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Diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce

You are tasked with examining a

current (within the past 3 years) diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce.

You will choose a U.S. company or organization to research, identify a particular issue that is affecting (pros and cons) the

company, and its apparent approach to managing the potential issues.

Examples of diversity issues can include a lack of minorities and women in leadership, unequal pay, and hiring

discrimination, and examples of well-known companies struggling to maintain diversity include Google, Facebook, Amazon,

and numerous large banks and tech companies. While these examples offer a starting place, you may select an

organization and issue that interests you.

The outline is listed below:

Introduction: State the name of the chosen organization and the basis of the diversity issue(s) facing the company. State

the profile/bio of the company, including name, leaders, mission and vision statement, and the corporate responsibility statement that includes their stance on diversity.

Key Issues: Identify key issues of the problem(s) and write a solid thesis statement in one to three sentences. Describe

the problem(s) and the significance of the issues’ effect on the overall organizational mentality.

Background Information: Incorporate relevant issues and detailed facts of the problem. Present how changing

demographic makeups have affected this issue or issues. List one to five factors of a potentially problematic issue.

Present the norms of organizational diversity.

Discuss microaggression discrimination that is occurring in the workplace and if it is occurring in your chosen

organization. Provide examples as to why or why not.

Provide possible solutions for the problem(s). Outline the most viable solution for each factor of the problem(s), and

evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Summarize a realistic answer to the problem(s). Justify the rationale of the solution(s), explaining why the solution(s) is

the best, supported with solid evidence.

Recommendations: State-specific leadership strategies to accomplish the solution(s). Provide further actions and the

outline of the implementation plan of the solution.

Your completed case study should be a minimum of five pages in length.

All sources used must have in-text citations and references properly formatted in APA 7th Style. APA 7th formatting of your

paper is also required.


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colleagues’ postings by explaining how cultural diversity

Respond to two of your colleagues’ postings by explaining how cultural diversity, moral judgement, or ethical perceptions may impact decision making within the context of the social problem that they described. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.


A brief description of the social problem that you chose for your Final Project.

The social problem I choose for my final project is the transformation of Technical and Vocational Educational and Training (TVET) in low-income communities. The scarcity of TVET in low-income communities, particularly in Guyana, South America, has been brought to my attention during a conversation with a loved one. Author Dos Santos (2019) discovered that TVET’s effectiveness (in Guyana) is limited by a lack of labor market information, funding, energy costs, and insufficient information communication technology skills and infrastructure.

One ethical and moral dilemma that could arise when solving the problem as well as the power differentials that may be present.

One ethical dilemma that could arise when solving the problem of choice would be standard 11 from the Ethical Standards of Human Services Professionals. I must be aware of multiculturalism in that specific society and its impact on the community and individuals (National Organization for Human Services, 2015). As for the power differentials that may be present would-be Cultural Power. This type of power reference, as the 3rd phase of power, operates in the areas of worldview and culture (Grassroots Policy Project, n.d.). The cultural norms and conditioning regarding race, age, and gender for those with less power would likely be present while addressing the social problem (National Community Development Institute, n.d.).

One moral dilemma that could arise when solving the problem would be diminished empathy derived from personal moral judgments (Greene, 2002). I have encountered such moral dilemmas and tried to find ways to respond objectively without offense. As Dr. Hamilton mentioned, what may be right for me in the USA, may not be the same in another country such as Guyana.

How you would prevent the ethical and moral dilemmas and address the power differentials in your role as an advanced human services professional practitioner.

To prevent the ethical and moral dilemmas mentioned, I must first identify my biases and address them by being willing to examine my own beliefs and assumptions. Second, begin to think critically about the ethical and moral dilemmas by, not limited to (1) being interested in seeking the truth; (2) relying on reason and not my emotions; (3) being objective and not subjective; (4) put aside incorrect information and (5) work with integrity. As a human service professional practitioner, the power differentials in my role plays an essential part in solving social problem. Cultivating a shared culture of responsibility and commitment is vital, along with increasing my reading as a scholar and growing knowledge of my role. The Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals (2015) preamble sums it up, stating that human service “… professionals promote and encourage the unique values and characteristics of human services”. And does this by “… upholding the integrity and ethics of the profession, promoting client and community well-being, and enhancing their professional growth.”


Dos Santos, C. (2019). Building capabilities in natural resource-dependent economies: An innovation systems analysis of the TVET program in Guyana. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 3(1), 1-11. Links to an external site.

 Grassroots Policy Project. (n.d.).  Power and social change

 Greene, J., & Haidt, J. (2002). How (and where) does moral judgment work? Trends in Cognitive

Sciences, 6(12), 517-523. Links to an external site.

 National Community Development Institute. (n.d.). Sources of Power.  Links to an external site.  

 National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services



Social Problem  

The social problem I chose for the final project is teen opioid abuse. Opioid abuse in teens is dangerous and growing. The side effects that come with drug abuse can be severe and may lead to death. After marijuana and alcohol, the abuse of prescription drugs is next on the list of the most abused substances by Americans aged 14 and older. (Trends & Statistics, 2022)

Ethical Dilemma 

Many ethical dilemmas may arise when trying to solve the problems of teen opioid abuse. The first ethical dilemma is standard 2, which deals with informed consent (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015). Because the teen is a minor or under 18, a parent or guardian must consent to the child’s treatment. The dilemma in this situation could be that the parent/parents or guardian does not want the child to receive treatment, and they won’t consent. In this case, legal actions may have to be taken on the minor’s behalf if the minor’s condition is life-threatening. Another ethical dilemma that may arise when trying to solve the problem of teen opioid abuse is standards 3 and 4. The teen’s right to privacy and confidentiality and breaking the confidentiality of the relationship between the teen and human service professional are at stake if the teen is in danger or may harm themselves (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015).

Moral Dilemma 

One moral dilemma that may arise when trying to solve this problem is a teen abusing opioids confides in a professional that they are thinking about ending their life because their issue has caused too many problems. The teen wants the professional to keep this information to themselves. The dilemma here would be the professional keeping confidentiality and having a potential suicide on their hands or breaking the teen’s confidentiality and preventing suicide.

Prevent Ethical and Moral Dilemmas

I would prevent the ethical and moral dilemma by practicing standard 10, providing services or help without discrimination or preference, which is a professional’s responsibility to the public and society (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015). Practicing standards 17 and 27 will also prevent moral dilemmas by accurately representing myself, my qualifications, skills, and experience (Ethical Standards for Human Professionals, 2015); this way, I don’t get into situations I cannot handle. I would address the power differentials in my role as an advanced human services professional practitioner by being transparent and trying to connect with whomever I’m trying to help; this will allow them to learn a few things about me as an individual, hopefully building their trust.


Ethical Standards for Human Professionals. (2015). Retrieved from

Teen Substance Use & Risks. (2020, Februrary 10). Retrieved from,blood%20pressure%2C%20and%20sleep%20disorders.

Trends & Statistics. (2022). Retrieved from

What You Need to Know About Teenage Painkiller Addiction. (2022). Retrieved from




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Manage Diversity in The Workplace

Question: Manage Diversity in The Workplace

  1. Briefly outline the purpose of the each of the below legislations Responses (in 10 to 30 words each)
Age Discrimination Act 2004
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
  1. List the two (2) main ways can be used to lodge and handle a complaint


  1. List four (4) types of complaints which must be investigated formally


  1. The HR manager asks you to investigate a sexual harassment claim which has occurred yesterday in the catering department. In brief, outline the steps you should take to address this complaint in a professional manner. What are the options in case of satisfactory or non-satisfactory outcomes? (in 150 to 180 words)


  1. How can you manage staff tensions and assist staff in working effectively with each other? (in 30 to 50 words

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Diversity is the practice including and involving individuals from different ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation

Introduction Diversity is the practice including and involving individuals from different ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation (Godfrey et al., 2020). In Iraq, there is a mixture of cultures due to different individuals from different cultural backgrounds, languages and religion. The population comprise of Arabs, Kurdish, Christians and Yessed practicing different cultural beliefs and living together (Matthews et al., 2020). This study will help individuals to support each other’s beliefs and ideas for peaceful contribution to the country in spite of their differences. The guiding research question is “what are the long-term impacts of cultural diversity?” the research question will help us provide a response by the end of the study. I believe diversity has aided the people of Iraq to experience co-existence and multiculturalism. 

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As diversity goes beyond just ethnic groups, it includes facets of sexuality and gender and social groups. The Iraq population comprises of the primarily four major groups inclusive of Arabs as the majority, Kurds, Turkmen, Chado Assyrians and the minority ethnic groups such as Shabak and Yezidis. These particular groups bring a mixture of cultures and languages in the country. Also, the country has a number of religions practiced in the country which include the Islam religion which is practiced by majority of citizens, Christianity, Yezidism, Zoroastrianism, Mandaeism Judaism and Hinduism (Matthews et al., 2020). All these religions are accepted through the right to religion. The Islamic religion uses sacred text known as the Quran which has divine messages and celebrates observances like the Ramadhan which is the fasting season. The Christians on the other hand use the bible as the sacred book and celebrate festive like Easter which is the Lenten season (Alfahham, 2020). Also, other minority religions have their own holidays and religious cultures indicated in sacred books. 

Studies show that Iraq has introduced an institute for study of religious diversity aimed at changing the country’s discourse towards religious minorities. The institute in the middle east was established by Masarat which is a Bagdad non-profitable organization focusing of the minorities. The curricula is a sequence of textbooks inclusive of non-Muslim faith to help Muslim students have diversity of other religions. The institutes main agenda is to bring better understanding of different faiths and influence the Muslim clergymen to abandon religious prejudices concerning religious diversity to help end radicalism and hatred speeches in Iraq (Matthews et al., 2020).

After overthrow of Saddam Hussein rule, more than fifteen thousand pieces of artifacts were stolen from the national museum. With the retrieval of many of the artifacts, they were stored in different museums in the country. Example of these museums include the national museum of Iraq, Baghdad Museum, museum of natural history, Kurdish textile museum, and Mosul Museum (Hussein & Khalid, 2018). These museums preserve different cultural artifacts from different races. The Assyrian empire culture is well represented through statues, Kurdish weaving and a multilingual library to help people understand various cultures. The museums in Iraq play a major role in cultural diversity as they help display artistic objects to preserve, interpret and provide cultural education to individuals.

Some of the artists in Iraq compose music that show historic roots and ancient traditions. There are different songs from different cultures reflecting on traditions and the culture of the nation. Music is performed in different languages and it is recognized as an important part of the country’s culture. Art and literature have thrived in the country for a long period. The nation even produced the greatest Arab poets, architectural designers and painters. The Gallery Ancient Near East exhibits more than a thousand pieces of art work including drawings from different cultures from the ancient Iraq. These works of art and literature show diversity of cultures. This research adds to current literature of the multicultural Iraq. (Hussein & Khalid, 2018).


The research topic entails the long-term impacts of cultural diversity. I believe diversity inspires creativity and innovations in organizations in the nation. Different cultures influence individuals differently in the way they see the world. A variety of opinions together with wide range personal and professional understanding may offer new perspectives and motivate other people in workplaces. Study has shown that diversity has helped breed creativity and bring exciting ways of problem solving (Hlepas, 2013). A recent study from Forbes, a successful organization highlighted that, the best way for development of new ideas is through diverse and inclusive taskforce. Above all diversity attracts talent in organizations enabling them to offer broad services helping the nation in business. Through multiculturalism, members of the society become open-minded to other cultural groups dispelling stereotypes which help them promote peace. Cultural diversity helps citizens of avoid conflicts and make a nation a better and interesting place to live in. different cultures have different beliefs and diversity helps individuals understand other people’s culture ensuring people share alternate ways to do things. When peace is spread, then the members of the society can enlighten each other on insights in religion, food, literature and history. Through cultural diversity, there is promotion of peace and understanding in different cultures among diverse individuals (Matthews et al., 2020). Visit writing assignment help for more information. Finally, in a setting where there is peace and understanding, an individual has the chance for personal growth. Diversity is a way of exploring inner interests aiding and individual live outside the comfort zone. Through understanding of different cultures, one gains knowledge and develops sense of personal growth. Embracing different cultures brings opportunities to explore new languages and traditions gaining valuable insights which may help one determine opportunities for individual growth. in general, cultural diversity inspires creativity, productivity and enables us gain knowledge and insights of other cultures to better cooperation among different kinds of people (Godfrey et al., 2020). Conclusion Many countries have a population inclusive of different race of individuals from different corners of the world. Iraq as one of these countries has a diverse population practicing different religions, speaking in different languages and practicing different cultures. The study of cultural diversity may help an individual gain insight and understanding about different cultures to ensure dispel of stereotypes for peaceful relations with others. The question that remains is, would a country be peaceful, innovative and productive practicing monoculturalism despite comprising a mixed population? Some challenges associated with cultural diversity include idea implementation problems. With different experiences, different individuals may propose different ideas bringing forward too many opinions which can compromise the ability to stick to the best options. Also, some individuals may feel that their ideas are not taken into consideration. There may arise misunderstandings professionally in workplaces for example conflict on working days or hours. Other challenges include challenges like language barriers, social tension, dysfunctional adaptation of behaviors and civic disconnection (Hussein, & Khalid, 2018).
 References Godfrey, M., Kim, J., Eluère, M., & Eys, M. (2020). Diversity in cultural diversity research: A scoping review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13(1), 128-146.   Matthews, R., Rasheed, Q. H., Palmero Fernández, M., Fobbe, S., Nováček, K., Mohammed-Amin, R., … & Richardson, A. (2020). Heritage and cultural healing: Iraq in a post-Daesh era. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 26(2), 120-141. Hlepas, N. (2013). Cultural diversity and national performance. Athens, Greece: International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS). Alfahham, M. B. M. (2020). Review on Sects and Religions in History of Iraq. International Journal of Islamic Business & Management, 4(1), 1-9. Hussein, A. A., & Khalid, R. M. (2018). Issues in the protection of cultural heritage in Iraq. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 8(7), 396-405. Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). Cultural diversity and its implications for intergroup relations. Current opinion in psychology, 32, 1-5




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Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity video showing Social Work faculty sharing perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity

How do you even begin to talk about race and ethnicity? And, specifically in a social work context, how do you broach these topics with clients, families, and communities? In 1994, eight American men of various backgrounds (African, Asian, European, and Latino descent) sat down together in a room to talk about race. What followed was a raw, emotional, and difficult conversation that peeled back the layers of racism’s impact. Although the Color of Fear film is decades old now, the need to talk about race remains.

For this Discussion, you view one such conversation among faculty and then analyze what you observed, considering the various perspectives and how they may inform social work practice. 

To Prepare

  • View the Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity video showing Social Work faculty sharing perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity.
  • Reflect on the video, identifying ideas, experiences, or statements that resonate with you, as well as strategies that were described.

By Day 3

Analyze what you learned from the Voices of Diversity video regarding perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity. Specifically:

  • What idea, experience, or statement resonated with you the most, and why?
  • What is one strategy described in the video that you will apply toward your self-awareness and/or cultural competence? How might this strategy help when working with a client who is racially or ethnically different from you?


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What is the diversity stance of the company you selected from the approved company list?  The company is Home Depot

Answers must be at least 8 sentences per question. No plagiarism, use references if needed.

  1. Diversity in the work environment promotes acceptance, respect, and teamwork despite differences in race, age, gender, language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, communication styles, thought, and other differences. Discuss the following: 
    • What is the diversity stance of the company you selected from the approved company list?  The company is Home Depot
    • If you were starting a business that required you to hire new personnel, what diversity elements would be a priority and why? Explain. .

2.  Find an outreach event involving the same company you previously selected from the Approved company list. How does their participation in the event align with their stance as a business in the community? Does the company’s involvement in this outreach activity align with its mission, vision, values? How (or does) the company benefit from sponsoring the event? How do you think this event brings your community together? How does the community view the company sponsoring the event?

3. Describe three methods of building a formal network that would work well for your business idea, then discuss the benefits of each method. Next, select one network strategy and why it is appropriate for your business idea.

4. Discuss at least three fundamental drivers for establishing a new venture.

  • Then, share two common and available sources that provide ideas for these business opportunities.
  • Next, discuss any goals or motives that would drive you to become an entrepreneur. Be sure to support your response with insight and research


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  • What is the diversity stance of the company you selected from the approved company list?  The company is Home Depot

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    Explain ideas that contribute to varied definitions of diversity

    Final Project: Autobiography and Instructional Implications


    You will synthesize what you have learned from your field experiences in the classroom, the course readings, and the rich exchanges during the Discussions and Seminars into your Final Project: Autobiography and Instructional Implications.


    Your paper should be 5–7 pages and should include the following sections:

    1. Introduction: Define diversity and explain how this concept has shaped your personal experiences in school as a student and as a teacher. Select at least three concepts to foster your personal understanding and vision: culture/ethnicity; class; race; gender; language; religion; learning style; and/or exceptionality.
    2. Discuss three ways in which the course readings have deepened your understanding of your own experiences with issues related to diversity.
    3. Evaluate at least one “best practice” strategy that can be used to focus on classroom management skills to positively affect academic achievement in classrooms of diverse students.
    4. Provide at least three examples of reading skills instruction that could be used in a classroom with a diverse student population. Select from among the following: constructing a collaborative main idea web; literature circles; questioning the author; keeping a learning log; and analyzing text-to-self connections. Use information from your textbook or library articles to support your choices.
    5. Conclusion: Reflect on this course experience and self-evaluate the implications for future understanding of teaching a diverse student population.  


    Be sure to follow APA format when citing your references.


    Use information from your textbook or library articles.


    Before you submit your work, please make sure to review the grading rubric under Grading Rubrics on Course Home. 

    Submission Instructions

    Submit your Final Project: Autobiography and Instructional Implications to the Dropbox.

    This Assignment is worth 200 points and is due at the end of Unit 6.

    This Assignment addresses the following course outcomes:

    ED533-1: Explain ideas that contribute to varied definitions of diversity.

    ED533-4: Apply research on student diversity to a personal teaching philosophy.

    ED533-5: Evaluate classroom management strategies suitable for diverse students.


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    an analysis of an issue or event in diversity through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences

    This is a 2 part question and the guidelines are attached for each part

    • 7-1 Final Project Part One Submission: Critical Analysis Portfolio Assignment

    Submit your final portfolio—an analysis of an issue or event in diversity through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences.

    Note: Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback from your final project milestones into this final submission, particularly Milestones One, Two, and Four.

    To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Part One Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

    • 7-2 Final Project Part Two Submission: Multimedia Presentation Assignment

    Submit your final multimedia presentation. In this presentation, you’ve had a chance to reflect on what you have learned about your issue or event, yourself, and diversity through analyzing its impact on society through the four general education lenses. You will also be able to apply your communication skills and integrate multimedia elements to communicate your message to an audience.

    Note: Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback from your final project milestones, particularly Milestone Three (the presentation draft), into this final submission.

    To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Part Two Guidelines and Rubric

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    The Health and Cultural Diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

    NURBN 2025: Primary Health 3:
    The Health and Cultural Diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
    Assessment task 2: Online Critical Appraisal from Course Content
    Learning Outcomes Assessed.
    ? K1. Analyse the impact of different cultural perspectives and suggest how an individual’s understandings can influence engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families, and communities
    ? K2. Investigate factors that influence cultural vulnerability and resilience and their relationship to health choices
    ? K3. Examine the basis of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People’s identities including cultural diversity
    ? K4. Explore the meaning of ‘cultural safety’ and the impact that feeling safe might have on Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People experiencing improved health outcomes
    ? S1. Analyse and critically explain historical, political, cultural, and social influences that have led to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People experiencing poor health
    ? S3. Investigate and explain the role of various stakeholders in Australian Indigenous
    Health (e.g., National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, State and local Aboriginal health services, Co-operatives, CATSINAM)
    ? S4. Analyse strategies, practices, and programs (including positive contributions by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People themselves) in health care delivery and health promotion designed to work in partnership with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People to meet current health needs
    Application of knowledge and skills:
    ? A1. Develop an understanding of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander identity, including their diversity and place in contemporary Australia
    ? A2. Recognise the extent to which Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People continue to experience poor health and demonstrate effective ways of working towards improving this situation
    ? A4. Apply knowledge of different cultural understandings to how those in health care work with Indigenous individuals, families, and communities
    Due Date: Week 12 – Monday 25th October at 23:59 pm
    Submitted as a Word Document to Turnitin drop box
    The objective of this task is to not only explore various health issues, vulnerabilities, and inequities for populations with differing cultural needs, but also to reflect on your own learning and cultural awareness as a future healthcare provider.
    A minimum of five (5) academic references are required using APA 7th Edition.
    Word Count:
    1500 words +/- 10% References:
    Research and evidence:
    Your response should include analysis and synthesis of research.
    You are required to reference a minimum of five (5) ACADEMIC sources (e.g., textbooks,
    Peer reviewed journal articles), as well as other sources, such as websites.
    Resources should be no older than 7 years (unless Government Legislations/Acts or of historical significance).
    Research is constantly evolving; it can be updated or challenged. Therefore, it is important to keep our knowledge up to date.
    We encourage students to read widely and use the most current research you can find. If you have a journal article that falls outside the 7-year limit, ask the following:
    • Have I searched for a more recent article? (Try searching using key words from the title of the reference you have.)
    • Is there nothing more recent that could replace it?
    • Does it contain important information that is relevant and have historical significance to my essay? Can I justify using an older source within my essay?
    • An example of older resources that are acceptable:
    o Hampton, R., Toombs, Maree, & ProQuest. (2013). Indigenous Australians and health: the wombat in the room. Oxford University Press.
    Value of the task:
    The weighting of the task is 40% of your overall grade for the semester.
    Assessment Details:
    Using the same topic that you presented for your group presentation, provide responses to the following statements:
    • Describe your chosen topic and how it affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and the health of the Community, outlining why it is a relevant topic to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
    • Use current statistics or publications (less than 5 years old) to illustrate the burden of this topic / issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples compared with non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
    • Describe how the history of colonisation has impacted on the development of this topic / issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
    • Discuss the cultural implications and obstacles to addressing this topic / issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
    • Students are required to engage with the Rolfe Reflective Cycle around the topic and what they have learnt about the topic. What? So What? What next?
    • Please ensure that you have read the following document carefully: Appropriate Terminology, Indigenous Australian Peoples.
    Structure and Format:
    Due as a Word Document submitted via the assignment submission link on Moodle. Students are required to engage with the online form to create this assessment. Textboxes are autogenerated for students to complete. This form will then collate and generate headings for the assessment once the student exports the form. Once exported the student may edit the form as required and must submit the form via the Turnitin drop box.
    Once students complete the assessment form, they should export the form. This will generate a Word document.
    The exported Word document is required to be submitted via the Turnitin submission link on Moodle.
    Marking Criteria:
    Marking criteria can be found on the Moodle page in the Assessment section
    Feedback will be provided via the online marking system. As per course description, assignments will be marked and returned to students with feedback in four (4) weeks.
    Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at:
    NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 2 – Critical reflection
    Special Consideration:
    If students are adversely affected by life circumstances, a discretionary assessment extension of up to five University working days for one assessment task may be granted at the discretion of your campus course coordinator.
    Please complete and submit your Discretionary Assessment Extension form directly to your campus coordinator.
    If, however, a student has experienced or encountered some form of disadvantage or
    impediment (medical reasons; hardship/trauma; compassionate grounds; other significant
    cause) in more than one course and requires more than five working days’ extension, then they are advised to apply for Special Consideration.
    For further information on Discretionary Assessment Extensions and Special Consideration,
    including access to the policy, procedures, or associated forms, please find detailed
    information via the following link: Late Penalties:
    Late submission of assessment tasks, without a granted a Discretionary Extension from the Course Coordinator or an approved Special Consideration, will attract a late penalty as outlined by the School of Health Student Academic Handbook (Higher Education)
    NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 2 – Critical reflection
    The penalties are the following:
    ? 1 day late: 10% of total assessment grade will be deducted prior to marking the students work (i.e., for an assessment task worth 100 marks, 10 marks are deducted prior to marking).
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    an assessment task worth 100 marks, 20 marks are deducted prior to marking).
    ? 3 days late: The student work will not be marked by the assessor.
    NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 2 – Critical reflection





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    Appraise Your Ability to Work With Diversity

    Solved in a helping relationship. Read and complete Exercise 2.6, “Appraise Your Ability to Work With Diversity,” on page 25 in your Exercises in Helping Skills: A Manual to Accompany The Skilled Helper text. Note: This text will be referred to as your exercise manual throughout the remainder of the course. For this discussion:
    • Discuss your highest and lowest scores on the self-assessment.
    • Relate your high and low score to the content you read about in Chapter 2 of your The Skilled Helper text.
    • Consider your results on the Kuder Task Self-Efficacy Scale media presentation. Are your interests, values, and diversity competence a good fit for the human service field?
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    • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Appraise Your Ability to Work With Diversity
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