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Compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field


Course Project Stage 2: Making Connections

As we learned in week 5, the purpose of this two-stage project is for you to compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field.

In Stage 1 you:

  • Identified three specific examples in one humanities field from three different cultures.
  • Found at least one aspect these examples have in common.
  • Identified at least one learning resource from the class to help you compare and analyze your examples.

Stage 2 builds on the information your gathered in Stage 1 by: 

  • Explaining the historical and cultural contexts of your examples.
  • Explaining what your examples have in common and what is different by pointing to specifics in your examples.
  • Applying the terminology or interpretative methods from the learning resources in your analysis of your examples.

For this stage, you will use the same topic and examples from Stage 1  and write a 750-1200-word paper (3-5 pages) that offers specific comparisons between your examples and some analysis using terminology and methods from the course materials in the field of your examples.  Please try to keep your paper to about 1200 words or less and consult with your instructor for what to do if you think you will exceed this.

Instructions for Stage 2

Write a 750–1000-page paper that includes the following:

  1. An introductory paragraph that identifies the Humanities field you chose your examples from and explains why this field was of interest to you. Try to avoid telling the reader what you intend to do in your paper and see if you can preview your conclusion.
  2. Descriptions of each of your examples that include the following information, as appropriate.

3.     An explanation of what your three examples have in common and how they are different based on a detailed analysis of the examples to show how you came to this conclusion. In your analysis, you should:

  1. Use at least one of the resources in the classroom that is directly related to the Humanities field your paper focuses on. For instance, if you are comparing three poems, ensure that your resource(s) from the classroom is about analyzing literature.
  2. Rely on at least two of the terms or interpretative methods from the classroom resource(s) in your analysis of the examples. For example, if you are looking at three poems, you could use metaphor and rhyme scheme.
  3. Underline or bold the terms or methods of interpretation from the class you use in your paper.
  4. Explain the terms or methods before or as you use them.
  5. Provide specifics from your examples that you are analyzing using the terms or methods. For instance, if you are looking at three poems, you should quote the lines you analyze (not the whole poem). If you are looking at three paintings, you should describe what you are analyzing, or you could even use images overlaid with arrows to help illustrate your points.

4.     A concluding paragraph that offers some summative concluding remarks about what you learned about all three of the cultures your examples were from through comparing and contrasting your three examples. Did you learn that all three of these cultures express similar sentiments about parenting, for example? Did you learn that the attitude towards colonization was different in Spain, Africa, and South America? Think about how your examples informed you about the similarities and the differences between humans from the cultures you covered.

Note: Please be sure to look over your paper at least once or twice before handing it in to edit and try to catch any writing issues

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Writers Solution

Compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field


Course Project Stage 2: Making Connections

As we learned in week 5, the purpose of this two-stage project is for you to compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field.

In Stage 1 you:

  • Identified three specific examples in one humanities field from three different cultures.
  • Found at least one aspect these examples have in common.
  • Identified at least one learning resource from the class to help you compare and analyze your examples.

Stage 2 builds on the information your gathered in Stage 1 by: 

  • Explaining the historical and cultural contexts of your examples.
  • Explaining what your examples have in common and what is different by pointing to specifics in your examples.
  • Applying the terminology or interpretative methods from the learning resources in your analysis of your examples.

For this stage, you will use the same topic and examples from Stage 1  and write a 750-1200-word paper (3-5 pages) that offers specific comparisons between your examples and some analysis using terminology and methods from the course materials in the field of your examples.  Please try to keep your paper to about 1200 words or less and consult with your instructor for what to do if you think you will exceed this.

Instructions for Stage 2

Write a 750–1000-page paper that includes the following:

  1. An introductory paragraph that identifies the Humanities field you chose your examples from and explains why this field was of interest to you. Try to avoid telling the reader what you intend to do in your paper and see if you can preview your conclusion.
  2. Descriptions of each of your examples that include the following information, as appropriate.

3.     An explanation of what your three examples have in common and how they are different based on a detailed analysis of the examples to show how you came to this conclusion. In your analysis, you should:

  1. Use at least one of the resources in the classroom that is directly related to the Humanities field your paper focuses on. For instance, if you are comparing three poems, ensure that your resource(s) from the classroom is about analyzing literature.
  2. Rely on at least two of the terms or interpretative methods from the classroom resource(s) in your analysis of the examples. For example, if you are looking at three poems, you could use metaphor and rhyme scheme.
  3. Underline or bold the terms or methods of interpretation from the class you use in your paper.
  4. Explain the terms or methods before or as you use them.
  5. Provide specifics from your examples that you are analyzing using the terms or methods. For instance, if you are looking at three poems, you should quote the lines you analyze (not the whole poem). If you are looking at three paintings, you should describe what you are analyzing, or you could even use images overlaid with arrows to help illustrate your points.

4.     A concluding paragraph that offers some summative concluding remarks about what you learned about all three of the cultures your examples were from through comparing and contrasting your three examples. Did you learn that all three of these cultures express similar sentiments about parenting, for example? Did you learn that the attitude towards colonization was different in Spain, Africa, and South America? Think about how your examples informed you about the similarities and the differences between humans from the cultures you covered.

Note: Please be sure to look over your paper at least once or twice before handing it in to edit and try to catch any writing issues

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colleagues’ postings by explaining how cultural diversity

Respond to two of your colleagues’ postings by explaining how cultural diversity, moral judgement, or ethical perceptions may impact decision making within the context of the social problem that they described. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.


A brief description of the social problem that you chose for your Final Project.

The social problem I choose for my final project is the transformation of Technical and Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) in low-income communities. The scarcity of TVET in low-income communities, particularly in Guyana, South America, has been brought to my attention during a conversation with a loved one. Author Dos Santos (2019) discovered that TVET’s effectiveness (in Guyana) is limited by a lack of labor market information, funding, energy costs, and insufficient information communication technology skills and infrastructure.

One ethical and moral dilemma that could arise when solving the problem as well as the power differentials that may be present.

One ethical dilemma that could arise when solving the problem of choice would be standard 11 from the Ethical Standards of Human Services Professionals. I must be aware of multiculturalism in that specific society and its impact on the community and individuals (National Organization for Human Services, 2015). As for the power differentials that may be present would-be Cultural Power. This type of power reference, as the 3rd phase of power, operates in the areas of worldview and culture (Grassroots Policy Project, n.d.). The cultural norms and conditioning regarding race, age, and gender for those with less power would likely be present while addressing the social problem (National Community Development Institute, n.d.).

One moral dilemma that could arise when solving the problem would be diminished empathy derived from personal moral judgments (Greene, 2002). I have encountered such moral dilemmas and tried to find ways to respond objectively without offense. As Dr. Hamilton mentioned, what may be right for me in the USA, may not be the same in another country such as Guyana.

How you would prevent the ethical and moral dilemmas and address the power differentials in your role as an advanced human services professional practitioner.

To prevent the ethical and moral dilemmas mentioned, I must first identify my biases and address them by being willing to examine my own beliefs and assumptions. Second, begin to think critically about the ethical and moral dilemmas by, not limited to (1) being interested in seeking the truth; (2) relying on reason and not my emotions; (3) being objective and not subjective; (4) put aside incorrect information and (5) work with integrity. As a human service professional practitioner, the power differentials in my role plays an essential part in solving social problem. Cultivating a shared culture of responsibility and commitment is vital, along with increasing my reading as a scholar and growing knowledge of my role. The Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals (2015) preamble sums it up, stating that human service “… professionals promote and encourage the unique values and characteristics of human services”. And does this by “… upholding the integrity and ethics of the profession, promoting client and community well-being, and enhancing their professional growth.”


Dos Santos, C. (2019). Building capabilities in natural resource-dependent economies: An innovation systems analysis of the TVET program in Guyana. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 3(1), 1-11. Links to an external site.

 Grassroots Policy Project. (n.d.).  Power and social change

 Greene, J., & Haidt, J. (2002). How (and where) does moral judgment work? Trends in Cognitive

Sciences, 6(12), 517-523. Links to an external site.

 National Community Development Institute. (n.d.). Sources of Power.  Links to an external site.  

 National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services



Social Problem  

The social problem I chose for the final project is teen opioid abuse. Opioid abuse in teens is dangerous and growing. The side effects that come with drug abuse can be severe and may lead to death. After marijuana and alcohol, the abuse of prescription drugs is next on the list of the most abused substances by Americans aged 14 and older. (Trends & Statistics, 2022)

Ethical Dilemma 

Many ethical dilemmas may arise when trying to solve the problems of teen opioid abuse. The first ethical dilemma is standard 2, which deals with informed consent (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015). Because the teen is a minor or under 18, a parent or guardian must consent to the child’s treatment. The dilemma in this situation could be that the parent/parents or guardian does not want the child to receive treatment, and they won’t consent. In this case, legal actions may have to be taken on the minor’s behalf if the minor’s condition is life-threatening. Another ethical dilemma that may arise when trying to solve the problem of teen opioid abuse is standards 3 and 4. The teen’s right to privacy and confidentiality and breaking the confidentiality of the relationship between the teen and human service professional are at stake if the teen is in danger or may harm themselves (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015).

Moral Dilemma 

One moral dilemma that may arise when trying to solve this problem is a teen abusing opioids confides in a professional that they are thinking about ending their life because their issue has caused too many problems. The teen wants the professional to keep this information to themselves. The dilemma here would be the professional keeping confidentiality and having a potential suicide on their hands or breaking the teen’s confidentiality and preventing suicide.

Prevent Ethical and Moral Dilemmas

I would prevent the ethical and moral dilemma by practicing standard 10, providing services or help without discrimination or preference, which is a professional’s responsibility to the public and society (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015). Practicing standards 17 and 27 will also prevent moral dilemmas by accurately representing myself, my qualifications, skills, and experience (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015); this way, I don’t get into situations I cannot handle. I would address the power differentials in my role as an advanced human services professional practitioner by being transparent and trying to connect with whomever I’m trying to help; this will allow them to learn a few things about me as an individual, hopefully building their trust.


Ethical Standards for Human Professionals. (2015). Retrieved from

Teen Substance Use & Risks. (2020, Februrary 10). Retrieved from,blood%20pressure%2C%20and%20sleep%20disorders.

Trends & Statistics. (2022). Retrieved from

What You Need to Know About Teenage Painkiller Addiction. (2022). Retrieved from




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Intercultural communication to cultural interactions reflected in movies

This assignment requires that you watch one movie that deals with intercultural communication and write a 4–5-page critical analysis of the movie. A list of movies is provided. You may also propose to analysis a movie of your own choice, but you will need to explain to me why you would choose such a movie. If you can make good arguments about your choice, you will be allowed to write the analysis about it. 

The goal of the movie analysis is for you to apply your understanding of intercultural communication to cultural interactions reflected in movies. As you watch the movie, you should be reflecting on the ideas we have read for class and discussed online. The movie analysisrequires more than summaries of stories. Your focus should be to make an argument (or arguments) about some aspect(s) of the movie as they relate to intercultural communication. For example, if you believe that the story of the movie shows how prejudices are formed and how categorical thinking and fear of difference impact intercultural communication, then your thesis would state this, and your analysis paper would explain the relationships you see between prejudice and intercultural communication. You should be able to use some examples from themovie to support your thesis and specific arguments. 

Your paper should discuss the cultural aspects that you see in the movie.  What are the artifacts of culture that you recognized?  What were the interactional patterns between people?  What were the underlying values that you saw portrayed?  Some suggestions are as follows:

1. Language, Symbols, and Artifacts (means of communication) – language, dialects preferred, proverbs, signs, jokes, myths, analogies, folklore, art forms, heroes, dances, rituals, children’s games, currency, holidays, history (family, national, and global).

2. Customs, Practices, and Intercultural Patters (means of interaction) – verbal (tone of voice, phrases used) and nonverbal (eye contact, the proximity of stance, gestures) communication patterns, family behaviors, conversational styles (formal-business, casual, ritualized), friendship patterns, community roles, gender roles.

3. Shared Values, Beliefs, Norms, and Expectations (values driving people, groups) – attitudes, religious and spiritual beliefs, fears, laws, standards.

I prefer that you choose a non-documentary movie because movies with a story allow you to really observe a relationship within a culture and to see how a culture affects a relationship. Martial arts/action movies and animated movies made in other countries or in the US are not appropriate for this assignment. 

Analysis Paper Format

In addition to providing some critical, thoughtful insights into intercultural communication, your analysis should also be well organized and clearly written. Your paper will be graded on how clearly you present and develop your thesis and how fully you demonstrate your arguments and ideas. In addition, your work will be graded on the quality of your writing, including organization, grammar, syntax, style, and spelling.

Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, in this typeface (12pt. Times New Roman font) and be 4-5 pages.  Margins should be one inch all around.  


The Color of Friendship (White Southern African/ Afro-American): (USA (2000). Mahree Bok is a white South African teenager and a product of the Apartheid system raised to view dark-skinned people as second-class citizens. Piper Dellums is the daughter of an African AmericanU.S. Congressman living in Washington D.C. When Mahree is chosen to spend her time as an exchange student at the Dellums’s house, she is shocked on her arrival to discover that the Dellums are black, and the Dellums are just as surprised when they realize that Mahree is a white South African. In spite of initial problems, Mahree stays at the Dellums’s house, and step-by-stepMahree and Piper become friends. Their situation forces them to talk about their prejudices and teaches both some lessons about racism and tolerance




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Cultural significance of both of the landmarks to the local people and the impact the locals have on the landmarks

Tavel Photo Essay
Pretend you are a travel writer. Your assignment is to write a travel photo essay highlighting some of the important natural or man-made landmarks unique to a particular location. Your essay will include two different landmarks (man-made or natural) from the same area or region. The two different landmarks can be from a local, national, or international location. Your travel photo essay will include an introduction, two photos with descriptions, and a conclusion.

The first page of your essay will be a title page, presented using APA 7th edition formatting.

The next page will contain a 100-word introduction. The introduction should include why you picked the tourist location and what impact visiting the landmarks had on you.

Insert two photos (from the web or your own photographs) into the essay. Write a 100-word description of each of the landmarks. Place each description below the corresponding image.

Write a 200-word concluding paragraph (summary) about the cultural significance of both of the landmarks to the local people and the impact the locals have on the landmarks. What impact does each of these landmarks have on the shared identity, beliefs, economics, environment, and/or activities of the people living in that community? Are the local people impacting the landmarks positively or negatively? How?

End your essay with a references page that lists all of the sources you used in your essay, set up using APA 7th edition formatting.
The CSU Online Library has fantastic resources that can be used for this assignment. Additionally, the CIA World Fact Book website is a great source of information.
In addition to the two required photos, you are required to use at least one outside information source from the CSU Online Library. You can also use your textbook as a resource. All sources used, including the textbook, library resource, and photo sources (unless they are your own photos), must be cited and referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.




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Cross-cultural evangelism, describe an evangelistic method or technique that you believe to be useful when reaching out to persons from a culture different than your own

Write discussion thread

For those of you who believe in cross-cultural evangelism, describe an evangelistic method or technique that you believe to be useful when reaching out to persons from a culture different than your own. Cite in current APA format a cross cultural evangelism strategy or mission statement from at least 1 evangelistic organization that you at agree or partially agree with. For those of you who do not believe in cross-cultural evangelism, describe why you do not believe in evangelistic outreach across cultural lines. Feel free to reference and cite examples of cross cultural evangelism strategies that you find ineffective or offensive. 

DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS you must post a thread of at least 300 words in response to the provided prompt. For your threads, you must support your assertions with at least 1 citation in current APA format. Acceptable sources include books, journal articles, .edu or .gov websites, the course textbook, etc. A Wikipedia reference will not count towards your minimum citation count


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cultural factors playing a large role in firm effectiveness

In addition to cultural factors playing a large role in firm effectiveness, they can also influence the success of individuals on foreign assignments. As an individual business person interacting in a different culture, it is important to understand how that culture can affect your business and day-to-day activities. 

-Identify three different regional economic integrations in which the US participates. Explain what are the cost and benefits for the USA for belonging to these groups and what will be cost and benefits if the  country will stay out of these integration groupings


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Explain why HAMILTON is considered “a cultural monument?”

 Module 7: Theatre Now: Steps Toward Diversity Chapter Questions Read Chapter 9 “Musicals of the Twenty-First Century” (pages 244 to 246) and Chapter 10 (pages 247 to 260) in your textbook. Choose only 5 of these questions to answer. Write your answers in your own words; if you choose to quote from the textbook, remember to identify the source. Question # Chapter Questions 1 9 Explain how Broadway musicals have changed in the

21st century.

2 9 Explain why HAMILTON is considered “a cultural monument?”

3 10 Identify the current focus/topics of the American theatre’s social awareness.

4 10 Give an example of how current theatre is addressing inequality in each of these areas: (a) gender and sexuality (b) racism (c) access to theatre for people with disabilities

5 10 How has theatre moved from its pre-1960s attitude that plays must not be open about the Love that dare not speak its name? [This expression was first used by Lord Alfred Douglas in his 1894 poem, “Two Loves” written in reference to his intimate relationship with Oscar Wilde.]

6 10 How has race affected black, Latinx, Asian, and Native American playwrights, and how has their theatre work impacted social understanding?

7 10 How have Theatre Breaking Through Barriers and The National Theatre of the Deaf expanded theatre opportunities for performers and audiences?

8 10 Define intersectional theatre in 21st century America, and explain why this is significant


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describe and explain different cultural differences and the importance of recognizing these differences

Late Submission Policy

  • This assignment is subject to the Late Submission penalty policy, namely 5% per day for three days.
  • This page will close and will not allow further submissions after this Late Submission period has expired.
  • In the event of an emergency situation preventing you from submitting within this time frame, special permission must be obtained from your instructor. Documentation substantiating emergency is required. In such a circumstance, if the extension is granted, the professor will reopen the submission function for you on an individual basis.
  • Please do not email your submissions to your professor, either before or after the due date; all coursework should be submitted through the online course (Moodle).


On successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

  • describe and explain different cultural differences and the importance of recognizing these differences,
  • describe the three main types of economies and understand economic development and transition issues, and
  • describe and explain different political and legal systems and understand the increasing importance of CSR and ethics in international business.

Brief Description

The case will focus on issues related to the cultural aspect of international business. Sustainable business practices include CSR issues, foreign investment, and the benefits of regional integration for the countries within, and companies doing business in, that region. The case study analysis will be completed on an individual basis.

Please see the case details in Appendix A.

Submission Instructions

Read the case study and answer the questions that follow. Each answer must be based on facts from the case and all of the course materials. Each answer should be 1-2 pages long for a total submission length of 10 pages maximum (double spaced, 12 pt font), and must be prepared in APA style format.

Case Questions

  1. Cultural understanding is a key factor in this situation. Comment on the importance of this aspect of market entry and development, being sure to discuss the key elements of understanding and working effectively in Mexico.
  2. Using the Hofstede Framework, analyze the Mexican culture with reference to concepts covered in the course materials.
  3. CSR and business practices are another set of critical issues in this case. Describe four CSR issues and explain how these issues can impact a company’s international business activities. 
  4. The Client, in order to develop its Market Entry Strategy fully, will be required to make an investment in Mexico. Explain each of the four means of incorporating risk into market entry strategies if The Client wanted to use an Adaptation Strategy.
  5. The Client will benefit from trading with other countries in the region. Consider the changes arising from the renegotiation of NAFTA to CUSMA and evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of How significant is the trading area for the firm trading across all three member countries?


The overall grading is out of 100. Below is a breakdown of the grade. Note that simply meeting expectations garners an average grade.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated% of Final GradeContent/60a. Describes the importance of cultural understanding in market entry and development/15b. Analyzes Mexican culture using the Hofstede framework./10c. Describes four CSR issues and explains how these issues can impact the client’s successful entry into Mexico /10d. Explain each of the four means of incorporating risk into market entry strategies./10e. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of regional integration especially relating to CUSMA./15Communication/25a. Uses language clearly and effectively. /10b. Information organized intelligently and holistically (i.e., not simply answers to questions)./10c. Proper introduction and conclusion to paper./5Attention to Detail /15a. APA Formatting (title, headings, and references)./10b. Spelling and grammar./5Total/100


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  • describe and explain different cultural differences and the importance of recognizing these differences

    Writers Solution

    Cultural or religious group (different from yours) that you commonly encounter at the workplace

    Start by reading and following these instructions:

    1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

    2. Read the textbook’s required chapter(s) and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

    3. Consider the discussion and any insights you gained from it.

    4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.


    For this assignment, the student will create a PowerPoint Presentation on a cultural group.

    Pick a cultural or religious group (different from yours) that you commonly encounter at the workplace. You can select a group of Pozgar or a different group. Research the answers to the following…

    1. Title Slide with your name (1 slide)
    2. Health beliefs and practices (1-2 slides)
    3. Family patterns (1 slide)
    4. Communication style (1-2 slides)
    5. Space orientation (1-2 slides)
    6. Time orientation (1-2 slides)
    7. Nutritional Patterns (1-2 slides)
    8. Pain Responses (1-2 slides)
    9. Childbirth and perinatal care (1-2 slides)
    10. Death and Dying (1-3 slides)
    11. Spirituality, religion, and faith (include holy days) (1-2 slides)
    12. Prayer and meditation (1-2 slides)
    13. What knowledge did you gain about this group that you were not aware of? (2-3 slides)
    14. Identify at least two ethical healthcare issues that might arise when caring for this cultural group? (2-3 slides)
    15. Reference slides (1-2 slides)

    For this section, insure the information is referenced and cited in your slides. The presentation should start with a title slide and end with reference slides. At least 2 references are required for this assignment. If you include pictures, your pictures should also be referenced and cited.

    Assignment Expectations:

    • Length:
    • Structure:
    • References:
    • Format:
    • Filename:
    • Submission:


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Cultural or religious group (different from yours) that you commonly encounter at the workplace