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Brainstorm different texts for the rhetorical analysis

To brainstorm different texts for the rhetorical analysis assignment. You should choose an assignment that you received in the last six months, a personal written communication, or a social media post (this wasn’t written in the Rhetorical Situation Assignment, but I’m offering it as an alternative) from your own account of a post you made.To figure out how to start the rhetorical situation assignment.To outline the rhetorical situation for your text (exigence, audience, rhetors, constraints).Intended Audience: Classmates. Instructor. Writing Teachers. Individuals interested in learning more about rhetorical situations. Description:ETA: Reminder: You must choose a text within one of the categories listed in the Rhetorical Situation Assignment. Please read the assignment first before you choose your text for the assignment.Post a screenshot (you can use the insert media button, or you can attach it to your post) of one page of the assignment, written communication, or social media post that you made from your own account) you would like to analyze for this assignment, and then provide a brief summary of the text with detail. The summary should start to identify why the text exists (what was the reason for its creation, what problem was it created to solve, what point was it trying to make, what was its purpose) and who the text is targeting (the audience).The summary should be at least 250 words. Consider it to be preparation for your essay. You’ll be using this summary for your essay before you get into the analysis of your text, so put some effort into this summary and provide as many details about the text as necessary.Within 24 hours: Make sure you come back to this discussion and look over your classmates’ outlines. You must provide insights on at least two of your classmates outlines:Help them outline the rhetorical situation. Make a comment or ask a question about the exigence, audience, rhetor, and/or constraints for the text’s rhetorical situation. Did it make sense to you? Did it leave any questions in your mind? What questions could you ask your classmate that would help them to dig up more details about any aspects of the rhetorical situation?I will grade your assignment once I have approved your topic.To start this activity, consider that rhetoric is everywhere. Here is an example of a sign (although you will not be analyzing images for this paper, it provides an example of a rhetorical situation and how I would start thinking about the different aspects of its rhetorical situation). The street sign in the slide below is a rhetorical text that is part of a rhetorical situation. These types of signs started showing up in the Twin Cities after several incidents of police brutality. These are texts commenting on a rhetorical situation about police violence and human rights. They are intended to be seen by everyone in the city, since everyone in the city could potentially be a victim of police violence and travel public streets and highways. I’m not sure who made this sign, so I would try to locate the rhetor. There are several constraints that impact how, where, and when this sign gets bolted to the pole. It’s illegal to put unauthorized street signs up. This is kind of textual interrogation is how you start working on the rhetorical analysis assignment.

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Compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field


Course Project Stage 2: Making Connections

As we learned in week 5, the purpose of this two-stage project is for you to compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field.

In Stage 1 you:

  • Identified three specific examples in one humanities field from three different cultures.
  • Found at least one aspect these examples have in common.
  • Identified at least one learning resource from the class to help you compare and analyze your examples.

Stage 2 builds on the information your gathered in Stage 1 by: 

  • Explaining the historical and cultural contexts of your examples.
  • Explaining what your examples have in common and what is different by pointing to specifics in your examples.
  • Applying the terminology or interpretative methods from the learning resources in your analysis of your examples.

For this stage, you will use the same topic and examples from Stage 1  and write a 750-1200-word paper (3-5 pages) that offers specific comparisons between your examples and some analysis using terminology and methods from the course materials in the field of your examples.  Please try to keep your paper to about 1200 words or less and consult with your instructor for what to do if you think you will exceed this.

Instructions for Stage 2

Write a 750–1000-page paper that includes the following:

  1. An introductory paragraph that identifies the Humanities field you chose your examples from and explains why this field was of interest to you. Try to avoid telling the reader what you intend to do in your paper and see if you can preview your conclusion.
  2. Descriptions of each of your examples that include the following information, as appropriate.

3.     An explanation of what your three examples have in common and how they are different based on a detailed analysis of the examples to show how you came to this conclusion. In your analysis, you should:

  1. Use at least one of the resources in the classroom that is directly related to the Humanities field your paper focuses on. For instance, if you are comparing three poems, ensure that your resource(s) from the classroom is about analyzing literature.
  2. Rely on at least two of the terms or interpretative methods from the classroom resource(s) in your analysis of the examples. For example, if you are looking at three poems, you could use metaphor and rhyme scheme.
  3. Underline or bold the terms or methods of interpretation from the class you use in your paper.
  4. Explain the terms or methods before or as you use them.
  5. Provide specifics from your examples that you are analyzing using the terms or methods. For instance, if you are looking at three poems, you should quote the lines you analyze (not the whole poem). If you are looking at three paintings, you should describe what you are analyzing, or you could even use images overlaid with arrows to help illustrate your points.

4.     A concluding paragraph that offers some summative concluding remarks about what you learned about all three of the cultures your examples were from through comparing and contrasting your three examples. Did you learn that all three of these cultures express similar sentiments about parenting, for example? Did you learn that the attitude towards colonization was different in Spain, Africa, and South America? Think about how your examples informed you about the similarities and the differences between humans from the cultures you covered.

Note: Please be sure to look over your paper at least once or twice before handing it in to edit and try to catch any writing issues

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Compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field


Course Project Stage 2: Making Connections

As we learned in week 5, the purpose of this two-stage project is for you to compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field.

In Stage 1 you:

  • Identified three specific examples in one humanities field from three different cultures.
  • Found at least one aspect these examples have in common.
  • Identified at least one learning resource from the class to help you compare and analyze your examples.

Stage 2 builds on the information your gathered in Stage 1 by: 

  • Explaining the historical and cultural contexts of your examples.
  • Explaining what your examples have in common and what is different by pointing to specifics in your examples.
  • Applying the terminology or interpretative methods from the learning resources in your analysis of your examples.

For this stage, you will use the same topic and examples from Stage 1  and write a 750-1200-word paper (3-5 pages) that offers specific comparisons between your examples and some analysis using terminology and methods from the course materials in the field of your examples.  Please try to keep your paper to about 1200 words or less and consult with your instructor for what to do if you think you will exceed this.

Instructions for Stage 2

Write a 750–1000-page paper that includes the following:

  1. An introductory paragraph that identifies the Humanities field you chose your examples from and explains why this field was of interest to you. Try to avoid telling the reader what you intend to do in your paper and see if you can preview your conclusion.
  2. Descriptions of each of your examples that include the following information, as appropriate.

3.     An explanation of what your three examples have in common and how they are different based on a detailed analysis of the examples to show how you came to this conclusion. In your analysis, you should:

  1. Use at least one of the resources in the classroom that is directly related to the Humanities field your paper focuses on. For instance, if you are comparing three poems, ensure that your resource(s) from the classroom is about analyzing literature.
  2. Rely on at least two of the terms or interpretative methods from the classroom resource(s) in your analysis of the examples. For example, if you are looking at three poems, you could use metaphor and rhyme scheme.
  3. Underline or bold the terms or methods of interpretation from the class you use in your paper.
  4. Explain the terms or methods before or as you use them.
  5. Provide specifics from your examples that you are analyzing using the terms or methods. For instance, if you are looking at three poems, you should quote the lines you analyze (not the whole poem). If you are looking at three paintings, you should describe what you are analyzing, or you could even use images overlaid with arrows to help illustrate your points.

4.     A concluding paragraph that offers some summative concluding remarks about what you learned about all three of the cultures your examples were from through comparing and contrasting your three examples. Did you learn that all three of these cultures express similar sentiments about parenting, for example? Did you learn that the attitude towards colonization was different in Spain, Africa, and South America? Think about how your examples informed you about the similarities and the differences between humans from the cultures you covered.

Note: Please be sure to look over your paper at least once or twice before handing it in to edit and try to catch any writing issues

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Different kinds of conflicts of interest does Joanna have

Original Work, No Plagiarism, Cite and Reference

Joanna, a psychiatrist, has a busy clinical practice. She is widely recognized as a leader in reducing the number of psychotic episodes that patients with schizophrenia experience. Her treatment modalities are largely informed by her research. She has performed numerous clinical trial studies combining various antipsychotic and other medications to achieve longer intervals without episodes. She has cultivated a trusting relationship with her patients as many have seen her for more than five years as she has provide hope and relief to a great number of them.

Joanna is enrolling participants into a randomized placebo-controlled study with a promising new drug to treat schizophrenia. Although two other psychiatrists in her practice are referring patients to the study, she also decides to offer the protocol to patients in her practice that meet the inclusion criteria.

As part of the consent process, she explains to patients that there is a 50-50 chance whether they are placed in the group receiving the investigational drug or in the group that receives the placebo (sugar pill). She tells them that those who are given placebos will not be offered standard-of-care medicine so that important drug-placebo differences can be identified. Joanna also tells them that rational decision-making does not seem to be affected during short periods of medication-free intervals, according to the most recent research. She does acknowledge that studies have had mixed results about the increased risk of suicidality, however.

One of Joanna’s patients, a potential participant named Duncan, asks how long the study is supposed to last. Joanna knows that Duncan has failed other attempts of reducing the length and severity of his schizophrenic episodes. She also believes that he may be a good candidate for the study—as long as he’s not in the placebo group.  There’s no guarantee that he’ll receive the treatment, or do well on it. If he doesn’t enroll, then his clinical care will go on uninterrupted. If he does enroll, this new experimental drug may be his best shot at receiving an effective treatment so that he can lead a more normal life.

Joanna asks if Duncan is interested. Duncan responds, “Whatever you think is best. You’re the doc.”


1. How many different kinds of conflicts of interest does Joanna have?

2. How concerned should she be that her patient(s) might not grasp the risks of participating in a drug trial?

3. In your own words, what is a therapeutic misconception?

4. What do you think motivates patients like Duncan to respond “Whatever you think is best”?

5. Should clinical researchers be allowed to enroll their own patients in a study?


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on The Economics of The Hudsucker Proxy Different kinds of conflicts of interest does Joanna have


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What does it mean to be “different”? How do you determine who or what is different?

For years, the term diversity has been associated with specific parameters such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. It is important that we continue to understand those dimensions of diversity to evolve our conversation to more global aspects of our cultural selves. The graphic (click link to) illustrates many dimensions of diversity that you may or may not have thought about. diversity.png
1) Think of diversity in all of its dimensions and discuss the concept of “difference.” What does it mean to be “different”? How do you determine who or what is different? Be sure to address the following:
2) In your family (extended, or otherwise), community, and workplace, what dimensions do you think of when you think someone is “different” than you? Do you focus on different dimensions depending on those three contexts?
3) Of those dimensions you think of, which can be changed and which cannot be changed?
4) Of those dimensions you think of, which are visible and which are non-visible? What are the advantages and disadvantages to having non-visible dimensions of diversity rather than visible ones?
Your initial discussion post should be at least 400 words.




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Discuss how both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are used and vary between the different 802.11x networks

In a 4-6-page, APA 7th Edition  formatted paper, and including at least six external references:

Describe the evolution of 802.11x networks 

Discuss how both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are used and vary between the different 802.11x networks. 

Research and address current 802.11x standards and future network standards with their proposed benefits and functions. 

Finally, address a few of the security concerns with current 802.11x standards.

Remember to properly identify, cite, and reference your resources in APA 7th Edition style.

Olenewa, J. (2017). Guide to wireless communications (4th ed.). Cengage Learning 

Print ISBN: 978-1305958531

eText ISBN: 978-0357396407




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Diversity is the practice including and involving individuals from different ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation

Introduction Diversity is the practice including and involving individuals from different ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation (Godfrey et al., 2020). In Iraq, there is a mixture of cultures due to different individuals from different cultural backgrounds, languages and religion. The population comprise of Arabs, Kurdish, Christians and Yessed practicing different cultural beliefs and living together (Matthews et al., 2020). This study will help individuals to support each other’s beliefs and ideas for peaceful contribution to the country in spite of their differences. The guiding research question is “what are the long-term impacts of cultural diversity?” the research question will help us provide a response by the end of the study. I believe diversity has aided the people of Iraq to experience co-existence and multiculturalism. 

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As diversity goes beyond just ethnic groups, it includes facets of sexuality and gender and social groups. The Iraq population comprises of the primarily four major groups inclusive of Arabs as the majority, Kurds, Turkmen, Chado Assyrians and the minority ethnic groups such as Shabak and Yezidis. These particular groups bring a mixture of cultures and languages in the country. Also, the country has a number of religions practiced in the country which include the Islam religion which is practiced by majority of citizens, Christianity, Yezidism, Zoroastrianism, Mandaeism Judaism and Hinduism (Matthews et al., 2020). All these religions are accepted through the right to religion. The Islamic religion uses sacred text known as the Quran which has divine messages and celebrates observances like the Ramadhan which is the fasting season. The Christians on the other hand use the bible as the sacred book and celebrate festive like Easter which is the Lenten season (Alfahham, 2020). Also, other minority religions have their own holidays and religious cultures indicated in sacred books. 

Studies show that Iraq has introduced an institute for study of religious diversity aimed at changing the country’s discourse towards religious minorities. The institute in the middle east was established by Masarat which is a Bagdad non-profitable organization focusing of the minorities. The curricula is a sequence of textbooks inclusive of non-Muslim faith to help Muslim students have diversity of other religions. The institutes main agenda is to bring better understanding of different faiths and influence the Muslim clergymen to abandon religious prejudices concerning religious diversity to help end radicalism and hatred speeches in Iraq (Matthews et al., 2020).

After overthrow of Saddam Hussein rule, more than fifteen thousand pieces of artifacts were stolen from the national museum. With the retrieval of many of the artifacts, they were stored in different museums in the country. Example of these museums include the national museum of Iraq, Baghdad Museum, museum of natural history, Kurdish textile museum, and Mosul Museum (Hussein & Khalid, 2018). These museums preserve different cultural artifacts from different races. The Assyrian empire culture is well represented through statues, Kurdish weaving and a multilingual library to help people understand various cultures. The museums in Iraq play a major role in cultural diversity as they help display artistic objects to preserve, interpret and provide cultural education to individuals.

Some of the artists in Iraq compose music that show historic roots and ancient traditions. There are different songs from different cultures reflecting on traditions and the culture of the nation. Music is performed in different languages and it is recognized as an important part of the country’s culture. Art and literature have thrived in the country for a long period. The nation even produced the greatest Arab poets, architectural designers and painters. The Gallery Ancient Near East exhibits more than a thousand pieces of art work including drawings from different cultures from the ancient Iraq. These works of art and literature show diversity of cultures. This research adds to current literature of the multicultural Iraq. (Hussein & Khalid, 2018).


The research topic entails the long-term impacts of cultural diversity. I believe diversity inspires creativity and innovations in organizations in the nation. Different cultures influence individuals differently in the way they see the world. A variety of opinions together with wide range personal and professional understanding may offer new perspectives and motivate other people in workplaces. Study has shown that diversity has helped breed creativity and bring exciting ways of problem solving (Hlepas, 2013). A recent study from Forbes, a successful organization highlighted that, the best way for development of new ideas is through diverse and inclusive taskforce. Above all diversity attracts talent in organizations enabling them to offer broad services helping the nation in business. Through multiculturalism, members of the society become open-minded to other cultural groups dispelling stereotypes which help them promote peace. Cultural diversity helps citizens of avoid conflicts and make a nation a better and interesting place to live in. different cultures have different beliefs and diversity helps individuals understand other people’s culture ensuring people share alternate ways to do things. When peace is spread, then the members of the society can enlighten each other on insights in religion, food, literature and history. Through cultural diversity, there is promotion of peace and understanding in different cultures among diverse individuals (Matthews et al., 2020). Visit writing assignment help for more information. Finally, in a setting where there is peace and understanding, an individual has the chance for personal growth. Diversity is a way of exploring inner interests aiding and individual live outside the comfort zone. Through understanding of different cultures, one gains knowledge and develops sense of personal growth. Embracing different cultures brings opportunities to explore new languages and traditions gaining valuable insights which may help one determine opportunities for individual growth. in general, cultural diversity inspires creativity, productivity and enables us gain knowledge and insights of other cultures to better cooperation among different kinds of people (Godfrey et al., 2020). Conclusion Many countries have a population inclusive of different race of individuals from different corners of the world. Iraq as one of these countries has a diverse population practicing different religions, speaking in different languages and practicing different cultures. The study of cultural diversity may help an individual gain insight and understanding about different cultures to ensure dispel of stereotypes for peaceful relations with others. The question that remains is, would a country be peaceful, innovative and productive practicing monoculturalism despite comprising a mixed population? Some challenges associated with cultural diversity include idea implementation problems. With different experiences, different individuals may propose different ideas bringing forward too many opinions which can compromise the ability to stick to the best options. Also, some individuals may feel that their ideas are not taken into consideration. There may arise misunderstandings professionally in workplaces for example conflict on working days or hours. Other challenges include challenges like language barriers, social tension, dysfunctional adaptation of behaviors and civic disconnection (Hussein, & Khalid, 2018).
 References Godfrey, M., Kim, J., Eluère, M., & Eys, M. (2020). Diversity in cultural diversity research: A scoping review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13(1), 128-146.   Matthews, R., Rasheed, Q. H., Palmero Fernández, M., Fobbe, S., Nováček, K., Mohammed-Amin, R., … & Richardson, A. (2020). Heritage and cultural healing: Iraq in a post-Daesh era. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 26(2), 120-141. Hlepas, N. (2013). Cultural diversity and national performance. Athens, Greece: International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS). Alfahham, M. B. M. (2020). Review on Sects and Religions in History of Iraq. International Journal of Islamic Business & Management, 4(1), 1-9. Hussein, A. A., & Khalid, R. M. (2018). Issues in the protection of cultural heritage in Iraq. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 8(7), 396-405. Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). Cultural diversity and its implications for intergroup relations. Current opinion in psychology, 32, 1-5




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Peers several different topics on technology and society

During this course you have read, researched, and discussed with your peers several different topics on technology and society. Now it is time to think of at least one technology topic that has had some type of an impact on your life. Was this a positive or negative impact? Was it before the class or during the class?

I would like for you to explain the impact of this technology topic, the reasoning, and do a comparison to the ideas of both the authors writing about the topic and your classmate responses if it happened to be a weekly discussion topic (discussion boards will be opened for you to go back and read). If the topic was never discussed, then give several outside research comparisons to compare the objective technology topic. All papers should have at least two outside research articles to add into this topic paper. Write this personal reflection topic paper with a cover page with title and name, format required is double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt., with the last page listing all research resources, including the course book (use MLA or APA format). The minimum length this final paper should be is 1,000 words, about four total pages of content. Your paper may be longer if you need extra length for the content but not required. NO PLAGARISM

Topic: Health technology




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How to Deliver Feedback to Employees from Different Generations

Read How to Deliver Feedback to Employees from Different Generations. Then, answer the following questions in a 1-2 page response: 

●  Which type of feedback best motivates you to improve your work performance? 

●  Based on your experiences, which type of feedback do you see which best motivates peers to improve their work performance when they are from generations different than yours?

Provide peer reviewed citations to support.




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Explain different dividend policies adopted by companies and describe factors influencing dividend policies

Financial Management
Weight 15%
Marks for assignment 50
The Research Report should contain no more than 2,000 words, excluding references.
Submission via Turn-it-in on Moodle and strict adherence to submission and uploading rules to be followed. All parts should be answered.
All references and examples must be within an Australian context.
Scope of the research can include Academic articles and journals, and relevant Books. Students are encouraged to use the e-library resources.
Assignment Topics
Complete all questions
A. Explain different dividend policies adopted by companies and describe factors influencing dividend policies. 10 marks
B. Business valuation: students are required to value an ASX300 company from the following two and compute the value of the business using publicly available information (e.g., annual reports). 40 marks
a. Woolworths Ltd
b. Westfarmers Ltd
Students are required to discuss and apply different business valuation techniques, based on this review student groups are then required to make a recommendation for the most appropriate valuation technique