Writers Solution

Do developed countries contribute to corruption in developing countries?

This is a paper of Global Corruption course.

  • Choose one question/topic from the list of topics/questions provided below for your term paper.

1.Do developed countries contribute to corruption in developing countries?

2.Is the new media (e.g., Facebook, and Twitter) a promising anti-corruption tool? Explain your answer. You might want to take a position and defend it using evidence (e.g., fromjournal articles, media reports, websites, and blogs).

3.Is the traditional mainstream media an influential anti-corruption force? Explain your answer. You may want to take a position and support/defend it with evidence (e.g., from journal articles, media reports, websites, and blogs).

4.Do multinational corporations play any role in global corruption?

5.What are the major challenges in the fight against global corruption? How can those challenges identified be overcome?

6.Are any three recent empirical cases/examples of (global) corruption not discussed in this course? If yes, discuss these cases. For example, provide the necessary context/background to help the reader understand the case and the perpetrator(s) involved. Then, briefly explain any measures such as prosecutions and reforms taken or can be taken to prevent future occurrences.

7.Is corruption good for society? Discuss

  • 7-8 pages long (excluding references)
  • Minimum of 12 references – with at least seven from academic sources (e.g., journal, articles and book chapters)
  • Your answer should be in essay format with title, introduction, body, and conclusion. The title should reflect the paper’s focus. The introduction should provide an overview of the entire paper. This introduction should indicate the research topic/issue and why it matters, the paper’s research question or purpose, theory/concept, and data employed. The body can take different forms. The body can take different forms. For example, if applicable, you can discuss your theoretical/conceptual framework, which provides (1) an abstract answer for your research question/purpose and (2) structure for the paper’s analysis. Next, have another section or different logical sections addressing/answering your research question with evidence (e.g., scholarly work, media reports and so forth). Finally, in the conclusion section, you can remind the reader of the paper’s purpose and then state the key takeaways or main lessons (e.g., theory, policy, and future research implications) based on the paper’s analysis.
  • Clarity of expression is essential, so pay attention to grammar and choice of words, and use formal/academic tone and short sentences – up to 35 words per sentence.
  • The term paper should be typed and double-spaced (but use single space for references at the end), and it should be in either MS Word or PDF format
  • Use Times New Roman and Font Size 12 and leave a margin of 1 inch on either side.
  • paper should include appropriate title 
  • You can use any recognized referencing style (e.g., APA) for your in-text citations and references.
  • some videos that you can watch related to the course-
Writers Solution

Developed a clear picture of the environmental issues that will affect the initial release of the new product

Deliverable Length:   10-15 PowerPoint slides (each slide should include 200-250 words each in the notes section)

Based on your discussions with Michelle, you have developed a clear picture of the environmental issues that will affect the initial release of the new product. As you compile your notes, the phone rings. 

“Hi. This is Michelle. I want to touch base with you about your presentation to the board next week. Do you have any questions about the upcoming meeting?”
“Thanks for calling,” you say. “You have good timing. I was just reviewing my notes and working on my PowerPoint presentation. I think I’ve covered the areas we discussed at our last meeting. Do you have something else that you want me to include?”
“Oh, good,” says Michelle. “Yes, I’d like you to share 3 or 4 goals for the marketing project, too. Make sure these goals are specific as possible. You might want to lead with the goals, but I’ll leave that up to you. Naturally you’ll need to do some research to determine the types of goals that are relevant for a new product project like this. Be as specific as you can when outlining realistic expectations.
“Okay,” you say as you jot down more notes. “Anything else?”
“Just be sure to include your thoughts about whether we should develop a product that can be marketed world-wide. You know that is one of their main concerns. You’ll have about 30 minutes for your presentation. ”
“Will do. Thanks for the information. I think about 10–15 slides should be about right for a 30-minute presentation.” 

The students should list and explain 3–4 goals that a company in this situation should set for itself. The explanations should be 2–3 sentences each, and they should include citations from the text and other sources. Each goal should be as specific as possible; for example, the goals might include—among other things—the following items: 

  • Sales in dollars or units 
  • Market share 
  • Customer awareness 
  • Profit 
  • Return on investment 
  • Customer satisfaction 


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Is your location a well-developed tourism destination with solid organization and continued growth

Part A: Research & Outline

Prepare for your report by conducting your research and outlining your report. You will need to include the following:

Annotated bibliography

Create an annotated bibliography consisting of at least 8-10 sources that you will use in conducting your research for this report (at least 2 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).

The annotated bibliography consists of your reference plus a paragraph (at least 3 sentences) below which describes how you will use this particular source. It should also provide a critique of the source (i.e. is your information reliable?).

Cover page and table of contents

Create a cover page and table of contents which will outline how you will address the questions listed below for the report.


Write the introduction for your report and address the following:

  1. A brief history of tourism in your chosen location. For example, is your location a well-developed tourism destination with solid organization and continued growth, or is tourism a relatively new undertaking with little organization?
  2. The present demand for tourism based on a review of available tourism statistics (present this data in a table or in a visually appealing point format – be creative!). Include information such as:
    • Number of tourists and the revenue they generate
    • Origin of the tourists (i.e. where do they come from?).
    • Purpose of their trip.
    • A description of the key months/key seasons for visitation. When do most arrive? Are there opportunities to increase visitation at other times?
    • Information about the evolution of visitation over the past 10 – 20 years (e.g. increasing, decreasing, stagnant)

Part B: Situation Analysis & Future Plans

Using the outline, research, and introduction you prepared for Part A, prepare a report for your minister that examines the following. You can use the headings provided below as an organization guideline for formatting your paper.

Introduction and Overview of Tourism

Include content from Part A.

The Impact of Tourism

  • The benefits that tourism brings to your location.
  • The barriers to tourism acceptance at your location.
  • The impact of tourism on your location’s culture.

Tourism Management

  • Provide a brief description of how tourism is currently managed in your location. For example, are there government departments overseeing tourism in your location? If so, how is this structured? Are there strong LOCAL tourism organizations involved in tourism?
  • An overview of the training (or lack of) available to tourism employees.
  • Provide a brief summary of the components of a tourist destination area (TDA) at your location. Examine the adequacy of present supply (the five components noted below) with present demand (level of visitation). In other words, are the following five components of the TDA sufficient for tourism there? For each component comment on what is working and what you think could be improved. Provide evidence or examples to support your statements.
    1. Natural resources
    2. Infrastructure
    3. Suprastructure
    4. Transportation system
    5. Hospitality of the host

Note: If you have selected a location that you have personal experience with, your own experiences are a great starting point for research, but this report should be based on research and evidence. For example, don’t just say that the transportation systems seemed sufficient from when you were there. Do some research and reference your sources to support your statements.

Where you believe your location fits on the life cycle of a destination; justify or explain why you chose a particular stage in the life cycle.

Tourism Planning and Marketing

  • An analysis of the tourism planning process (i.e. has your location gone through a tourism planning process)? If so, what steps were followed? What key dimensions were incorporated in planning (i.e. environmental, social, and economic)? If no planning has taken place, discuss how this has impacted this tourism destination.
  • Using the basic 4 Ps of marketing (product, price, place, promotion), in general terms identify how your location is marketing itself today. Identify what could be changed and what could be improved for future marketing efforts.
  • Based on a review of tourism trends (global and local) identify future tourism plans for your location as well as challenges that lie ahead. Identify these future tourism plans using the eight components of tourism as your framework (transportation, accommodations, food and beverage, attractions, events, adventure tourism and outdoor recreation, travel services, and tourism services). Use the next 3 to 5 years as your planning horizon. *Hint: Use the tourism planning process described in this course and your text as your example.


Summarize your main points and provide a conclusion for the minister regarding your recommendations.

Format for Case Study

  • All assignments must be typed in Times New Roman font, 12-point size, double spaced.
  • Submit assignments in .doc or .docx or .pdf format.
  • All assignments must be professionally organized and presented. Instant messaging (IM), chat and email slang and abbreviations are not acceptable forms of communication in this course.
  • The final paper should not exceed 12 typed double spaced pages (excluding your title page, table of contents page, references page and appendices). Focus on being concise.
  • Visuals such as maps, infographics or tables are encouraged. Visuals are not included in the total page number count, as they are not text.
  • For in-text citations, references page, and title page, your papers must adhere to the guidelines set out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th edition). There are many online resources that you can access to perfect this format.
  • Submit your assignments using dropbox on or before the deadline shared through the course announcements.
  • You are responsible for ensuring the safety of your work by making regular backups (i.e. extra copies).  “The computer ate my work, I lost my flash drive, my hard drive crashed, my printer isn’t working” are not acceptable excuses for late assignments. Expect that you will have technical difficulties and plan accordingly.\


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Writers Solution

What is it? How has marketing developed? What should the goal of successful marketing be?


Use this link to discover Marketing 3.0 that was developed by the “father” of the field.  What is it? How has marketing developed? What should the goal of successful marketing be?  Finally, how does this relate to advertising?


Classmate response

Marketing used to be oriented around dollar signs and profit margins. Through much evolution, marketing is finally centered around the needs of the consumer. 

And not just the physical tangible needs, but the spiritual, mental, and emotional needs. 

Successful value propositions offer more than a product. Many of the successful advertisers of today have ads centered around the human experience.

Week 2

Go to the following website and read the section about brands. What is the importance of branding? 

How is branding achieved?

Classmate response

If there is one thing you want to get right for your business it is branding.  It is so important because everyone looks for the best branding.  Branding is where you differentiate your business from other businesses.  Examples of brandings are logos, jingles, mascots, and slogans.  The best logos, slogans, and jingles always bring the most attention to your business.  Have you ever caught yourself singing the Home Depot jingle or another jingle?  Everyone can sing the McDonalds jingle, knows the Nike slogan, and knows what Target’s logo is.  If it is catchy then it will stick with you for longer and will have you thinking about it more.  The more you think about it then you will be more likely to consider buying from that company.  This can also make advertising better.  It is easier to advertise if you have better branding.  You can rely on your slogan more or your jingle more.  

Week 3

Choose one of the videos.  Explain why you liked it and why you think it is clever.  Finally, answer the question: what is an integrated advertising campaign?

Classmate response

Choose one of the videos.  Explain why you liked it and why you think it is clever.  Finally, answer the question: what is an integrated advertising campaign?

I chose the M&M’s-Find Red video because I liked the clever ideal how they did the digital treasure hunt where they asked the Canadians to find the red m&m’s so they would have a chance to win a red smart car. The way they originated this finding was through a YouTube video and players actually took on the challenge. I liked how they also had it set up where they gave the players clues because of Torrento being so big and without the clues they may have never found the red m&m. I found it real clever they gave them clues on the website on twitter and Facebook two of the main popular media sites to gain their players. They also had a word translator on the site for those who needed it. I really love how they had it so how you could scan the bar code on wall papers they had hanging throughout the city of Torrento so it would give you a clue and also on the back of an M&M pack they had it where you could scan the bar code on the back of the pack, and it would also give you a clue.

Integrated advertising campaign is a cross-channel marketing strategy that involves creating consistent campaigns across different platforms to provide a cohesive experience to the customer. 

Week 4

Why do you think this was considered an award winning campaign?  What are the key elements? Do you think Nike increased sales?  Explain.

Classmate Response

I think this was considered an award-winning campaign because the empowerment it brings against the women. It started off as an incredible choice for serious runners. So, they used that and gathered women from all over to run together because there were true power in numbers with them running together. It was an inspiration to others and made them more powerful and stronger as a whole. They used it to create unite a community of female runners at first and named them She Runs with the Nike logo. It Empowered them to redefine their sport and change the way they train forever. They started off their communication through social media with a rally Christ of change. They all agreed they needed to tackle the biggest barrier of them all women running in the dark. They began by recruiting women who already loved running in the dark and they received hundreds of responses. The more of them that ran the brighter they can burn. Then they challenged the community that they would hold a 13k night race for women runners. This alone this big empowerment and movement should definitely be considered an award-winning campaign. The key element is She run with a community of women who gathered together to run as a whole and motivate others to join as well. Nike definitely increased sales. Nike was and is still popular in the world today. You have male and female that wear Nike from head to toe still today.

Week 5

Watch the video to explain the importance of social media in advertising. How do you think you can incorporate social media into your advertising campaign for your project?  Share some idea

Classmate response

Social media is important because it allows marketers to connect and engage potential customers on various apps. Social Media is better than traditional advertising because it can be a cheaper way to promote your business or product and you can see who views your business info and products. The business and retail world are changing rapidly, and it is important that businesses stay on top of current marketing trends such as social media. Traditional forms of marketing don’t work as well as they used to. One of the main reasons social media marketing is so effective is that brands can hyper-target ideal clients based on exact demographics. Showing ads to the right individuals is a critical part of the marketing process and must be taken seriously to avoid wasted ad spending. Building both a social media audience and a landing page is important to creating consistent and future success from your marketing efforts by leveraging data. Also, another importance of social media is the ability to directly track your return on investments from your marketing campaigns. For example, on Facebook, this information is built directly into its Ads Manager platform, making it possible to view your budget’s performance and analyze the return on your ad spending.

I can incorporate social media into my advertising campaign for my project by promoting my ad campaign on my Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, and even on TikTok. Also, I could record my family and friends using my product for my ad campaign and post the video on all of my social media platforms as well as on YouTube. I would also have my friends and family leave me reviews on my website page about my product.

Week 6

Watch this video and answer this question: how can you use Instagram for advertising?  How could you use this for your project?  Give examples.

I strongly suggest you use this video for your weekly discussions.  It will be helpful for your project.

Classmate response

All social media accounts can help anyone advertise their business or product. Instagram specifically is a great way to reach other people and share your product. For example, you can create an account on Instagram that has a specific topic you post about like weekly exercises and so on. Posting a picture or a short video once a day about your specific product that your trying to promote can help you grow your audience and eventually your business. Another way that Instagram can help with advertising is it gives the business a chance to reach knew possible consumers. For example, lets say that I post on my account about the product I’m selling and someone tags their friend in the post. That opens a door for me to potentially gain a new client. Now imagine the audience you could build if you had 8 Instagram accounts. This information will help you with your project by giving you the knowledge of how Instagram can be used as a promotional tool when creating your promotional campaign. For example, you create your big idea but you have no idea how to reach your specific audience. Instagram can be that gate way that allows you the chance to gain potential consumers.

Week 7

What is Pinterest and how can it be used as part of an advertising campaign?  Can you provide some examples?

Summarize the key points in the video.

Classmate response

What is Pinterest and how can it be used as part of an advertising campaign?  Can you provide some examples?

Summarize the key points in the video.

Pinterest is a social media site where you and others can collect and share images of anything you find interesting. Using Pinterest allows you to visually discover new interests by browsing the collections of other users who are on Pinterest. If you’re interested in a subject, such as cooking or decorating, find images you like on Pinterest or on the web, and then save those images to your Pinterest bulletin board. Create multiple bulletin boards to catalog your interests. Pinterest is a place where people post their ideas for others to see for easier or less expensive crafting projects. You use Pinterest to market your business. I would take the flyer and add it to Pinterest and add a link to give contributions. Pinterest allows you to promote and advertise your business in a more professional and business-oriented way.

Week 8

Watch this video to see how Facebook is used as an advertising tool.  What are the key points? How can Facebook be used for an advertising campaign?

Follow the link.

Classmate response

Facebook allows for marketers to reach out and create content that may be helpful for their viewers. Facebook allows for marketers to connect with potential consumers. Their are approximately 550 million users on Facebook and out of that 550 million users 50 percent of them are active users. Facebook can be used as an advertising tool because users can create an ad on Facebook much cheaper than for them to create a television ad or a radio ad. This allows for Facebook users to promote their business or product in a way that is affordable and, at the same time, allows them to reach a bigger audience. One key point is that Facebook allows its users to set  an ad budget for their ads. The cost for an ad on Facebook depends on the cost per click. What this means is that you as the marketer will pay for each click your ads receives. How can Facebook be used as an advertising campaign? To some it up a user on Facebook can create an ad to promote their product and or business. This allows for a marketer to communicate to potential consumers and to do it at a much cheaper price


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Writers Solution

Collision theory was developed by Max Trautz and William Lewis in the early 1900s when they established that particles must collide with one another in position to react.

Practical Report – At home Data Analysis Task
Jess Hynes
Red = not complete yet
Yellow = Needs working (editing)
Green = complete
Purple = Information about the report
The purpose of this experiment is to see how temperature and concentration affect the rate of a chemical reaction.
describe what happens during a chemical reaction
When a chemical reaction happens, a change in the chemical bonding that holds atoms together causes energy to be more evenly distributed among the atoms in the rearranged state. The most likely state of energy is for it to be in thermal equilibrium with the cosmic microwave background, which means that it will radiate energy into space in a uniform manner (Aoki and Shimosaka, 2018). A reaction is similar to a -square dance- because the atoms switch places with one another. Sometimes a response requires a little -pushing,- in the form of a bit of burst of strategic energy to get it off the ground. However, the reaction will not always continue to a complete stop; instead, it will proceed until it finds an -equilibrium,- which is described in terms of probability (Aoki et al., 2019).
describe collision theory and how reactants interact to form products (needs figure + reference)
Collision theory was developed by Max Trautz and William Lewis in the early 1900s when they established that particles must collide with one another in position to react. The collision theory of chemical reactions says that the pace of a chemical reaction is related to the number of collisions between reactant molecules between two reactant molecules. The more often reactant molecules collide, the more frequently they react with one another, and the more rapid the reaction rate is. Only a tiny percentage of collisions result in effective collisions with other objects (LibreTexts, 2020). Collisions that are effective in causing a chemical reaction are called effective collisions. Reactant particles must have a certain minimum amount of energy to create a successful collision. The activation energy is the amount of energy that is required to start the reaction from scratch. Some reactant particles have this amount of energy in every sample of reactant particle (Stojanovska et al., 2017). The bigger the size of the sample, the greater the number of effective collisions and the greater the pace at which the reaction takes place. The temperature of the reactants affects the number of particles that have enough energy to cause a reaction. If the reactant particles do not have the necessary activation energy when they collide, they will bounce off of each other without causing any reaction (Durmaz, 2018). Trautz and Lewis had concluded that 1.) For a reaction to occur, particles must collide. 2.) The particles must be able to break and form new bonds with enough energy. 3.) They must collide in the right direction.
• describe the chemical reaction used in the experiment, including a balanced chemical equation
describe what a precipitation reaction is and how we can represent it as a chemical equation.
The Liesegang (periodic precipitation) phenomena is the oldest pattern formation. It was found and documented in 1896 by Raphael Edward Liesegang, a German scientist and photographer. Liesegang had discovered that two equation solutions are mixed in a precipitation reaction, resulting in a solid substance called the precipitate. As the reaction progresses, the ions from the reactants aqueous solution create an insoluble ionic compound, which is the cause of precipitation. Because the polar water molecules surround the individual ions of the salt, most ionic solids, such as salts, are soluble in water. Those that do not dissolve and go into solution create precipitates, which are solid products. These precipitates come in a variety of colours, which can assist scientists in figuring out what kind of precipitate is there. Net ionic equations are commonly used to represent precipitation reactions. Because all ions are cancelled out as spectator ions when all products are watery, a nett ionic equation cannot be stated. To identify if an equation is a precipitation reaction, it is when you have a double displacement reaction.
Example: (is this correct?)
Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + 2NaI(aq
When we join these two solutions, the ions can either combine in the same way they entered the solution or trade partners. In this situation, lead nitrate and sodium iodide could form, or lead iodide and sodium nitrate could form; to decide which will form, we must look at the solubility laws (“Notes on Precipitation Reactions – General Chemistry | CHEM 142 – Docsity,” 2021).
describe in the detail what is meant by a “clock reaction”. Include references to both a technique using iodine, and our technique that uses sodium thiosulfate. (Needs fixing because its “apparently a bit too complex”)
A clock reaction is another way of measuring rate. Clock reactions are a really good way of investigating the effect of concentration or the rate of reaction while also being simple to perform. The disappearance of a reactant, such as a sulfite in the Landolt reaction, controls the clock time in the traditional clock reactions. However, there are various types of clock behaviors that may occur. This article provides a brief overview of several instances. The clock time in the bromate-cerous reaction is regulated by the autocatalytic rise in the concentration of an intermediate molecule, HBrO2, which occurs during the process (Yan & Subramaniam, 2016). In the BL reaction, the induction time when the iodide ions concentration is measured looks different when the iodine and iodide concentrations are measured. This period should be referred to as the pre-oscillatory period. We have discovered an entirely new kind of clock behavior in the process of iodine oxidation by hydrogen peroxide: the clock begins to beep when another reaction disrupts the stable steady state of the hydrogen peroxide breakdown (Jusniar et al., 2020). The transitions between various dynamical states that all clock reactions entail go beyond their distinctions. The experimental curves can be analyzed by identifying time intervals with identical combinations of the time concentration profiles first and second derivative signs. This trend analysis can provide helpful information about the dynamical state transitions involved in the experiments (Jusniar et al., 2020).
You will need to record your references correctly in APA style
Hypothesis (I had to re start)
• 2 to 5 sentences explaining your prediction of what should happen in this experiment. You need to back this up with information from your introduction.
sodium thiosulfate (0.5 M) solution 2 x 50 mL conical flask
hydrochloric acid (1 M) solution hydrochloric acid (2 M) solution
cold water bath hot water bath
5 mL measuring cylinder plastic pipette (3 mL)
deionised water stopwatch
thermometer marker pens
white paper

  1. Add 5 mL of deionised water to the conical flask, using the measuring cylinder.
  2. Add 5 mL of sodium thiosulfate (0.1 M) solution to the conical flask, using the measuring cylinder.
  3. Put the conical flask into a container of ice water for 1 to 2 minutes, until the temperature of the solution is 10°C. Record this temperature.
  4. Remove the conical flask from the ice water and dry its base.
  5. Draw a cross on a piece of white paper and place the conical flask on top of the cross.
  6. Add 2 mL of hydrochloric acid (1 M strength) solution to the conical flask using the plastic pipette and use the stopwatch to time how long it takes before the solution has become so cloudy that you can no longer see the cross under the base of the flask.
  7. Repeat steps 1 to 5, but use 2 M hydrochloric acid solution instead of 1 M hydrochloric acid solution.
  8. Repeat steps 1 to 5, but use the hot water bath in step 2 instead of cold water. Put the conical flask in the hot water for 1 to 2 minutes, until the temperature is 30 °C.
  9. Repeat steps 1 to 5, but use 2 M hydrochloric acid solution and the hot water bath in step 2 instead of cold water. Put the conical flask in the hot water for 1 to 2 minutes, until the temperature of the solution is 30 °C.
    1M acid and cold bath – 12 minutes 2M acid and cold bath – 8 minutes
    1M acid and hot bath – 2 minutes 2M acid and hot bath – 40 seconds.
    Discussion – 2 pages maximum (had to restart)
    • written as text, with no dot points and a new paragraph should be started for each new point.
    • include a paragraph describing your results and relating them to collision theory.
    • Refer to the student observations. In reference to these observations, in what ways could the experiment be improved to ensure that the results are accurate and consistent between groups
    • describe several applications and everyday occurrences that can be explained using the concepts involved in collision theory and analysing the rate of reaction
    Evaluation – Answer the Questions in Bold in reference to the following information
    Alan and Belinda carried out some reactions using hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate (marble chips). They did an experiment four times, each time changing one variable. The table below gives the conditions for each of the experiments:
    Reaction A B C D
    Volume of Acid (mL) 50 50 50 100
    Volume of water added (mL) 0 50 0 0
    Temperature (oC) 20 20 60 20
    From your experiences:
    Write the reaction that is most likely to produce the most gas. Explain your answer.
    Determine which reaction is likely to be finished first? Explain your answer in relation to collision theory.
    Which of these experiments is likely to be the control reaction? Explain why you think this is.
    The was carried out and Experiment D was completed in about the same time as experiment B, but produced twice as much gas.
    Alan said “Obviously there was an error in the measurement. Both experiments should have produced gas at the same rate as reaction D because they both use 100ml of solution. Acids have water in them anyway, so it makes no difference that there is 50ml of acid and 50ml of water.
    Belinda said “Well, they have the same volume of solution, but its not the water that reacts with the marble chips it’s the acid. So reaction B really only has half the amount of acid as reaction D, so the results should be different.”
    State who you agree with, why, and relate this to collision theory.
    Conclusion (Was told too complex and had to re start)





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Collision theory was developed by Max Trautz and William Lewis in the early 1900s when they established that particles must collide with one another in position to react. 

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Do governments and companies in developed countries have an ethical responsibility to contribute to economic growth and social development in developing countries?

  1. Do governments and companies in developed countries have an ethical responsibility to contribute to economic growth and social development in developing countries?
  2. Do corporations have a responsibility to use their “best” ethics and social responsibility practices when they do business in other countries, even if those countries’ practices are different? Please answer the questions in 300-400 words





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Effective use of language and a developed critical evaluation

An analysis which deals fully with the major elements from a marketing point of view* Selection and amplification of ideas which accord with the analysis presented* Work which shows very good grasp of the marketing topic* Effective use of language and a developed critical evaluation  * An excellent and cohesive responseCore text – This unit is supported by the following core text:Dibb, S. & Simkin, L. (2013), Marketing Essentials (Second Edition), Cengage, London.Guided reading – the following is expected reading for this unit.  Details of what to read and when will be provide in the BREO site reading lists.P.R. Smith & Ze Zook , (2011), Marketing Communications: Integrating Offline and Online with Social Media, Kogan Page. Independent study – to receive high grades you will need to demonstrate your wider reading. The following resources provide useful background reading for the material in this unit.• Campaign• Marketing Week• PR Week• Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications• Journal of Marketing Communications- Harvard system of referencing- A minimum of 5 referenced academic sources is required.- No more than 50% of references may be from the internet.





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For many years supermarkets have engaged in vigorous marketing thus making the flow of products in the shelf and stores to move swiftly. Most of the large supermarket designs their marketing strategies based on socioeconomic profile of the consumers. For example, studies have shown that homogeneity of customer group tend to go for homogeneous products, whereas heterogeneity of customer group tend to demand for heterogeneous products(Melanie, & Marian, 2011). Homogeneity of customer group made the supermarket to excel on specific market segments, but with increased globalization, heterogeneity of customer group is increasing rapidly. Also, the increased use of internet and online marketing, many supermarkets faces stiff competition from online sales. In the past two decades, large supermarket such as Walmart have closed some store because of dwindling returns and increased expenses.

Marketing strategies

Therefore, for supermarkets to adopt the dynamic world of customers as well as keep pace with the competition, it is important for the supermarket to shift to aggressive and reliable marketing strategy. Past marketing strategies focused on customers as the most ultimate prize to be won if the supermarket was to remain at the top………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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