mobile electroencephalogram (EEG) to monitor brain activity of officers when put into stressful situations. Read about the study here. Now locate a news article that discusses how police officers are trained to handle stressful situations. Given the information you found, how does your article interpret the research study? Your paper should be no more than two (2) pages and should include an APA citation for the article analyzed

Please read the article first.


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Writers Solution

Starting around 1972, Computed Tomography is consistently being created phenomenally, eminently with the assistance of software engineering


Starting around 1972, Computed Tomography is consistently being created phenomenally, eminently with the assistance of software engineering, which has permitted making exceptionally exact diagnostics. CT advancement went through a few phases, from the model of Hounsfield to going through the consecutive and helical modalities. This advancement made CT a vital assessment in radiology (Kanne & Lin, 2018). In any case, this radiological strategy is the most lighting contrasted with different procedures; it can convey a portion of 50-500 times more prominent than a standard radiological assessment. Some patients can have life-altering effects after having a CT scan, but others oppose having the scan done, due to cancer risk. Studies have shown that the scan has a low risk of cancer-causing agents in the body (Pontone, G). To assess the danger to patients from CT checks, a gauge of the dose delivered to the skin and organs of a patient is fundamental. A need in this way exists to decide proper dosimetric amounts, for example, the organ dose and peak skin dose (PSD) (De las Heras).

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) states that the Peak Skin Dose is the “highest radiation dose accruing actually at a single site on a patient’s skin.” Knowing the appropriate highest dosage is vital so that no harm is caused to the patient. The United States has regulated that the” fluoroscopic system provides a display of the irradiation time, dose rate at the interventional reference point during irradiation, and the cumulative dose for the procedure upon completion of irradiation” (Pontone, G). In preparation for actual patients, technologists and physicists would revert to the manufactured dose estimation which is called the Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI). The CTDI is generally utilized for quality control including the radiation output of CT machines. Specifically, the volume CTDI is shown on the control center of all CT machines and is promptly accessible to the administrator. In any case, the CT Dose Index (CTDIvol) was originally designed as an index of dose associated with various CT diagnostic procedures, not as a direct dosimetry method for individual patient dose assessments.

Moreover, CTDIvol is reported in two units: a 16-cm phantom for head exams or 32-cm phantom or body exams. The relationship between the CTDIvol and airiest dose depends on various factors, two of which are the patient size and composition. CTDIvol is displayed on the console of CT scanners, and it gives genuine estimates of the dose being delivered to patients and can serve to approve Monte Carlo recreations (Jones, A. Kyle). Specifically, estimating Peak Skin Dose is ideal since it is a surely known dosimetric amount that directly identifies with radiation-incited skin wounds. Besides, estimation estimates of PSD values, utilizing appropriate phantoms can without much of a stretch be made across all types of CT units and scan protocols accessible in clinics (Tack & Gevenois, 2018). This is significant for comparing doses for a similar CT examination in different facilities, which can change fundamentally. More recently, modifications to the original CTDI concept have attempted to convert it into to patient dosimetry method, but have mixed results in terms of accuracy.

Nonetheless, CTDI-based dosimetry is the current worldwide standard for estimation of patient dose in CT. Therefore, CTDIvol is often used to enable medical physicists to compare the dose output between different CT scanners. Also, since CTDIvol estimates the patient’s radiation exposure from the CT procedure, the exposures are the same regardless of patient size, but the size of the patients is a factor in the overall patient’s absorbed dose (SSDE). The size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) is measured in mGy, and it is a method of estimating CT radiation dose that takes a patient’s size into account.

From a radiation protection point of view, determining the maximum dose delivered to the skin would allow deriving quantities that can be compared with dose reference levels set by national and international standards. The most important outcome from a radiation safety perspective is evaluating if a radiation injury had occurred quickly (NCRP Report 116.) In this research, the peak skin dose delivered to a patient was estimated experimentally by measuring the dose delivered to the surface of the NEMA phantom and 32 cm CTDI phantom using external dosimeters. These dosimeters will provide PSD values for a given protocol and its related CTDIvol. From this, a relationship can be evaluated between both quantities. The aim of this project was to test the hypothesis that the size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) has a sufficiently strong linear relationship with PSD to allow direct calculation of the PSD directly from the SSDE.

Materials and Methods:

The measurements were performed with a Siemens 64 slices, Biograph mCT. A comparison was made between the CTDIvol value displayed on the CT console and the measured CTDIvol value using the AAPM protocol. For every examined scanner, the CTDIvol was obtained from scans in an axial mode for head scans and helical mode of the routine pelvis, cervical spine, abdomen, and thoracic scans using the scan parameters as shown in Table 1. The corresponding CTDIvol displayed on the console was recorded as shown in Table 1.

Peak Skin Dose was estimated by using Nanodots dosimeters (International Specialty Products, Inc., Wayne, NJ, USA) which have optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technology which is a single point radiation monitoring dosimeter. It is a useful tool in measuring the patient dose, and it is an ideal solution in multiple settings, including diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, interventional procedures and radiation oncology (LANDAUER).

Nanodots dosimeters also have minimal angular or energy dependencies with appropriate calibration which can be used to measure skin dose at a point of interest. Moreover, LANDAUER provides a set of calibration dosimeters exposed at a beam quality of 80 kVp on a PMMA phantom at normal incidence for conventional (non-mammography) diagnostic radiology applications. For radiation oncology applications, LANDAUER provides a set of screened, unexposed calibration dosimeters that can be irradiated using a radiation therapy beam quality. Another way for calibration is to request a dosimeter set exposed to a 662 keV beam quality (Cs-137).

The Nanodot dosimeters were placed on three different locations (Anterior-Posterior, Lateral (LAT) and Posterior-Anterior) as shown in figure 1, and the dose to the skin was measured at these locations.


Diagram, schematic  Description automatically generated




Figure1: The phantoms in the middle of the CT scan and 1 is the AP location, 2 is the LAT location and 3 is the PA location.

Experimental set-up and procedure:

The CTDIvol displayed by the scanner was validated to the true CTDIvol following the ACR testing guidelines. A correction factor was used to correct the inaccuracies in the displayed value. This correction was applied to the DLP displayed by the scanner.

Peak skin dose and its relation were measured by the 2 phantoms, and the phantoms were aligned at the isocenter of the scanner and a single axial CT scan was made. After placing the Nanodot dosimeters on the AP, LAT and PA locations, the phantoms were scanned over the scan length for a fixed value of the tube current. The measurement was repeated several times using various scanning techniques (with varying energy, current) as shown in table 1. Size conversion factors used were based on the dimension of the phantom being scanned. These K-factors with the CTDIvol produced the size-specific dose estimates (SSDEs), and since the CT dose index was provided at the CT scanner too, the size-specific dose estimate for the phantoms was calculated. Also testing if the correlation between the size-specific dose estimate and the measurement of the peak skin dose match was done, and since such a relationship exists, finding that factor was achieved.


After measuring the Peak Skin Dose and Size Specific Dose Estimates (SSDE), a comparison was done. The SSDE was calculated using the corresponding k-factor based on the AP and lateral dimension from TG204 and the CTDIvol value which was displayed on the console (SSDE = CTDIvol x K factor).

The conversion factor based on the use of the 32 cm diameter NEMA phantom for CTDIvol was 1.35 for the AP and PA locations, and the conversion factor for the Lat location was 1.55. Also, the AAPM Report 204 stated that the conversion factor based on the use of the 16-cm diameter ACR phantom was 0.89 for the three locations.

Figure 1: The graph illustrates the relationship between Peak Skin Dose in AP location and the Size Specific Dose Estimates in AP location in 32 cm NEMA phantom and 16 cm ACR phantom.

The figure above illustrates the measured PSD in AP location against the SSDE in AP location with using 2 different phantoms (32-cm NEMA phantom and 16-cm ACR phantom). For both phantoms, there was linear relationship between the size specific dose estimates and the peak skin dose. In this study an R-squared value was used to value the data in the graphs and to tell how accurate the line is. In this study, the R-squared value was 0.21 which indicate that 21% of the variance of the dependent variable being studied is explained by the variance of the independent variable. Therefore, the relationship between the PSD in AP location and the SSDE in AP location has a weak correlation.

Figure 2: The graph demonstrates the relationship between Peak Skin Dose in PA location and the Size Specific Dose Estimates in PA location in 32 cm NEMA phantom and 16 cm ACR phantom.

The second figure demonstrates the measured PSD in PA location against the SSDE in PA location. For both phantoms, there was linear relationship between the size specific dose estimates and the peak skin dose. In this graph, the R-squared value was 0.66. Therefore, the relationship between the PSD in PA location and the SSDE has a moderate positive relationship, so a correlation might occur.

Figure 3: The graph illustrates the relationship between Peak Skin Dose in Lateral location and the Size Specific Dose Estimates in Lateral location in 32 cm NEMA phantom and 20 cm ACR phantom.

The third figure illustrates the measured PSD in the lateral location against the SSDE in Lateral location. For both phantoms, there was linear relationship between the size specific dose estimates and the peak skin dose. In this graph the R-squared value was 0.61 which indicated that there was a moderate positive relationship between the PSD in lateral location and the SSDE in lateral location.

In all the plots, linear relationship between the PSD and SSDE was found, and the linear fitting equation was calculated by Excel. (SSDE = 3.4827 x (PSD) + 5.522), this was the fitting equation for the AP location graph (1st graph). However, since there was a weak correlation between the PSD and SSDE in the AP location, calculating the SSDE will not be accurate.

(SSDE = 6.7198 x (PSD) + 2.1234) and (SSDE = 8.2489 x (PSD) + 2.3624), Those two linear fitting equations were for the PA location graph (2nd graph) and lateral location graph (3rd graph) respectively. Both equations have a moderate positive relationship. Therefore, predicting the value of SSDE or PSD will be possible but not 100% accurate. With using these data and fitting equations, a physicist can estimate the PSD, but with some limitations. The physicist would be within 30% the true dose estimates and a large error would be there as well. The regression was almost 65% in both locations, so roughly 65% of the data points will fall close to the linear line.

Other trend line equations such as exponential, logarithmic, polynomial and power were tested to evaluate the measured PSD and SSDE, but the linear fitting equation was the only one that the line fitted with the data.


The anterior Peak Skin Dose was different in the AP and LAT locations comparison with the lateral location which is because the thickness of the phantom. Considering that examination is performed in the lateral location of the body which has the highest x-ray attenuation, thus requiring higher beam energy to penetrate. With increasing the patient average diameter, the peak skin dose was higher. According to the data that was measured, the measured PSD was higher in all the lateral location than the AP and PA locations. The bigger the phantom (more tissue to penetrate), the more dose was required to attenuate and reached the dosimeter.

In the is study the AP and lateral dimensions of the phantom were used to measure the SSDE which is a factor that is used to estimate the absorbed dose. This could’ve been an error in measuring the peak skin dose since the SSDE was not measured at that time. Also, there was a linear relationship between the PSD and the SSDE because the Size Specific Dose Estimates dictate the patient’s dose and this could be one of the reasons that the linear relationship occurred. Also, there could be better modifications to the K-factors in order to dictate the patient’s more accurately.

When calculating how much radiation dose a patient is actually receiving, it’s best to consider their actual size. CTDIvol and DLP are common methods to estimate a patient’s radiation dose from a CT procedure. The dose is the same regardless of patient size, but the size of the patients is a factor in the overall patient’s absorbed dose. Therefore, SSDE measured in mGy, would allow the physicists to use the patient’s size as a factor in order to estimate the radiation dose. In the other hand the PSD is the maximum absorbed dose in mGy to the most heavily exposed region of the skin in specific location. In this study, the measured values of the PSD and SSDE had a linear relationship in most projections (C-spine, thoracic and pelvis). The higher the PSD was, the higher the SSDE which was due to the measured CTDIvol which displayed in the console (the higher the CTDIvol was, the higher SSDE was calculated).

There is different between the CTDIvol that was shown on the console and the actual CTDIvol. The CTDIvol or its derivative the DLP, as seen on consoles and outputted, do not represent the actual absorbed or effective dose for the patient. They should be taken as an index of radiation output by the system for comparison purposes. In this study, it is not possible to compare the true CTDIvol to the displayed because the phantoms that were used were not CTDI phantoms, so it is not possible to place a CTDI probe.

However, nowadays many modifications to original CTDI concept have attempted to make it more accurate patient dosimetry method, with mixed results. Body CTDIvol reported by the CT scanner, or measured on a CT scanner, is a dose index that results from air kerma measurements at two locations, to a very cylinder of plastic phantom with a density of 1.19 g/cm3 (Morgan, M. 2021).

According to the measured data, some scan projections such as abdomen had high PSD and high SSDE due to the high measured CTDIvol and DLP caused out wire and low regression. Taking out the abdomen PSD and SSDE from the graphs make the regression higher (more positive) which means correlation could exist. Therefore, some projections such as an abdomen and head might make the data points and graphs not clear and hard to be read.

When graphing the measured PSD and SSDE in each phantom separately, a higher regression (more positive correlation) was found (close to 90%) in all the three locations. This means that the closer the patient to become cylindrical, the better relationship between PSD and SSDE will be and more accurate doses will be measured. It fails at very large effective circumferences with perfectly cylindrical patients.


The results showed there is a moderate positive relationship in both PA and lateral locations, so there might be a correlation between the PSD and SSDE. There is some promises in Posterior and Lateral angles because the higher the PSD was, the higher the SSDE was in most projections. The measured PSD and SSDE showed that a physicist can estimate the PSD within 30% the true dose estimates with a large error due to the moderate positive relationship.

Further studies with more data should be done to prove or decline the hypothesis. In this study, only two phantoms were used (NEMA and ACR phantoms) with 32 cm and 16 cm thicknesses, so other phantoms such as anthropomorphic phantoms and fake human phantoms with different thickness styles could be used to get better data and correlation.

In this study, only 8 measurements were taken in the three different location due to the limitation of the Nanodats. More measurements could have been taken and a better data points would have been measured. With more date testing if the SSDE has a sufficiently strong linear relationship with PSD could be done.

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Evaluate a risk assessment created for the IT infrastructure

 Course : Information Security and Risk Management


  1. Evaluate a risk assessment created for the IT infrastructure
  2. Describe the process to translate a risk assessment into a risk mitigation plan
  3. Discuss the importance of prioritizing risk elements
  4. Describe the process to verify what risk elements can be mitigated
  5. Perform a cost-benefit analysis for risk elements

Provide a reflection of at least 1000 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.   Requirements: Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.  You should not provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace

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  • Evaluate a risk assessment created for the IT infrastructure

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created a program specifically designed to uncover and prevent youth violence in their respective community

Research a police department in the United States that has created a program specifically designed to uncover and prevent youth violence in their respective community. Explain in detail the various components of the program and whether or not is has been successful. What ideas can you offer that might enhance the program? 

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Add appropriate comments to your code created, following machine learning best practices for clean coding:

You need a Google account to do this assessment. You can create a free Google account here: 

Once created, you need to navigate to the Google created lab: “Intro to Modelling” here:

In addition to following the instructions outlined in the lab, you must: 

• Implement a possible solution to each of the tasks outlined in the lab 

• Add appropriate comments to your code created, following machine learning best practices for clean coding: 

• Identify various different models that would be appropriate to use as alternatives for the tasks presented by the lab by varying hyperparameters and features. There is also an opportunity for you to create your own custom model by using different regressor functions  within TensorFlow. 

For more details, see: 

• Familiarise yourself with the assessment’s rubric to understand how the various assignment grades are assigned. 

• Produce a manual of 500 words in length outlining: 

o The answers to the questions posed in each of the tasks within the lab.

 o The choice of models you made during your assessment including the various hyperparameters you chose and feature engineering performed for the appropriate task. 

o An analysis of the various models created and an evaluation of their efficiency

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discuss what should happen to roll that area out, what the subtasks are, what deliverables should be created, and what success will look like

Implementation: Describe your plan for implementing the program. You have identified 3 distinct activities. For each section of the plan, discuss what should happen to roll that area out, what the subtasks are, what deliverables should be created, and what success will look like.

Operations and Monitoring: Select 10 possible areas to monitor. You may select from the following suggestions, or use your own:

  • Security incidents (per week/month/year)
  • Viruses detected
  • Administrator violations
  • Spam not detected
  • Intrusion attempts
  • Intrusion successes
  • Invalid log-in attempts
  • Number of projects that have information technology (IT) security involvement
  • Policy exceptions granted and rejected
  • Current deployment of antivirus software
  • Alarms and network intrusion attempts
  • Number and impact of security incidents
  • Volumes of IDs created, deleted, or modified
  • Any access keys created or deleted

Explain why you would want to monitor the areas you have chosen. Indicate both the values you would hope to see and the actions you would take if what you saw was not in alignment with that optimal range. Create a table with the following columns:

  • Monitoring item
  • Why it must be monitored
  • Optimal range
  • Actions to take if it is not in range

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An organizational culture must be created where employees feel a personal commitment to contributing to the ethical behavior of their organization

An organizational culture must be created where employees feel a personal commitment to contributing to the ethical behavior of their organization. A firm’s reputation depends on its ethical culture. Both clients and employees must want to be involved with this organization because they trust its reputation. They believe in this organization. Supporting an ethics program that trains all employees to handle ethics issues is critical to maintaining the firm’s reputation. A code of conduct that outlines the firm’s core values, ethical standards, and ethical expectations helps guide those processes.

What particular “ingredients” should be included in an ethics program in order to attract clients and the best employees?

Part I: Craft your response as a “recipe” for an effective code of ethics and business conduct (e.g., two portions professional conduct, half a portion of fairness, one portion respect for others).

Part II: Explain why you chose those particular ingredients, and justify the measurements for each.

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create a website for an existing product presenting the product as if you created it yourself and you own the business.

Assignment details: Fictional Company Website (for a real product)– create a website for an existing product presenting the product as if you created it yourself and you own the business. 

You will create a multi-page company website with the following pages:

Every Page on your site needs:

·        Title

·        Heading

·        A link back to the homepage (except the homepage which needs links to every other part of the site.

Index.html – this will be the default landing page –

·        it should have links to all of the other pages

·        an image of your product

·        a heading that suggests using a promo code for some % off.

·        A link back to the homepage (index.html)

Our Product – information about your

·        It should include an underordered list of your products features

·        A paragraph explaining the purpose of your product

·        Should include an embedded youtube video that is either a review or advertisement for you product.

·        A link back to the homepage (index.html)

About US – discuss your background – pretend you invented this and you are the CEO

·        Include a picture of yourself

·        A paragraph with your fictional background with a story of how you invented this product

·        A paragraph explaining what you did before inventing this product (who did you work for…where did you attend school etc. Place a div around this paragraph and give it the class name “mystory”. In your CSS file, make the mystory class and create a rule that sets the font to be italic.

·        A link back to the homepage (index.html)

Pricing – Should include a table with pricing for various versions of the product. 

·        You must include at least 3 different versions of the product

·        The price for each version of the product

·        A working link where you can purchase the product

·        You should set the ID of the row with the best deal as the id name “bestdeal” (you will need to create the best deal id later on in your css file

·        A link back to the homepage (index.html)

Style.css – make your style sheet and make sure that all of your pages are linked to it

·        ID named bestdeal should set the background color to a different color and should change the font to bold

·        Class named mystory should set the font to be italic

·        A rule that sets all links to be the color SeaGreen

·        A rule that changes font of all the pages body to Arial

·        A rule that sets the heading of all pages to be #0000DD





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