Instructions: Carefully read, summarize, and appraise your group’s assigned article. The discussion board for this week should cover the following concepts in order to have a complete draft by the end of the week. Apply the concepts discussed in the lecture and the readings. As you provide input to your peers, be sure to state a rationale for your claims.
Identify and discuss the following:
dependent variable(s) and the instrument(s) used to measure them.
how the data for the dependent variable(s) were collected.
the intervention and procedures for delivering it.
the key results for the study, including any p-values, reported.
the conclusions the researchers drew.
Appraise and debate the quality of the data collection methods and determine whether the conclusions of the study were supported by the statistical results. Consider the following questions:
Were the measurement instruments reliable and valid? Why or why not?
Was treatment fidelity for the intervention ensured? Why or why not?
Were the conclusions of the study were supported by the statistical results, as indicated by the variable values and the p-values if reported?
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. An Introduction to Organisation Development
Create a PowerPoint presentation with 12-15 slides including 200-300 word speaker notes to educate others regarding the development of an operational budget and a capital budget. Be sure to include the following:
Provide the process for developing an operational budget.
Provide the process for developing a capital budget.
Differentiate between the operational and capital budgets.
Explain how the capital budget is required for strategic management.
Note: Your presentation must be formatted in APA style with 6 quality references, 4 of which are peer-reviewed sources from health care journals. References should be placed on the Reference slide at the end of the presentation
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Development of an operational budget and a capital budget
Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.
Due Thursday
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Discuss the differences between the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and the security life cycle.
Include in your discussion both management and non-management IT security positions that perform security life cycle steps and briefly describe their role.
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Discuss the differences between the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and the security life cycle
Based on the first lecture entitled “An Introduction to Organisation Development” defend your stand whether you prefer to be a workplace with classical school or human relation school setting.
You do not need any journals, textbooks or articles to support your argument. Just defend your stand with your own words. Bear in mind that this question does not have an absolute right or wrong answer. Your response should be between 1,000-1,200 words
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. An Introduction to Organisation Development
The 2002 World Development Report provides the following information for Colombia and Thailand:
Data is given in the attached file.
(a) Explain carefully what each of the entries in the final four columns of this table measures. What concepts are being presented and what is their importance to economic development?
(b) The table above shows that Colombia and Thailand are roughly at the same level of economic development as measured by the level per capita national income. Their performance in terms of poverty indicators is quite different. What factors may contribute to their differing performance?
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Colombia and Thailand are roughly at the same level of economic development as measured by the level per capita national income
Choose one of the questions below, and write a 550-word response. Be sure to have a clear thesis that directly and succinctly answers the questions. Provide a number of examples from the Narrative to support your claim.. Your response should be completed by the end of the day on Sunday, July 18. (You should consider an early submission in order to have time for discussion and feedback before you take the midterm exam also due on Sunday).
1. There are a number of themes central to the development of Douglass’s Narrative of the Life. Choose one from the shortlist below, and discuss various scenes and incidents from the Narrative that reflect or develop the theme.
Ignorance Used as a Tool to Perpetuate Slavery
Knowledge as the Path to Freedom
The Impact of Slavery on Slave and Slaveholder
Slaveholding as a Perversion of Christianity and a Subversion of Democratic Ideals
2. Douglass defines freedom as more than an escape from slaveholders. What is freedom according to Douglass, and how does he achieve it? Make sure to cite specific examples from the Narrative to support your claims.
3. What does Douglass tell us about the ways in which slaves used culture as a buffer against the dehumanizing aspects of slavery? [The way in which you define culture will be key to the development of your response].
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. There are a number of themes central to the development of Douglass’s Narrative of the Life
Based on the first lecture entitled “An Introduction to Organisation Development” defend your stand whether you prefer to be a workplace with classical school or human relation school setting.
You do not need any journals, textbooks or articles to support your argument. Just defend your stand with your own words. Bear in mind that this question does not have an absolute right or wrong answer. Your response should be between 1,000-1,200 words
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. An Introduction to Organisation Development
Subject Code and Name CMP1041 – Foundation Programming Assessment Number 2 Assessment Title Pseudo Coding and Flowcharting Assessment Type Report Length or Duration Four (4) Tasks / 1 File Subject Learning Outcomes SLO 2, SLO 3, SLO 4 Submission Date / Time Week 8 Weighting 30% Assessment Purpose Software development companies have engineering employees with different levels of expertise, i.e. from junior engineers to senior engineers. Junior engineers may be given projects that are outside their ability to achieve, and thus receive help from more experienced engineers. In this assessment you work as a senior engineer for a security software company that has a new client. A junior engineer was assigned to this client however has been struggling with the more complex parts of the software. Part of your role as a senior engineer at the security software company is to help the junior engineer in providing non-buggy software for the client. Assessment Task / Item For this assessment, you must submit a pdf file that contains your final solutions to the following four tasks. Assessment Instructions Read each of the following four (4) tasks and write your responses in the form of a report. The report will be submitted as one (1) pdf file. Hi senior engineer! As a junior engineer I am struggling to finish the following four tasks. I’ve attempted each of them at least a little bit before getting stuck! I would greatly appreciate your help with these tasks! Task 1 The client wants to add security tag readers to doors that allow employees to scan their security tag and if they have the security level appropriate to access the door, they can progress through the door. If they do not have the appropriate security level, security will be alerted with the employee’s name and the door will be locked down – not allowing anyone to enter until the door has been reset by security. Doors are given a security level from 1 to 3, where 3 is the highest security level, and 1 is the lowest. Employees are also given a security level from 1 to 3. An employee with a security level of 1 can access all doors that also have a security level of 1. An employee with a security level of 2 can access all doors that have a security level of 1 or 2. An employee with a security level of 3 can access all doors that have a security level of 1 or 2 or 3. I’ve finished a flowchart, but as a junior I am unsure if it has bugs! Can you please identify any syntax, logic, and runtime errors in the flowchart and do the following: i) Identify the flowchart node that has the error. ii) Provide a flowchart node that fixes the error. iii) Provide information about what the error was. Task 2 The client wants to be able to upgrade an employee’s security level, so as the employee receives a promotion they can access new areas. An employee may upgrade another employee’s security level only if the upgrader (the employee upgrading another employee) has a security level at least one security level above the upgradee (the employee being upgraded). That way an employee with a security level of 2 can upgrade an employee with a security level of 1 to a security level of 2, but is not able to upgrade an employee of security level 2 to a security level of 3. In the case where the employee does not have the correct security level to upgrade another employee, security should be alerted with the names of both of the employees. As a junior engineer I was unsure how to achieve this, but I have started a flowchart. Could you please finish the flowchart, using appropriate tools that will create presentable flowcharts, so that I can implement this within a programming language. Task 3 The client wants to be able to downgrade all employee’s security levels, if the employee has a specific role. Only an employee with a role of Security should be able to downgrade all employee’s security levels based on their role. For example the client decides that all employees with a role of Scientist should no longer have access to security level 2 rooms and wants to be able to downgrade their security level from 2 to 1. An employee with the role of Security will then execute this program to downgrade all employees security level’s with the role of Scientist. An employee’s security level should never be below 1. If an employee tries to execute this program with a role that is not Security then security should be alerted with the employee’s name. Again, I was unsure how to achieve this, but I have started a flowchart. Could you please finish the flowchart so that I can implement this within a programming language. Task 4 As a junior engineer, I intend on implementing the above programs in an Object Oriented Language, such as C++. Can you please help me get started by providing the properties and methods for the Employee class, to be used in my class diagram, that has all the properties and methods required for the programs above, specifically methods that allow upgrading or downgrading an employee’s security level easily would be great! Submission Export a document with the 4 tasks in a pdf format with the following naming convention: [Student_ID][Surname][First Name][SubjectCode][Assessment_#].pdf E.g.: 1234_Singh_Visha_PRG1002_Assessment_02.pdf You should take a screenshot or otherwise convert your flowchart to an image that should be contained within the pdf document. Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and various other word processing applications can export/publish to the pdf format. All work must be submitted via the LMS, in the assignments section appropriate to this brief. Please ensure the above mentioned submission date and/or time are adhered to, or penalties may apply. For more information on late submission, please see the Assessment Policy. Academic Integrity The integrity of the assessment process is fundamental for ensuring appropriate evaluation at AIT. All work submitted should be your own, and where additional resources are used, they must be referenced according to the Harvard style. Additionally, TurnItIn is available in the LMS to test plagiarism in your writing. For more information on academic integrity, please see the Academic Integrity and Academic Integrity Penalties Policies. Appeals Fair application of the assessment rubric, rules and guidelines should be administered for each assessment. If you feel an evaluation requires further consideration, you may be entitled to an appeal. For more information on your right to an appeal, please see the Assessment Appeals Procedure and Policy. Policies For access to the policies mentioned above and related to education at AIT, please see the footer of the AIT website, and follow the link named Education Policies and Procedures. Website: Assessment Rubric Task Descriptor (F) Fail (P) Pass (C) Credit (D) Distinction (HD) High Distinction Apply debugging processes to meet project expectations 20% Fewer than two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
In the provided flowchart, half the errors are identified.
All identified errors are described with respect to the error type.
All errors have provided fixes. Two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
In the provided flowchart, half the errors are identified.
All identified errors are described with respect to the error type.
All errors have attempted fixes. All three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
In the provided flowchart, most errors are identified.
All identified errors are described with respect to the error type.
Most errors are fixed in an appropriate way. All three (3) of the following criteria are met.
In the provided flowchart, all errors are identified.
All identified errors are described with respect to the error type and how it impacts the program.
All errors are fixed in an appropriate way. All three (3) of the following criteria are met.
In the provided flowchart, all errors are identified.
All identified errors are accurately described with respect to the error type and how it impacts the program.
All errors are fixed in an optimal way. Apply the process for the implementation of algorithms 40% Fewer than three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied. All flowcharts:
Have correct inputs, and outputs, except in two (2) cases.
Uses variables with types.
Has less than three (3) significant logic errors.
Has less than eight (8) syntax errors. Three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied. All flowcharts:
Have correct inputs, and outputs, except in two (2) cases.
Uses variables with types.
Has less than three (3) significant logic errors.
Has less than eight (8) syntax errors. All four (4) of the following criteria are met. All flowcharts:
Have correct inputs, and outputs, except in one (1) case.
Have less than three (3) cases of redundant or inefficiently typed variables.
Have less than two (2) significant logic errors that cause runtime bugs.
Have less than five (5) significant syntax errors by using incorrect or inconsistent variable naming. All four (4) of the following criteria are met All flowcharts:
Have the correct inputs, and outputs.
Have less than three (3) cases of redundant or inefficiently typed variables.
Have no (0) significant logic errors that cause runtime bugs.
Have no (0) significant syntax errors by using incorrect or inconsistent variable naming. All four (4) of the following criteria are met All flowcharts:
Have the correct inputs, and outputs.
Have no (0) redundant or inefficiently typed variables.
Have no (0) logic errors that cause runtime bugs.
Have no (0) syntax errors by using incorrect or inconsistent variable naming. Complete a project according to design specifications 30% Fewer than three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied. All flowcharts:
Alert security is present in more than two (2) cases.
Some variables are present used in alerting security in more than two (2) cases.
Security level requirements are enforced in more than two (2) cases.
Range of security level is maintained in more than one (1) case. Three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied. All flowcharts:
Alert security is present in more than two (2) cases.
Some variables are present used in alerting security in more than two (2) cases.
Security level requirements are enforced in more than two (2) cases.
Range of security level is maintained in more than one (1) case. Three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied. All flowcharts:
Alert security at the appropriate places based on all possible security violations in all but two (2) cases.
Appropriate variables are present that are used in alerting security, such as employee names.
Security level requirements are enforced correctly in all but two (2) cases.
Range of security level is maintained, i.e. never below 1 and above 3 in all but one (1) case. All four (4) of the following criteria are met. All flowcharts:
Alert security at the appropriate places based on all possible security violations in all but one case.
Appropriate variables are present that are used in alerting security, such as employee names.
Security level requirements are enforced correctly in all but two (2) cases.
Range of security level is maintained, i.e. never below 1 and above 3 in all but one (1) case. All four (4) of the following criteria are met. All flowcharts:
Alert security at the appropriate places based on all possible security violations.
Appropriate variables are present that are used in alerting security, such as employee names.
Security level requirements are enforced correctly.
Range of security level is maintained, i.e. never below 1 and above 3. Apply appropriate tools and processes for generating flowcharts and class diagrams 10% Fewer than two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied. All flowcharts:
Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in six (6) cases.
Have less than five (5) missing arrows. All Diagrams:
Use correctly spelled and Two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied. All flowcharts:
Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in six (6) cases.
Have less than five (5) missing arrows. All Diagrams:
Use correctly spelled and Three (3) of the following criteria are met. All flowcharts:
Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in four (4) cases.
Have less than four (4) missing arrows. All Diagrams:
Use correctly spelled and consistent variable, property, and method All four (4) of the following criteria are met. All flowcharts:
Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in two (2) cases.
Have less than three (3) missing arrows. All Diagrams:
Use correctly spelled and consistent variable, property, and method All four (4) of the following criteria are met. All flowcharts:
Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage.
Have no (0) missing arrows. All Diagrams:
Use correctly spelled and consistent variable, property, and method names. consistent variable, property, and method names, except in five (5) cases.
Flows from top to bottom, and all text is readable. consistent variable, property, and method names, except in five (5) cases.
Flows from top to bottom, and all text is readable. names, except in three (3) cases.
Are mostly well formatted and easily readable. names, except in three (3) cases.
Are mostly well formatted and easily readable. 2. Are well formatted and easily readable
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Software development companies have engineering employees with different levels of expertise
Often development and fundraising personnel are the main ones to talk with donors and media regarding nonprofits and specific organizations. Sometimes, they encounter donors with misunderstandings about nonprofits and it is their job to help the donor better understand the facts and realities.
For example, many believe that nonprofits are not allowed to charge fees for their services. This is not correct. For example, CSU-global is a nonprofit and they charge tuition. However, when they have a surplus at the end of the year (a profit), they use that money to reinvest in the organization instead of giving the money to the owner (such as for-profits).
Search/Google “common nonprofit myths” or “common nonprofit misconceptions” and pick a myth. Assume that you are talking with a donor that believes this myth. How would you explain to a donor that they are incorrect and how you would help them better understand the truth/reality?
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Often development and fundraising personnel are the main ones to talk with donors and media regarding nonprofits and specific organizations
Group/individual: Group Word count/Time provided: 2000 words Weighting: 15% Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4 Assessment 2 Detail This assessment is a staged submissions assessment, and it should be conducted in two parts. The first part deals with Engineering Economy Evaluation of each alternative and recommending a preferred option to meet the project requirements. The second part of assessment deals with Sustainability and Optimisation APIC Project Development & Optimisation Pty Ltd is considering and evaluating the various alternatives to purchase 10 small vehicles ( SUV) for upcoming projects. You are part of project managers to investigate engineering economy of this procurement process. You are required to make recommendation which alternative would be a sound capital investment. This would be the base scenario(alternative) for the next part of assessment. Project details (Part A): The project requires purchase of 10 small SUV vehicles. To reduce greenhouse gases and pollutant emissions, you are required to consider Electric, Hybrid and Petrol vehicles. This project is selected to be evaluated due to it sustainability aspect as well. It is in line with Australian government’s policy to focus on addressing environmental impact of climate change. The first part should focus on cost consideration, estimate cash-flow items both inflows and outflow for each alternative. The bases of estimations for estimates should be given. It is required to decide about interest rate, project life, and other parameters that can affect economic analysis in this activity and apply one of the evaluation techniques to evaluate each alternative and select the best one. Guidelines for writing project report Part A: 1) Develop the total project cost as well as providing clear work breakdown structures (WBS). 2) Provide details of any assumptions made if needed. 3) Estimation Techniques used. 4) Provide Cash flow diagrams. 5) Economy analysis and evaluation of the project by Present Worth (PW), or Internal rate of return (IRR). 6) Conclusions, findings, reasons for recommendation. Assessments 2 (Part A) Marking Criteria and Rubric The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 15% of the total unit mark. The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page. Assessment 2 (Part A) Marking Criteria and Rubric Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) Satisfactory (50-64% of the criterion mark) Good (65-74% of the criterion mark) Very Good (75-84% of the criterion mark) Excellent (85-100% of the criterion mark) Cost structure description (20 marks) Inadequate Cost structure description Basic Cost structure description Exhibits a factual and/or conceptual skills for Cost structure description Exhibits accurate, Detailed breadth and depth for Cost structure description Displays Excellent cost structure description Provide Cash flow diagrams (10 marks) Inadequate Cash flow diagrams Basic Cash flow diagrams Exhibits a factual and/or conceptual skills to provide Cash flow diagrams Exhibits accurate, Detailed breadth and depth to provide cash flow diagrams Displays Excellent Cash flow diagrams understanding Estimation Techniques used (10 marks) Inadequate Estimation Techniques Basic Estimation Techniques Exhibits a factual and/or conceptual skills to provide Estimation Techniques Exhibits accurate, detailed breadth and depth to provide Estimation Techniques Displays Excellent Estimation Techniques understanding Economy analysis and evaluation of the project (20 marks) Inadequate Economy analysis and evaluation of the case project Basic Economy analysis and evaluation of the case project Exhibits a factual and/or conceptual skills to provide Economy analysis and evaluation Exhibits accurate, Detailed breadth and depth to provide Economy analysis and evaluation Displays Excellent Economy analysis and evaluation of the case project Conclusions, findings, recommendation (10 marks) Inadequate Conclusions, findings, recommendation Basic Conclusions, findings, recommendation Exhibits a factual and/or conceptual skills of Conclusions, findings, recommendation Exhibits accurate, detailed breadth and depth to provide Conclusions, findings, recommendation Displays Excellent Conclusions, findings, recommendation Academic Writing Skills (20 marks) – Free of any grammatical errors; using correct sentence structure; applying an extensive range of vocabulary; – Proper introduction and conclusion. Inadequate Academic Writing skills Basic Academic Writing skills Exhibits a factual and/or conceptual skills of Academic Writing. Exhibits accurate, detailed breadth and depth of Writing skills. Displays Excellent Writing skills Report Structure and Presentation (10 marks) – Consistent formatting with suitable headings and sub- headings – Consistent use of labels, highlights, font weight and underline, Reference list – Appropriate Referencing using HARVARD guidelines Inadequate Report Structure and Presentation skills Basic Report Structure and Presentation Exhibits a factual and/or conceptual skills of Structure and Presentation skills Exhibits accurate, detailed breadth and depth of Structure and Presentation skills Displays Excellent Structure and Presentation skills
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. APIC Project Development & Optimisation Pty Ltd