Writers Solution

What readings and/or discussions changed or challenged your way of thinking?

Compose a multi-paragraph reflective essay that explains your experience this 8-week semester as a  readerwriter, and  thinker.  Through the act of reflection, you can understand more about your progress, what you understand, and what you need to work on in the future.   

*Generating Ideas

The following questions will help you brainstorm what to write. Use these questions to spark ideas that will help you develop a thesis and body paragraphs.

· What readings and/or discussions changed or challenged your way of thinking? How so?

· What readings and/or discussions had a profound effect on you and why?

· What are your strengths as a writer, reader, and thinker and why?

· In what area did you improve the most and why? What improvement(s) did you make?

· In what areas would you like to continue to strengthen your knowledge or skills and why?

· Which CONNECT activity challenged you the most as a reader, writer, or thinker?

· What was the one most useful or meaningful things you learned this semester? Why was it meaningful?

· What one assignment for this course was your best work? What makes it your best work? What did you learn by creating it? What does it say about you as a writer, reader and thinker?

· What assignment was the most challenging for you and why?

Thesis Statement

Topic Sentence 1

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 2

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 3

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

· Supporting Detail _________________________________________________________

Summary and/or Concluding Remarks


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on What readings and/or discussions changed or challenged your way of thinking?


Writers Solution

Modern systems analysis and design and class discussions

Using your study of chapters 11 and 12 of Modern systems analysis and design and class discussions, review the applied case study “Petrie Electronics” as shown on page 435. Answer the following questions with details and propose clear solutions in 2-3 APA-formatted pages:

Visit the Nielsen Website and update PE Figure 12-1 based on guidelines and articles posted since this list was compiled. Add only elements you believe are essential and relevant to the design of “No Customer Escapes.”

How unique do you consider the human interface design guidelines for a Website to be from general application design guidelines? Justify your answer.

Search for other Web-based resources, besides the Nielsen Website, for Website design. (Hint: Look at the references at the end of this and prior chapters.) In what ways do the design guidelines you find contradict your previous answer? Explain the differences.

This chapter introduced the concepts of loyalty and trustworthiness as necessary for customers to interact with a Website. What elements could be added to a customer loyalty site such as “No Customer Escapes” to improve the levels of loyalty and trustworthiness of Petrie’s customers?

Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2019). Modern systems analysis and design (9th ed.). Pearson. Print ISBN: 978-0135172759 eText ISBN: 978-0135172841




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Writers Solution

Engage in discussions and debates with the other persons during the course of the review to determine findings, explore options and make agreements

The summative assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and performance, as required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed after finishing the Learner Guide. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your trainer/assessor.
Skills, knowledge and performance may be termed as:
? Skills – skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills
? Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge evidence
? Performance – evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.
Section A: Skills Activity
The Skills Activity is designed to be a series of demonstrative tasks that should be assessed by observation (by the assessor or third party, depending on the circumstances).
It will demonstrate all of the skills required for this unit of competency – your assessor will provide further instructions to you, if necessary.
Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
The Knowledge Activity is designed to be a verbal questionnaire where the assessor asks you a series of questions to confirm your competency for all of the required knowledge in the unit of competency.
Section C: Performance Activity
The Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed either in the workplace or a simulated environment. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency and be observed by the assessor and/or third party, as applicable to the situation. If the third party is required to observe you, you will need to make the required arrangements with them.
If necessary for the activities, you should attach completed written answers, portfolios or any evidence of competency to this workbook.
Section A: Skills Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit.
A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this activity as proof of completion.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:
? Learning
? Oral communication
? Interact with others
? Get the work done
Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

  1. As a workplace activity or simulated workplace activity (as directed by the assessor), engage is a review with three other persons from your organisation, on the communication processes used in presentations, debates and discussions.
    You will need to:
    ? Engage in discussions and debates with the other persons during the course of the review to determine findings, explore options and make agreements
    ? Assess current practices and identify current communication styles, methods and techniques being used
    ? Identify how communication practices and processes can be improved, for example, use of different communication methods or technologies
    ? How interactions, communications and meetings are planned and implemented ??How the organisation can improve communications and learn from past experiences.
    The review should be planned and documented to show the assessment and outcomes from the review and any recommendations that can be made.
    Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
    Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.
    The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
    ? Different ways in which individuals receive and respond to ideas and information, and what influences their response
    ? Enabling skills and attributes of people needed to effectively discuss ideas
    ? Nature and role of risk taking in the presentation and debate of ideas
    ? Role of storytelling in communicating ideas and key storytelling techniques
    ? Common techniques to tailor comments to particular audiences
    Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one. }*
  2. Briefly explain how people receive and give information.
  3. From your own thinking, how are people’s responses influenced? (Provide three or more points.)
  4. List five enabling skills and attributes of people who effectively discuss ideas.
  5. From your own thinking, what is meant by risk taking when presenting and debating ideas and how does this impact on creative ideas and discussions?
  6. What are the key storytelling techniques and provide four ways in which this style of communication can be useful?
  7. From your own thinking, how can you tailor comments to particular audiences in your discussions? (Provide three or more points.)
    Section C: Performance Activity
    Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.
    A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this activity as proof of completion.
    This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:
    ? Present ideas and information to a unfamiliar audience and environment that provoke interest and response
    ? Reflect on and appraise the views of others
    ? Participate actively and confidently in critical debate and discussion of ideas while responding to new and different communication situations
    ? Investigate and evaluate creative and different ways of expressing and communicating ideas while making an opportunity pitch
    Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.
    As a workplace activity or a simulated workplace activity (as directed by the assessor), you should perform the following workplace tasks.
  8. Prepare and present a short presentation for a product, sales or new business pitch (of your choosing) to a small group of clients (approximately three persons) that you are unfamiliar with. You may use a visual presentation, charts, supporting documentation, as well as presenting information face-to-face in an oral communication. You will need to deliver this in an unfamiliar environment, making sure you have access to technologies and equipment, as required
    You will need to:
    ? Explore and use different techniques to engage the audience
    ? Use innovative approaches to present ideas and information
    ? Use techniques to provoke interest and response from the audience at the required times.
  9. Following on from your presentation and discussions in question one, on your own, reflect on and appraise the views of those in the meeting. You should identify and document the discussions, responses and any developments with ideas and information that were presented and discussed.
    You should:
    ? Assess views and information to determine the validity and relevance of this
    ? Consider how views can be applied to the situation
    ? Determine if views match organisational objectives and/or criteria.
  10. In another workplace communication, you will need to participate in a critical debate and discussion of ideas. You should be briefed and allowed a short space of time to prepare for the discussions prior to meeting. For example, this may be a meeting with a group of colleagues or managers to discuss work objectives.
    You will need to:
    ? Present and argue substantiated positions on ideas
    ? Be open to and participate in critical analysis of own and others’ ideas and views ? Participate in discussions that explore and challenge concepts, ideas and approaches.
  11. Investigate and evaluate different ways you can creatively express and communicate ideas while performing an opportunity pitch to promote your organisation’s business to your manager. You should be given time to prepare your presentation with supporting documentation and visual aids (as necessary).
    You should:
    ? Determine creative methods and techniques that can be used while delivering an opportunity pitch
    ? Use innovative approaches to communicate and deliver the opportunity pitch ? Engage in creative thinking to help present and communicate ideas.