Writers Solution

Innovative nursing care delivery model

WRITE paper on Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Model
a) See the PDF file:
Norlander, L. (Ed.). Transformational models of nursing across different care settings. Report: The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health (Appendix G). Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine..
This paper describes a variety of innovative or \”transformational\” models in nurse-managed care across different care settings. Since the students in this course currently work or have worked in many different health care settings (acute, community, armed services), the focus of your paper will be on the ONE of the following areas of health care (Ignore nursing education/curriculi models):
 Acute Care
 Chronic Care
 Palliative and End of Life Care
 Community Health
 School Health
b) Choose ONE of the listed (bulleted) health care areas above that are described in the paper and read the descriptions about innovative or \”transformational\” models of nursing-managed/led care that have been established for that selected care setting. NOTE: Many of the models in the paper are described in more detail in other journal articles. You may want to do a literature search if you are interested in learning more about a particular model.
To assist you in APA formatting, the following is an example of the APA formatted citation/reference for one of the above settings (school health):
Citation:….(Proskurowski, Newell, & Vandriel, 2011).
Reference: Proskurowski, M., Newell, M., & Vandriel, M. (2011). School nurses, school-based health centers, and private programs successfully improve children\’s health. In L. Norlander (Ed.), Transformational models of nursing across different care settings. Report: The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health (Appendix G). Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine.
c) Think of your own health care setting (your unit, clinic, etc,) or an interest you may have. This is your chance to adapt a innovative/transformational nurse led/managed model for your current work setting, and/or combine two or more models described in the paper for a new model, and/or develop a completely new model. For example, the Agile Team Model is described in the acute care setting. How would you adapt it to your current setting–or would you completely scrap it for a \”new\” model? Think \”out of the box.\” NOTE: If you are not currently working as an RN, choose a clinical setting you worked in as a student or veteran or an interest you may have re: a nurse-managed model.
i. PAPER HEADING: [Level 1] Introduction. How has your previous professional and clinical experiences and/or interests led you to choose or develop this nurse-led/managed model? Choose a name for your model and include it in your paper title.
ii. PAPER HEADING: [Level 2] Description of the [Name of Your Model]. Describe the model as it will be incorporated into your work setting and/or community. Health care organizations and communities are unique and adaptations would be required depending on the organizational or community setting. In describing your model, how would you incorporate the following common themes? These themes are crucial to meet the challenges of the future:
a. Nurse led and nurse managed health care. [Level 3]
b. Partnerships and collaboration. [Level 3]
c. Continuity of care across settings. [Level 3]
d. Technology. [Level 3]
Always consider cost-effectiveness; you could develop the \”Cadillac\” of models, but no one would consider implementing it because the cost would be too high.
iii. PAPER HEADING: [Level 2] Development/Implementation Team for the [Name of Your Model]. Organize a team. Who would you select to be on your team to develop and implement the model (titles, not names). What would each of the team members do in your model–how would they be integrated into your model? What is their unique role? Again–think about the cost effectiveness–could ancillary staff be used just as effectively?
iv. PAPER HEADING: [Level 2] Evaluation of [Name of Your Model]: Outcome Measurement. Evaluate the model. After implementation of the model, what outcomes would you measure and how and when would you measure those outcomes? Be specific. Look at the outcomes that were measured in other models. Would you look at cost comparisons and/or savings? Patient satisfaction? Staff satisfaction? Fewer ER visits and/or re-hospitalizations?
4) Use the above headings in your paper. In-text citations and a reference list MUST be found in your paper. Fifteen (15) points will be deducted for incorrect citations and/or references. See the Nursing Student Writing Guidelines Checklist for APA formatting.
5) EVALUATION: Paper: Innovative Nursing Care Delivery (750 words min) Critical Thinking Skills/Content Development/Organization (60%): Innovative Nursing Care Model; Development/Implementation Team for Innovative Nursing Care Model; Evaluation of Model: Outcome Measurement Format/Computer Technology Skills (40%)

………………………………………………………………………………………………Innovative nursing care delivery model……





Nursing: Home-Based Acute Care Model for Older Patients

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


            The American population is aging as the number of older citizens is becoming higher due to the baby boom generation (Goeschel, 2011). The increased number of older citizens who need special attention has increased pressure on the hospitals and special models need to be developed in order to meet their needs. The numbers of the older people who are admitted in the hospital emergency departments could be greatly reduced if appropriate care was provided in their residence. Moreover, most of the older people have difficulties walking and the idea of being admitted in a hospital setting with many younger patients may create psychological problems to such patients.

According to (Herr, 2010) hospital admission of older patients is likely to subject them to a myriad of complications such as pain and delirium. In my previous hospital environment, some older patients who were admitted in the emergency department reported some discomfort. Therefore, admission of such patients could be reduced greatly if innovative home-based care models were provided for such patients.

Home-Based Acute Care Model

            The home-based model is an innovative acute care program, which is based in the home and its aims are to register the older patients so that healthcare services can be provide at the home of the elderly patients. The program provides the eligible patients with hospital-level quality healthcare. Furthermore, for those patients who are admitted in the hospital emergency program, multidisciplinary team shall take them home.

            Nurse Led and Nurse Managed Health Care           The home-based care shall serve patients ag………………………………………..

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Innovative nursing care delivery model………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models

Assignment Topic: Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models

The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by CCNE and AACN using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and indirect care experiences in which licensed nursing students engage in learning within the context of their hospital organization, their specific care discipline and their local communities.

As the country focuses on the restructure of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and less will be available in acute care hospitals.

Write an informal presentation (500-700 words) to educate nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and changes. Include the concepts of continuity or continuum of care, accountable care organizations (ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics.
Share your presentation with nurse colleagues on your unit or department and ask them to offer their impressions of the anticipated changes to health care delivery and the new role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics and medical homes.
In 800-1,000 words summarize the responses shared by three nurse colleagues and discuss whether their impressions are consistent with what you have researched about health reform.
A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

Nursing: Benchmark Assignment: Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models

(University Affiliation)

(Professor’s Name)

(Student’s Name)



            The healthcare and public healthcare system in the US has undergone major reforms. It is prudent that the nursing workforce is able to meet the changing and increasing healthcare reforms. There have been many reports that have focused their attentions on “what should be” rather than “what is”. All these reports have studied the capacity of the workforce in the healthcare to meet future demands in the sector. The healthcare system in the US has evolved greatly and there is need to educate nurses on the need for continuum in order to meet these changes.

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery

            A thorough examination of the capacity of RN to meet the ever-changing healthcare system in the US is justified by many reasons. The administration of Obama, for instance, introduced many changes in the healthcare system, (, 2014). These changes include the legislation reform in the healthcare signed by the president in 2010 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. All these changes are designed to change the way the healthcare is financed and how the services are delivered. The RN nurses should be acquainted with these changes in order to ensure that they are most competent and able to meet future changes and challenges.

            Most of the organizations under the new programs introduced by the Obama administration, for example, the Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and the Primary Care Medical Homes rely entirely on the services of the RNs. The RN are tasked with the responsibilities of coordination and transition care. This points the importance of RNs in the success of the reforms in the healthcare both currently and in the future. Furthermore, the investments in interoperable health information technology (HIT) form critical core area in the implementation of major reforms in the healthcare system. In addition, interoperable health information technology (HIT) has an effect of influencing the growth of the information exchange in the community, potential of changing the skill mix, distribution and the scope of the RNs in many ways.

            Therefore, the questions to be answered are whether the demand for the services provided by RNs will change as suggested by the healthcare reforms. Furthermore, has nursing workforce been positioned effectively? Moreover, what does the future ask of the nursing workforce? The policies put forth by the Obama administration, in addition to other healthcare reforms, calls for the reorganization of the healthcare system and the healthcare providers, (‘Obama announces radical healthcare reforms’, 2009). The implementation of these reforms and related policy frameworks has a significant impact on the roles of the RNs and their requirements.

Advancing the Care Management Models

            Care Management are a collection of strategies meant primarily for individuals under critical illness and whose services require intervention of a number of healthcare providers with long-term and continuous management. The most dominant care management in the past 15 years in the country has been disease management and this has been responsible for huge spending in the healthcare. The program heavily relies on the good coordination and interdisciplinary clinical management for it to be a success.

            Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement Modernization Act of 2003 made a number of provisions in population based care programs to assess whether cost saving could be achieved in its pilot programs. Although cost savings were elusive, a number of quality outcomes were achieved through this program.

            However, some care programmes have been able to achieve best care outcomes and cost savings by avoiding unnecessary hospital admissions for patients. The pronounced features for the successful care programmes includes a good coordination from RNs and the interdisciplinary team serving such patients. Such RNs have been able to coordinated successfully care management strategies through directed the care to such patients by maintaining personal attention to such patients through such means as direct telephone calls and other electronic methods. These provide benchmark for RNs in their future roles in the healthcare systems. Healthcare reforms include several programmes and healthcare initiatives that require care management services, cross-care setting and interdisciplinary coordination by the RNs.

Patient-Centered Medical Homes

            Taking into consideration the huge amount of dollars spent in the healthcare, the healthcare reform placed more emphasis on strategies that are indented to reduce costs, fragmentation and poor quality outcomes in the sector. A report published by Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Evidence-Based Medicine in 2009, shows that over $271 billion can be saved annually by coordinating healthcare and consequent elimination of discontinuity. One strategy that is consistent with the reform policies is the patient centered care. In this strategy, the RNs are required to attend to the varied needs of the patients and thus provide comprehensive care that is patient centered.

            The healthcare reforms draws more from the innovations in the structural and care delivery over the decades, in developing its own version of patient centered medical homes, (Keepnews, 2010). The patient centered home models are indented to address existing gaps in healthcare, where patients are required to be the center of care and redesigning the nursing practice so that it is centered on caregivers and the patients. The other major component the model addresses is the management of the chronic illnesses in the primary care settings and provision of necessary resources for the effective operations of the patient centered homes.

            The demand for advanced practice nurses and RNs will keep growing since there will be increased accessibility, coverage and service setting as well as services. A good example of this scenario is the increased demand in Massachusetts due to the passage of the healthcare reform in 2006. Many of the expansion will likely fall largely on the shoulders of the practicing nurses since the number of nurses rivals those of the family physicians who offer primary care services. This increased demand shows the need for the readiness of the nurses and nursing profession to the future developments in the healthcare sector. (Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models)

Summary of the Responses Shared by Nursing Colleagues

            The responses provided by the nurses were consistent with the research this paper did. The nurses asserted that there have been major changes and that majority of the services and focus is bound to change in the healthcare system. The nurses acknowledged the impact the policies as entailed in the healthcare reforms has affected the roles of the RNs and other healthcare professionals at large. Similarly, the RNs observed that there has been an increase in the number of individuals seeking healthcare services in the US. An example was given on the statistical changes in the number of patients from 2000- 2006, where an estimated growth of 67% in patients served by the healthcare system in the US was recorded. The nurses, in reference to this growth and the new policy directions provided by the Obama administration admitted that there are many changes in the sector and that the healthcare professionals need to be aware and acquaint themselves with the new roles that they would be required to play.

            The other major issue that arose was that the change in demographics and diversity are the major trends observed in the healthcare system in the United States. This response is consistent with the research findings in this paper in that the healthcare reforms were formulated specifically to address the changes in the population. There is increasing life expectancy in the US, which is estimated to be more than 65 years by 2020 with over 20% of the population living beyond the age of 65. With this in mind, it is worth noting that the healthcare system should expect many challenges in the future and this mostly rests with the RNs’ shoulders.           The student demographics as well as ethnic diversity is rapidly changing in the US and these are some of the responses that were put forth as the major changes that would be observed in the future. Although this response appears inconsistent with the research findings in this paper, it is indeed a challenge for the healthcare system in the US. Modern nurses are tasked with the responsibility of learning their culture and understanding the culture of the population it serves. However, culture is dynamic and the competence of any RNs is based in his/her cultural competence. The diversity of the culture in the US colleges has created even a rich source of students with diverse backgrounds. The other aspect in this opinion rested on the fact that there is growing demand for more nurses and many students continue to enroll in baccalaureate in order to be able to response well to the ever changing diversity and cultural backgrounds of the US…………………………………………………………………………………………Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models……………………………….






Writers Solution




We have covered patient confidentiality in our previous courses. Keeping in mind the scenario from Module 1 and Sara’s situation:

  1. Discuss healthcare workers’ privacy and confidentiality in ensuring all workers are safe in the worksite?
  2. Describe the role of the manager versus a leader in this scenario and how this situation should be handled.

Length: 2-3 pages, excluding title page and references.

Writers Solution

U.S. healthcare delivery systems – from discussing private and public health insurances choices to the importance of stakeholders.


Looking back from weeks 1 to now, there was a lot of information that was shared about the U.S. healthcare delivery systems – from discussing private and public health insurances choices to the importance of stakeholders.

Question multiple aspects of how health care is delivered in the US.

Include the following aspects in the journal:

Ø  Were there any surprises about healthcare in the United States?

Ø  What information did you find to be the most beneficial?

Ø  If you are in charge, what would you change about the U.S. healthcare system?

Ø  Investigate the principal drivers of change that will take place in the health system over the next 10 years.

Ø  1-2 page paper.

Writers Solution

U.S. healthcare delivery systems


Looking back from weeks 1 to now, there was a lot of information that was shared about the U.S. healthcare delivery systems – from discussing private and public health insurances choices to the importance of stakeholders.

Question multiple aspects of how health care is delivered in the US.

Include the following aspects in the journal:

Ø  Were there any surprises about healthcare in the United States?

Ø  What information did you find to be the most beneficial?

Ø  If you are in charge, what would you change about the U.S. healthcare system?

Ø  Investigate the principal drivers of change that will take place in the health system over the next 10 years.

Ø  1-2 page paper.

Writers Solution

Nike’s New Delivery

Nike’s new female apparel includes its very first collection dedicated to maternity wear.
Nike’s new collection, Nike (M), is designed for new and expectant mothers. It’s the first collection of its kind for the active wear giant and follows years of requests by customers and professional athletes. After three years in the making, Nike (M) is finally hitting the market with a four-piece “essentials” collection. Nike (M) includes a supportive legging, tank top, sports bra that provides accessibility to pump and nurse, and a fleece pullover with extra material to fit growing stomachs.
Not only does Nike (M) assist pregnant consumers, it also aids the environment. Nike designed the collection to be sustainable, with each piece made from 78-88% recycled polyester. Combining the relatively untapped market of maternity active wear with sustainability could help Nike appeal to more female consumers, as women are more likely to shop eco-consciously. Additionally, even if they are not shopping the new Nike (M) collection, the line could change Gen Z consumer’s view of Nike, as they tend to favour brands with inclusive and environmentally friendly products.
Advertising and launching the new collection in countries around the world could further Nike’s connection with consumers and boost its image as an inclusive active wear brand. With many of its stores still closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Nike will rely on its desktop and mobile sites for the new collection’s drop. As Nike’s sites generate the highest traffic rates in the active wear sector, it could easily draw consumers online to shop the new maternity wear. Though Nike (M) is the first of its kind for the company, it is not the first maternity line from a large active wear brand, as Reebok first released a multi-purpose active wear line for expectant mothers in 2019.
Nike’s new collection allows expectant and new mothers to exercise in comfort. The release of a maternity line, along with last year’s launch of modest women’s swimwear, could show Nike’s commitment to expanding its reach into untapped areas of the women’s active wear market.
Write a Marketing Plan for Nike’s new product. Ensure you identify:
a) Environmental analysis – the marketing environment
b) Target Market
c) Marketing Objectives
d) SWOT analysis
e) Marketing Strategies