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Digital poster on climate refugees

Important Notes

  • This assignment is worth 100 points.
  • All poster must contain the following elements:
  • the title of your poster (think in terms of what will make someone want to come and read your poster) and the author’s name.
  • Your objective for your topic (Why is the topic important? What impact could it have on our lives?)
  • Data that addresses the topic itself (What are the results of our research? What did you learn about the topic that you want to share with other people?)
  • Conclusion (What is the overall message? What do you want your audience to remember one week from when they read your poster?)
  • Reference list containing abbreviated bibliographies for all your sources.
  • Your message should be mainly visual.  Avoid lots of text and long paragraphs; use images, graphs, flow charts, and so on.  Be creative in your design to grab attention and communicate your message diagrammatically. All images must have captions that explain the graphic to the audience; otherwise, points will be deducted.
  • Make sure to read the grading rubric in Canvas and use it as a guide or checklist to make sure you meet all criteria to get maximum points.
  • The poster will be a specific size: 13″ x 19″, either landscape or portrait.  That choice is up to you.  I will make two templates available in the project folder in the form of PowerPoint files.  If you want to use them, you can upload them into PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Pages.  When saving the final file for the exhibition,  it should be in the form of an image file (JPEG, PNG) or a PDF.
  • Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
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Law enforcement professionals and investigators use digital forensic methods to solve crimes every day.

Q#1. Law enforcement professionals and investigators use digital forensic methods to solve crimes every day. Locate one current news article that explains how investigators may have used these techniques to solve a crime. Explain the crime that was solved and the methods used to determine how the crime was committed. Some examples of crimes solved may include locating missing children, finding criminals who have fled the scene of a crime, or unsolved crimes from the past that have been solved due to the use of new techniques (such as DNA testing).

Your written assignment should be 3-4 paragraphs in your own words, and should include a reference citation for your source of information.

Q#2. Write a brief reflection on this course and on how it will aid your professional career and development.

  • How will this course impact your professional objectives?
  • What were the major work-related lessons that you learned?
  • How will this course prepare you for further studies related to your chosen professional career?

Note: Please answer both the questions in sperate documents with following references.

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How companies or organizations and individuals use digital or social media to effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal



The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts:

1. How companies or organizations and individuals use digital or social media to effectively communicate ideas, information, arguments, and messages to achieve a specific goal.
2. How digital or social media has transformed the communication of an idea, information, and arguments in society.
3. Access, analyze, interpret, and evaluate digital media to foster learning and to guide decision-making.
4. Make responsible choices in the creation and consumption of digital media based on awareness of global, social, ethical, and legal contexts.

 Project Description
In this project, you will select a topic discussed in class from the list provided below, conduct additional research on the topic, and share this information in a research paper. 
Project 3 consists of: 

1. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover)
2. Paper Requirements (content organization)
3. Submission Requirements (how to submit your assignment)
4. APA Resources (how to cite and select sources)
5. Due Date Information and Late Policy

 Project Requirements
Select one of the 12 research topics below and complete ALL THREE sections: 


Topic 1: Digital Media as a Distraction (Week 1)
Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier – Chapter 1: Distracted by Everything PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Chapter 1 (00:00 – 08:28 minutes)
Topic 2: Digital Media’s Effects on the Brain (Week 1)
Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier – Chapter 2: What’s It Doing to Their Brains? PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Chapter 2 (08:29 – 10:40 minutes)
Topic 3: The Use of Digital and Social Media in Politics (Week 2)
(Smartphone political ads target non-political events to talk directly to voters, one by one (web page)
Topic 4: Cyber Psychology (Week 2)

Cyber psychology and cyber behavior of adolescents-the need of the contemporary era (web page)

Topic 5: Virtual Worlds and Their Impact on Society (Week 3)
Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier- Chapter 7 Virtual Worlds PBS Online Video Documentary Series – Start the video then Navigate to Chapter 7 (52:05 – 1:01:26)

Topic 6: Fake News (Week 3)
Fake News Vs Real News (PBS Online video) 

Topic 7: Digital Rights Management (DRM) (Week 4)
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) (web page)

Topic 8: Filter Bubbles (Week 4)
How Filter Bubbles Isolate You (YouTube Video) 
Measuring the Filter Bubble: How Google is measuring what you click.

Topic 9: Data Visualization (Week 5)
“Information is Beautiful”
Big Data Visualization (YouTube Video)

Topic 10: The Digital Divide (Week 6)
Digital Divides 2016 | Pew Research Center
Small towns join forces to bridge the digital divide (YouTube video) 

Topic 11: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Week 6)
Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (PDF) 

Topic 12: E-commerce (Week 7)
How Amazon Controls E-commerce: the Hidden empire: (online slideshow – 84 slides)

Answer the questions below:
Item 1: Which topic did you select?
Item 2: Why does this topic appeal to you?
NOTE 1: Section 1 should be the shortest section of your paper (10-15%).

Discuss your topic as presented in class. This is a summary of all the resources used in class relating to the topic including online discussions.
Item 1: Summarize the information on the topic as presented in the class, using the Read & Watch resources AND any classroom discussion (online or f2f) of the topic.
Item 2: Is the topic you selected relevant in a course on digital and social media? Whether you answer yes or no, justify your answer.
Section 2 Sources: Include the source(s) as an in-paper citation and on your References page.
NOTE 2: Section 2 should comprise (30-40%) of your paper.

Provide additional information on the topic you selected by locating TWO or MORE new resources (in addition to the resources provided in class) to expand your knowledge of the topic.
Item 1: What additional sources did you find on the topic you selected (list at least 2)?
Item 2: Why is EACH resource you found (a) relevant, (b) credible, (c) accurate, and (d) unbiased based on what you learned from the What is a Credible Source? How to Evaluate Web Resources? Address a-d in your answer.
Item 3: What new information do the two new resources contribute to the topic as presented in class?
Section 3 Sources: Include at least TWO SOURCES related to your topic that are NOT presented, discussed, or posted in the weekly Read & Watch in class or posted in the 15 topic list above. Include these sources as in-paper citations and list them on your References page.
NOTE 3: Section 3 should comprise the majority of your paper (45-60%). This is where your primary focus should be.

 Paper Requirements
1. Your paper must follow APA format guidelines throughout.
(A sample APA template for you to use is attached to the bottom of this page. It contains Latin placeholder text. Replace the text with your content).

a. Double-spaced
b. 1-inch Margins
c. 12-point size professional font (e.g. Times New Roman)
d. Header
e. Automatic Page numbers
f. Title page
g. Reference page

2. Length: Minimum of 1,500
(Title page, Reference page, and direct quotes do not count toward the total word count). 
NOTE 4: Going over 1,500 words is fine, but if you are under 1,500 you will be penalized based on the following scale:  

One letter grade (10%) for every 500 words you are under the word count minimum.

3. Title Page 

Your title page must be APA formatted and include the following:
a. Project Name
b. Your Name
c. Course Name and Section Number
d. Semester
e. Instructor’s Name
f. Title of Research Paper Topic

4. References Page
Your References page must be APA formatted.

5. Sources: Include the source(s) from Section 2 and at least TWO (2) sources in Section 3.

Clarification: Please do not use unprofessional sources such as Wikipedia,,,,, or anything remotely similar.  Examples of scholarly sources include textbooks, articles, academic journals, and conference proceedings. Scholarly resources are written by experts in their fields, grounded in research, and often refereed (reviewed and edited by researchers in the field). Examples of professional sources include trade journals or magazines. Professional sources are written for a specific audience that works in a certain field. They are not research-based. You can also use our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources) as a source as well. UMGC has a top-notch, extensive online library. You can find many scholarly and professional sources there.

NOTE 5: You can also use social media (e.g. Twitter posts, blogs, YouTube) sources as well as this is a paper about the use of digital and social media.

6. Setup & Organization
Your paper must include the following pages and Level 1 Headings:

a. Cover Page
b. Topic Introduction (Section 1)
c. Topic Discussion (Section 2)
d. Additional Research (Section 3)
e. Reference Page

 APA Resources
UMGC’s Library offers several resources for APA formatting and citation style, including the resources below:
APA 7th Edition: General Rules, Citation Examples, and Video Overview (UMGC Library).

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 All the coursework has to be done in VHDL. Coursework handed in using another language will be marked as zero.

 Coursework must be typeset.  Never use screenshots or photograph of code in your coursework. Typeset code within your

coursework report using a monospace font (e.g. courier new).  Never use photographs of waveforms in your coursework. Use a proper screen capture tool to include

a high resolution screenshot in your coursework.

a) Consider the register bank of the educational processor (file cpuregbank.vhd of labcpu):

The objective is to create a testbench for this circuit, and simulate the a few operations including storing data in it as well as retrieving data from it.

In order to do this, use the file cpuregbank.vhd which is in labcpu zipfile. The file dffre.vhd is also required as it is used internally by the register bank.


The ports of cpuregbank are:

clk : in STD_LOGIC; — Clock rst : in STD_LOGIC; — Reset signal (active high) d : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) — Data to write to a register

— (when rwren is enabled) rwren : in STD_LOGIC — Set to 1 to write d into register rwr rwr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0) — Selects which register to write to. — The register encoding is identical — to that used in the assembler

— instruction encoding. rrd1 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0) — Select which register is

— mapped to q1 rrd2 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0) — Select which register is

— mapped to q2 q1 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) — Content of register selected by rrd1 q2 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) — Content of register selected by rrd2 dbg_qa : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) — This is a debug signal which has

— the content of register RA. It is — used in the lab to display the — register content on the 7-segment — display. (A production processor — would not have this signal)

dbg_qb : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) — Same as dbg_qa but for RB dbg_qc : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) — Same as dbg_qa but for RC dbg_qd : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) — Same as dbg_qa but for RD

First, your test-bench should ensure a regular clock is driving clk with a clock period of 100ns, and a 50% duty cycle.

Then, the testbench should allow to test a variety of operations the sequence described hereafter.

i) Reset: The test bench should first reset the register bank. The reset is synchronous. It should also set rrd1, rrd2, d, rwr, rwren to zero.

ii) Store1: store the value 0x55 to register RA

iii) Store2: store the value 0xAA to register RB

iii) Store3: store the value 0xFF to register RC

iv) Load1: get the content of register RA on q1 and RB on q2

v) Load2: get the content of register RC on q1 and RD on q2

In the coursework report:

i) Explain the testbench file you constructed, what it does, and how it does it. In order to do that, provide the complete source of the testbench, and in the main text of your report explain the testbench file. By “explaining the testbench”, we ask you to first provide an overall explanation of how you intend to simulate the system, and then explain the purpose of each of the VHDL constructs you are using to realise the tests indicated above. Make sure you explain where the Reset, Store1, Store2, Store3, Load1, Load2 operations take place.

Note: if you create the testbench from Vivado’s user interface, a lot of default comments are inserted by Vivado. Remove these, as they are not useful for this coursework.


ii) Provide a screen capture of the waveforms resulting from the testbench. All signals must be legible. Make sure that all the values in the waveforms are legible and in hex. Note: do not take photographs! Use a proper screen capture tool, such as pressing the “Print Screen” key. Explain what can be observed on these waveforms. Make sure you highlight on the waveform (e.g. with mspaint) where the operations Reset, Store1, Store2, Store3, Load1, Load2 operations take place.

All the register bank signals must be visible in the waveform.

[20 marks (10 marks for the testbench and associated explanation, 10 marks for the waveform and associated explanations; if the testbench does not work, not marks will be


b) Consider an input signal (i.e. a square wave) which has a maximum frequency of 1MHz. We want to count how many times the input signal transitioned from 0 to 1.

Detail three approaches to count the number of transitions.

i) the first approach should be a pure digital circuit (i.e. no processor).

ii) the second approach should consist only of a processor (UoS educational processor).

iii) the third approach should be a combination of processor (UoS educational processor) and a digital circuit (e.g. interfaced on the external I/O bus), both working together to acquire the number of transitions. You have significant flexibility here in finding an implementation that offers an advantage compared to (i) and (ii) in some interesting way. As a hint, consider that the input signal could have potentially a much higher clock frequency than the one at which the processor operates.

In the report:

i) explain the implementation of your system in a way that another engineer would understand it. In particular, provide schematic for variant (i) and (iii) and provide assembler code for variant (ii) and (iii). Explain your choice, and how your implementation works.

Make sure in the report that you do provide the code and schematic, and explain in the core text what the code or circuit does, and how.

ii) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

[20 marks (5 marks per implementation with comments, 5 mark for the indentification of advantages and disadvantages]

c) The Sussex Educational Processor executes an instruction every 3 clock cycles. Explain why that is the case and specifically what happens during each of these three clock cycles.

[5 marks]

d) Explain and justify what is the maximum addressable memory for the processor using the mov instruction (note that this is not the amount of available memory, which was 32 bytes in the labs; it’s the maximum amount of memory which could be ‘touched’ by the processor).

[5 marks]

e) You are provided with the following VHDL code of a logic gate:


entity something is port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC; s : in STD_LOGIC; r : in STD_LOGIC; d : in STD_LOGIC; q : out STD_LOGIC); end something; architecture Behavioral of something is begin process(clk) begin if s=’1′ then q<=’1′; else if clk’event and clk=’0′ then if r=’1′ then q <= ‘0’; else q <= not d; end if; end if; end if; end process; end Behavioral;

The resulting logic gate is a variation of a type of gate commonly used in digital systems. Explain what is this logic gate and how it behaves.

[5 marks]

f) Write an assembler program that performs a loop exactly n times, with the value n specified on 8-bits on the external interface. Write down: i) the assembler code; ii) an explanation of what the assembler code does, line by line.

[10 marks (5 marks for the program, 5 for the explanations)]

g) Consider the program below. Explain line by line the operation performed by the instruction and the resulting register values for registers RA, RB, RC, RD. Write the value that is in the register after the execution of the instruction in the corresponding column; if the value is unknown indicated this with ??. Assume we do not know the content of the registers on program start.

RA RB RC RD mov rb,32h . . . . xor rd,rd . . . . sub rd,rb . . . . shr rb . . . . asr rd . . . .

[5 marks (1 mark per correct line)]

h) You are provided with the following memory dump. Write the assembler instructions corresponding to this memory dump.


Address Data 00 1330 02 3303 04 5770 06 B10A 08 B002

[5 marks (1 per correct instruction)]

i) Explain how many total number of ALU operations could be realised in the UoS Educational Processor if you modified the cpualu.vhd keeping the current structure of the instruction encoding, and provide an explanation for your answer.

[5 marks]

j) Consider the instruction “MOV [RB], RD” (assume RA=08h,RB=55h,RC=37h,RD=A0h). Assume we are shortly before the clock edge of the “execute” cycle (i.e. at the next rising edge the instruction will be executed).

By analyzing the VHDL code of the processor, explain what happens inside the educational processor to execute this instruction. Specifically, indicate the state of the following signals (or indicate if undefined):

instruction (in cpu.vhd) rrd1 (port of cpuregbank in cpu.vhd) rrd2 (port of cpuregbank in cpu.vhd) rwr (port of cpuregbank in cpu.vhd) d (port of cpuregbank in cpu.vhd) reg1out (in cpu.vhd) reg2out (in cpu.vhd) source (in cpu.vhd) regwren (in cpu.vhd) flagwren (in cpu.vhd) ram_we (in cpu.vhd) ram_address (in cpu.vhd) ram_datawr (in cpu.vhd) op (port of cpualu in cpu.vhd) a (port of cpualu in cpu.vhd) b (port of cpualu in cpu.vhd) aluqout (in cpu.vhd) alufout (in cpu.vhd) wrdata (in cpu.vhd) finally, summarize the overall processor behavior with this instruction.

[20 marks (1 mark per correct signal value, 1 mark for a correct explanation)]

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Marketing Management and Digital Communications

CQUniversity Unit Profile
MRKT20052 Term 3 ¬ 2019 Marketing Management and Digital Communications
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All details in this unit profile for MRKT20052 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
General Information
Class and Assessment Overview
CQUniversity Policies
Previous Student Feedback
Unit Learning Outcomes
Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
Textbooks and Resources
Referencing Style
Teaching Contacts
Assessment Tasks 1 Portfolio
Assessment Title Portfolio Articles Analysis
Task Description
For this assessment, each student will be analysing two news articles for tutorial discussion and submission on two separate weeks. Assessment 1A is due in week 4 and Assessment 1B is due in week 6 (refer to the Schedule section and Moodle for information on due dates).
This is an individual assessment with a maximum word count of 1000 words for each article analysis (including references). In your write ups, the emphasis should be on identifying the marketing implications of the events or incidents described in the selected articles.
List of articles to choose from for both Assessment 1A and Assessment 1B will be provided on the Moodle site for the unit in ‘Assessments’ folder. For each article analysis prepare a write­up (in .doc or .docx format) of no more than 1000 words for submission via Moodle.
The write­up for each article should be presented in the following format (ensure to use these points as sub¬headings in your write­up):
1. Concise summary of the key issues illustrated in the article.
2. Explanation of why the issues illustrated in the articles are important.
3. Discussion of implications of these issues from a marketing perspective.
For each write­up provide a list of at least 4 academic citations and references plus the reference for the chosen article Only references used

12/15/2019 CQUniversity Unit Profile
For each writeup, provide a list of at least 4 academic citations and references plus the reference for the chosen article . Only references used in text should be included in your reference list. The references should consist of published academic and research papers and textbooks in the write­up to support key points. Ensure that your references are relevant to the issues discussed. Referencing should follow the APA style.
Each article analysis submission is worth 10% equating to a total of 20% of the mark for the unit. Tutorial class activities in weeks 2 ­ 3 are designed to assist students in preparing for their week 1A assessment (due on Friday, week 4) and tutorial activity in weeks 4 and 5 for their 1B assessment (due on Monday, week 6).
Tutors will take note of the participants in class. Distance/online/flex students will discuss their analysis of articles 1 and 2 in the allocated Moodle discussion forum in weeks 3 and 5, respectively.
Academic Misconduct will be monitored to ensure that your submitted work is original and not purchased or copied from other students. Where assessments are found to be similar or purchased, penalties will be applied in accordance with University policy. Late penalties of 5% of the total mark will be deducted for every day late unless you have received an Assessment Extension from the Unit Coordinator.
Assessment Due Date Assessment 1A ­ Portfolio Article 1 Due: 6th December, Friday of week 4 (5PM
AEST); Assessment 1B ­ Portfolio Article 2 Due: 23rd December, Monday of week 6 (5PM AEST)
Return Date to Students Results will be released after moderation is completed (expected release to
students is 2 weeks after submission excluding public and University holidays time).
Weighting 20%
Assessment Criteria
Both Assessment 1A and 1B are marked usng the same criteria.
Summary of key issues (1.5 marks)
Explanations of issues’ importance (2 marks) Reflective analysis (4 marks)
Writing style (1 mark)
Evidence of research (1.5 marks)
Assessments will be marked in Feedback Studio.
Penalties apply for late submission (5% mark will be deducted from the total mark per day unless an approved extension has been granted).
Referencing Style American Psychological Association (APA)
Submission Online
Submission Instructions
Please ensure you submit your work as a word document (.doc or .docx) through relevant assessment submission link in unit’s Moodle page (link for submitting Assessment 1A is located in week 4 folder and for Assessment 1B in week 6 folder)
Graduate Attributes Knowledge Communication
Cognitive, technical and creative skills


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