Writers Solution

Peer-reviewed article that tests or expands a criminological theory

Students are expected to identify a recent (within 5 years) peer-reviewed article that tests or expands a criminological theory we have recently discussed (e.g., strain, differential opportunity theory, general strain theory, institutional anomie theory, rational choice, routine activity, biosocial crim., etc.). Make sure your theory is different of this topic Conservation, wildlife crime, and tough-on-crime policies: Lessons from the criminological literature. Article by Lauren Wilson and Rachel Boratto.. This reflection should be approximately two (2) pages double-spaced and should follow APA formatting guidelines. 

Reflections should include (but not limited to) what gap the study is filling, what are the research questions for the study, how the author(s) is measuring the criminological theoretical elements, how the author(s) are testing or expanding the theory (e.g., did they use any new measures or populations), the findings from the study, what are some limitations of the study, and the theoretical and policy implications.  


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Writers Solution

Criminological theory

 Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Seven, you will submit the 2–3-page public needs and policy recommendations sections of your final project. This milestone is really about drilling down more deeply into the “drivers” behind your recommendations to the selected departmental policy. As you write these sections, you will identify what public needs are targeted by this policy and how well the policy addresses these needs. You will also need to examine how this policy can be changed or improved upon to continue to address the identified need and how these changes can be accomplished while at the same time improving upon the delivery of necessary criminal justice services.

Using the historical analysis of your selected public policy issue that you conducted in Milestone Two—as well as the research regarding the criminological theory that best explains the development of the public policies related to it—ensure that you support your recommendations in this milestone with the relevant criminological theory that you identified and describe how the theory or theories justify the appropriateness of the recommendations for the departmental policy.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Needs: Now that you have analyzed the relevant state or federal policies and selected a related criminological theory, you will focus your analysis on your selected departmental policy. In relation to the departmental policy, you will identify the needs of the public and the relevant branch of the criminal justice system, and assess the extent to which the policy currently addresses these needs. Specifically:
    1. a)  Identify specific needs of the public and the relevant branch of the criminal justice system at the center of the departmental policy, justifying your identifications.
    2. b)  To what extent does the departmental policy address these specific needs?
  2. Policy Recommendations: In this section, you will provide specific recommendations to the existing departmental public policy to improve the delivery of criminal justice services, justifying your recommendations, and examining the impact of the recommendations on the public and specific branch of the criminal justice system. Be sure to:
    1. a)  Outline the specific aspects of the departmental policy you are targeting for your recommendations, justifying your selections. What specific aspects of the departmental policy need improving and why?
    2. b)  What specific recommendations do you have to improve the existing departmental policy?
    3. c)  Justify how the recommendations will improve the delivery of criminal justice services. Provide specific examples.
    4. d)  How does criminological theory support your recommendations? How do the recommendations support the public’s needs? Consider how
      theory justifies the appropriateness of the recommendations for the departmental policy.
    5. e)  What are the potential impacts of the departmental policy recommendations on the public and the relevant branch of the criminal justice
      system? Provide specific examples. If the potential impacts are negative, how might you alter your recommendations?
    6. f)  How does your assessment of the potential impacts inform your departmental policy implementation? For example, how can you capitalize on positive reactions in the implementation of the departmental policy? How might you create buy-in where there is possible conflict?

Guidelines for Submission: Your Milestone Three submission needs to be 2–3 pages in length (excluding reference pages), double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.