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A conundrum: rubrics for creativity/metacognitive development

Refer to the article ‘A conundrum: rubrics for creativity/metacognitive development’.  This article is included in this Unit’s reading list. 

  1. Analyze and respond to the following statement from the above-mentioned article:

On the use of rubrics to generate artifacts for grading… ‘our concern is that the teacher is restricting students’ problem solving, decision-making, and creativity—traits needed in a democratic society for governance as well as for economic productivity. Are today’s educators systematically discouraging creative thought and actions by our P–12 learners? Matching their work to a teacher-designed template (i.e., a scoring rubric) is different from analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating elements as students pull a product together for an assignment.

2. Examine whether in your use of rubrics (current or future use) you allow for ‘creativity’, ‘flexibility’ and ‘individual initiative’. Support your ideas with examples.

Submit a paper which is 2-3 pages in length, exclusive of the reference page, double-spaced using 12 point, Times New Roman font. The paper must be well written and cite at least 3 outside sources and two from the ones that are provided below in APA format.  Check all content for grammar, spelling and to be sure that you have properly cited all resources (in APA format) used.


1. Authentic assessment. (n.d.).  Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL).

  • ‘Authentic Assessment’ is a description of the assessment ass it is used in Indiana University.

2. Callison, Daniel. (1998). Authentic assessment.  School Library Media Activities Monthly 14(5).

  • ‘Authentic Assessment’ is a thorough explanation of this type of assessment as well as of its uses.

3. Chapman, V., & Inman, D. (2009). A conundrum: rubrics or creativity/metacognitive development? Educational Horizons.

  • ‘A conundrum: rubrics for creativity/metacognitive development’ is an interesting article because it addresses some limitations of rubrics and examines how these can be avoided.

4.  Frey, B., Schmitt, V., & Allen, J. (2012). Defining authentic classroom assessment. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 17(2).
  • ‘Defining authentic classroom assessment’ is an in-depth literature review of authentic assessment with a rich discussion and recommendations.

5. Henning, Melissa. (n.d.). Rubrics to the rescue. Teachers First, Thinking Teachers Teaching Thinkers. 

  • ‘Rubrics to the rescue’ in the Teachers First website offers a very complete guide for the use and purpose of rubrics for teachers.

6. Millis, B. (2016, December). Using metacognition to promote learning. IDEA Paper #63. or 

  • ‘Using metacognition to promote learning’ explores how teachers can promote metacognition in their classrooms.

7. Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind. (2006). Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education.

  • ‘Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind’ presents important facets of assessment; it will make you reflect on the assessment FOR, AS, and OF learning, and it suggests strategies to be applied in the classroom. In this Unit, you need to read Chapter 3, pp 29-39.

Optional Video

1. EDUTOPIA. (2011, June 23). Keeping assessment relevant and ‘authentic’ [Video]. YouTube.

  • In ‘Keeping assessment relevant and ‘authentic’’. Ben Mook, the teacher, shows how he introduces an activity in his class that is authentic and that he uses to assess his students


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SACR-4670. Criminology Professional Development Practicum

SACR-4670. Criminology Professional Development Practicum
This practicum provides students in the Criminology program with the opportunity to apply learned concepts and theory to a practical setting and to become further familiarized with an area related to Criminology. Students will be placed in organizations in the Windsor-Essex region related to their area of interest within Criminology (e.g., the law, corrections, etc.) and will be expected to dedicate a total of 100 hours to both the in-class learning and practicum components of the course. Additionally, students will be required to complete assignments as assigned by the instructor. This course is open to Criminology majors only.(Prerequisites: SACR-2600, SACR-2620, SACR-3730 or SACR-3910 or SACR-3560, semester 7 or higher standing, and minimum major average of 73%.)

The Criminal Justice Practicum is an applied learning program designed to help students
develop a more complete understanding of the criminal justice system through real-world
experience. The practicum builds upon and enhances the education students receive in the
traditional classroom setting. Criminal justice programs at colleges and universities began
regular use of applied learning in the late 1960s. Over the past 30 years, UNCW has placed
hundreds of criminal justice students in local, state and federal agencies to augment the
learning process. Former students frequently mention the Criminal Justice Practicum as the
most important learning experience in their undergraduate education, and an essential firststep in entering the professional work force directly out of college.
The practicum will greatly enhance your personal and professional development. You will gain
valuable experience in a criminal justice agency. You will also begin to develop a network of
professional relationships. These contacts often lead to future employment, occasionally in the
agency where you completed your practicum, or by having your contacts write letters of
recommendation or make calls to colleagues in other agencies. But as in most things in life,
you only get out what you put in. Your professional career starts right NOW! Prepare yourself
to make the most of this opportunity.
Educational Objectives
• Expand and enrich student understanding of the criminal justice system;
• Supplement classroom learning with active real-life learning;
• Apply social science theories and principles to the real world;
• Develop professional knowledge and skill-sets necessary for future employment;
• Help refine career plans and goals.
Practicums vs. Internships
There tends to be confusion regarding the difference between a practicum and an internship.
Actually, practicums and internships are quite similar. Both are a type of experiential learning
where students “learn by doing.” Both practicums and internships require an agreement among
the student, the university, and the participating agency; students typically work for an entire
semester in an agency for academic credit under the direction of a faculty instructor and an
agency supervisor. An additional similarity between practicums and internships is that students
are normally expected to complete a semester-long project or write a paper at the conclusion
of the experience.
The main difference between practicums and internships is the degree of formal instruction
built into the experience. Practicums stay closer to the traditional classroom format. For
example, the Criminal Justice Practicum requires weekly classroom meetings to share
students’ experiences and to integrate core concepts and theories learned through formal
study of the discipline. Practicum students and the faculty instructor work closely together
through frequent communication. By way of contrast, internships often entail less formal
contact between the student and faculty instructor during the semester and seldom is there a
classroom component. Student-interns are monitored more by the participating agency than by
the university.
Eligibility for Enrollment
Enrollment preferences will be given to students with an overall GPA of 2.00 (2.3 GPA in the
major) and senior standing. This is a “Permission Only” course, meaning that students must
receive the formal permission of the instructor before they may enroll in the class. Students
must be in good standing with the university and have no major criminal record. Note: Most
agencies require a background check. A serious blemish on your record or pending charge
may disqualify you from particular agencies and your ability to participate in the practicum.
Credit Hours
The criminal justice practicum is a 4-hour block. Students must enroll in both CRM 490
Practicum (3 hours) and CRML 490 Practicum Lab (1 hour). The CRM 490 Practicum course
requires students to intern a minimum of 150 hours during the semester in their assigned
agency, or roughly 10 to 12 hours per week over a 15-week period. A time sheet is used to
record the hours. The CRML 490 Practicum Lab is held once a week. The one-hour lab gives
students the opportunity to meet with the instructor and other practicum students to discuss
various issues related to the course. Note: The criminal justice practicum requires a
SIGNIFICANT amount of time, energy, and commitment. It is not an easy course, and it is not
for everyone.
Enrollment Procedures
➢ Contact the practicum instructor and/or attend the Practicum Information Session prior
to registration. Your junior year is a good time to start planning for the practicum. The
practicum instructor is available to discuss your career plans and help you decide what
agency may be the best fit for you (see List of Agencies, attached).
➢ Fill out the Application Form online and submit via email or print and return to practicum
instructor (see application form at the end of this manual or online at:
➢ If you are accepted into the practicum, the practicum instructor will enter a “Course
Override” into the computer that will enable you to register for CRM 490 and CRML 490.
This is done at the normal time for registration.
➢ Plan for your internship during course scheduling. Try to arrange your classes on a
MWF or TR sequence so that you have time available to work in the agency.
➢ Once enrolled in the practicum, contact agency supervisors to set up an interview (this
needs to be done early, preferably no later than the last day of classes in the semester
prior to the start of your practicum).
➢ Take a copy of your resume to interview. Dress professionally.
➢ Keep your practicum instructor up-to-date during this entire process.
➢ Be ready to start practicum as soon as the semester begins.

List of Agencies*
Alcohol Law Enforcement (ALE) New Hanover County District Attorney’s
Bladen County Sheriff’s Office New Hanover County Correctional Center
Brunswick County Adult Probation &
New Hanover County Pretrial Release
Brunswick County District Attorney’s
New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office
Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office North Carolina Adult Probation & Parole
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Explosives (ATF)
Pender County Correctional Facility
Coastal Horizon Center (TASC) Pender County District Attorney’s Office
CUE Center for Missing Persons Pender County Sheriff’s Office
Domestic Violence Shelter & Services, Inc. Public Defender’s Office (New Hanover
Jacksonville Police Department Rape Crisis Center of Coastal Horizons
Center, Inc.
Juvenile Detention Center Special Police @ New Hanover Regional
Medical Center
Juvenile Services Division State Bureau of Investigation (See link to
website on next page)
Kure Beach Police Department UNCW Campus Police
Leland Police Department U.S. Probation
LINC (Leading into New Communities, Inc.) Wilmington Police Department
Naval Criminal Investigative Services
(NCIS) (See link to website on next page)
Wrightsville Beach Police Department
Note: The list above consists of agencies in which UNCW Criminal Justice Practicum students have
interned in the past. Some of these agencies may not currently be accepting interns and you are always
welcome to seek out agencies that are not listed. Be sure to check with the criminal justice internship
coordinator to ensure agencies that are not listed fit the requirements for the course.

To learn more about practicum opportunities in any of the agencies listed above, contact:
Jake Day, Ph.D.
Criminal Justice Internship Coordinator
Department of Sociology & Criminology, Bear Hall 224
University of North Carolina Wilmington
601 S. College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403-5978
Special Application Procedures
Certain agencies have special application procedures for potential interns. Many of these
agencies require applications to be submitted well in advance of the semester in which you
plan to enroll in the practicum course. See agency websites if you are interested in interning
with any of the following:
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence:
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers:
Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS):
North Carolina Highway Patrol:
North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI):
UNCW Career Center
The UNCW Career Center (Fisher University Union 2035, is an
excellent resource for students seeking internships. Their mission is to be a comprehensive
career counseling and resource center dedicated to empowering students and alumni as active
participants in their own career development.
In addition to providing information regarding available internships, they also operate the
Certified Internship Program (CIP). Although the CIP does not provide course credit, it does
count as fulfilling the Explorations Beyond the Classroom requirement for university studies.
The CIP requires 50 hours of work over a five-week period. As such, it is an excellent option
for students wanting to get real-world experience but do not have the time required for the
Criminal Justice Practicum. More information on the CIP can be found at the career center’s


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SACR-2270. Globalization, Development and Social Change

This course examines such issues as the impact of colonialism on global poverty and trade policies, global restructuring, neoliberal policies, global governance, poverty alleviation efforts, cultural resistance, gendered patterns of development, population displacements and popular responses to globalization. (Prerequisites: third semester standing.)

Millions of people worldwide are affected by dramatic social change (DSC). While sociological theory aims to understand its precipitants, the psychological consequences remain poorly understood. A large-scale literature review pointed to the desperate need for a typology of social change that might guide theory and research toward a better understanding of the psychology of social change. Over 5,000 abstracts from peer-reviewed articles were assessed from sociological and psychological publications. Based on stringent inclusion criteria, a final 325 articles were used to construct a novel, multi-level typology designed to conceptualize and categorize social change in terms of its psychological threat to psychological well-being. The typology of social change includes four social contexts: Stability, Inertia, Incremental Social Change and, finally, DSC. Four characteristics of DSC were further identified: the pace of social change, rupture to the social structure, rupture to the normative structure, and the level of threat to one’s cultural identity. A theoretical model that links the characteristics of social change together and with the social contexts is also suggested. The typology of social change as well as our theoretical proposition may serve as a foundation for future investigations and increase our understanding of the psychologically adaptive mechanisms used in the wake of DSC


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The course number SACR 2270 on Globalization, Development and Social Change

Globalization, Development and Social Change
This course examines such issues as the impact of colonialism on global poverty and trade policies, global restructuring, neoliberal policies, global governance, poverty alleviation efforts, cultural resistance, gendered patterns of development, population displacements and popular responses to globalization. (Prerequisites: third semester standing.)

Collapse of soviet union and the second world in the 1990s. Neoliberalism is at the heart of globalization. Neoconservatism related to the idea of neoliberalism as moral . Harvey sees this authoritarian and dangerous with explicit dangerous with explicit political intent. Decline of washington consensus with asian financial crisis of 1997. The financial crisis and the role of the american government. Is the development of an organic elf alliance of workers, racial, ethnic, and gender minorities that resist neoliberal globalization. Collectivism, state planning, and intervention opposed, as discourage risk. Free markets are vital for long term advantage for al. Commitment to limited government, with low tax, minimal welfare, privatization, and freedom of movement for capital. Belief or claim that benefits which will trickle down to all. The politics context of democracy vs authoritarianism. Some theorists present alternative perspectives and possibilitie…………………………………………………………………..


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Consider and identify a valid area for research to support the strategic development of a business area

Task 1 – Formulate a Research Proposal

In this section of the portfolio you should:

  • Consider and identify a valid area for research to support the strategic development of a business area
  • Explain the aim, scope and objectives for a chosen area of research
  • Formulate a specific research proposal
  • Establish success criteria for the achievement of the research proposal
  • Prepare a project plan that identifies key milestones and critical pathways.

Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you must:

  • Justify the research area you have chosen which will support the achievement of an aspect of strategic business development.

LO1 AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5


Task 2 Carry out the research using different research methodologies

In this section of the portfolio you need to:

  • Complete a review of different literature sources identifying those which are most appropriate for your chosen area of research
  • Use different research methodologies to gather data from primary and secondary sources. The data must be sufficient in order to ensure you can make valid conclusions

Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you must:

  • Justify the research methodologies chosen

LO2 AC 2.1 2.2 2M1

Task 3 – Presentation of Research Findings

In this section of the portfolio you must prepare a report that presents all of your research findings.  This must be presented in an appropriate format for the target audience.

In the report, you must:

·        Provide a comprehensive explanation of the purpose, methodologies, findings and recommendations.

·        Reference all sources using a recognised system.

·        Use the information you have collected to justify conclusions and recommendations.

Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you must:

  • Respond orally to questions on research findings.

To gain a distinction grade you must:

  • Analyse how the findings of your research can be used in a specific strategic business context.

LO2 AC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3



Task 4 – Reflective Log

On completion of your research project, you are to prepare a reflective log which contains an evaluation of the skills you used while undertaking the research.

The reflective log must include:

  • A review of your own skills using personal reflection and feedback.
  • Recommendations on ways to improve your personal skills while undertaking research.

Extension activities:

To gain a merit grade you must include the following in your reflective log:

  • A plan to improve your own research skills.

To gain a distinction grade you must:

  • Implement the plan and assess the impact on your own personal progress




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Relationship between poverty and children’s social and emotional development

For the second part of the journal assignment, you will review the following case study, which examines the relationship between poverty and children’s social and emotional development.

Case Study –

Then you will address the following questions in one-page, using at least one resource in addition to your textbook to support your reflection.

Poverty is an issue that more and more of our nation’s children are facing. The price that children of poverty must pay is unbelievably high. Each year, increasing numbers of children are entering schools with needs resulting from circumstances, such as poverty, that schools are not prepared to meet. In reflecting on the video, think about why poverty might influence the social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of Latrice Wright’s children. As a result, how does poverty influence your teaching? What are three details that stood out to you and why? How would you plan to address these details?




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UN Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable Electricity Generation

Sustainable Electricity Generation 

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015, has 17 Sustainable Development Goals.  Goal #7 is “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”.  

After reviewing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, do research and write a paper entitled: Sustainable Electricity Generation in ___A (fill in the blank)____. You should discuss how electricity is produced by ____B (fill in the blank)_____ methods. Determine the percent contributions of the different types of electricity generation and plans for future generation capability (if future plans can be found, or maybe trends can be identified). For each method of production, summarize environmental, economic, and societal considerations. Summarize the role of an engineer, considering ethical and professional responsibilities. The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics for Engineers

Fill-in-blank options for “A” = location, like: San Antonio, Texas, Hawaii, California, United States, Mexico, China, Europe, Germany, France, Japan, Africa, Russia, etc. 

Fill-in-blank options for “B” = method of generation, like coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, etc. 

The report should be written using ASME paper template:

The ASME website has Word emplates files are available for download. In the top-right corner of first page, for conference header use:




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The origin and development of the Texas Constitution, A position in the Texas Government

Pick a position in the Texas Government and write a paper on that position. Describe the role, explain what does this person does and the sources of this person’s power (i.e. Texas Constitution or another law or bill), who does this person share power wi

Government Department

El Centro College

Research and Writing Assignment

 This paper meets the requirements of the Core Objective Assessment (it measures the Student Learning Outcomes outlined

below) AND meets the requirements of the Quality Enhancement Plan (it is lined up with the AACU Critical Thinking Value


 The paper must be turned in via BlackBoard (for the Core Objective Assessment and QEP Data Collection – the data will be

pulled randomly from BlackBoard).

2306 – Texas Government

This assignment may address the following SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes) for 2306: Upon Completion of this Course,

students will be able to:

 SLO 1 – Explain the origin and development of the Texas Constitution.

 SLO 2 – Demonstrate an understanding of state and political systems and their relationship to the federal government.

 SLO 3 – Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice in Texas.

 SLO 4 – Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Texas Government.

 SLO 5 – Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas.

 SLO 6 – Analyze the state and local election process.

 SLO 7 – Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

 SLO 8 – Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas.

The Assignment:

 Pick a position in the Texas Government and write a paper on that position (i.e. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Texas Land Commissioner, Attorney General, specific judge, or any other position).

 In your paper you should:

o Describe the role, explain what does this person does and the sources of this person’s power (i.e. Texas Constitution or another law or bill), who does this person share power with, who does this person report to / who provides a “check and

balance” on this position?

o Explain how the role is filled (i.e. appointed or elected and the process). o Who is the current person in this position and provide background information about this person and major goals /

initiatives this individual has in this position.

o Is this person affiliated with a political party? What role does that play in this position (i.e. with election or appointment, with how this person carries out their duties, with decisions the person makes, with accountability)?

o What are the major issues confronting the person in this position currently? o What is your opinion of this person and why? o Based on your research, what are the major impacts in history of this position and explain.

Length and Style:

 Your paper should be in APA format and double spaced.

 Your paper should include a cover page, abstract page, three (3) written pages at least (introduction, body, and conclusion), and a works cited page.


 You must use at least 4 credible sources.

 All 4 sources must be either secondary or primary sources and are credible sources from either library books or library databases.

 Wikipedia and Google are NOT sources.

 You must use at least one (1) chart, graph or other form of visual medium that you interpret / explain / comment on in your paper.

 Please use the librarians – they are eager to help you with your research. Include citations for ALL sources you use. A separate works cited page MUST be included, along with short form citations within the paper. As a general rule you should have at

least one citation for every paragraph except the introduction and conclusion.


 Your paper must be turned in via BlackBoard so it is maintained for college assessment purposes.


 Your professor will go over the attached Rubric and make sure you understand how you will be graded on this assignment.

 Please review the attached Rubric on your own and refer to it when writing your paper to make sure you follow directions and receive the maximum points possible.




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2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015

Sustainable Electricity Generation 

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015, has 17 Sustainable Development Goals.  Goal #7 is “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”.  

After reviewing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, do research and write a paper entitled: Sustainable Electricity Generation in ___A (fill in the blank)____. You should discuss how electricity is produced by ____B (fill in the blank)_____ methods. Determine the percent contributions of the different types of electricity generation and plans for future generation capability (if future plans can be found, or maybe trends can be identified). For each method of production, summarize environmental, economic, and societal considerations. Summarize the role of an engineer, considering ethical and professional responsibilities. The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics for Engineers

Fill-in-blank options for “A” = location, like: San Antonio, Texas, Hawaii, California, United States, Mexico, China, Europe, Germany, France, Japan, Africa, Russia, etc. 

Fill-in-blank options for “B” = method of generation, like coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, etc. 

The report should be written using ASME paper template:

The ASME website has Word emplates files are available for download. In the top-right corner of first page, for conference header use: 

ME 3293 Thermodynamics I 

The University of California at Los Angeles

Spring, 2022 




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Continuing Professional Development Action Plan

 This module is assessed by coursework alone. You are required to submit a portfolio containing two parts, as detailed below, which together count for 100% of the module assessment. The report comprises no more than 2000 words. The assignment will be marked by the module leader and you will receive formal feedback on your submission following the completion of this process.

The purpose of the portfolio is for you to explore and reflect upon your own learning and development.

PART 1: Continuing Professional Development Action Plan (50% of overall module mark).

This part of your portfolio should contain two elements:

1.1  A continuing professional development action plan for the 12 months following completion of this module

1.2  A discussion and commentary on your previous development experiences and the challenges you will face in undertaking your professional development plan.

Your continuing professional development action plan (1.1) should focus on the specific areas of development that you want to address. You are responsible for identifying the area of focus for your action plan. It is recommended, however, that your plan should, fall into ONE of three broad areas for development:

·         PERSONAL SKILLS aimed at improving self-awareness, self-reliance and personal effectiveness; for example, managing time or stress, creativity, emotional intelligence, presentation skills, foreign language skills.

·         PEOPLE SKILLS focused on building effective working relationships; for example, handling conflict, leadership, coaching, cross-cultural skills, team working, negotiation, feedback.

·         CAREER MANAGEMENT SKILLS for maximising opportunities arising from the changing environment and job marketplace, taking responsibility for your career and managing the relationship with work and learning throughout your career; for example, CV development, interviews, networking, assessment centre preparation.

This action plan should include the following features:

  • It needs to express your purpose and intended outcomes; there is a strong link between your motivation and the likelihood of success.
  • It should include both progress goals, which act as milestones, and outcome goals, to achieve your ultimate purpose. Progress goals may be priority sub-skills. For example, you could identify voice projection as a skill which contributes to the overall goal of improved presentation skills.
  • An indication of how you would monitor each activity or progress goal and ensure it contributes to the final outcome stated.
  • It should not rely solely upon one course of action. If you have a range of options available, you will be less likely to be deterred by unexpected challenges or obstacles.
  • It needs to be written in precise terms, following a rigorous and systematic analysis.

It is expected that your action plan will be presented as a table and as such will not contribute to the word count of the assignment.

Your commentary (1.2) is expected to discuss the impact of and lessons learned from prior learning activities and the challenges and barriers you might face (personally and professionally) in undertaking your action plan and identify how these may be minimised. The focus throughout should be on critical consideration of your development activities and the learning from these.

PART 2: Reflective Account (50% of overall module mark)

This should address the experience of studying on your MSc in general, this module and the business simulation in particular. The intention is to consider your experiences of engaging in this developmental activity. The reflective account is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to learn from experience through analysis and look ahead to consider how it may be useful to you in the future. This should be a personal account and therefore written in the first person (‘I’). A good reflective account will link to the content of Part 1 of this assessment in a considered and detailed way.


A single portfolio should be submitted containing both elements and these should be clearly separated from each other, with clear and appropriate titles. Start each element on a new page. You are expected to split the 2000 word limit for the assignment in approximately equal proportion to the weightings of the assessment indicated above.It is NOT necessary to include an overall introduction and conclusion for your portfolio; however, both elements should be properly and appropriately structured and the logic and structure of each element should be clear to the reader. It is a key skill of effective learning and development to be able to order and structure your thinking and learning. This is a skill being tested here as well.





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