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Trace how you might go through the steps in the consumer decision process if you were thinking of buying a smart home device


The newest battleground for the tech giants is being fought over smart home devices. Amazon’s Echo was the first to hit the market in 2014; the smart speaker responds to voice commands and serves an ever-growing range of purposes, such as music streaming, news updates, Internet searches for information, grocery lists, joke telling, takeout orders from local restaurants, and answers to general questions. Furthermore, in homes with other smart features, Echo and its voice personification Alexa allow users to control compatible lights, fans, thermostats, garage doors, sprinklers, and locks with simple voice commands. By 2017, Alexa even gained the ability to call or send texts to the contacts in users’ linked smartphones through Echo.

Google’s competing Google Home device did not even hit the shelves until April 2017.67 In some ways, Google Home is more advanced and “smarter” than Echo. For example, its web browsing capabilities are more advanced because it relies on Google’s stellar search engine, whereas Echo is limited to Wikipedia and Bing. Google Home also can sync its audio playback with other devices and Google Cast speakers, providing better playback and the option to insert linked devices throughout the house, such that even customers with big homes can engage in constant interactions with the central device. If a user moves from the downstairs family room, where a Google Home device is playing music, to the upstairs bedroom, as long as there is another device there those elements sync and the user does not miss a beat of the song. Amazon’s Echo does not have such a capability.

Overall, though, the two devices have similar functionalities, with some notable differences in the quality of the services they provide. Perhaps the biggest difference is how “smart” the devices really are when it comes to responding to users’ requests. In a study conducted by the digital agency 360i, Google Home was six times more likely to answer requests Page 205correctly than was Echo. In this study, the researchers asked each device a series of 3,000 questions. Although they did not publish the questions they asked, the superiority of Google Home likely stems from Google’s access to its advanced search engine. In addition, Google Home recognizes more colloquial command words. For example, if a consumer asks Google Home what movies are playing at the nearby theater, then asks how long it will take to get “there,” Google Home understands that “there” refers to the theater, whereas Echo would need the user to cite the specific theater name or location.

Yet in other areas, Amazon’s device takes the lead. Echo is compatible with more smart devices, including about a half a dozen other smart home devices, whereas Google Home is compatible with only three. Regardless of which brand of smart device people use in their homes to control things like lights or appliances, they thus can likely use Echo to help control those operations. Furthermore, when it comes to e-commerce, Google cannot come close to comparing with Amazon for product searches or purchases. The vast customer insights maintained by Amazon help it power Echo, such that it is much better at enabling consumers to search for, find, and purchase the precise products they want at the very moment they realize they need something.

With its earlier entrance, Amazon also has a leg up on the market already; Echo dominates, with an approximately 70 percent market share. Among people who already use voice assistants—such as Siri on their iPhones or Cortana on their personal computers—the three-year head start on Echo means that they likely have already made their purchase, and they are no longer in the market that might be served by Google Home. Moreover, almost half of all U.S. consumers do not currently use voice assistants and these customers do not seem interested in buying one for their homes.

Another hurdle in the market stems from customers’ privacy concerns. Such smart devices are always on and listening for commands. Some customers are uneasy with the presence of a device that is always listening to them. Although the companies offer assurances that customers are not being recorded if they are not directly giving commands, and it is possible to disable the microphone and delete past commands, customers remain wary.

As the first to market, Amazon was able to set the price level for this type of device. Echo currently costs about $180. When Google entered, it priced Google Home at $130.75 However, Amazon also has released a smaller, cheaper version, Echo Dot, that costs only $50. This new device was a huge hit on Amazon’s most recent Prime Day, sold at a special price of $35, which made it the top selling item on Amazon that day.76 In response, Google cut the cost of Google Home to $100.77

Even as this seeming head-to-head competition persists and intensifies, some other tech companies are starting to venture onto the battlefield. Apple introduced its smart speaker Page 206home device, HomePod, in January 2018.78 Along with the functions provided by Google Home and Echo, Apple’s entry features a special focus on music and sound quality. Even its name is evocative of the revolutionary iPod, which changed the way people listen to music. Priced around $349, it is the most expensive option. But for devoted Apple customers, a high price tag rarely turns the tide.

1. Trace how you might go through the steps in the consumer decision process if you were thinking of buying a smart home device.

2. Identify the four determinant attributes that set apart the Amazon, Google, and Apple smart home devices. Use those attributes to develop a compensatory purchasing model similar to the one in Exhibit 6.2. Based on your importance and performance ratings, which product would you buy?

3.Which device features examined in this chapter might have the greatest impact on consumers’ propensity to buy one of these products?

4.Which risk factors might impact consumers’ propensity to buy one of these products?

5.After purchasing one of these products, why might you experience postpurchase cognitive dissonance? What might the seller do to help you resolve this dissonance?

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  • Trace how you might go through the steps in the consumer decision process if you were thinking of buying a smart home device

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Think of a decision you’re currently facing (or one that you’ve recently faced)

Applying the Decision Making Process


Review the following:

11.3 Understanding Decision Making

The 5 Whys Problem-Solving Method

Your Assignment

Think of a decision you’re currently facing (or one that you’ve recently faced). Analyze the decision using the eight-step decision-making process outlined in Figure 11.8 in the textbook. In your response, summarize your analysis for each step of the process, clearly identifying each of the eight steps (e.g., identify the problem, etc.) using a numbered/bulleted list or separate paragraphs.

Before you begin your analysis, review the following notes:

Step 1. Identify the problem: A problem exists when there is a discrepancy between an existing and desired state (e.g., standards, goals, etc.). An important part of defining the problem is to distinguish symptoms from cause. Consider using the Five Whys technique (if applicable) to identify the root cause of the problem.

Step 3. Weigh decision criteria: You don’t necessarily have to assign numerical weights. At the very least, rank your decision criteria in order of importance





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Economic Principles and Decision Making

Subject Code and Title ECON6000 Economic Principles and Decision Making
Assessment Assessment 3: Reflective Journal
Individual/Group Individual
Length Up to 1500 words maximum
Learning Outcomes 1. Successfully prepare a reflection indicating how this unit has helped you understand the core economic concepts and applying these to real time environment
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 20 marks
ECON6000_Assessment_3_Brief_individual_due in Week 11
This assessment allows you to reflect on how assessments 1 and 2 have helped you to understand the overall subject contents and apply the core concepts in real-time job environment. This assignment is to mainly help you reflect how the unit has helped you with a sound understanding of the volatility of business environment and effective decision making as business economists. Your reflection will be a maximum of 1500 words. You will have a minimum of 6 academic references to support your answer. Do not include information from blogs. You will follow APA 6th edition referencing style.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here.
Submission Instructions
Write instructions explaining where students will submit assessment in the LMS portal
• e.g. Submit digital presentation slides/notes via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in SUBJECT CODE: Subject name. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Below is a guide to constructing rubrics. Please adapt appropriately and adjust the criteria you use to assess.
Assessment Rubric
Assessme nt Attribute s Fai l
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
(Function al) 50-64% Credit
t) 65-74% Distinctio n (Advance
d) 75-84% High
Knowledge and understanding of core Economics Content (30%)
Critical reasoning, presentation and defence of an argument and/or position (25 %)
No or limited understanding and knowledge of the core concepts; key areas not addressed; Limited or no evidence of research
Argument fails to consider the complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignments
Fair understanding and knowledge of the core concepts; Fair assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence.
Argument begins to take into account the issue(s) or scope of the assignments.
Good knowledge or understanding of the required concepts and knowledge of key areas Good assertion of personal opinion supported by evidences through research
Argument considers the complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignments. Others’ points of view are acknowledged
Highly developed understanding and knowledge of the field. Very good assertion of personal opinion; information well supported by research and evidence; good reading
Arguments are very sound indicating a solid understanding of the concepts
A sophisticated understanding of the discipline with sound assertion of personal opinion and information well supported by research
and good reading
Arguments presented expertly, authoritatively
and accurately considering the complexities of the issue(s) and scope of the assignments. Justifies the conclusions with
Sound arguments.
Analysis and application with synthesis of new knowledge
(25 %)
Limited synthesis and analysis and very limited application based upon analysis
Demonstrates fair analysis and synthesis of
new knowledge. Shows
the ability to interpret relevant information.
Well-developed analysis and synthesis of new knowledge. Sound application of concepts.
Thoroughly developed analysis and synthesis of new knowledge. Near
excellent recommendations
Highly sophisticated, creative analysis; synthesis of new with existing knowledge. Excellent application of knowledge.
Quality of the answers
Poor assignment; limited
Just a fair assignment; fair
Good assignment; good
Very good overall; sound
Excellent display of
with application of new application of new application of new display of application of display of application of application of new
concepts (10%) knowledge related to knowledge related to the new knowledge related to new knowledge related to knowledge related to
economic concepts
economic concepts.
the economic concepts
economic concepts
. economic concepts
Managing Time and
Poor time management
Barely able to manage time
Good time management
Sound time management
Excellent time
purpose of the with delay in submission with minimal information with good information from with proficient level of management,
assessment (10%) of the assignment; poor from scholarly sources; scholarly sources. Good information from scholarly understanding of the
understanding of the limited understanding of the understanding of the sources. Proficient purpose and a timely
purpose of this purpose of this assessment purpose of this assessment understanding of the submission of the
purpose of this assessment
assignment accompanied by excellent research from scholarly sources.
he following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO A) Interpret and successfully apply the economic concepts
C) Apply new knowledge and display understanding of the various costs
SLO D) Ability to critically evaluate the role and impact of the government in Australian economy.

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Describe how business professionals can use economics and statistics to improve decision-making and long-term sustainability.

1. Consider all of the readings, assignments, and quizzes you have completed during the course. Describe how business professionals can use economics and statistics to improve decision-making and long-term sustainability.

  • Double-spaced, 12-point font. One page maximum.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

2. Revise all papers and case studies based on instructor feedback.

  • Double-spaced, 12-point font. Two page maximum.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

3. Complete MBA 613 Final Reflection. In a separate document , respond to the following:

  • Answer the following questions under separate headings:
    • Why is it vital for business managers to understand the economic environment?
    • How does data help support a leader’s rationale and decision-making?
    • what you have learned during this class and how do you plan to use these concepts in your career?
    • What does scripture have to say about this topic? Find at least one biblical verse to support your comments?
  • Double-spaced, 12-point font. Two page maximum.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

This should be 3 different papers. I also attached all my papers and discussions for you to revise and turn into 1 paper. The teacher feedback is at the end of each paper and discussion

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Describe how business professionals can use economics and statistics to improve decision-making and long-term sustainability.

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Identifying relevant costs and decision making It had been a quiet Monday morning for Anna Hogue

Review Case 8.32 in your textbook. Using the questions provided as a guide, discuss your recommendation(s) regarding what the company should do about the conference. Support your recommendation(s) with calculations based on the data provided.

To participate in follow-up discussion, ask questions and post comments regarding classmates’ posts, or respond to follow-up questions posted by the instructor.

Please include proper citations in your discussion post. Points will be deducted if proper citations are not used.

8.32 (LO 1) Identifying relevant costs and decision making It had been a quiet Monday morning for Anna Hogue, senior project manager at Flagstone Consulting. Everything seemed to be falling into place for the company’s first conference, “Healthcare Management in the New Millenium,” scheduled for October 11 and 12 in Boston. Then Ethan Tang, the staff consultant in charge of registration, stuck his head in the door.“Anna,” said Ethan, “I think we may have a problem with the conference. Only 10 people have registered. Our marketing consultants told us to expect at least a 3% registration rate from our direct mail campaign. Based on the 5,000 conference fliers we mailed, do you think another 140 people will register in the next three weeks?” Anna and Ethan had worked together to develop a budget for the conference, as follows. They had budgeted for registration response rates of 2%, 3%, and 4%, but a response rate of 0.3% was far outside their expectations. 8-46 CHAPTER 8 Using Accounting Information to Make Managerial Decisions2% Response Rate 3% Response Rate 4% Response RateTotalPer Attendee TotalPer Attendee TotalPer Attendee Registration fee income$69,500 $695 $104,250 $695 $139,000 $695ExpensesMeals 15,000 $150 22,500 $150 30,000 $150Conference materials 7,500 75 11,250 75 15,000 75Direct mail advertising 6,000 6,000 6,000Meeting room rental 4,500 4,500 4,500Equipment rental 500500 500Speaker fees: Newton 600600 600 Smith 2,000 2,000 2,000 Townsleya4,000 4,000 4,000Speaker travel: Newton 200200 200 Smith 1,200 1,200 1,200 Townsley 1,000 1,000 1,000 Comptonb 200 200 200Total expenses 42,700 53,950 65,200Net income$26,800$ 50,300$ 73,800aTownsley required a $1,000 deposit upon confirmation of the original conference date. The remaining $3,000 was due upon her arrival at the conference. In the event of cancellation, the $1,000 deposit was non-refundable.bCompton has agreed to speak for free.Anna thought for a second, and then replied, “Ethan, based on what the marketing firm told us, at least 75% of all registrations are received a month before the conference. This response has me a bit worried. If we need to cancel the conference, we must do it before Thursday. Otherwise, it will be too late.” Anna and Ethan called a couple of contacts at other organizations, who related similar experiences with low preconference registration. They indicated that medical professionals often wait until the last minute to register and that in some instances, conferences had been rescheduled and re-advertised to increase registration.Anna and Ethan decided they needed more information before they could make a final decision on the fate of the conference. Rescheduling it would require them to confirm the new dates with the speak-ers. Conference facilities would also need to be secured for the new dates. Fortunately, the conference materials had not been sent to the printer yet, so the printed materials would not become obsolete. Anna and Ethan decided that if the conference were rescheduled, Flagstone would offer a reduced registration fee of $595 to companies that sent more than one person.Anna called some of the Boston-area professionals who had expressed interest in the conference but had not registered yet. Some of them indicated that they had never received the registration mailing. After contacting the marketing firm about the matter, Anna learned that there had indeed been problems with the mailing. The marketing firm had subcontracted the mailing to a second firm, which could not verify that all the materials had been mailed. Anna wondered how many other prospects had not received the mailing.Next, Anna arranged a conference call with all the speakers, to explain what was going on. They agreed that the mailing problem could have contributed to the low registration. All the speakers were available on December 8 and 9, and were willing to change their schedules to accommodate Flagstone if the firm chose to reschedule the conference. Steve Smith indicated that he had already purchased a non-refundable airline ticket for $800. If the conference were rescheduled, he would incur an additional $100 charge to change the flight. William Townsley indicated that he was already scheduled to be in Boston on December 7, so Flagstone would not have to cover his travel expenses if the conference were rescheduled.Ethan called the University Parks Inn to discuss the facilities contract. Although Flagstone had made no payments to the hotel yet, the special events coordinator reminded Ethan of two points in the contract: 1. A cancellation fee of $10,000 would need to be paid if the conference were canceled at this late date. However, the inn would agree to waive the cancellation fee if the conference were rescheduled within four months of the original date. 2. Flagstone had guaranteed a minimum of 60 guest rooms. If conference attendees booked fewer rooms, Flagstone Ethan also contacted the marketing firm about doing additional mailings. In light of the problems with the earlier mailing, the marketing firm offered to do two additional mailings for a total of $1,500. They also agreed to expand the mailing list to include several other professional organizations, as well as stu-dents at medical and nursing schools in the area. The firm estimated the new mailings would reach 8,000 people and should result in a 2% registration rate. Of that 2%, 10% were expected to qualify for the reduced registration fee.Required a. What alternatives are available to Anna and Ethan with regard to holding the conference? b. Prepare pro-forma income statements for each of the alternatives you identified in question (a). c. Adjust the statements in part (b) by eliminating the unavoidable costs from the calculation to show only the relevant income/loss from each option. d. What are the pros and cons of holding the conference as scheduled? e. What are the pros and cons of canceling the conference? f. What are the pros and cons of rescheduling the conference? g. How should Flagstone view this conference—in the short term or in the long term?

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Was his decision to pull Jason from the top accounts appropriate?

Scenario 1

Carlos, a sales manager for a commercial furniture distributor, has received complaints that Jason, one of the firm’s top-performing sales reps “has it too easy” and “should have to prove his loyalty by working harder.”

In response to the complaints he received, Carlos sends a few brief texts to Jason, assigning him to a completely different account.

Jason responds to the messages, requesting a meeting with Carlos to discuss the proposed change. Carlos responds with another text message that reads “Decision is final. Everyone needs to get a chance to work with the best accounts, so it is fair. Come by the office and pick up your new files.”

Moments later, Jason sends a text message to Malik, his regional manager and Carlos’s boss. It simply reads “We need to talk.”

Think of this situation from the perspective of how Carlos handled the complaints he received about Jason. Was his decision to pull Jason from the top accounts appropriate? Was Jason’s text to Malik appropriate? Write your response from either Carlos or Jason’s perspective, addressing the situation professionally and courteously.

Scenario 2

Shannon, Leon, and Craig work for Rio Valley Homes, Inc., a real estate marketing firm. While on a conference call with Donegan’s Photography, an established client, the group discusses potential problems with a recent marketing campaign. Donegan Sands, the lead photographer and owner of Donegan’s Photography, insists the marketing is working, and changes are not needed.

Shannon reaches over to put Donegan on mute but inadvertently pushes the wrong button. She tells Leon and Craig that the marketing campaign is not working and that “Donegan should just stick to taking pretty pictures.” Donegan calmly clears his throat and responds, “You know I can hear you, right?”

Think of this situation from Shannon’s perspective. Imagine she is embarrassed by what happened as Donegan is a well-respected client. How should Shannon respond?

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Scenario 3

Jeffrey, the on-duty shift manager at Star Inc., has received communication from the business’s leadership that tardiness among shift work employees hurts morale.

Veronica, a shift production staff employee, shows up to work approximately fifteen minutes late one morning, walking silently and quickly to punch in at the time clock near the front desk.

Michelle, the front desk manager, says, “Good morning, Veronica,” but Veronica ignores her, punches in, and heads into the shop to her desk. Michelle rolls her eyes, picks up the phone, and lets Jeffrey know that Veronica just arrived and should be reaching her desk at any moment.

Think about this situation from Jeffrey’s perspective – how should he address Veronica’s behavior?

Scenario 4

Darrell works for the website division of Leader’s Choice, a technology-oriented retail company. Darrell receives an e-mail on a Friday afternoon indicating that a new tablet computer will launch at the end of the month and that it will be in high demand with limited stock. The three- page message also indicates that customers will be able to preorder the item 30 days before launch. Darrell is asked to create a landing page for consumers who are interested in learning more about the tablet.

By mistake, Darrell sets up a page that allows customers to preorder tablets that afternoon, well in advance of the company’s authorized preorder period. By late that Friday evening, fourteen customers have placed preorders for the tablet.

Alyssa, vice president of product sales at Leader’s Choice, learns of the error Saturday morning and calls Darrell to arrange a meeting first thing Monday morning. Alyssa explains to Darrell that the company intends to cancel all preorders. Darrell responds that the company should honor the preorders because the error was internal and not the fault of consumers. After a heated exchange, Darrell hangs up on Alyssa when she insists that the preorders will be canceled because of Darrell’s error.

Think about this situation from either Darrell’s or Alyssa’s perspective. The exchange was heated and both parties are justifiably frustrated. Write your response based on how you think either character should leverage their professional writing skills to follow up on the tense phone call.

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  • ENG315 E-mail Scenarios
    • Scenario 1
    • Scenario 2
    • Scenario 3
    • Scenario 4

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Decision Support System and Business Intelligence

write an article on Exam Decision Support System and Business Intelligence. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Since data warehouses are presumed to be fully integrated, this helps in decision-making making processes. The time-variant characteristic of data warehouses means they are capable of maintaining historical data. Therefore, data warehouses not only offer the prevailing status but also detect variations in relations when carrying out comparisons and forecasting, which are essential in decision-making. Time is one of the significant dimensions that are supported by all data warehouses, which enables the analysis of data from various sources in their multiple time points.

One significant characteristic of data warehouses is that once data is entered in the system, the data cannot be changed or updated. however, data warehouses discard obsolete data by accepting new data. Essentially, all the above aspects enable data warehouses to be applications that provide decision support capability because it offers ready access to business information capable of creating business insight. Data warehouses as a repository of data provide processes that enable managers to make the necessary decision in business (Turban, Sharda, Delen & King, 2010).

Natural language processing as a component of text mining in artificial intelligence involves the study of problems associated with understanding natural human language with the aim of converting human language to formal representation easier for computer programs to manipulate. The aim of Natural language processing (NLP) is to shift from syntax-driven text manipulation to a true understanding and processing of natural language that values grammatical and semantic restraints within a given context.

A prominent area where benefits of NLP have been witnessed is in customer relation management, which maximizes customer value through understanding better and effective ways of responding to actual needs as well& the perceived needs of customers.&nbsp.





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A moral agent is a person who can make a decision to act in their social world and who recognizes some responsibility to make those choices in a way that can be recognized as ‘right’.

Instructions for Assignment on Moral Agent

Details on Moral Agent

This is a bit of a twist when it comes to how we look at ethics. It’s tempting to approach ethics as a way to tell other people what to do, to point fingers, or debate controversial issues that don’t directly involve us. For this assignment, think about your role as an ethical being – as a moral agent. A moral agent is a person who can make a decision to act in their social world and who recognizes some responsibility to make those choices in a way that can be recognized as ‘right’. This means you. You are a moral agent. 

What does it mean for you to act responsibly in your social world? What skills (virtues) do you need to cultivate and practice in order to live ethically and authentically?

Discuss any two ethical theories that we have explored as you develop your answer.

(Note: Your work in this assignment can also help you in your Final Project.)


Assignments have the following objectives:

  1. Identify and describe key concepts relevant to a theme presented in the assignment prompt.
  2. Explore ideas in philosophical depth beyond the presentation of course material.
  3. Examine course material in order to develop an informed investigation of your perspectives on a theme presented in the assignment.
  4. Research scholarly sources to help explore and expand students’ perspectives and develop critical thinking skills.
  5. Develop a cogent argument to support your position.


  • All sources must be responsibly cited and referenced. (APA)
  • Assignments should be around 1000 words.





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Methodical and systematic approach for decision making. Module 2 – Methods of Ethical Analysis

Paper A: Application of a decision making framework to an IT-related ethical issue.

This assignment is an opportunity to explore and apply a decision making framework to an IT-related ethical issue. A framework provides a methodical and systematic approach for decision making. Module 2 – Methods of Ethical Analysis (see LEO Content – Readings for week 2) describes three structured frameworks that may be used for ethical analysis, namely Reynolds Seven-Step Approach, Kidder’s Nine Steps, and Spinello’s Seven-Step Process. There are several ways described in UMGC Module 2 to systematically approach an ethical dilemma, and while each of the frameworks described has its merits, each will result in an ethical decision if straightforwardly, objectively,  and honestly applied.

In addition, consider the ethical theories described in – Introduction to Theoretical Ethical Frameworks (see LEO Content – Readings for week 1) which help decision makers find the right balance concerning the acceptability of and justification for their actions. A separate write-up of the ethical theory that supports your decision is part of the following requirements.

For this paper, the following five elements must be addressed:

  • Describe a current IT-related ethical issue: Since this is a paper exercise, not a real-time situation, you may want to construct a brief scenario where this issue comes into play, and thus causes an ethical dilemma.  The dilemma may affect you, your family, your job, or your company; or it may be a matter of public policy or law that affects the general populace. See the list below for a list of suggested issues, which may be a source of ethical dilemmas.
  • Define a concise problem statement that is extracted from the above description or scenario. It is best if you define a specific problem caused by the dilemma, that needs a specific ethical decision to be made, that will solve the dilemma.   Be aware that if it is a matter of public policy or law, that it may require a regulatory body or congressional approval to take action to implement a solution.
  • Analyze your problem using one of the structured decision-making frameworks chosen from Module 2. Make sure that you identify the decision-making framework utilized. In addition, the steps in the decision-making framework selected must be used as major headings in the Analysis section.  
  • Consider and state the impact of the decision that you made on an individual, an organization, stakeholders, customers suppliers, and the environment, as applicable!
  • State and discuss the applicable ethical theory from Module 1 that supports your decision.

Concerning your paper: 

  • Prepare a minimum 3- 5 page, double-spaced paper and submit it to the LEO Assignments Module as an attached Microsoft Word file.
  • Use headings for each topic criteria
  • Provide appropriate American Psychological Association (APA) source citations for all sources you use.  In addition to critical thinking and analysis skills, your paper should reflect appropriate grammar and spelling, good organization, and proper business-writing style.
  • Include a Cover Page with your Name, the UMGC/Name of the Class, and the Title of the Paper.

For example, Kidder’s approach has nine steps, which are:

  • Recognize that there is a moral issue.
  • Determine the actor (whose moral issue is it?).
  • Gather the relevant facts.
  • Test for right-versus-wrong issues.
  • Test for right-versus-right paradigms (what sort of dilemma is this?).
  • Apply the resolution principles (ends-based, rule-based, or care-based).
  • Investigate the “trilemma” options (look for common ground or compromise).
  • Make the decision.
  • Revisit and reflect on the decision. (Kidder, 1995, p. 183-187)

Reminder: Each of the steps for whatever framework that you select must be a major heading in the Analysis section of your paper.

Here are some suggested issues for you to consider, the additional text is designed to help you flesh out the issue:

  1. Privacy on the Web: What is happening now in terms of privacy on the Web? Think about recent abuses and improvements. Describe and evaluate Web site policies, technical and privacy policy protections, and current proposals for government regulations.
  2. Personal Data Privacy Regulations in Other Countries: Report on personal data privacy regulations, Web site privacy policies, and governmental/law enforcement about access to personal data in one or more countries; e.g., the European Union.  This is especially relevant as our global economic community expands and we are more dependent on non-US clients for e-business over the Internet.
  3. Computer-Based Crimes: Discuss the most prevalent types of computer crimes, such as Phishing. Analyze why and how these can occur. Describe protective measures that might assist in preventing or mitigating these types of crimes.
  4. Government Surveillance of the Internet: The 9/11 attacks on the US in 2001 brought many new laws and permits more government surveillance of the Internet. Is this a good idea?
  5. The Digital Divide: Does it exist; what does it look like; and, what are the ethical considerations and impact?
  6. Privacy in the Workplace – Monitoring Employee Web and E-Mail Use: What are current opinions concerning the monitoring of employee computer use. What policies are employers using? Should this practice of monitoring, be authorized or not?
  7. Medical Privacy: Who owns your medical history? What is the state of current legislation to protect your health information? Is it sufficient?  There are new incentives with federal stimulus financing for health care organizations to develop and implement digital health records.
  8. Software Piracy: How many of you have ever made an unauthorized copy of software, downloaded software or music (free or for a fee), or used copyrighted information without giving proper credit or asking permission? Was this illegal or just wrong? How is this being addressed?
  9. 9. Consumer Profiling: With every purchase you make, every Web site you visit, your preferences are being profiled. What is your opinion regarding the legal authority of these organizations to collect and aggregate this data?
  10. Biometrics & Ethics: Your fingerprint, retinal-vessel image, and DNA map can exist entirely as a digital image in a computer, on a network, or in the infosphere.  What new and old ethical problems must we address?
  11. Social Networking:  What are some of the ethical issues surrounding using new social networks?  How are these now considered for business use?  What are business social communities?  Are new/different protections and security needed for these networks?
  12. Gambling in Cyberspace: Is it legal? Are there national regulations and/or licensing? What are the oversight and enforcement requirements? Are there international implications? What are the social and public health issues?
  13. Pornography in Cyberspace: For example, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling protecting as free speech computer-generated child pornography
  14. Medicine and Psychiatry in Cyberspace: Some considerations include: privacy issues; security; third-party record-keeping; electronic medical records; access to information, even by the patient (patient rights); access to information by outsiders without patient knowledge; authority to transfer and/or share information. Are there any policies proposed by professional organizations?
  15. Counterterrorism and Information Systems: Your protection versus your rights
  16. Open-source Software versus Closed-source Software: Ethical ramifications and impact on intellectual property law
  17. Creative Commons Licenses: How do they work and what are the legal and ethical impacts and concerns?
  18. Universal ID card: What is the general position of the U.S. government about issuing each individual a unique ID card? Which individual U.S. government agencies have already provided a unique ID card? What steps have been taken to include individual ID information electronically in passports? How is privacy and security provided?
  19. Video Games: Does playing video games distract from everyday responsibilities? Do video games correlate with real world violence? Why do game creators continually increase the violence of video games? What is video game addiction?
  20. Cyberbullying: What is cyberbullying and what can be done to stop it?
  21. Net Neutrality: What is the current position of the federal government and is it fair to all?





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Decision-Making in Nursing Leadership

Nursing leadership requires critical thinking and high cognitive ability as one has to make decisions regarding patient care, nurses’ welfare, and team development. Nurse leaders make decisions regarding nursing practice, evidence-based practice, and points of advocacy in my organization.

While nurse leaders focus on ensuring nurses perform per the organization’s expectations, they also advocate for nurses’ and patients’ welfare. For instance, nurse leaders had to advocate for nurses’ safety, especially as they handle COVID-19 patients, ensuring they get the necessary personal protective equipment (Majers & Warshawsky, 2020). Ensuring nurses have adequate personal protective equipment further guarantees patients’ safety and improves the quality of care as there is no transmission of the virus from one patient to another.

Nurse leadership focuses on issues affecting nurses, patients, and the healthcare organization. As a result, effective leadership among nurse leaders secures their decision-making on healthcare setting issues (Sfantou et al., 2017). Effective leaders identify problems in their space, gather views on how these problems can be solved, and communicate the recommendations with nurses and organizational leaders. As a nurse leader, I can be invited to the table and be an active participant in decision-making by demonstrating effective leadership and being proactive in finding amicable solutions to arising issues.

In summary, my organization makes decisions in a centralized manner where leaders decide on the way forward and communicate the recommendations to team members. While this organizational structure appears inclusive for all leaders, only effective leaders take the lead in making critical decisions regarding practice in their areas of practice.


Majers, J., & Warshawsky, N. (2020). Evidence-based decision-making for nurse leaders. Nurse Leader, 18(5), 471-475.

Sfantou, D., Laliotis, A., Patelarou, A., Sifaki- Pistolla, D., Matalliotakis, M., & Patelarou, E. (2017). Importance of leadership style towards quality of care measures in 

healthcare settings: A systematic review. Healthcare, 5(4), 73.


In nursing, proper decision-making is essential because it aids in the collection, storage, and processing of data and the provision of knowledge and information. In carrying out and managing their activities and when working with patients, nurses depend on decisions made across all managerial levels (Namnabati et al., 2017). As one becomes more knowledgeable of the profession’s decision-making process, new responsibilities and tasks emerge in the nursing sector. As a result, nurses will have to choose the right decision that best suits their needs (Ellis, 2017).Because of the scope and variety of nature programs in health care, nursing leaders must first consider the underlying conditions before making any decisions. According to Nammabati et al., (2017) the ability to acquire decision-making skills that are valuable to the profession is dependent on their knowledge of hospital information networks. Decision-makers who play a role in enacting different positions in the hospital hierarchy, such as charge nurses, directors of nursing, and managers, would be able to engage in successful critical decision-making if they are equipped with a thorough understanding of all healthcare processes and structures.Another essential role in nursing is mobilizing the best participants to address sensitive topics in a group setting. In research from Ellis (2017), this role is critical in coordinating data processing and other decision-making in nursing unit communication. Political considerations often influence decisions, and as a result, they may be tainted. Namnabati et al., (2017) found that when employees participate in the decision-making process, a successful method is more likely to develop. For efficient planning and execution, adequate resources such as skills, people, and time must be allocated.Nurses play a critical role in the decision-making process and the appropriate order for communications systems to monitor patient data from the moment of admission until they are discharged by streamlining data processing at each stage of the patient’s hospitalization. Namnabati et al., (2017) argued that the connection between the clinical groups, patients, pharmacists, and physicians, nurses play an essential role in the healthcare setting to collaborate to increase patient outcomes. As members of the hospital’s committee, the nurses are responsible for conducting an audit and making recommendations on the procurement of clinical tools, systems, and essential services (Ellis, 2017). Nurses, in particular, communicate with other practitioners and work with multiple teams of professionals within a hospital. Nurse educators can raise questions about how nurses can gain knowledge and assist in implementing training by supplying valuable resources.In conclusion, decision-making is critical in the area of nursing. By involving nurses in the decision-making process, which are essential resources in streamlining the workflow, some significant opportunities for improving patient safety and patient outcomes improve. As a result, nurses play a crucial role in the executive teams by providing practical options during decision making, which help the healthcare systems efficiently conduct clinical processes and, most importantly, support the nursing staff. They must discuss all of the system’s clinical elements, with a clear understanding of how the system will impact the nurses’ workflow and how the system will improve patient safety while still optimizing the nurses’ productivity.

References Ellis, N. (2017). Decision making in practice: influences, management and reflection. British Journal of Nursing, 26(2), 109–112. (Links to an external site.).Nambabati, M., Taleghani, F., Varzeshnejad, M., Yousefi, A., Karjoo, Z., & Safiri, S. (2017). Nursing Care and Documentation Assistant with an Electronic Nursing Management System in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Iranian Journal of Neonatology, 8(2), 5–12. (Links to an external site.).






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