Writers Solution

Organizational development

Prepare an annotated bibliography of articles collected to date on the topic selected.  

Research Paper Topics:

1. Organizational development

2. Organizational culture

3. Team development

4. Diagnostic models

5. Learning organizations

6. Lewin’s Change Model

7. Neuroscience in leadership

8. Organizational Change

You will be required to prepare an annotated bibliography with some of the articles/books you plan to cite in your final project.   This assignment is worth 10% of your grade. To be eligible for full credit, you are required to have 6-8 entries.

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Writers Solution

Families play a significant role on the growth and development of its individual members.

Family Health Assessment

Families play a significant role on the growth and development of its individual members. Both the positive and negative influences within the family shape an individual’s personality as well. Furthermore, family relations exert a unique influence on social and cognitive development (Favez 2017). In combination, family is literally everything and every family is unique. There is a strong correlation between the mental state of the mother, her parenting behaviors, and the development of the child. Fathers are not to be forgotten because their role of protector and provider introduces an additional framework of responsibility within families. Finally, the way in which these pieces all come together show the functioning of the family. This paper will show the unique characteristics of one family using a complete family health assessment.

Family Structure

For this project, I chose to interview and assess a close family friend of my niece. For confidentiality purposes, the names of this family will not be used and will be replaced with initials. RS and ES are a married couple of in their early thirties. The two were high school sweethearts and just recently celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary. RS works as a manager for a medium sized logistics company and ES is a records specialist for a major oil and gas company. Both RS and ES make more than 50k a year but neither of them has a college degree. ES and RS have two daughters, LS age sixteen, and IS age ten. The family lives in an upper middle-class neighborhood and no extended family lives with them.

ES and RS are of Hispanic ethnicities. RS is a Mexican-American male and ES is a Dominican female. ES obtained her American citizenship a few years ago although she immigrated to the US when she was five years of age. LS and IS are natural born children of both parents so they are of mixed heritage. Although neither of them attended college, both have well-paying jobs with great benefits. The couple also purchased a two-story home in an upper middle-class neighborhood and can regularly fund a savings account and retirement funds.

Current Health Status

RS and ES have a very loving relationship as they both expressed the need to give their children the well-balanced life that neither of them experienced. Both RS and ES are the heads of the family and they equally share power. Both contribute financially to the home and both discipline the children. RS and ES create rules and guidelines for their children together and they work through any disagreements by communicating with each other. LS is the big sister and she helps to look after IS at times, but the girls are rarely left home alone. The family also takes their health seriously as everyone is covered by health insurance, they all attend annual checkups and any other sick visits that are necessary.

Health Patterns

ES and her family function quite well and there are two major functional health pattern strengths in their family system. Gordon’s Function Health Patterns is a useful tool that nurses can use to assess a family’s function with the goal of determining their strengths and barriers to great health (Karaca, 2016). The first strength is their roles and relationship patterns. All members of the family have meaningful relationships with one another and with persons outside of their household. The second strength is their coping and stress release patterns. This family copes well with stress by talking about their problems and encouraging each other. Furthermore, if there is an issue that seems to be creating a significant problem, the family would willing seek counseling for the entire unit or the individual member. I did notice some areas of improvement in relation to activity, nutrition, and sleep patterns. They do not engage in a lot of physical activity, putting them at risk for future problems. Additionally, ES and her family appear to eat out more than they prepare meals at home. Lastly, the oldest daughter and dad tend to take way more naps than is normal. Dad works long hours, but their daughter does not, and has no physical reason for sleeping such long hours during the day.

Family Systems Theory

With some minor changes, the family systems theory can help ES and her family improve their family functioning. The family systems model focuses on making behavioral changes through interactions with different family members (Johnson and Ray, 2016). The family needs to be more active and they can take walks around their beautiful neighborhood or sign the girls up for a sport. ES and RS also need to find chores and other activities for their eldest daughter to engage in to prevent her excessive sleeping in the afternoon. As a family, they should spend one day a week planning meals and cook as a family to reduce fast food intake.


ES and RS were an amazing family to assess and they are functioning well above average. It appears that the dysfunctional families they both were raised in played a major role in their decision to make things different for their children. The family communicates well, adapts well, share power and roles, and they show great concern for their health. It was refreshing to witness and family that functions well as I have often seen plenty of dysfunctional families in my nursing care.


Favez, N., Frascarolo, F., & Tissot, H. (2017). The Family Alliance Model: A Way to Study and Characterize Early Family Interactions. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.3389. Johnson, B. E., & Ray, W. A. (2016). Family systems theory. Encyclopedia of family studies, 1- 5. Karaca, Turkan, Functional Health Patterns Model – A Case Study (2016). Case Studies Journal ISSN (2305-509X) Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2016. Appendix: Questionnaire Tell me about your family’s physiological functioning and this includes health status, nutrition, bowel movements, sleep, activity, and relationships with other people. How does your family feel about sexuality and what are your values? What are your thoughts on coping behaviors in your family and self-perceptions as well as cognitive functioning?

Writers Solution

The International Development Association (IDA) was organized by the World Bank in 1960

Read the following overview describing the increase in economic globalization over the past several decades: the following issue brief through the Levin Institute that describes the development, purpose, and criticisms of the International Financial Institutions (International Monetary Fund and World Bank): 

Merchandise trade after WWII marks the biggest growth period in economic globalization. The main forces driving globalization include: 

  • Technological innovations (e.g. discovery of large oil fields in the Middle East, 1948)
  • Broader political changes (e.g. the establishment of the United Nations in 1945)
  • Economic policies (e.g. the establishment of Bretton Woods – IMF, World Bank, 1944 – 1971)

Development of the IMF and World Bank: 

  • Conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to address concerns about the stability of global economic markets

IMF Structure: 

  • IMF is controlled by its 187 member-countries, each of whom appoints a representative to the IMF’s Board of Governors
  • The IMF has three main activities: surveillance, financial assistance, and technical assistance

Why is the IMF Controversial? 

  • Some critics say that the conditions of the loans are too controlling and don’t give the receiving country enough freedom to do things the way they feel is necessary
  • Some critics say that the IMF imposed the policies of the Washington Consensus without understanding the complexities of the nations they were working with
  • Some critics are displeased that the policies are imposed all at once
  • Some critics say that the IMF was not transparent or open to constructive feedback when developing their policies

World Bank Development and Structure:Originally known as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) 

  • IBRD was founded at Bretton Woods
  • Structure is basically the same as that of the IMF; the majority of voting power is held by the U.S.
  • The mission of the IBRD claims that it “aims to reduce poverty in middle-income and creditworthy poorer countries by promoting sustainable development, through loans, guarantees, and non-lending-including analytical and advisory-services”

World Bank Initiatives: 

  • The International Development Association (IDA) was organized by the World Bank in 1960 to provide additional financial assistance to the poorest developing countries
  • The International Finance Corporation (IFC) was established in 1956 and is now the largest public source of financial investment for private sector projects in developing countries
  • The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) was created in 1988 to provide risk-balancing insurance services to foreign direct investment projects in developing countries
  • The World Bank established the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in 1966 to encourage both investors and governments to undertake and receive foreign direct investment by providing a neutral dispute resolution system

Criticisms of World Bank:The World Bank has been criticized for lending to projects that caused environmental damage and social problems, as well as for causing too high of debt for developing countries.

Part 1

Review the eight goals Millennium Development Goals and suggest some improvements to the goals.  As of this year, how would list the Millennium Development Goals? Would the list from 1 to 8 stay the same, be switched around, or would some of the goals change completely? Be sure to include your rationale.

Discussion Guidelines

  • Share your thoughts and ideas on this week’s discussion forum prompts in a couple of paragraphs.
  • Be sure to cite any resources that you use in APA format.  Direct quotes should not be used in discussions.

Part 2

The Olympics of International Financial Institutions’ Projects

Various projects are handled by international financial institutions (IFI) on a yearly basis. It is your task to give one gold, one silver, and one bronze medal to each chosen project.

For each medal you give out, you must state the following:

  • Name and detailed description of the project.
  • Name of the IFI that handled the project.
  • Type of medal (gold, silver, or bronze).
  • Positive impacts and how they could have been even more impactful.
  • Negative impacts and how they could have been avoided.

Please make sure your assignment is double-spaced using Times New Roman, 12-point font, and 1” margins. Be sure to cite any references in APA Format. 

Each case paper will be assessed on the following:

  • Be sure to follow the directions, by stating the medals, names, details, IFIs, as well as the positive and negative impacts.
  • Strong examples, valid points, and ideas on the topic
  • At least two additional resources cited in APA format
  • 2-3 pages in length
  • Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation

Part 3

Consider the criticisms of the IMF and the World Bank. Do you feel that their practices are required for accountability purposes, or do you believe that they unfairly threaten the sovereignty of certain nations? Furthermore, how would you shape the policies of the IMF and the World Bank, if you had the proper authority to do so? 

The journal entry should be about a page in length.  If applicable, be sure to cite any resources you use to support your learning journal. 

Writers Solution

Human development

Question 1.

Course : Human development

In what ways have nature and nurture impacted your development? Do you possess any attributes that seem to be more clearly influenced by one factor over the other? Is there any way to tease apart what has resulted from nature and what has resulted in nurture in your own development? Explain.( 150-160 words)

Question 2.


How did the onset of the Iron Age influence the course of history in Mesopotamia?

(150-160 words)

Writers Solution

Sustainable Development Goals; global issues in healthcare

Describe the global issues leading to vulnerable populations and disparity at present time. What factors are responsible and what steps can we take as healthcare professionals to advocate for the vulnerable people at a global level?

Assignment Description: This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more

This week you will reflect upon global issues in healthcare to answer the following questions:

  • Briefly define the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • How can you do your part upholding the Sustainable Development Goals?  
  • Reflect on your future responsibilities involving ethical norms in healthcare.

Assignment Expectations: 

Writers Solution

Marketing methods: Personal development and success

CMU 101: Assessment 1
Write a descriptive essay of 800-850 words.
Choose ONE of these topics:
• business models or strategies
• marketing methods
• personal development and success
• a current technological development
• Your essay should focus on description, and include at least 3 main points. • The essay should be no less than 800 and no more than 850 words • Type the essay in an appropriate 12 point font.
• Include at least 2 in-text references to material you have read, and a bibliography listing at least 4 sources, using an appropriate referencing style. (Note: websites like Wikipedia are not acceptable sources for academic work)
• Include a cover page
• Essays must be submitted through Turnitin, and must show no more than a 30% similarity rating. Essays with more than 30% similarity may be penalised, or may have to be rewritten.
• Essays submitted after the due date will incur a penalty of 10% per day up to 7 days.
• Essays submitted more than 7 days late will not be marked.

Writers Solution

Identify three legislative areas that your organisation’s development plan may need to address

Unit Details BSBMGT615 Contribute to Organisation development
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Assessment Task 3
Assessment Methods
Assessment Task 1
Assessment Task 2
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Student Assessment 1 it%
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Student Instructions
Written Questions
• Candidates are required to complete the following written assessment task. This is an
individual assessment, but you can use notes to assist.
• All questions will need to be answered
correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this task
• Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit.
• Time allocated: 120 min
• This is an individual assessment, but you are to research end can use notes end to assist.
• The protect is designed to assess your understanding of the unit as well as your underpinning knowledge
• To be deemed Satisfactory in this assessment you need to answer correctly ALL parts of project in your own words, clearly printed, word formatted and typed in English
• Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit.
• This activity will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of required skills, knowledge and critical aspects of assessment you have obtained through the completion of this unit.
• Time allocated: 120 min
Practical Demonstrations
• Candidates are required to complete the following practical task. This is an individual assessment, but you can use notes to assist.
• All performance criteria will need to be met to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
• Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit.
• Time allocated: 60 min
• Submit your assessment by the date set by your assessor
• The length of your answers will be guided by the description in each assessment:
Short answers: 4 typed lines or 50 words
Long answers: 8 typed lines or 100 words
Brief report: 1 typed page or 500 words
Mid Report: 2 typed pages or 1000 words
Long Report: 4 typed pages or 2000 words
Do not plagiarise. Plagiarism is considered cheating. Any answers you provide from the internet or ‘open book’ should acknowledge the source of the information. Clear links or references should be provided. Your assessor can discuss any sources quoted to clarify your understanding.
Also, please refer below for our policy in regards to cheating.
Do not cheat during this assessment. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be excluded
under the Disciplinary Rules and their opportunity for assessment will be subject to the outcome of an Appeal Process or Disciplinary Hearing
Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you
Reasonable adjustment: If you require any adjustments to accommodate a need in order to complete this assessment, please talk to your assessor. Arrangements will be put in place to ensure
a fair and flexible approach is undertaken for this assessment. Please note that the range or nature of the adjustment will ensure that the outcomes of the unit are not compromised.
Accommodation for LLN and appeals process is available. Please alert your assessor if you feel this applies to you.
RPL – Recognition of prior learning is available. Please alert your assessor if you feel this applies to you
Re-assessment: If you do not achieve the required standard, you will be given the opportunity to be re-assessed by our Assessor. Arrangements will be made on an individual basis.
Feedback: Your assessor will provide feedback to students after the completion of the assessment. The trainer assessor will ex • lain the a • •eals rocess
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Student Assessment
Written Questions Assessment Task 1
• Identify three legislative areas that your organisation’s development plan may need to address. Explain why it is important to address legislative and regulatory context in your development plan.
2. Explain why it is important to incorporate culture into your development plan and outline factors that
can be considered and implemented to support culture change.
3. John Kotter’s eight-step process for leading change includes creating a sense of urgency and
communicating for buy-in. Describe ways to incorporate them into your development plan.
4. Outline at least two methods to ensure effective communication and consultation in your
development program.
Describe how to maximise participation and support from managers and explain why it is important.
6. Identify what technique or strate
team. Explain gy you could employ to manage conflict within your development your choice.
7. What technique or strategy would you apply to evaluate the effectiveness of your development processes?
8. Explain how sensitivity training can be used to change behaviour and improve dynamics.
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V Student Assessment
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Project Assessment Task 2
Part A — Project: Contributing to organisation development at BizOps Enterprises
You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a scenario-based project.
You receive an email from Sean Bamford, Managing Director: Business Operations.
Subject: Development plan for integrating retail outlets with online sales Hello,
At the last senior management meeting there was discussion about changing the structure of the retail operations of BizOps Enterprises.
The key factor behind this is the growing number of consumers who prefer to shop online. Although there is no evidence to indicate this is affecting BizOps retail sales figures at the moment, it is senior management’s view that we should better integrate our physical retail outlets with online sales.
As the Managing Director of Business Operations, you have been delegated the responsibility of overseeing this organisational development plan. You will report directly to senior management, as they will be jointly responsible for approving any plans that are developed.
Please refer to the development plan brief, provided below, for more details of what senior management has in mind. Refer to the ‘Instructions to the candidate’ section for a detailed list of tasks that you will need to complete for
this organisational development plan.
Sean Bamford
Managing Director: Business Operations
Task overview and context
Development plan brief
The BizOps Enterprises business plan is targeting an annual growth in sales of 15% over the next five years. There are many ways that have been suggested to achieve this growth, but senior management wants to focus on those
strategies that will support growth in the long term, and not just over the next five years.
Our 150 retail outlets are located strategically to ensure that we can offer a premium retail experience to more than 90% of the population. We currently
have an online sales capacity that is managed centrally and serviced through our warehouse facilities and warehouse staff.
The concern that senior management has with this current online and retail sales strategy is that they are not integrated. Here are some examples of the
types of poorly integrated customer service scenarios that exist in the current approach:
Customers will research a product online, then go to a retail outlet to make a purchase. The in-store pricing is usually higher than the online price and sales staff cannot match the price. Consequently, our retail sales staff
– make negative comments about our online sales to customers
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Student Assessment r institute…
develop the belief that our online business is directly competing with retail outlets’ business
develop low morale because they feel that the future of retail outlet sales is being threatened by online sales and their jobs are at risk.
• Customers who purchase a product online will come to the retail outlet for after-sales support. Although there is a support hotline, the customers prefer to have their problems resolved in person. The retail sales staff are highly experienced in product support, but in instances where a product was purchased online, there is a tendency to reduce and minimise the support that is offered. There have been a number of customer complaints where support has been directly refused and customers have been told they need to access the support hotline.
Retail sales staff have no access to details of sales made through the online system. This leads to a situation where BizOps operations are
segmented and it is difficult to establish a work culture that supports the whole organisation.
Warehouse staff have limited product knowledge and sales expertise. The current online approach is putting greater emphasis on them to develop sales and customer service skills. There are many negative comments coming from warehouse staff. They believe their award conditions should
change, as they are being asked to perform duties outside of their position description.
The proposed integrated approach that senior management is seeking should contain some of the following features:
• Pricing for online and retail outlets is the same.
• Customer sales record systems are integrated between online and retail outlets. Authorised retail sales staff should be able to access records of a customer’s purchase details that were made either online or through a retail outlet. Consequently, retail sales staff providing after-sale support can
record this information and use it to demonstrate achievement of key performance indicators.
• Retail outlet sales staff are integrated into the online sales system by being rostered onto the support hotline.
• Online sales are allocated to the sales budget of the nearest retail outlet.
Retail outlet performance will therefore have online sales as one of its performance indicators.
One overriding factor that senior management wouid like to achieve is the
development of a sales strategy that has a vision for the future and has no distinction between how the sale was made.
They provided an example of this as a major computer corporation that has a physical presence in major retail centres, which purely have an emphasis on product demonstration and support. Sales are made either online or in the store, but the sales vision is that returning customers will have a preference for using the online system. Consequently the online strategy is to market directly through email and social media and to promote products through a
sophisticated website. The online sales experience should exceed the physical retail store sales experience.
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Student Assessment -lir ..••
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Instructions to the candidate You will need to access and read the following B- izOps Enterprises documents:
• Company business plan
• Organisational charts
See the ‘Resources required’ section for how to access these.
Complete the following tasks. Submit your responses in documents that are appropriate for each task.
1. Access the company business plan and the organisational charts. Using this document and the development plan brief, prepare a draft development plan for senior management to consider. The plan should include details on the following:
a) The development plan’s goals and objectives and possible measures of success
b) Key personnel and their roles in implementing the proposed development plan
c) A list of the stakeholders that need to be consulted, with an outline of what their needs and competing demands may potentially include
d) A stakeholder consultation and communication strategy that outlines what needs to be communicated, who will receive the communication and how it will be communicated
e) Strategies that will be used to gather stakeholder feedback throughout the implementation phase
f) A proposed time line with milestones to achieve full implementation in a 12-month period
g) An outline of resources that will be required to implement the proposed development plan over a 12-month period
h) An outline of possible risks and an assessment of the effects that may exist with the implementation of the development program
i) An evaluation of the proposed development program in terms of the costs, benefits and potential risks
2. While senior management is considering your draft plan, there are several other documents that can be prepared in expectation that the draft
development plan will be approved. Prepare each of the following and collate them into a single document:
a) A process to resolve problems that are raised by key stakeholders —this should also include a recommended process for allowing teams to
develop problem-solving skills so they can actively contribute to the resolution process
b) A process to manage possible conflict that may develop
c) A plan that outlines appropriate steps, corrective actions and interventions for perceived problems that may be encountered through the implementation of the development program
d) A plan to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the development program as it is being implemented
The final documents you submit for assessment will be assessed using the project criteria provided.
All project criteria outlined must be covered satisfactorily for Part B to be completed satisfactorily.
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You must complete the project unassisted by the assessor or other personnel,
but may refer to reference material as needed.
The following materials are required for this project to be completed: Business technology, including a computer and Internet access
• BizOps Enterprises documents (these can be accessed by the following web links):
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include access to:
• relevant legislation and regulation
workplace documentation and resources

• case studies, and where possible, real situations
interaction with others.

Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
If you are unable to undertake the project assessment as designed, a further
scenario/project may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with your
— —
Resources required
Assessment conditions
Reasonable adjustment
Part B — Project: Contributing to organisation development at work
You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a project in your workplace.
In this project, you are required to develop and maintain a selected
organisational development program that aligns with your workplace’s
organisational goals.
Complete these tasks,
1. Using relevant workplace resources such as your organisation’s business plan or organisational charts, prepare a draft of an organisational
development plan for senior management to consider. The plan should include details on the following:
a) The development plan’s goals and objectives and possible measures of success
b) Key personnel and their roles in implementing the proposed development plan
c) A list of the stakeholders that need to be consulted, with an outline of what their needs and competing demands may potentially include
d) A stakeholder consultation and communication strategy that outlines what
will be communicated
needs to be communicated, who will receive the communication and how it
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Task overview and instructions to the candidate
Student Assessment gr Fri st tu

Resources required
e) Strategies that
egies that will be used to gather stakeholder feedback throughout the
A proposed time line with milestones to achieve full implementation
g) Adenvoelliotlpinr:eonftrpelsaonurces that will be required to implement the proposed
h) An outline of possible risks and an assessment of the effects that may exist with the implementation of the development program
i) An evaluationdluaantionppotfetnhteiapl iarropkoased development program in terms of the costs,
2. While senior management is considering your draft plan, there are several other documents that can be prepared in expectation that the draft development plan will be approved. Prepare each of the following and collate them into a single document:
a) A process to resolve problems that are raised by key stakeholders — this should also include a recommended process for allowing teams to develop problem-solving skills so that they can actively contribute to the resolution process
b) A process to manage possible conflict that may develop
c) A plan that outlines appropriate steps, corrective actions and interventions for perceived problems that may be encountered through the implementation of the development program
d) A plan to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the development program as it is being implemented
The final documents you submit for assessment will be assessed using the project criteria provided.
All project criteria outlined must be covered satisfactorily for Part C to be completed satisfactorily.
The following materials are required for this project to be completed:
• A workplace or work placement
• Business technology, including a computer and internet access
• Relevant workplace documentation and resources, including: Organisational goals
– Company business plan
Organisational charts
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathere demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include access to:
• relevant legislation and regulation
• workplace documentation and resources
• case studies, and where possible, real situations
• interaction with others.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
If you are unable to undertake the project assessment as designed, a further
scenario/project may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with yot assessor.
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by an assessor -this may be in a workplace or work placement.
The candidate’s work performance will be documented while being observed
Practical Demonstration Task 3
Student Assessment ,
4, 4
The following observation checklist in used to judge and record observations of the candidate Record your observations of the candidate’s performance directly onto the checklist. You may record your observations during and/or after the observation.
The observation checklist has a series of items related to the unit of competency that form the evidence criteria Instructions on how to make an overall judgment of the satisfactory performance of the candidate are provided within the checklist.
The checklist allows you to record that you have had the opportunity to observe the candidate applying these skills and knowledge. All items on the checklist must be observed in order to record a satisfactory performance.
You need to meet the following conditions:
• The necessary materials and resources must be provided to the candidate, and any concerns or questions the candidate has must be clarified or answered before the observation commences.
The period of observation should be over a work period sufficient to observe all the skills outlined in the checklist provided and to ensure that the candidate’s performance is captured in full. This must be negotiated and agreed to by workplace colleagues to minimise interruptions to the everyday activities and functions of the workplace environment, as well as to the observation being undertaken.
• The candidate must complete the observation task unassisted by the observer or other personnel.
The following materials are required for this observation to be undertaken:
• A workplace, work placement or simulation scenario
• Business technology and workplace documentation and resources, including a computer and internet access
• Relevant legislation and regulation
• People with whom to interact and collaborate in team development activities
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities
experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include access to:
• relevant legislation and regulation
• workplace documentation and resources
• case studies, and where possible, real situations
• interaction with others.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
If the candidate is unable to undertake the observation with an assessor, the
candidate may consider undertaking Part E — Third-party report as an alternative approach.
Reasonable adjustment
Instructions to the assessor
Resources required

Writers Solution

Trace the historical development of law, the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Court system, legal terminology, and legal procedures.

Final Project – Civic Engagement Through the Political Process

This portion of the final project is a written paper that focuses on the processes involved in making the laws that we study as part of the GBS 205 course.  It meets the following course competency:

• Trace the historical development of law, the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Court system, legal terminology, and legal procedures.

The written paper should be divided into three distinct sections.  It should be written as a paper and not a question and answer worksheet.  

SECTION 1 – Civic Engagement Through Contact with Representatives

This section should include the following:

1. A list of the names of the people that represent the area you live in each of the following offices:

• Two U.S. Senators – (These are the people that represent Arizona in Washington DC.)• 

One U.S. Congressman – (Also serves in Washington D.C., determined by your Congressional district)• 

 The governor of Arizona• 

Two state representatives – (represent the district where you live; they meet in Phoenix Arizona.)• 

One state senator – (represent the district where you live; they meet in Phoenix Arizona.)• 

The mayor of the city where you live.• 

A city council member that represents the area of the city where you live.

2. A copy of a letter (or an email) written to one of the above representatives discussing an issue that is important to you and suggesting to them an appropriate way of dealing with it.  You should actually send this letter (or email) to the person to whom it is addressed.

3. A discussion of why you chose this issue, why you chose this representative for dealing with this issue and the importance of communicating with representatives in this manner.  Do you think they read communications such as this and respond to them or are they simply ignored?

SECTION 2 – Understanding the State Legislative Process

For this section of the paper you will need to watch a video archive of a meeting of the state legislature.  To find a meeting go to the Arizona State Legislature webpage.  Select either the Senate or House drop down menu.  Select “Archived Meetings” and you will get a list of previously held meetings that you can watch online.  Choose a meeting that is at least 30 minutes long on a topic that interests you and watch it in its entirety. (Hint: The most interesting topics are discussed early in the year so go back to a meeting in February or March). Write about it in this section and include the following:

1. The name of the group holding the meeting (“Joint Legislative Budget Committee” or “Senate Judiciary” etc.), the date and the length of the meeting.

2. A detailed summary of what happened in the meeting including an identification of any bills that were discussed.

3. Your own evaluation of the importance of the topics discussed in the meeting to both Arizona residents and the Arizona business community.

4. Your understanding and evaluation of the state legislative process.  Are the needs and effects on business adequately presented and discussed at these meetings?  How can businesses influence policy and legislation in the state?  Can you think of anything that might be done to improve this process from a businessperson’s perspective?  

SECTION 3 – Understanding Local Government

For this section of the paper you need to watch a video archive of both a city council meeting and a city council study session.  (If you can demonstrate with pictures or video that you actually attended these meetings you can receive up to 50 extra credit points.). Go to the city’s website and find a link to archived meetings (all cities sites are different – you should be able to navigate through this fairly simply) and watch both meetings in their entirety.

Write about the following in this section of your paper:

1. The city, date and time of both meetings.

2. A detailed description of what happened in each meeting – including prayers, awards, pledge of allegiance, contracts and ordinances discussed, contents of consent agendas etc. 

3. Your evaluation of the importance and relevance of the what happened in the meetings to the residents of the city or town.

 4. Your opinion on the city council process overall.  Is it accessible, valuable, important for residents to attend these meetings?  Do citizens have an adequate say in what takes place in a meeting such as this?  

5. Do the mayor and councilmembers seem to have a good understanding of the issues?  Are they considering the interests of local businesses and citizens when they make their decisions?  Are local businesses represented at the meetings?  Do businesses have good opportunity to express their positions on the issues?  Do you have any suggestions for improving the process?

The length of the paper is not as important as its completeness.  You will be graded on having included a thoughtful discussion on all of the topics presented in this prompt.  Simple “yes” or “no” type answers will not receive credit without further explanation of the reasoning behind the answer. 

Writers Solution

Cognitive Development Activity for Infant Room: Peekaboo.

Cognitive Development Activities

[WLOs: 1, 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 4, 5, 6]

Prior to completing this assignment, read Chapters 7 and 8 in your textbook and read the Piaget’s Enduring Contribution to Developmental PsychologyOn Major Developments in Preschoolers’ Imagination, and The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture: Working Paper No. 5 (Links to an external site.) articles. Also, review the Week 5 Final Project instructions for creating the proposal, and review the videos: Play: A Vygotskian approach and Piaget’s Stages of Development (Links to an external site.).

The purpose of this assignment is for you to continue working on  elements that will become part of your Community Center Proposal Final  Project. This week you will be creating three activities that address  cognitive development in the age groups assigned. These will become part  of the infant room, early childhood room, and adolescent room of your  center.

Using Piaget’s, Vygotsy’s, and/or Information processing theories of  cognitive development, you will continue to build your Community Center  Proposal by identifying activities for the assigned rooms that promotes  cognitive development for children and adolescents. The activity must be  focused on the cognitive milestones of the age group and must be  clearly tied to specific theory. You must use at least one credible  source.  Your activities might be focused on object permanence for  infants, conservation, egocentrism, or conservation for early childhood,  or deductive reasoning for adolescence. Table 7.1 in your textbook will  be useful in completing this activity.

Focus on the primary developmental tasks of each age period. For each  of the three activities, write a paragraph that addresses the  following:

  • Describe the activity in some detail (provide more than just the name of the activity).
  • Identify the specific concept from cognitive development theory that supports the use of this activity.
  • Identify how the activity enhances cognitive development in the specific age group.

Here are two examples providing you a model of how to approach this  assignment and how to build the elements of the rooms in your community  center.

Examples of Activities:

Example 1: Cognitive Development Activity for Infant Room: Peekaboo. 

One of the activities we will incorporate into the infant room is  peekaboo. This is a game where the caregiver hides himself from the  child (covering the child’s eyes or hiding behind a chair, etc.) and  then appears again by uncovering the child’s eyes or coming out from  behind the chair. Another variation of this would be hiding a treasured  object under a scarf and then revealing it again. One of the milestones  of the first year of life is the development of object permanence.  Object permanence occurs when an infant grasps that something (an  object, a person) still exists even when the infant cannot see it. This  is a concept from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and is one of  the developmental tasks of the sensorimotor stage. Newborns do not have  a sense of permanence. When they cannot see you, you do not exist for  them. During the first year of life, they slowing learn that objects and  people continue to exist even with they cannot be seen (Mossler, 2014).  Playing peekaboo is one way to foster the development of object  permanence. Infants usually delight in seeing someone appear and then  hide, only to reappear. This activity will support the cognitive  development domain and also the psychosocial domain because of its  interactive nature.

Mossler, R. A. (2014). Child and adolescent development (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

Example 2: Cognitive Development Activity for Adolescent Room: Board Games Involving Strategy and Problem Solving. 

In the adolescent room, we propose having a collection of board games  that require logical thinking and problem solving. Adolescence is the  beginning of more sophisticated thinking. Children in this age group  move from concrete operations to what Piaget calls formal operations.  They are becoming capable of deductive and hypothetical reasoning  (Mossler, 2014). Games like chess, Battleship, and checkers all require  players to engage in this kind of thinking. Another game that can be  used is the game of Clue. This game supports the development of  prepositional logic and requires players to think hypothetically  (Neller, Markov, and Russell, 2006). These games will not only promote  cognitive development but will further support psychosocial development  because of the required interactions.

Mossler, R. A. (2014). Child and adolescent development (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

Neller, T. W., Markov, Z., & Russell, I. (2006). Clue deduction:  Professor Plum teaches logic. Retrieved from