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Creating in the Humanities

Creating in the Humanities

For this assignment, look through the Learning Resources from the entire semester and find one specific example of literature, art, music, dance, drama, theater, philosophy, or religion that you can use as inspiration to create something of your own that imitates it or presents a new perspective on it.

This means you should find a specific painting, poem, story, piece of philosophy, religious ritual, play, dance etc. Do not use terminology like hue, perspective, tempo etc. You are imitating or building from the work of another artist, philosopher, author etc. 

You will share your creative effort with the class in a discussion forum. Please avoid repeating something creative you may have already done in the class discussions.

Step 1: Create your work

Produce a creative piece of writing, art, music, drama, theater, video, or audio during this semester. You may not use something you created prior to this class. Some examples are below. If you are unsure your idea will work, don’t hesitate to contact your instructor for feedback.

  • An alternate ending for one of the pieces of fiction in week 4.
  • A creative rewriting of one of the poems or short stories in week 4.
  • Your own poem that imitates the rhyme scheme or that uses some of the same metaphors as one of the poems in week 4.
  • A painting or drawing in the style of one of the artists covered in week 5.
  • Nail or make-up art in the style of one of the artists covered in week 5.
  • A video or audio of you performing your own version of one of the pieces of music from week 6.
  • A video of you performing your own version of one of the dances covered in week 6.
  • A video where you creatively retell a piece of literature from week 4 or where you present images to go with a one of the pieces of music from week 6.
  • A recording or audio of you acting out a short scene from one of the dramas mentioned in week 7.

Please keep any videos or audio down to 5 minutes or less. Take photos of your work to share if appropriate.

Step 2: Write about your work

Once you have produced your creative work, please address the following items in a short 300 to 400-word essay.

  • Identify the specific piece of art, literature, drama, music, dance etc., that you were imitating. If you are imitating a specific artist or author, provide the name of one of their works. If you imitate a particular time period or type of work, identify it.
  • Explain why you used this example as your inspiration.
  • Specifically explain what elements, techniques etc., you used from the original piece in your own, what you changed or modified and why.
  • Provide some general comments based on what you did in this exercise about how elements from the Humanities can be incorporated into your personal and job-related creative and thinking processes.
  • Provide a citation in MLA format of the Learning Resource where you found the piece you are imitating.

Step 3: Post your work and look at your classmates’ work

  • Post your creative piece and short essay to the appropriate discussion forum
  • Respond in at least 2-3 sentences to two of your classmate’s creative efforts.

Learning resources from the school library: That may be helpful but you can choose what ever inspiration make you comfortable. 

Inspiration: “The Scream” by Edvard Munch

Title: “Echoes of the Soul”

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Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base

Topic: Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base: Leading and managing change is an important part of successful project execution and implementation. The nurse leader and project manager should be intimately familiar with a particular change theory or model that serves as the framework for leading the change represented by a project. Spend time researching and investigating some evidence-based change models such as Kotter, Lewin, Lippitt, & Rogers (aka – Diffusion of Innovations). Identify your “go-to” change leadership framework and discuss how you will use that framework to guide organizational change. Application: For change models with a series of steps or phases, identify which phase/step you are at now with your project and how the change model guides you in moving to the next phase/step.


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The central role that customer relationships play in creating sales for the organization.



– Use the notes section of PowerPoint to elaborate on key points.

– PowerPoint presentation should use some graphics to convey key concepts.



For your Presentation, using what you prepared for Assignments, create a presentation that summarizes and explains personalized marketing and sales tools.

Your presentation should address the following topics: 0. The central role that customer relationships play in creating sales for the organization. 0. Why managers need to ensure that resources are allocated in a way that both sales and marketing are able to achieve their objectives. 0. How managing the sales funnel requires sales, marketing, and senior managers to have an open dialogue. 0. Why sales and marketing need to work together not only to understand customers’ needs, but also to create an environment where the value proposition can be communicated. The presentation should be organized and well-prepared. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Note: This is the content which was submitted before and will include in the presentation. a. The most crucial aspect of every firm is its sales and customer relationships. Customer connections are vital since they raise sales, minimize customer attrition, provide priceless marketing, improve staff morale, and convert customers into the company’s R&D department. Positive customer relationships provide businesses with more insight into their customer concerns by creating an open line of communication for transmitting client feedback. Such results in more personalized consumer interactions, which develop trust over time and impact their purchasing choices. b. Amongst sales and marketing, there are two sources of functions. First, the necessity to split the entire budget supplied by sales management to support sales and marketing generates the economic function. In reality, the sales force will likely criticize marketing’s spending on three of the four Ps – pricing, product, and promotion, considering the price. The marketing department is under pressure to meet revenue targets and expects the sales force to “sell the price” rather than “sell via price.” Salespeople frequently prefer lower pricing since they can sell the goods more readily and because cheap prices offer them more space to bargain. Furthermore, there are organizational difficulties around price choices. Whereas marketing determines recommended retail or list prices and promotional pricing, sales have the last say on transactional pricing. As a result, managers must guarantee that resources are distributed so that both marketing and sales can meet their goals (Itani et al., 2019). c. It seems to me that there is some connection and that the groups establish procedures and regulations to minimize the possibility of conflict. The sales and marketing teams have a great fence, and make-good neighbors mentality, with each member, focused on their particular responsibilities. Each group is beginning to use the same vocabulary to discuss potentially divisive topics such as “How do we characterize a lead?” Questions like “What do we anticipate of one another?” are brought up in meetings, prompting a more reflective tone. Cooperation between the groups is essential for the success of significant events like consumer conferences and trade exhibits etc. d. The needs of customers are the first consideration when launching a firm. A business proprietor must learn what their clients want and work tirelessly to provide it (Terho et al., 2022). Clients are the lifeblood of every company; therefore, doing all possible to ensure their satisfaction is essential (Key et al., 2020). Successful communication of the value of the services sought by clients and the degree to which they have been satisfied requires close collaboration between sales and marketing (Wang, 2022).




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Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed library research.

The Process

Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed library research.

First, locate and record citations to books, periodicals, and documents that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic. Briefly examine and review the actual items. Then choose those works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic.

Cite the book, article, or document using the appropriate style.

Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article. Include one or more sentences that (a) evaluate the authority or background of the author, (b) comment on the intended audience, (c) compare or contrast this work with another you have cited, or (d) explain how this work illuminates your bibliography topic.


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Week 3 Assignment – Creating a Culture of Innovation and Creativity
Creativity and innovation are essential to an organization’s success, and both should be infused into every aspect of a business. Companies with creative and innovative employees keep up with industry changes and have a competitive advantage. Human Resources (HR) can help to foster a workplace’s culture.
For this assignment, assume the role of HR Manager. The HR Director has asked you to define the ideal qualities of the employees and leadership for cultivating a culture of creativity and innovation.
Using the readings from weeks 1 through 3 and the Creating a Culture of Innovation and Creativity Assignment Template [DOCX], answer each question listed below.
1. Define corporate culture and how to create a culture of trust and integrity.
2. Describe the ideal qualities of a leader who inspires a culture of creativity and innovation.
3. Describe the steps a leader may take to be a contributor to a culture of creativity and innovation.
4. Identify two important leadership qualities of an individual aspiring to be a leader.
5. Describe barriers to fostering a culture of creativity and innovation from a leadership and employee perspective.
6. Discuss ways that the leadership may coach and support employees with overcoming the barriers.
Responses to each question should be at least one and a half paragraphs. Note: A paragraph is normally 4 -6 sentences.
In-text citations for the sources used in your answer should follow Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
• Determine employee and leadership qualities as related to an organizational culture of creativity and innovation.
Week 6 Assignment – Leadership Strategies for HR
A company must have leadership strategies in place for HR. Assume your company is holding a leadership training workshop in which you will share leadership strategies with your new HR employees.
Using the Leadership Strategies for HR Template [DOCX], write a 2–3-page paper in which you answer the following questions:
1. Define business strategy and why is it important.
1. Explain why the HRM function is important to employee management and labor relations.
1. Explain one leadership strategies that HR will use for each of the following:

• conflict management
• communication improvement
• employee motivation
• behavior improvement.
• Provide a rationale for your choices.
1. Discuss how you plan to measure the effectiveness of each leadership strategy.
1. Describe the critical skills for leading change.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Examine leadership strategies used for conflict management, communication improvement, and employee motivation
Week 9 Assignment – Developing Your Team
It’s time to develop your team! You are planning a virtual meeting to ensure that your management team members are all on the same page. You will be presenting on diversity, team dynamics, ethics, and aligning new employees with your company’s mission.
Using the Developing Your Team Template [PPTX], create a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:
1. Provide the company’s mission statement.
2. Describe two management strategies you will implement to ensure that your new team members align with your company’s mission and discuss how you plan to measure the effectiveness of each strategy. Provide a rationale for your choice of strategies.
3. Discuss one method you will use to manage diversity and how you plan to measure its effectiveness. Explain why you chose this method.
4. Discuss two strategies you will use to optimize team dynamics and how you plan to measure the effectiveness of each strategy. Provide a rationale for your choices.
5. Explain the importance of ethical behavior to the organization’s culture and any ethical dilemmas created by globalization.
6. Include speaker notes for each slide, as if you were presenting in front of your management team members. Remember to cite the sources used to create the speaker notes.
7. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
• Propose a plan for creating a team of employees that addresses diversity, team dynamics, and alignment with the company’s mission


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Creating a brand identity for a brand new clothing brand that focus on sustainable and fashionable and design three deliverables for the brand

Project case study content
The purpose of this project is creating a brand identity for a brand new clothing brand that focus on sustainable and fashionable and design three deliverables for the brand.
The three deliverable had been designed and done.
1. Project Outline (Design Problem, Project Objectives, Research, Stakeholders, Process, etc)
2. Project Design Process (what was your design processes and whether there were any issues during these
3. Project Timeline (critical stages and deadlines and whether they were met, issues meeting them?)
4. Project deliverables (what was achieved? Can you validate the success of your deliverables)
5. Reflections and Evaluations (what could have been done better, what needs to be addressed in the future and
how will these outputs affect the project outcomes, how will they affect, influence, change the world we live in?)
I have a design proposal and I need to proceed my design proposal to a case study. Will be attach my design proposal and case study example.
I will be putting points for the case study needed an expert to detail it and make it more professional content. I will be putting all the contents together so don’t have to do the layout I will do that myself.
Here is one of the case study example.


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Creating Your Personal Budget

For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned in this unit to a small business. To get the business’s finances under control, you need to prepare a budget. You may consider items from your personal finances and cash flow to help you identify possible expense items for the small business budget. Research the CSU Online Library or the Internet for steps to creating a personal budget.
Monthly expenses might include rent, utility costs, personal loans, car loans, credit cards, groceries, childcare, vehicle maintenance costs and insurance, phone charges, and cable or streaming costs. Cash flow considerations might include monthly salaries, commissions, and allowances.
You can use any budget format that you are comfortable with, or you may select a free template. Your budget should be completed using Excel. Once you have completed your budget, in a separate Word document, address the information below.
How can the use of the budget be used in the planning process?
How can this financial information influence short-term and long-term decisions?
Based on your personal budget, what are your static expenses? What are your flexible expenses?
As an accountant, reflect on how you can use what you have learned in this activity in the workplace.
Your submission should include one Excel document, which contains your budget, and a one-page Word document, which contains your responses to the prompts above. You should include at least two resources to support your responses. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.


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Lesson Greene and Lidinsky (2018) describe the writing process from creating a draft to editing and from reading to writing.

RCH 7302, Doctoral Writing and Inquiry Into Research 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VII Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Examine the attributes of academic writing. 1.1 Revise a proposed research topic.

4. Analyze arguments made in academic literature.

4.1 Summarize data in a table per APA Style formatting requirements.

Course/Unit Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity

1.1 Unit VII Assignment 1 Article: “Why Editing Matters”

4.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 10 Unit VII Assignment 2

Required Unit Resources Chapter 10: From Image to Text In order to access the article below, utilize the CSU Online Library to begin your research. Boles, J. B. (1996). Why editing matters. Social Science Quarterly, 77(1), 198–203.

Unit Lesson Greene and Lidinsky (2018) describe the writing process from creating a draft to editing and from reading to writing. Before writing, as evidenced earlier, extensive reading is necessary to acquaint one with the topical area that can take several approaches that include a broad view of a topic or a more systematic narrower approach (Gray, 2018; Peterson et al., 2017). Eventually, a topical area surfaces, and the writing process begins with first drafting an introduction to the research topic that will appeal to readers. Then, revisions are undertaken to refine the topic in response to additional research, discussion with other academics, peer discussions, dissertation committee chairs, and other sources. Before approval or the next step in the writing process, editing the draft is the final step in ensuring that sourcing, composition, grammar, and style are correct (Ganly, 2020; Greene & Lidinsky, 2018).



Figure 1 Editing Process

RCH 7302, Doctoral Writing and Inquiry Into Research 2



As doctoral students, practicing good scholarship is essential, and developing good writing skills starts with reading. Failure to write properly and correctly diminishes the credibility of the author. The editing process starts with good scholarship, correctly writing both in language and construction, paying attention to grammar, and employing other basic writing requirements. Secondly, the writer must use the correct formatting as required by the journal or university. Here at Columbia Southern University, the standard is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020) or APA Manual. Third, the meaning of words and phrases must be accurate for a complete understanding of the proposed research topic and the writing of the entire paper. Fourth, the editing of any piece of academic work must meet the requirements of the publication journal or the class and university. Fifth, the proposed research in this case (or any other writing) must meet the intended purpose and be written in such a way to appeal to the anticipated audience(s). Sometimes editing one’s work can be difficult because an individual knows what the intended meaning was and may miss what is written on the paper. Several resources are available and might include using software or the university writing center, hiring a private editor, reading a passage out loud, or asking another person to read and comment on the writing. Even walking away from the writing that has been done and returning to read it at another time can be effective in starting the editing process. Whatever tools or system an author chooses, editing needs to be a deliberate and purposeful step in the writing process. The discussion question in the previous unit is another option, perhaps, in meeting this need for editing of work before submitting for whatever purpose. Although there are manuals on writing clearly and properly, the APA Manual has a succinct and clear section on writing (APA, 2020, pp. 111–125). Since doctoral students in programs that require using APA Style already have the manual, this is a good place to start to review writing at the graduate level. An additional way to improve writing skills at this level is to continue to read articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Many publications, as noted in previous lessons, are not as reliable as others, so the source, writing, reputation, and credibility of the journal needs to be considered not only in referencing the arguments presented but also as an example of proper scholarship and writing at an academic level (McGregor, 2018). As discussed in previous units, part of sound argument development is knowing the purpose of your writing, the audience to which it is directed, and he development of sound arguments for your position (Zarefsky, 2007). This purposeful approach is true in research and writing and is at the center of developing a research proposal (Ravitch & Mittenfelner Carl, 2021). Outside of the writing, others will ask for a writer’s explanation of the purpose, approach, audience, appeal, argumentation, theoretical foundations, support, and other determinations central to developing a good research proposal, starting with a well-developed analysis for a proposed research topic. Then, is that analysis correctly and properly expressed in the written statement?

References American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

(7th ed.). Ganly, T. (2020). Approaching assignment: A recipe for reflection. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 1–10. Gray, D. E. (2018). Doing research in the real world (4th ed.). SAGE. Greene, S., & Lidinsky, A. (2018). From inquiry to academic writing: A practical guide (4th ed.). Bedford/St.

Martin’s. McGregor, S. L. T. (2018). Understanding and evaluating research: A critical guide. SAGE. Peterson, J., Pearce, P. F., Ferguson, L. A., & Langford, C. A. (2017). Understanding scoping reviews:

Definition, purpose, and process. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 29(1), 12–16.

Ravitch, S. M., & Mittenfelner Carl, N. (2021). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and

methodological (2nd ed.). SAGE.

RCH 7302, Doctoral Writing and Inquiry Into Research 3



Zarefsky, D. (2007). Strategic public speaking: A handbook. Pearson.

Suggested Unit Resources The section on pages 111–125 of the APA Manual will be helpful in completion of your citations. American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

(7th ed.).

  • Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VII
  • Required Unit Resources
  • Unit Lesson
    • References
  • Suggested Unit Resources
Writers Solution

Creating a Culture of School-wide Leadership

Assignment Details

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to understand how to create a plan for implementing a leadership team to create effective school-wide leadership.

Read the scenario provided below and complete the assignment directions.


You are a lead teacher in a meeting with your principal. You are handed the following document:

Project: Creating a Culture of School-Wide Leadership

Project Goals:

1. Develop a definition of what creating a culture of school-wide leadership means by comparing plans, resources, readings and expert opinion.

2. Develop and explain a strategy and rationale for identifying teachers who are ready to lead within a school-wide leadership culture. How will they be developed and mentored?

3. Write three measurable goals for this school year for creating a culture of school-wide leadership.

4. Create a 6-month timeline for implementation with details for the following:

a. Identification strategy with start/ending dates with method for creating a listing of teachers who are ready to lead in your school. How will you determine “readiness to lead”?

b. Professional development resources to support the three goals.

c. Implementation of each goal with monitoring strategies explained. 

5. Evaluation plan for creating a culture of school-wide leadership:

a. Assessment device(s) for demonstrating success for creating a school-wide leadership culture.

b. Data collection points demonstrating results for each project goal.


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Compare and contrast the need and purpose of creating a project charter before creating a workflow redesign.

This module begins with an introduction on the importance of using workflow redesign for quality improvement in a hospital setting that involves developing a project charter which includes twelve area and a workflow design. Workflow analysis is important as it has served nurse administrators well by identifying delays, redundant steps, and nonvalue activities within processes. Performance measures (e.g., turnaround times, process steps, cost per unit of service, and so on) can be trended on control charts for continuous quality improvement programs.  Workflow analysis, conducted through interviews and standard flowcharts fails to capture the dynamic nature and interactive effects of interdependent processes in a complex system.  Workflow charts provide a static map or snapshot of a process but are only the first step in understanding it. 

Discussion Question:

Compare and contrast the need and purpose of creating a project charter before creating a workflow redesign.

350 words





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