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New Industry (Electric Vehicle) & Automotive Industry (Current) 

Assignment details: New Industry (Electric Vehicle) & Automotive Industry (Current) 

1.     Analyze Rivalry Among Existing Competitors

Intense competition for market share can limit a company’s profits when diversifying into a new industry. Consider these questions as you describe the rivalry in your company’s existing industry.

* How many competitors currently supply engines for the automotive manufacturing industry?

* What is each competitor’s position? How much of the market share has each one captured?

* Do these companies compete intensely in the automotive industry? If so, do they engage in rivalry and lower prices to gain market share?

* Do companies compete to provide additional services or constant innovation?

Describe the rivalry among your company’s existing competitors (supplying engines to the automotive manufacturing industry).

  1. Examine Conflict Among Current Competitors
    When expanding into a new industry, a company’s profitability may be constrained by fierce rivalry for market share. As you discuss the competition in the current industry your firm is in, take into account these questions.
  • How many suppliers of engines are there today for the vehicle manufacturing industry?
  • Where does each rival stand? What percentage of the market has each one seized?
  • Do these businesses engage in fierce competition in the automobile sector? If so, do they compete with one another and cut costs to increase their market share?
  • Do businesses compete to offer more services or to innovate constantly?
    Describe the competition amongst the current rivals of your business (which provides engines to the car manufacturing industry).
  1. Examine potential threats posed by new competitors
    Determine if it is simple or difficult for new businesses to start supplying engines to the car manufacturing sector. Then, use the form below to present your conclusions. Always keep the following questions in mind:
    Are there numerous laws or legal obstacles that businesses must overcome before they can start providing engines to the car manufacturing industry?
  • Does acquiring the knowledge required to create products or offer services to the market come at a significant cost?
  • How many businesses are ready to join the automotive sector?
    Describe the dangers posed by new competitors in the car manufacturing sector.
  1. Examine the Suppliers’ Bargaining Power
    Analyze the potential influence raw material suppliers may have on pricing increases. Be careful to respond to these inquiries:
    Are there numerous suppliers, or just a select few, that offer the raw components for your product?
  • Does supplier competition influence the price of some raw materials?
    Is it probable that the price of raw materials will increase if one supplier effectively has a monopoly on certain of them? In general, how will supplier negotiating strength impact the price and simplicity of getting the materials required to sell in the automobile industry?
    Describe the car manufacturing industry’s suppliers’ negotiating position.
  1. Examine the Risk of Replacing Products
    Analyze the danger posed by replacement items for the car sector. Make sure you respond to the following inquiries:
  • Are new items in this sector on the horizon that might challenge those already on the market?
  • What may these rival products be?
  • Are these potential rival products’ production costs lower than those of the market’s present offerings?
  • Are these potential rival items superior in other ways?
  • Could these potential rival items drive your business off the market?
    Describe the danger posed by alternative items for those made in the automobile sector.
  1. Examine the Buyers’ Bargaining Power
    The more pressure customers may apply to your business to offer goods and services for less, the less customers you have. As you assess the negotiating capacity of purchasers, take into account the following:
    The number of organizations or consumer groups that now purchase the engines that your business produces for the automobile manufacturing sector. If there are just a few clients, are they able to exert pressure on the manufacturer to decrease the price of the goods. Exist any groups that allow a sizable consumer base to get together and exert pressure on a company to lower the price of its goods?
    Describe the buying power of the market in the production of automobiles. Describe the buying power of the market in the production of automobiles.
Writers Solution

Current or emerging trends of drug use in Australia

  1. Identify two (2) examples of existing information will you need to know about the client when commencing an assessment and where you may source this information. (100 words) 
House Medical Aod use Present oad use Presenting issue Source; review client referral form, reserech online, consult with relevant healthcare professional, phone calls, emails Background If interpreter is needed
  • Research and discuss two (2) current or emerging trends of drug use in Australia. Ensure you cite your research. (100-150 words)
Cocaine Vaping Alcohol weed  
  • Identify three (3) reasons for a client seeking help for AOD related issues (20-30 words)
Family/family reason Health reason Employment/legal reason; court order
  • Discuss three (3) legislations including one (1) specific AOD legislation, and their relevance when working in the AOD sector. (50 words)
AOD Mental health whs  
  • Identify and discuss three (3) examples of organisational policies and procedures related to working in the AOD Sector. (50 words)
Duty of care Whs Privacy/confidentiality Child protection
  • Discuss three (3) examples of risk assessments you may undertake when working with clients with drug and/or alcohol and co-existing issues. (40-50 words)  
Suicide Aod Poverty/homelessness overdose
  • Discuss three (3) strategies you may utilise to work effectively with clients at risk of suicide, self-harm and/or mental health issues. (50-100 words)  
Communication strategies Strengthen connection to live Work on the clients social life/holistic approuch
  • Discuss how you would work with professionals, aged care providers and those providing home-based supports to older people who have alcohol or other drug related issues. In your response outline any possible risks and how you would attempt to mitigate the risks when providing supports (70-100 words)  
  • Outline how you would record discussions, outcomes, and variances to the client’s assessment. (30-50 words)  
Precise Locked Objective Truth; no assumption, personal believe, no opinion
  1. Who may require a copy of any records, variances, or discussions from the client’s assessment and/or intervention, and what considerations must you ensure prior to releasing this information (30-50 words).
  1. State five (5) client issues that may determine service requirements outside of your scope and provide an example of a service you may refer to (20-30 words each).
    Table 14 Scope and referrals  
Client issue outside of your scopeSuitable service/ program including name, and a brief explanation of the services they provide.
Legal issue 
Counselling accommodation 
Financial (centerlink/banking 
  1. Complete the tables below by listing two (2) rights and responsibilities for clients, workers, and employers.

a) ClientsTable 15 Rights and Responsibilities: clients


b) WorkersTable 16 Rights and Responsibilities: workers


c) EmployersTable 17 Rights and Responsibilities: employers

  1. Complete the table:  

Looking at the table below, explain how each of these factors may impact clients seeking help for AOD related issues (30-40 words each)

Table 18 Short Answer Questions 

FactorsYour response
Age of the client 
Developmental status of the client 
Cultural Background 
Impact of trauma 
Forced or voluntary migrated clients  
People with disabilities 
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Clients  
Older persons with co-existing health conditions 
Mandated clients or those with legal issues. 
Health issues 
Geographic location 
  1. Using the following table, provide a brief description of the listed AOD Screening Tools, their purpose and their benefits and limitations. (40-50 per screening tool) 
    1. ASSIST 

Table 19 Research on Screening Tools – ASSIST 

 Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) 
Key components within the tool  
Suitability/ target audience  
Where to locate/ how to source  
  • Severity of Dependency Scale (SDS) 

Table 20 Research on Screening Tools – SDS 

Severity of Dependency Scale (SDS)  
Key components within the tool 
Suitability/ target audience 
Where to locate/ how to source 

c) AUDIT  

Table 21 Research on Screening Tools – AUDIT 

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)  
Key components within the tool  
Suitability/ target audience  
Where to locate/ how to source  


Table 22 Research on Screening Tools – DUDIT 

Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) 
Key components within the tool  
Suitability/ target audience  
Where to locate/ how to source  
  1. Drugs can typically be categorised by the class of drugs, their primary properties, their harms and how they are usually administered.  Research the drugs below and provide the relevant information as per the table. Each substance table response should be between 100-200 words not including your references. 
    1. Alcohol

Table 23 Research on Alcohol 

Primary Properties   
How drug is ingested  
Signs and symptoms of use  
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal  
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others  
Preventative/ interventions strategiesBrief intervention Harm minimization strategies, detox, 3d – delay distract and decide, prevention strategies 
 Source of Information: 
  1. Cannabis  

Table 24 Research on Cannabis 

Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use 
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategiesAssist
Source of Information: 
  • Tobacco 

Table 25 Research on Tobacco 

Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use  
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategiesHarm minimization, early intervention, Tabs, nicotine sensation strategies
Source of Information: 
  • Illicit Drugs – Select an illicit drug and complete the table 

Table 26 Research on Illicit Drugs 

Illicit Drug
Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use 
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategies
Source of Information:  
  • Prescription drug – select a prescription drug and complete the table 

Table 27 Research on Prescription Drugs 

Prescription Drugs
Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use 
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategies 
Source of Information: 
  1. Using the following table, provide a description and example for each of the five (5) patterns of drug use (50 – 100 words per model)

Table 28 Patterns of Drug Use

Pattern of UseDescriptionExample
Recreational/ Social   
Poly Drug Use  
  1. Behaviour can be influenced by a range of factors, such as culture, family situation and the community that a person lives in.

Using the topic of alcohol use to frame your answer, provide examples of how each of these factors could influence a person’s decision to consume, use heavily, or abstain from alcohol.
(20-30 words per response)
Table 29 Contexts of Behaviour

Context of behaviourExample of how each context can influence behaviour

  1. For each of the items below:
  2. Describe how the following approaches in brief intervention practice may benefit the client seeking assistance
  3. Provide an example of the approach being used in a situation with a community/health service client.
    (200-250 words for the whole table)
    Table 30 Intervention approaches and benefits
Approach to support behaviour changeBenefits of the approachExample of the approach in action
Raising awareness  
Sharing information and resources.  
Exploring concerns and strategies  
Helping the person express their feelings, make decisions, and set goals  
Highlighting the benefits of change  
Giving positive feedback and encouragement  
Offering time and support  
Referring to other sources of assistance  
Assessing the persons nutrition and environmental health or wellbeing  

Assessment Feedback 

NOTE: This section must have the assessor signature and student signature to complete the feedback. 

Assessment outcome 

☐ Satisfactory 

☐ Unsatisfactory 

Assessor Feedback 

☐ Has the Assessment Declaration on page 1 of the assessment been signed and dated by the student? 

☐ Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work? 

☐ Was the assessment event successfully completed? 

☐ If no, was the resubmission/re-assessment successfully completed? 

☐ Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event? 
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document. 



Assessor name, signature, and date: 


Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome 

Would you like to make any comments about this assessment? 


Student name, signature, and date 

Miodesta UWANDU

NOTE: Make sure you have typed your name at the bottom of each page of your submission before submitting to your assessor for marking. 





  • Current or emerging trends of drug use in Australia
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    Describe areas of the current training that are deficient.

    For this assignment, you will assess your organization’s customer service training. You will focus on the analyze and design phases of the ADDIE model (analysis, design, develop, implement, and evaluate). You will not be developing, implementing, or evaluating a new training.

    After analyzing your existing customer service training, design a new program with improvements. Prepare a memo to your leadership team explaining how the customer service training program can be improved upon to ensure that employee and organizational behaviors align with excellent customer service.

    Include the components listed below in your memo:

    • Describe areas of the current training that are deficient.
    • Define the industry standards and best practices that should be used as a model to establish the foundation of your program.
    • Identify behaviors and testing models that can be implemented when onboarding new employees—or as a continuing education process for current employees.
    • Describe measurable customer service standards.
    • Explain behaviors consistent with good customer service.
    • Recommend steps the organization should take to develop and implement a new customer service training program. Include specific information about issues facing your community.

    Your completed assignment must be at least two pages in length. At a minimum, you must cite and reference the eTextbook and one outside source for your analysis. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment




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    Describe areas of the current training that are deficient


    For this assignment, you will assess your organization’s customer service training. You will focus on the analyze and design phases of the ADDIE model (analysis, design, develop, implement, and evaluate). You will not be developing, implementing, or evaluating a new training.

    After analyzing your existing customer service training, design a new program with improvements. Prepare a memo to your leadership team explaining how the customer service training program can be improved upon to ensure that employee and organizational behaviors align with excellent customer service.

    Include the components listed below in your memo:

    • Describe areas of the current training that are deficient.
    • Define the industry standards and best practices that should be used as a model to establish the foundation of your program.
    • Identify behaviors and testing models that can be implemented when onboarding new employees—or as a continuing education process for current employees.
    • Describe measurable customer service standards.
    • Explain behaviors consistent with good customer service.
    • Recommend steps the organization should take to develop and implement a new customer service training program. Include specific information about issues facing your community.

    Your completed assignment must be at least two pages in length. At a minimum, you must cite and reference the eTextbook and one outside source for your analysis. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment




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    Current Events in Macroeconomics – GDP and CPI

    Topic: Current Events in Macroeconomics – GDP and CPI

    Macroeconomics is much more than just what you read in a textbook. It is what happens every day, the sum of everything that affects the well-being of all. In fact, macroeconomics affects everyone throughout the country and the world. 

    Choose one of the two options below and pay particular attention to any discussion relating to the macroeconomics concepts addressed in the current unit. After listening or reading, answer the following questions:

    1. What important new things did you learn?

    2. Did the topics discussed in the article or podcast relate to your personal experience in any way? If so, how? If not, how do you believe it could?

    3. How does this new knowledge relate to the concepts being explored in this unit and how they impact the entire economy?

    4. Based on what you learned, what action(s), if any, do you think the government, or society, should take?

    Option 1: Podcast

    Choose any podcast related to the macroeconomics concepts addressed in the current unit, then choose a specific current episode of that podcast. Examples of acceptable economic-oriented podcasts include:

    · NPR’s Marketplace

    · NPR’s Planet Money

    · Bloomberg’s Stephanomics

    · The New Economics Foundation’s Weekly Economics

    If you are unfamiliar with podcasts, use any of the above options or just search for economics podcasts. You may also use TED Talks about economic issues. 

    Option 2: Magazine or Newspaper Article

    Using the  Library’s Publication Finder  tab, search for a magazine or newspaper that publishes economic-related content. Select a current article related to at least one of the macroeconomics concepts addressed in the current unit.

    Examples of magazines and newspapers publishing economic-related content include:

    · The Economist

    · Harvard Business Review

    · New York Times

    · Wall Street Journal


    · Summarize your chosen podcast or article.

    · Identify at least three things from the podcast or article that you believe are relevant to current macroeconomic policy.

    · Add YOUR personal comments and experiences. 

    · Cite your podcast or article in APA format. Podcast references are covered in the Writing Center’s page on  Common Citations and References in APA Style (7th Ed.) , under “Audio Works.” Click the Library link under the Academic Tools section of this course to review APA style in the Business Resource Guide, as needed. 

    · Review the discussion rubric linked below to ensure you have addressed all grading criteria


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    banking structure of the firm in terms of current and past investments

    Research Paper: Part I

    Do it on Microsoft.

    In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a final paper on a publicly traded company of your choice. You will complete this paper over several units in this course. For this assignment, you will be completing the first part of this project. It would be a good idea to read all of the milestones of this assignment in the units that follow to ensure that the company you choose has sufficient information to complete the project. For this first assignment, follow the instructions below.

    Select the company you will be researching for your paper. Compose a brief paper that gives an overview of your company. Your summary should include the following: the type of firm, the banking structure of the firm in terms of current and past investments, what industry it is in, and any relevant history or background information. Make sure to also incorporate how the firm currently structures its capital by identifying banking relationships.

    Your paper must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least two academic sources. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment


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    current article related to a patient’s rights being violated by a health care provider



    Review a current article related to a patient’s rights being violated by a health care provider. The article can be taken from a wide variety of journals, magazines, and newspapers, such as Hospitals, National Law Journal, Business Week, Newsweek, Time, and The New York Times. You can also choose an article from the CSU Online Library.

    • Provide a summary of the article.
    • Discuss the facts of the case.
    • Indicate whether the violation was an example of negligence or an intentional tort. Explain your reasoning.
    • Discuss the outcome, and state if you agree or not and why or why not.
    • Explain the responsibility of health care providers to protect their patients from harm.
    • State three lessons to be learned from the case.

    Use subheadings for each of the sections to be discussed.Your review of the article must be at least two pages in length and use at least three sources, including the article being reviewed. One source must come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this review, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


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    Current and future trends as they relate to financial implications you may face


    As a grade level leader, there will be many times when you wish to share research and trends with your staff and community. Unfortunately, these are all busy people and do not often have the time or motivation to read lengthy articles or books. A “white paper” is one way to share that information in a short, concise, researched paper. By providing this kind of thoughtful work to your staff and community, not only will you increase the likelihood that your audience will read the material, but your staff and community will see you in a more scholarly and trustworthy manner.


    Teachers, and the school systems that employ them, face many challenges during the school year. COVID-19 has taken educational challenges to a new level regarding continued safety and meeting the requirements set forth by federal, state, and local leaders. Imagine that you are the grade level leader of a school where COVID-19 has impacted your community. You are charged by the school board with providing a safe, healthy, and secure school. You need to make sure teachers are using current technology and teaching methods, and that your school is preparing students to be productive 21st-century citizens. The recent COVID-19 virus has shown that your school lacks the bandwidth, equipment, and technology to transition to a virtual learning environment and this has caused concern in the local community; however, the community also believes that the school is adequate if only teachers would work harder.

    You are faced with the task of opening your school during this trying time. You need to make sure the protocols are in place such as the proper social distancing and safety equipment (masks, plexiglass, etc.) for all who enter the school building. The financial implications are a concern for you and the community. Will you need more tables or student desks to adhere to the social distancing requirements? Will you have to lay off any employees (lunchroom workers, bus drivers, janitors) due to a modified school schedule?

    Write a white paper that addresses these current and future trends as they relate to financial implications you may face. Explain in the paper whether you will require more or less funds to maintain the educational level your community is accustomed to. Also, include why you may or may not need additional funds to support an overall upgrade for the school that may include more technology and equipment which would create a positive virtual learning environment during this and any future crisis. Be as creative as you can to determine the best source of where the possible funds will come from.

    Your white paper should be 4–5 pages and should follow this format:

    The Problem
    Proof the Problem Exists
    Additional Problems
    The Basic Solution
    Your Solution (how much funding you need, and where should it come from)
    Minimum of three resources

    This white paper guide may be helpful:

    Mattern, J. (2020, May 1). How to write a white paper [Blog post]. Retrieved from


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    Statistical data related to a current event

    STEP 1: Visit one of the following newspapers’ websites: USA Today, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or Washington Post. Select an article that uses statistical data related to a current event, your major, your current field, or your future career goal. The chosen article must have been published after the start of this term.

    Examples may include:

    • Elections/exit polls
    • Award shows (Oscars/Emmys/Grammys)
    • Sports
    • Economy/job market
    • Gender equality
    • Human rights issues

    The article should use one or more of the following categories of descriptive statistics:

    • Measures of Frequency – Counting Rules, Percent, Frequency, Frequency Distributions
    • Measures of Central Tendency – Mean, Median, Mode
    • Measures of Dispersion or Variation – Range, Variance, Standard Deviation
    • Measures of Position – Percentile, Quartiles

    Note: Once you navigate to a publication’s website, it may be easiest to do a search with a statistics-related word (ex: standard deviation).

    Part A: 

    1. Provide a summary of the article you have chosen by identifying the purpose and what real-world problem it is addressing/trying to solve. Include the following information:(Bulleted format, as shown below, is acceptable). • Topic (what real world problem does this study address?)  • Date of publication/study.• Author/Researchers.• Audience for the article.• Why the article was written.

    2. Explain which category(s) of descriptive statistics is used in the study and how it is used to communicate the information found in the study and/or any conclusions/solutions posed (1–2 paragraphs). Make sure to clearly connect your explanation to the purpose/real world problem the article is addressing.  

    3. Describe several connections, using specific examples, between the information presented/the problem and its larger impact to the world/your major/current job/future career goal. (1–2 paragraphs). 

    4. Recommend several highly relevant and valid solutions based on the mathematical and visual data provided in the article.

    Part B: This must be a PowerPoint !

    An additional part of the application process requires you to create a presentation based on the information provided above. To do so, choose an audience (outside of the field of mathematics) that could benefit from the information you will present: 

    5. Create one visualization of the data appropriate for the conference audience (1 slide). Make sure that your visualization includes appropriate titles, labels, colors, and text. Note: If the article already contains a visual, you must create a different type of graph or chart. 

    6. Explain how the audience can benefit from the data (1 slide).

    STEP 4: In the notes section of your final slide, answer the following questions:

    • Explain why you chose the audience in Part B.
    • Describe how the visuals used in the PowerPoint are appropriate for the audience.

    Please cite all sources . Will be checked for plagiarism


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    upholding and pro- moting compliance with the current American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) position on Procedural Interventions Exclu- sively Performed by Physical Therapists

    Physical Therapists and Direction Of Mobilization/Manipulation: An Educational Resource Paper


    SPETEMBER 2013



    INTRODUCTION This white paper outlines the importance of upholding and pro- moting compliance with the current American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) position on Procedural Interventions Exclu- sively Performed by Physical Therapists. This position impacts all aspects of the physical therapy profession, including clinical practice, regulation, licensure, and education. Historical and sup- porting information related to Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists address the patient safety, practice, education, and legislative/regulatory implications of this position on the physical therapy profession.

    BACKGROUND Since 1998, APTA’s Guide to Physical Therapist Practice1 has defined mobilization/manipulation as “a manual therapy technique comprised of a continuum of skilled passive movements that are applied at varying speeds and amplitudes, including a small ampli- tude/high velocity therapeutic movement.” To achieve a common language for describing this area of the physical therapist’s scope of practice, the terms “thrust” and “nonthrust” manipulation were established to replace the previous terms “manipulation” and “mo- bilization,” respectively. The APTA Manipulation Education Manual for Physical Therapist Professional Degree Programs further defines thrust manipulation as a “high velocity, low amplitude therapeutic movement within or at the end range of motion” and nonthrust as manipulations that do not involve thrust.2 These defini- tions emphasize that these procedures are applied on a continuum, which requires ongoing examination and evaluation to determine how to proceed along the continuum with modification of speed, amplitude, and direction of forces for optimal clinical outcomes.

    In response to longstanding concerns expressed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT) that physical therapist assistants (PTAs) were receiving instruction in and administering mobilization/manipulation, a skill set requiring ongoing examination and evaluation, AAOMPT adopted the follow- ing positions at the 1998 AAOMPT membership business meeting:

    1. Any joint manipulation/mobilization techniques into a restricted or painful range should be performed by the physical therapist and not delegated to supportive personnel including physical therapist assistants.

    2. The AAOMPT is opposed to the teaching of joint manipulation/ mobilization to all supportive personnel including physical therapist assistants.

    The AAOMPT leadership collaborated with the Orthopaedic

    Section and APTA Board of Directors in bringing similar motions to the APTA House of Delegates. As a result, the APTA House of Delegates (House) heard discussion in 1999 and in 2000 passed the position statement: Procedural Interventions Exclusively Per- formed by Physical Therapists (HOD P06-00-30-36),3 which states the following (emphasis added):

    The physical therapist’s scope of practice as defined by the Ameri- can Physical Therapy Association Guide to Physical Therapist Practice includes interventions performed by physical therapists. These interventions include procedures performed exclusively by physical therapists and selected interventions that can be performed by the physical therapist assistant under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist.

    Interventions that require immediate and continuous examination and evaluation throughout the intervention are performed exclusively by the physical therapist. Such procedural interventions within the scope of physical therapist practice that are performed exclusively by the physical therapist include, but are not limited to,

    • spinal and peripheral joint mobilization/manipulation, which are components of manual therapy, and

    • sharp selective debridement, which is a component of wound management.

    The support statement for this position presented to the House stated: “the Association should delineate those interventions which, due to their clinical complexity and the sophistication of judgment required to perform them, precludes delegation to paraprofessionals or others. This position is consistent with the House of Delegate’s endorsed Guide to Physical Therapist Practice and A Normative Model of Physical Therapist Education.”

    This position statement did not represent a change in philosophy for the association.4 APTA policies and positions have long maintained that the physical therapist assistant’s scope of work did not include examination, evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis. Those elements of practice are to be performed exclusively by the physical therapist.4,5,6,7 The purpose of the position was to more clearly specify which interventions should never be directed to the physical therapist assistant due to their inherent requirements for skill and ongoing clinical decision making.


    In 2002, in collaboration between AAOMPT, the Orthopaedic Section, and the APTA Board of Directors, the House adopted a position statement addressing clinical continuing education, Clinical Continuing Education for Individuals Other Than Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants.8

    Physical therapist assistants may participate in continuing education that includes and teaches subject matter and interventions that differ from the description of entry-level skills as described in A Normative Model of Physical Therapist Assistant Education. Physical therapist assistants may use the interventions taught in continuing education only as consistent with the American Physical Therapy Association [policies, positions, guidelines, standards, and the Code of Ethics] and under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist.

    During the 2005 AAOMPT Business meeting, AAOMPT member- ship voted to adopt the APTA House positions on delegation and continuing education. These positions have remained in place within AAOMPT and APTA for over 10 years to enhance patient safety and treatment effectiveness.

    There are also legislative and regulatory reasons for these positions that cannot be underestimated. For example, health professions such as chiropractic that would like to limit physical therapists’ scope of practice in mobilization/manipulation can bolster their argument by pointing out that physical therapists may potentially instruct and direct skilled procedures to supportive personnel. APTA has been able to argue successfully in legislative and regulatory battles with chiropractic that physical therapists have the education and training in professional physical therapist education to effectively and safely provide mobilization/manipula- tion. It is easy to demonstrate that the master of physical therapy (MPT) and doctor of physical therapy (DPT) degrees compare favorably to the doctor of chiropractic (DC) degree in time, scope, and content to effectively train manual therapy practitioners. Conversely, PTA education results in a technical degree and is not comparable to MPT, DPT, or DC education. Acting outside this posi- tion not only magnifies liability for the physical therapist but also places the physical therapist profession at risk of being challenged or of losing manipulation as part of the physical therapist scope of practice when physical therapy is criticized in legislative hearings for delegating mobilization/manipulation.

    In summary, these consensus-based positions provide important clarity relevant to best clinical practice including patient safety, education, and regulatory and legislative arenas. These positions clarify the practice competency and latitude within the scope of practice for the physical therapist and constraints within the scope of work that can be directed to the PTA.

    RATIONALE FOR THE CURRENT POSITION Immediate and Continuous Examination and Evaluation Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists is based on the principle that “immediate and continu- ous examination and evaluation,” critical components of clinical reasoning, are inherent to the effective and safe provision of joint mobilization/manipulation. It is understood that the implementation of these procedures may produce new findings that must be evalu- ated simultaneously as the interventions are implemented. Hence, examination, evaluation, clinical reasoning, and intervention are continuous and immediate.

    Although many physical therapy tests and measures as well as interventions are performed at the body systems and functions, activity, and participation levels, there are elements of selected physical therapy procedures that require careful evaluation of tissue/organ and patient response. For these interventions, body systems and functions response usually are qualitatively measured by observation or palpation, applied clinical cues clinicians use as decision points to continue or adjust the treatment. The data gathered through the observations or palpations often are supple- mented with the patient’s subjective reports.

    In some physical therapy interventions, the treatment can be divided into distinct phases, gathering data on new findings produced during provision of the intervention, evaluating the data, and using clinical decision making to determine the appropriate action of continuing, reducing, or progressing further intervention. PTAs, working under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist, are generally expected to respond to any negative patient responses immediately to ensure patient safety. In contrast, PTAs generally are expected to continue or modify treatment in the presence of a non-negative response to treatment only within the boundaries established in advance by the physical therapist.

    However, joint mobilization/manipulation is an example of an intervention that does not easily lend itself to being segmented into distinct sequential phases of evaluation and implementa- tion. Clinical judgments about the amount of force to apply to create or progress an arthrokinematic change cannot be made on a “stop-evaluate-decide-proceed” linear time sequence. The implementation of the procedure, by its very nature, produces new findings that must be evaluated simultaneously as the intervention is implemented. Examination, evaluation, intervention, and clinical decision making are inseparable in the performance of mobiliza- tion/manipulation.

    The essential arthrokinematic motion applied to the joint in mobilization/manipulation is not under voluntary control of the patient, and the practitioner must produce this motion through skilled manual techniques.9,10 This skill requires a detailed under- standing of joint surface anatomy and kinesiology and a continu- ous use of examination with clinical decision making to modulate


    the technique throughout the treatment session.9,11 The negative responses to application of mobilization/manipulation techniques may include but are not be limited to worsening and/or peripher- alization of symptoms, tissue damage, promotion of inflammation leading to chronic pain and/or proliferation of scar tissue, spinal or joint instability, and neurovascular compromise. Failure to properly evaluate responses during the course of examination or intervention could result in adverse responses from the intervention, ranging from increased pain and deformity, to loss of function, to death.12-19

    Since the safe application of mobilization/manipulation requires the practitioner to apply an advanced understanding of arthrokinema- tic principles simultaneously with ongoing examination, evaluation, and clinical decision making during the intervention, the PTA would not be an appropriate provider. In 2007, the APTA’s Departments of Education, Accreditation, and Practice produced a “Problem Solving Algorithm Utilized by PTAs in Patient/Client Intervention.” The application of mobilization (nonthrust manipulation) requires dedicated consistent monitoring and evaluation of the patient/ client response. The algorithm clearly indicates that evaluation is not among the controlling assumptions of PTA practice.20 This is in contrast to osteokinematic range-of-motion interventions in which patients have more voluntary control and are within the PTAs’ scope of work.

    Efficacy and Effectiveness of Mobilization/Manipulation Published peer-reviewed research on the efficacy and effective- ness of mobilization/manipulation interventions provided by physical therapists has repeatedly demonstrated the effectiveness of such interventions for a variety of conditions and regions of the body.21-30 However, there are no research studies available that address the efficacy of the practice of mobilization/manipulation provided by PTAs. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that a similar level of effectiveness of manual therapy interventions can be produced when the mobilization/manipulation is directed to PTAs.

    Legal and Safety Implications of the Current Position At least 35 state practice acts are silent on the issue of direction of mobilization/manipulation to the PTA. Even so, there is a liability risk when physical therapists choose to practice contrary to the current APTA position on delegation of mobilization/manipulation procedures to PTAs. According to Welk, “A clinically inappropriate decision to direct physical therapy services increases the PT’s risk of professional liability claim. It is important to realize that while APTA policies may in fact require more than the absolute legal requirements of state or federal law, a court still may look to APTA policy in a professional liability action to determine if a physical therapist acted within an acceptable standard of care in delegat- ing physical therapy services.”31

    If injury occurs at the hands of a PTA performing mobilization/ma- nipulation procedures in these states, the standard of care may be determined by APTA policy. The current policy will make it difficult

    to defend the practice of a PT who directed a PTA to perform these procedures. According to Welk, “In the unfortunate event that a professional liability claim arises that includes issues of delega- tion, the supervising PT will be required to support the delegation decision. This can put the PT in a difficult if not impossible position if the delegation decision was not in compliance with the state practice act and/or APTA policies, or was inconsistent with what a reasonable PT would have done under similar circumstances”31

    The analysis also indicates risk for injury when a PTA performs mobilization/manipulation techniques. It reports that the top 3 severities by allegation claims related to PTAs 2001–2010 were:

    1. Improper use of equipment

    2. Improper management over the course of treatment

    3. Improper performance of manual therapy 32

    In addition, CNA found that failure to monitor the patient during treatment accounted for the highest percentage of PTA claim.32 To protect the public, state physical therapy licensing boards should consider adopting regulations consistent with the APTA position on Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists.

    CHALLENGES TO THE CURRENT POSITION At the 2006 APTA House, the Texas Chapter delegation proposed RC-12, which would have rescinded Procedural Interventions Ex- clusively Performed by Physical Therapists. At the motion’s presen- tation to the 2006 House, the parliamentary procedure “object to consideration” was made and sustained by more than the 2/3 votes required to sustain the motion. This was a strong endorsement by the 2006 APTA House in support of the current position.

    In spring 2012, the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) published the results of its recent PT and PTA practice analyses.33 FSBPT conducts surveys every 5 years to develop the blueprints for both the PT and PTA national examinations. Of note were 2 items in the manual therapy intervention category that had previously not been included on the PTA exam but did meet the threshold in this survey administration:

    • Item 62, Perform peripheral mobilization/manipulation (non-thrust) • Item 64, Perform spinal mobilization/manipulation (non-thrust)

    An item equivalent to item 62 reached threshold in the 2006 survey, but the FSBPT exam policy committee decided against recom- mending that this content be added to the exam, a determination the FSBPT Board accepted. In the 2011 survey process, the policy committee recommended that these items appear on the exam, resulting in a decision by the FSBPT Board to include them on the content outline.


    The item numbers related to peripheral and spinal mobilization/ma- nipulation reached the critical threshold of 25% of the respondents indicating they performed the activity, and so these items are now eligible to appear on the exam. Of additional note is the frequency with which these respondents reported performing these items. The frequency reported for Item 62 (peripheral) is 1.26 (1 = “a few times a year” and 2 = “once a month”). The frequency reported for Item 64 (spine) is 0.78 (0 = “never” and 1 = “a few times a year”).33

    On September 6, 2012, the Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), the national accreditation organization for physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education programs, released a statement regarding the inclusion of mobilization in PTA curricula, which was amended on November 7, 2012, to read (emphasis added):

    PTA Education and Peripheral Joint Mobilization

    As the preferred extender of physical therapy services, physi- cal therapist assistants (PTAs) are educated and licensed to deliver physical therapy interventions within the plan of care designed by the physical therapist (PT). To safely and effectively fulfill this role, the PTA must possess knowledge of the rationale for all components of the treatment plan as directed by the physical therapist. The Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) believes that the knowledge of the entry-level PTA should include the rationale for manual therapy procedures such as soft tissue and non-thrust joint mobilization techniques. Furthermore, the Commission believes that it is not inappropriate to train PTAs to perform soft tissue mobilization or to manually assist the PT in the delivery of peripheral joint mobilization procedures (ie, assist with patient positioning, stabilization, or grade 1-2 movements). CAPTE does not support the inclusion of educa- tional objectives or learning experiences in the entry-level PTA curriculum that are intended to prepare the PTA to perform grades 3-5 (thrust) procedures.

    CAPTE is responsible for ensuring that all accredited programs meet a minimum set of educational standards in physical therapy. CAPTE’s recognition agencies (the US Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation) require that all accrediting agencies have independent authority, free from in- terference by sponsoring organizations, for their decisions related to standards and to the accreditation status of programs. As such, APTA did not have a role in the decision by CAPTE on this issue. CAPTE’s statement is about curricular content only; it does not address the appropriateness of the PT in directing and supervis- ing the PTA in the application of such techniques. Further, it does not require that physical therapist assistant education programs include this content; it does, however, open programs that include the content to increased scrutiny by CAPTE regarding the quality of relevant student outcomes.

    Prior to the September 2012 statement, CAPTE documents were quite clear and consistent with APTA policy in that only physical therapist training included didactic, psychomotor, and clinical training in thrust and nonthrust mobilization/manipulation for the spine and extremities. The design and implementation of physical therapist professional education curriculum are supported by both A Normative Model for Physical Therapist Professional Education and the CAPTE Evaluative Criteria for Accreditation of Education Programs for the Preparation of Physical Therapists. Both the normative model and CAPTE evaluative criteria are specific that both thrust and nonthrust manipulation techniques are taught exclusively in physical therapist professional education programs 34,35 A Normative Model for Physical Therapist Assistant Education and the CAPTE evaluative criteria for PTA education exclude the exami- nation and evaluation skills and the interventional skills required for safe and effective implementation of mobilization/manipulation.

    In response to the above FSBPT and CAPTE actions, APTA Presi- dent Paul Rockar provided the following statement in a September 18, 2012, letter to APTA component leaders: “As the organization that represents physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students, APTA creates and communicates professional standards to which members should aspire. The current standard for the intervention of manual therapy is in part expressed in the APTA House of Delegates position on the issue of delegation of joint mobilization/manipulation to PTAs, which remains in place and unaffected … .” As noted in Rockar’s letter, APTA holds firm to its support of the Position on Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists.

    At its April 2013 meeting, CAPTE rescinded its statement PTA Education and Peripheral Joint Mobilization. At the same meeting CAPTE adopted a new position paper titled Expectations for the Education of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants Regarding Direction and Supervision,36 which states the following (emphasis added):

    CAPTE expects educational programs to prepare PT students to determine those components of interventions that may be directed to the physical therapist assistant. These consider- ations should include the level of skill and training required to perform the procedure, the level of experience/advanced competency of the individual PTA, the practice setting in which the procedure is performed, and the type of monitoring needed to accurately assess the patient’s response to the intervention. In addition, acuity and complexity of the patient’s condition and other clinical factors should be considered when directing PTAs to safely and competently perform any intervention. CAPTE also expects PTA educational programs to prepare PTA students to recognize components of interven- tions that are beyond their scope of work. (see PTA Criteria through


    Likewise, CAPTE expects education programs for the PTA to select the appropriate depth and breadth of knowledge and skill needed to perform interventions that are consistent with the PTA’s responsibilities. These skills not only include specific intervention procedures but also the data collection skills needed to monitor and assess a patient’s response to an intervention. These data collection skills are outlined in the evaluative criteria. Regardless of the relative simplicity or complexity of the procedure itself, CAPTE also believes that those interventions which require more extensive founda- tional knowledge, manual skill, and/or complex monitoring than a PTA is educated to provide should only be performed by the physical therapist.

    SUMMARY This white paper provides an historical overview and clear ratio- nale for upholding and promoting the APTA position on Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists (HOD P06-00-30-36). This issue has an impact on all aspects of the physical therapy profession including clinical practice, educa- tion, patient safety, and regulatory and legislative arenas. APTA has concluded that, based on education, efficacy, and safety, it is inappropriate for a physical therapist to direct the manual therapy procedures of mobilization/manipulation to the PTA under any circumstances. Further, beyond the specific interventions of mobilization/manipulation, any procedure within physical therapist practice that requires immediate and continuous examination and evaluation throughout the intervention should not be directed to the PTA.

    As the principal membership organization representing and promoting the profession of physical therapy,37 APTA encourages state licensing boards to establish rules, regulations , or position statements congruent with the position on Procedural Interven- tions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists.

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