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Descriptive Essay based on a scene from Beowulf

Descriptive Writing Portfolio

Write a Descriptive Essay based on a scene from Beowulf.
Choose a scene from Beowulf, and rewrite and expand it out (in your own words) with additional description to really pull in the reader.
Use the information from Writing with Power to determine the kind of descriptive details you should include and the organizational pattern you plan on following.
The essay should be between 2-3 pages long and be written in MLA style
Checklist: Does my essay have an organizational pattern?
Is it between 2-3 pages long?
Does it contain sensory words and vivid details?
Does it communicate a clear overall impression?
Does it have transitions that link sentences together effectively?
Does it grab the reader’s attention with a strong beginning and a strong conclusion?
Does it have correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation?
Is it in MLA format?




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Descriptive statistics for business analysis


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • Use descriptive statistics for business analysis
  • Perform regression analysis to address an authentic problem
  • Apply statistics in the business environment


You have been hired as a consultant by a large hospital chain. As part of its expansion plan, the organization wants to open a new hospital in a small- to medium-sized town (with a population of 10,000–50,000). Previously, senior management hired a market research firm to do an initial feasibility analysis. The firm presented the management team with two options:

  • Option A: Open a small facility of 90–100 beds.
  • Option B: Open a medium-sized facility of 300–350 beds.

The hospital’s vice president of operations and finance has tasked you with doing an in-depth analysis to determine which of the two options will be the most profitable, given the expense range of $55–$75 million. The hospital has provided you with a data set that contains data about admissions, personnel, and hospital beds, and attributes of the data such as outpatient visits, births, total expense, and census information.

PromptPart 1: Data Analysis Workbook

Analyze the data from the provided Hospital Data Set (linked below) and identify current and future trends and patterns in operations.

  1. Descriptive Analysis: Open a new Excel file and title it Data Analysis Workbook. In the workbook, create a sheet titled P1_Descriptive Analysis. Present descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation, and range) in a table for four attributes from the data set.
  2. Analyze the current hospital data to identify trends and patterns in hospital admissions and costs.
  3. Outliers: Identify any outliers that you see and explain how they have an impact on the overall admission and expense trends. Outliers are the data points that can have an impact on your averages and basic descriptive analysis.
  4. Identify future trends and attributes that impact expenses and admissions by adding new sheets to your Data Analysis Workbook per the descriptions below.
    1. Perform two bivariate regressions to provide recommendations.
      1. For the first bivariate regression, the dependent variable should be Total Expense. Choose an independent variable from one of the remaining attributes.
      2. Create a sheet titled P2_1st_Bivariate_Regression in your Data Analysis Workbook.
      3. For the second bivariate regression, the dependent variable should be Admissions. Choose an independent variable from one of the remaining variables.
      4. Create a sheet titled P2_2nd_Bivariate_Regression in your Data Analysis Workbook.
      5. What would be the right attribute size (independent variable) seems most appropriate to lead you in the expense range of $55–$75 million?
    2. Perform two multivariate regressions to provide recommendations.
      1. For the first multivariate regression, the dependent variable should be Total Expense (the column in the data set). Choose two independent variables from one of the remaining attributes.
      2. Within your Data Analysis Workbook, create a sheet titled P2_1st_Multi_Regression.
      3. Which combination of the attributes seems most appropriate to lead you in the expense range of $55–$75 million?
      4. For the second multivariate regression, the dependent variable should be Admissions (the column name in the data set). You should choose two independent variables from one of the remaining attributes.
      5. Within your Data Analysis Workbook, create a sheet titled P2_2nd_Multi_Regression.
      6. Which combination of the attributes would seem appropriate that would lead you in the expense range of $55–$75 million?

Part 2: Final Recommendation Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

Create a presentation designed for senior management and the board of directors to share the results of your analysis and provide your final recommendation.

Guidelines for Submission

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Supporting Materials

The following resources support your work on the project:

Data Set: Hospital Data Set

Use the following two sheets:


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The scenario-based case study used in this course provides descriptive information and data to help you make decisions as if you were actively participating in a real-life investigation of a warehouse fire

Part 1: Scenario-Based Case Study 

The course project is a scenario-based case study, which will be due in Unit VIII. A scenario-based case study is similar to other case studies you may have experienced. The scenario-based case study used in this course provides descriptive information and data to help you make decisions as if you were actively participating in a real-life investigation of a warehouse fire. There are eight assignments for the scenario-based case study (one per unit). You will complete and submit Part 1, Sections I and II of the course project in this unit. Use APA level one headings for each section. The heading should be indicative of the major section to follow. Here is a tutorial on level headings.For the course project, you will utilize what you learn throughout the course to solve a real-world problem of what fire protection is needed to create plausible actions, concepts, or inventions to solve fire protection deficiencies that resulted in a large-scale fire in a warehouse distribution center.From Unit I through Unit VII, you will complete one part of your recommendation in each unit, and in Unit VIII, you will write an executive summary and conclusion. You will then compile all parts into one document as your final project. You can arrange each part in any order you would like before submitting the final project. For instance, this assignment about fire pumps is covered in Chapter 6 of the textbook; however, you may choose to cover fire protection, detection, and suppression systems (completed in Unit II) as the first part of your final project and to place fire pumps after another topic of your choice. You are able to organize the final report sections in any order that makes logical sense to you.During each part, you will prepare a well-organized narrative consisting of two sections. Only submit the assignment for that unit until the final case study is compiled from all units and submitted as a single document in Unit VIII. However, you should evaluate and revise the recommendations as needed during the process for each previous unit as you learn more during the progression of this course.This scenario-based case study is designed to draw upon your imagination to think creatively on potential concerns with fire and explosive hazards, fire controls, and fire and emergency management. You should look at fire protection technology in a holistic way. This way of design thinking is significantly different from what was previously designed by thinking in isolation. You will evaluate and develop recommendations to resolve potential fires in the future.Please click  here to view the background information of the scenario.Through the scenario-based case study process, you will begin developing a tool that will synchronize suggestions to improve life safety. You will accomplish this by utilizing recommendations to improve fire protection after a warehouse distribution center fire.Section ISection I will address the foreign-made fire pump and your recommendations after reviewing the background information.Your narrative will consist of your evaluation of the foreign-made fire pump and your choice of fire pump that you would recommend for the rebuild of the warehouse. The background information will provide you the needed material to identify the basic components common to fire protection for the City of Washington Distribution Warehouse. As you review the material, make sure you do the following actions: 

  1. examine what contributed to the fire,
  2. analyze building components and existing fire suppression systems, and
  3. prepare and disseminate recommendations.

Fire protection design involves an integrated approach where designers need to analyze the building’s use, occupancy, footprint, and existing fire protection systems or components. This assignment is not looking for compliance with building codes nor expecting you to be a fire protection system designer. However, the purpose of this assignment is for you to apply the concepts and knowledge you learned in this unit as you begin writing your final project covering protection systems that will detect, contain, control, and extinguish a fire. In addition, this assignment provides you with the opportunity to use your skills, expertise, and experience to enrich your response.Section IISection II will address the ethical dilemma of using the foreign-made fire pump, as described in the Points to Ponder Scenario within this unit, as a right versus right action or a right versus wrong action.As we saw in the unit lesson, Kidder (1995) described four basic paradigms that deal with most ethical dilemmas of right versus right choices. He believed ethical decisions often involve choices of the individual versus community, truth versus loyalty, short-term versus long-term, and justice versus mercy. Pick one of the paradigms below, and answer the question.

  • Is it right to use the foreign-made fire pump because others were not available in order to provide fire protection so the warehouse could re-open and the workers could go back to work?  -OR-
  • Do you believe using the fire pump dilemma was a right versus wrong action based on your own values, professional ethics, and institutional values?

For this assignment, you will write a two-page narrative (one page per section) supporting your positions. You must have a title page and references page. An abstract is not required. You may use information from reputable, reliable journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent. You should use at least three sources, one of which must be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations following proper APA style


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER The scenario-based case study used in this course provides descriptive information and data to help you make decisions as if you were actively participating in a real-life investigation of a warehouse fire


Writers Solution

Using RStudio, obtain the following descriptive measures for alcohol consumption when drinking alone

You have to use R studio to make this assignment. Look the questions to answer are in the SDM applied project and excel dataset can be found in the excel file attached. A screenshot and r studio needs to be attached to the relevant question.

The College

UNIT NAME: Statistical Decision Making
VALUE OF QUESTIONS: Applied project questions are worth 30 marks in total.
ANSWERING QUESTIONS: This applied project is to be completed using RStudio. All handwritten answers are to be written on the space provided in this project.
• The file containing the data sets for the following questions can be downloaded from the e-learning site vUWS.
• You should use RStudio to carry out all calculations and statistical analysis which must be shown in the file to be submitted on vUWS. You will be required to submit the R-Script used to perform all the calculations for all the questions. This R-Script should run without errors.
• All answers in this booklet must match your calculations done and submitted in the R-Script.
• To complete this project, you must provide the RStudio outputs for each of the questions.
• Individual projects submitted after the due date will attract a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy stated on the Western Sydney University – The College Website.
To upload your R-Script file follow these instructions:
a. Login to “vUWS”.
b. Select the Statistical Decision Making folder.
c. Under the Assessment tab (from the left hand side of the screen), select “Assessment 4:Applied Project (10%)” and select your group.
d. Use “Add attachment” to select the file to be submitted.
e. Double-check to make sure you have the correct file.
f. “Submit” your file.
g. A written hard copy of your applied project containing the
solutions to each question must be handed in by the due date of
this project.
Description of the assignment and data
The assignment centres around a study of drinking habits of young adults.
The data stored in the Microsoft Excel file named SDM AppliedProject 2021.3.xlsx is to be used for the assignment. It can be downloaded from vUWS.
You are to use the data set assigned to you by your teacher to answer all the questions in this assignment.
The data in this file were gathered from young adults aged between 18-30. The participants were surveyed about their drinking behaviour on the previous weeks, while drinking alone, and while drinking with a romantic partner.
The data set comprises of the following variables:
Gender Gender of the participants:
Age Age of the participants, in years
Alcohol (Drink Alone) Amount of alcohol consumed (per week) by the participants when drinking alone, in standard drinks
Alcohol (Drink with Partner) Amount of alcohol consumed (per week) by the participants when drinking with a romantic partner, in standard drinks
(a standard drink is any drink containing 10 grams of alcohol)
NOTE: The data was randomly created for the sole purpose of this assignment.

Question 1 (6 marks) Marks
In this question you are to investigate the distribution of the amount of alcohol consumption when drinking alone by using descriptive statistics, and a visual depiction of your results.

a) Using RStudio, obtain the following descriptive measures for alcohol consumption when drinking alone. * [2]
i) Mean
ii) Median
iii) Standard deviation
iv) Range
b) Using RStudio, construct a histogram with 5 classes* [2]
You must clearly label the axes and title the graph. [2]
c) Using RStudio, construct a 90% confidence interval for the population mean alcohol consumption when drinking alone*. [2]
* Evidence of work in RStudio is required

Question 2 (8 marks)
It is believed that to reduce the risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury, healthy men and women should drink no more than 6 standard drinks a week.
In this question you are to investigate if the average alcohol consumption when drinking alone is within the healthy limit, by carrying out a hypothesis test.

a) Using RStudio, obtain an output for a hypothesis test at a 5% level of significance to determine if the alcohol consumption when drinking alone is less than 6 standard drinks. (Assume that the amount of alcohol consumption when drinking alone are normally distributed). * [2]

b) Using the information in the output, conduct a hypothesis test at a 5% level of significance to determine if the alcohol consumption when drinking alone is less than 6 standard drinks:
i) State the null and alternative hypothesis [1]
ii) State the test statistic including the degrees of freedom [1]
iii) State the decision rule [1]
iv) State the p-value [1]
v) State the decision by giving reasons [1]
vi) Write down the conclusion [1]
* Evidence of work in RStudio is required

Question 3 (8 marks)
In this question you are to investigate if there is a significant difference between the alcohol consumption when drinking alone and when drinking with a partner, by carrying out a hypothesis test for the paired difference.
a) Using RStudio, obtain an output for a hypothesis test at a 10% level of significance. Assume that the paired differences are normally distributed. * [2]

b) Using the information in the output, conduct a hypothesis test at a 10% level of significance to determine if the alcohol consumption differs significantly when drinking alone and when drinking with a partner:
i) State the null and alternative hypothesis [1]
ii) State the test statistic including the degrees of freedom [1]
iii) State the decision rule [1]
iv) State the p-value [1]
v) State the decision by giving reasons [1]
vi) Write down the conclusion [1]

* Evidence of work in RStudio is required

Question 4 (8 marks) Marks
In this question you are to investigate if there is a correlation between the age and the alcohol consumption (when drinking alone), by performing a regression analysis.
a) Using RStudio, obtain a linear regression output. You must include both the graphical display and statistical analysis summary. * [2]
b) By examining the scatter plot discuss if there is a correlation between the age and the alcohol consumption (when drinking alone). [2]
c) State the coefficient of determination. [1]
d) Obtain the correlation coefficient. [1]
e) Discuss the correlation between the age and the alcohol consumption (when drinking alone) by referring to the numerical values obtained in part c) and part d). [2]
* Evidence of work in RStudio is required




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How could you use Excel descriptive statistics for data analysis research?

Discussion Question

Using the Excel Sheet and descriptive statistics page; you will write up your analysis for the 20 participants. 

This week, you learned about the statistical software applications used to analyze data for research analysis. For this week’s discussion, you will use Excel sheet provide to run descriptive statistics, create graphs and respond to the following:

  • How could you use Excel descriptive statistics for data analysis research?
  • What are your plans for learning more about Excel and how will the information you learned about this software be of benefit in your future analysis of research data?

Refer to this week’s readings and video tutorials before starting this two part discussion question assignment. 

Step 1: Entering Data

Open a blank worksheet in the Excel program

You will now use Excel to view a sample dataset

Dataset Options

In many cases, researchers may have the data from their study in another software package like Microsoft Excel. However, if the data is not available in a software spreadsheet you can manually enter the data. Option 2: Manual Data Entry

In the Worksheet window, type “Age” in C1. Enter the numbers as shown in the dataset below. Enter the remaining data as shown below (set up your column labels i.e., variable). The measure reflects math anxiety and the study variables (cringe, uneasy, afraid, worried, understand) the math anxiety range is from 1–5 with low being the least and 5 the highest.































































































































Step 2: Click on Excel tab for Add Ins; if you do not see statistics; you will need to open the file option; click on Add ins; click on ok; a box will open which will allow you to choose Statistics package; place a check mark in the box and click ok. How to Run Descriptive Statistics

Now that your data is in Excel, you will look at the descriptive statistics for this dataset. Select the data in all the columns except the top that has words for the columns; however you have the file already completed and a picture of the descriptive statistics..See end of page for a copy of the excel sheet and descriptive statistics output.

Discussion Question Part 1

How could you use Excel descriptive statistics for data analysis research? Write about your experience running descriptive statistics. Use the results in the Session Window to support your response. Then add to your discussion with the information you learn writing up your analysis.

Step 3: Excel and Graphs

You will now look at graphing. Select insert graph located at the top of the sheet; highlight the data you want to use for a chart; select the type of chart; select ok. Try using the histogram  feature for one of the variables and select “Ok”. You can create other Histogram graphs by choosing different variables. You can also choose from the other ten graph choices shown on the insert chart function.

Discussion Question Part 2

What are your plans for learning more about Excel and how will the information you learned about this software be of benefit in your future analysis of research data? Copy and paste your graph(s) in a Word document and attach to your discussion response

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  • How could you use Excel descriptive statistics for data analysis research?

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Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing


Now that you have completed the assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission.

Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Statement of the Problems
Literature Review
Research Objectives
Research Questions and Hypotheses
Research Methodology, Design, and Methods
Research Methodology
Research Design
Research Methods
Data Collection Methods
Sampling Design
Data Analysis Procedures
Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing
Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing

Please follow the Unit VII project template to complete your assignment.
Please refer to the Course Project Guidance document for help.

The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be no less than three pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

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Critically apply the theories on key concepts in descriptive and inferential statistics

Subject Code and Title STAT6200: Statistics for Public Health
Assessment Statistics Interpretation Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,200 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
a) Critically apply the theories on key concepts in descriptive and inferential statistics
b) Analyse survey design and sampling methods to collect valid and reliable data and appraise methodologies
c) Assess the data and determine the appropriate parametric and non-parametric statistical tests, and how to control for confounding variables
d) Evaluate types of inferential statistics and interpret the results of these analyses using theoretical examples or as presented in published literature
e) Apply key concepts of statistics, including: sampling, hypothesis testing, distribution of data, validity and reliability, statistical significance and effect size

Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
STAT6200_Brief_Assesment 2_Statistics Interpretation Report_Module 8 Page 6 of 10
This assessment requires you to read excerpts from four articles and answer a series of questions in no more than 1,200 words (+/- 10%).
Most public health and wider health science journals report some form of statistics. The ability to understand and extract meaning from journal articles, and the ability to critically evaluate the statistics reported in research papers are fundamental skills in public health.
This type of assessment demonstrates how students can apply the skills that they learn in this course to real-world scenarios wherein they might need to interpret/review articles for public health use.
After reading published research articles, you will be asked to interpret, describe and report the following types of statistics:
• State the null and alternative hypothesis
• Detail the demographic characteristics of the people in a sample
• Report summary descriptive and inferential statistics reported in the paper
• Describe what inferential statistics were used for the analysis of data in a study and why
• Interpret the odds ratios or hazard ratios for reported outcomes
• Evaluate the impact design limitations described by the researchers have on study or the extent to which results can be generalized to the population
Please download the excerpts of these papers from the Assessment 2 folder of this subject.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in STAT6200 Biostatistics. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity Declaration
I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at
I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
STAT6200_Brief_Assesment 2_Statistics Interpretation Report_Module 8 Page 6 of 10
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Interpretation of, statistical research concepts and reported results, demonstrating applied knowledge
Critical analysis of research elements including sampling, results and limitations
Paper 1
25% Limited understanding of required concepts and
Knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline.
Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s. Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s.
A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s.
Incorrectly describes or reports the purpose of the research, the type of data and the inferential statistics for this paper – there are errors in all four answers. Incorrectly describes or reports the purpose of the research, the type of data or the inferential statistics for this paper – there are errors in the answers. For most answers correctly describes and reports the purpose of the research, the type of data or the inferential statistics for this paper – there are some errors in any of the answers. For most answers correctly describes and report the purpose of the research, the type of data or the inferential statistics for this paper – there are minor errors in any of the answers. Correctly describes and report the purpose of the research, the type of data or the inferential statistics for this paper – there are no or minor errors in any of the answers.
Incorrectly describes or reports the design of the research, the demographic or the inferential statistics for this paper – there are errors in all four answers. Incorrectly describes or reports the design of the research, the demographic data or the descriptive statistics for this paper – there are errors in the answers. For most answers, correctly describes and reports the design of the research, the demographic data or the
descriptive statistics for this paper – there are some errors in any of the answers. For most answers, correctly describes and reports the design of the research, the demographic data or the descriptive statistics for this paper – there are minor errors in any of the answers. Correctly describes or reports the design of the research, the demographic data or the descriptive statistics for this paper – there are no or minor errors in the answers.
Interpretation of, statistical research concepts and reported results, demonstrating Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge. Knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline.
Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s. Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s. A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s.
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
applied knowledge
Critical analysis of research elements including sampling, results and limitations
Paper 3
Incorrectly describes or reports the purpose of the research, the generalizability and the inferential statistics for this paper – there are errors in all four answers. Incorrectly describes or reports the purpose of the research, the generalizability and the inferential statistics for this paper – there are errors in the answers. For most answers, correctly describes or reports the purpose of the research, the generalizability and the inferential statistics for this paper – there are some errors in any of the answers. For most answers, correctly describes or reports the purpose of the research, the generalizability and the inferential statistics for this paper – there are minor errors in any of the answers. Correctly describes or reports the purpose of the research, the generalizability and the inferential statistics for this paper – there are no or minor errors in any of the answers.
Interpretation of, statistical research concepts and reported results, demonstrating applied knowledge
Critical analysis of research elements including sampling, results and limitations
Paper 4
Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge.
Knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline.
Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s. Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s. A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s.
Incorrectly describes or reports the outcomes and the limitations for this paper – there are errors in all four answers.
Incorrectly describes or reports the outcomes or the limitations for this paper – there are errors in the answers.
For most answers, correctly describes or reports the outcomes or the limitations for this paper – there are some errors in any of the answers.
For most answers, correctly describes or reports the outcomes or the limitations for this paper – there are minor errors in any of the answers.
Correctly describes or reports the outcomes or the limitations for this paper – there are no or minor errors in any of the answers.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Critically apply the theories on key concepts in descriptive and inferential statistics
SLO b) Analyse survey design and sampling methods to collect valid and reliable data and appraise methodologies
SLO c) Assess the data and determine the appropriate parametric and non-parametric statistical tests, and how to control for confounding variables
SLO d) Evaluate types of inferential statistics and interpret the results of these analyses using theoretical examples or as presented in published literature
SLO e) Apply key concepts of statistics, including: sampling, hypothesis testing, distribution of data, validity and reliability, statistical significance and effect size

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System architecture is the descriptive representation of the system’s component functions and the communication flows between those components

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references. Assignment must be at least 600 words. Include a coversheet with a title, your name, class ID and date at minimum. Report due by Saturday.

  1. System architecture is the descriptive representation of the system’s component functions and the communication flows between those components.                                                                                 My definition immediately raises some important questions.                                                                                     • What are “components”?                                                                                                                                 • Which functions are relevant?                                                                                                                   • What is a communication flow?





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. System architecture is the descriptive representation of the system’s component functions and the communication flows between those components

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How does prescriptive analytics relate to descriptive and predictive analytics?

1. How does prescriptive analytics relate to descriptive and predictive analytics?

2. Explain the differences between static and dynamic models. How can one evolve into the other?

3. What is the difference between an optimistic approach and a pessimistic approach to decision making under assumed uncertainty?

4. Explain why solving problems under uncertainty some-times involves assuming that the problem is to be solved under conditions of risk.

5. Investigate via a Web search how models and their solutions are used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the “war against terrorism.” Also investigate how other governments or government agencies are using models in their missions.





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Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson

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Descriptive Statistics Analysis

Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson. Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric statistical procedures. Repeat the tasks below for each tab in the Sun Coast research study data set. Utilize the Unit IV Scholarly Activity template attach.

You will utilize Microsoft Excel ToolPak. The links to the ToolPak are here.

Here are some of the items you will cover.

Produce a frequency distribution table and histogram.
Generate descriptive statistics table, including measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), kurtosis, and skewness.
Describe the dependent variable measurement scale as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.
Analyze, evaluate, and discuss the above descriptive statistics in relation to assumptions required for parametric testing. Confirm whether the assumptions are met or are not met.

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Problems Encountered by Sun Coast Remediation

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Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

            Statistics involves the process of collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and data organization in a way that can be understood by its users. Statistical analyses are divided into two broad categories: the inferential and descriptive statistics (Verma & Abdel-Salam, 2019). Descriptive statistics consists of the methods of data representation that calculates descriptive figures and summary graphs or both. The Sun Coast Remediation data was analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics with the interpretations to ascertain whether parametric statistical procedures were met.

Correlation: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

            The analysis of Sun Coast Remediation data yielded the following statistical descriptive figures and summary graphs.

Frequency distribution table

Sick DaysFrequency


Descriptive statistics table

Mean Annual Sick Days Per Employee
Standard Error0.186483898
Standard Deviation1.892604864
Sample Variance3.58195317

Measurement scale

            The frequency distribution tables provide a means of ascertaining the measurement scales in which the data was measured.  An analysis of the variables used in data (sick days) revealed that the measurement scale used is ratio scale. Argyrols (2011) points out that a ratio scale uses units that measure equal distance between values on the scale with unique zero.  The variables used indicate sick days with an interval of 1 and with a unique zero as a starting point since there can be zero sick days.

Measure of central tendency

The measures of central tendency are a summary statistic that provides center point of a data set (Argyrous, 2011). The measures of central tendency used in the descriptive statistics for Sun Coast Remediation data are mean, mode, and media. These measures provide the mid-point in which the sick days are dispersed and this can be deduced from the histogram as the mid-point from which the data sets are dispersed.


            The assumptions for parametric assumptions can be ascertained if it were met by checking the histogram curve and the centrality of the distribution of the data. First, the measures of central tendency must be same. In the descriptive statistics, the mean, mode, and median are all same (7). Secondly, observing the histogram shows that the data is evenly distributed with no outliers. Lastly, the observed values for skewness and kurtosis are 0.142249784 and 0.124922603, which are all closer to zero. The general assumption is that the closer the values of skewness and kurtosis to zero, parametric statistical testing can be evaluated using such data. Therefore, the descriptive statistics above met the requirements of parametric assumptions. 

Simple Regression: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

Frequency distribution table

Lost TimeFrequency


Descriptive statistics table

Lost Time Hours
Standard Error4.803089447
Standard Deviation71.72542099
Sample Variance5144.536016

Measurement scale

The data set in the variables are ordered with meaningful intervals between the data values without unique zero, meaning it used an interval measurement scale. The measures of lost time cannot have zero starting point, since one cannot say that there is zero lost time. 

Measure of central tendency The measures of central tendency employed are mean, mode, and median. The measures provided how the data is evenly distributed across the………………………………………………………………………………………………