Writers Solution

Diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce

You are tasked with examining a

current (within the past 3 years) diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce.

You will choose a U.S. company or organization to research, identify a particular issue that is affecting (pros and cons) the

company, and its apparent approach to managing the potential issues.

Examples of diversity issues can include a lack of minorities and women in leadership, unequal pay, and hiring

discrimination, and examples of well-known companies struggling to maintain diversity include Google, Facebook, Amazon,

and numerous large banks and tech companies. While these examples offer a starting place, you may select an

organization and issue that interests you.

The outline is listed below:

Introduction: State the name of the chosen organization and the basis of the diversity issue(s) facing the company. State

the profile/bio of the company, including name, leaders, mission and vision statement, and the corporate responsibility statement that includes their stance on diversity.

Key Issues: Identify key issues of the problem(s) and write a solid thesis statement in one to three sentences. Describe

the problem(s) and the significance of the issues’ effect on the overall organizational mentality.

Background Information: Incorporate relevant issues and detailed facts of the problem. Present how changing

demographic makeups have affected this issue or issues. List one to five factors of a potentially problematic issue.

Present the norms of organizational diversity.

Discuss microaggression discrimination that is occurring in the workplace and if it is occurring in your chosen

organization. Provide examples as to why or why not.

Provide possible solutions for the problem(s). Outline the most viable solution for each factor of the problem(s), and

evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Summarize a realistic answer to the problem(s). Justify the rationale of the solution(s), explaining why the solution(s) is

the best, supported with solid evidence.

Recommendations: State-specific leadership strategies to accomplish the solution(s). Provide further actions and the

outline of the implementation plan of the solution.

Your completed case study should be a minimum of five pages in length.

All sources used must have in-text citations and references properly formatted in APA 7th Style. APA 7th formatting of your

paper is also required.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce


Writers Solution

Many are questioning the need for Daylight Saving Time in a modern economy that’s no longer based on agriculture.

Write a 1000-1200 word persuasive essay on one of the topics below

  1. Many are questioning the need for Daylight Saving Time in a modern economy that’s no longer based on agriculture. After examining the economic impact of changing the clocks twice per year, should Canada scrap Daylight Savings Time? If so, why? If not, why not?
  2. It’s no secret that companies like Apple and Google monitor our online behaviour and share our online habits (personal data) with third parties. In fact, we often allow them access to our data when we click “Agree” when signing up with a new service, device, or app. Should big tech companies be legally permitted to collect and share our personal data? If so, why? If not, why not?
  3. Are social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter destroying democracy? If so why? If not, why not?
  4. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way many people (especially knowledge workers) physically do their work. Should employees be permitted to work remotely if they want to, or should a company be able to mandate that all employees work out of an office (when it’s safe to do so). If so, why? If not, why not?
  5. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many people to re-examine their work-life balance. Some countries like Japan, Iceland, and Spain have been experimenting with four-day work weeks. Should Canada implement a four-day work week? If so, why? If not, why not?
  6. According to the Canadian Government, Canada is one of the largest producers of fossil fuels, ranking as the sixth-biggest energy producer in the world. How can Canada fight climate change and at the same time protect the strength of their longterm economy?
  7. Are you passionate about an issue? Create your own argumentative topic! Perhaps there’s a discussion question/topic from this semester that struck a chord with you, or maybe you’ve been thinking a lot about something lately (mental health, leadership, marketing strategies, politics, technology, etc.). Send me an email by Monday, November 15 by midnight at to get my approval on the proposed topic. Essays written on topics that have not been approved by me will receive a final grade of 0.
    Ensure that your final essay includes:
    • Well-integrated quotations/paraphrases from at least six pieces of secondary research (including at least one newspaper/magazine and one academic journal. Four of your sources should come from the GBC library database).
    • APA formatting.
    • A rebuttal paragraph (review the classic persuasive essay structure from the week 11 lecture).
    • See the attached rubric below for full grading details.
    Essay Grading Scheme/Rubric: Persuasive Essay
    Superior/ Advanced
    • Thesis Statement/Main Message is a clear, focused, specific, and creative arguable claim.
    • Assignment is logically organized and unified; the logical connection between content and Thesis Statement/Main message is clear.
    • Clear and well- organized rebuttal/ counterargument is included.
    Superior/ Advanced
    • Language is clear, accurate, concise, and creative.
    • Language and tone are audience- and purposeappropriate.
    • Quotations and paraphrases from sources are effectively and seamlessly integrated.
    • Sentences are varied and engaging.
    Focus and Organization: % Very Good Fair Below Expectations INC (61-84%) (41-60%) (20-40%) • Thesis • Thesis • Thesis Statement/Main Statement/Main Statement/Main Message is a clear, Message is Message is not clear, focused, and somewhat clear, focused, specific, or specific arguable focused, and arguable. claim. specific; Thesis • Assignment is not • Assignment is Statement/Main logically organized mostly logically Message is not an or unified; the organized and arguable claim or logical connection unified; the logical lacks clear between content and connection between direction. Thesis content and Thesis • Assignment is Statement/Main Statement/Main somewhat logically Message is unclear. Message is mostly organized and • No rebuttal/ clear. unified; the logical counterargument is • A mostly clear and connection between included or it is organized rebuttal/ content and Thesis unclear, poorly counterargument is Statement/Main structured or included. Message is confusing. somewhat clear. • A somewhat clear and organized rebuttal/ counterargument is included. 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 ProfSee Style: %
    Very Good Fair Below Expectations
    (61-84%) (41-60%) (20-40%)
    • Language is mostly • Language is • Language is mostly clear, accurate, and somewhat clear, unclear, inaccurate, concise. accurate, and and not concise.
    • Language and tone concise. • Language and tone are mostly • Language and tone are not audience- audience- and are somewhat and purposepurpose- audience- and appropriate. appropriate. purpose- • Few effectively
    • Quotations and appropriate. integrated quotations paraphrases are • Some effective and paraphrases.
    • mostly effectively integration of Sentences are not
    varied or engaging.
    integrated. quotations and
    • Sentences are paraphrases. mostly varied and • Sentences are
    engaging. somewhat varied and engaging.
    8.5-10 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 See Prof
    Grammar and Mechanics: % Superior/ Advanced (85-100%) Very Good (61-84%) Fair (41-60%) Below Expectations (20-40%) INC • Free of grammar and spelling errors. • Free of mechanical errors. • Very few grammar and spelling errors. • Very few mechanical errors (fragments, comma splices, run-ons, misuse of punctuation). • Some grammar and spelling errors. • Some mechanical errors (fragments, comma splices, runons, misuse of punctuation). • Many grammar and spelling errors. • Many mechanical errors (fragments, comma splices, runons, misuse of punctuation). 8.5-10 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 See Prof APA Referencing: %
    Superior/ Advanced (85-100%) Very Good (61-84%) Fair
    (41-60%) Below Expectations (20-40%) INC
    • In-text citations for quotations and paraphrases are consistently correct.
    • APA references are completely correct.
    • Format requirements are consistently correct. • In-text citations for quotations and paraphrases are mostly correct.
    • APA references are mostly correct.
    • Format requirements are mostly correct. • In-text citations for quotations and paraphrases are somewhat correct.
    • APA references are somewhat correct.
    • Format requirements are somewhat correct. • In-text citations for quotations are mostly incorrect.
    • APA references are mostly incorrect.
    • Format requirements are mostly incorrect.
    8.5-10 6.1-8.4 4.1-6 2-4 See Prof


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  • Many are questioning the need for Daylight Saving Time in a modern economy that’s no longer based on agriculture.
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    Writers Solution

    Impact of Covid19 on the UK’s economy and the economic policies undertaken by the UK government

    Covid19 has affected many economies around the world and has interrupted the global trade. You are required to conduct research on the impact of Covid19 on the UK’s economy and the economic policies undertaken by the UK government as well as the Central Bank to in response to the threat of the pandemic on the UK’s economy.
    This task addresses LOs 2 and 3.
    2000 word-count.
    Please note the following when completing your written assignment:

    1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
    2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
    3. Document format: Essay
    4. Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a bibliography using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.
    5. Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
      The use of a range of information sources is expected – academic books, peer reviewed journal articles, professional articles, press releases and newspaper articles, reliable statistics, company annual reports and other company information. All referencing should be in Harvard style




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON Impact of Covid19 on the UK’s economy and the economic policies undertaken by the UK government

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    Writers Solution

    Empirically explore the impact of GST on the Indian economy

    Topic: Empirically explore the impact of GST on the Indian economy.
    You have to empirically work on the above topic using actual data from the RBI Handbook of Statistics.
    The deliverable would be a document linking empirical findings to analysis by you. I expect a 500-700 word document (excluding the appendix, references) as a deliverable that would contain references and citations of sources referred to. Deadline: 22nd January 2022 EOD
    An indicative structure for the document is as follows:
    1. Introduction
    2. Problem Statement and Hypothesis
    3. Data and Method
    4. Results and Analysis
    5. Recommendation (Managerial/Policy)
    6. Conclusion




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  Empirically explore the impact of GST on the Indian economy

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    Writers Solution

    Entrepreneurship in a Challenging Global Economy

     MODULE TITLE: Entrepreneurship in a Challenging Global Economy

    Assessment 2 (70%, Individual work) – First SitMODULE TITLE: Entrepreneurship in a Challenging Global Economy
    TITLE OF ASSESSMENT: In-depth research on a Social or Environmental Issue requiring Innovative solutions and Entrepreneurial Interventions (70%, Individual work)
    LEVEL: H6
    COURSE(S): BABM with Enterprise, BABM (Option), BABS (Option)

    ASSESSOR(S): Dr. Suneel Kunamaneni Mr Thiruthiraj Pather
    Important Notes for Students:
    • This assessment is worth 70% of the marks for the module
    • This assessment is an individual work
    • You must submit your supporting documents (1. Visual map and 2. Written analysis with bibliography) on Moodle using the Turnitin icon
    • Any websites/sources referred to must be properly referenced
    1. BRIEF:
    Unlike your typical, solutions-driven business pitch competition, you are required to focus on deeply understanding the context of a social or environmental problem requiring innovative solutions and entrepreneurial interventions. You are expected to analyze and demonstrate understanding of the ethos of a narrow issue from among the global challenges discussed in the module, map the landscape, and present your findings. General essays / reports on Poverty, Health systems, Climate change etc., and issues that do not fall into the Global challanges discussed in the module are not allowed.
    Students must submit a visual map or chart, an analysis of their research, and a bibliography:
    Visual Map or Chart: Ideally you will find a way to present all or part of your findings in a visual system map. This includes charts, diagrams and infographics that visually represent your findings. You can do this as a free flowing visualisation of several smaller maps OR a one page poster. Just ensure that your visualisation is not too cluttered to read. Your map can be created using tools such as (but not limited to) PowerPoint, Prezi, Adobe, Piktochart, Canva, mindmap, website, Kumu, Plectica, Etc. However the only acceptable formats for submission are word and pdf. If your visual map includes interactive features and external content such as on a website, please provide a shareable link in your submission.
    Analysis: Your visualisation should be accompanied by further analysis – at least 3000 words and not exceeding 4,000 words, excluding footnotes and references. You can create the report using (but not limited to) Word, Adobe Indesign, Canva etc. You can embed gif clips in your report. However the only acceptable submission formats are word, or a non-image pdf (image pdf not allowed). If you are using tools such as Canva, make sure the exported pdf file size is manageable for uploading onto moodle (Turnitin).
    Bibliography: You must submit a thorough bibliography that cites the sources you have consulted in your research. The recommendation is to use the Harvard method for citation.
    2. GUIDANCE:
    Your assignment should address three important question areas, and be focused on a single issue. Each of these question areas should build upon the previous one.
    Understanding the Challenge
    What is the issue you are looking to understand? What is its history and what are the social, economic, corporate, environmental, cultural and political forces maintaining the status quo? Who is affected by it? What is the size and scope of the issue? What is the relationship of this problem to other areas of concern or opportunity?
    Understanding Existing ‘Entrepreneurial’ Solution Efforts
    Who is already trying to solve this problem? (entrepreneurs, innovators, accelerators and incubators, funders, government etc.) What are they doing? What efforts have been tried or are being tried? What has worked, what hasn’t? Are any of these efforts linked to one another? What networks & resources exist? What has happened in the past, and what could happen in the future?
    Identifying Impact Gaps and Levers of Change
    What is missing from the solutions landscape? Are there any market opportunities, missing links or actionable responses? What role do you see for future private, public, and social sector interventions or collaborations? What are the lessons you have learned from researching this issue?
    Start from what you are passionate about. Choosing a topic that gets you fired up is likely to make the process much more interesting and fun. Also ask yourself, “Where are my interests? Are there any topics I have been eager to learn more about? Is there an issue area I would like to dive into, and perhaps work in some day, which I could use this opportunity to explore?”
    Narrow it down. Once you have chosen your topic, begin to narrow it down; this could be around a region or demographic, or a particular manifestation of the problem. The topic you focus on should be wide enough in scope that you can research and learn from a range of people working on the topic, but not so wide that it seems all-encompassing. For example, “water stress in South Africa” would be too wide, because “water stress” has too many root causes to explore in the timeline of this competition. One might start by mapping out some high level causes of water stress and then seeing which of those areas seem the most interesting or easiest to research given your time frame/research access. For example, if you decide to study agriculture, you might look at “irrigation challenges for small-holder farmers” in the country. In your report, you could still state that water stress alleviation is your key area of interest, and then explain why you decided to focus on this specific area of research as well as how it fits into the macro picture of water-stress issue.
    Think about time allocation. The best assignments will be thorough and describe gaps and opportunities in the current solutions landscape. After you begin your research, ensure that you can do a thorough analysis in the time available. If you can’t, narrow your topic further!
    Geographic specificity. While some problems are indeed global, how they show up in different cultures and geographies can be nuanced. As such, we suggest you focus on a specific geography, ideally one where you have access to data or expertise to help direct your learning. In other words, while access to affordable healthcare and medicines may be a challenge in many parts of the world, your research is likely to be more robust and useful if you choose a specific country or region of focus. You can still bring the data and learning from experiences in other countries into your research as comparison points, examples of alternate approaches to solutions, etc.
    Think about any ethical considerations. If you decide to speak to and interview key beneficiaries, stakeholders and experts, you will want to consider any ethical implications this may have, and you will need to submit a research ethics application at:
    4. FORMAT Visual Map
    You are required to present your findings visually as a map (plain or interactive. The idea is to make your research accessible and dynamic to a wider audience, and to help people comprehend the importance and complexity of your chosen challenge. The visual map shows how various components interact with each other to produce the challenge. You can do this as a free flowing visualisation of several smaller maps OR a one page poster. Just ensure that your visualisation is not too cluttered to read. Your map can be created using tools such as PowerPoint, Prezi, Adobe, Piktochart, Canva, mindmap, website, Kumu, Plectica, Etc. However the only acceptable formats for submission are word or pdf. If your visual map includes interactive features and external content such as on a website, please provide a shareable link in your submission. You do not need to map EVERY component – only the ones which are relevant in telling the story related to your chosen area of focus.
    Written Summary of Your Research
    Your visualisation should be accompanied by a written summary of at least 3,500 words and not exceeding 4,000 words, excluding footnotes. You can create the report using Word, Adobe InDesign, Canva etc. You can embed gif clips in your report. However the only acceptable submission formats are word or a non-image pdf (image pdf not allowed). If you are using tools such as Canva, make sure the exported pdf file size is manageable for uploading onto moodle (Turnitin). While your Visual Map can include text, and the written component can include visuals and tables, the purpose of the Written Summary is to provide a narrative supplement to your visual submission.
    What to include in the Written Summary:
    – A summary of the main findings of your research in relation to the Key Questions above: Understanding the challenge, Understanding Existing Solutions Efforts, Identifying Impact
    Gaps and Levers for Change
    – Reflections on the lessons you have learned throughout the process of your research – Brief explanation of why you selected your particular challenge and how you went about your research
    – Any further detail and reflection you would like to add that has not been included in your visual map
    You must submit a thorough bibliography that cites the sources you have consulted in your research. The best submissions will include a diverse range of sources and materials, from academic texts and articles to op-eds, business press and interviews. We recommend the Harvard method for citation, but you may use whichever citation method you are most familiar with.
    5. Marking Criteria
    There is no formulaic split between Visual map, Written summary and Bibliography. All three will be considered together to evaluate the following key criterion.
    To truly understand a challenge, you will have to go beyond simple web searches and a casual skim of websites. You will certainly explore the well-known organisations working to tackle your chosen issue, but the best assessments will also identify important but less famous resources and rising stars.
    Also remember, information about programmes under development and challenges organisations have faced are not typically listed on company websites. We encourage you to contact organisations and speak to or write to people to find out more. You might want to seek out independent assessments of the organisations in addition to their own claims.
    The best submissions will be interesting to review, easy to follow and presented in a compelling way that invites action. You should imagine that the audience for your presentation is not just your academic tutors, but current practitioners, funders and those wanting to start in a new venture in the field. Ensure that you explain the challenge, define any specialist terms, and limit the use of unnecessary jargon or acronyms.
    The best submissions will go beyond describing the problem and the existing solutions. To stand out, you will explain, for example, how several organisations would benefit from collaborating; how the sector in question could borrow a service model from another; what key research is missing to fuel change; or how effective government action could eliminate the need for a number of activities altogether. You might also identify a market opportunity and/or the possibility to scale an existing effort through partnerships, franchising, or replication through education. Your overall goal is to provide actionable insights for those currently or wanting to work in this sector.
    First 60-69 50-59 40-49 Fail
    Clarity (30%) CLEARLY defines the issue or problem; CLEARLY and
    EXPLICITLY states purpose of submission; ACCURATELY
    identifies the core issue; Report is ORGANIZED with
    clear transitions throughout; Visual map is easy to follow and understand; report is easy to read
    CLEARLY defines the issue; INDICATES purpose of submission, but is
    identifies the core issue; Report is
    MOSTLY organized, but some spots are in need of better organization or transition; Visual map is easy to follow and understand; report is easy to read
    Issue definition somewhat lacking in CLARITY; INDICATES purpose of
    submission, but is not
    Identification of the core issue lacks in ACCURACY; Report somewhat lacks in organization, transitions or inparagraph organization ; Visual map is somewhat difficult to follow and understand; report is somewhat difficult to read
    Defines the issue
    POORLY; Not entirely ACCURATE about core issue; VAGUELY INDICATES purpose of submission, but is NOT explicit; report has BASIC organization, but lacks transitions or inparagraph organization; Visual map is difficult to follow and understand; report is difficult to read FAILS to CLEARLY define the issue or problem;
    Does NOT
    INDICATE, explicit or otherwise purpose of submission; There is NO organization to report, the report has few to no transitions, and/or there is little to no in paragraph organization; No visual map or it is very difficult to follow and understand; Report is difficult to read
    Thoroughness (30%) IDENTIFIES and
    ACCURATELY explains the relevant key concepts; IDENTIFIES and
    ACCURATELY explains the relevant key concepts, but IDENTIFIES and explains MANY relevant key concepts, but many times uses concepts Identifies SOME (not all) key concepts;
    Does NOT FULLY and
    ACCURATELY Does NOT IDENTIFY key concepts or Identifies but FAILS to use key concepts
    APPROPRIATELY uses relevant key concepts throughout the report;
    CONSISTENTLY uses the relevant key concepts throughout the report; Uses
    CREDIBLE, RELEVANT information from sources to support the argument;
    –Information is impeccably ORGANIZED
    to provide logical, clear basis for argument SOMETIMES uses concepts
    information, but needs some additional information to fully support the argument;
    Information is mostly ORGANIZED to
    provide logical, clear basis for argument INAPPROPRIATELY or uses concepts INCONSISTENTLY; Uses RELEVANT and mostly CREDIBLE information, but needs more information to fully support the argument;
    Information is somewhat
    ORGANIZED; logic of argument is somewhat difficult to follow explain each identified concept; Use of concepts is
    SUPERFICIAL and/or
    INACCURATE at times;
    Gathers SOME CREDIBLE information, but not enough; SOME information may be IRRELEVANT;
    Information is NOT ORGANIZED; logic of argument is difficult to follow or Uses key concepts
    INAPPROPRIATELY throughout
    the report; Relies on
    Information is not ORGANIZED;
    logic of argument is very difficult to follow
    Insights (40%) Uses EVIDENCE and REASON to come
    to logical conclusions; Makes DEEP rather than superficial Uses EVIDENCE and REASON to obtain
    justifiable, logical conclusions; Makes VALID inferences but some are Uses EVIDENCE and REASON to obtain conclusions that are mostly logical; Makes VALID inferences but some are Does follow SOME EVIDENCE to obtain conclusions that are mostly logical or valid; Inferences are more often than not
    UNCLEAR or NOT based in evidence; Relies on
    Information is not ORGANIZED; logic of argument is difficult
    Inferences are
    CONSISTENT with one another;
    Identifies the most
    SIGNIFICANT, INDEPTH, and INSIGHTFUL implications and consequences of the reasoning; Implications identified are DEEP rather than superficial SUPERFICIAL;
    Inferences are
    CONSISTENT with one another;
    SIGNIFICANT implications and consequences, but LACKS some DEPTH and INSIGHT; Implications identified are VALID, but some are SUPERFICIAL SUPERFICIAL; Inferences are somewhat CONSISTENT with one another; Identifies implications and consequences, but LACKS DEPTH and INSIGHT; Many
    Implications are VALID, but equally many are
    SUPERFICIAL Inferences are
    ILLOGICAL, INCONSISTENT, and/or SUPERFICIAL; Identifies VALID implications and consequences; but misses SIGNIFICANT implications and/or implications grossly
    LACK DEPTH and
    Implications identified are SUPERFICIAL to follow; Uses SUPERFICIAL or IRRELEVANT evidence to come to
    illogical or invalid conclusions; Exhibits CLOSED MINDEDNESS or HOSTILITY toward evidence/reason; maintains views based on self-interest
    Important Note on Plagiarism
    All assignments will be checked for plagiarism and unfair practice by using the latest software. Plagiarism is pretending that someone elses work or words are yours. This could include copying another students words or copying from an online resource. We expect you to use your own words in your assignments and acknowledge the ideas of others with correct referencing. Where you wish to emphasise the exact words used by another person we expect you to quote and reference their source. Those who knowingly plagiarise and undertake other forms of unfair practice are by their own admission untruthful and cheating. Students who obtain their award through hard work can be assured that the University will continue to prosecute any student who knowingly cheats.
    Students must upload their assignments via the appropriate page of ‘Moodle’. Submission in any other way or format will not be accepted (except if unable to submit via ‘Moodle’ – see below).
    Two separate file parts should be uploaded:
    1. Part A – Visual Map
    2. Part B – Written analysis and Bibliography
    Turnitin accepts files in the following formats: Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, plain text. Turnitin doesnt accept Microsoft PowerPoint or Publisher so if you need to submit work in these formats, e.g. a presentation or a poster, you must convert your files to PDF first.
    Students who have technical problems uploading their assignment may email their assignment with an accompanying explanation to Students should note that emailed assignments will not be accepted without a valid explanation/ reason. Students will receive confirmation of valid email submission from the course team by return email. Late submissions by email must have a valid extension (see below).
    Non-Submissions and Penalties
    Assignments without valid extensions will be treated as Late (Penalties Apply in accordance with University regulations). Late Submissions / Extensions Students requiring an extension must complete an evidenced mitigating circumstances form prior to the submission deadline (form available from course admin teams). Valid extensions (mitigating circumstances) may only be granted by the appropriate administrative team or course leader (above form must be authorised before a valid extension is in place). Late submission penalties will be applied to all assessment without authorised mitigating circumstances.
    Full-time Students
    1 day late: 5 marks will be deducted from the mark achieved by the student.
    2 to 9 days late: a further 5 marks will be deducted from the mark achieved by the student for every day on which the work remains unsubmitted.
    (Should these penalties bring the final mark below 40%, then the work will normally be capped at 40%)
    10 days late: a mark of zero will normally be recorded.
    Part-time Students
    1 to 2 days late: 5 marks will be deducted from the mark achieved by the student.
    3 to 10 days late: a further 5 marks will be deducted from the mark achieved by the student for each two days on which the work remains unsubmitted (i.e. 5 marks for days 3-4; 5-6; 78; 9-10).
    (Should these penalties bring the final mark below 40%, then the work will normally be capped at 40%)
    11 days late: a mark of zero will normally be recorded.”
    Where a late penalty is applied, within the timescales given above, it should not result in the failure of work or a further reduction in marks for failed work. In practical terms, this means that a raw mark of over 40 would be capped at 40 in applying any late penalties (within the timescales), and a raw mark of under 40 would not be reduced further with the application of late penalties. Examples of how penalties would be applied to a first sit mark for a fulltime student in these scenarios are given below:
    Raw Mark Days Late Final Mark
    65 1 60
    43 1 40
    36 3 36
    Where work for reassessment is submitted late, the work should be marked, the late penalty applied in accordance with the conventions above and then the mark capped for reassessment. For example:
    Raw Mark Days Late Mark After
    Application of
    Late Penalty Final Mark
    Recorded (‘R’ indicates capped resit)
    65 1 60 40R
    43 1 40 40R
    36 3 36 36R
    Mitigation and Extenuating Circumstances
    Our university operates a fit to sit / fit to submit approach to extenuating circumstances which means students who take their assessment are declaring themselves fit to do so. Students who, for valid reasons, are not fit to take an assessment may submit their extenuating circumstances for consideration by their School Mitigation Panel. This will ensure that the Module Board is fully aware of your circumstances when finalising your marks for the modules affected.
    You can apply online for extenuating circumstances by accessing the link below.
    Once your submission has been completed, you will receive an automated notice confirming that “we have received your mitigation request”.
    Please do not hesitate to contact the module tutor if you have any further questions about the assignment allowing adequate time for a response.


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    Entrepreneurship in a Challenging Global Economy


    Writers Solution

    When is it appropriate to use monetary and fiscal policy to stimulate or stabilize the economy?

    1. Discussion Board; Stabilizing the Economy 

    As you have learned in Unit 8 (this week), monetary and fiscal policy play important roles in economic stimulation and or stabilization. In this regard:

    a. When is it appropriate to use monetary and fiscal policy to stimulate or stabilize the economy? 

    b. When is it inappropriate to use monetary and fiscal policy to stimulate or stabilize the economy?

    c. What specific fiscal policy tools would you use to stimulate aggregate demand and how?

    d. What specific monetary policy tools would you use to stimulate aggregate demand and how?

    e. What is your conclusion, should policymakers use the monetary and or fiscal policy to stimulate aggregate demand? Explain briefly

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    Writers Solution

    Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

    For the Module 2 Assignment, please answer the following questions:

           1) Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

           2) Discuss the expenditure method of measuring national income.

           3) What is the difference between GDP and GNP? Is one a better measure of income/output than the other?  Why?

           4) Explain what happens to consumption, investment, and the interest rate when the government increases taxes.


    Your assignment should be submitted in a Word document and follow proper APA formatting. Proper APA formatting includes a title page, in-text citations, and a formal reference page. You can view more information and examples of sample papers in APA formatting at (Links to an external site.). 

    This assignment should be a minimum of four pages in length

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    Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

    For the Module 2 Assignment, please answer the following questions:

           1) Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

           2) Discuss the expenditure method of measuring national income.

           3) What is the difference between GDP and GNP? Is one a better measure of income/output than the other?  Why?

           4) Explain what happens to consumption, investment, and the interest rate when the government increases taxes.


    Your assignment should be submitted in a Word document and follow proper APA formatting. Proper APA formatting includes a title page, in-text citations, and a formal reference page. You can view more information and examples of sample papers in APA formatting at (Links to an external site.). 

    This assignment should be a minimum of four pages in length. 

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    • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Discuss the circular flow of income in four sector economy.

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    Federal Reserve take to give the economy a boost?

    Question 1.1. (TCO 1) The latest economic news is not very positive. Unemployment rates are higher than expected, consumer confidence has fallen, and companies are reporting layoffs are in order. The Federal Reserve chairman acknowledges the economy is in a recession. What actions might the federal government and the Federal Reserve take to give the economy a boost? What are these policies called? (Points : 10)

    Question 2.2. (TCO 2) Identify and discuss the social responsibilities of Home Depot to three different stakeholder groups. (Points : 15)

    Question 3.3. (TCO 3) Discuss the positive aspects of globalization, and contrast these with the negative aspects of globalization from the perspective of a small business. Be sure to address the pros and cons of outsourcing in your response. (Points : 15)

    Question 4.4. (TCO 4) Identify and explain the incentives for entrepreneurship. Address why someone would willingly take the numerous risks associated with running a business. Also, discuss the major attributes necessary for a successful entrepreneur. (Points : 15)

    Question 5.5. (TCO 5) Aside from retail sales and marketing, identify and discuss two ways that a business could reduce costs or increase profits by using the Internet or web applications.(Points : 15)

    Question 6.6. (TCO 8) Identify the four Ps of marketing, and give an example how each of the four Ps can be used to market your favorite product or service. (Points : 15)





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    The Developement of The American Economy

    Create an essay of 500-750 words, describing the development of industry, business, and labor after the American Civil War. Address the following: 1.) Discuss several of the industries of America’s Industrial Revolution in the post-Civil War period. 2.) What made these leaders of industry successful? 3.)) Explain the origins and growth of labor unions. 4.) What did Labor Unions accomplish?






    History: The Development of the American Economy

    (Course Instructor)

    (University Affiliation)

    (Student’s Name)

    December 3rd 2015.

    The Development of the American Economy

                The United States was chiefly an agricultural country before the end of civil war that started in 1861-1865 (Engelman, 2015). However, after the end of the civil war, the country begun a road towards reconstruction and transition from agricultural to industrial era. The industrial revolution had long begun in Great Britain in the 1700s, but United States would soon set precedence, witnessing a transition in its industrial sectors, rapid growth of businesses, developments of large-scale mechanized agriculture and labour market into becoming one of the leading economies by 1900s.

    The Industries of America’s Industrial Revolution in the Post-Civil War Period

                In order to increase the capacity of its manufacturing sectors and open up the trade networks, the United States embarked on the construction of the railway lines in order to link the country to the ports in California (White, 2009). The Bessemer process was developed, which helped in replacing Iron with steel as the major building material. The development of the steel industry after the civil war saw the increase of the rail networks in the country to 193,000 miles by 1900.

    Moreover, the steel was used in the manufacture of the harvesters and plows, which increased the agricultural efficiency and capacity. The agricultural industry became so efficient and profitable. During the same period, there were a number of technological innovations, such as the advent of steam and electricity, the invention of typewriter, adding machines and telephone. All these technological innovations increased efficiency in the agricultural and industrial sectors in the country.

    Why the Leaders of Industry were Successful Majority of the farmers in the United States were laborers by 1860. However, the developments of improved agricultural machines, such as improved threshers, plows and reapers, reduced the workers by 40 percent by 1900 (White, 2009). The success in the agricultural industry in the United States could attributed to the fact that most of the farmers concentrated on improving efficiency of the agricultural machines rather than labor as was the case in Europe. The result was increased acreage and production with less investment in labor. However, the Europe was more concerned in the maintaining of fertility, which demanded more labor input and thus most of the investments were directed towards i……………….
