Writers Solution

Motivational interviewing during a regularly scheduled well-child visit for children between 5-19 years with a BMI of 30

As a practice scholar, the interdisciplinary team you are leading develops the below two practice questions in PICOT format to drive practice change. Select one of the practice questions and respond to the directions and discussion questions.

Practice Question 1: Does motivational interviewing during a regularly scheduled well-child visit for children between 5-19 years with a BMI of 30 and above as compared to practice as usual, influence BMI, BP, quality of life, and daily physical activity over 8-10 weeks?

· Identify the PICOT elements.

· What are key search terms identified in the practice question?

Conduct a library search using these search terms to locate a research study addressing this practice problem and consider the following.

· What is the research-evidence based intervention addressed in the study?

· What is the quantifiable outcome(s)? How will the outcome(s) be measured? What potential reliable and valid measurements/tools may be used to measure this quantifiable data?

· Is this practice question answerable within 8-10 weeks? Why or why not?

Practice Question 2: In the adult critical care population, does a research-based skin care integrity bundle, compared to standard care, influence the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure injuries over an 8-10 week time period?

· Identify the PICOT elements.

· What are key search terms identified in the practice question?

Conduct a library search using these search terms to locate a research study addressing this practice problem and consider the following.

· What is the research-evidence based intervention in the study?

· What is the quantifiable outcome(s)? How will the outcome(s) be measured? What potential reliable and valid measurements/tools may be used to measure this quantifiable data?

· Is this practice question answerable within 8-10 weeks? Why or why not?

PLEASE NOTE: The requirements for the Week 7 discussion are that you respond to one of the practice questions.

Please review the  Graduate Discussion Grading Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)  for complete discussion requirements.

Use 3 scholarly sources not older than 5 years old in APA format






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During the 18th century (1701- Britain dominated European politics: french and indian war

French & Indian War KWL

During the 18th century (1701- Britain dominated European politics. Most of these wars dealt with European issues, such as who would be the next monarch to succeed to the throne. Although mainly fought in Europe, each of the wars had a North American connection. The French and Indian War was different. It began in the backcountry of Pennsylvania. The war eventually spread to Europe and other places throughout the world, including the Caribbean, West Africa, India, and the Philippines. In the sense that it was fought on four of the continents, it was the first world war. It demonstrated the increasing importance of North America to European politics. Young George Washington played a key role in the events leading up to the French and Indian War. His fame as a military leader began with his bravery in several important campaigns during this war. 

Know             Want to Know                                                             Learn

1) How does the outcome of the French and Indian War influence colonial power in North America? Britain won the French and Indian war. In the Treaty of Paris (1763) the French ceded much of its North American territory to Britain. This included French land in present day Canada and the states of Michigan down to Florida. This made Britain the dominant power in North America.

2) How does the relationship between the Iroquois Nation and the British affect British policy in North America? 

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French & Indian War KWL

Question One

                The triumph of British in the French and Indian War had a significant impact on the colonial power in North America. The first impact was the expansion of British territory in North America. The French ceded many of its territories in North America including the states of Michigan down to Florida as well as some parts in Canada(Griffith IV, 2020). Despite the gain in colonial territory by the British, the war had also increased the Britain’s debt. This led to significant resentment among the English leaders towards colonists, who were dissatisfied with the financial and military help.

These substantial changes made the British leaders to reach an agreement that London should be the central control over the government of the colonies. This could eventually lead to resentment towards British imperial policies and subsequently resulted into American Revolution(Griffith IV, 2020). The other significant impact was that the colonists appreciated the importance of working together to overcome a common foe. Prior to war, the three colonies in North America could not see eye to eye, lacked common ground and they lived in mutual distrust.

Question two

            The objectives of British policies towards Iroquois Nation were to recruit and supply native military allies, regulate the trade and diplomacy, and protect native people’s territorial integrity. The relationship between Iroquois Nation and British changed to give edge British Colony over the rival French(Puals, 2020). Analysis of these policies indicated that British needed the help of the Iroquois Nation to thwart the expansion of French territories(Encyclopaedia, 2020). It is evident that British ceded ground and enter into agreement with the natives to fought French and stop their advances.


Encyclopaedia. (2020). American Indians: British Policies. Retrieved from Encyclopaedia:

Griffith IV, W. (2020). The French and Indian War (1754-1763: Its Consequences. Retrieved from American Battlefield:

Puals, P. E. (2020, June 25). Native American. Retrieved from Encyclopaedia Britannica:





Writers Solution

Virgin Australia went into administration, while Qantas was able to keep operating during 2020

 To answer the questions below, please use the uploaded financial statements (spreadsheet Qantas VA.xlsx)

Virgin Australia went into administration, while Qantas was able to keep operating during 2020. Find any early evidence from the income statement (PL sheet in Excel), cashflow statement (CF) and balance sheet (BS) that might predict the bankruptcy of Virgin. When commenting, you may compare with Qantas whenever appropriate.

Writers Solution

A waitress claims her manager told the waitresses that whoever sold the most beer during the month would have her name placed in a drawing, with the prize being a new Toyota.

A waitress claims her manager told the waitresses that whoever sold the most beer during the month would have her name placed in a drawing, with the prize being a new Toyota. She was told she won and was led to the parking lot blindfolded. What she found was a Star Wars toy Yoda. She did not find the humor in the manager’s actions and filed suit. Does she have a case? What theory should her suit be based on?  

Writers Solution

Consequences of Not Properly Closing Projects During the closing phase

Topic 1: Consequences of Not Properly Closing Projects During the closing phase, actions must be taken in each of the following areas to properly complete the project: Accounting, team member performance reviews, procurements, lessons learned, stakeholder communications, and quality analysis. Select a real project from your experience or from research you perform in the Library. Critically analyze the selected project and identify one of the areas listed above that was not fully addressed in the closing phase of the project. Address the following in your primary Discussion board post: Briefly describe the project. Which of the areas listed in the instructions was not fully addressed  during the closing phase? What were the consequences of this oversight for the project manager and the organization that conducted the project? What could have been done differently to fully address the area you identified? Please focus on processes, resources, and leadership. Topic 2: Project Team Members in Closing Phase Discuss the extent to which you agree with the following statement. Use examples from your experience and/or research to explain your position. Project team members tend to be drawn toward the project during the Planning and Executing phases, but they tend to be drawn away from the project in the Closing phase.

Writers Solution

Programmes A, B &C, give out notifications every 3 days, every 4 days & every 6 days. when will they give out notifications at the same time during the course of two month

Assignment Brief and Guidance
Suppose that you work for a company which operates in multidisciplinary streams such as hardware & software development, sales, networking, resources management etc. you have been recruited by the company and it is required for you to work in all the disciplines during the first year probationary period, in order to gain minimum competence in each area. Following tasks asses your mathematics knowledge, skills and its application in relevant areas of work that you are about to get involved.
Task 1
a) Programmes A, B &C, give out notifications every 3 days, every 4 days & every 6 days. when will they give out notifications at the same time during the course of two month
b) Computer store A sells a package of 12 CPU’s for half price while Computer store B sells a package of 9 Desktop monitors for half price. Suppose that you intend to buy CPU’s and monitors to set up a gaming zone and find What is the least number of CPU’s and
Desktop monitors you need to buy in order to make sure you are not left with a surplus
c) A teacher has three computer science classes. Each class has 120, 72, and 184 students respectively. He wants to divide each class into groups (members should be from the same class) In order to give a common assignment so that every group in every class has the same number of students. For the convenience of marking, the teacher expect to set up less number of groups as possible. Find the number of students can put into each group.
d) Suppose you have two hard disks with different disk space’s 512GB and 604 GB. If you are required to partition both disks into equal capacity that are as large as possible, find the space should be allocated for the each partition?
e) Describe importance of prime numbers in detail within the field of computing.

g) A hash function will be used in directing users to servers whereas the modular value of the output will be used in determining the relevant server. Based on the number calculated in previous task ( i.e. modular value 1 directed to server 1).given below are some of the outputs of hash function and determine which server they are belong to
i. 2048
ii. 3987
iii. 2675
h) Find the multiplicative inverse of 2675modn whereas “n” is the number of servers
Task 3
a) Plot following points Cartesian coordinates and enclose it to make a polygon ABCDEA such as A(0,2) ; B(4,8); C(15,5); D(12,4) ;E(6,2)
i. Find the length of the line AC without using the diagram
ii. Find the area of the polygon without using the diagram
iii. Convert the given coordinates to polar coordinates
b) Draw a view port P(0,0) ,Q(0,10),R(16,10),s (16,0) and assume it as the output screen of the computer zoomed at 100 %.Suppose that you have zoomed out to 40% keeping the same aspect ratio ,redraw the image that can be visualized in the screen and also define the new boundaries of the viewport.
Task 4
a) You have been asked to analyse a motherboard to assess the lifespan of the capacitors. When a charged capacitor is connected to a resistor to form an RC (resistor-capacitor) circuit, the capacitor discharge follows the equation:
. –
( ) =
Where is the voltage, is the time in seconds, and is the initial voltage which is equal to 2V.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
101 Use applied number theory in practicai computing scenanos i
Dl produce detailed written
explanation of the importance of prime numbers within the field
Pi Calculate the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of a given pair of numbers,
P2 Use relevant theory to sum arithmetic arpd geometric progressions. of computing. Ml identify multiplicative inverses in moduar arithmetic.
L02 Analyse events using probability theory and probability distributions D2 Evaluate probability theory to an example involving hashing and load balancing.
D Construct the scaling of
simple shapes that are described by vector Co-ordinates.
P3 Deduce the conditional probability of different events occurring within independent trials,
P4 Identify the expectationvariables, of an event occurring from a discrete, random
variable. M2 Calculate probabilities within both binomially distributed and normally distributed random
L03 Determine solutions of graphical examples using geometry and vector methods
P5 identify simple shapes using co-ordinate geometry.
P6 Determine shape parameters using appropriate vector methods. M3 Evaluate the co- ordinateordinatesystem used in programming a simple output device.
L04 evaluate problems concerning differentlal and integral calculus 4
D Justify, by further
differentiation, that a value is a minimum.
P7 Determine the rate of change within an algebraic function,
P8 Use integral calculus to solve practical problems involving area. M4 Analyse maxima and minima of increasing and decreasing functions using
higher order Jeri tives,
Achievement Summary
Reference Pass criteria Achieved?
LO1 P1 Calculate the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of a given pair of numbers.
P2 Use relevant theory to sum arithmetic and geometric progressions.
LO2 P3 Deduce the conditional probability of different events occurring within
independent trials.
P4 Identify the expectation of an event occurring from a discrete, random variable.
LO3 P5 Identify simple shapes using co-ordinate geometry
P6 Determine shape parameters using appropriate vector methods.
LO4 P7 Determine shape parameters using appropriate vector methods.
P8 Use integral calculus to solve practical problems involving area.
Higher Grade achievements
Grade descriptor Achieved?
(tick) Grade descriptor Achieved? (tick)
M1 D1
M2 D2
M3 D3
Assessors Feedback

Writers Solution

What changes does the baby undergo during each trimester?

create a PowerPoint 8 slides presentation for expectant fathers on what to expect during pregnancy and childbirth. For example, what changes can the father expect in his partner? What changes does the baby undergo during each trimester? Why are health and nutrition so important during pregnancy? What will the newborn look like? How can the father support the mother during pregnancy and childbirth, and why is social support important for both mother and baby?Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at EssayCabinet.comCLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT

Writers Solution

An armed terrorist from Syria is captured during a firefight with Marines in Afghanistan.

Discussion Question: An armed terrorist from Syria is captured during a firefight with Marines in Afghanistan.  Is the terrorist entitled to all the protections that are afforded to any American citizen who is being detained in a prison under control of the United States?  Why or why not?

Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Your initial post should be at least 350 words.

Writers Solution

During the 1860s and 70s what were women’s options for influence or political voice and, according to the literature, what were they asking for specifically?

Discussion Question – During the 1860s and 70s what were women’s options for influence or political voice and, according to the literature, what were they asking for specifically? Give examples and cite details and quotes from the readings.


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Writers Solution

physical fitness benefits for women during pregnancy

Essay Topic 1-  

 General physical fitness benefits for women during pregnancy

Essay Topic 2

Complication signs and methods to avoid pre-eclampsia and medical advice for patients with eclampsia.

Essay Topic 3

Nutrition for all stages or pregnancy