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The central role that customer relationships play in creating sales for the organization.



– Use the notes section of PowerPoint to elaborate on key points.

– PowerPoint presentation should use some graphics to convey key concepts.



For your Presentation, using what you prepared for Assignments, create a presentation that summarizes and explains personalized marketing and sales tools.

Your presentation should address the following topics: 0. The central role that customer relationships play in creating sales for the organization. 0. Why managers need to ensure that resources are allocated in a way that both sales and marketing are able to achieve their objectives. 0. How managing the sales funnel requires sales, marketing, and senior managers to have an open dialogue. 0. Why sales and marketing need to work together not only to understand customers’ needs, but also to create an environment where the value proposition can be communicated. The presentation should be organized and well-prepared. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Note: This is the content which was submitted before and will include in the presentation. a. The most crucial aspect of every firm is its sales and customer relationships. Customer connections are vital since they raise sales, minimize customer attrition, provide priceless marketing, improve staff morale, and convert customers into the company’s R&D department. Positive customer relationships provide businesses with more insight into their customer concerns by creating an open line of communication for transmitting client feedback. Such results in more personalized consumer interactions, which develop trust over time and impact their purchasing choices. b. Amongst sales and marketing, there are two sources of functions. First, the necessity to split the entire budget supplied by sales management to support sales and marketing generates the economic function. In reality, the sales force will likely criticize marketing’s spending on three of the four Ps – pricing, product, and promotion, considering the price. The marketing department is under pressure to meet revenue targets and expects the sales force to “sell the price” rather than “sell via price.” Salespeople frequently prefer lower pricing since they can sell the goods more readily and because cheap prices offer them more space to bargain. Furthermore, there are organizational difficulties around price choices. Whereas marketing determines recommended retail or list prices and promotional pricing, sales have the last say on transactional pricing. As a result, managers must guarantee that resources are distributed so that both marketing and sales can meet their goals (Itani et al., 2019). c. It seems to me that there is some connection and that the groups establish procedures and regulations to minimize the possibility of conflict. The sales and marketing teams have a great fence, and make-good neighbors mentality, with each member, focused on their particular responsibilities. Each group is beginning to use the same vocabulary to discuss potentially divisive topics such as “How do we characterize a lead?” Questions like “What do we anticipate of one another?” are brought up in meetings, prompting a more reflective tone. Cooperation between the groups is essential for the success of significant events like consumer conferences and trade exhibits etc. d. The needs of customers are the first consideration when launching a firm. A business proprietor must learn what their clients want and work tirelessly to provide it (Terho et al., 2022). Clients are the lifeblood of every company; therefore, doing all possible to ensure their satisfaction is essential (Key et al., 2020). Successful communication of the value of the services sought by clients and the degree to which they have been satisfied requires close collaboration between sales and marketing (Wang, 2022).




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A good customer experience strategy (from a traditional view), may not equate to a positive digital customer experience

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Please ensure you follow the submission instructions at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit.

Question 1 (7 marks)
A good customer experience strategy (from a traditional view), may not equate to a positive digital customer experience. Discuss why this situation could arise, and what must an organisation do, to ensure a positive digital customer experience. Use peer-reviewed referencing support to justify your solution (200-250 Words)
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 2 (7 marks)
How and why are KPI’s used as a tool to measure the success of an organisation’s digital presence. Use examples of digital KPI’s used by digital or internet organisations to support your solution. Furthermore, your solution should be supported with appropriate peer-reviewed support referencing (200-250 Words).
Question 3 (7 marks)
Why would a business re-engineer their information system? Furthermore, identify and discuss some positive aspects of re-engineering, but also the potential pitfalls of undertaking such a major infrastructure change. Use peer-reviewed support to justify your solution (200-250 Words).
Question 4 (7 marks)
How can an organisation use their information system to prevent employees from making inappropriate procurements or fraudulent purchases? Discuss and justify your answer with peer-reviewed support (200-250 Words).
Question 5 (11 marks)
Identify and discuss the key change management issues that an organisation should address when undertaking a major structural change to a business operating model or changes within their information system or technology processes. Use peer-reviewed support within your solution, to justify (450-500 Words).
Question 6 (11 marks)
When organisations need to develop a need idea or product, they may establish a project management team to complete the task. What are the problems or pitfalls they can develop, that ultimately leads to the project not being completed, and becoming a financial burden to the organisation. Using examples to discuss potential issues that can develop, and measures that may reduce these risks. Use peer-reviewed support within your solution to justify your answer. (450-500 Words).
Submission instructions:
• Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. WTG8650 HC3152
• Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD format only
• Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• You have two attempts to submit your assessment with only the final submission being marked.
Please ensure your submission is the correct document as special consideration is not given if you make a mistake.
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Why is it important for the marketer to distinguish between customer acquisition, conversion, and retention when developing marketing strategies?

E-Marketing – respond to the following questions in accordance to the criteria below. 

  1. Why is it important for the marketer to distinguish between customer acquisition, conversion, and retention when developing marketing strategies?

In addition to the offer, what are the elements of a direct marketing strategy?

  1. How do direct marketers distinguish between the “front end” and the “back end” of a transaction? Why is this important?
  2. Explain the customer lifetime value (CLV) concept. Thinking about a specific firm, how could it use the concept of CLV to increase the overall profitability of its customer base?

The assignment will meet the APA 6th edition format criteria, write a minimum of 2 full pages, and follow the structure:

1. APA Title page

2. Body (do not write each question, use a heading then start the text after each heading)

3. Question 1 (Write a minimum of 150 words for this response)

4. Question 2 (Write a minimum of 150 words for this response)

5. Question 3 (Write a minimum of 150 words for this response)

6. Question 4 (Write a minimum of 150 words for this response)

7. References (make sure that each reference is cited in the text)

For help with all things APA, please review the following link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The following content is partner provided


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customer relationship management (CRM)

Phoenix Fine Electronics would like you to brief them on your system recommendation.

Create a chart in a Microsoft® program comparing how enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and business intelligence/decision support systems (BI/DSS) can help the business.

Cite at least 2 sources/references within your chart.

Compare the following information:

  • Elements of the system
  • How the system would support management
  • How the system would create successful partnership between the business and IT

Write an executive summary of your recommendation for PFE’s C-level management. As a general guideline, executive summaries are typically 1 to 2 pages in length, at 12-point font, and single-spaced. 

Include the following in your summary:

  • An overview of the business needs and desired outcomes
  • The system comparison chart (from above)
  • Your system recommendation
  • The scope of the project
  • References


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Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies

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Carefully review the material presented in this unit and the activities you have previously completed. You should reflect on your learning, your own research, and your previous case studies within this unit.
Complete the following project tasks, and submit all of the required documentation.
With reference to the case study, complete the follow tasks.
In the case study assessment, you identified strategies and opportunities to improve customer service and meet the needs of customers. You presented and promoted these ideas to the appropriate organisational individuals and groups. It is now appropriate to organise the implementation of those strategies.
Task 1
Before implementation, you will need to plan the implementation schedule and identify the who, what, when, and how. Select one customer service objective. Then, in a report—a table may be used—identify the following:
• The customer service objective, e.g. What is the customer service goal?
• The customer service strategy that is to be implemented, e.g. What steps are required to achieve the goal?
• The activities/tasks involved in the implementation, e.g. a list of the activities/tasks that need to be undertaken
• The staff required, e.g. all staff, specific departmental staff (marketing, sales, etc.), new casual employees, etc.
• Budget, e.g. financial resources required (costs to cover telemarketing phone calls, printing, advertising, newsletters, etc.), total estimated costs
• Other physical resources or supplies, e.g. display stands, promotional boards, customer database, etc.
• A schedule of timeframes for the activities/tasks, e.g. Gantt chart
• What resource and activity approvals need to be arranged and with whom, i.e. job role/position to be identified (names are not required). If you are the responsible person and no further approvals are required, then this should be indicated in your report.
Task 2
Before implementing your plan, you need gain the necessary approvals and consult with management and staff to gather their comments and commitment to achieving improved levels of customer service. After you have received approval and management commitment, arrange a meeting with your staff to discuss the customer service improvement plans and gain their agreement on the plan and overall customer service objectives. The meeting minutes are to be provided to your assessor. The minutes should demonstrate:
• Discussion by staff to demonstrate commitment to achieving the customer service goals, e.g. support implementation activities
• Discussion and agreement by individuals or small groups on activities/tasks, timeframes, and physical and budget resources required
• Discussion and confirmation as to what, when, and how resources will be provided to individuals/groups to enable them to complete the activities/tasks
Task 3
As a manager, you need to provide templates of letters for staff to use as examples of the standards and requirements of business letters when responding to customers’ difficulties and complaints. Following the organisation’s procedures and using templates when resolving customer difficulties and complaints both encourages prompt action and ensures a standard approach in quality customer service. Customer complaints may be received from the customer either as a letter, email, or phone call or orally. The letter templates should display the content, structure, layout, and format of two types of customer service letters: formal and informal.
Procedures to resolve customer difficulties may include:
• External agencies, e.g. Ombudsman
• Item replacement
• Referrals to supervisor
• Refund of monies
• Review of products or services
• Using conflict management techniques
Customer complaints may include:
• Administrative errors, such as incorrect invoices or prices
• Customer satisfaction with service quality
• Damaged goods or goods not delivered
• Delivery errors
• Products not delivered on time
• Service errors
• Specific e-business problems and issues:
? Difficulty accessing services
? Inactive links
? Not appreciating differing hardware and software
? Services not available
? Supply errors such as incorrect product delivered
? Time taken to access services
? Unfriendly website design
? Website faults
• Warehouse or store room errors, such as incorrect product delivered
Develop examples of two template customer service letters, that being informal and formal, acknowledging the complaint and advising the customer of the actions that will be taken in order to satisfy their needs as well as that the organisation will look forward to satisfying their needs in the future. You should ensure that the templates are readable, appropriate, and mechanically sound.
Task 4
Business strategies and standards are continually monitored and evaluated with the aim of identifying areas for improvement. Continual improvement in customer service requires the customer service systems and processes to be regularly and systematically monitored and evaluated.
In case study assessment Task 1, you developed a questionnaire to gather feedback on customer service needs and areas for improvement. Now, you need to re-evaluate the customer service being provided by the business since the changes in customer service were implemented.
Using the reports from Tasks 1 and 2 of this assessment, identify five to eight key performance indicators (KPIs) that you could use in monitoring and evaluating the current level of client satisfaction with customer service. The KPIs need to relate to the business aims, objectives, and/or strategies.
Develop a client satisfaction survey checklist using the following headings:
• KPI statement (list the KPIs under this heading)
• Satisfied (checkbox or tick)
• Not satisfied (checkbox or tick)
• Comments/further improvements
Task 5
Step 1
Using the checklist from Task 4, conduct a survey with your customers to review client satisfaction on the level of customer service currently being delivered.
The survey may be conducted using the Internet, email, or telephone, or it may be face to face. You will need to gather a minimum of ten customer responses.
Customers may include:
• Corporate customers
• Individual members of the organisation
• Individual members of the public
• Internal or external
• Other agencies
Step 2
Analyse the feedback from the survey, and create a client satisfaction feedback report explaining your findings, e.g. were the KPIs met? Has the level of client satisfaction with customer service improved? If not, why? Are further improvements needed?
In your report, you will need to do the following:
• Refer to evidence gathered from the survey.
• Make a comment on the areas in customer service that have been improved and also where further improvements could be made.
• Provide advice and make a recommendation on the future direction of client service strategies for the business. Future directions should relate to the overall aims and objectives of the business.

Task 6
The client satisfaction feedback information needs to be passed on to the manager and staff. Arrange a meeting with the manager, staff, and any other interested parties to discuss your findings from the client satisfaction survey. The meeting minutes are to be provided to your assessor. The minutes should demonstrate:
• Discussion by the manager and staff to demonstrate acknowledgement of client satisfaction successes and commitment to take steps to make improvements where required to maintain customer service standards
• Discussion and agreement by individuals or small groups on activities/tasks to be undertaken to improve customer service standards
Individuals and groups may include:
• Colleagues
• Committee
• Customers
• External organisation
• Line management
• Supervisor
Task 7
To be successful in quality customer service, records need to be maintained. This is to make past and future comparisons and identify areas that may cause future issues and problems. In a report, explain the role and purpose of maintaining systems, records, and reporting procedures in ensuring continuous improvement in levels of customer service




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Explain some of the basic terms and conditions a customer must meet before a financial product will be supplied by an AFSL

Activity 1
Explain some of the basic terms and conditions a customer must meet before a financial product will be supplied by an AFSL.
(Explain financial product service terms and conditions).
Activity 2
Why might a financial planner wish to become an authorised representative of an AFS licensee?
(Explain the interactions between different providers of the financial planning service and their accountabilities).
Activity 3
ASIC’s Moneysmart website is an invaluable source of advice for clients of financial planners. Using Moneysmart, locate and discuss the situation where a legal professional may offer a client investment advice service.
(Describe authorities and assistance able to be offered by other advisers and organisations).
Activity 4
Tom is an accountant with no AFS licence, who does not provide financial planning advice. A client comes to Tom and says he knows what he wants and instructs Tom to:
? set up an SMSF;
? assist to roll-over assets into the SMSF;
? provide factual information about different super choices;
? value SMSF assets;
? advise on the SISA investment rules;
? provide a pro-forma generic investment strategy; and
? advise on a pension (transition to retirement income stream) strategy and prepare the documents.
Advise Tom on how he should proceed. (Discern between and describe what different providers can and cannot do within the financial planning service required by the client).
Activity 5
Outline some of the issues a financial planner needs to consider when referring an existing client to a third party for specialist advice.
(Outline the steps in a referral process to other advisers or organisations).
Activity 6
Describe the value of client complaints to a financial planning business.
(Describe the key stages in internal and external complaint handling processes).
Activity 7
Most financial planning clients complete a fact find before an initial meeting with a financial planner. But much of the personal information needed by a planner is not in the nature of hard facts. Outline some non-factual aims of a fact-finding interview.
(Outline the steps and processes involved in the preparation of financial plans).
Activity 8
What sort of adviser / client obligations might be incorporated into an AFSL’s Client Protection Policy?
(Describe the key features of relevant organisational policy, procedures and requirements).
Activity 9
In what ways could a financial planner detect a potential cyber-enabled fraud? (Identify risk and fraud indicators)




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increased customer satisfaction

 ABC Consulting is an accounting firm located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. ABC Consulting was founded in 2010 and has experienced some strong growth over the years. The firm currently employs over 20 accountants and 11 support staff. As the company has grown, the needs of the business have also changed.

John Reese, the founder of ABC Consulting, is increasingly concerned with the cost of administrative overhead, saying “What worked for us to keep five accountants organized just isn’t working for twenty accountants.” Administrative costs for the company are growing too rapidly. John has chartered a project to develop a time and billing system, which is a system that will be used by the accountants to log their time to specific jobs. The system will produce invoices and timesheets and will be developed by Simply Agile Business Consulting, a software development firm where you are the BA.

You have prepared and conducted elicitation with John and key stakeholders in ABC Consulting. You have documented your elicitation results and findings, as follows:

ABC Consulting needs to automate the management of employee timesheets. This need is aligned with the goal of holding a position of operational excellence in the industry. This project will reduce average cost to administer a timesheet by 75% in the next nine months, and will produce the following outcomes:

  • increased customer satisfaction; and
  • reduced administration costs.

The project will be executed by Simply Agile Business Consulting and focus on requirements and business analysis. The cost for this project is $200,000, and the annual savings are $100,000, plus additional benefits.

BUSINESS NEED: Automate timesheet management.

GOAL: Hold a position of operational excellence in the industry.

OBJECTIVE: Reduce average cost to administer timesheets by 75% the next nine months.

BUSINESS PROBLEM: Timesheet management is too costly.

DESIRED OUTCOMES: Project will produce increased customer satisfaction and reduced administration costs.

Case Study Questions

In a Word document, not exceeding four pages and following APA formatting, complete the assignment according to the following instructions.

  1. In your own words, briefly describe the documented elicitation results by the business analyst.
  2. List and explain 2 guidelines and tools, as described by the BABOK, that the business analyst can use to confirm the elicitation results.
  3. Identify 2 techniques that will be most beneficial in confirming the elicitation results from John and the ABC Consulting stakeholders and provide justification for your response.
  4. Judging by the documented elicited result above, do you think that the business analyst has gathered enough information to uncover all the business needs and problems? Justify your position.
  5. Provide personal examples and references to the BABOK or course materials, where needed, to justify your arguments
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Effectiveness of E-Banking and Customer Satisfaction; A Moderating Role of Personal Traits

Topic: Business Research
Direction: Refer to the attached Journal titled and answer the below questions
Journal Topic: Effectiveness of E-Banking and Customer Satisfaction; A Moderating Role of Personal Traits

  1. State a research report based on the above journal
  2. Summarize on the theoretical framework mentioned in the above journal
  3. Analyze the importance of having statement of problem in research with example from the above journal
  4. Write a literature review based on the above journal with APA reference style and citations (to be very less plagiarism)
  5. In conceptual frame work there is mediating, moderating and intervening variables. Discuss on each variable and identify which variable does the journal has
  6. Imagining yourself as a research prepare 5 questionnaire with likert scale that could be helpful for the analysis
  7. Discuss on the statistical importance and the software mentioned in the journal
  8. Point out the defects in the research
    Note: please highlight each question answers in the journal from where you took it from the journal (each question highlight with different color on the journal). And ppt slides attached also in case you need more information

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Customer Service Consultant with expertise in helping companies to retain customers and improve service policies and actions

Organization already picked : WELLS FARGO

Assignment Details: You are a Customer Service Consultant with expertise in helping companies to retain customers and improve service policies and actions. Select a professional name for your consulting business. Your company has been hired to evaluate the Customer Relationship Management Program for a client (an organization of your choice).

Part 3- In a minimum of 2 pages:  

  • Discuss the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program the company has in place.
  • Make recommendations for a service recovery plan, which should include a minimum of 3 improvements to the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program.
  • Write a conclusion.





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The customer perspective (“How do customers view our company

 The balanced scorecard links performance measures across the following areas:

-The customer perspective (“How do customers view our company?”)
-The internal perspective (“What must we excel at?”)
-The innovative and learning perspective (“Can we continue to improve? Can we continue to create value?”)
-The financial perspective (“How do we look to shareholders?”)





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