Writers Solution

Freudian psychoanalysis, the term “egosyntonic”

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In Freudian psychoanalysis, the term “egosyntonic” refers to the behaviors, values, and feelings that are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and goals of the ego, or consistent with one’s ideal self-image. “Egodystonic” is the opposite; thoughts, feelings and behaviors are in conflict with the needs and goals of the ego and inconsistent with one’s self-image.

The majority of the anxiety and mood disorders discussed this semester are considered egodystonic, and in fact, one of the primary criteria for a diagnosis of any disorder is that the individual reports some degree of psychological pain or distress. However, when considering the majority of personality disorders, these disorders are considered to be egosyntonic; for example, a person with narcissistic personality disorder has excessively high positive self-regard and will reject all suggestions to the contrary. An individual with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder usually perceives their obsession with orderliness, perfectionism, and control, as reasonable and even desirable compared to someone with OCD who is tormented by their obsessions. Furthermore, as you have read, treating these disorders is exceedingly difficult due to the fact that many of the “sufferers” do not perceive their problems to be a result of their rigid personalities and experience little distress due to them.

Answer This:

Do you believe that some of the personality disorders are socially constructed? That they are an attempt by not only researchers and clinicians but society at large to paint certain personalities as undesirable because they may conflict with societal norms in one way or the other? No citations are needed for this post. Use Freudian psychoanalysis

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Abnormal Psychology Freudian psychoanalysis


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I believe that some personality disorders are socially constructed. The society has a set of acceptable norms and behavior. As such, the society paints contrary norms and behaviors as undesirable and hence must be rejected by everyone within the context of that society. Social interactions within societies are in themselves intricate operations. They involve acknowledged rituals, coveted symbolic exchanges, tactical understanding and impression management. People use societal norms as a benchmark of behavior and as platform of managing self image when interacting with other people in the context of the society. The dynamic interaction between self presentation and critical audience discernment plays a key role on how people behave and present themselves to society. It is in this context of societal constructs that one can understand the impact of such constructs on personality disorders. Societal constructs have a huge impact on egosyntonic disorders. These disorders are in line with acceptable norms within the society that create a positive self image for an individual. For instance, the narcotic personality disorder leads one to have a high rating of their personal self worth and self regard. The measurement of such self regard is often based on societal norms and acceptable behavior in the context of their respective societies. Without such social standards, there would be no benchmark over which an individual measures himself or herself and determines their self regards. As noted above, audience discernment plays a key role in shaping self image. Therefore, individuals who conduct themselves in a manner supersede the social expectations of the societies they live in have a high possibility of suffering from such egosyntonic personality disorders. As such, one can conclude.. reudian psychoanalysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

In Freudian psychoanalysis, the term “egosyntonic” refers to the behaviors, values, and feelings that are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and goals of the ego, or consistent with one’s ideal self-imag

 Question is at the bottom of parargraph:
In Freudian psychoanalysis, the term “egosyntonic” refers to the behaviors, values, and feelings that are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and goals of the ego, or consistent with one’s ideal self-image. “Egodystonic” is the opposite; thoughts, feelings and behaviors are in conflict with the needs and goals of the ego and inconsistent with one’s self-image.

The majority of the anxiety and mood disorders discussed this semester are considered egodystonic, and in fact, one of the primary criteria for a diagnosis of any disorder is that the individual reports some degree of psychological pain or distress. However, when considering the majority of personality disorders, these disorders are considered to be egosyntonic; for example, a person with narcissistic personality disorder has excessively high positive self-regard and will reject all suggestions to the contrary. An individual with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder usually perceives their obsession with orderliness, perfectionism, and control, as reasonable and even desirable compared to someone with OCD who is tormented by their obsessions. Furthermore, as you have read, treating these disorders is exceedingly difficult due to the fact that many of the “sufferers” do not perceive their problems to be a result of their rigid personalities and experience little distress due to them.

Answer This:

Do you believe that some of the personality disorders are socially constructed? That they are an attempt by not only researchers and clinicians but society at large to paint certain personalities as undesirable because they may conflict with societal norms in one way or the other? No citations are needed for this post.