Writers Solution

Analyzing the development of two different criminal justice systems

Write a 1000–1250 words paper analyzing the development of two different criminal justice systems. Using the three countries (Canada, Saudi Arabia and United States) chosen in Unit 1, provide a brief description of each country from both a historical and cultural perspective. Then, describe what type of legal tradition is employed by each country (Common, Civil, Eastern Asia, or Islamic), and how the three elements (history, culture, and legal tradition) are applied to the management of justice through the current legal system of the countries under consideration. Try to be specific and provide examples where possible.

The following questions are designed to assist in the structuring of the paper:
• How has culture impacted the development of each system?
• Have there been any culture changes in the last 5 years that have affected the criminal justice system of the country.
• Has either criminal justice system changed or influenced the culture it serves?
• What legal issues have had an impact on the development of each system?
• Did these legal issues impact the culture as well?
• How has politics played a role in the development of each system?
Your paper should be in APA format and include a title and reference page. Page length, 1000 – 1250 words. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material to support your positions. You may consult the Library, the internet, and other course material.





Canada, Saudi Arabia and United States have different history and culture, thus leading to difference in criminal justice system in the three countries. For example, history and culture of Saudi Arabia was founded in Islamic region which is totally different from those of Canada and the United States. Although, Canada and the United States have history and culture stemming from their colonies, they differ significantly.

Brief description of history and culture of each country


Analysis of Canadian history and culture showed that government at municipal, provincial/territorial and federal level shared an intertwined culture. The cultural policies are influenced by investment opportunities, foreign trade, multicultural society, Canada’s two official languages, social benefits, economic growth, national and regional interests and perception of public good(Nunn, 2012). Studies have showed that Canada’s cultural fabric has been influenced by several factors including diverse Aboriginal cultures, official linguistic duality (English and French), a distinct blend of multicultural demographics, ubiquitous proximity to U.S., the high cost of production and limited economies of scale as well different criminal justice systems as small and geographically dispersed population. These are the historical and cultural perspectives that have shaped the criminal justice system…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Careers in Human Learning and Development:

As part of this assignment, you will be provided with a list of interview transcripts from previous semesters. These are transcripts of interviews conducted by students who visited community-based sites during a visit to the site. For our purposes this semester, a select number of these interviews will be made available to students to use towards their synthesis essay.

Please look over the list of available transcripts and identify the one you would like to use. Then go to the site’s website and record general observational notes. Use the TEMPLATE to record your observational notes. Included in this document are also guidelines on who to create your observational notes.  You need to collect at least two (2) pages of notes. During your perusing of the site’s website, identify types of jobs that are available at the site and remotely request a job call from the site or locate one for a similar position on either or

Then, in a 2-page double-spaced synthesis essay, drawing from the interview transcript, your observational notes from reviewing the site’s website, and the job call located, you will describe skills and competencies that are to be expected at the site along with a thorough and articulate discussion of interdisciplinarity that appears to be woven into the practice of the site. You are expected to elaborate on ways  interdisciplinary skills might be required of someone seeking employment at this particular site.





Careers in Human Learning and Development:

Guidelines for Observational Notes (from the Site’s Website) *

Name:                                                                   Worksite: Date:                                                                     Time Spent at Site:  
Descriptive NotesReflective Notes
In the interview with TAMIKA BAILEY, I was with Ale, Rebecca, Letty and Sasha who were members of Counseling Group 1. Tamika Bailey is the Resident Services Coordinator/Director. Her previous work was to pull resources together and bring communities together. She moved into a more philanthropy work because she like assisting people to secure employment. Currently she is supporting two students; a 22-year old and 18-year old. Tamika Bailey would prefer to run the organization by herself. The main function of the facility is to serve the communities by providing free programs and services based on their needs. The mission of the organization “is to be the leading provider of vital on-site health, education, and employment services to low-income families, children, and senior. The goal is to empower low income families to break the cycle of poverty, become healthier, further educated, and financially stable. The clientele is single and multi-generational families who live in the apartment communities that the organization serve. The atmosphere of the setting is family-oriented and welcoming, since the organization deals with a lot of kids, and the family are always encouragedto come in and participate. Tamika Bailey stated that new employee should have love for people and enjoy dedicating their time and service. New employee should also be creative, proactive, and open-minded. Among the professional development opportunities offered by the organization include team meetings, skill-building and company-wide training on different topics and subjects within our industry. The organization provides after school program, food program, ESL classes, Zumba classes, and Teen Programs.    The first part of the interview was introductory, where each one of us stated her name. Tamika Bailey then gave us brief introduction about her previous engagement prior to Project Access. She briefly told us about the current organization and the two kids she has as well as how she intends to run nonprofit organization all by herself. During the interview, Ale asked about the function/niche the facility serves in the community. Rebecca asked about the mission of the site. As a rejoinder, Ale asked Tamika Bailey to describe about her clientele. From the reply, it was evident that more than ½ of Tamika Bailey clients were aged below 18 years and majority of them are Hispanic/Latino. Rebecca also asked Tamika Bailey to describe the atmosphere in the office, which she gladly put it as family-oriented and welcoming. Ale also wanted know what would be the first advice Tamika would give to a new employee, which she clearly said they should be open-minded, be proactive and creative. Rebecca wanted to know the kind of professional development opportunities her site offers and Tamika explained the available opportunities for the volunteers as well as job seekers. Ale asked about the educational background/training the applicant should have to work at her site. Tamika made it clear that the job is an hourly and not salary. Letty asked Tamika the kind of services she provide. Sasha followed up with the kind of societal problem/issues/challenges the services/programs the Project Access offer seeks to address. Tamika responded by identifying poverty, health and unemployment as the key societal problem her site seeks to address. Letty further asked about interdisciplinary of the services/programs Tamika’s site offers.  

What to look for when taking observational notes?

The website is

  • Mission of site.
    • This site believes that every student and recent graduate deserves a great part-time, seasonal, internship, or entry-level job. By posting the jobs and through other interactive media solutions, high-quality students and recent graduates at scale are connected to great part-time, seasonal, internship, and entry-level career opportunities.
  • Staff and people.
    • The founder and the President of College Recruiter is Steven Rothberg. His entrepreneurial skills started in early age in fifth grade when he sold candy in math contest class. In college, he was running a massive fantasy hockey league. After graduating, Steven channel his entrepreneurial passion into something more productive(College Recruiter, 2020). Being a accomplished lawyer, Steven started the business that later morphed into College Recruiter. The impetus for creating the site was his strong believe that every student and recent graduates deserve an opportunity to get connected with the employers.
  • Physical setting.  
    • The background color of the site is grey with a watermark photograph of students or recent graduates. On the first page of the site are three search tabs where a student can search a job, the second tab is the location search and the third search tab is a clickable with red color. Within the same page is the small clickable tab where the employer can post a job. Just below the first page are the tabs organized in grid arranged in the following order: Job search advice, Articles, blogs and videos, Testimonial and Awards, FAQs, Resume Builder, popular Job searches, and Recent Articles(College Recruiter, 2020). In each of the tab in the grid is a background picture that depict the function of the tab. In general, the site is user friendly and the top left corner is a drop-down menu that assist the user to freely navigate the page and get the information he/she is searching.
  • Programs/services/activities.
    • The programs/service/activities provided in the website are job search advices where the job seekers are guided to get the job that suit their qualifications; Articles, blogs and videos where the user can access articles, blogs and videos that aid in job searching; testimonial and awards; the FAQs where user can ask any questions and get clarification; and the other services available in the site is resume builder where new graduates entering job market can use to make tailor made resume to fit the job market.
  • Interactions.
    • The available interactions in the website are the Articles, blogs and video. The social media menu does not have specific procedure for the website users to interact.
  • What types of things do you not see?
    • One of the observable features that is missing in the website is the social media interactions. The other that is not seen in website is the name of the directors and other staffers.

Part Three

            The interview gave us an insight of what the founder of Project Access intends to achieve in the society. Prior to starting Project Access, Tamika Bailey used to host live events where he worked with people and pulling resources together as well as facilitating the communities to come together. She was motivated by the fact that Tamika wanted to be more into philanthropy work, more human capital, and human services. The purpose of the interview was to get insights of the services and programs Project Access was focus in delivering.

            Being a nonprofit organization and the mission of the organization as the leading provider of vital on-site health, education, and employment services specifically to the low-income families, children, and seniors. It was clear that the essence of Project Access was to create an enabling environment to break the cycle of poverty, achieve good education and healthy as well as become financially stable. The project envisions a situation where all the residence in the area in which the organization offer its service get affordable housing. Further, the organization envisaged to empower the communities to have the opportunity to become self-sufficiency and maximize their full potential.

            Analysis from the interview showed that most of the clientele of Project Access are students age 18 years and below, which contributed 51 %. While 44 % were aged 19 to 54 years. In terms of race, majority of the clientele were Hispanic/Latino, which is among the minority groups. According to Tamika Bailey, the working environment should be family-oriented and welcoming since most of the clients are either young adults. It is very imperative to also encourage the families to actively participate.

            Further analysis of the interview showed that Tamika Bailey envisaged to provide professional development such as team meeting, skill-building and company-wide training on different topics and subjects within the industry. To effectively provide professional development, Tamika schedule off-site training. The student graduating with Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services are the most suitable to work in this non-profit organization. However, they must have a positive attitude and willing to assist the children to achieve their full potential.

            Some of the programs offered by Tamika’s organization include Teen Programs, Zumba classes, ESL classes, food program, and school program. The children are given the opportunity to choose the program they would like to engage in. Based on the information provided in the interview, most member of the community are in Zumba classes. Tamika is currently looking for a person to teach the Zumba classes. The after-school programs start from 2:30 and run to 5:30, but it is compulsory for the children to stay the entire time. Since the organization handles kids from different cultural background, global and intercultural fluency is key to volunteers and people employed in the organization.

            The Project Access is comparable to College Recruiter since the founder envisaged to connecting the new graduates and students to employers. There is no doubt that new graduates find it challenging to either into job market due to lack of experience(College Recruiter, 2020). However, the availability of websites like College Recruiter make it possibility to the students as well as new graduate to secure employment opportunities in the organizations they would like to work in. This website also creates a platform where the new graduate can build their resume to meet the market demand.


College Recruiter. (2020). College Recruiter believes that every student and recent graduate deserves a great part-time, seasonal, internship, or entry-level job. Retrieved from College Recruiter:

* This guide was adapted from the document created at Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville titled “Observation and Fieldnotes” and found online at…/How_CI_Observation%20and%20Field%20Notes.pdf





Writers Solution

Project manager for the development of an information technology (IT) project

Topic comprehensive IT project: You have been asked to be the project manager for the development of an information technology (IT) project. The system to be developed will allow a large company to coordinate and maintain records of the professional development of its employees. The company has over 30,000 employees who are located in four sites: Florida, Colorado, Illinois, and Texas. The system needs to allow employees to locate and schedule professional development activities that are relevant to their positions. Sophisticated search capabilities are required, and the ability to add scheduled events to the employees’ calendars is desired. The system needs to support social networking to allow employees to determine who is attending conferences and events. This will promote fostering relationships and ensure coverage of conferences that are considered of high importance. Once an activity has been completed, employees will use the system to submit the documentation. The system should support notifications to management personnel whenever their direct reports have submitted documentation. The system should also notify employees if their deadline to complete professional-development requirements is approaching and is not yet satisfied. Before the solution can be fielded, a Project Plan (below) must be completed to identify the work breakdown structure, resources, and project schedule needed to execute the project. This should be in Section 3 “Project Plan” of your overall project. Include Sections 1 and 2 from Unit 1, along with updates made from instructor feedback. For Section 3: Project Plan, complete the following: Step 1 (in MS Word): For the selected solution, explain the project plan to stakeholders and discuss its important components. (Note: You do not need to deliver a project plan but instead speak to its critical components.) For Section 3 within the project plan, include the following (in MS Word via an embedded table): Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS), and include the task name, duration (days), start date, and finish dates for the selected solution. Keep in mind, this project plan will only contain two sections: An intro speaking to the importance of the plan and its components and the WBS. It will not contain all of the possible components of a project plan due to the restriction on the length of the course. Step 2: Write 10 user requirements at a high level that will establish the key functionality needed by the solution. They do not have to be testable. For example: “The system will e-mail the client a copy of the receipt.” See Project manager for the development of an information technology (IT) project


Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at 


Comprehensive IT project





Project Information Management Plan

Having in place a good project plan is very important when it comes to the development of usable, highlyquality deliverables of employee information which meets the needs of external and internal information users.  In this project the team will come together with stakeholders to discuss the content of the structure including the overall project information plan(MosurovićRužičić et al., 2019).The team is thus going to analyze the design issues, the audience, purpose, technology and media constraints and the development of an environment for the project(Jaafar&MohdYusof, 2019). This means that the overall project plan will also incorporate the initial specification for each output of individual information. The project plan also refers to a document that is going to define the responsibilities and actions to management of the project information. It is important for the company to come up with a good plan as a way of determining the time and effort that is going to be required in collection and distribution of project information. It is important to establish management of information in regard to the overall project management(Jaafar&MohdYusof, 2019). The project will also ensure the delivery of timely and accurate information to a number of audience which will also impact on the relationship that the project will have with its staff, stakeholders, management and agencies. Also the accuracy and quality of information reported to…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

SHRM Content Area (Organizational Development: Action Research)

Topic 1: SHRM Content Area (Organizational Development: Action Research) Action Research One systematic approach used in Organizational Development is the HRD Process Model (ADDIE Model) as it is a systematic approach intended to improve the effectiveness of an organization. The Assessment phase of the HRD Process Model (ADDIE) is particularly relevant as it used to identify gaps in organizational effectiveness between an organization’s current and desired state. This discussion will review another systematic approach used in Organizational Development, Action Research. Action Research can be understood as a process, model, theory, or set of techniques. Most often, Action Research is framed as action taken by an external consultant, which is why Figure 18-1 utilizes Organizational Development consultant language. However, Action Research can also be used by internal HRD professionals, the steps are the same. You will find the Action Research Model useful both in Organizational Development, and in other areas of your professional and personal life. Action Research is built on feedback. A problem is identified, data collected, a diagnosis given, a plan developed, action taken…followed by assessment/data…which is used to continue the process. That feedback data is immediately used to identify the problem and the process resumes. Figure 18.1 in Organizational Behavior in Health Care, Chapter 18 (Borkowsi) identifies the eight steps in Action Research. Table 18.1 displays these eight steps (Burke, 1982) simplified into four steps as developed by Cummings and Worley (1997). How would you apply the 8 steps of Action Research to the organization you are using for the course project? What value might Action Research add to your course project? How might your organization respond to Action Research and why? Topic 2: SHRM Content Area (Organizational Development: Appreciative Inquiry) As reviewed in the previous discussion topic, the HRD professional needs skills in both Change Management and Organizational Development (OD). Change Management focuses on the human component of organizational change, and Organizational Development focuses on planned processes of change using a systematic approach to increase organizational effectiveness. One such planned process using a systematic approach is Action Research; another is Appreciative Inquiry. While Action Research focuses on what is going wrong in an organization, the Appreciative Inquiry systematic approach centers on what the organization is doing right. Appreciative Inquiry is often expressed as having five components. Both the Organizational Development Fundamentals Figure 2.4 (Rothwell, et al., 2015, page 7) and the Organizational Behavior in Health Care (Borkwoski, 2017, page 10) address Appreciative Inquiry. Rothwell uses the 5 D Appreciative Model and Borkwoski uses the 4 D Model. The center of Appreciative Inquiry is the way diagnostic questions are asked. What is different about the questions used in Appreciative Inquiry? Would you use the 4D or 5D Model for the organization you are using for your course project and why? Would the Action Research Model or the Appreciative Inquiry Model have more value for the organization you are using for your course project? Why?

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Organizational Development: Action Research

Topic 1

            According to Johnson (2008), the eight steps of action research serve as guideline when conducting action research project. Therefore, it is very imperative for the action research to adapt to a particular research topic or problem. In other words, the eight steps should not be seen as cast in stone, it should be flexible. The 8-step action research are identifying and limiting the topic, gathering information, reviewing the related literature, developing a research plan, implementing the plan and collecting data, analyzing the data, developing an action plan, and reflecting on the process.

            The application of action research in the organization follows a systematic process, with the first step being identifying a specific problem. In this case, the organization is a learning institution, and the action research project is to improve performance of the students(Morrissey, 2013). This can be achieved through the use of examination and trial of the alternative instructional approach. The second step involves gathering information, where the views and instructional approach of tutors is obtained. It is important to know how other tutors addresses the problem of underperformance.

            The third step is to review the related literature with the objective gaining more insight on the subject matter. Different instructional approaches are compared and review to understand the approach that is more effective to the learners. The fourth step is the development of a research plan, which is guided by the hypothesis or research question(Finnie & Norris, 1997). The process of developing research plan is guided by the literature and discussion with other tutors. Step five is the implementation of the plan and collecting data, which involve designing performance-based assessment where the students are examined to establish critical thinking skills.

            The six step involves analyzing the data, where the test scores obtained from a standardized achievement tests are statistically compared for different instructional approach. The instructional approach recorded high score will be the one tutors will be using(Levasseur, 2001). Based on the findings, action plan is developed on how the selected instructional approach is adopted by the learning institutions. The last step involves reflecting on the process, where the head of school call for a meeting for debriefing and decide on any adjustment.             The action research is valuable to the organization is various ways. It ensures that course project is delivered on time and each of the process was…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Personal career development plan

You will be creating a paper outlining a personal career development plan. Career Management and Development (Chapter 12) is a complex topic involving an understanding of life stage (Erickson and Levinson Models), models of career development, individual and organizational approaches to career management, roles in career management (individuals, managers and organizations), career development practices and activities concluding with a review of career development issues. In order to simplify career development and provide a valuable personal deliverable, the Unit 6 Assignment on career development will address your personal career development. At the end of Chapter 12, you will find Exercise 1: A Career Planning Essay. This exercise gives you an opportunity to review relevant concepts in Chapter 12 and make personal application. That application will help you better understand and apply chapter concepts of relevance to your situation. Remember, this assignment parallels Exercise 1: A Career Planning Essay on page 436. Refer to that exercise as you complete the assignment. Your analysis of this section and your written submission should reflect an understanding of the critical issues of this portion of the course project; integrate the material covered in the text and present concise and well-reasoned justifications for the stance that you take. Use Personal career development plan


Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at 


Career development is one of the important aspects in human development. It facilitates an individual to achieve career goals and make him/her to feel fulfilled. It is important to understand that career development is more than a job since it is a life commitment (Werner & DeSimone, 2012). Career development emphasize on assessment and KSAOs such as skills and knowledge for a position as well as the need for personal fulfillment and values. This career development worksheet reviewed the objectives required to achieve the ultimate career choice as human resource director.

Short Term Career Objectives: Describe your short-term career objectives.

            My short-term career objective is to complete my Human Resource degree and get SHRM certificate. By completing Human Resource degrees, I will have achieved my academic goals. It has been a long journey but I’m almost finishing and get my degree certificate. In addition, this I will obtain certification in the field of HR, which will take me a period of six months to study and seat for certification test. These short-term objectives will enable me to achieve my long-term career objectives.

Long-Term Career Objectives: Describe your long-term career objectives.             The long-term career objective is to reach the position of Director of Human Resources. This is the ultimate goal I strive to achieve in the long-term. After completing my degree in Human Resource and certification in HR field, I will start practicing as HR generalist until I ac…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Genetic and environmental factors would influence the intellectual development of two identical twins

Based on the available data, describe how genetic and environmental factors would influence the intellectual development of two identical twins who were separated at birth and raised in two different families—one in an impoverished environment and one in an enriched environment. Would there be differences? If so, why and to what extent, specifically?

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Influence of Genetic and Environmental Factors on Intellectual Development of Identical Twins

Name of Student

University Affiliation

Course Number

Instructor’s Name


Influence of Genetic and Environmental Factors on Intellectual Development of Identical Twins

           Human physical, emotional, intellectual, and psychological development is influenced by many factors. Some of the most important factors that have been shown to have a significant influence on intellectual development are genetic and environmental factors. Although identical twins have similarities in genetic makeup, differences in environmental experiences have been shown to lead to differences in their intellectual development. 

           Research has shown that an individual intelligence, personality, and temperament are a product of complex interaction of both environmental and genetic factors. Bukatko and Daehler (2012) point out that twins who are born in the same environment share similar genetic makeup, nature, and nurture. However, when such twins are separated and placed in a different environment, their intellectual development is then influenced by the difference in nature and nurture. Such an influence is termed as a nonshared environmental influence (NSE) (Shaffer, 2009). Nonshared environmental influences will have an impact on the intellectual capacity of the two twins. Studies done on the impact of nonshared environmental influence among twins have shown differences in intelligence quotient (IQ) among identical twins. Shaffer (2009) points out that in studies that were done among two twins placed in two different homes indicates that one of the twins had differences in IQ with a correlation of .86. In the case of the two twins born in the same family but raised in a different environment, it is e………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Nursing Curriculum development, Implementation, and Evaluation

Reflection & Artifact (Nursing)
APA style…. you can not use “I” but please used “the writer” instead.
Please include an introduction and conclusion. At least 3 peer-reviewed articles and APA style citation and referencing.
Please write in details curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. Please! Please adhere to these request. Thank you.

Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals listed in the syllabus. Then write a reflection of minimum of 850 words describing how this course has helped you achieve these goals.





Reflection on Nursing Curriculum development, Implementation, and Evaluation

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Reflection on Nursing Curriculum development, Implementation, and Evaluation

            As suggested by Tayler, reflection can be a source of freedom, which allows one to adopt own roles and expectations from those of other in order to become a better being. Reflection in nursing is linked with empowerment that gives the nurse practitioner the power, helping them to take actions that are based on insights. The course on nursing curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation that we have undertaken has been invaluable, as it has enabled us to attain knowledge, skills, and attitudes for meeting the course goals. In the paper, a reflection on how the course has been helpful in achievement of the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are necessary in meeting the goals of the course will be provided.

            In the course, the knowledge gained in nursing curriculum development has been critical in meeting the goals of the study. The knowledge on the development of nursing education curriculum and the ever-evolving nature of the nursing practice allowed for the examination professional, social and educational issues related to the nursing education. One particular aspect that was integral in the course was learning about the need for curriculum development in nursing education. It led to appreciation of the fact that curriculum development and education in nursing is a continous and creative process, which is intended to produce a unified, evidence-based, and context-relevant curriculum.             Given the increasing need for nurse practitioners to be at the center of the care practice, Al-Ghareeb & Cooper (2016) asserts that nursing is a profession that demands nursing students to gain the required knowledge and skills in the course of their education. According to the authors, nursing knowledge and skills are critical in making judgments and management of complex clinical situations. However, the……………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Writers Solution

Strategic Training and Development Report: Jiffy Lube International

The Training Top 125 for 2016
For the past 16 years, Training magazine has ranked organizations based on their employer-sponsored training and development programs.  The list below contains the top five organizations for 2016.

Company    2016 Rank    2015 Rank    Other Recognition by
Training Magazine
Jiffy Lube International     1    2   
Keller Williams Realty Inc.    2    1    Outstanding Training Initiative
CHG Healthcare Services    3    4   
Capital BlueCross    4    3   
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan    5    5   

Details about the selection process and about all 125 organizations ranked by Training can be found at the magazine’s website:

You should also browse the website for additional articles related to the Top 125 list.  The January/February 2016 issue contains a wealth of information.  Since the top five companies in 2016 were also the top five companies in 2015, you should browse the website for earlier articles about the company you choose to explore.


Choose one of Training magazine’s top five organizations and investigate the organization’s strategic training and development initiatives.  -JIFFY LUBE INTERNATIONAL
Visit the organization’s web site for business information (hint: look at the organization’s annual report for information about financial expenditures, company priorities, and competition) and use the UMUC library to conduct a search for references to the organization.  Don’t forget to look for YouTube videos by or about the organization.

Prepare a 3-5 page report based on your research. 
Using the criteria Training uses to rank organizations as well as from your own research, prepare a 3-5 page report about strategic training and development in your chosen organization.  Your report should include, but is not limited to, the following elements:

1.    A description of the organization and its major products and/or services (a brief description — no more than two or three paragraphs).  Try to find information about the organization’s mission and/or goals and how its training function is organized.  The organization’s website and its annual report, particularly the letter to shareholders at the beginning of the annual report, are good sources of information.  Be sure to cite the specific web page where you found information used in your report. 

2.    An assessment of the characteristics of the organization that help it excel in training and development.  Include factors such as (but not limited to) the total budget for or amount of money spent on training and development; the level of employee involvement in training and development activities; the type(s) of training and development opportunities offered; the organization’s investment in and/or use of technology for training; and the availability of benefits such as tuition assistance.

3.    An assessment of how the TD function operates in the organization.  How is the TD function organized?  For a description of three training organizational models, read  Does the organization use training needs analyses (TNAs) to identify performance gaps or the need for new skills to support business strategies and initiatives?  Does the organization employ the ADDIE, RID, or Agile approaches to design training?  Do the TD professionals in the organization display any of the competencies described in the ATD competency model mentioned in the Week 1 lecture? 

Support your opinions and statements with a minimum of four references from sources published within the last ten years.  You can cite scholarly and practitioner-oriented journals, course materials, newspaper articles, YouTube videos by or about the organization, the organization’s annual report, and the organization’s web site, but not Wikipedia, vendor websites, or other non-academic sources.  The UMUC library can help you identify appropriate sources.

Use APA format for citations, references, and quotations.  This means your list of references should start on a separate page, and should be double spaced, with a hanging indent and no spaces between entries.  For help with APA format, please consult the Writing Resources module in the Course Resources section of our classroom.   






Strategic Training and Development Report: Jiffy Lube International

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Strategic Training and Development Report: Jiffy Lube International

Brief Company Description

            Founded in 1979 and based in Houston, Texas, Jiffy Lube Company operates as a subsidiary of Shell Oil Company providing automobile preventive maintenance services (Jiffy Lube® International, 2017). The company operates more than 2,000 franchised and company owned services centers across North America. The Jiffy Lube range of services include air filtration, oil change, air conditioning, battery maintenance and replacement, suspension services, alignment, windshield, inspection, emission, tire rotation services, emissions and inspection, fuel cleaning system, drive-train, cooling system, brake, and engine and fuel system. In addition, the company provides fleet services, gifts and credit cards to its customers.

Organization Mission and How Training is Organized            

The mission of Jiffy Lube is to be the best preventive maintenance providers for the long haul, providing best care and working with customers……………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Project manager for the development of an information technology (IT) project.

You have been asked to be the project manager for the development of an information technology (IT) project. The system to be developed will allow a large company to coordinate and maintain records of the professional development of its employees. The company has over 30,000 employees who are located in four sites: Florida, Colorado, Illinois, and Texas. The system needs to allow employees to locate and schedule professional development activities that are relevant to their positions. Sophisticated search capabilities are required, and the ability to add scheduled events to the employees’ calendars is desired. The system needs to support social networking to allow employees to determine who is attending conferences and events. This will promote fostering relationships and ensure coverage of conferences that are considered of high importance.
Once an activity has been completed, employees will use the system to submit the documentation. The system should support notifications to management personnel whenever their direct reports have submitted documentation. The system should also notify employees if their deadline to complete professional-development requirements is approaching and is not yet satisfied.
Scope creep is a problem with all projects. Using the given scenario, answer the following questions: •What makes scope creep particularly prevalent in IT projects? What specific IT project management tools can be used to control it? •What are some possible factors that might cause scope creep in the given scenario? •How can a project scope management plan help manage the 3 project constraints of time, scope, and cost? •What is the potential impact of changes to budgets, schedules, and deliverables if changes are allowed to occur after the project is approved? 





IT Management: Scope Creep

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Scope Creep

            Every IT project has deliverables that it must meet, the duration and the cost (budget). Moreover, there are a number of requirements that must be agreed to be delivered throughout the project until its full completion. All these elements constitute the project scope (Mirza, Pourzolfaghar, & Shahnazari, 2013). However, sometimes some variation may occur in the course of the project implementation, which alters the scope of the project. This alteration is what constitutes the scope creep. Scope creep is a common occurrence in the IT projects and this is often caused by poor change control implementation, lack of involvement of the end users, consolidation of multiple projects and external changes like change in technology or regulatory framework.

            In order to scope creep, a number of IT management tools are employed (Léger, Lyle, Babin, Charland, & Pellerin, 2013). Having a flexible design can help to accommodate any changes and thus controlling scope creep. The other tools that can be used is the implementation of project in phases. This offers an opportunity for the end users to roll in some of the additional information. Moreover, project scope creep can be controlled through over-communication, proper documentation of all project details and involvement of the management during the development and implementation.           Some of the possible factors that may cause scope creep in the scenario provided include changes in employee requirements, the complexity of the……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Biopsychosocial Development and Pat

Developmental History of Pat: Pat reports that there were no complications, to her knowledge, with her mother’s pregnancy or delivery. Pat was born after a traditional full-term gestation. However, she said, “The doctor said nothing went wrong with my delivery, but from the beginning  there was something wrong with my leg. I did not walk on my own until I was 3 because of what they called ‘under-developed legs.’ I had orthotics and a lot of rehab therapy, and now I am fine with my legs.” Pat reported that her mom told her she stayed in her crib because of her walking difficulties.  When she got the orthotics she walked awkwardly so she often just sat in the middle of the room instead of exploring her surroundings. Pat spoke her first words by age 1 and began forming sentences by age 2. She was potty-trained at the age of 4. As Pat is telling you about her developmental history, she pauses and says, “You know, we never talked about how I got along with my family. I was never close to anyone in my family.  My dad left when I was 7, and he was just never there for me. My mom tried, but she was always working and then she got sick, and she was never there for me either. My siblings bolted the house as soon as they turned 16, and I have never been close to them either. My mom and dad fought a lot before he left, and I think us kids all were scared of them a bit.” Health Information: Pat denied having had surgery or allergies. However, she said, “I’ll probably die from smoking. I have smoked a pack a day since I was 13.” When asked whether she has previously been hospitalized, Pat said, “I have. I do not want to talk about it yet. As I get to know you, maybe we can go there.  All I will tell you now is that I was in the hospital several times, and the last one was when I was 31. I do not think my health is relevant.” As you progress through the week, reflect on the introductory information you have a bout Pat and ponder what her attachments with others throughout her life may be like
