Writers Solution

Do you think that all or that some illicit drugs should be decriminalized like Portugal did and why?

1. DECRIMINALIZATION: Do you think that all or that some illicit drugs should be decriminalized like Portugal did and why? Your answer should be at least 250 words.

2. I disagree and why not? minimum words 75.

3. LEGALIZATION: Do you think that all or that some drugs should be legalized in general and why? (See pages 340-341 in the textbook). Your answer should be at least 250 words. 

4. I disagree and why not? at least 75 words minimum.

5. Watch the short video on Harm Reduction and read pages 44- 45 in the textbook. What do you think about harm reduction programs such as needle exchange programs and medication assisted treatments? Your answer should be at least 250 words. 

6. Elaborate more why disagree? 75 words minimum.

7. Why Agree? 75 words minimum.

Please use the reference below:

How Portugal Successfully Tackled Its Drug Crisis

youtube video:

Legalize all drugs

Youtube video:

 Harm Reduction

Why the war on drugs is a huge failure




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What are date rape drugs and how can a person be unaware that such a drug has been ingested?

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Drugs Used in Treating Infectious Disease

Chapter 24 Drugs Used in Treating Infectious Disease

Nick is a 16 year old who presents to the clinic with a sore throat, enlarged cervical lymph nodes, and a fever of 102°F. His rapid strep test is positive.

  1. What is the plan of care for Nick’s strep throat?

2. What education do Nick and his parents need?

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Treatment Plan for Nick, 16-Year Old with Sore Throat

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Treatment Plan for Nick, 16-Year Old with Sore Throat

            Acute pharyngitis is one of the leading causes of hospital visits in the United States. According to Luo et al. (2019) the most common cause of acute pharyngitis is Streptococcus pyogenes, estimated to cause about 5-10% of sore throat infections in adults and 20-30% of sore throat infections among the children.  The authors assert that though the infection can heal on their own, over 60% of the cases are treated with antibiotics so as to prevent some complications. Sore throat is diagnosed through rapid antigen detection test (RADT).

            The diagnosis for Nick turned out positive for sore throat, which should be treated with antibiotic. The available antibiotics for treatment for sore throat are penicillin and amoxillin. The dosage are Penicillin 500 mg PO bid × 10 days  or Amoxicillin 1,000 mg PO daily × 10 days. The prescription should be discussed with the patient in order to determine if there are any reactions towards the specific type of antibiotic. The medication is readily available and is not expensive, making it affordable for the patient. Sore throat can be uncomfortable and a lack of effective treatment may lead to other complications such acute rheumatic fever, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, and rheumatic heart disease (Luo et al., 2019). The parent of Nick should be advised on these dangers of sore throat and recommended to follow the dosage directions to ensure effective treatment. In addition, Nick will be contagious within the first 24 hours upon antibiotic treatment. Any symptoms of rush and hypersensitivity upon the start of antibiotic…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

. Prescott Pharmaceuticals makes a number of generic versions of drugs. When Cymbalta (Duloxetine) lost its patent, Prescott invested $500,000 to obtain FDA approval and $100,000 to certify one of its production lines for its production.

Reflect on the assigned readings for Week 2 and then type a two page paper regarding what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.  Define and describe what you thought was worthy of your understanding in half a page, and then explain why you felt it was important, how you will use it, and/or how important it is in managerial economics. After submitting your two page paper as an initial post in the “Reflection and Discussion Forum,” then type at least two peer replies in response to your classmates posts (200 word minimum each).

Assignment 2

Problem Set #2

1. Prescott Pharmaceuticals makes a number of generic versions of drugs. When Cymbalta (Duloxetine) lost its patent, Prescott invested $500,000 to obtain FDA approval and $100,000 to certify one of its production lines for its production. Production of the drug will cost $2,000,000. Marginal costs for the tablet are $0.10 and they sell for $0.40 per tablet. But many firms have entered and now make Duloxetine causing sales to fall off. Prescott anticipates that it could use this production line for other drugs losing patent protection shortly. If forecasted sales are 5 million tablets, what is the breakeven price? Should Prescott discontinue selling this product? 

2. When ShorTech introduced its Quadrant mobile phone, it had few competitors and so it set a price of $500 when its unit cost was $350. The economics consulting firm it hired to estimate the demand elasticity confirmed this was the optimal price. Since then, entry has occurred that make customers more price conscious. When it rehired the economics consulting firm to estimate the demand elasticity, it found that demand had become more elastic at -4. Also, it eked out cost savings and now has a unit cost of $300. What price should ShorTech charge now?

Writers Solution

correlation between the use of fertility drugs and ovarian cancer

Medical researchers conducted a study on the correlation between the use of fertility drugs and ovarian cancer.  Their study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, concludes that the use of the fertility drugs, Pergonal and Serophene, may increase the risk of ovarian cancer by three times.  The lead author of the studies, Professor Alice Whittemore, stated, “Our finding in regard to fertility drugs is by no means certain.  It is based on very small numbers and is really very tenuous.”

FDA Commissioner David Kessler would like the infertility drug manufacturers to disclose the study findings and offer a warning on the drug packages.  He notes, “Even though the epidemiology study is still preliminary, women have a right to know what is known.  We’re not looking to make more of this than there is.”

If you were a manufacturer of one of the drugs, would you voluntarily disclose the study information? In 700 Words