Writers Solution

The world’s top suppliers of disposable gloves are thriving because of the pandemic. Their workers aren’t

 Read the news story about producers of disposable gloves and their workers, “The world’s top suppliers of disposable gloves are thriving because of the pandemic. Their workers aren’t”, on CNN (

Write an essay to answer the following questions:

1.Identify which model of market structure best describes each of the followings: (1) the market for disposable gloves, and (2) the market for the workers’ labour.  *(should be oligopoly & perfect competition)

[400 words]

2.Discuss how profitable the producers of disposable gloves were before the Covid-19 pandemic according to the prediction of the model that you identify in Question #1. Discuss whether you think the actual economic- and accounting profits of these producers were as predicted by the model.

[300 words]

3.Discuss how high/low wages of the workers were before the Covid-19 pandemic according to the prediction of the model (that you identify in Question #1). Discuss whether you think the actual wages of these workers were as predicted by the model.

[ 300 words]

4.Using the models (that you identify in Question #1), analyse why the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the two markets differ: Why the profits of disposable glove producers increases during the Covid-19 pandemic but the welfare of their workers remains the same.

[600 words]

5.Using the model (that you identify in Question #1), analyse what happens to the workers if the government increases the minimum wages: Will it improve the welfare of the workers?

[400 words] 
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Writers Solution

Imagine that you are the marketing manager for a U.S. manufacturer of disposable diapers.

Imagine that you are the marketing manager for a U.S. manufacturer of disposable diapers. Your firm is considering entering the Brazilian market. Your CEO believes the advertising message that has been effective in the United States will suffice in Brazil. Outline some potential objections to this. How would you have to tweak your advertising message to cater to the local culture? Your CEO also believes that the pricing decisions in Brazil can be delegated to the local managers. Why might she be wrong? The CEO continues to believe that within 20 years, we will see the emergence of enormous global markets for standardized customer products. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer. 

In your original post and your response to at least two of your peers,  demonstrate critical thinking, contribute something new to the discussion and demonstrate the integration of class concepts from your reading along with examples to support your statements and sources referenced. If you use content from external sources a citation and reference must be included in APA format, and the content must be in quotes if taken verbatim.