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Addressing LGBTQ+ Discrimination

Part B: Project Idea – Addressing LGBTQ+ Discrimination

Project Description: My proposal addresses LGBTQ+ housing, employment, and healthcare discrimination. The project’s key aims include awareness, legislative reforms, and tools to help LGBTQ+ individuals overcome these problems.

Needs Addressed: The initiative addresses the urgent need to end LGBTQ+ systematic discrimination in vital life areas. Housing instability, employment uncertainty, and healthcare inequality affect their well-being. The initiative promotes diversity, equality, and social justice through meeting these requirements.

Attraction to Potential Funders: This project’s social justice and human rights goals may attract donors. Funders promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion may realize the need to fight LGBTQ+ discrimination. The project’s multi-faceted approach—awareness campaigns, legislative lobbying, and resource provision—shows a complete plan for a substantial effect.

Distinguishing factors: My project’s approach differentiates it from other LGBTQ+ discrimination campaigns. I provide a more holistic approach by addressing housing, employment, and healthcare discrimination. The project’s emphasis on policy advocacy and equipping citizens with fundamental tools distinguishes it from projects that raise awareness or modify laws.

In conclusion, requesting a grant to address LGBTQ+ housing, employment, and healthcare discrimination is worthwhile. This initiative fulfills my objective and addresses a social need. By raising awareness, campaigning for legislative changes, and offering resources, we empower LGBTQ+ individuals and create a more equitable and inclusive society. Careful research and strategic presentation will overcome grant writing hurdles, including articulating the project’s relevance and sustainability, to make a convincing case for supporting this vital effort.


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Death penalty and discrimination in the United States


33 unread replies.55 replies.

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

 Race and the Death Penalty [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]

This discussion focuses on topics addressed in several chapters of your text – the death penalty and discrimination in the United States. Although first discussed in Chapter 2, the death penalty is also discussed in Chapter 4. It is recommended that you review Chapter 4 this week, though you will read the chapter in Week 2. Your initial post should be at least 350 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and at least one other scholarly resource. Please properly cite credible sources in the body of your work and at the end of your work include the minimum of two required references. Consult the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table for assistance. Prior to completing the discussion, please complete your assigned readings and watch the following video, available through the Films on Demand database in the Ashford University Library: Black Death and Dixie: Racism and the Death Penalty in the United States. After reading the text, your scholarly sources, and watching the video, please thoroughly discuss the following questions:

  • African Americans comprise approximately 13% of the population of the United States yet nearly half (50%) of the incarcerated population is African American. Based on research, which factors may best explain high incarceration rates for African Americans when considering what proportion of the general population is African American?
  • Based on research, which factors may best explain the high number of African Americans (approximately 42%) on death row in the United States?
  • Define institutionalized racism and then evaluate whether institutionalized racism is to blame for these high incarceration rates. Please be sure to conduct a thorough analysis of the research in this area and cite credible sources to support your assertions.
  • Judges in some jurisdictions are elected. Based on your research, is it possible that judges have implicit racial biases that influence their decision making in cases? Please elaborate and cite credible sources that support your assertions.
  • If a jury who has heard the case recommends a life sentence instead of a death sentence, should a judge be allowed to override the jury’s recommendation of life in prison and instead sentence the defendant to the death? Why or why not?
  • How can the problem of disproportionate incarceration rates based on race be resolved?

Guided Response: Please read several of your classmates’ initial posts and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. Your peer responses should focus on the course concepts and be scholarly in nature. As you respond, evaluate the following:

  • Do you agree with your classmate? Why or why not?
  • What additional evidence have you found that can support your classmate’s claims?
  • Be sure to support any opinions you have with credible, scientific evidence




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The 1970’s Class that Experienceed Simulated Discrimination in Prejudice and Privilege

 A Class Divided: The 1970’s Class that Experienceed Simulated Discrimination in Prejudice and Privilege

A Class Divided:Public School Kids Experience Simulated Lesson in Segregation and Privilege

Teacher’s Note

A Class Divided is an encore presentation of the classic documentary on third-grade teacher Jane Elliott’s “blue eyes/brown eyes” exercise, originally conducted in the days following the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. This guide is designed to help you use the film to engage students in reflection and dialogue about the historical role of racism in the United States, as well as the role of prejudice and stereotyping in students’ lives today.

Because the film deals with racism and prejudice, it may raise deep emotions for both you. Some students may be confronted with privilege for the first time while others may see an affirmation of a lifetime of discrimination. As you see in the film, frustration, anger, and pain are not uncommon responses to being confronted with bias and inequity.

Issue Definition and Topic Background


Some people argue that racism is primarily a belief or attitude and that anyone who unfairly judges another based on race is racist. Others argue that racism is about action and systemic discrimination, so only those with the power to act, and not those who are the targets of discrimination, can be racist. Which argument do you find convincing and why? Is there a difference between racism and prejudice? If so, what is the difference?

Consider the following definitions. What are the differences between them? How do they compare with the dictionary definition of “racism”? How might some people benefit and others be hurt from the use of one definition over another?

“Racism couples the false assumption that race determines psychological and cultural traits with the belief that one race is superior to another.” –A World of Difference project of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith

“Racism is any attitude, action, or institutional structure which subordinates a person or group because of skin color.” –U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1970

“We define racism as an institutionalized system of economic, political, social, and cultural relations that ensures that one racial group has and maintains power and privilege over all others in all aspects of life. Individual participation in racism occurs when the objective outcome of behavior reinforces these relations, regardless of the subjective intent.” –Carol Brunson Phillips and Louise Derman-Sparks in Teaching/Learning Anti-Racism: A Developmental Approach, (Teachers College Press, 1997)


One of the goals of the civil rights movement was to ensure equal opportunity for every U.S. citizen, irrespective of race. When the civil rights movement began, the legal system did not grant the same rights to blacks and other minorities as it did to whites. Today, those laws have been changed, leading some to argue that the U.S. has achieved a level playing field for all. Is the field level? Is success based exclusively on merit and luck, or is race-based “privilege” still a factor? How was affirmative action policy crafted to address issues of privilege? Has it been successful?

Consider the following definitions. What are the differences between them? How do they compare with the dictionary definition of “privilege”?

· “unearned power conferred systemically” (Source: Peggy McIntosh, 1995)

· white privilege (hwait ‘privilidz), social relation, [ad. L. privilegi-um a bill or law in favor of or against an individual.] 1. a. A right, advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by the class of white persons beyond the common advantage of all others; an exemption in many particular cases from certain burdens or liabilities. b. In extended sense: A special advantage or benefit of white persons; with ideological reference to divine dispensations, natural advantages, gifts of fortune, genetic endowments, social relations, etc. 2. A privileged position; the possession of an advantage white persons enjoy over non-whites and white individuals enjoy over non-white individuals. 3. a. The special right or immunity attaching to white persons as a social relation; prerogative. b.  display of white privilege, a social expression of a white person or persons demanding to be treated as a member or members of the socially privileged class. (Source:  The Monkeyfist Collective (Links to an external site.) )

Thinking About It

Essential questions will guide your thinking. Questions and statements are designed to you to process the information from the documentary. These are not the prompt. You do not need to directly answer these questions. Use them to organize your thoughts and focus your attention toward key details to use in referencing examples and evidence to support your critical response.

· How do our beliefs about our response towards expectations of our government’s political response to social practices influencing the ways in we see and choose to interact with each other?

· What happens when one aspect of our identities is used to sort us into groups?

· How has our response to difference and what we do with a variation influence politics and American government?

· How does the aspect in our self identity cause collective political effects on society’s expectation of government’s role?

· How does our identity affect how we see not only ourselves, how how see others, and the choices that we ultimately make.

· What is the relationship between self determining identification and political preferences towards government decisions and actions

Teacher’s Note

Change your thinking to learn a broadened understanding of political perspective. There are always two interpretations of a word’s single definition. Webster’s sets a common standard with word definitions that make understanding more general and less exclusive. Diversity is a uniqueness that requires awareness of personal exclusivity. Limited understanding comes from limited perspective. A word that is clearly defined, is the most accepted word. Self imposed limitations that have failed us to know both sides of a words meaning.

A word’s definition needs to be seen for both what it IS and what it IS NOT. Apply the both sides of a definition specifically to the words “decisions and actions” mentioned in the previous section. 

Decisions and actions need to be defined with relation to what IS NOT if we want to broaden our perspective self identify politics that shape government response….AND most importantly shape their non-response.

Learning Materials 

Watch the entire movie in order to respond to the prompt


Select one of the following prompts to write your reflective writing paper on

1. What does Elliott’s classroom experiment suggest about what can happen when one aspect of our identities is valued more than all of the others?

2. While eye color may not be related to power in our society, what are aspects of identity that give some people more power and privileges than others? Who determines which differences matter? Why do individuals and groups either go along or not go along with these decisions?

3. How do beliefs about differences in our society shape the way we see ourselves and others? How do they shape the way others see us? How do beliefs about differences in our society shape the way we respond when we encounter an individual or group that is different from us?

Supplemental Links and Resources

· Show Me Your Identity:Identity politics may divide us. But ultimately we can’t unite without it (Links to an external site.)

· Philsophy Talk commentary and discussion of Identity Politics


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The 1970’s Class that Experienceed Simulated Discrimination in Prejudice and Privilege


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What is the difference between item discrimination and item difficulty?

What is the difference between item discrimination and item difficulty? In what ways are these measures valuable in the evaluation of a test? Why? 300 words, apa format, 3 peer-review journal articles





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Using federal law and YOUR STATE law, discuss the probable outcome of a discrimination lawsuit based on transgender.

Review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right,” the expanded grading rubric for the forum and any specific instructions for this week’s topic.
The discussion assignment consists of two parts. Select one of the questions for Part 1 and answer Part 2.
By the due date assigned, submit your answers toPart 1andPart 2to this Discussion Area. Post the answers to both parts in one thread. Label your answersPart 1andPart 2, but do not repeat the scenario text in your responses. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible. You should review and critique the work of other students as outlined in the expanded rubric by the end of the week.
Discussion Question Part 1
Select one of the scenarios listed below and explain the best solution for each. Include comments related to any ethical issues that arise. You should locate at least one scholarly source from the SUO Library or one case that has been decided or is currently pending to support your answer.
Scenario 1 – Discrimination
The Mad Beach Pub is a small casual restaurant located in YOUR STATE. The business is privately owned and currently has 4 full time employees and 15 part time employees. Mandie, a 46 year old transgender applicant for a position as a bartender was denied the position. Mandie was highly qualified, with many years of experience in waitressing and bartending; however,  Joy, a 25 year old college student was hired. Joy’s experience included working as a waitress at Hooters for 1 year.
Research the state laws on non-discrimination in YOUR STATE.   

  • Using federal law and YOUR STATE law, discuss the probable outcome of a discrimination lawsuit based on transgender.
  • Using federal law and YOUR STATE law, discuss the probable outcome of a lawsuit based on age discrimination
  • Scenario 2 – Agents
    Dennis and Donna Smith owned a 10-acre tract of land that they decided to sell.  The couple entered into a listing agreement with Kelly McLaughlin, a licensed real estate broker.  The agreement gave Kelly the exclusive right to sell the property for a period of 6 months.  The Smiths agreed to pay Kelly a 6% commission of the selling price if a buyer was found during the listing period.   Four months later, the Smiths sent Kelly a letter terminating the listing agreement.  Kelly did not approve of the conditions.  One month later, Kelly presented a full price offer to the Smiths; however, they ignored the offer and sold the property to another buyer.  Kelly sued the Smiths for breach of the agency agreement. 
  • Which party wins the lawsuit?
  • Did the Smiths act ethically in this case?
  • Scenario 3 – Agency and Liability for Agents
    Greg hired Drake’s Renovations to remodel his kitchen and one bathroom for $15,000.  Drake was required to follow the plans and instructions provided by Greg and complete the work by rooms by June 30. Drake had the exclusive right to control the manner and method for performing the work, including the right to select other workers and tools used. One day, two of Drake’s employees were unloading a spa tub for Greg’s bathroom. Startled by a noise, the employee turned quickly and the tub struck Sandy, who was walking her dog. Sandy tripped and hit her head on the pavement. The dog broke loose, bit Drake’s employee, and then ran off.
  • Explain the relationship between Greg and Drake’s Renovations. What are the rights and responsibilities of each party?
  • Which party is liable for Sandy’s injuries?
  • Which party is liable for the injuries to the employee?
    Discussion Question Part II
    Select two of the topics from the list. Provide information about how your new company will handle the topics selected.
  • Employment discrimination
  • Independent contractors
  • Negligent hiring
  • Union organization
  • Drug testing
  • Electronic monitoring of company-owned computers, cell phones and/or vehicles
  • Employee use of social  media




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White privilege, discrimination, prejudice and racism,and intersectionality are concepts and theories that relate to the concept of cultural diversity

Assessment Description: Report with References White privilege, discrimination, prejudice and racism,and intersectionality are concepts and theories that relate to the concept of cultural diversity. Describe how at least two of the se concepts and theories are instrumental in enabling counsellors / other helping practitioners to work with people from diverse groups. Research the web site of one organization which works with cultural diversity. Use the information on the website to analyse how the organization enables cultural competence, and how they address white privilege, discrimination, prejudice and racism, or intersectionality. The report should include:•a critical analysis of the two concepts and/or theories.•a thorough examination as to how these theories support practitioners in their work with people from diverse groups•an analysis of how these theories and culturally competent practices are applied in one organisation•a demonstration of an understanding of the important skills & knowledge required for working with people from diverse groups•a fully referenced report which uses evidence to support the analysis





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Minority Economic Discrimination and Domestic Terrorism

 In Poverty, Minority Economic Discrimination and Domestic Terrorism, Piazza describes how, post-9/11, a major thrust of President Bush’s foreign policy was using US foreign aid to promote economic development in poor countries, as well as democratic change in illiberal countries, with the aim of reducing violent radicalism. This framework also drove Obama administration counterterrorism initiatives. How do Piazza’s findings impact this approach to reducing terrorism? What about the other authors whose work we reviewed this week? APA 





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Gender Discrimination A male

Discussion Topic: Scenario – Gender Discrimination A male applies for a position as a server for a restaurant in his hometown. The restaurant is part of a well-known chain named for a bird whose call is a colloquial term for a popular part of the female anatomy. Despite several years of experience as a server for comparable establishments, the male is turned down for the position, which remains vacant. The applicant is instead offered a position as a kitchen helper. The applicant notices that all servers are female and mostly are blonde. All servers are required to wear very tight and very short shorts, with tee-shirts with the bird logo on the front, tied in a knot below their, usually, ample breasts. All kitchen help and cooks are male. The applicant feels he has been unlawfully discriminated against because he is a male. Do you agree? Why? Why Not? Support your position.


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