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What is the definition of psychosocial care?

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Recognized Crisis Reactions include: withdrawing from social interaction; fighting; fleeing; and freezing
Apathy and disassociation
Trembling and swaying
No symptoms at all; no symptoms for the first few of days; followed by the emergence and development of symptoms
Acute symptoms that go away after a few days, acute symptoms that worsen over time, and persistent low-level symptoms.
Increased substance dependency and somatic symptoms
Disturbances in sleep
Inability to perform
Intervention by a Professional or Paraprofessional Etc.
 After a crisis, the issue of whether professionals should step in or if paraprofessionals like friends, family, and laypeople may help the victim heal emerges.
 According to studies on crisis recovery, we must monitor the progress of individuals after a disaster. Professional sense urges us not to act in cases when a patient has no symptoms or whose symptoms are settling and stabilizing with time. It is advisable to leave them in the care of paraprofessionals or naturalistic rehabilitation.
Naturalistic rehabilitation includes taking time away from the crisis event, connecting with loved ones, being in comfortable and secure circumstances, going to locations that make you feel refreshed, spending time with pets, being close to the ocean or a forest, speaking with a church member or pastor, and talking to other survivors about your experience. Monitoring Are drugs necessary, and only if symptoms do not improve after contacting a professional? Some survivors may need medication if their symptoms are still impairing their ability to operate normally. The optimal course of medication should be brief and under strict physician supervision. Dependency issues must be assessed and carefully addressed. Medication side effects must also be carefully monitored, especially increased social withdrawal and impulsivity, including self-harm and suicidal ideation. Professional intervention may be necessary for those whose symptoms are getting worse over time (for more than a week or more). A referral to a doctor may be necessary, as well as crisis and trauma counseling.
Richard K. James Crisis Intervention Model
Gilliland and James (1998) a 6-step process

  1. Determine the issues or threats
  2. Ensure safety; 3. Offer assistance
  3. Consider substitutes
  4. Make plans for reestablishing balance.
  5. Convince yourself to take action.
    Following their stage model for 20 years “We no longer believe that a stage or purely step model captures the way crisis intervention works, and here’s why,” write James and Gilliland in 2013. Since crisis is sometimes anything but linear, it has been difficult for us to educate students like you about crisis intervention. Crisis intervention often exemplifies chaos theory, with all of its starts, pauses, do-overs, and U-turns, according to page 51.
    Crisis workers’ range of action includes: o Being directive when the client is immobile; o Being collaborative when the client is only partly mobile.
    o The worker is nondirective while the customer is on the go.
    Robert’s Crisis Intervention Model
    The abbreviation for Roberts’ (2005) ACT model is:
    Evaluation of the current issue, including mental and other urgent medical requirements, as well as trauma evaluation
    Linking customers with assistance resources
    Post-traumatic stress disorders and traumatic responses
    Seven-step model
  6. Evaluate the situation 2. Build rapport
  7. Identify the biggest issues
  8. Handle emotions
  9. Come up with and research alternatives
  10. Create plans
  11. Include a follow-up.
    The equilibrium model is really a model of equilibrium and disequilibrium.
    People who are experiencing a crisis are in a condition of psychological or emotional unease in which their typical coping strategies and means of problem-solving don’t suffice. The equilibrium model’s objective is to assist individuals in regaining their pre-crisis equilibrium (Caplan, 1961).
    Cognition Model
    The cognitive model of crisis intervention is predicated on the idea that crises are not caused by the events themselves or by the facts surrounding the events or circumstances, but rather by incorrect thinking about those events or situations (Ellis, 1962). This concept seeks to modify people’s perspectives and ideas regarding crisis circumstances or occurrences by assisting them in becoming aware of them. The fundamental tenet of the cognitive model is that people can change their thinking and take control of life crises, particularly by identifying and contesting the irrational and self-defeating aspects of their cognitions while retaining and emphasizing the rational and self-enhancing aspects.
    The psychosocial transition concept is based on the idea that individuals are a combination of their genes and the knowledge they have gleaned from their unique social surroundings. Crises may be caused by issues that are internal or external (psychological, social, or environmental). The aim of crisis intervention is to work with clients to identify the internal and external factors leading to the crisis and then support them in making practical changes to their present attitudes, behaviors, and resource utilization. In order to regain autonomous (non-crisis) control over their life, clients may need to include suitable internal coping strategies, social supports, and environmental resources.
    Collins and Collins (2005) created a developmental-ecological model of crisis intervention that takes into account the individual’s surroundings as well as their developmental stages and problems. According to this paradigm, the crisis worker must evaluate the client, the surroundings, and their interactions before taking into account the client’s current developmental stage.
    Any situational crisis must always be taken into account in connection to the developmental stage the person is at, and the severity of the crisis may depend on how successfully the tasks impacted by the crisis have been stage-mastered.
    Myer and Moore (2006) provide a method for calculating the effect of a crisis on a person or system called the Contextual-Ecological Model. The equation may be summed up as a function of closeness to the event, response to the event, relationship to the event, and the amount of change the event created, which is then divided by the passage of time. Understanding that no one element of this formula may be taken into account independently is crucial.
    Mental Health First Aid on What is the definition of psychosocial care?
    According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2002), psychological first aid include making sure the client is secure, minimizing stress-related symptoms, allowing for relaxation and physical recovery, and connecting clients with vital services and social support networks. In her description of crisis work after the Granville train catastrophe, Raphael (1977) adopted the phrase psychological first aid. She discussed a range of initiatives that gave survivors compassionate care, empathetic responses, specific information and help, and the chance to reconnect with their social support networks.
    Paying attention to Maslow’s hierarchy and putting survival requirements first are essential components of psychological first aid.
     Tyhurst first used the phrase “psychological first aid” in 1951.
    An evidence-based, modular method for helping individuals in the early aftermath of catastrophe and terrorism to minimize initial distress and to nurture short- and long-term adaptive functioning was more recently refined into a particular intervention (NC-PTSD).
    “Basic, non-intrusive pragmatic care” is defined by the Sphere Project (2004) as “basic, non-forcing talk, needs assessment, and ensuring that basic needs are met, encouraging but not forcing company from significant others, and protecting from further harm.”
    PFA’s constituent parts (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2009)
    Comfort and solace, safety from additional danger and distress, immediate medical attention, encouragement of goal-oriented and purposeful behavior, assistance in reuniting people with loved ones, opportunity for voluntary sharing of experiences, connecting survivors with resources of support, facilitation of a sense of control, and triage of those in need of additional assistance.
    The Inter-agency Standing Committee’s 2007 report on PFA’s components
    identifying and addressing basic practical needs and concerns o discouraging negative coping mechanisms o encouraging regular daily routines and positive coping o encouraging, but not pressuring, company from family or friends o providing the opportunity to return for additional support o providing referrals to local support or clinicians
    PFA Provision o It is critical that the PFA tenets can be swiftly taught to both volunteers and professionals, including those with and without prior experience in mental health. Some types of psychological support, for example, don’t need for specialized knowledge and may be easily taught to workers without such training (IASC).
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What is the definition of data mining that the author mentions? 

After reviewing the case study this week by Krizanic (2020),write a paper:-

  1. What is the definition of data mining that the author mentions?  How is this different from our current understanding of data mining?
  2. What is the premise of the use case and findings?
  3. What type of tools are used in the data mining aspect of the use case and how are they used?
  4. Were the tools used appropriate for the use case?  Why or why not?
  5. Create the three clusters in Rapidminer or python and screenshot the result. 

 In an APA7 formatted and answer all questions above.  There should be headings to each of the questions above as well.  Ensure there are at least two-peer reviewed sources to support your work. The paper should be at least two pages of content (this does not include the cover page or reference page). 




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Definition of Instructional Leadership

Instructional Leadership Assessment

The Instructional Leadership Assessment will be a self-assessment of your own instructional leadership actions, attitudes, motivation to lead and characteristics, based on your reading and discussion in the first week and leadership exposure prior to the beginning of this course.


  • 2–3 pages
  • APA citations, and references
  • Contains at least three references, with one being outside of the course readings

Section I: Definition of Instructional Leadership

Write a definition of instructional leadership using the text, other resources for this unit, and outside resources. Write this as a narrative and include a list of activities, beliefs, or characteristics associated with instructional leadership.

Section II: Motivation to Lead

Based on your definition in Section I, what motivates you to develop as an instructional leader? What do you want to accomplish in your current setting or your next leadership role?

Section III: Assessing Yourself as an Instructional Leader

Based on what you defined as an instructional leader in Section I and your motivation in Section II, assess to what extent you are already acting as an instructional leader. What areas of growth that you need to focus on as you develop your leadership skills? Include specifics of your practice as related to the best practices of instructional leadership you listed there.

Section IV: Action Plan for Growth as an Instructional Leader

Based on the first two sections of this paper, write a plan for how will you continue to grow as an instructional leader. What qualities of an instructional leader will you need to improve in order to be successful in your current educational setting? What skills, certificates, or trainings will you need to be a leader in a future educational setting? How will you acquire these?

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How has the definition of domestic and global terrorism changed from inception to today among various agencies? 

Terrorism and Homeland Security

Jonathan White


In this assignment, you will write an essay on the historical, ever-changing definitions and trends of both domestic and global terrorism among public agencies, private entities, and global organizations. Further, evaluate the impact of these changes on domestic and global terrorism. 

Use the Online Library to locate a scholarly article to answer the questions below. 

1. How has the definition of domestic and global terrorism changed from inception to today among various agencies? 

2. How has the definition of domestic and global terrorism changed among public and private organizations and government agencies? 

3. Why do so many variations of the definition of domestic and global terrorism exist? 

4. Is a universal definition of terrorism possible? Why, or why not? What are the pros and cons of establishing a universal definition for the world? 

5. Why did the definition of domestic and global terrorism change among all these agencies after the events of 9/11? 

Your completed essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.

TEXT BOOK IS Terrorism and Homeland Security BY Jonathan White


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Provide a definition and justification of an information security policy for an organization.

Oklahoma Information Security Policy:

Kostadinov, D. (2014, Jun 6). Key elements of a security policy ( InfoSec Institute

  1. Provide a definition and justification of an information security policy for an organization.
  2. Read through the Oklahoma Information Security Policy listed in the reading materials.
  3. Analyze the selected policy from at least 3 of the following perspectives:
    • Who is the policy for? Does the policy require a security representative? If so, what is the role of that individual?
    • What does the policy say about end users? Why is this important?
    • What does the policy say about Awareness and Training? What laws or regulations apply to this policy?

Margins 1’

Line spacing 1.5

Resources to be documented in APA Style

References will be last page. Just explain clearly above questions.  All the resources above.





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Provide a definition and justification of an information security policy for an organization.

Oklahoma Information Security Policy:

Kostadinov, D. (2014, Jun 6). Key elements of a security policy ( InfoSec Institute

  1. Provide a definition and justification of an information security policy for an organization.
  2. Read through the Oklahoma Information Security Policy listed in the reading materials.
  3. Analyze the selected policy from at least 3 of the following perspectives:
    • Who is the policy for? Does the policy require a security representative? If so, what is the role of that individual?
    • What does the policy say about end users? Why is this important?
    • What does the policy say about Awareness and Training? What laws or regulations apply to this policy?

Margins 1’

Line spacing 1.5

Resources to be documented in APA Style

References will be last page. Just explain clearly above questions.  All the resources above





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Three-part definition of management

Management Overview

Do some research and answer the following critical thinking questions from this week’s readings in an essay format. Ensure you have a good introduction, body, and conclusion in your essay. In your analysis, cite a minimum of three (3) references from different sources (the textbook can be one source).Manager with working group behind him.

Describe the formal, three-part definition of management and explain the most important part of the management definition and why you chose that part.
Mintzberg’s study in the 1960s came up with three important findings about a manager’s routine. Identify the three findings and describe ways that technology and social media have changed the roles of managers since Mintzberg's 1960 study.
Analyze the two overarching theoretical perspectives about management and how they are applied to organizations. Also, explain the three viewpoints that each one covers.

Your submission should be a minimum of two (2), double-spaced, full pages of analysis with proper reference citation per current APA guidelines.
Note on Academic Integrity

For all Critical Thinking activities, upon submission, your assignment will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool. Your paper will be checked against a database of millions of written works and provide feedback on originality. You may view your originality report; however, you will not be permitted to submit your paper a second time. A score of 30% matching or lower is allowed; anything higher is not acceptable for any of the Turnitin assignments in this course. When answering questions, do not repeat the question with your answer. Ensure your work is entirely your own and cite your sources, if applicable!

Read three-part definition of management





Three-Part definition of Management


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            There are twenty six different definitions of management starting with the first definition by Taylor (1911), which stated that management is “knowing exactly what you want men to do, and then seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way”, to the recent definition by Kinicki & William (2018) which stated that management “is the pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by integrating the work of people through planning, organizing, leading and controlling the organization’s resources.” Analysis of all these definitions pointed out three important definitory elements.

The first element is the task catalog involving planning, organizing, leading, coordinating and controlling. The second element is about utilizing workforce or limited resources. The third definitory element is about achieving the goals or results. Based on the three definitory elements, the aspect of utilizing different strategies to achieve the set goals stood out as the most critical element of management. This is because managers play crucial role and responsibility in ensuring that the organization utilizes limited resources and strategies to achieve target goals. Through strategies, creativity and innovation, the organizational goals are achieved.

Three key findings by Mintzberg regarding managers

            The first finding was the aspect of interpersonal relations where the managers assumes the role of figure head. The manager ought to play a role of motivation and inspiration to the employees(Mintzberg, 2009). This way the employees are inspired and motivated to work towards achieving organizational target goals. In addition, the managers serve as leaders and they work in collaboration with other leaders within and outside the organization to achieve organizational goals. The interpersonal relations should be extended to include corporation with external partners with the objective of achieving organizational goals.

            The second finding by Mintzberg is the aspect of fulfilling the informal roles where the manager plays the role of collecting, analyzing, monitoring and disseminating information. The managers also serve as the organization’s spokesmen(Mintzberg, 2009). They ensure that the right and accurate information about the organization reaches out the clients and other stakeholders. The third finding is the aspect of decision making where the managers play critical role in decision making process. It is the role of the managers to ensure that limited resources are allocated accordingly to achieve the organizational goals.             Despite these clear roles of managers, technology and social media have changed their roles to match first changing and dynamic market environment. For instance, accessibility of information through social media has improved significantly.………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Marriage Definition

 Article Marriage Definition. The work is to be 10 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. In religion, at times, it is called holy matrimony because it is sacred to believers. It is essential to understand this institution’s universality as it cuts across ethnic and cultural boundaries, geographical boundaries, and linguistic boundaries. All communities around the world, therefore, recognize the institution of marriage.

There are various types of marriages recognized by multiple legal systems: traditional or modern legal systems. These marriages include traditional marriages, forced marriages, come-we-stay marriages, civil marriages, and religious marriages. Polyandry, monogamy, and polygamy also form a different categorization of marriage. Gay marriages and forced marriages are also being increasingly considered in different cultures and countries’ legal frameworks.

Communication is defined as the means through which we convey information from one person to another. It may be verbal, non-verbal, or otherwise. Buehlman (1996) describes communication, such as visual, audio, and biometric, to communicate. Human contact is believed to be the most developed means through which we can create understanding. Human beings use language as opposed to the other animal that uses sounds such as barking for dogs.

Interpersonal communication is essential for the existence of any social relationship. It involves individuals who exchange information and form meaningful interactions that help them influence one another and make meaning of themselves and other people around them. In a marriage situation, the couples create a sense of who they are to one another, which influences how they interact and the value they attach to their relationship. It also involves their relationship with in-laws and their children, determined by their interpersonal communication. This reveals that interpersonal communication is paramount for the success of any kind of social ties. &nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.

However, not all marriages turn out as ideally expected by the couples. This is because there are times when we experience misunderstandings. This includes all forms of unclear information and or distorted information. Messages conveyed from one party to another needs to be consistent throughout its communication process. That is the intended message should reach the intended party as it is and be clearly understood. &nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.

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Object Oriented Data Model and SQL Query Definition

Define the maintenance and security components necessary for the data models created in the following Individual assignments:

  • Week One “DreamHome Case Study”
  • Week Two “Object Oriented Data Model and SQL Query Definition”

Include the following in your definition:

  • How data replication will be used in the system
  • An effective and efficient recovery strategy

Document your components as follows: