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You are required to engage in creative writing of a reflective essay consisting of an academic analysis of your own learning experiences through self-reflection

School of Management

— BUSM4551 CID/Innovation Management Assessment 3: Reflective piece

Assessment type: Essay Word limit: 1,000 (+/- 10%) The word count excludes the cover page, reference list, and any appendices that you may wish to include.

Weighting: 20%

Overview You are required to engage in creative writing of a reflective essay consisting of an academic analysis of your own learning experiences through self-reflection.

The purpose of writing a reflective essay is to provide you with a platform to not only recount a particular life experience, but to also explore how you have changed or learned from those experiences. Essays should be authored individually; all ideas and words should be your own.

Assessment criteria (100 marks equate to 20% of overall course assessment) This assessment will measure your ability to:

• Introduce the context, background, scope and purpose of your essay (10 marks)

• Provide a quality encounter of your learning (15 marks)

• Reflect at a level that reveals deep insights (20 marks)

• Evaluate the significance and impact of your learning (20 marks)

• Implicate the significance of your learning to your future career (15 marks)

• Draw a meaningful conclusion (10 marks)

• Professionally present your encounter (10 marks)

Learning outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes related to this assessment are:

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CLO1 Explain the relationship between creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and how it impacts business growth, sustainability and wealth creation

CLO2 Investigate factors that inhibit creativity in individuals and innovation within teams and organisations, and recommend strategies and tactics to encourage entrepreneurial behaviour

CLO3 Identify and critique organisational models of innovation management

CLO4 Work individually, and collaboratively with others in applying a range of tools that assist the creative front end of innovation that leads to problem solving

CLO5 Evaluate the characteristics that make innovative organisations successful and discuss how a business might emulate these traits

CLO6 Demonstrate learning through presentation and communication skills in a variety of business and professional contexts

The Program Learning Outcomes related to this assessment are:

PLO1 Explain their role as a local, national and global citizen and be able to apply these perspectives in business contexts.

PLO4 Reflect on and continuously progress their own professional development, enhancing their intellectual agility and adaptability as tools for success in ever-changing business contexts.

Assessment details

This assessment requires you to look back on your learning and experiences in this course and provide a personal reflection of what you learned from the course and how you have both used and will use this learning in the future. It allows you to take a bird’s eye view of the complete course and all the activities that you performed and derive meaning from the entire experience.

A reflection paper is a personal, sometimes anecdotal, or experiential reaction to a subject, but you may include citations as in any other paper. However, we are more interested to learn about your thoughts and experiences rather than those of other people, so keep citations to a minimum. If you refer to a work or use ideas from a work, then cite them in text and include a reference list at the end.

Note: Back up all copies of drafts and your final assignment on a separate device (USB or similar) in case it is required as evidence. Computer failure is not an allowable ground for an extension or Special Consideration.

Feedback mode: Feedback will be provided using the Rubric provided on Canvas.

Essay Format and Suggestions

• Your essay must include a cover page that contains the following information: BUSM4550 Innovation Management; Date; Assessment 3: Reflective Essay; Essay title; Full name and student number; Tutor name; Word count (count excludes cover page and reference list).

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• Your essay must be professionally presented using Ariel or Calibri 12-point font, justified. Provide descriptive titles for different sections of your essay. Your essay must include an introduction, body paragraphs (provide appropriate titles), and a conclusion.

• Your essay in its entirety should answer the following overarching question, clearly and specifically: how did the course experience broaden, deepen, or otherwise enrich your understanding of the discipline of innovation management, yourself, and/or the wider world?

• Use a first-person narrative of your experience, highlighting key moments in the learning process. Tell the story of what you did and how, providing specific examples (e.g., reference to theories, frameworks, or tools covered in the course) to illustrate how your perspective/understanding evolved over the course of the semester.

• Reflect on the significance of your experiences with respect to your professional and/or personal goals. How can you apply what you learned in the future? In what situations?

• List all scholarly and non-scholarly work you have used in the essay in a Reference List. The reference list is not included in the word count. References should be in RMIT Harvard style (or Harvard style if using End note). The list should be in alphabetical order by family name. The list should not be listed by numbers or bullet points.

• The essay is to be written primarily for your own personal consumption and growth, but since it is a summative assessment, it must be done in a way that your assessor will be able to judge the value of this exercise to you and the potential impact it will have on your future career.

• Towards the beginning of the course, you were asked to rate yourself on a variety of factors related to creativity and innovation skills and abilities. Now, after having completed this course, you have another opportunity to rate yourself again on the same factors and gauge whether you have made progress in each of the specified factors. You may use the insights gained from this activity in your personal reflection essay.

• Aim to provide an honest and sincere reflection that demonstrates depth of thought, not simply a superficial exercise to get the job done. Don’t be tempted to write things that you believe your assessor might want to hear as that will be obvious as being insincere.

• When writing your reflection, you should refrain from providing explanations of theory or providing definitions of concepts that were covered in this course. Rather, simply refer to these and reflect on the encounter and impact it had on you.

• It is required that you apply the principles of D.I.E.P. framework tion_accessible_2015.pdf in your reflection.

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The DIEP principles are:

In simple terms:

• Describe the topics and your journey; what you have learned (factual, objectively) • Interpret the net effect this experience has had on you – what insights emerged? • Evaluate your application of newfound knowledge (in your opinion, subjectively) • Plan how you will apply relevant model/theories etc. in your future work

Creativity Journal

To complete this assessment effectively, we recommend that you keep a ‘Creativity Journal’ starting from week 1 where you record at least once weekly instances in which you exercised creative problem solving in your life, university or while at work.

In doing so, remember to record the problem/task you faced, the creative solution you came up with to solve the problem/task and the process you went through to come up with the solution (e.g., engaged in divergent and convergent thinking, used design thinking, brainstormed ideas, etc.) and how your learning in the course helped you to come up with a creative solution. This journal will also help you to keep track of the development of your skills in creativity, innovation and design thinking and how you can further improve your creative problem-solving skills.

Please note that this journal will NOT be marked, but it will be an essential tool for you to reflect over the 12 weeks of semester.


• Assignments must be submitted through the CANVAS assessment submission system (Turnitin). Submitted assignments that do not have a similarity score will not be graded.

• Do NOT attempt to obtain a similarity score by first submitting it to TurnItIn via another course as this will result in you achieving a very high similarity score when you eventually submit your assignment for this course.

• Do NOT include the declaration form as part of your TurnItIn submission as that will incorrectly increase your similarity score.

• The Turnitin Similarity Percentage is an indicator of the similarity of your paper with other assignments. This link provides information on how to interpret the similarity report.

• Allow sufficient time for the TurnItIn system to reset before you make another attempt at obtaining a similarity score. Make sure you obtain your final similarity score well in advance of the assignment deadline in order to avoid a penalty for late submission.


Describe objectively what you have learned


Interpret the insight (in one or

more paragraphs)


Evaluate what you have learned (in one or more



Plan how this learning will be

applied in practice

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Referencing guidelines

Use RMIT Harvard RMIT Harvard referencing style for this assessment.

You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments.

Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite RMIT Easy Cite referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriated style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing.

Submission format

Only submit Word documents in either .doc or .docx formats. Assignments submitted in pdf format will not be graded.

Academic integrity and plagiarism

Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.

You should take extreme care that you have:

• Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e., directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods

• Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.

RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.

Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:

• Failure to properly document a source

• Copyright material from the internet or databases

• Collusion between students

For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University web site University website.

Assessment declaration

When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration assessment declaration.

Do NOT submit this declaration via Canvas.

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HD D C PA NN DNS Introduction Introduces the topic in an interesting and appropriate manner. Defines the purpose, scope and structure of the essay. 10 marks

Excellent Introduction. Introduces the essay in an interesting way that clearly articulates the purpose, scope and structure of the essay.

Well written Introduction and well stated purpose, scope and structure of the essay.

Generally good Introduction of the topic and quite clearly stated purpose, scope and structure of the essay There is however, room for improvement.

Some Introduction of the topic and some statement of the purpose, scope and structure of the essay but not clearly expressed.

Inadequate Introduction provided. Has not clearly stated the purpose or the scope of the essay.

No Introduction provided.

D – Describe objectively what happened

Give the details of what happened. Answer the question: ‘What did I do, read, see, hear?’

15 marks

Outstanding description that succinctly summarises the semester’s encounters.

Very good description of the semester’s encounters.

Good description of the semester’s encounters but some important details are missing.

Poor description of the semester’s encounters; several gaps apparent.

Inadequate description of semester’s encounters.

No description provided.

I – Interpret the events

Explain your learning: new insights, connections with other learning and students, your feelings, hypotheses.

Degree of descriptive versus reflective.

Answer the questions: ‘What was the reason I did these activities?’ ‘What might it mean?’

In-depth reflection that leads to a very meaningful interpretation of how specific examples facilitated new perspectives, understanding and insights.

Good reflection that leads to a meaningful interpretation of how specific examples facilitated new perspectives, understanding and insights.

Average reflection that leads to an adequate interpretation of how specific examples facilitated new perspectives, understanding and insights.

Rather descriptive than reflective.

Poor reflection that leads to superficial interpretation of how examples facilitated new perspectives, understanding and insights.

Purely descriptive.

Very poor interpretation of events.

No interpretation offered.

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20 marks

E – Evaluate what you learned

Make judgments connected to observations you have made. Answer the question: ‘How was this useful? Explains how experience broadened, deepened, or enriched your learning on different levels.

20 marks

Outstanding evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

Very good evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

Good evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

Poor evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

Very poor evaluation of learning that took place, its perceived value, and the impact it has had.

No evaluation of learning that took place, the perceived value, and the impact it has had.

P – Plan how this learning will be applied

Significance of learning to professional / personal goals.

Comment on its relevance to your course, program, future profession, life… Answer the question: ‘How might this learning apply in my future?’

15 marks

Highly significant contextualisation of learning to current situation and excellent future prospecting. Builds strongly on key reflections from DIEP structure.

Good contextualisation of learning to current situation and good future prospecting. Builds on key reflections from DIEP structure.

Average contextualisation of learning to current situation and average future prospecting. Builds on some reflections from DIEP structure.

Poor contextualisation of learning to current situation and poor future prospecting. Fails to build on reflections from DIEP structure.

Inadequate contextualisation of learning to current situation and future prospecting.

No contextualisation of learning to current situation and future prospecting.

Conclusion All aspects are drawn together in a brief concise summary. Consistent with discussion presented in the body of the essay. No new materials introduced here

Excellent conclusion that is written in a very concise, consistent manner. No new material is presented.

Very clear and concise conclusion. Consistent with the discussion provided in the Body.

Good conclusion that summarises the main issues clearly. Yet there is scope for improvement.

Satisfactory conclusion but could be done in a clearer and/or more concise manner.

Poor conclusion given or inadequate conclusion and summary of issues have been poorly discussed.

No conclusion provided.

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10 marks

Presentation of essay

Cover page contains all required information.

Quality of expression / language, paragraph construction, spelling, and proofreading (lacking in typos). Format and layout presented in professional manner.

Sources, if present, are cited appropriately.

10 marks

Cover page contains all required information.

Logical, compelling progression of ideas in essay; clear structure which moves the reader through the text. Excellent expression / language used with minimum spelling errors. Professionally presented in relation to the DIEP format and layout.

Cover page contains most of the required information.

Overall, the paper is logically developed. Progression of ideas in essay makes sense and moves the reader easily through the text. Well written and with good expression and very few spelling mistakes. Good use of paragraph constructs. Very well presented.

Cover page is missing some key information.

Progression of ideas in essay is awkward yet moves the reader through the text without too much confusion. Effective language. Mainly accurate spelling. Well presented.

Cover page is incomplete.

Arrangement of essay is unclear and illogical. The writing lacks a clear sense of direction. Ideas, details or events seem strung together in a loose or random fashion; there is no identifiable internal structure and readers have trouble following the writer’s line of thought. Adequate language but several errors in spelling. Format and layout are poor, can be presented more professionally.

No cover page.

Arrangement of essay is completely unclear and illogical. The writing lacks any sense of direction. Inappropriate/poor language. Substantial errors in spelling. Need to be proofread. Poor format and layout that do not meet professional expectations.




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developing an environment for an organisation or work area that supports the application of critical and creative thinking methods

Unit Code/s & Name/s BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking skills in others
Cluster Name
If applicable N/A
Assessment Name Portfolio of Evidence Assessment Task No. 2 of 4
Assessor Name
Student Declaration: I declare that this assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references. I understand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the TAFE Queensland Student Rules. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this Declaration in lieu of a written signature.
Student Signature Date / /
Instructions to Student General Instructions:
This task requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge requirements to develop critical and creative thinking skills in others within a workplace context, including:
• developing an environment for an organisation or work area that supports the application of critical and creative thinking methods
• identifying critical and creative thinking concepts and approaches, and their application to a workplace context
• facilitating relevant learning opportunities for others
• developing questions and prompt questioning to broaden knowledge and understanding of the team member cohort
• monitoring team skill development to develop recommendations on future learning arrangements to be implemented in future planning.
Assessment Conditions:
Time Allowed:
This task is to be submitted by the due dates advised in the Unit Study Guide. If a student requires an extension, then they must negotiate this with their Assessor prior to the due date.
Level of Assistance Permitted (If Any):
This is an open book assessment task. All work must be your own.
Students may:
• refer to learning resources, workplace and/or research further information
• ask the Assessor clarifying questions
• access the services of Studiosity to assist in interpreting questions or proof reading text
• be referred to learning support for additional assistance.
Students must seek any required assistance, reasonable adjustment or negotiate extensions with Assessor prior to due date.
This assessment is to be completed in a workplace or a simulated workplace including the classroom or home office environment.
Materials to be Supplied:
For this assessment, learners will need access to:
• internet, device and word processing software (can be accessed through TAFE campuses and facilities)
• the LMS and associated learning resources
• organisational strategic and operational plans
• workplace policies and procedures relevant to performance development
• relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice
Assessment Criteria:
To achieve a satisfactory result, your Assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:
• All tasks have been completed in full and have been completed to a satisfactory standard.
• Demonstrated knowledge and skills required to:
? develop an environment for an organisation or work area that supports the application of critical and creative thinking methods.
Work, Health and Safety:
• Follow TAFE Queensland Student Rules.
• Access TAFE Queensland Student Services for any additional support.
• Conduct risk assessments prior to any assessment task to ensure the safety of all participants and the environment.
• Ensure an ergonomically safe work environment to complete all assessment tasks.
Number of Attempts:
You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant questions with you and will arrange a date your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd attempt is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to attend the scheduled date for a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task. For more information, refer to the Student Rules.
Submission details
(if relevant) Please refer to Unit Study Guide for due date.
Submission requirements:
• Review the Marking Criteria provided for this task to ensure you have evidenced all requirements.
• Follow the instructions in the LMS to submit your assessment, demonstrating your ability to:
• Follow organisational procedures for file naming, management and storage.
• Use business technology.
• Communicate professionally using appropriate terminology / language.
• Organise and present information professionally e.g. relevant documents / templates, formatting, grammar and spelling.
• Complete tasks in a timely manner.
TAFE Queensland Learning Management System:
Connect url:
• Username; 9 digit student number
• For Password: Reset password go to:
Instructions to Assessor The students will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop critical and creative thinking skills in others within a workplace context.
Assessors are to:?
• confirm expectations as detailed in Instructions to Student have been followed and met
• provide feedback on all assessment attempts and identify additional learning and/or practice required by the student before their second attempt
• use the Marking Criteria to record their assessment and feedback?
• negotiate to complete assessment tasks and/or resubmissions verbally, where the opportunity presents:?
? scribe the students response verbatim on the assessment task/marking criteria, and note the questions verbally addressed on the coversheet
? initial and date additional comments.
• Assessors of this unit must satisfy the assessor requirements in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
Note to Student An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.

Assessment Instructions:
Completing this assessment allows you to show your skills and knowledge in developing critical thinking in others.
This assessment will require you to complete the following tasks:
Part A: Develop and conduct a survey to determine individual and team knowledge gaps in critical thinking concepts and practices
Part B: Develop a learning and development plan to identify skill and knowledge gaps and prepare two session plans (1 formal and 1 informal).
Part C: Develop an online learning resource on -Critical and Creative Thinking in the Workplace-
This assessment task is to be completed based on your workplace, or using the simulated workplace provided below – The Righteous Bean
Scenario (The Righteous Bean)
The Righteous Bean is growing, and the expansion in the past 6 months has been significant. Therefore, the number of locations and staff members has increased. The executive team would like you to work with groups of Righteous Bean team members to use critical thinking skills and teamwork strategies to devise new ways for the staff to network and get to know each other. Getting this process right will significantly contribute to the overall smooth operations, collaboration among team members, and continued productivity of The Righteous Bean as it evolves and will avoid growing pains and management issues in the coming months.
Part A: – Identify Skill and Knowledge Gaps
Before you can develop some of the employees critical thinking skills, you will need to identify the knowledge and skills they already have and the gaps.
Step 1. Develop and Administer Survey
• The Executive team have requested that you create a survey of at least 8 – 10 questions that will allow you to identify both individual and team knowledge gaps in critical and creative thinking. As new roles are being filled and staff are being moved to new and different locations, management has agreed that identifying knowledge and skill gaps among the team will be critical in developing procedures to boost operational efficiency and support new teams during this growth period.
• The survey must identify:
• The current level of knowledge and understanding of critical and creative thinking
• Knowledge gaps related to critical and creative thinking
• Gaps or barriers to applying critical and creative thinking in the workplace
• Opportunities available to use critical and creative thinking skills
• Additional support required
• Preferred learning methods
• Your survey must contain instructions for participants to know why the survey is being completed, how to complete the survey and who to return the survey to and by when.
• You must hand the survey out to 4 colleagues for them to complete and submit back to you. Depending on how you are completing this task, your 4 colleagues may either be real colleagues in your workplace, classmates, or friends/family members who play the role of simulated work colleagues when completing their surveys.
• You will be required to submit copies of your completed surveys, including participants names, as evidence for completing this part of the assessment.
Part B: Learning and Development Plan
Step 1. Develop a learning and development plan
• Complete a learning and development plan that will enable the development of critical thinking skills. You may use the template located in Appendix A or your organisational template
• Based on the completed surveys you have received, identify and list 3-5 gaps in the employees critical and creative thinking knowledge.
• For each identified gap in critical and creative thinking skills, explain the link between the gap and the effect this may have on work performance at The Righteous Bean (or your organisation).
• List the options available to address each skill and knowledge gap
• List who will receive the learning opportunity (based on your survey responses)
• List the resources required to deliver the learning opportunity
Step 2. Develop informal and formal learning opportunities
• Complete two (2) session plans for one (1) formal and one (1) informal learning opportunity that you can facilitate with the employees identified from your learning and development plan you completed in Step 3. You may use the template located in Appendix B or your organisational template
• Your recommendations in the plan should consider the critical and creative thinking research you have done and what types of models and actions best suit the facilitation of your identified learning opportunities.
Part C – Formal Learning – Develop Skills in Critical and Creative thinking
The Executive team would like you to develop online training titled -Critical and Creative Thinking in the Workplace-. The training video of about ten (10) minutes in length that is suitable for uploading to the organisations Intranet so that Managers can use it in team meetings and training sessions and is also available on-demand for people to revise

Step 1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation (or use other suitable software) on critical and creative thinking in the workplace:
You must cover the following issues in your presentation. However, you are free to include any other additional information that you consider would be helpful:
(a) Introduction – the purpose of the presentation and what you will be covering
(b) Definitions of and differences between critical and creative thinking
(c) Explanation of one critical and one creative thinking model
(d) Explanation of how critical and creative thinking can be used in the workplace and the benefits to the organisation
(e) Description of barriers to critical and creative thinking
(f) Description of processes that create a safe environment for critical and creative thinking in the workplace
(g) Discuss organisational policies/ procedures and legislation relevant to the application of critical and creative thinking in the workplace
(h) Summary and conclusion
Step 2. Using your presentation from Step 1, prepare a video recording of eight (8) to ten (10) minutes where you deliver the information suitable for use as a training resource. The options you have to do this are:
• Include audio on your PowerPoint
• Record yourself delivering the presentation using software such as Screen-cast-omatic
• Discuss with your Assessor other suitable options
When delivering your presentation, you must not just read the information contained in your presentation.
Step 3. – Upload your recording to Connect
Once you have completed all the above tasks, please submit all required documents to Connect.
• Four (4) completed surveys
• Completed learning and development plan
• Two (2) training plans (1 informal and 1 formal)
• PowerPoint (or similar) training resource with audio

Appendix A Learning and Development Plan
Critical Thinking Skills Learning and Development Plan
Skill/Knowledge to be developed Key benefits Identified L&D opportunities Who Resources
List the skill or development area that has been identified for the team/department. Indicate the key benefits of the learning opportunity to meet the team and/or organisation needs List options to meet the learning need. Include options that are informal, e.g., on-the-job as well as formal training programs List who will attend the L&D opportunity Provide details of the resources needed to deliver the learning and development

Appendix B Training Plan template
The purpose of this template is to structure communication for planned training or presentation of a topic. This is used to communicate with others in the team and organisation about the benefits of learning.
Training Plan
Training Topic
Delivery Method
Detail how the training will be delivered – informal/formal – lecture, discussion, case study role play, small group teaching, experiential learning, online learning etc
Learning Objectives
Briefly explain the aim and outcome to be achieved via the delivery of the presentation or training, e.g. skill building, development opportunity, the solution to a problem after a brainstorming session etc.
Learner Profile
• who the target audience is
• current knowledge and skill levels
Topics to be covered in the training
List the topics that will be addressed in the training session. Essentially this is your plan for the training session
How will the effectiveness of the training be evaluated?


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humanities influence creative expression

  1. Provide eight examples of ways that the humanities influence creative expression.
  2. Cover four or more branches of the humanities (i.e., not all examples of musicians or authors).
  3. (example: a slide featuring an image representing the movie Lord of the Rings with a sentence stating “The film LOTR incorporates aspects of the human condition such as discrimination, despair, courage, the feeling of triumph, happiness, internal mental scarring, and loss.”).

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Infant Toddler Curriculums (Creative Curriculum, High Scope, Active Learning Series

For this assignment, you will research 2 different Infant Toddler Curriculums (Creative Curriculum, High Scope, Active Learning Series, etc).

Once you have reviewed the curriculums of your choice, you will need to provide an overall summary of the infant toddler piece of the curriculums. Next, choose one of the two curriculums that you reviewed and use the questions below to guide you through your analysis of whether the curriculum has the key components to be considered a high quality infant toddler curriculum.

Be sure to provide specific examples that highlight those areas that support the curriculum as being high quality.

Analyze if your chosen curriculum:

  • Focuses on the relationship between child and caregiver
  • Promotes the establishment of primary caregiving relationships
  • Addresses development across domains; acknowledge the integration of infant toddler development across domains
  • Addresses the stages of infancy in some form, such as young infants, mobile infants, and toddlers
  • Promotes individualization for each child, based on his or her unique culture, developmental profile and needs (including children with special needs)
  • Promotes feeling of safety, security and belonging
  • Focuses on process over content
  • Focuses on an environment that promotes engagement over planned activities
  • Includes a focus on inclusion of families in planning for each child
  • Derives from theory and research?

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length. Include the links for the curriculums that you researched on your reference page. Use APA formatted title and reference pages, as well as in-text citation where appropriate






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Creative expressions can broaden your perspective

Investigate how creative expressions can broaden your perspective. You will do this by reflection on the impact that television and video art had upon a person. You may write about your own experiences, or you may interview a friend or family member. In either case, you should remain focused on the objective of evaluating and demonstrating how a point of view is changed through the influence of television and video art. The television programs in this Assignment could have been viewed on a traditional television set, but they could also be from an internet series, streaming on a smartphone, or viewed through another medium. While movies are often shown on television, for this Assignment, you will want to look into television programs or series in particular. Please check with your instructor if you have a question about programming that may suit the Assignment. 1. Open with an introduction to the paper. Give the reader a sense of context for the Assignment. Offer a preview of main points and a thesis statement. 2. Introduce two television programs from youth or adolescence. What do you or your interviewee remember about each show? Describe the experience of watching each program. How did each show have an impact upon a view of the world? What was learned, changed, or influenced? 3. Introduce two television programs from adulthood. What do you or your interviewee remember about each show? Describe the experience of watching each program. How did each show have an impact upon a view of the world? What was learned, changed, or influenced? 4. After this investigation, discuss the impact of television to change a point of view. Was there a marked influence? How was the video art able to open up a new perspective or introduce new ideas? What may have made television more effective or more influential? The work should be at least 500 words in length and must use at least one outside source that is cited in APA style. Check the Kaplan Writing Center for information about use and citation of sources.





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Writers Solution

Creative Nonfiction: Borrowed Elements


Creative Nonfiction: Borrowed Elements

In terms of language, explain how creative nonfiction borrows from the genre of poetry. Similarly, identify how creative nonfiction uses certain conventions of fiction such as conflict, dialogue, plot, point of view, etc. to create appealing narratives. Discuss why creative nonfiction uses elements of poetry and fiction and point to specific examples from one of this week’s Required or Recommended Resources to substantiate your ideas.

Although creative nonfiction is the genre assumed to be most associated with “fact” and “truth,” explain how and why poetry and fiction also borrow from real-life experiences. Which poem or story from your readings do you think most captures the spirit of nonfiction?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite your sources using APA style.






 Creative Nonfiction: Borrowed Elements     

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Creative Nonfiction: Borrowed Elements

            The genre of creative nonfiction has considered to one that is generally elusive. According to (Hertel & Malcolm, 2015) creative nonfiction not only borrows elements from poetry and story, but also bends and recombines them. The genre borrows from a story, which gives it a narrative plot that has rising action, incitement, denouement and climax, just like in real fiction. However, it is based on true story, and the accurate retelling of the real life experiences of the author. Creative nonfiction borrows some poetic elements such as voice. Just like the poets do in writing about the real life stories, the nonfiction genre depends mainly on the ability of the writer to offer their voice in a more realistic way. For example, the candor persona voice in poetry helps draw the reader, similarly, the voice in creative nonfiction helps in engaging the empathy of the reader.

            The other element of creative nonfiction is its ability to employ elements that are used in fiction and poetry, such as voice and narrative plot. Just like fiction, creative nonfiction is focused on a story, meaning it has to show the elements of fiction writing such as the narrative plot and those employed in poetry such as the use of different voices to tell a story or narrate an event.             The creative nonfiction genre is most associated with “fact…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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Writers Solution

create “something” creative (such as a podcast, painting, poem, song, play, theatre performance, interpretive dance or other form of dance, musical composition

For your mid-term examination, you will create “something” creative (such as a podcast, painting, poem, song, play, theatre performance, interpretive dance or other form of dance, musical composition, etc) that interrogates the main theoretical contributions of at least TWO authors that we have discussed thus far this semester. Your artistic creation can be anything of your choosing. Bring your two chosen authors into conversation (not necessarily literally) with one another through your artistic expression. Your artistic expression may be a dedication to the authors, the concepts they discuss, or how you relate to the materials. After creating your artistic item/expression, you will write a TWO-page single-spaced (or 4-page double-spaced) write up that does the following: Describes what the artistic piece is doing, is inspired by, or reflecting on If a poem or song, break down line by line of the poem and explain what it means (See for an example of this) If a painting, describe the painting in vivid detail. Imagine you are describing it to someone that cannot see. Describe the colors, textures, visuals. If a theatre performance, explain who are the major characters in your piece and what the main plot, climax, ending of the story is If dance, you would be recording yourself for me to view, and then you would explain how each movement connects to your expression For musical composition, instrumentals, etc, describe the emotions in the music and how the tempos connect to what you’re expressing. Imagine you’re describing it to someone that cannot hear. Explains how the artistic piece connects to the authors you have chosen Explains the theoretical contributions the two authors have made and how those speak to your artistic creation Brings the two authors theories and contributions into conversation with each other and explain how you brought them together in your creative expression