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In layman’s terms, culture can be defined as the “programming of the mind

In layman’s terms, culture can be defined as the “programming of the mind.”  It is something that is firmly ingrained in us as we grow up.  Based on your experiences here in the United States, what do you think are the things that define American culture?  To put it another way, what are the things that are “uniquely American?”  Describe your points in detail.  Also, given that the US has historically been a cultural melting pot based on immigrants from all across the globe, do you believe that the culture here is more diverse or richer than it is in other countries?  Explain your rationale.

Minimun 275 words

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Explored various aspects of culture and intercultural communication

Oral History Interview
Throughout the course, you have explored various aspects of culture and intercultural communication. To learn more about other people’s cultures and subcultures, conduct an extensive oral history interview with a person who is somewhat older than you and from a different culture or subgroup from you. This person can be a relative or acquaintance who is from a different generation. It can be someone who immigrated to this country either recently or some time ago. Or, it can be someone who belongs to a different subgroup from you and whose cultural experiences you believe would be very different from your own. Obtain permission from the person you are interviewing to record the conversation (either an audio or video recording) or to take handwritten notes during the interview.
Your overarching goals during the oral history interview are
To learn more about the culture and subcultures to which your interview subject belongs.
To determine how their culture and gender have influenced the way they communicate with others.
To discover what issues they have encountered in their life when engaging in intercultural communication.
To relate concepts you have studied in this course to the experiences of this person.
When conducting the interview, ask the interviewee at least six questions from this list (in addition to at least three questions you create specifically for your interviewee):
How far back in time can the person remember? What is your interviewee’s first childhood memory? (Consider how it reflects the interview subject’s culture or subculture?)
What does the person remember of the experience of being an immigrant or a subgroup member in that time?
Which impressions or experiences from that time are most vivid to your interviewee today?
If your interviewee immigrated to this country, what was the country of origin like in terms of geography, government, transportation, economic system, and education system? If your interviewee was raised in this country, what were these aspects of life like during childhood?
What does the person recall of the communication with members of the dominant culture? What barriers to effective communication did your interviewee encounter?
In the United States today, what is different about your interviewee’s life in terms of language, religion, family customs, diet, recreation, and work, as compared to childhood?
What role did the news media play in the interview subject’s life and in supporting or contesting the views of the interview subject’s culture? How did the media influence the subject’s individual beliefs and opinions about males and females, masculinity and femininity, and other aspects of gender belief systems and views about race and ethnicity? (Cite specific examples given to you regarding these two specific issues.)
If your interview subject spoke a different native language, ask your interviewee to discuss differences between that language and English (consider the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis).
What are some of the most significant differences in day-to-day life in the past versus today?
In addition, you must ask at least three original questions that are specifically tailored to the individual that you are interviewing. You should expect to spend at least 30 minutes interviewing your subject, but some interviews will go longer. Do not rush your interviewee! Give your subject the freedom to talk as long as possible in answering each of your questions.
As part of this assignment, submit a copy of your interview. The following options are acceptable ways of submitting a copy of your interview:
Submit an audio file of the interview to Waypoint. (If you use an audio file, please make sure you copy the link onto your Word document and then upload the document.)
Submit a video file of the interview to Waypoint. (If you use a video or screencast, please make sure you copy the link onto a Word document and then upload the document.)
Create a typed transcript of the interview and submit it as a separate document to Waypoint.
Include in your Final Project a hyperlink to a website where the interview can be watched/heard.
For your Final Project in this course, create a report of the oral history interview that you conducted. To create this report, review your recording of the interview and any notes you took during it, and write a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper (excluding the title and references pages), in which you discuss aspects of this person’s culture and/or subcultures and communication issues related to your interviewee’s cultural identity.
In your paper
Define the concept of intercultural communication.
Explain what can be learned about intercultural communication by conducting an oral interview.
Identify the name of the person you interviewed and their relationship to you.
Create a thesis statement that previews the conclusions you reached as a result of conducting this interview.
Describe the interview subject’s cultural background and the culture and/or subcultures to which your subject belongs.
Analyze the interview subject’s answers to each of the questions you asked during your interview to connect the concepts covered in this course (do not simply provide a transcript of the interview subject’s answers).
Conclude what you learned about intercultural communication as a result of conducting this oral history interview.
Your paper should be written in paragraph form, not in a question and answer format. Thus, you must weave the information you present into a coherent narrative form, paraphrasing the information gleaned from the interview or using direct quotations from your interview subject, as appropriate. Your primary sources of information for this paper will be the interview subject. However, it is important that you also reference material you have studied in the text and other course resources to help support your analysis of your interview subject’s answers. Every chapter in the course text is potentially of relevance to the Final Project, depending on who you interview and what that person focuses on.
Please note: If you received feedback from a Writing Center consultant on your draft from Week 3, please be sure to submit a second document describing, in one paragraph, how you revised your rough draft based on this feedback. This document will be in addition to your Final Project. This additional document describing your revisions based on the feedback you received from the Writing Center is evidence of enhancement of your draft and can raise your score for the final assignment, so be sure to submit it along with your Final Project if you have done this. Working with the Writing Center is highly recommended, but not required.
Please note that if you are a Communications Studies major, this assignment will be an element in your graduation portfolio. If you have not set up your portfolio yet, you may do so by selecting Folio from the menu in your classroom on the left-hand side. If you have set up your portfolio, you can access it the same way. You will be working with your portfolio extensively in the Communications capstone course, COM480. If you are a Communications Studies major, please add this paper to your portfolio. Other students are not required to do this. View the Folio Quick Start Guide for guidance.
For your reference, these are the elements that are required to be included in your portfolio:
COM101 Week 1 assignment “Perspective on Communication” and Final Paper “Personal Communication Skills Assessment”
COM223 Final Paper “Persuasive Campaign for Online Education”
COM325 Final Paper
COM345 Final Project
COM355 Final Paper “The Future of Communication Technology”
COM370 Week 1 assignment “Personal Cultural Profile” and Final Project “Oral History Interview” (This Paper)
COM425 Final Paper
SPE103 A speech of your choice from the class
The Oral History Interview Final Project
Must be at least 1,500 to 2000 words in length (not including title and references pages), double spaced, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following (see Sample APA Title Page):
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph (see Introductions and Conclusions) with a succinct thesis statement (see Writing a Thesis Statement).
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must use at least six references (one may be the textbook); include additional resources found on the University of Arizona Global Campus Library Library website.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Be sure to integrate your research rather than simply inserting it (see Integrating Research).
Must include a conclusion that summarizes the main points and restates the thesis (see Introductions and Conclusions).
Must document all sources in text in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (see Citing Within Your Paper).
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (see Formatting Your References List).
Resource: Before you submit your written assignment, you are encouraged to review The Grammarly Guide: How to Set Up & Use Grammarly tutorial, set up a Grammarly account (if you have not already done so), and use Grammarly to review a rough draft of your assignment. Then carefully review all issues identified by Grammarly and revise your work as needed

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An organizational culture must be created where employees feel a personal commitment to contributing to the ethical behavior of their organization

An organizational culture must be created where employees feel a personal commitment to contributing to the ethical behavior of their organization. A firm’s reputation depends on its ethical culture. Both clients and employees must want to be involved with this organization because they trust its reputation. They believe in this organization. Supporting an ethics program that trains all employees to handle ethics issues is critical to maintaining the firm’s reputation. A code of conduct that outlines the firm’s core values, ethical standards, and ethical expectations helps guide those processes.

What particular “ingredients” should be included in an ethics program in order to attract clients and the best employees?

Part I: Craft your response as a “recipe” for an effective code of ethics and business conduct (e.g., two portions professional conduct, half a portion of fairness, one portion respect for others).

Part II: Explain why you chose those particular ingredients, and justify the measurements for each.

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The culture box “Elite Women and Economic Power

The cult of Machismo (masculine superiority) appeared early in Latin America (page 23 in this week’s assigned reading), yet many colonial Latin American families contradicted this stereotype. Explain the evidence the authors present that contradicts this prevailing gender image. Be sure to review the culture box “Elite Women and Economic Power” on page 24. Textbook provided

Modern Latin America, 9th Edition – 180 Day Option





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Tang China was the center of culture and civilization in Asia

Tang China was the center of culture and civilization in Asia.  The Korean kingdoms and Japan borrowed heavily from Chinese culture during this period.  Why did they borrow so heavily?  What did they borrow from China?  What did they not borrow from China?  If you were to list the three most important elements borrowed from China, what would they be?





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history of capitalism. How has the development of capitalism impacted U.S. culture?

The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice, develop, and hone your dialogical skills.    This discussion is not meant as a place for you to do processing.  It is a public space to share your most well-crafted and theoretical thinking.  Your best writing is expected.  Our discussions are also not a place for you to express opinion; rather it is where you articulate well thought out and supported thinking.   You will save your internal thinking and processing for your journals writing.

Total 2 paragraph, one each answers the questions below. 

Chapter 8 focuses on the impact of capitalism on intercultural communication. Drawing on the chapter and and other class activities please discuss one or all of these:

  • Provide a brief overview of the history of capitalism. How has the development of capitalism impacted U.S. culture?
  • In the context of globalization, capitalism is increasingly affecting countries with developing economies. Discuss the likely impact of the culture of capitalism on these cultures.
  • Why is an understanding of capitalism important for the study of culture and intercultural communication today?

Chapter 1Identify the six points of entry into intercultural praxis and explain how you can use them for more effective intercultural interactions and relationships





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North American Indian Culture That Flourished before the Arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors

Write 2 pages with APA style on North American Indian Culture That Flourished before the Arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors.

One of the key characteristics of Native Americans is their unique genealogy, which derives from African and Asian populations.&nbsp. Although this connection is not the most intuitive, anthropological studies using genetic markers have substantiated this understanding.&nbsp. In the late medieval period, they were believed to have adopted a hunter-gatherer mode of life.&nbsp. It is an important revelation, for everywhere else in the world agriculture and urbanization has already become entrenched.&nbsp. Bison was a great stock prey during the time as the ecology of the Great Plains suited it well. In many of the cave paintings from this period, we can see how bison was an emblematic animal for the entire community.

The breadth and width of the continent’s landscape, with its varied climates, geographies and ecologies, made adapting to local conditions an imperative. As a result, we see a different set of customs and norms being practiced in the Great Basin, Pacific Coast or Eastern Woodlands.&nbsp. Likewise, in contrast to the widespread adoption of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, native Indian cultures of South-western and Woodland Burial Mound regions practised agriculture. The social organization of these regions was also different, in that they were chiefdoms, with a definite hierarchy among its members.&nbsp.

Just as Spanish Conquistadors started trickling into the continent in the late 15th century, the Meso-American culture became predominant.&nbsp. This unique culture retained many key traits of the community’s traditions while also including new elements that they were introduced to.&nbsp. It is an unfortunate fact of history that despite the amicable and warm welcome of the conquistadors by native Americans, the former did not reciprocate the hospitality.&nbsp. After having acquainted themselves with the exotic culture of the natives, the conquistadors systematically proceeded to dominate the defenceless natives.&nbsp. Those who had the courage to resist domination and exploitation were ruthlessly rounded up and executed. As a consequence, within a few decades of the arrival of the Spanish expeditions, the Native American population diminished drastically.&nbsp. This pattern has continued for a century or more and reached a point of near-extermination of these people.&nbsp. It continues to remain one of the greatest acts of genocide in the history of humanity.&nbsp. It is all the more tragic because the culture and social values of the victims were very rich and vibrant.&nbsp. The proof for this assertion lies in the great colour and wisdom of their customs, practices and norms witnessed at the time of the arrival of the Spanish expeditions.&nbsp. Their lives during this period were far from barbaric as the perpetrators of their oppression would have us believe.&nbsp





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What role do you believe has the coach and/or manager/ CEO played in the development and fostering of team culture and elite team performance?

Instructions: Task: i. Choose a successful sporting team that you are familiar with (can be either international or domestic or a team that you are currently involved with)
I’ve chosen Real Madrid sports Club – From Spain
What are the key elements that make this successful?
iii. What role do you believe has the coach and/or manager/ CEO played in the development and fostering of team culture and elite team performance?
iv. How has technology/innovation affected the way teams are managed?
v. Compare the way this team functions and the responsibilities of the key coaching staff within the organisation and to a poor performing team.
vi. Identify 2 positive ways your successful sports team functions and 2 negatives for a poor performing team.
vii. What style of leadership is evident in both of the examples listed above?
Your Report should incorporate the following key sections:
Introduction – set the context by presenting your overall topic, discussing any selected references you plan to use to demonstrate your overall argument. Main Body – discuss your argument and examine new insights/practices that have emerged and the underlying assumptions of these new innovations.
Compare and contrast how management of teams has evolved as a result of changes in technology. Approach the topic from various points of view e.g. what are the implications?
What are the new questions emerging from such new technologies?
Conclusion: summarise your argument to draw a concluding statement. References: present a reference list with at least three (3) references from quality sources, ensure the referencing is consistent throughout. Layout: double-space your text and use 2.5-centimetre margins. Pages should be numbered, with the numbers appearing in the bottom right-hand corner of the pages.





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      • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. What role do you believe has the coach and/or manager/ CEO played in the development and fostering of team culture and elite team performance?
      • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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culture and the impact of its culture on its performance

The objective of this assignment is to take an organization and describe its culture and the impact of its culture on its performance. After choosing your organization, use the following questions to guide your analysis of the culture. Organizations can be chosen from media sources such as
newspapers, magazines, videos and blogs. You also can choose an organization
where you work or have worked in the past. Make sure you choose an organization
where you have enough information to draw conclusions.
Cite all references used in your research.

  1. Describe the organization’s culture through its values, rituals, beliefs,
    language, architecture, stories, heroes and artifacts.
  2. Discuss the leadership of the organization and its relationship to the culture.
  3. How does the culture of the organization reflect the industry and
    environment in which that company conducts business?
  4. How would you advise a new employee to behave and in this culture?
    Your paper should be a maximum of three (3) pages, double-spaced in a Microsoft
    Word document. The page count suggested is the maximum, but answers can be
    shorter if they are well written, concise and include a depth of content.



Organizational culture: Southwest Airlines

Organizational culture captures the mission, vision and values of an organization. It is reflected in the organizational goals, interaction and communication of the organization’s stakeholders on a daily basis (Kotter, 2011). .

According to Jeanne Urich and David Hofferberth there are four types of organizational culture: competitive, controlled, creative and collaborative (Hofferberth and Urich, 2012). A company that ascribes to the collaborative organizational culture is Southwest Airlines.

Started in 1971 with four planes, Southwest Airlines is now America’s biggest flyer of domestic passengers. It has been profitable for 44 consecutive years, and now employs over 52,000 people. The major strength of the company is its organizational culture. Its core values are “warrior spirit, servant’s heart and fun-LUVing attitude” (Indeed, 2016). Apart from hard work and perseverance, the employees are encouraged to embody proactive customer care and lighthearted fun in all their activities.

The strong corporate culture at Southwest Airlines can be traced to its founder, Herb Kelleher who believed that happy employees lead to happy customers that in turn lead to strong financial performance of a company. This attitude has been carried forward to present-day company leaders who have been cited as informative, supportive and fair: “They don’t take themselves too seriously which makes for a great corporate culture” notes a former employee (Indeed, 2018).

Southwest Airlines hires primarily based on attitude of the prospective employee rather than their skills as noted by Julie Webber, the Vice President People, “We’re not going to hire a pilot who has a great attitude but can’t fly a plane!  But, if it comes down to two equally qualified candidates, the one with Southwest values will receive the offer. And, more importantly, when we’re faced with a qualified candidate who doesn’t have the right values, we won’t make an offer – no matter how long the job has gone unfilled” (Indeed, 2016).

Consequently, new Southwest employees would be advised to have a great attitude in addition to the requisite skills. It is also important that they be committed to service and having fun in the process.

To ensure the organization maintains happy employees and happy customers, Southwest has embraced appreciation, recognition, and celebration. It has culture committees that are committed to appreciating each of their employees. In addition to encouraging informal recognition among the employees, the company also formally recognizes the employees through awards, career development programs and benefits. The awards include the Winning Spirit Award and the President’s Award while there are training programs for the company’s employees. The employees also receive various benefits that include food services and free flights. There are celebrations that include anniversaries to mark service milestones and life events for its employees. There are also annual companywide celebrations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



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Organizational Culture and Readiness for System

Before making a case for an evidence-based project, it is essential to understand the culture of the organization in order to begin assessing its readiness for EBP implementation.1.Complete the \”Organizational Culture and Readiness for System-Wide Integration of Evidence-Based Practice Survey,\” located in the textbook appendix.2.Develop an analysis of 250 words *300 words from the results, addressing your organization\’s readiness level, possible project barriers and facilitators, as well as how to integrate clinical inquiry.3.Make sure to include the rationale for the survey categories scores that were significantly high and low, incorporating details and/or examples. Also explain how to integrate clinical inquiry into the organization, providing strategies that strengthen the organizations weaker areas.4.Submit a summary of your results. The actual survey results do not need to be included.





Organizational Culture and Readiness for System-Wide Integration of Evidence-Based Practice Survey

A survey was carried out in our health facility to determine the level of readiness in the organizational culture for the implementation of evidence based practices. In this survey, one hundred nurses were interview on whether they had any reservations to the implementation of the Evidence based practices and what those reservations were. The research findings were as follows:

Barrier To EBP

Percentage of nurses

Insufficient time 


Lack of interest


Lack of staff


Inadequate training


Lack of understanding for its value


Fear of negative consequences



From this analysis it was evident that the members of my organization were not ready for the proposed implementation of evidence based practices. Most of them had multiple reasons why they would not be willing to embrace evidence based practices at the moment.  One major reason was inadequate time to research synthesize and understand the available literature on proven methods and practices given that they are few in number. Inadequate training on how to go about the implementation was also an issue…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Organizational Culture and Readiness for System


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