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Discuss how a leader’s personality traits are essential in adapting a leadership style

In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a research paper concerning a leadership theory and how it is applied in the workforce. In the finished paper, you will evaluate leadership roles and strengths, analyze the leadership theory you chose, evaluate leadership behavior and motivation, analyze leader influence, analyze research in leadership, demonstrate how leadership skills are used, and compare and contrast how leadership approaches are used to lead organizational learning and change.

For this assignment, you will submit a literature review focusing on relevant literature related to your leadership theory and its application. Since we are focusing on communication and leadership theories in this unit, the literature you select for your literature review should cover the following topics:

Discuss how a leader’s personality traits are essential in adapting a leadership style. 

Compare and contrast behavior attributes of your chosen leadership theory with a contingency leadership theory. 

If your chosen theory is a contingency theory, compare and contrast your theory with another contingency theory. Explain effective communication strategies for leaders. 

Your literature review should be at least two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, which are required as part of this assignment. You are required to use at least four outside sources, three of which must come from the Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

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Discuss how you think your theory can be applied where you currently work or in a position you would like to hold in the future

Unit I Research Paper Topic In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a research paper concerning a leadership theory and how it is applied in the workforce. In the finished paper, you will evaluate leadership roles and strengths, analyze the leadership theory you chose, evaluate leadership behavior and motivation, analyze leader influence, analyze research in leadership, demonstrate how leadership skills are used, and compare and contrast how leadership approaches are used to lead organizational learning and change. 

Later in this course (Unit V), you will submit a literature review focusing on relevant literature related to your leadership theory and its application. 

For this assignment, you are asked to conduct a search of the different leadership theories (trait, behavioral, contingency, and contemporary) and identify a theory that draws your interest and that you would be interested in exploring for the literature review and final research paper. You can review these theories in the textbook and do additional research in the Online Library. The first step involves choosing, exploring, and focusing on a topic. Write a one-page project topic paper discussing why you chose your theory. Include the following components in your research paper topic: 

  • Discuss how you think your theory can be applied where you currently work or in a position you would like to hold in the future. 
  • Discuss how your theory can be applied to improve organizational behavior and increase diversity in organizations.
  •  List at least two possible research questions you could investigate concerning application of your theory. 

Your research paper topic should be at least one page in length, not including the title and references pages, which are required as part of this assignment. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which must come from the Waldorf Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations

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Discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being

Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission: 

Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue. 

Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian. 

Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented.  

You are required to cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.   

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  Within text citation and references please paraphrase to avoid plagiarism 




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Discuss how both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are used and vary between the different 802.11x networks

In a 4-6-page, APA 7th Edition  formatted paper, and including at least six external references:

Describe the evolution of 802.11x networks 

Discuss how both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are used and vary between the different 802.11x networks. 

Research and address current 802.11x standards and future network standards with their proposed benefits and functions. 

Finally, address a few of the security concerns with current 802.11x standards.

Remember to properly identify, cite, and reference your resources in APA 7th Edition style.

Olenewa, J. (2017). Guide to wireless communications (4th ed.). Cengage Learning 

Print ISBN: 978-1305958531

eText ISBN: 978-0357396407




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Discuss the factors that may inhibit the acceptance of this new system by the pilots, photographers, and hangar staff

This assignment must be at least 2 pages with APA style

Sky View Aerial Photography offers a wide range of aerial photographic, video, and infrared imaging services. The company has grown from its early days of snapping pictures of client houses to its current status as a full-service aerial image specialist. Sky View now maintains numerous contracts with various governmental agencies for aerial mapping and surveying work. Sky View has its offices at the airport where its fleet of especially equipped aircraft are hangered. Sky View contracts with several freelance pilots and photographers for some of its aerial work and also employs several full-time pilots and photographers. The owners of Sky View Aerial Photography recently contracted with a systems development consulting firm to develop a new information system for the business. As the number of contracts, aircraft flights, pilots, and photographers increased, the company experienced difficulty keeping accurate records of its business activity and the utilization of its fleet of aircraft. The new system will require all pilots and photographers to swipe an ID badge through a reader at the beginning and conclusion of each photo flight, along with recording information about the aircraft used and the client served on that flight. These records would be reconciled against the actual aircraft utilization logs maintained and recorded by the hangar personnel. The office staff was eagerly awaiting the installation of the new system. Their general attitude was that the system would reduce the number of problems and errors that they encountered and would make their work easier. The pilots, photographers, and hangar staff were less enthusiastic, being unaccustomed to having their activities monitored in this way. 

a) Discuss the factors that may inhibit the acceptance of this new system by the pilots, photographers, and hangar staff. 

b) Discuss how an informational strategy could be used to motivate adoption of the new system at Sky View Aerial Photography. 

c) Discuss how a political strategy could be used to motivate adoption of the new system at Sky View Aerial Photography.




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Discuss the issue of legalising same-sex
marriage in the twenty-first century, with regards to current and past laws, cultural and social

Guide to essay paragraph structure
Writing an introduction to your essay
An introduction is usually around 10% of the total word count. Some students find it easier to write
the introduction in their first draft, while others prefer to write it after their body paragraphs have
been finalised. An introduction is the first thing your audience reads, so it needs to be clear, concise
… and engaging!
* Note: All citations in this guide are in the Harvard style of referencing. See the Deakin guide to referencing
for further details of Harvard and other styles used at Deakin.
Essay introduction – Example 1
Here is an example of an introduction to an essay that provides:
Background information
Some background information is provided to give the reader some context for the discussion.
It is clearly stated what the essay will argue – and is a direct response to the essay question.
Indicates the main ideas to be discussed in the essay so that the reader knows what to expect.
It was in response to the following assignment question: ‘Discuss the issue of legalising same-sex
marriage in the twenty-first century, with regards to current and past laws, cultural and social
Numerous philosophers have contributed to the debate on legalising same-sex
marriage. Some (Edwards 2008; Finnis 1994) argue that legalising same-sex marriage
would threaten the ideology of traditional marriage and deny the right of people of
faith to reject ‘alternative’ forms of matrimony. Others (Calhoun 2000; Mohr 2005)
contend that refusing same-sex couples the right to marry under law is an act of
oppression that ultimately denies them of their moral equality. This essay argues that
the notion of marriage has evolved over centuries with shifting social and cultural
standards, and that therefore there is a strong argument that in the twenty-first
century same-sex marriage should be legalised. Firstly, marriage will be defined from
the perspectives of natural law theory and new natural lawyers. Secondly, there will
be an analysis of various factors that contribute to the dynamics of marriage that are
often overlooked by the anti-same-sex lobby. Finally, reasons will be provided why
same-sex marriage must be recognised under law and how this is in accord with other
current laws around anti-discrimination and equity.
OutlineGuide to essay paragraph structure
Essay introduction – Example 2
Here is an example of a first-year student’s introduction to a much shorter 500-word essay.
Note that there is often no space to provide background information in such a short essay, but the
following introduction does include:
This section directly addresses the assignment question. The first sentence identifies the subject of the
essay and the second sentence introduces a discussion.
Although there is little space to provide an outline, this introduction still provides the reader with
some details of what will follow.
It was in response to the following assignment question: ‘Identify two significant contributions to
early theories of evolution. Discuss the similarities and differences in their key ideas in relation to a
particular species.’
Two major schools of thought that significantly contributed to the theory of evolution
derive from the renowned naturalists, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin.
Although their arguments share a mutual foundation, their ideas differ in regard to
how certain characteristics came to appear in certain species, in particular on the
question of whether organisms have an ‘internal vital force’ driven by need
(Embogama 2014). The differences between these two theories can be clearly
demonstrated by a brief consideration of their respective observations and analyses
of the anteater.
Writing the body paragraphs of your essay
The body of your essay is where you detail your ideas. It usually makes up approximately 80% of your
essay. It is important to remember that the evidence you provide supports your writing, rather than
the other way around!
• Structure your body paragraphs by beginning with a topic sentence – this is the topic of
your paragraph.
• Provide supporting evidence with citations, but also ensure that you paraphrase and
summarise your sources more often than you quote.
• It is essential that each paragraph have some of your own analysis and commentary. This
might include: comparing and contrasting the ideas of others, asking questions, providing
further examples or making some conclusions based on your analysis.
OutlineGuide to essay paragraph structure
• Consider how you will conclude your paragraphs and how your paragraphs link to each
• Remember to be formal, objective and cautious in your writing.
Essay body paragraph – Example 1
The following essay body paragraph includes:
Topic sentence
This is the topic of the paragraph. Note how it begins with the linking phrase ‘Despite the …’, referring
to the previous paragraph.
Supporting evidence and examples with citations
Cite reputable sources only. Summaries, paraphrases and quotes of all sources need to be cited.
It is important to provide some analysis – comparing/contrasting sources, asking questions, making
conclusions, etc.
Concluding sentence
Sometimes paragraphs include a concluding sentence, or a final sentence that links to the following
paragraph. Note that drawing your own conclusion is another example of analysis.
Despite the focus on hard skills, it appears that the biggest benefit of going to
university is not necessarily what you learn, but the people you meet there and the
networks that you create. Although graduates often list discipline-orientated goals
when asked what their main reason is for enrolling at university, ultimately many
graduates go on to careers and professions unrelated to their degree program
(Hopkins & Bylander 2013; Raskovich 2003; Smith 1999). So what kind of transferrable
skills do students carry over from their study into their career? Raskovich (2003, p. 217)
suggests that the key relationships and networks created by students at university
provide useful professional contacts for the future. This also assists in the
development of the interpersonal communication skills sought by employers.
Student proficiency in a range of digital skills that facilitate online academic,
professional and social networks are also important elements in the bigger picture of
graduate communication skills.
ConclusionGuide to essay paragraph structure
Essay body paragraphs – Example 2
Topic sentence
This is the topic of each paragraph. Note how the topic sentence in the second paragraph below
begins with the linking word ‘Furthermore’.
Supporting evidence and examples with citations
Cite reputable sources only. Summaries, paraphrases and quotes all need to be cited.
It is important to provide some analysis – comparing/contrasting sources, re-interpretation of ideas,
and making conclusions, etc.
Concluding sentence
A concluding paragraph is not necessary for every paragraph.
Social interaction is one of the fundamental principles of social constructivist theory.
In this philosophy, learning is regarded as a social process where people are engaged
with social practices (McMahon 1997). Vygotsky (1978) argues that with the help of
peer and other mentors, learners develop concepts and ideas that they can go on to
understand independently. In addition, students’ social interactions with other
students, academics, and other individuals outside the university, are major
influences on individual development and knowledge construction. In other words,
learners interact with members of their community outside the curriculum in order to
obtain or understand new knowledge and how to apply it.
Furthermore, language becomes a critical tool (Vygotsky 1978) that helps learners to
mediate social interactions. It is through speech, primarily, that learners engage with
bodies of knowledge that exist in a culture (Vygotsky 1978). As a result, through such
experiences and in challenging and supported environments, learners gradually
become skilled at participating in analytical discussions and other activities (Wertsch
1991, p. 235). Therefore, learners need to engage in social interaction to become
aware of others’ ideas, to interpret information derived from the interaction or
experience, and thus build and incorporate new knowledge. So the role of language is
key because it serves as a tool to mediate that engagement.
AnalysisGuide to essay paragraph structure
Writing a conclusion to your essay
You do not need to add new information, arguments or citations in a conclusion.
You may provide:
Restatement of topic and summary of response
Restate the essay topic and give a brief summary of how you have successfully addressed it – and
provide some of the key points.
Link back to broader context
This is optional, depending on the length and topic of your essay.
Suggest directions for further research
This is also optional and is usually for longer research essays.
Essay conclusion – Example
Charles Darwin and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck both made significant contributions to
theories of evolution. Through a brief analysis of the anteater, this essay has shown
that while both naturalists shared a common basis surrounding the question of
adaptation, Darwin’s notion of natural selection suggested the initial presence of
numerous variations from the beginning; whilst Lamarck’s theory focused on physical
and behavioural traits being repeatedly exercised and the resulting qualities being
inherited by their offspring. Recent research into epigenetics, which cannot be
explained exclusively by Darwinian theory and draws heavily on Lamarck,
demonstrates the continued relevance of revisiting the work of these seminal naturalists

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Discuss functional business systems

Information Systems Organization IT and the Digital Organization

Learning Objectives

• Discuss functional business systems

• Discuss IT System Extent and Visibility

• Discuss the organizational and operational impact of IT

• Discuss the business value of emerging technologies


IT Systems in the Digital Organization

• The information systems of the digital organization can be divided into the following categories: • Functional Business Systems • Enterprise Business Systems

• Enterprise Communication and Collaboration Systems • Business Intelligence and Decision Support Systems • E-Commerce Systems • M-Business Systems


Functional Business Systems

• Functional business systems are information systems that support the primary business functions of traditional businesses.

• In smaller organizations, these are still often standalone systems, but increasingly, especially in larger organizations, these are being integrated into cross-enterprise business systems.


Functional Business System Types


System Extent and Visibility

•System Extent • The system affects on business units across the

organization. We distinguish two kinds of extents below, although in fact, extent is really a continuum.

•System Visibility • The systems degree to which the operations and

processes of the system can be directly experienced from outside of the organization.


Organizational Agility • IT has supported organizational agility and has itself been a

major driver of agility. In particular, IT has affected: • Structural Agility—through distributed teams and

outsourcing, largely driven by the increasing capabilities of internet-based communication and collaboration • Business Process Agility—through rapid changes in

business processes, largely driven by workflow and business process management systems • Management Agility—through better decision making,

largely driven by the growth of business intelligence systems, including data mining and decision support systems

• Agility characterizes both internal operations as well as external relationships with customers, partners, suppliers, and others.


Business Value of Emerging Technologies

• Now more than ever organizations need to be agile—they need to have the ability to expand easily or to introduce products, services or other offerings quickly. Organizations need to be able to expand globally and literally overnight.

• The introduction of cloud computing, utility computing, microservices or distributed computing, and Software as a Service now help to facilitate organizations’ ability to operate anywhere, anytime, and expand technology assets simply and easily.


Cloud Computing • There are several key features which define cloud computing, listed

below: • Agility – Cloud computing provides the ability to rapidly provision

infrastructure and services.

• Cost – Cloud computing can lower entry costs for organizations, and also facilitates a “pay as you go” model.

• Device and Location Independence – Because cloud computing is browser- based and available through the internet, the cloud is available through any client.

• Multi-tenancy – Cloud computing provides the ability to share multiple resources across consumers, typically through virtualization.

• Reliability – Typically cloud vendors must provide critical service features and functionality to their consumers, much like a utility company. Therefore, backup, recovery, disaster recovery and business continuity are of critical importance to cloud computing vendors.


Cloud Computing Features Cont.

• Scalability – Since infrastructure within the cloud can be easily provisioned, on-demand scalability is an extremely important asset of cloud computing.

• Security – With cloud computing, there is a centralization of security. Still, there are concerns with this model, such as loss of control of sensitive data and the lack of security for stored kernels.

• Maintenance – Cloud computing applications can be easier to maintain since the applications do not need to be installed on a client directly.

• Metering – Cloud computing usage and application usage can be monitored; therefore, consumers only pay for resources they use.


Cloud Computing Service Models

• There are several different types of cloud models: • Infrastructure As A Service

• Platform As A Service

• Software As A Service


Software as a Service

• Provides consumers with a “pay as you go” or on-demand software model.

• This removes the need for organizations to distribute software internally and instead provides them with a simple mechanism to license and leverage software on an as-needed basis.


Benefits of SaaS

• There are some major benefits for organizations that move towards a SaaS model, including: • Saving money by not having to purchase servers or other software to support


• Focusing budgets on competitive advantage rather than infrastructure

• Incurring only a monthly obligation rather than an up-front capital cost

• Reducing the need to predict scale of demand and reducing infrastructure investment up-front, as available capacity matches demand

• Enhancing flexibility and scalability



• Takes advantages of the benefits of cloud computing

• Focused on a system’s cohesion and reduces the system’s coupling.

• Each service can run within an isolated instance within a virtualized space commonly referred to as a container.


Microservices ~ containers

• Containers are encapsulated services which allow for characteristics such as: • Load balancing

• Auto-scaling

• Multiple containers can be spun up and torn down on demand with no service interruption


Managing Containers

• Having containers means having potentially thousands of services available at any point in time

• Managing those containers and versions of them can be challenging

• Technologies like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes allow for management and deployment of those containers



• Discussed functional business systems, described and provided examples

• Discussed IT System Extent and Visibility discussed the importance of it

• Discussed the organizational and operational impact of IT

• Discussed the business value of emerging technologies










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Discuss the necessity of risk management and disaster recovery in the context of major disasters (such as 9/11)

Describe in detail and provide at least one example of what IT Risk Management is. Also, discuss the necessity of risk management and disaster recovery in the context of major disasters (such as 9/11).

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • 2-4 pages, not including the cover page and reference page.
  • Conform to APA Style.
  • Support your answers with the readings from Module 01 and at least one current scholarly journal article (not more than five years old). The Rasmussen Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style and APA format, start with the Writing and APA guides at the Rasmussen Library




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Understand and discuss aspects of your Internship performance

These topics will be used from experiences recorded in your journal and what you have learned.  Include how they may have furthered your career or caused you to rethink your career goals.  You should include your experiences, observations, and the key concepts based on the internship and business course experience. 

Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. 

  • Understand and discuss aspects of your Internship performance. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an off-campus work environment. 
  • Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. 
  • Examine aspects of the company’s Organizational Development (OD).


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Discuss Piaget’s formal operational stage of development and how it may impact the thoughts and choices in adolescence.

Step 2: In a one page pager, explain how peer influences change during adolescence

  • Discuss Piaget’s formal operational stage of development and how it may impact the thoughts and choices in adolescence.
  • Discuss the shift of reliance on peers
  • Discuss the shift from reliance on parents
  • Are there dangers? Explain your answer
  • Are there consequences? Explain your answer
  • Are there advantages? Explain your answer


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