Writers Solution

Carol, a local interior designer, just joined the XYZ Corporation Board of Directors


Carol, a local interior designer, just joined the XYZ Corporation Board of Directors. XYZ Corporation produces cell phones and laptop computers. Carol was very excited about being elected to the Board and planned to work diligently and ethically. The Corporation’s attorney gave Carol a welcome packet that included, among other things, a copy of the complete Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. He told her to review the packet and let him know if she had any questions. Another reason Carol was excited to be part of the Board was that her husband was the Lead Auditor from ABC Corp. ABC Corp was the outside auditing firm that XYZ used. In fact, he had been the Lead Auditor for over 8 years and after the completion of this year’s audit, he was hosting a party for all the officers and directors of XYZ the most expensive restaurant in town. (Secretly he was trying to figure how to bill back a portion of the restaurant’s bill to XYZ Corporation.) Carol, as the newest member of the Board was also asked to serve on the Audit Committee of the Board. (This Committee chooses whether to retain the current outside auditing firm.) She was also asked to serve on the Nominations Committee and the Compensation Committee. The Board meets 10 times a year and each Board member is paid $5,000 per meeting. Each Committee meets between 10-15 times per year (many times after the regular Board meeting.) The payment for attending Committee meetings is $2,000 per meeting. Do you see any violations to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act? If so, how could they be resolved? Prepare a 3-4 page reflection paper answering the questions listed above. Your paper does not need a cover sheet and please use 12 pt font and double space.


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designer look” like you would a car, boat, or other “toy”?

Hydrographics are applied to firearms for aesthetic purposes almost as often as they are for functional ones. This is evident in the many different films available which are purely for looks. Let’s face it, you are unlikely to ever be surrounded by flames and skulls and in need of a firearm which blends into your environment. Consider all the purely aesthetic hydrographics you have seen and then discuss the following.

Do you find there to be any ethical concern with taking a tool such as a firearm and giving it a “designer look” like you would a car, boat, or other “toy”? Why or why not? If you were to offer hydrographic application at your own shop, would you apply these finishes if a customer requested them? Why or why not? Finally, how would you defend your position to a customer who took offense to your view, whatever it is?

Min 250 words


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designer look” like you would a car, boat, or other “toy”?


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Employed as a UX designer in SFTA company

ICT203 User Centered Design Assessment 1
Assessment 1 – Individual Assignment
You have been employed as a UX designer in SFTA company. Your responsibilities include the following tasks:
• Plan and conduct user research and competitor analysis;
• Interpret data through various research techniques;
• Create prototypes and wireframes;
• Conduct usability testing.
You must evaluate a website for any of the following industries/organisation types:
1. Education
2. Hospitality (hospital/Hotel/Tourism etc)
3. Government Agencies
4. Small Medium Enterprises
5. Online Commerce
For assessment criteria, please refer to the Assessment details
Timelines and Expectations
Total Percentage Value of Task: 30%
Individual Report Due Week 4, 4/12/20 before 11.30pm Turnitin on Moodle
Minimum time expectation: 20 hrs
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment task:
LO1. apply an evidence-based approach to user-experience requirements elicitation, specification and evaluation;
LO2. plan, conduct, analyse and interpret the results of User Centred Design activities to model users, goals, tasks, system environment and domain;
LO3. plan, conduct and document usability tests of software systems;
LO4. construct prototype user interfaces demonstrating the application of user interface design principles and guidelines.
Assessment Details
For this assignment, you need to write a report with a minimum of 1,000 and a maximum of 1,500 words (excluding references, attached article pages, and title pages) to answer the below questions:
1. Describe the website you are investigating and explain its two important values. (6 marks)
2. Justify a research method that is appropriate to conduct your research findings on the user experience for the website. Provide sources of evidence from peer reviewed articles. (4 marks)
3. Apply your research method and find 10-15 respondents to survey for their feedback on three bad user experiences and three good user experiences for using the website. You must attach the relevant documentation (e.g. survey form, interview scripts, etc) in the Appendix section. (10 marks)
4. Show three website screens that need to improve on the user experience. Discuss what are the type of changes in detail and develop three prototype screens. (6 marks)
5. Write a half-page of your conclusion on the investigation process. (4 marks)
Report Structure Page
Table of contents 1
Introduction 1
Website description and values explanation 1
Research method description and provision of peer reviewed evidence 1-2
Discussion of user survey and feedback 1-2
User interface screens to improve, proposed change and prototype screens 2-3
Write a half-page of your conclusion 1
References: 6-8 articles of APA Referencing Style 1
Appendix: Attachments such as interview scripts, surveys etc
1. Please refer to the SISTC report formatting guidelines under the Assessment folder. For marking consistency on this assessment, you are permitted to adapt Time New Roman, font size 12, double line spacing
2. Your report must name as follows: Your Name + assessment 1+Day Webinar. For example, if your name is John, your report file name will have the following naming :JohnAss2Wed
3. Sign, attach and submit the coversheet on Turnitin link.
4. You will upload the report on Turnitin by 4/12/20 before 11.30pm.
5. Keep multiple backups in your possession, in the event that you need to resubmit.
6. Any issues affecting timely submission should be raised with the unit coordinator or lecturer well in advance of the submission due date.
7. If you submit your assessment late without obtaining an approval from the unit coordinator, a 10% deduction of the total marks will apply for each day of late submission. After a period of five working days, a student will receive a mark of zero for the assessment. The assessment must be submitted to prevent a Fail Incomplete being recorded on the student’s academic transcript.
8. Assistance: To maintain assessment process equity and fairness, the unit coordinator/ lecturer will not comment on students output prior to submission. The unit coordinator/ lecturer may provide generic advice on theoretical issues, structure, and expectations. Students are advised to raise any generic questions with the lecturer during class discussion so that answers are provided to all students in an equitable and transparent manner. Students having difficulties with their comprehension and writing should seek immediate assistance from academic support services well in advance of the due date.
9. Marks and Feedback: This assessment will be marked out of 30 marks. The unit coordinator / lecturer will endeavour to return marked assessment and provide verbal and written feedback during the class time within 10 working days from the assessment submission due date.
10. Plagiarism means representing the creative work of another as your own original work without appropriate acknowledgement of the author of the work or the source. The need to acknowledge the work of another arises out of a set of rights provided for in the Copyright Act 1968 known as ‘moral rights’. These include the right to attribution and the right to object to derogatory treatment of the work. Advice on what constitutes plagiarism, how to avoid plagiarism, and how to reference is available here: provide the link. Students are directed to adequately reference any material they use, not to share their work with others, and not to leave their work on common storage media that others could retrieve with or without their knowledge or consent. Students should therefore take full responsibility of their work as copying and plagiarism with or without their knowledge or consent still attracts severe penalties.
Submit to the drop box on Moodle.
Feedback and results will be published through Moodle.
Academic Misconduct
To submit your assessment task, you must indicate that you have read and understood, and comply with, the Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism policies and procedures.
You must also agree that your work has not been outsourced and is entirely your own except where work quoted is duly acknowledged. Additionally, you must agree that your work has not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program.
Marking Criteria / Rubric
Marking Criteria High Distinction
(22.5-24.5) Credit (19.5-22) Pass (15-18.5) Fail (0-14.5)
1. Describe the website you are investigating and explain its two important values. (6 marks) Very good explanation on the website review
Good explanation on the website review. Incomplete explanation on the website review.
Inconsistent explanation on the website review.
Incorrect explanation on the website review.
2.Discuss a research method that you think is appropriate to conduct your research findings on the user experience on the website. Provide sources of evidence from peer reviewed articles. (4 marks) Well justification of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source.
Justification provided of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source. Incomplete justifications of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source. Inconsistent
justifications of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source. Incorrect justification of a research method with supporting evidence from articles source .
3. Apply your research method and find 1015 respondents to discuss their three bad user experiences and three good user experiences on using the website.
You must attach the relevant documentation (e.g. survey forms, interview scripts, etc) in the Appendix section. (10 marks) Very good Justifications Good Justifications Inconsistent
Justifications Incomplete Justifications Incorrect Justifications
4. Show three user interface screens that need to improve user experience. Discuss what needs to change in detail.
(6 marks) Very good Justifications Good Justifications Inconsistent
Justifications Incomplete Justifications Incorrect Justifications
5 Write a half-page of your conclusion on the investigation process. Very good Justifications Good Justifications Inconsistent
Justifications Incomplete Justifications Incorrect Justifications

Writers Solution

UX Designer to conduct a Usability


For your third assignment, you are hired as a UX Designer to conduct a Usability Review of an existing web site, desktop application, or mobile app and present your findings and recommendations using PowerPoint or other approved presentation application (e.g. Google Slide, LibreOffice Impress, Prezi)

 Project Directions

Select an existing website, desktop, or mobile application and complete the following as the result of your Usability Review.

1. Describe the critical goal of the web site or application. In other words, what is the purpose or what is it designed to accomplish?

2. Describe the top four usability issues you uncovered (sorted by severity). Complete the following information for each issue and present it in column format:

A. Usability Issue – List the issue

B. Severity Rating (High, Medium, or Low) – Rate the severity of the issue into one of three categories:

· High severity – Issues that prevent the user from completing tasks efficiently.

· Medium severity – Issues that impede ease of use and understanding.

· Low severity – Issues that do not prevent users from completing tasks, but inconvenience the user.

C. Rationale – Describe the usability issue. Discuss the severity you assigned to the issue. Why is this an issue? Justify your severity rating.

D. Recommendation – Recommend a path of action to address the usability issue. How can the issue be fixed or corrected?

Note: This is not a complete or extensive usability review, but for purposes of this class, it will provide you an introduction into the usability review process.

 Project Findings Presentation

Please follow the steps below:

Create a PowerPoint presentation to present your findings. The PowerPoint template below can be used to complete this project. Simply add your information to the slides.

The slides should be designed as follows:

slide 1

Slide 1: Cover Slide 

Include the following:

· Your name

· Your class

· Year and semeser

· Website or application used in your usability review

Slide 2a

Slide 2: The critical goal of the web site or application. 

Slide 3

Slide 3: First Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 4

Slide 4: Second Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 5

Slide 5: Third Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 6

Slide 6: Fourth Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 7

Slide 7: Summary 

Summarize slides 1 through 6.

Slide 8

Slide 8: Questions 

Ask your audience if they have any questions.

Slide 9

Slide 9: References 

List the references you used to complete this project.

Slide 10

Slide 10: Project Reflection 

Answer the following question regarding the assignment:

What issues or challenges did you face completing this project? How did you resolve them? If you did not face any issues or challenges in completing this project, what do you think are some issues or challenges someone new to completing usability studies might face in completing a project like this? Note: Your reflection must be a total of at least 100 words.

 Presentation Design Style

Please follow conventional presentation design format and guidelines. In other words, your presentation should look “presentable”. 

 Probject Resources

The following resources may be helpful.

1. How to Conduct a Usability Review by Craig Tomlin (web page)

2. Presentation Design Quick Tips: You Need CRAP by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:15 mins | closed captioned)

3. Presentation Design Quick Tip #1: C is for Contrast by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:31 mins | closed captioned)

4. Presentation Design Quick Tip #2: Repetition by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:15 mins | closed captioned)

5. Presentation Design Quick Tip #3: A is for Alignment by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:45 mins | closed captioned)

6. Presentation Design Quick Tips #4: Proximity by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:31 mins | closed captioned)

 Submission Requirements

Submit your presentation to your Project 3 Assignments Folder.


Listing 4 user design issues and presenting them in presentation format along with a project reflection “in accordance” with the assignment instructions will earn you a 100% (A) on this project.

Writers Solution

What inspires you as a designer?


Writing an Artist/Design Statement: There are many ways to structure an artist

statement, here are two approaches that you can use. There are links to artist and design

statement examples at the end of the page.

Make a statement about why you do what you do. The first section of your artist’s

statement should begin with a discussion of why you make art. Try to make it as personal

as possible. Talk about what your goals are and what you hope to achieve through your


Describe your decision-making techniques. In the second section of you statement, tell

the reader about your decision-making process. How do you select a theme? How do you

choose what materials to use? What techniques to utilize? Keep it simple and tell the truth.

Talk about your current work. In the third section, provide some insight into your current

work. How does it relate to your previous work? What life experiences informed it? What

are you exploring, attempting or challenging through this work?

Starting your Statement – Here are some questions that can help you build your

own design philosophy/artist statement:

• What inspires you as a designer?

• What drives your design process?

• What’s important to you as a designer?

• What’s the theme or story behind your collection/portfolio?

• How does that theme or story influence how you designed this


• As a designer, what point are you trying to express through your


From the State University of New York –

Design statement examples:

GYST – Making life better for artists


Artist Statement must be 1-2 pages

12pt font

Times New Roman

Artist Statements are typically single spaced

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